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Book Mom Megan Lord

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Indie Bookstore

Indie Bookstore


A little bit of everything from a scatter-brained, book-loving Mom.


I am the mother of an adventurous and exhausting but amazing toddler boy that runs my life. I spend a ridiculous amount of time reading mind numbing children’s books over and over again because he has his select favorites… But when I do get time to read (or listen) I love reading and listening to a variety of genres. I get the most time to indulge in books of my choice during what I like to call “wind-down baths” once a week.



Alright parents - we made it to 2022! We all know the events of the past 2 years have impacted our children. The Covid lockdowns, the shifts to so much virtual and less in person and socialization. The past 2 years families have been cooped up at home together a lot more than previously. And of course none of us are complaining about the time with our kids - but man can it make for some LONG fast days if you know what I mean.

For my family this extra time at home has resulted in more story and book time. Both of my children (oldest almost 5, and youngest almost 2) LOVE to be read to. If one brings over a book to be read to them the other immediately runs over and wants the book to be re-started so they both can listen. I love it about both of them - their love for books. My only wish is they liked more of a variety and wanted a different book to be read each time. Instead, they cling to a favorite. They want the same book read on repeat for weeks before they’re ready to move on to the next one. The one thing usually going for me is that they each have a separate favorite. This one I’m about to talk about, however, has stuck for a couple months, and is an equal favorite for both of them even at their different ages. And I think it’s message is so great, and resonates with both of them so much and will continue to for years to come. I don’t see this one leaving circulation for a long while and I recommend it for every household with young children.

It’s Okay to Make Mistakes by: Todd Parr

Todd Parr's bestselling books have reminded kids to embrace differences, to be thankful, to love one another, and to be themselves. It's Okay to Make Mistakes embraces life's happy accidents, the mistakes and mess-ups that can lead to self discovery. Todd Parr brings a timely theme to life with his signature bold, kid-friendly illustrations and a passion for making readers feel good about themselves, encouraging them to try new things, experiment, and dare to explore new paths.

From coloring outside the lines and creating a unique piece of art to forgetting an umbrella but making a new friend, each page offers a kid-friendly take on the importance of taking chances, trying new things, and embracing life, mistakes and all.

That sums it up right there. IT IS OKAY TO MAKE MISTAKES. Every kid deserves to know this. Every kid deserves to understand and be okay with imperfections, mishaps, change. The illustrations are fun. Every page has an “uh oh” moment, and my almost 2 year LOVES saying “uh oh” followed by “it’s okay” each page turn. My son (almost 5) enjoys relaying back why each thing is okay. And they both react better to spills, or falls, or mistakes much better after reading this book so many times. It also references how even adults make mistakes. I believe this is so very important for your children to understand. The strive for perfection is unrealistic. We need to be able to admit to our children that even we are not perfect. That Mommy’s and Daddy’s make mistakes too, but your reaction and adaptation is what matters. That life is a never ending lesson, and without mistakes there is no learning, no growth. This is a key message and by far one of my favorite books for them as well. So even if I read it 100 more times - I have no regrets with this Scholastic Book Fair purchase. 5/5 stars. 

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