Thursday, March 19, 2015 H @NIUNorthernStar H 815-753-0105
2015 Aldermen Elections
David Jacobson First ward alderman candidate
Steve Kapitan Third ward alderman candidate
Jackie Nevarez News Editor T @NevarezJackie
DeKalb | The League of Women
Voters of DeKalb County will hold a Candidates’ Night 6:30 p.m. today in the second floor of the DeKalb Municipal Building, 200 S. Fourth St. Candidates in contested races, including the 3rd, 5th and 7th wards, will answer questions from the audience. To submit a question, audience members are asked to arrive before 6:20 p.m. and write their questions at the door. The event will also be streamed on DeKalb’s website, Citizens had the opportunity to meet the aldermen candidates Monday at DeKalb Candidates Night, held at the Stage Coach Players Theater, 126 S. Fifth St. Candidates spoke about issues ranging from the future of the Oderkirk House to working with the state Legislature. First ward Alderman David Jacobson did not participate in the forum, as he is running unopposed.
Michael Marquardt Third ward alderman candidate
Third ward Steve Kapitan, 3rd ward alderman candidate, said he served as alderman from 1995 to 2007 and as DeKalb city clerk 2009 to 2012. Kapitan said he would study material, do independent research and speak his mind to influence decisions made by the City Council. “A lot of times council members will just accept what the [city] staff presents without critical inquiry,” Kapitan said. “And as many remember, I wasn’t one of those people.” Michael Marquardt, 3rd ward alderman candidate, said he’s been a DeKalb resident since 1989 when he moved to attend NIU. Describing himself as a “history buff,” Marquardt said the Oderkirk House should be preserved. The Annie Glidden Agrarian Society has pushed NIU to take responsibility for renovations to the house, but NIU officials have declined to do so. “I believe we need to preserve the history we have in the city,” Marquardt said. “There are cases
In Brief
Teacher’s aide charged with child porn Northern Star staff
of Arison’s computer revealed thou-
DeKalb | Andrew Arison, 36, sands of images of child pornogra-
of Sycamore, was charged with 10 counts of possession of child pornography — a class two felony — on Wednesday, according to a Sycamore Police news release. Sycamore Police seized computer equipment from Arison’s home on March 12 while assisting DeKalb Police in a separate investigation, according to police. An examination
phy, according to police. Arison was charged with three counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse March 12 after police were notified he had inappropriately touched two students at Huntley Middle School, according to a DeKalb Police news release. Arison worked as a teacher’s aide at the school, according to police.
Around 60115 Go to to submit your local event. All events must be submitted two days in advance. Placement is not guaranteed. Thursday
The Latino Resource Center will hold Coming Out of the Shadows at noon in the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons. Undocumented students will speak as an act of resistance against rhetoric that discredits the narratives of undocumented immigrants. This event is free. Contact the Latino Resource Center at 815-753-1861 for more information. The Gender and Sexuality Resource Center will hold Dress for Success 1:30-2:30 p.m. in the Holmes Student Center, Illinois Room. The workshop will provide interview tips and will help students be their professional best. Attendants will be granted early access to the Clothing Expo, which will provide free professional clothing to students. This event is free. Email Ashlei Taylor at or call 815-753-
4772 for more information. The Gender and Sexuality Resource Center will hold Clothing Expo 3-5 p.m. in the Holmes Student Center, Glass Gallery Lounge. The event will provide free gently used professional attire and everyday wear to all students. This event is free. Email Ashlei Taylor at gsrc@niu. edu or call 815-753-4772 for more information. Tuesday
The Art Museum will hold Amerimanga! Convention and Expression. The exhibit will be open Mondays to Fridays until May 22. This exhibition will showcase American comics that have been aesthetically influenced by Japanese manga. This event is free. Contact Stuart W. Henn at or 815753-1936 for more information.
Michael Haji-Sheikh Fifth ward alderman candidate
Cameron Zelaya Fifth ward alderman candidate
Kate Noreiko Fifth ward alderwoman candidate
Monica O’Leary Seventh ward alderwoman candidate
where buildings fall totally out of years. Noreiko said every effort repair ... . In those cases, I think we should be made to “preserve treashould put buildings to good use.” sures from our past” in reference to the Oderkirk House. Fifth ward “I would want to find out what Michael Haji-Sheikh, 5th ward NIU’s concerns are about the faalderman candidate, has served cility and see how we can work as an associate professor in elec- towards the city and NIU could trical engineering at NIU for 13 work together towards resolving years. Haji-Sheikh said DeKalb’s those concerns,” Noreiko said. strengths include a “world-class academic institution” in NIU, clean Seventh ward water and a strong work ethic. Monica O’Leary, 7th ward alderCameron Zelaya, 5th ward woman candidate and current 7th alderman candidate, is a 2008 ward alderwoman, has been a citigraduate of DeKalb High School zen of DeKalb for 31 years. O’Leary and serves as an in-person coun- said petitions expressing how proselor for assistance in affordable posed budget cuts would affect the healthcare coverage at the DeKalb city must be given to the state LegCounty Health Department. Ze- islature to influence its actions. laya said the City Council should Craig Roman, 7th ward alderwork with local representatives to man candidate, is the treasurer influence the state Legislature’s for the DeKalb County Illinois actions and let them know pro- Democratic Party. To work with posed budget cuts may be harmful city staff, Roman said he would to DeKalb’s services. get to know them better individuKate Noreiko, 5th ward alder- ally and get more in-depth inforwoman candidate, served as a hu- mation on what they present at man resources professional for 25 City Council meetings.
Craig Roman Seventh ward alderman candidate
2015 DeKalb Elections Go to to find out if you are registered to vote in DeKalb County. Grace period registration ends April 4. Go to the DeKalb County Administration Building, 110 E. Sycamore St. in Sycamore, to register. The first week of early voting begins Monday and ends March 28. The second week is March 30 to April 4. Votes can be cast 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; noon to 7 p.m. Tuesday and 9 a.m. to noon Saturday. Early voting will be available in the Holmes Student Center, Blackhawk Annex. The last day to apply for an absentee ballot is April 2. Go to bit. ly/1DBGyj5 for the application. Election day is April 7.