Guwanyi, Winter 2023

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Cover Image: Self Portrait

Guwanyi Gu-wan-ye

As an acknowledgement to the traditional custodians of this land, the people of the Dharawal nation, Guwanyi comes from the Dharawal language meaning 'tell' For on this land they taught their children their beliefs, knowledge and culture and we pay our respect to them as we seek to do the same for our children

12 20 Contents Message from the Principal Pursuing Jesus Strategic Plan 2023-2025 Staff Professional Development Word on the Playground Inspiring Leaders of Tomorrow College Community Photos Alumni 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 20 10 14 Published by: Shellharbour Anglican College 1 Piper Drive, Dunmore New South Wales 2529 info@shellharbourac nsw edu au Editor: Hayley Ziegelaar Marketing and Communications Coordinator events@shellharbourac nsw edu au alumni@shellharbourac nsw edu au

Message from the Principal

Why “Guwanyi”?

Guwanyi comes from the Dharawal language and means to “tell”. As we celebrate ourcommunity of learning at the College through this publication, we honour the traditional custodians of these lands - the original learning community! We celebrate the heritage, the culture and traditions of our First Nations people and seek to move forward together.

Learning is an adventure at our College!

Like many adventures, there are not only the joys, discoveries and triumphs, there are times of trial and hardship

Together we want our students to grow, to relish the learning that comes through adversity, to have a sense of hope, purpose, and curiosity as they seek to make a difference in our world

Our new Strategic Plan for 2023 - 2025 recognises the great changes both our College and the wider community have been through over the last few years We seek to respond by ensuring we

nurture change compassionately, so that we move forward with a sense of purpose, hope, and courage, while holding onto the culture and community that is so central to who we are In 2023 we have a dual focus on enhancing deeper learning through the development of our new learning framework, as we explore how we not only help our young people grow as learners, in their health, wellbeing and faith

Through these pages you will see how we are drawing on student leadership and “voice”, especially as we seek to be a more environmentally responsible College We know that we can succeed when we harness our young and passionate eco warriors! Of course, to achieve all of this we need energised and dynamic staff who are themselves learners, seeking to enhance the art and science of learning for their students

We are so proud to guwanyi the story of our College, as we pursue tomorrow together, through the strength and hope of Christ

publication Guwanyi! This is a wonderful ur community just a few of the many great community, growth, challenge, and to our students at College."
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Pursuing Jesus

"To me, sometimes school life resembles a greyhound track. And at other times it feels like an airport travellator. And believe it or not, I think the two have something in common."

Firstly, like the travellator, everyone is passing through a school. Every 13 years, the student body has completely changed. They are all moving on! Secondly, they don’t stop when they get off Just as a traveller steps off that moving walkway at an airport and continues their journey – to find the plane going to their destination, so too our students step out of this school to continue on their journey; to pursue their own destinations. What will they be? What will they chase? As parents, what do we want them to pursue? What do we hope they will find?

I suspect that whether we are students, parents or grandparents, we would admit that life can feel like a frantic chase Some are chasing a bigger salary, others are chasing a bigger house Some are chasing romance and some are chasing respect And often, the things we are

chasing seem just-so-slightly out of reach Like a rabbit to a greyhound

Hence how school can feel a little like a Thursday night at the Dapto Dogs Greyhounds – the sleek and majestic runners they are – hurtle around a track in pursuit of a stuffed, mechanical rabbit Always out of reach Except for the fails of course It is worth watching a YouTube clip of a time the ‘rabbit’ gets caught. The dogs stop running, and attempt to eat the rabbit, only to discover it wasn’t so tasty after all Some begin wandering back the way they came from, having found the object of their pursuit to be unsatisfying. Their confusion and disappointment are hilarious, until we realise that what we ’ re seeing is uncomfortably close to our own experiences Many of us know the feeling of emptiness that can come with either failing to grasp hold of the thing we ’ re chasing in life, or

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the feeling of disappointment that comes with achieving it, and still feeling that something is missing

At the heart of what makes our College distinct is that we seek to hold something more beautiful and true before our students than a mechanical rabbit We hold out Jesus As they travel the moving pathway of their school years, we seek to share with them that ultimate satisfaction can be found – but not in a pay rise That deep and lasting hope can be found – but not in a human relationship

At the heart of this College – and in the engine room of all that we do, from the times tables to the tennis courts – is the firm conviction that we can find what our hearts desire Psalm 37:4 reads “delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart ” It’s not a promise of lottery wins, successful careers, of perfect children It’s a promise of peace, and joy; the things we should seek, but forsake for mechanical rabbits

When Christ came, he came to invite us to find that peace, joy, forgiveness and eternal life in him

Ironically, the Christian message we hold to our students isn’t a runaway stuffed rabbit. It is a God who runs to us in love and grace, arms open, inviting us to find true life in Him through faith Perhaps you have felt there is something different about this community, but you cannot put a finger on it This is it: we believe that meaningful, service driven, joyful life will come only when we first understand God’s love for us

It’s been a wonderful beginning to the year, as we ’ ve continued to hold the cross of Jesus out to students instead of a rabbit It has been a great joy to see how their lives change when they understand this So how about you? Which plane are you running for? Does the rabbit seem out of reach? Do you wish the thing you are chasing would just come to you? Perhaps it has Perhaps He has Jesus: the way, the truth and the life

and grace, arms open, inviting us to find true life in Him through faith.
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It is a God who runs to us in love

Courageous hearts, curious minds, hope-filled hands

Strategic Plan 2023-2025

We are empowering students to live with hope and purpose, to be courageous, compassionate and curious, and to be people whose Christ-like character will equip them to serve the world now and into the future. We are building students who are resilient and relish challenge, who can face obstacles with a sense of humility and integrity, with hearts grounded in a strong sense of compassion, justice and mercy.

We will do this by developing dynamic learning environments and frameworks, facilitated by passionate and adaptable Christian staff who seek to meet the

diverse needs of our students Our staff and students will build a strong sense of community, valuing teamwork, exercising voice and agency and celebrating the successes of all

Over the next three years, our Strategic Plan will guide our work as a community of purpose through four strategic intents Underpinning our Strategic Plan are our values of Faith, Wisdom, Compassion, and Respect Christian values live at the heart of the College, empowering students to live with purpose and make a difference in their community and beyond

Read our Strategic Plan 2023-2025

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Strategic Intents

Nurture growth compassionately

Lead and manage change so that we care for each other, build the culture we aspire to and stay true-to-purpose

Grow deep learning

Develop a holistic, sustainable ecosystem that incorporates learning, faith and wellbeing so students flourish.

Grow powerful connections

Build interdependent relationships across the school and wider community as we seek to serve, inspire and equip by both inviting in and going out.

Grow a sustainable place

Connect and support the College Community in financially, socially and environmentally sustainable ways as we build for the future.

Our goal for 2023

Our 2023 College goal is

Watch our Strategic Story
to design opportunities for deeper learning and to begin the journey towards being carbon neutral, by building more environmentally responsible practices.
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Embracing Professional Development

Fostering collaboration and shared learning for the benefit of our students.

In today's rapidly changing educational landscape, ongoing professional development has become an essential component for educators to stay in touch with new teaching methodologies and enhance student learning outcomes. At Shellharbour Anglican College, the significance of continuous professional development is being recognised as staff explore Michael Fullan's concept of Deep Learning This innovative approach to education focuses on cultivating critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and character education among students, preparing them for success in the 21st-century world

Embracing ongoing professional development enables educators to deepen their understanding of Deep Learning principles and strategies, ensuring effective implementation in the classroom. It equips them with the necessary skills and knowledge to engage students in

meaningful learning experiences that go beyond rote memorisation and encourage higher-order thinking As teachers delve into Fullan's concept, they can explore innovative instructional methods, technology integration, and assessment practices that foster deep learning

One of the key benefits of ongoing professional development at Shellharbour Anglican College is the creation of a vibrant learning community When staff members engage in professional development activities together, they foster a culture of collaboration and shared learning Our team of experienced staff have the opportunity to exchange ideas, reflect on their practices, and gain valuable insights from their colleagues This collaborative environment encourages innovation and allows educators to refine their instructional approaches based on best practices, ultimately benefiting the students.

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At the most recent staff day, five staff at the College presented and led workshops throughout the day The presenters and their topics included:

Ms Jade ten Kate, Coordinator of HSIE, spoke on citizenship in Geography

Mr Andrew Richards, Junior School Teacher, presented on collaboration in Year 5

Mr Brendan Langley, Senior School Science Teacher, shared his learning on critical thinking in Year 8 Science

Mrs Rachel Thompson, Junior School PDH Teacher, spoke on Deep Learning in Stage 3 PDHPE

Mr Phillip Coulthart, Coordinator of Creative and Performing Arts, presented on leveraging Digital for Year 7 Music

The College is extremely privileged to have a high calibre team of educators, who can share their experiences and knowledge with the broader team of staff

Professional development at Shellharbour Anglican College this year, plays a pivotal role in exploring Michael Fullan's concept of Deep Learning By investing in continuous learning opportunities, the College empowers its staff to deepen their understanding of this innovative

educational approach and implement it effectively in the classroom Through ongoing professional development, educators foster collaboration, stay abreast of research and best practices, and reignite their passion for teaching Ultimately, this commitment to ongoing learning benefits students by providing them with a rich, transformative education that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century

College empowers its staff to deepen their understanding of this innovative educational approach and implement it effectively in the classroom.
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By investing in continuous learning opportunities, the

Word on the Playground

n achieve our goal for 2023, what they said:

ve bins for different ways of recycling: ste, normal recycling and landfill "

rubbish monitors to clean up the that they play in "

ore sustainable approach to packaging nteen, particularly with baked goods pped with plastics This approach ement and increase the sustainability

ege could build more environmentally by building and promoting a

10 Shellharbour Anglican College

"We could have signs on the bins to explain why it is good to recycle to help encourage everyone "

"I think at the end of the day we could see which class has the least amount of rubbish in their areas "


"We could use less plastic bags and instead use re-usable containers so that we are putting less plastic in the bins "

"When we talk about environmentally responsible practices, we aren’t just talking about temporary solutions that will one day become irrelevant as the trends change We are talking about solutions - no matter how big or small - that will create a better future for you, for me and for future generations It's about conserving the beautiful nature God has created for everyone Initiatives are helpful but if we don’t educate ourselves and those around us on the impact rubbish pollution actually has on our environment, then no long-lasting change will be achieved At the end of the day, education is the most powerful tool which we can use to foster change We must target this right at the heart of the community, its starts with you and me. For change will not come if we wait for someone else or another time, we must be the change we seek "

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Guwanyi, Winter

Inspiring Leaders of Tomorrow

We interviewed our 2023 College Captains, Sage Dixon and Mitchell Ung, to find out what it means to them to be a leader at Shellharbour Anglican College

What inspired you to be a College Captain?

SD: I wanted to be College Captain because I wanted to use my leadership abilities to serve the College community I wanted to be a part of something bigger and to experience leading in an official capacity before entering the world outside of the School gates I also wanted to develop my leadership abilities. Leadership is a lifelong skill which I hope I will continue to have the opportunity to exercise in the future

MU: My inspiration for College Captaincy stemmed from my appreciation and admiration for the Captains that have predated me What I was yet to appreciate during the application process is that being a College Captain is such a dynamic and evolving role that changes every week and cannot be bound by a ‘list’ of all the roles and responsibilities The only thing certain to be on that list is that I would be a source of inspiration for peers younger than me So just as it is my role to inspire those younger, it was previous College Captains that inspired me The professional yet genuine manner in which previous Captains have interacted with the College community inspired me to be a wiser and more compassionate teenager, both inside and outside of the College community And what better way to appreciate their hard work than to continue their inspiration to others as College Captain?

As a leader, what are your ambitions for this year to support the College and the community?

MU: Ever since my very first day as College Captain in Term One, it has been my goal to build connections and relationships between the youngest and oldest years at the College On the first day of school this year, Sage, the Senior Student Leadership Team and I were focused on connecting with our Year 7 peers as they went through their first days and weeks of Senior School Making the transition of Junior School to Senior School as stressfree and supportive as possible.

Into the future, it is my ambition to look beyond Senior School, building connections between the Junior and Senior School, especially through the House system

SD: As a leader this year, it is my hope that I would be able to initiate new activities at the College as well as continue to advocate for increased engagement in events which have occurred in the past, such as Harmony Day and R U OK? Day All which aims to build community and learn more about the ways to best support each other NAIDOC Week activities will be occurring in Term Three as part of the way the College aims to increase the knowledge and understanding of students regarding the history and culture of the First Nations Peoples

Aside from activities and events to occur throughout the remainder of the year, it is also my ambition to continue to support students in feeling connected in our community I hope students will continue to feel known, understood and appreciated as individuals created in the image of God

How do you hope to inspire younger peers?

SD: I hope to inspire younger peers through leaving a legacy Not necessarily a physical legacy connected to something tangible but a legacy of helping people feel connected and valued at the College I want to know

Shellharbour Anglican College

people by name and to have deep and meaningful conversations with younger students, helping them feel like they matter I hope this attitude will be passed on through those who follow in my footsteps I would have never approached a Year 12 student when I was in Year 7, let alone someone in a formal leadership role, so I hope I will be able to change this for younger students at the College

MU: I know it sounds cliché to want to inspire peers by being a ‘role model’, but there is a reason why When wearing a Captain's badge, your greatest influence on peers is through their observation of your actions You have an influence greater than organising events or giving speeches or any other way of leading My greatest and most enduring influence on others will be their observation of how I conduct myself as College Captain on a day-to-day basis, not as someone above them on a stage at Assembly or running an event, but as someone who is just like them in the playground and in classes

I hope that through my actions as a role model, I inspire my younger peers to conduct themselves in a much more respectable and compassionate manner, taking into consideration the ways I conduct my own actions around them, respectable actions I learnt myself from the influence of previous College Captains before me

Where do you see yourself in the future?

MU: I am very eager to go to University and get a degree and be able to work in a challenging environment where I am valued and depended on One thing I have valued immensely in the later years of Senior School is how I am encouraged in class to push

my knowledge as far as I can - that no day of learning is identical or predictable I want to continue to be challenged in this way after school, and I am hoping that the job I have is different every day

SD: I hope to have explored the world, see more of God’s creation and meet more of His people I also want to have a greater understanding of myself I want to have been exposed to a variety of ways of thinking through formal avenues such as University as well as through deep and complex conversations with others I see myself continuing to value critical thinking, about what is right and true and working in a high-pressure environment, making significant decisions to help others I hope to continue to be a leader, regardless of whether I am in an official role or not It is my goal to share God’s word through the life I live by serving Him not only through my career but also through the way I interact with those around me

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I hope students will continue to feel known, understood, and appreciated as individuals created in the image of God. Sage Dixon

College Community

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Left page: Community Fair and Open Day
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Right page clockwise: Year 12 Retreat, Gold Duke of Ed Dinner, Junior and Senior School Swimming Carnival.
Shellharbour Anglican College Clockwise from top: Year 7 Camp, Duke of Ed Gilgandra Service Trip, Junior School Cross Country Right page clockwise: Harmony Day, Senior School Cross Country, Stage 3 Camp - Bathurst
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Clockwise from top: Senior School boys and girls Rugby vs Arndell, NSW Netball Cup, Pines InterSchool Surfing Competition
Right page clockwise: House Music Festival, Commerce in the Cola, Junior School Athletics Carnival, House Musical Festival
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Celebrating our Alumni

The battle of the years

The College recently celebrated a momentous occasion with the launch of its inaugural Alumni Trivia Night The event brought together former students from various graduating classes from 2010 to 2022, providing an opportunity to reconnect, reminisce, and showcase their knowledge in a friendly competition

The idea for the Alumni Trivia Night originated from the College's commitment to fostering a strong sense of community among its Alumni The event aimed to create a platform where former students could come together and celebrate their shared experiences while engaging in a fun evening with local radio personality Ryan Cram, hosting the Trivia Night

The night kicked off with a warm welcome from the Principal, Mrs Hastie, expressing her delight in seeing so many past students supporting the event The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as teams banded together A team of Junior School and Senior School staff also joined in on the event, and enjoyed reconnecting with past students, some who they taught many years ago The competition was fierce but friendly, as Alumni showcased their intellectual prowess and displayed a strong camaraderie that lasted beyond

their school years The year 2016 won the perpetual trophy for 2023! Congratulations class of 2016

The inaugural Alumni Trivia Night at Shellharbour Anglican College was a resounding success, fostering a sense of unity and nostalgia among former students. It served as a reminder of the lasting impact the college has had on its graduates, while also nurturing lifelong connections The event concluded with promises of future gatherings, ensuring that the College's Alumni community continues to thrive and remain connected for years to come

If you are an Alumni of Shellharbour Anglican College and would like to know what events we have coming up, reach out to alumni@shellharbourac nsw edu au

Shellharbour Anglican
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1 Piper Drive, Dunmore NSW 2529 PO Box 4147, Dunmore NSW 2529 02 4297 6029 info@shellharbourac nsw edu au shellharbourac nsw edu au A school within the Anglican Schools Corporation Connect with Shellharbour Anglican College

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