Shell Point Life September 2007

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September 2007 Vol. 2 Issue 9




By Lynn Schneider, Editor One of the things that people who move to Florida from up North often tell me is that they miss the change of seasons. Of course, these are the same folks who tell me that they do not miss shoveling snow, digging out their car, frozen pipes bursting, and some of the other “glories” of the colder section of our country. But apparently June is very nice there. But, we do have seasons here in Florida! Having always lived in the South, I have a different point of reference when it comes to seasons and may be able to help you discover and recognize the seasons of the South. First, there is shorts and sandals season. This is our longest season and runs approximately 10 months of the year. Then there is fresh fruit season, another particularly long and delicious season that we enjoy. There is winter, of course, only in our case it lasts about two weeks and usually requires nothing more than a light sweater. A raging Fort Myers winter might require long pants and perhaps a jacket. Some of my favorite Florida seasons are the friends coming to visit seasons which generally occur around holidays and summer when our families and friends have vacations from work or school. College football season (Go Noles!) is always an exciting and fun time of year. And everyone enjoys leaving your windows open season which, admittedly, is a bit shorter than we would like.

Of course, you have to have the bad times to make the good times seem better, so naturally we have our less enjoyable seasons. Those would be hurricane season, which is generally uneventful; tax season, which is thankfully short; and road work season, which appears to be endless. September is back to school season, and in this issue of Shell Point Life, we meet Carol Ashley, a resident in Coquina, who continues to work as a teacher in the Lee County Public School System. Find out more about this terrific lady in our story on page 5. September also brings the unveiling of this year’s upcoming concert series and the schedule this year is impressive! The series has been such a popular hit that the Resort Services department has expanded the selection of programs. Check out the line up on page 3. Shell Point residents who like to learn more about their community will want to be sure to take the tour of Eagles Preserve on September 19. The article by Resort Services Manager Mary Franklin on page 7 has all the details. And of course, the Happenings section starting on page 10 is just brimming with things to do in September. I guess if I had to pick one word to describe our season in September I would have to say amazing! We’re glad you are here and we hope you enjoy every minute!

Shell Point Life is published monthly for the residents of Shell Point Retirement Community. Editor Lynn Schneider Art Director Rich Cerrina Graphic Designer Wendy Iverson Staff Contributors Gene McGonigle, Teri Kollath, Millie Kuehn, Linda Rakos, Randy Woods, Robyn Church, Rachael Dula, Carol Cooper, Tom Frackenpohl, Carol Clark, Mary Franklin, Elizabeth Brown, Sarah Patten, Ted Yeatts, Steve Morton, Linda Hicks, Chris Bright, Lee Johnson, Janet Howard, McKenzie Boren, Ginny Ficker Resident Contributors Bill Saunders, Peggy Holton

Please submit suggestions in writing to Lynn Schneider at Shell Point Welcome Center.


Fifth grade teacher Carol Ashley (Coquina) in her classroom at Gateway Elementary School.


Shell Point Life | September 2007

15101 Shell Point Boulevard • Fort Myers, FL 33908 (239) 466-1131 • Shell Point is a non-profit ministry of The Christian and Missionary Alliance Foundation, Inc.

Shell Point Concert Series In the News B















artists. Following each concert, ticket holders will enjoy a delicious dessert buffet while they mingle with friends and chat with the artists. This year we are also partnering with the Southwest Florida Symphony as they bring us an instrumental and choral concert right here on our own Shell Point stage. Here is a look at this year’s line up for all three series. We believe there is something musical for everyone to enjoy. Concert brochures will be mailed out September 10th and ticket sales will follow. Please

he Fine and Performing Arts Committee is pleased to announce this year’s concert series. Aside from our original fabulous lineup, this year we have added two additional series of special interest. We know there is a core group of residents who have a true appreciation of chamber music, so we bring to you Concerts and Conversation. This series will be held in the intimate setting of the Grand Cypress Room at the Woodlands. Limited seating will bring you up close and personal with our selected

consider becoming a 2007-2008 donor and give generously to this year’s Friends of the Arts fund.

Let the music play on

Something Musically for Everyone to Enjoy

Shell Point Concert Series Roger Williams November 15, 2007, at 7:30 p.m. The Preservation Hall Jazz Band January 17, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. The Naples Philharmonic Orchestra February 28, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. Christopher Parkening & Jubilant Sykes March 27, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. Kirk Whipple & Marilyn Morales April 17, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. Location: Church Auditorium/IS Advanced Series Tickets $100 Single Tickets $25


Concerts and Conversation Series

Mountain Laurel Trio November 20, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. The Gulf Coast Trio with Soloist February 5, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. Kate Boyd, Pianist March 17, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. Enjoy a delicious dessert buffet, following each of the concerts. Stay and mingle with friends and chat with the artists.

Location: Grand Cypress Room/WDL Advanced Series Tickets $35 Single Tickets $15 (Space is limited)

Preservation Hall Jazz Band


Symphony Series

How Sweet the Sound Saturday, February 9, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. The Symphony Chamber Chorus, children’s chorus and guests William Dawson, acclaimed composer/pianist, and Michael Helman, organist, will perform favorite hymns, and folk songs. Vive Le France Monday, March 10, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. The Symphony Chamber Chorus and guests present a musical celebration of early twentieth century France, featuring Faure’s Requiem, one of the most spiritually uplifting and beautiful requims ever composed. Location: Church Auditorium/IS Advanced Series Tickets $35 February 9th concert $18 March 10th concert $25

Southwest Florida Symphony

Parkening & Sykes

Kate Boyd Naples Philharmonic Orchestra

Mountain Laurel Trio

Whipple & Morales

Shell Point Life | September 2007


Resident Profile:


Not Ready for Retirement—

It’s Back to School Time for One Resident


one are the days of “going back to school,” though many remember the bittersweet time of fall that marked the end of summer vacation and the beginning of the new school year. In fact, retirees living at Shell Point can live in summer vacation mode all year long if they want to! But school is not out for one Coquina resident, Carol Ashley, who is going back to school this year. Mrs. Ashley is a full-time elementary school reading specialist, and she is returning this fall to Gateway Elementary school of Fort Myers for her 35th year of teaching. Carol has been a reading teacher for elementary school children for thirty-five years. She taught first graders for her first thirteen years in Indiana and then moved to Fort Myers where she has been teaching ever since. When Carol graduated from college at the age of 28, she was not sure what she would end up doing. However, after raising two children, at age 32 she went back to school at the University of Indiana to be certified to teach public elementary school. From a very young age, Carol loved to read. Her own first-grade teacher sparked a joy and passion in her for reading books. Her teacher was an animated woman who read stacks of stories to her classes every day. Carol cherishes the memories of time passed in front of her own teacher, listening to the voice that made stories come alive! “Before I learned to read, I loved that idea that you could go somewhere, be something, do something else in your life just by reading books,” Carol remembers. And that passion for stories has carried her through her career and her life. “I began to

read at an early age, and I still continue to read at an old age.” Carol reads so much, in fact, that you have probably seen her. Some people say that the chickee hut at the Shell Point beach on the Island is Carol’s library because each and every afternoon of the summer you would find her sitting on the bench in the chickee hut surrounded by piles of books.

She has to read zealously because Carol is actually in a friendly competition with all her students. Teaching third, fourth and fifth grade, Carol sees many of her students for a few years. At the end of each school year, as they are parting ways for the summer, she challenges her students to read more books than she does over the summer months. When we interviewed Carol, she had already read 68 books. But she was expecting that there would be students who would better her record. In fact, it happened last year and the year before! When Carol moved to Shell Point, she considered relocating to a closer elementary school so that she would not have to make the 23-mile commute to work in the

morning. However, when one student specifically mentioned that he was looking forward to having Mrs. Ashley for his reading teacher as a fourth-grader, Carol decided that the long morning commute was worth the time if it made a difference to young Christopher. And that is why she teaches: for the sake of her students. She says that it is the children that keep her coming to work; they teach her and make her job fun. Over the years the elementary classroom has changed some. Federal and state initiatives have pushed for a greater emphasis on academics and less recreational and creative time. For example, this year Gateway Elementary students will not have recess, though they will have physical education classes daily. There is a great push on academics early on for children because Florida students are now required to pass a new test – FCAT – Florida Comprehension Achievement Test – at the end of third grade. If they do not succeed in passing, they will be held back. Carol believes, however, that the foundational principles of teaching still remain the same. She believes that to teach children to read, they must read more! Practice is what will teach them those skills, so she tries to read with them as much as she can. School has started up in Lee County, so you will probably not see Carol reading under the shade of the chickee hut; she’ll be busy at work! In fact, Carol says that she will continue to teach “as long as the good Lord lets me.” But perhaps you could take Carol’s advice to her fourth graders – to read as much as you can and take your brain “back to school” with a good book in the comfort of your own comfortable chair this September!

Shell Point Life | September 2007


Dog Day

Delight Emmie Coleman (Macoma) and Bitsy.

Residents and their furry friends braved the August heat to enjoy the second annual Dog Days of Summer Party held on August 15th at the Woodlands. The dogs competed in contests and enjoyed treats like doggy ice cream while their human friends enjoyed refreshments and tested their knowledge of canine trivia. Sylvia Seers (Parkwood) and Jasper won the prize for Most Talented Pup, while Emmie Coleman (Macoma) and her dog, Bitsy, tied with another resident and dog in the category of Best Dog and Owner Look-a-Likes.

Resident E-Mail Addresses to be Included in the next Resident Roster Sign Up Now! The world is going online and we need to keep up! It seems like the world is getting smaller with the internet and we think that it would be helpful to add e-mail addresses to Shell Point’s Resident Roster. All you have to do is fill out the permission slip below and provide your e-mail address OR e-mail your permis-

sion to Lynn Schneider at Permission slips will be collected at the Activity desks and forwarded to Cyn Haas, who will then add them to the upcoming resident roster. The next updated Resident Roster, including e-mail addresses, will be available in January of 2008.

✓Yes, Add my email address to the Resident Roster First and Last Name: Address/Court: E-mail address: (Clip this completed permission slip and send to either Service Desk or email to


Shell Point Life | September 2007


Come and Meet Your New Neighbors!


Residents Are Invited to Hop Aboard the Bus for a Tour of Eagles Preserve



Hospitality Committee Is Getting Ready To Extend What They Do Best!

Patricia Myers (Junonia) will soon be calling together the women and men who will greet you at upcoming programs and events during the “season” at Shell Point. You will see volunteers from this committee distributing programs and serving refreshments at everything from the Shell Point Concert Series to Resident Life programs to holiday shows, presented by residents. These events take place at our community’s gathering places like The Village Church Auditorium, Social Center, Resident Activity Center, and Manatee Room on The Island, and also events at the Woodlands Commons and The Grand Cypress Room. If you enjoy meeting, greeting and sometimes even seating your fellow residents, give Patricia a call at 481-7539 and ask her to add you to her list of Hospitality Volunteers.









You’ve heard all about Shell Point’s new neighborhood, Eagles Preserve. You may have even met some of the wonderful folks who now reside there. And now you have a chance to actually visit the neighborhood for a complete tour! Shell Point residents are invited to step aboard a Shell Point bus for a tour of the Eagles Preserve neighborhood, the newest addition to our community! Tours will be given on Thursday, September 27, at 12:30, 2:00 and 3:30 p.m. Shell Point buses will pick residents up on The Island and in The Woodlands and drive them through Eagles Preserve. Once you arrive, you will be able to get off the bus, tour a residence, and enjoy refreshments at the fitness center and swimming pool areas and meet residents from the neighborhood. Reservations are needed for this event. Catch the bus on September 27th at your





court pickup location and ride to Eagles Preserve. We’ll see you there! GUIDED TOURS OF EAGLES PRESERVE Thursday, September 27, at 12:30, 2:00 and 3:30 p.m.

Shell Point buses will pick up residents and drive through Eagles Preserve.

See you in November at the

Celebration! A Day in the Life at Shell Point Friday, Nov. 9 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Church Auditorium Grounds Details to follow

Shell Point Life | September 2007


Let the Shows Begin Watch your mailbox the week of September 17th because the 2007-2008 Let the Shows Begin information will be on its way! A brilliant selection of theatre and musical shows is sure to delight everyone. Registration forms need to be returned September 24th and the registration process will take place on September 26th. See you at the Theatre!

Tax Aide Time Although fall has just arrived, according to the calendar, The Internal Revenue Service has been planning all year for the Income Tax Returns they will begin receiving in January 2008 for the Tax Year of 2007. The AARP TaxAide program at Shell Point has also begun planning for the assistance that they will be giving to our residents in 2008. Last year thirteen residents served as counselors and receptionists helping 355 clients file their Federal Income Tax. Over 1,036 volunteer hours were contributed to this valuable service. We would like to increase the number of Tax-Aide Counselors in the program. If you are interested in joining the Tax-Aide group, please contact Ted Rodgers (Palm Acres) 466-5353 and make your interest known to him. In January all Counselors are required to attend a course to review the tax procedures and policies and learn about the changes in the tax code that will apply for the new year. In early fall it is necessary to order the materials required for the training program, and all who are interested should contact Ted as soon as possible. The AARP Tax-Aide program nationally is 26-years-old. It is the nation’s largest volunteer-run tax counseling and preparation service assisting Senior citizens and low-income individuals. In 2007 over 32,000 volunteers assisted more than 2 million taxpayers with their tax returns.

Fall Academy It's time to pull out those thinking caps again! The Academy at Shell Point will be starting the fall series in the beginning of October. Classes will run during the months of October and November, so be sure to take a good look at your Fall Academy Brochure coming out in September. Registration begins Monday, September 10.


Shell Point Life | September 2007

One Man’s Trash May Be Another Man’s


Start sorting through your treasure troves because the Trinkets and Treasures Bazaar is just around the corner! On Friday, October 19, the Social Center on the Island will be packed with tables covered with a variety of things for sale! It will be a giant bargain hunt for treasure seekers, so bring a bag and your looking glasses to see if there is something you might want to buy from your neighbor. You never know what good things you’ll find at this mega garage sale! And if you are interested in selling some of your things, sign up will begin on Monday, October 1st, at 8:15 a.m. at either service desk. Make sure to sign up as soon as you can because selling tables are limited. Only residents may sell, and residents must man their own tables. The cost is $5.00 per person for a table.

Women’s Marathon Bridge Women’s Marathon Bridge play begins November 1st and goes until April. To sign up, call Pat Webster (Sand Dollar) at 454-2955, Mathilde Harper (Junonia) at 433-0480 or Pat Stapinski (Harbor Court) at 985-1428. Play takes place every 2 weeks in resident apartments. Please try to sign up with a partner.

Come Sing with the Christmas Cantata Do you wish that you could sing Christmas carols more than just once a year? Well now you can because the Christmas Cantata Choir is interested in having your voice join the chorus, directed by Ted and Ruth Rodgers. For a special Christmas day event, the Cantata will present “With All My Love” at the Resident Activity Center on the Island at 4:15 p.m. All are welcome to join the choir, and rehearsals will begin on Thursday, October 25th, at 2:45 p.m. in the choir rehearsal area of The Village Church. This musical group has been a tradition at Shell Point for 12 years so come on out and sing or play your instrument. If you have any questions, please contact Ruth or Ted Rodgers (Palm Acres) at 466-5353.

Mark Your Calendar

Take Out Your Number Two Pencil—

Residents Distribute School Supplies to Employees

For These Popular Events: Activity Group Annual Shows:

Craft Bazaar | Nov. 2, 2007

Art Show | Feb. 29, Mar. 1-2, 2008

Photo Show | Mar. 18-29, 2008

Variety Show | April 1, 2008

Quilt Show | April 5-7, 2008

Performance Groups:

Shell Point Singers October 9, 2007

S.P.O.T and Shell Point Singers December 4, 2007

Holiday Sounds December 10, 2007

Christmas Cantata December 25, 2007

Thanks to the generosity of Shell Point residents and the commitment and hard work of the Intergenerational Committee, dozens of bags of school supplies were assembled and distributed to Shell Point employees with children in kindergarten through 5th grade. The bags contained pencils, crayons, glue sticks, markers, and composition notebooks, just to name a few of the items required for the new school year. Resident Janet Bendall (Coquina) heads up this committee that consists of a group of residents who seek ways to foster positive interaction between residents and individuals of all ages and stages of life. Janet is just one of several retired educators who serve on this committee. As a former teacher, she definitely knows how hard it is for some families

Intergenerational Committee members Janet Bendall (Coquina), Kay Strong (Harbor Court), Bunny Kupsaw (Lakewood) and Charlotte Baker (Harbor Court). Other members include Joan Perry and Mae Cornish of Harbor Court, Mim Sargent (Sand Dollar), and Marion Chambers (Tellidora).

Glorimel Rodriguez, Arbor Housekeeping, Carol Ashley (Coquina) Martha Ryckman (Arbor)

to provide the necessities that children need for school. Plus, every child enjoys having something new to take to school on their first day of class. Brett Wayte, Hospitality Service and “We really do Charlotte Baker (Harbor Court). enjoy providing this service,” said Janet. And she reiterated the joy the committee members derive from providing this back-to-school boost for the children of Shell Point employees.

Shell Point Life | September 2007


CD Surround Sound Concert


Sunday, September 2 — 3:00 p.m. Grand Cypress Room/WDL In celebration of Labor Day, Sousa Marches “El Capitan,” “Washington Post;” Cohan’s “Strike up the Band,” played by the Boston Pops. Mozart’s Symphony #25, played by Academy of St. Martins in the Fields, Neville Marriner, conducting and Beethoven’s: Piano Sonata #26 Les Adieux, played by Daniel Barenboim will be performed.

Celebrate Labor Day with Performer Dick Hamm in the Crystal Room


Monday, September 3 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Crystal Dining Room/IS Enjoy a delicious lunch in the Crystal Dining Room, and welcome back one of Shell Point’s favorite performers. Dick Hamm will play old-time favorites, big band music and requests. This is the perfect way to spend a hot Labor Day afternoon!

Virtual Bowling

Shell Point Life | September 2007


Thursday, September 6 — 3:15 p.m. Social Center/IS The Southwest Florida Dulcimer Club plays Appalachian Mountain Lap Dulcimers and will entertain residents with a program that includes mountain ballads, traditional folk songs, old-time fiddle tunes and hymns. Come to hear the music and experience the interesting historical story of the dulcimer itself.

Tin City Lunch and Shopping


Friday, September 7 9:00 a.m. Court pickup 2:30 p.m. Approximate return Cost: $5.00 (lunch on your own) Tin City is an authentic connection to Naples’s nautical past. Nautical artifacts, antiques and displays take us through Tin City on an adventure back in time. You will have plenty of time to enjoy all the shops and dining options available to you at this popular tourist destination.


Wednesday, September 5 2:15 p.m. Resident Activity Center/IS If you like bowling, then you’ll love virtual bowling! This activity combines the social fun of bowling with amazing technology. You will go through the motions of bowling, and then watch your bowling ball head for the pins on the television screen in front of you. No skill or any experience is required, but you should be prepared to have a very good time. Bring a friend and join in the fun that’s gaining popularity in adult communities across the nation. 10

Southwest Florida Dulcimer Club

Sanibel Causeway Grand Opening


Saturday, September 8 9:00 a.m. Court pickup 11:30 a.m. Approximate return Cost: $3.00 Lee County will celebrate the grand opening of the new bridge which has been under construction since 2004. This high span replaced the original drawbridge which was built in 1963. Pedestrians will be able to travel the bridge during this grand opening celebration.



Information Technology Forum


Saturday, September 8 10:00 a.m. Grand Cypress Room/WDL “The Rest of the Story: Air Traffic Control on September 11, 2001” will be presented a few days from the sixth anniversary of 9/11. The Reverend Clinton Cottrell, Pastor of the Cypress Lake Presbyterian Church, will share the untold story of what happened behind the scenes that fateful morning six years ago and how the Air Traffic Control System worked to keep us safe! Prior to entering the ministry, Rev. Cottrell was with the Federal Aviation Administration in various management positions and locations, including Washington D.C. On Sept. 11, 2001, he was in the Pittsburgh control tower where he was involved and witnessed the remarkable events unfold. Come and hear this fascinating untold story!

Saturday DVD: Miss Potter

Tuesday, September 11 7:00 p.m. Grand Cypress Room/WDL



Barbara Kraichy and Ron Erikson have been musically affiliated since school and have played internationally for a number of years. They now combine their talents in Florida for a wide variety of musical presentations. Come experience the beautiful sounds of this talented duo as they play a selection of classical, popular and American tunes.


Saturday, September 8 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Grand Cypress Room/WDL Blending lush animation sequences with live-action drama, director Chris Noonan constructs this biopic about the personal life of beloved children’s author and famous illustrator Beatrix Potter. Featuring in it the Academy Aw a r d - w i n n i n g Renee Zellweger as the title character and co-starring Emily Watson and Ewan McGregor, the film traces Potter’s private life, as well as her contributions to literature, such as the timeless Tale of Peter Rabbit.

Lunch at Thistle Lodge

Kraichy & Erikson Harp and Violin Duo

Cocohatchee River Nature Cruise


Thursday, September 13 8:30 a.m. Court pickup 2:00 p.m. Approximate return Cost: $35.00 (lunch on your own) Our one hour long narrated cruise will take us through the Cocohatchee River estuary in North Naples and into the Gulf of Mexico at Wiggins Pass. Enjoy the wildlife, beauty and history of Southwest Florida during this informative tour. We will stop for lunch on the return bus trip to Ft. Myers.


Sunday, September 16 3:00 p.m. — Grand Cypress Room/WDL Haydn’s Symphony #63, performed by the Philharmonia Hungarica, conducted by Antal Dorati, and Beethoven’s Violin Concerto played by the Boston Symphony and Heifitz

Women’s Ministries Focuses on Three Geographic Areas


Sunday, September 16 — 6:15pm Church Auditorium Janet Howard, Minister of Discipleship, will be sharing about the need for a campground to reach youth in Paraguay, South America. Mongolia will be the next stop as resident Carolyn Erbst highlights the needs for a discipleship training school. Former missionary Bev Patten will describe the vision missionaries have to build youth centers in Burkina Faso, West Africa. See page 23 for more info.

Dinner at the Lighthouse


Monday, September 17 5:00 p.m. Court pickup 8:00 p.m. Approximate return Cost: $4.00 (dinner on your own) Climb aboard the bus and take the quick ride over to the Lighthouse Restaurant. The magnificent location serves up a panoramic view of Saint John’s Harbor where exotic wildlife abounds. It is the ultimate setting for savoring the incredible variety of fresh seafood dishes, as well as fine steaks, poultry and other popular items. All are exquisitely prepared for your dining pleasure.

Apple Pie and Ice Cream Social


Tuesday, September 11 11:00 a.m. Court pickup 2:00 p.m. Approximate return Cost: $5.00 (lunch on your own) The beautiful Casa Ybel Resort on Sanibel Island is the home of this charming waterfront dining establishment. The menu will tempt your taste buds, the service will impress you and the view just can’t be beat!

CD Surround Sound Concert

Beach Day


Friday, September 14 8:30 a.m. Court pickup 3:30 p.m. Approximate return Cost: $13.00 Pack up your beach bag and get on the bus as we head out for a fun day at Vanderbilt Beach. This month we’ll be firing up the grill and enjoying burgers on the beach! This is one of our most requested trips so sign up early.


Tuesday, September 18 6:45 p.m. — Social Center/IS Cost: $3.00 Join friends and neighbors for an allAmerican after-dinner treat, including apple pie, ice cream and coffee. While you indulge your sweet tooth, extremely talented musician Gary LaVigne will present some of America’s best-loved songs by her greatest composers. Gary reminds you that requests are welcomed, and, as always, audience participation is encouraged! Sign up early.

Shell Point Life | September 2007


HAPPENINGS PLACES Organ Concert with Stephen Brittain



Friday, September 21 7:00 p.m. Woodlands Commons Shell Point’s next theater organ concert will feature local artist Stephen Brittain. Stephen has made a number of previous appearances at Shell Point and his performances are always memorable and entertaining. He is a member of the American Theatre Organ Society, and past Dean of the Southwest Florida Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. He is presently the Music Director of St. John the Apostle, MCC in Fort Myers.


Cold Stone Creamery


Saturday, September 22 9:00 a.m. Court pickup 2:00 p.m. Approximate return Cost: $5.00 With over 900 stores to choose from, Fleamasters is a shopper’s paradise! Handbags, cowboy boots, antiques, perfume- they have what you’re looking for. When you’re feet need a break, grab some food from one of over 15 vendors, sit back and enjoy the Fleamasters experience. Saturday Excursions require a minimum of 10 residents.


Movie Night: On Golden Pond

Monday, September 24 7:15 p.m. Social Center /IS Henry Fonda, in his final role, plays peevish retired professor Norman Thayer who is making his yearly excursion with his wife (Katherine Hepburn) to their idyllic summerhouse. But a hostile teen left in their care shortcircuits the couple’s tranquility. After a rocky start, the old man and the boy forge a bond; can Norman do the same with his estranged daughter? Fonda and Hepburn earned top Oscar honors for their peerless performances.


Shell Point Life | September 2007



Tuesday, September 25 3:45 p.m. Social Center/IS At the regular monthly meeting of the Library Book Talk, Wanda Slayton of Turban will be discussing Shell Point Boulevard resident Wally Kain’s book, entitled The Nunca Riddle. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome.

Hogfish Grill via the Beach Cat



Tuesday, September 25 1:00 p.m. Court pickup 3:30 p.m. Approximate return Cost: $4.00 (ice cream on your own) It’s the ultimate ice cream experience! Order up your favorite ice cream flavor and toppings and watch as they mix and fold it together on a cold slab of marble. If you have trouble making a choice, go for a Cold Stone original creation like Black Forest Dream (chocolate ice cream, cherries, brownie and fudge) or Paradise Found (white chocolate ice cream with pineapple, coconut and banana).

Book Talk Saturday Excursion: Fleamasters



Wednesday, September 26 11:00 a.m. Pickup at the Welcome Center Dock 3:00 p.m. Approximate return Cost: $23.00 (lunch on your own) Climb aboard the 35 foot Beach Cat catamaran and enjoy the relaxing ride across the Caloosahatchee to St. James City. Bring along your appetite, as we’ll be visiting a new Pine Island eatery, called the Hogfish Grill. They serve up all the local favorites- grouper sandwiches, fresh seafood entrees and landlubber delights too. Join us for this great trip!



Eagles Preserve Tour Thursday, September 27 Court pickups: 12:30, 2:00 and 3:30 p.m. Are you curious about Shell Point’s newest neighborhood? Signup for one of these three tours for a look at the neighborhood. The tour will conclude with a look at the fitness center and a chance to meet some new neighbors who call Eagles Preserve home. Light refreshments will be provided.

Sergio de los Cobos Concert Friday, September 28 7:15 p.m. Church Auditorium/IS Tickets: $5.00 Shell Point is honored to welcome back internationally acclaimed piano soloist Sergio de los Cobos. This amazing pianist received the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts from Rice University where he also taught from 1992-1995. He currently holds a teaching position in Geneva, Switzerland. Join friends and neighbors for an evening, enchanted with classical sounds and Spanish music of the romantic style. Tickets for this event are available at both service desks.


SAVE THE DATE: SteinMart Fashion Show Thursday, Oct. 4th Grand Cypress, 2:15 pm. Fashion-wise and friendly SteinMart department store associates will be here on Thursday, October 4th, to present a Fashion Show just for us, filled with fall and winter styles. Be sure you and your friends join us at 2:15 p.m. in the Grand Cypress Room at the Woodlands. You can sign up for this program, beginning October 1st. Then on October 16th we will venture out to SteinMart so you can purchase your favorite outfits from the Fashion Show.

Sign-up required for this activity. Call Island (454-2282) or Woodlands (454-2054 or 454-2057)



Walking up and down stairs


Lunch Outing to Cantina Laredo

Ginger Dornberg (Oakmont) and Elizabeth Dougherty (Periwinkle) chat and look over the menu choices.

Carol Palermo and Barbara Wagner of Royal Bonnet enjoy the fresh chips and guacamole.

Recently a group of residents headed to Cantina Laredo for a gourmet Mexican lunch experience. The residents loved Cantina’s fresh signature guacamole, which is prepared tableside, to your specific taste. It consists of three creamy avocado halves, and then you choose from chopped cilantro, onions, tomatoes, seasonings and jalapenos. Delicioso!

Kenneth Masters (Turban) and Robert Dornburg (Oakmont) get ready to dig in .

MARK YOUR CALENDAR The following activities are planned by a variety of groups. All Shell Point residents are welcome to attend. Check your current Weekly Reminder or watch SPTV for locations and/or changes.

SUNDAY 9:00 Christian Studies (WDL) 9:15 Christian Life Studies 10:15 Morning Worship 1:15 Mixer Golf League 3:00 CD Surround (Sept. 2 & 16) 6:15 Evening Service

1:00 Mixed Progressive Pairs Bridge 1:45 The Rollicking Recorderists (Sept. 11, 18, 23) 3:15 Celebration Ringers 3:45 Library Book Talk (Sept. 25) 6:45 Hymn Sing (Sept. 4)

MONDAY 9:15 Billiards 9:15 Pottery 1:00 Mah-Jongg (Sabal Room, Commons) 1:00 Intro to Resident Life (Sept. 24) 1:15 Advanced Table Tennis 1:15 Scrabble 1:15 Shuffleboard 1:15 Tone Chimes 2:00 Beading Club 3:00 Bible Study (Arbor) 3:15 Shell Point Singers 7:00 Pinochle 7:00 Duplicate Bridge

WEDNESDAY 7:45 Men’s Bible Study (Sept. 12, 19 & 26) 8:45 Resident Council (Sept. 5) 9:00-12:00 Geraci Travel 9:15 Watercolor Group 9:45 Ladies Bible Study 11:00 Computer Q & A /WDL (Sept. 5) 11:15 Computer Q & A /IS (Sept. 19) 1:00 Chess 1:15 Beginners/Intermediate Table Tennis 2:15 Huggie Hearts 2:30 Jazz ‘N Stuff 3:00 Bible Study (King’s Crown) 5:45 Village Church Choir Rehearsal 7:15 Bible Study & Prayer

TUESDAY 8:36 Women’s Golf League 9:15 Painting Class 9:15 Stamp Project 12:45 Intro to Duplicate Bridge

THURSDAY 8:00 Men’s Golf League 9:30 Current Events Group 10:15 Online Investors (Sept. 20) 10:45 Line Dancing

1:15 Mah-Jongg (Library Lounge, RAC) 2:00 Spanish Club (Sept. 13, 20, 27) 2:00 Mended Hearts (Sept. 27) 2:15 Handwork (Sept. 13, 27) 7:00 Trailblazers Bible Study FRIDAY 8:00 Intrepid Bike Riders (Sept. 14, 28) 9:15 Stamp Project 10:00 Genealogy (Sept. 14) 10:15 Inquiring Minds (Sept. 7, 21) 1:00 Mixed Progressive Pairs Bridge 1:15 Quilters 1:15 Table Tennis 1:30 Vespers (Arbor) 2:15 SP Artists 2:45 Vespers (KC) 3:15 Great Decisions (Sept. 7, 21) 6:45 Game Night SATURDAY 8:00 Adopt-a-Road (Sept. 15) 9:00 Coffee Social 9:45 Bridge Supervised Play 10:00 Information Technology (Sept. 8) 1:00 Chess 7:00 Duplicate Bridge

Shell Point Life | September 2007


September Events

THE ARBOR TUES ....4 ......Leslie Gregory, harpist (1DR) ........................4:30 THUR ..6 ......Birthday Party, Tune Toppers (CMR)............2:00 FRI ........7 ......Lunch trip to Sandy Butler w/KC (1FL) ....10:45 TUES ..11......Resident Council (CMR)................................2:00 TUES ..11......Health Talk with Carol Clark (CMR) ..........3:15 WED ....12......Book Review w/David Sageser: The Innocent Man by John Grisham (CMR)....................2:00 THUR ..13......Sing Along w/Randy Woods & Pat Specht (CMR)..........................................................2:00 FRI........14......Stein Mart Shopping Trip (1FL) ..................12:30 SAT ......15......Kym Frankovelgia, cabaret singer (CMR) ....2:30


TUES ..18......Mid-Day Movie: Railway Journeys: From the Pyramids to Down Under (1SR) ..................2:00 WED ....19......Fiddlin Bill (CMR) ..........................................3:00

MON ....3........Labor Day

THUR ..20......Men’s Pizza & Movie (1CK) (1SR) ..............4:00

MON ....3........Movie: Hello Dolly (MP) ........................1:00 p.m.

SUN ....23......Hymn Sing (2FM) ..........................................6:30

FRI ........7........Lunch Trip to Sandy Butler w/ The Arbor (L) ................................10:30 a.m.

MON....24......Lunch trip to The Terrace at the Ritz Carlton w/King’s Crown (1FL) ..............................10:45

FRI ........7........Current Events with Dr. Dodd (3NP) 10:30 a.m.

TUES ..25......Resident Food Advisory (CMR) ....................2:15

SAT ......8........Leslie Gregory, harpist (A) ....................1:00 p.m.

TUES ..25......Vivian Aiello, violin (1DR) ............................4:30

MON....10 ......Vicki Lei, singer (A) ..............................1:00 p.m.

WED ....26......Crossword Puzzles (1CK) ..............................2:00

WED ....12 ......Tom Cannon, entertainer (A) ................1:00 p.m.

THUR ..27......Ladies’ Pizza & Movie Night (1CK) (1SR) ..4:00

THUR ..13 ......Tune Toppers, jazz trio (A) ....................2:00 p.m.

FRI........28......Tune Toppers (CMR)......................................2:00

SAT ......15 ......Kym Frankoveglia, singer (A) ................1:00 p.m.

SAT ....29......Musical Moments w/Dot Whiteman & David Tuttle (2FM)................................................6:30

WED ....19 ......Fiddlin’ Bill, singer(A) ............................1:00 p.m. FRI........21 ......Current Events with Dr. Dodd(3NP)..10:30 a.m. MON....24 ......Lunch Trip to The Terrace at the Ritz Carlton w/ The Arbor(L) ................................10:15 a.m. MON....24 ......Golden Road Quartet (A) ......................7:00 p.m. THUR ..27 ......Tune Toppers, jazz trio (A) ....................2:00 p.m. SAT ......29 ......Tommy Barr, guitarist (A) ......................2:00 p.m.

In Loving Memory

LARSEN PAVILION MON ......3......Carol Driscoll, Keyboards (2DR) ........10:00 a.m. MON ......3......Music Trio (3AR) ................................10:30 a.m.

Ellen Budd (July 4) Edith Blumberg (July 4) Wanda Will (July 5) Edna Harkless (July 8) Robert Isbell (July 9) Sydney Robbins (July 10) Wilhelm Huber (July 13) Meldon Stubbs (July 15) Mary Hess (July 17) Virginia Munn (July 17) Cecilia Martin (July 19) John Taylor (July 18) Florence Thurmon (July 30) William Wagner (July 30)

TUES......4......Ruth Rodgers, Piano (3AR) ..................9:30 a.m. THUR ....6......Tommy Barr, Guitar (2DR) ................10:00 a.m. THUR ....6......Residents’ Council Meeting (3AR) ........10:00 a.m THUR ....6......Monthly Birthday Party (2 & 3 fl) ..........2:30 p.m. TUES ....11 ....Ruth Rodgers, Piano (3AR) ..................9:30 a.m. WED......12 ....Tommy Barr, Guitar (3AR) ................10:00 a.m. MON ....17 ....Music Trio (3AR) ................................10:30 a.m. TUES ....18 ....Ruth Rodgers, Piano (3AR) ..................9:30 a.m. WED......19 ....Fiddlin’ Bill, Fiddle (3AR) ..................10:00 a.m. THUR ..20 ....Western Dinner (MD) ............................4:15 p.m TUES ....25 ....Ruth Rodgers, Piano (3AR) ..................9:30 a.m. THUR ..27 ....Tom Cannon, Piano (3AR) ................10:30 a.m.

Shell Point Life | September 2007


t h g i N a e S e h t r Unde The scent of oyster stew and stuffed crab shells greeted residents entering the deep blue of the Crystal Dining Room for Under the Sea night. Residents enjoyed a tropically decorated buffet, heaping oceanic delicacies like carved grilled salmon, breaded lemon rainbow trout and fried catfish high on their plates. Special musicians Dan Klimoski and Linda Jurin provided entertainment from the Great American Songbook, covering a wide variety of music from jazz to classic. Laughter lingered as residents surfaced for dessert and visited among each other. What a swimmingly delightful night!

Dot Whitman (Arbor) and Mary Young (Macoma)

Nancy and Jim Kessler (Nautilus)

Faith Mobley (Tellidora)

Jan Lanpher, Gerry Nanfelt, Brooke and Tammi Holt (granddaughter and daughter of the Nanfelts), Peter Nanfelt (President of the Christian and Missionary Alliance) and Bill Lanpher

FRENCH NIGHT It was a bon soir on Wednesday, August 8 at the Crystal Dining Room for French night! Residents were transported to Paris a la Shell Point, with small Eiffel Tower candles decorating the tables, a giant tower lit with white twinkling lights, a crêpe station and a couple of talking mimes who spoke a bit of French and traveled table to table quizzing dinner guests with French trivia and posing for photos throughout the evening. The menu, which featured a few French desserts, a cold soup delicacy and chicken liver pâté, among other things, kept our taste buds alert. Dining services did a truly outstanding job as they aimed to emulate flavors characteristic of France. This event, like other dining specials, was a great way for residents to mingle, mix up their diets a bit, and enjoy a relaxing and fun atmosphere.


Shell Point Life | September 2007

SeptemberDiningEvents Labor Day Monday September 3, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Enjoy the sounds of the yesteryear with key boardist Dick Hamm. Dick will play music from the big band era, old-time classics, patriotic tunes and take requests as you partake of your midday meal in the Crystal Room.

Special Desserts For the month of September, the Crystal Dining Room will be tempting everyone with some delicious desserts that are sure to be a true treat! So come and indulge in some of the most scrumptious desserts.

Create your own Strawberry Shortcake Thursday, September 6th Mixture of Assorted Tarts Thursday, September 13th Crème Brule Thursday, September 20th Banana Splits Thursday, September 27th

The Promenade Café will be closed September 3 though September 17.

The Crystal Room will be closed each Saturday through September 29. Please enjoy the Palm Grill or Island Café in the interim.

Pasta Night Every Wednesday at the Crystal Every Wednesday during the month of September, gather some friends together for Pasta night at the Crystal Dining room. You will not go home hungry! Come mix and match ingredients with your favorite sauce, maybe marinara, alfredo, or pesto. Pick from only the finest ingredients — mushrooms, onions, broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, peppers, sausage, shrimp, and meatballs. Watch your fare sizzle as it is sautéed right in front of you. It is a great chance to have your own personalized meal without cooking. So make your way to Pasta night, Wednesdays in the Crystal Room; hope to see you there!

Around the World Night Saturday, September 29 The Crystal Room will re-open for Saturdays on September 29, with a special around-the-world theme. The menu will include foods from all sorts of places. Some of the items to tempt your palette include sushi, Indian curry massala, Mexican BBQ and Vietnamese lemon grass chicken. Come and be immersed into a selection of wonderful cultural foods from around the world!

Palm Grill’s Blueplate Special Served Tuesday - Saturday 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. It's an old-fashioned name for a bright new idea in the Palm Grill. As in the diners of yesteryear, the Blue Plate Special changes each day and offers a wide variety of entrées for one low price! The Special is featured for lunch each Tuesday through Saturday. And the price is just $6.50 which includes the entrée, a beverage of choice, a scoop of ice cream for dessert, and the gratuity.

Onl y All i $6.50 nclu sive !

Some of the planned entreés include open face steak sandwich with potatoes, vegetables and gravy; baked tilapia with rice and fruit; grilled BBQ pork loin with french fries and salad; chicken quesadilla with salsa, rice and soup; baked chicken with rice and vegetables; and lasagna with a marinara sauce and a caesar salad.

Shell Point Life | September 2007


Timothy D. Ficker Promoted to Executive Vice President and COO and Kyle. Recently the Fickers completed ments with Erickson was the completion of Peter Dys recently named Timothy building their new home in Fort Myers and the process to standardize the company’s Ficker as Executive Vice President of were very happy to move in. Tim enjoys operating procedures. Operations/Chief Operating spending time at Shell Point not just for Tim believes that the Officer for Shell Point. Ficker work, but for leisure as well as he loves to strength of any team comes came on board in 2005 as the spend time out on the golf course. In addithrough its personal relationV.P. for Operations, and was tion to playing golf, Tim spends a lot of time ships and has been very selected by Dys because he had with his son and his interest in sports. He involved in every aspect of our all the necessary criteria for enjoys attending his school functions and organization from residents to the position. swim meets. staff. Since he started working “This promotion is indicaAccording to Peter Dys, “Shell Point’s here as Vice President of tive of Shell Point’s continued continued growth and strength in the retireOperations, Tim Ficker has growth and expansion,” said ment industry, as well as our professional overseen facility operations Dys. “Tim Ficker has been an management team, will ensure our success which includes maintenance invaluable addition to the manTimothy D. Ficker, Executive Vice President for the future.” and apartment prep, the hospiagement team here at Shell of Operations and Chief tality services department, Point and has provided signifiOperations Officer the environmental services cant leadership in the past two department, as well as the years as Vice President of Golf Course, landscaping and grounds, and Operations. This promotion will expand his Resort Services. influence throughout every aspect of the Originally from Connecticut, Ficker organization as we meet Shell Point’s goals received his Bachelor of Arts in History for the future.” and Urban Studies from Denison Prior to coming to Shell Point, he was University in Granville, Ohio in 1979, the Senior Director of Operations for and a Master of Arts in Theology from Erickson Retirement Communities, a nationManagement Team Fuller Seminary, which he completed in al company that has 17 retirement communiTim Lochridge, vice president of finance; Dr. Roger 1993. It was during his early days at colties throughout the United States. Ficker was Hirchak, vice president of medical services; Peter Dys, lege, that he met his wife, Claire, while president of Shell Point; Tim Ficker, executive vice presiresponsible for the hiring and development of working at a Young Life summer camp. senior management staff and had oversight of dent of operations and chief operating officer; Steve They have been married for 25 years and several areas of operation in several of the Minnear, vice president of health care services and have three children: Hannah, Virginia, David Moreland, vice president of sales and marketing. communities. One of his major accomplish-

Steak Out Night

The entire posse of the Palm Grill saddled up for the Great American Steak Out . Cowboys Bob and Tom and cowgirl Lynn were on hand for the Western event.

Bill Brannin (left) is the son of Dave and Marilyn Brannin of Rosemont. They joined Rosemont residents Emil and Betty Sommer, and Bill and Mandy Johnson for dinner.


Shell Point Life | September 2007

Country music performer, Dennis Reilly, played light country favorites during the Great American Steak Out at the Palm Grill. Cowboys and cowgirls were treated to a special selection of steaks for beef lovers, as well as seafood choices like tuna and swordfish steaks. Yee-haw!

Perry and Doris Wydman (Rosemont)




Presented by The Legacy Foundation On September 18th and 19th, the Legacy Foundation will provide a chance for you to update or sign a new Living Will and Designation of Health Care Surrogate. This service is complimentary and requires only that you call and make an appointment. You have the right, under certain conditions, to decide whether to accept or reject medical treatment and other procedures that would prolong your life artificially. The law also ensures your rights, and personal wishes are respected even if you are too sick to make your own decisions. A living will states that you do not want to be kept alive by medical treatment when you have a terminal or end-stage illness or are in a persistent vegetative state and are no longer able to decide matters for yourself. The Living Will spells out your wishes regarding the withholding or withdrawing of life-prolonging measures when

Naples Beach Day

there can be no hope of recovery, as certified by two physicians. Medicines or medical procedures necessary to provide comfort or alleviate pain would continue to be provided. In Florida the definition of “life prolonging procedures” has been expanded by the Legislature to include the provision of food and water to terminally ill patients. Under Florida law, you must sign a Living Will in the presence of two witnesses, at least one of whom is neither the spouse nor a blood relative. A designated Health Care Surrogate document is an Advance Directive, which specifically allows you to name another person to make medical decisions for you anytime you become unable to make them yourself. Your Surrogate may consult with health care providers and give informed

consent to perform those medical and surgical procedures that he or she believes you would have agreed to under the circumstances. Both the Living Will and Health Care Surrogate may also designate an Alternate. The Alternate Surrogate may assume the duty of the Surrogate if the original Surrogate is unwilling or unable to perform their duties. To make your appointment, call the Legacy Foundation at 466-8484, or stop by the office, located next to the Manatee Room on The Island.

Marion McDowell and Helen Johnson, also known as “Shellin’ Helen” both from Coquina.

A group recently traveled to one of our favorite sandy spots in the sun, Delnor Wiggins State Park in Naples. Residents braved the waves for some relief from the August heat. After swimming, shelling and socializing in the sun, a delightful picnic lunch was served. It was another great Shell Point outing!

Soaking in the Gulf L to R: Harry and Janet Myles (Rosemont), Esther Gould (Royal Bonnet), Shirley Groves in pink hat (Sundial), Barbara Milligan (Periwinkle), Linda Forcey (Parkwood), Ruth Kleindienst (Sundial), Doris Grebenstein (Cameo), John Bendall (Coquina) and Art Sherrill (Nautilus).

Shell Point Life | September 2007


Success Leads to Opportunity in Landscape Management B








Lucius Annaeus Seneca was a Roman philosopher that lived nearly 2000 years ago, but we remember him for his famous inspiration. “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Although Seneca could not have possibly imagined the work we do in the Landscape Management Team at Shell Point, he clearly understood our desire for success. Due to the achievement of the Green Star Award that was presented to us by the Professional Grounds Management Society, Mike Mongoven, director of golf, and I were invited to speak about our landscape management practices at a convention of Continuing Care Communities held in Orlando, Florida. We were honored to be chosen from the many applicants to speak about landscaping in a conference that primarily focused on healthcare issues. In attending this conference, we were exposed to many new and exciting ideas from other Life Care communities in the state, but in addition, we had an opportunity to visit the Harry P. Leu Botanical Gardens in Orlando. As world travelers in the 1930s the Leu’s gathered plants from everywhere they went, amassing the largest collection of camellias outside of California. The fifty acre Leu garden is well organized and offers dramatic vistas and intimate vignettes of expertly designed landscapes. Mike and I gained insight on great landscape design, beautiful annual flower beds,




effective planting combinations, as well as observing unique and interesting specimens. This visit was much more than an opportunity to “stop and smell the roses;” it was a chance to learn and bring the knowledge of other professionals to Shell Point and our landscape. Studying the Leu gardens has helped us to further clarify our vision of a landscape that complements Shell Point’s “Beautiful Tropical Setting.” I would encourage anyone with an interest in horticulture to stop and visit the Harry P. Leu Botanical Gardens when in Orlando. To learn more about the gardens, visit their website at Steve and Mike walked through the fifty acre Leu gardens and observed beautiful landscaping treatments that could be successfully emulated here at Shell Point.

Mike and Steve discuss the specimens that would perform well on our grounds.


Shell Point Life | September 2007

Mike checks out the variety of rose bushes.

Steve takes a closer look at an area of flowering bushes and takes note of the visually pleasing , as well as effective, plant groupings.

Enter the Great Salon Gift Certificate Give–Away! B







Have you been up to your eyeballs in candy, fruit boxes, flowers and cheese and sausage trays which you may have received for Christmas, birthdays or anniversaries? Do you have a surplus of unopened games, puzzles and unread books? How about we help you and make a great gift suggestion for something you can really use: a gift certificate for a salon and spa service at Shell Point! Just let us know who your family and friends are, and we will send them our post card mailing with fantastic gift ideas from The Salon that will help you look good and feel your best. There is a very good chance that your family and friends don’t realize that they can treat you to relaxing and rejuvenating salon and spa services. They will be happy to know that gift certificates are available and just a phone call away. Your family and friends are always searching for great







gift options and for something you really need or want. We have both! A gift certificate to the salon can be used for something practical, like a hair cut and style or something a little more pampering, like a massage or facial. Regardless of who you are, we have something for you! For your convenience, just fill out the form below and send it to The Salon. Additional forms are available in all the salons. For each family and friend’s name and address you submit you become eligible to win a $50.00 gift certificate toward the salon and spa services of your choice. The more family and friends you enter to receive the salon postcard mailing, the better your chances are of winning a $50.00 gift certificate! Two $50.00 gift certificates will be given away on October 31st by a drawing. You need not be present to win. Don’t delay, sign up today!

Great Salon Gift Certificate Give Away! Your Name Address (court) Spouse’s Name YO U R

Phone #





Their Name Their Address Their Name Their Address Their Name Their Address

A GRAND CELEBRATION Sunday Evening, September 30, at 6:15 p.m. Musical celebrations are a significant part of The Village Church and the Shell Point Retirement Community. This past year the Village Church purchased a new Steinway Concert Grand Piano. This purchase has been made possible through the generous gifts of church members, community members and the Shell Point Retirement Community. On Sunday Evening, September 30th, at 6:15 p.m. The Village Church will host A GRAND CELEBRATION. The concert will feature local FGCU/Steinway Young Artist Competition Winners performing on the new instrument. And owner of the local Steinway Gallery, Greg Billings, will give a special media presentation about the history and artistry of the Steinway Piano, which has become a symbol of excellence in its 150-year history. As part of this Grand Celebration, there will be a reception following the concert. Refreshments will be served. You will also enjoy the opportunity to meet the performers, and you too may play the new piano! Be sure to attend the Grand Celebration as we thank God for this instrument and the many blessings we enjoy through the gift of music.

Please return to The Island Salon, Attention Robyn Church

A PERSONAL TOUCH AT THE SALONS! “I visit the Arbor Salon every week to see Nancy Hoit. Nancy not only does a great job with my hair color, perms and cuts, she is a good friend. Nancy is a great listener and a shoulder to cry on when I need it. Talk about convenient; Wow! I am so happy with the Arbor Salon; I would never go anywhere else.” — Betty Lagay (Rosemont)

Shell Point Life | September 2007


Coming up Next Month from Women’s Ministries


Engaging Our World A Nationwide Youth Ministries’ Project money to further their work. The Village Church Women’s Ministry will be focusing on three of these projects in a special presentation on Sunday evening, September 16th, at 6:15pm in the Church Auditorium. Janet Howard, Minister of Discipleship, will be sharing about the need for a campground to reach youth in Paraguay, South America. The other side of the globe, specifically Mongolia, will be the next stop as resident Carolyn Erbst will highlight the need for a discipleship training school, a National Youth Conference and Ulaanbaatar Theological College. The final destination for the evening will be Burkina Faso, West Africa. Former missionary to West Africa, Bev Patten, will describe the vision missionaries have to build youth centers in two major cities. Men and women are invited to this mini-tour of the world and to hear about the encouraging projects being launched to tap into the vitality of the world’s youth and prepare them to impact the world for good! And don’t forget that handbag as there will be an opportunity to contribute to these exciting youth ministries.

Handbags — they come in all shapes, colors and sizes. Why do women like them so much? The answer is easy—a woman can carry inside one everything she needs for the day. She simply fills her handbag with the essential items, and she is good to go! Alliance Women Ministries has chosen handbags as the motif for the year to remind ladies that they need to be “Good to Go” spiritually as they engage their world for Christ. Each year Alliance women choose a nationwide project to invest in as their contribution to reaching the world. And what better way to reach the world for Christ than through today’s youth? In many countries it is estimated that 50% of the population is under the age of 21. Youth have ideals and believe they can really make a difference in their world. Alliance Women have designated Youth Ministries as the focus of their National Project this year. Twenty different ministries geared to youth, ranging from camps and coffeehouses to training centers around the world, will receive

Women’s Ministries will begin the Fall Bible Study Series using Beth Moore’s study on the book of Daniel. We are going to Baghdad! Well, not modern day Baghdad, but Baghdad as it was in antiquity – the famous city of Babylon. Our tour guide will be a courageous man of integrity by the name of Daniel. He’s had to face the same kind of pressures and temptations that Christians encounter today, and he will model how to have enduring integrity in a hostile culture. The study will meet for six Tuesdays, beginning on October 9th. Books for the study are available now to purchase for $15 in the church office if you would like to get a head start. More information will be available in the October issue of Shell Point Life.

GriefShare Support Group









In the excitement of welcoming many new residents to our community here at Shell Point, we sometimes forget that for them, the joy of being in a new place is balanced with a feeling of loss for what was formerly “home.” Perhaps some, while waiting to move with their spouse, have experienced the loss of that loved one and now find themselves moving in as a single resident. This sense of loss may be profound. Others, having lived at Shell Point for


Shell Point Life | September 2007








some years, have recently faced the loss of a wife or husband. If they were in Hospice care, bereavement support was offered to them, but they may still be feeling the emptiness that death has brought to their lives. One of the support groups offered here at Shell Point is GriefShare. This bereavement group meets each Tuesday afternoon at 2:45 in the Hospitality Room of The Village Church. Refreshments welcome participants to the 1 1/2 hour session where a helpful and instructional video is viewed, followed by interaction about the topics presented on the video.

Everyone is welcome to come into the group or leave at any time although the video series lasts for 13 weeks. September 4th begins the 16th cycle of the GriefShare series which was first offered to residents in 2003. More than 100 men and women have participated in the program with some coming back for a second time through. “People here understand how I feel.” “We all have experienced the heavy loss that death brings into our lives.” “I feel comfortable here,” are some of the comments that are frequently heard. Consider being part of the GriefShare bereavement group, or come with a friend who needs that special support.

2007-2008 Season of Praise B















“There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven” The 2007-2008 Season of Praise is around the corner and inspirational concerts and worship celebrations at The Village Church are something to anticipate. As residents and friends join together each week for worship services, the opportunities to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord abound. The Blair Band November 11 The Season of Praise will begin with The Blair Band on November 11th. The Blair Band is a Celtic, acoustic folk group. The Band performs a combination of traditional folk and contemporary ballad style music with original songs, played on traditional Scottish and Irish instruments. When you see The Blair Band perform in concert, you will surely be moved by their infectious energy and passion. Ovid Young & Stephen Neilson December 8 and 9 A Festival of Keyboards & Carols will be presented by The Village Church Choir with virtuoso duo pianists Stephen Neilson and Ovid Young on December 8th and 9th. They are one of the bestloved Christian piano duos in the world, and their unique keyboard presentation of the Christmas carols will be excellent. The King’s Brass — January 6 and 7 Back again, Tim Zimmerman & The King’s Brass will perform on January 6th and 7th. As always, their concert will include classic hymn arrangements with a contemporary flair. The King’s Brass features a variety of instruments that

blend together to create innovative worship enjoyed by all generations. Secular and sacred music critics alike applaud The King’s Brass as “superb in every way.” The Collingsworth Family February 3 Music and family are two things you can expect at the Evening of Family Worship and Praise with The Collingsworth Family on February 3rd. The family’s dedication to musical excellence, and a spiritual emphasis is the key to their success. The Collingsworth Family was named the 2007 New Artist of the Year by the Southern Gospel Music Guild. The Barbary Coast Dixieland Band February 17 and 18

The Barbary Coast Dixieland Band is back by popular demand on February 17th and 18th. Right from the start, the familiar jazz melodies and gospel songs will set your toes to tapping to the beat of Dixieland jazz in this patriotic God & Country Celebration. Ron & Gary Matthews — March 8 Ron and Gary Matthews are one of the most gifted and dynamic duos in sacred music. They sing as well as play the organ, piano and trumpet. On March 8th the Matthews Brothers will present a unique, worshipful musical experience. Musicians par excellence, the brilliant and

Ecclesiastes 3:1

creative presentations of Ron and Gary once again reveal their God-given instrumental and vocal abilities.

Ars Ventus — March 23 The Easter Sunday Evening Celebration on March 23 will feature brass and organ music by Ars Ventus. Ars Ventus offers incredible diversity in its programming as it maintains the highest performance standards. Sound the trumpet, this is sure to be a glorious ressurection celebration.

The Wheaton Chamber Players April 6 The Wheaton Chamber Players ensemble is the newest group to emerge from Wheaton College’s well-known music conservatory. Comprised of the principal string players of Wheaton’s outstanding Symphony Orchestra and distinguished pianist and teacher, William Phemister, their performance on April 6th will feature Brahms Piano Quartet in C minor. The Village Church is pleased to present these special concerts as part of the 2007-2008 Season of Praise. All concerts require the purchase of a non-refundable $5.00 ticket. Tickets will be available the Church Office beginning October 9th. With each concert, the guest artists will present a unique ministry that you will not want to miss. Come and worship with us as we continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord.

Shell Point Life | September 2007


The Nine-Rayed

Starfish W hen was the last time you saw a starfish washed up on the beach? Florida is home to all kinds of beach-dwelling wildlife it seems – from sand dollars to sea turtles. But Florida does not hold the monopoly on starfish. There are at least 1,800 known species of starfish, and they live in every ocean in the world, excluding freshwater! Starfish, or sea stars, are one of nature’s best known invertebrates. They play a large role in the ocean ecosystem because they can prey on other invertebrates like clams, barnacles and other attached marine life. Sea stars feed in a unique way which involves digesting food outside their bodies. A starfish scavenges prey by smell, then masterfully throws part of its stomach over the animal. The stomach secretes digestive enzymes to dissolve the meal, then

This starfish has nine arms, or rays, and is known as a “millipede” starfish. They can be found along the shores of Fort Myers beach at low tide — particularly near Lovers Key and Bowditch park and in Estero Bay.

reabsorbs the digested products as food. What a way to eat breakfast! Starfish typically have five arms, or rays, but there are species with as few as three or as many as fifty! Starfish use their arms for a variety of purposes, such as feeding, locomotion, smelling, tasting, vision and reproduction. One of a starfish’s unique abilities

lies in its ability to reproduce lost arms. A starfish is capable of regenerating all its lost arms from a single arm attached to a portion of the central disk! Sea stars also have a simple eye at the end of each arm. The eye is able to “see” only differences of light and dark, which is useful in detecting movement.


THE LONG-BILLED CURLEW The Long-billed Curlew is North America’s largest shorebird, standing about two feet tall and easily identified by its long, strong, down-curved bill. It is cinnamon brown above, and buff below. Cinnamon-buff wing linings are visible in the flight and are distinctive. A much smaller (about 17”), but similar looking bird is the Wimbrel which is much more common on Florida shores. The Long-billed Curlew, though not uncommon, is largely a bird of the western United States, breeding on

This is the last in a series of articles profiling the birds selected for each building name at Eagles Preserve

the short grass prairie there. During migration and in the winter, it is found on coastal and lake beaches and salt marshes, occasionally along the east coast from Virginia south. The best nearby spots to see this striking shorebird in winter are Bunche Beach and Fort Myers Beach. When found in our area, because of its bill shape and size, the Curlew probes muddy intertidal areas of estuaries and bays for fiddler crabs, crayfish, and other small crustaceans.

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