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Connections Corner

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The Village Church


Brain Boosters was developed by the UCLA Longevity Center in response to requests from many Memory Training participants to review memory enhancement techniques and learn new ones. Think of the Booster Sessions as brush-up sessions plus continuing education. Completion of the

UCLA Memory Training 4-week class is required to participate

in Brain Boosters. Research has shown that people who receive periodic booster sessions in memory enhancement techniques stay sharper than people who haven’t had booster sessions. In fact, as with any skill, whether it be golf, knitting, playing a musical instrument or playing a card game, it’s important to practice in order to improve and stay sharp. There is a series of 9 brain booster sessions. You may attend all or a few. If you have completed the UCLA Memory Training 4-week class and want to refresh your memory strategies and techniques, then join us for booster sessions starting in July!

If you have not had the opportunity to take the UCLA Memory Training class, it will continued to be offered throughout the year. The UCLA Memory Training class provides strategies and techniques that focus on the 4 most common age-related memory changes; forgetting names, remembering something in the future, tip of the tongue syndrome and misplacing common items.

For residents interested in a lifestyle approach to brain health the UCLA Memory Fitness class is available. Based on Dr. Gary Small’s book Two Weeks to a Younger Brain where he describes the “Big Four” lifestyle approach of healthy eating, exercise, stress management and cognitive stimulation as foundational to maintain brain health.

Residents may register for current Memory Training and Memory Fitness classes through the Island or the Woodlands Concierge desks. Registration for the July Brain Boosters class will be available in June.

Caregivers Connection

If you are a spouse, family member or just a close friend of a resident with memory impairment, being connected to support, services and programs is essential to well being and quality of life — for both the caregiver and the person with memory impairment. A Connections E-Newsletter is emailed monthly to provide an easy-to-reference calendar of memory and caregiver support programs. If you would like to receive the Connections E-Newsletter, please email connections@shellpoint.org.

Generous Resident Support Helps The Shell Point Health Care Auxiliary Achieve Goal





The Shell Point Health Care Auxiliary would like to thank all of the Shell Point residents for their generous contributions to this year’s Bakeless Bake Sale that enabled us to achieve our 2022 goal.

We expressed to the community the need to replace and supply the Larsen Health Center with new wheelchairs – and your response has been overwhelming! The Larsen Health Center management is in the process of compiling an order that will meet all the special needs of its residents.

We truly appreciate the Shell Point community who has once again answered the call for prayers and financial support for the Larsen Health Center.

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