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The Auxiliary Benefits Shell Point—and Beyond
As you know, the Shell Point Healthcare Auxiliary is a group of dedicated volunteers who serve residents in the Larsen Health Center, assist staff, and organize fundraising to help support skilled nursing at Shell Point.
But did you know that more than 200 wheelchairs have been donated by and for our Shell Point residents over the past 24 years? Last year’s successful Bakeless Bake Sale resulted in an amazing acquisition of 91 new wheelchairs for the Larsen Health Center.
Because of the generosity of residents, The Auxiliary has the possibility of donating some of our older, used wheelchairs for a worthy endeavor. Through both Auxiliary contacts, as well as other retired Shell Point pastors and missionaries, it has come to our notice of the needs of about a dozen hospi- tals in the Congo. This is through contact with Katherine and Wayne Niles, who are White Cross medical missionaries for over 30 years with American Baptist International Ministries’ Africa Desk. They have support from a number of Shell Point residents.
After supplying the needs of our residents at Shell Point, we concluded we had approximately 30 wheelchairs available for use in Africa. It’s also interesting to note how we actually became aware of this need: When Katherine was on leave last summer, she took some of the older light blue smocks the Auxiliary members used to wear and brought them back to Africa. The shipment we are preparing will include the wheelchairs, as well as about 90 remaining smocks that will be put to good use by others.
The Wheelchair Shop volunteers are currently preparing the shipment to the Brethren Service Center in Maryland, which is the point-of-service for items to be included in a container for the White Cross to the Congo. So far, Shell Point resident donations are covering about 80% of the roughly $1,200 total shipping costs to the Brethren Service Center. The Village Church also supported this worthy endeavor with a generous donation to the Auxiliary. Shell Point has agreed to coordinate the packaging and shipping logistics.
Thank you to everyone for supporting the Auxiliary and this year’s Bakeless Bake Sale. Not only are you making a difference in our community, you are helping others in need across the world.