Shell Point Life (May/Jun 2023)

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May/Jun 2023 Vol. 18 Issue 3 INSIDE: Shell Point Games • Seven Months Since SATISFACTION IN SERVICE
of Serving Country and Shell Point

On the Cover

Serving Our Country; Serving Our Community

Laura Slack, Director of Resident Life, and Bob Cardin and Teri Romano of Harbor Court, co-chairs of Shell Point’s Veteran’s group, have a lot in common. Not only did they all have successful careers in the United States government, they also find satisfaction working with residents at Shell Point. Learn more about Bob and Teri starting on page 6 and Laura starting on page 16.

Seven Months Since

With Hurricane Ian well behind in our rear view mirror, information in this issue can help us heal and prepare for the Hurricane Season ahead. All are welcome to attend the two-part series and workshop, “Hurricane Ian: Our Personal Recovery” on page 4. Details about the Annual Resident Hurricane Seminar are on page 5. Don’t miss the Tribby’s latest exhibition, Seven Months Since, featuring the work of our resident artists, musicians and writers as they reflect on their hurricane experiences. You’ll find photos on page 24 from Shell Point’s Joyful Gathering, where residents and employees joined together to celebrate a post-storm milestone.

Friendly Faces

This spring has been a whirlwind of activity at Shell Point — and these pages prove it with a variety of photo recaps from events around campus. From the 2D Art Show & Sale, to the Quilt Show, to the Craft Bazaar, you’ll see our talented residents shine starting on page 28.

In Every Issue

Editor Kara Hado

Creative Director Rich Cerrina

Senior Graphic Designer Brent Mayer

Graphic Designer Vanessa Miranda

Contributors Garry Cole, Jeff Cory, Claude Emler, Andrew Hawkins, Jon High, Kelly Peticolas, Joseph Pink, Don Pullen, Emily Reese, Anna Smith, Jason Smith, Amanda Spencer, Debbie Stapleton, Susan Uhleman

Shell Point Life is available online. You can find this current issue, as well as back issues of Shell Point Life magazine, at

13921 Shell Point Plaza • Fort Myers, FL 33908 (239) 466-1131 • Shell Point is a nonprofit ministry of The Christian and Missionary Alliance Foundation RETIREMENT COMMUNITY® Shell Point Life is published for the residents of Shell Point Retirement Community.
6 24 28
Academy of Lifelong Learning 14 Happenings Calendar 32 Connections Corner 42 Support Groups 43 At The Tribby 49 The Village Church 60 Out and About 62
Laura Slack’s career in the United States Air Force prepared her well for her role at Director of Resident Life at Shell Point.
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
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– Hebrews 13:16

English Garden Concert in the Tribby’s


Celebrate Spring with an outdoor evening concert and spring celebration in the Tribby’s English Garden. Emily Ann Thompson’s performance is energetic and passionate, from fast, high-energy jigs and reels to captivating airs and songs. She performs traditional Irish, Scottish, and Canadian fiddle tunes sung in English and Irish Gaelic, and clogs while fiddling. Emily Ann’s husband, Kelly, joins her on guitar, percussion and vocals. Emily’s

brilliant fiddling with foot percussion and her sweet, lilting voice, combined with Kelly’s driving rhythmic guitar and rich, unabashed vocals, create a diverse and highly entertaining combination. This beautiful evening will be filled with live music, ice cream from The Shack on Sanibel, and festivities to enjoy Spring at one of the campus’s “best-kept secret” locations. Seating is limited.

Tickets: $20 at The Tribby Box Office.

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Hurricane Ian: Our Personal Recovery

Two-Part Series and Workshops

Global events, domestic situations, economic indicators, health concerns and even simply the pace of change in today’s world create, stress and anxiety. In the best of times, these feelings can be difficult to manage. What happens when a natural disaster, such as Hurricane Ian, is added to our life experience? This two-part series in Connie Brown Hall will address how Hurricane Ian impacted our general emotional well-being, thoughts, relationships and health. In addition, it will provide suggestions on how to start our personal recovery from the trauma experienced during and after the storm.

Part 1: The Emotional Impact of Hurricane Ian

Thursday, May 4 ∙ 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Connie Brown Hall/ Tribby Arts Center

Part 2: Celebrating Our Resilience

Friday, May 5 ∙ 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Connie Brown Hall / Tribby Arts Center

Workshops: Telling our Storm Stories

Friday, May 5 ∙ Select a Session • 9 – 11 a.m. / Noon – 2 p.m. / 3 – 5 p.m.

Second Floor Conference Room / Tribby Arts Center

On Friday, smaller facilitator-led discussion groups will provide an opportunity for you to share your personal hurricane experience. Each workshop is limited to 15 participants. Sign up online or at your Concierge Desk for the workshop session of your choice by Wednesday, May 3. Free!

Series and workshop facilitator

Lindsay Schappell holds a Bachelors in Psychology from Taylor University, a Master’s in Social Work from New York University, and a Master’s in Business Administration from George Washington University. Lindsay currently is a Director of Student Success with the Education Advisory Board in Washington, DC. In her role, she consults with colleges and universities across the country on issues such as student engagement and behavioral health.

Part 1 & 2 NO SIGN-UP REQUIRED Workshops REGISTRATION REQUIRED Space is Limited 4 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023

2023 Resident Hurricane Seminar

Wednesday, May 24 • 10 a.m. at The Village Church

Hurricane Wellness and Preparation

As Floridians, we need to be prepared all throughout hurricane season, from June 1 through November 30! Fortunately, Shell Point residents have the benefit of onsite safety through our two hurricane shelters located on The Island and in the Larsen Health Center.

In the event of a hurricane, Shell Point’s Management Team may activate the evacuation plan approximately 36 to 48 hours prior to landfall, based on overall size and strength of the approaching storm, and any potential tidal surge. Recommendations to evacuate are also considered after consulting with Lee County Emergency Management and Shell Point’s Consulting Meteorologist.

Remember, regardless of Shell Point’s actions based on the storm category, Lee

County may issue an evacuation order at any time that overrides ours. For example, a Category 1 storm at Shell Point would be a “shelter in place” event. However, Lee County could issue a mandatory evacuation order, and Shell Point would have to comply.

The Shell Point Hurricane Management Team will share up-to-date communications on the Resident Information Hotline at (239) 339-2541 (toll-free 1-866-551-6013), on Shell Point TV Channel 8, and online at

Storm updates may also be communicated directly to the Residents’ Council members via in-person meetings, direct phone calls, or e-mail and text updates through an information alerting system known as Omnilert. The Omnilert communication system will be used once again this year to share evacuation instructions with

court representatives if necessary. The court representatives will disseminate this information to the residents living in their court.

If an evacuation is ordered, all skilled nursing, assisted living residents, and independent living residents who medically qualify to be sheltered will go to Larsen Health Center. Independent living residents will shelter on The Island in the two-story employee parking garage, just as they have in past years.

Please refer to the 2023 Hurricane Preparation Guide, which will be delivered to every resident. Extra copies can be found in The Island and Woodlands Commons. This guide provides up-to-date information about Shell Point’s hurricane plan, emergency numbers, resident evacuation responsibilities, a list of hurricane shelter kit supplies, and volunteer opportunities.

At the annual Shell Point Hurricane Seminar, you will learn about our plans for the 2023 Hurricane Season and review lessons learned from Hurricane Ian. Shell Point’s Consulting Meteorologist, Dave Roberts, will present predictions for the upcoming season.
If you are not able to attend the Resident Hurricane Seminar and would like to review the information presented, the seminar will be rebroadcast on Shell Point TV Channel 12 on May 30 and June 1 at 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. You will also be able to watch the seminar online at Meteorologist Dave Roberts
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Join the Army and SEE THE WORLD

Bob Cardin and Teri Romano go from Serving Their Country to Serving Veterans at Shell Point

Theresa (Teri) Romano graduated from Salem High School in Salem, New Hampshire.

“It was toward the end of the Vietnam War, and I wanted to serve the country in some way, and I needed a way to help pay for college,” she said.

“The Army had a civilian intern program. If you committed to work in a position for a certain number of years, the Army would help pay for college,” said Teri. “I applied, was selected and I committed to the program. I was able to continue with school, while I worked for the Army.”

In 1981, at Fort Devens MA, Teri started working in an entry-level civilian financial position. “Quickly, I was promoted to a Budget Analyst position managing financial resources for the Army Intelligence School. I liked that I could serve and get ahead while working on my degree.”

While working at Fort Devens, Teri met Bob Cardin. Bob was the commander of the Moore Army Airfield at Fort Devens. “He had a military plane that I requested occasionally to transport active-duty personnel to temporary duty sites,” said Teri. “Until Bob retired, we worked together at Fort Devens. We never imagined that we would reconnect decades later in Florida.”

“In 1990, the congressional “Base Realignment and Closure Act” closed and consolidated many military bases and caused my job to be moved to Fort Huachuca, Arizona. I really wanted to stay on east coast. I hoped to continue service in the Department of Defense, so I applied for lots

of jobs and took several aptitude tests, including a test to be a military air traffic controller, which really interested me. I was offered an air traffic controller job, pending the results of a physical. I was very disappointed when my physical revealed that the vision in my left eye was not good. I didn’t get the job.”

Almost immediately, Teri received a call from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), asking her to interview for a position in Washington, D.C. “My security clearance level at the time was too low for me be fully informed about what the new job would entail,” said Teri. “They couldn’t talk about the highly classified operations. I didn’t know exactly what I would be doing, but I knew that

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“I loved every minute of working with the military!” Teri said. “I had the coolest jobs! I worked more than 100 countries, some that people have never heard of! I saw things most people will never see, and some things I wish I could un-see.”

I would be directly supporting military intelligence operations, working in the Pentagon, and traveling a lot. I was very excited to continue service in the Department of Defense, while narrowly avoiding being reassigned to Arizona.”

Teri accepted the new job as a Financial Program Manager at DIA and continued working while she pursued her MBA.

“Working for the DIA as a civilian was exciting, but employees understand that the agency needs to be agile and that DIA can assign you anywhere in the world, as needed, and it did!” she explained. “My passport is just amazing.”

Teri spent 17 years of her 30-year career with the military in the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) at the DIA. The OIG is an independent organization within DIA that reports to Congress and the agency Director.

The OIG investigators exposed and investigated incidents of waste, fraud, abuse of federal resources, and crimes against the government. Teri started out as a financial auditor but was ultimately promoted to the OIG Director position, overseeing a team of about 100 criminal investigators and auditors.

“I loved every minute of working with the military!” she said. “I had the coolest jobs!

Teri's Military I.D.

I worked in more than 100 countries, some that people have never heard of! I saw things most people will never see, and some things I wish I could un-see. I was terrified at times, like in active war zones like Bosnia and Iraq, or in dangerous countries like Columbia where kidnappings by rebel groups were common. I was scared when the C-130 cargo plane I traveled in made an emergency landing in Eastern Europe and local military leaders on the ground were very suspicious. On the ground we were surrounded by soldiers, with weapons aimed at us. Eventually, someone convinced the locals that we meant no harm, they helped repair the plane, and we went on our way.”

“A memorable project I evaluated was a Department of Defense program created to help locate the remains of POW/MIA soldiers,” said Teri. “In Thailand and Vietnam residents occasionally provided leads. While I was in Vietnam a resident reported that he discovered parts of a plane and U.S. dog tags. I got in a Jeep with a military investigator and went out into the jungle. A water buffalo emerged suddenly from the bushes. We hit it with the jeep, and sadly, the buffalo died. The animal was a working animal, owned by a local farmer. I had to figure out how to pay for a new water buffalo. Despite the awful accident,

we were able to locate the long-lost military dog tags and other evidence, which helped identify the remains of a missing soldier.”

On September 11, 2001, by the grace of God, Teri attended a 9:30 a.m. meeting in a high-rise building not far from her office in the Pentagon. From the building in Arlington Virginia, she could see the Pentagon’s roof. As she waited for the meeting to start, Teri and a young reserve officer silently watched the unfolding 9/11 events at the World Trade Center in New York on a television monitor. Simultaneously, Teri and her colleague spotted a commercial airliner flying in an area that seemed unusual. Teri said “Our eyes were riveted on the trajectory of the plane. We knew exactly where it was headed. In that surreal moment, we watched the plane disappear from our view, we saw a huge plume of flame and black smoke, and we smelled burning jet fuel. Unbelievably, the plane had crashed into the Pentagon. Several of Teri’s DIA colleagues were killed in that moment.

Teri retired from the DIA in 2012 and moved to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, where she worked as Human Rights Investigator in the state’s Human Rights Commission, until relocating to Florida in 2014.

Teri working in India.
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Teri received an Army Award in 1982.

“From everything I had been seeing on TV in the states, when I arrived in Vietnam, I assumed that I would be quickly shot down and killed,” said Bob. “Instead, I got off the airplane and boarded an air-conditioned bus and spent three days at the Officer’s Club. Of course, everything was pleasant until you got to your unit—that’s when the reality set in.”

graduated in 1968 with a degree in military science and general studies.

Upon graduation, he joined the military and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the army where he was stationed in Fort Knox, Kentucky. Following his Army officer basic course, his first duty assignment was the platoon leader in Troop B, 1/18th Cavalry at Fort Lewis Army Base in the beautiful Pacific Northwest of Puget Sound in Washington State.

“I was 23 years old,” said Bob. “From everything I had been seeing on TV in the states, when I arrived in Vietnam, I assumed that I would be quickly shot down and killed. Instead, I got off the airplane and boarded an air-conditioned bus and spent three days at the Officer’s Club. Of course, everything was pleasant until you got to your unit that’s when the reality set in.”

Bob’s Story

Robert (Bob) Lucien Cardin was born and raised in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. He attended a Catholic high school and matriculated at Providence College, where he was enrolled in the ROTC for four years and

Fort Lewis was part of a joint base that included McChord Airfield. “While I was at Fort Lewis, I met 2LT John Sharky and he changed my life,” said Bob. “He was going to flight school, and he sent me a letter a few months later telling me how great it was. That convinced me that I wanted to attend flight school as well. I spent months in preparation and had my application ready to send when I got flagged for Vietnam. Luckily, my Squadron XO put in a call to a friend at the Pentagon, and that same day I was on orders for flight school. As soon as I graduated flight school, I headed to Vietnam.”

From April 1970 to 1971, Bob flew 150 combat hours with 176th Assault Helicopter Company out of Chu Lai Air Base in Chu Lai, Vietnam.

Following his tour in Vietnam, Bob was sent to Fort Dix, located just south of Trenton, New Jersey, where he served as company commander for two years before being transferred back to Fort Knox. Here he took an armored advance course before being sent to Fort Rucker, Alabama, as an instructor and tactical instructor for pilots of the Bell UH-1 Iroquois turbine-powered helicopters, commonly known as Hueys.

Serving in Chu Lai, Vietnam in 1970. Bob's promotion in Vietnam. Bob flying a UH-1 helicopter at Fort Buchanan in 1992.
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Bob at his 1968 Commissioning.

Frozen in Time: Glacier Girl

On July 15, 1942, during World War II, a group of six P-38F Lightning fighter planes from the 94th Squadron along with two B-17 bombers were being flown to England to fight in the war when they got lost in bad weather and ran out of fuel. The planes were forced to make an emergency wheels-up landing on the Greenland ice sheet. After 11 days all 25 of the men were rescued, but the planes were abandoned on the glacier. The area receives 35 to 50 feet of snow each winter, resulting in an average of seven feet of buildup each year. According to Bob, the planes were buried under 268 feet of snow turned into ice, exactly 50 years from the time they landed on the glacier to when the expedition recovered the first plane, which they dubbed “Glacier Girl.”

Bob said the expedition crew used modified, ground-penetrating radar to locate the lost squadron and identify the specific location of all the airplanes. Next, they melted a small hole about 10 inches in diameter and sent down a probe to touch the airplane. “This took us seven tries before we finally hit the airplane. It was an exciting moment,” he said. “Then we brought in the 38,000 pounds of equipment which included melting probes,

generators and much more. Our team was prepared to stay for three months, and we had 8,000 pounds of food with us.”

“Once we set up the equipment, we used a large, heated melting-cone that we called “the gopher” to melt a four-foot diameter shaft. Once we reached the airplane, we used a water cannon to melt a room around the plane. Finally, we sent a team down to take the plane apart in several major sections: the wings; engines; propellers; the nose, which contained a 20mm canon and four 50 caliber machine guns; the cockpit; center section; the tail booms and tail section; for a combined weight of 13,000 pounds.”

“The melting-cone had to make five passes back and forth to make a slot in the snow that was 20 feet wide by 5 feet long to provide enough space to bring the pieces up. The griphoist we used was a mechanical device with a ¾-inch steel cable that had to be manually pulled. One of our team members was a body builder and he was the only guy strong enough to apply the even pressure necessary to raise the parts to the surface of the glacier.”

Once the pieces had been pulled up to the surface, the team loaded all of them

into the DC-3 to fly home, except the center section, which was too large and had to be sent home by boat. “The incredible recovery of Glacier Girl was featured in a cover story in the January 1993 issue of Life magazine, plus there were hundreds of interviews and TV shows,” said Bob.

The pieces eventually arrived in Savannah, Georgia and were later sent to Littleborough, Kentucky, where restoration of the plane began. Bob stayed with the project and oversaw the restoration of the airplane, which took 10 years. “It took $638,000 to recover the plane, but it took $4.5 million to fix it,” he said. “In 2002, when the restoration was completed, 20,000 people gathered to watch it fly. This was more people than actually lived in the entire town!”

In 2005, following the death of the expedition’s original financier, Roy Shoffner, Glacier Girl was purchased by investor Rod Lewis and moved to San Antonio, Texas to be part of a collection of airplanes called War Birds. Bob moved to San Antonio to stay with the airplane and help establish the collection. Bob lived in San Antonio for 12 years before moving to Florida in 2017.

Top and Bottom: The Glacier Girl was restored completely in 2002. Bob in Greenland with recovered P-38 parts.
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Glacier Girl in flight.

Shortly after they reunited in Florida, the couple went to Niagara Falls in a helicopter to get married and honeymooned on a 40-foot canal boat while they explored the Erie Canal.

For the next several years until his retirement in 1988, Bob was transferred and promoted to various facilities including to New Hampshire, where he served as an advisor to the New Hampshire Army Aviation Support Facility for three years; followed by Director of Plans, Training and Security for Fort Buchanan in Puerto Rico; Deputy Airfield commander at Fort Benning in Georgia; and finally, Airfield Commander at Fort Devens in Massachusetts.

In 1988, Bob retired from the military and took a job in Georgia as the chief pilot and plant manager for an Atlanta textile

company that made, among other things, pantyhose. Although his job was a little more mainstream, he was still game for adventure.

“While I was living in Atlanta, I got involved with a group called the Greenland Expedition Society,” he explained. “I flew the expedition’s King Air 200 airplane to Greenland several times for their project to recover World War II airplanes from the Greenland Ice Cap.”

“Because of my previous association as a pilot with the group, I was asked by founder Pat Epps, the president of the Greenland Expedition Society, if I would head up the official 1992 expedition as the project manager to recover one of the planes from 268 feet inside the Greenland Glacier. Naturally, I quit my job making pantyhose and joined the expedition!”

Destined for Adventure

In 2017, Bob and Teri re-connected in Florida and were drawn together by a variety of mutual interests. Since they both had incredibly adventurous and nomadic careers, it was not surprising that this couple continued their adventure-seeking ways. Shortly after they reunited in Florida, the couple went to Niagara Falls in a helicopter to get married, and they honeymooned on a 40-foot canal boat while they explored the Erie Canal. The adventures continued as the couple purchased a pontoon boat and traveled the United States in a motor home with their two Schipperke dogs.

Bob running a marathon at Fort Buchanan. Raven and Rocco love RV travel.
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Bob and Teri on their honeymoon, piloting a 40 foot canal boat in the Erie Canal.

In 2018, Bob and Teri were living in the Palm Harbor area of Tampa when Bob received a phone call from Jo Klenk (Royal Bonnet), a Shell Point resident who led the Aviation Club. Jo asked Bob to visit and speak to the group. “We had never heard of Shell Point,” said Teri. “We drove down to Fort Myers and toured the Shell Point campus. Everyone was so happy here. It made a huge impression on us, and we decided to move into Harbor Court on The Island in 2021.

When Jim Stapleton of Harbor Court met his new neighbors Bob and Teri, he realized the three of them had something in common: they were all Department of Defense veterans. So, Jim immediately got Bob and Teri involved in his favorite activity, the Veterans Group at Shell Point.

In their home, they have a map of the world in their entryway with pins all over it. “There must be at least 120 countries that we have traveled to at least once or worked in on several occasions,” said Teri. Nearby is the original instrument panel from Glacier Girl and several artifacts from Bob’s expedition days.

Today, Bob and Teri enjoy an active lifestyle here at Shell Point. As residents of Harbor Court, they have met many of their neighbors and enjoy spending time with former veterans living in the community. They also enjoy boating, camping, traveling, cooking, walking and daily gym workouts.

It is plain to see that this couple is still discovering new adventures every day and sharing them with their new friends at Shell Point.

Bob with Glacier Girl's instrument panel.
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“There must be at least 120 countries that we have traveled to at least once or worked in on several occasions,” said Teri.

Elder Financial Abuse Preventing

Falling victim to financial abuse can be stressful and scary. As the senior population continues to grow in our country, elder abuse will likely grow with it. Sadly, during hard economic times the prevalence of financial exploitation increases. This type of crime is preventable, and FineMark has compiled a list of ways to protect yourself:

• Never give your Social Security number, account numbers or other personal financial information over the phone unless you initiated the call.

• Don’t open e-mails from unknown sources.

• Beware of any notice claiming you have won a lottery.

• Shred receipts, bank statements and unused credit card offers.

• Review your monthly accounts regularly for unauthorized charges.

• Report lost or stolen checks immediately.

• Order copies of your credit report once a year and only use Equifax, Experian, or Transunion to generate these reports.

• Lock up your checkbook, account statements and other sensitive information when others will be in your home.

• Do business with companies you know are reputable.

• If a stranger is sending a payment to you, insist on a check for the exact amount. Never accept a check for more and wire the difference back.

• Never let someone pressure you into agreeing to loan terms before you’ve had a chance to review them in writing with a trusted advisor.

• Report any unusual account inquiries you receive – whether by phone or e-mail – to your bank, who will take measures to protect your account.

• Carefully choose trustworthy people or a professional fiduciary to act as your agent in all estate planning matters.

FineMark provides personal and business banking services, investment services, and trust and fiduciary services. We are located on The Island. Since opening our Shell Point office in 2009, we have come to know many of the residents, and we are honored to serve this great community. As always, call (239) 461-5999, or stop by the FineMark Office on The Island if you have any financial needs, concerns or questions. We are always happy to help.

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The Academy was pleased to recently partner with both Lee Health and Iona McGregor Fire District to present a brand-new Fall Prevention program. This session included an introduction from the Fire Chief, an informative presentation from Megan Contreras, the Fire District’s Community Relations Coordinator, and a balance screening machine operated by Lee Health Trauma Nurse, Sindy Bultman. We learned how to keep our home safe from falls while minimizing trip hazards and the importance of good footwear. The balance testing machine was able to give reports to residents about how steady they are with eyes open, and also with eyes closed – which was quite a bit more challenging! The Fire Department shared some wonderful tools to help us stay safe from falls, including a night light for homes and a flashing light to keep residents visible when out walking.

Upcoming Attractions

Register at your Concierge Desk for an exciting selection of Academy Events in Connie Brown Hall at the Tribby Arts Center.



Tuesday, May 9 at 1 p.m. • Grand Cypress Room/The Woodlands

“Macbeth, also called the “Scottish Play” by superstitious observers who believe that the play can bring harm to themselves or upon those involved the play’s production, was probably written by Shakespeare in 1606 as a compliment to King James I, the former James VI of Scotland, who had become King of England upon the death of Elizabeth I in 1603. Viewed as a critique of the philosophical belief that “the ends justify the means,“ this tragedy has also been seen as an exploration of the relationship between a husband and wife who relentlessly pursue power. Using theatrical and supernatural devices, including sleepwalking, ghosts, witches, prophesies, curses, incantations and magical rituals, the play has been an attractive vehicle for many great actors, from David Garrick to Orson Welles and, most recently, to Denzel Washington.


Wednesday, May 10 at 10 a.m. • Connie Brown Hall/Tribby Arts Center

Shell Point is excited to share our collaboration with the Florida Repertory Theatre as they present Macbeth! Shakespeare’s supernatural epic masterpiece integrates magic, witches, moors, and war in this electrifying tale of ambition and madness. Dark deeds are afoot, as Macbeth and his Lady risk all for the ultimate prize. Shakespeare’s haunting drama of political intrigue and personal frailty is brought to light in this shortened version proving the parallels of a play written hundreds of years ago still stand the test of time to the world we embrace today.


Wednesday, May 17 at 11 a.m. • Grand Cypress Room/The Woodlands

Ah, oui, oui! La musique francaise! Come join Dr. Tom in a lunch and learn as we explore the music and culture and France. Dr. Tom will introduce several French music genres—from French opera to cabaret to gypsy jazz! Bring your berets as we enjoy a live musical performance as well as a Frenchthemed lunch prepared by the Palm Grill.

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Radu Paponiu was recently named the musical director of the Southwest Florida Symphony, and the Academy was honored to host Radu for a lecture on musical architecture. In this informative lecture, we learned about the basic forms that musical compositions take and used cookies in delightful analogies to help residents understand musical patterns. After explanation and visual representations, the audience listened to different classical musical compositions. Radu then compared the forms of music to famous architectural monuments. This brilliant lecture helped every listener to more completely understand basic musicology principles, apply these forms to many types of classical music, and develop critical thinking skills to apply musical forms to other types of artistic expressions. Look for more lectures with Radu in the future.


Tuesday, May 23 at 10 a.m. • Grand Cypress Room/The Woodlands

Political and social complexity have often been associated with agrarian societies. However, the Calusa were able to attain equivalent complexities without having to invest time and energy into vast agricultural crops. Join us for this lecture and learn more about our predecessors here in southwest Florida.


Thursday, May 25 at 4 p.m. • Connie Brown Hall/Tribby Arts Center

Throughout history, music and art have been often intertwined in ways that have created some of the greatest masterpieces in Western music. How have composers used art as inspiration? And how did such composers transform musical language in order to musically replicate artistic styles? Join Dr. Cimarusti as he explores the world of surrealist artists (e.g., Salvador Dali) and the influence they had on the works of select composers in France and America.




Thursday, June 22 at 4 p.m. • Connie Brown Hall/Tribby Arts Center

Along with Irving Berlin and Cole Porter, George Gershwin remains one of the most celebrated American composers. Although his most famous compositions were written for piano and/or orchestra (e.g. Rhapsody in Blue and An American in Paris), Gershwin wrote numerous musicals and songs. Come celebrate the life and music of George Gershwin as Dr. Cimarusti explores Gershwin’s unique musical language and a performance of select songs including "Summertime" and "I Got Rhythm."

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Laura Slack Enjoys Serving Her Country and the Residents of Shell Point

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As Director of Resident Life at Shell Point, Laura Slack oversees the planning and implementation of the numerous special events and activities that residents enjoy every month.

“Growing up, I wanted to be Julie McCoy, the cruise director on the TV show The Love Boat,” said Laura. “I always liked planning trips and activities for my family and friends.”

Laura was born in 1959 in Levittown, Pennsylvania to Richard and Jean Birchard. Her father owned a landscaping company, and her mother was a stay-at-home mom. As the oldest of five children, Laura was often put in charge of her younger siblings.

During her childhood, the family moved around to a number of small towns in the Pennsylvania area including Glenolden, Exton and Cochranville. “We lived in the country surrounded by farmland.”

When Laura was in the seventh grade, her father purchased an old farm with a farmhouse that was built in 1801. The family moved into the farmhouse and they turned the barn into a large garden center, Birchards Nursery and Garden Center.

The land was zoned for agriculture, so they had to grow half of what they sold. All of the kids worked on the farm in the summer and in the garden center and greenhouse in the winter. “It was tough work,” said Laura. “They would call it character-building nowadays.”

In addition to the other plants, the family sold Christmas trees, which they had delivered in November and sold in the nursery. “My dad would load up a truck and go to another town after Thanksgiving to sell trees until Christmas Eve,” she said.

In addition to working at the garden center, Laura also worked at several part-time jobs throughout her years at Octorara High School until she graduated in 1977. “Frankly, I knew that to find my future, I had to leave our small town, and I couldn’t wait to see the rest of the world.”

Laura started her military service at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio Texas for basic training, followed by an assignment in Wichita Falls, Texas, and then on to one of her favorite assignments, Hickham Air Force Base in Oahu, Hawaii. Following her time in Hawaii, Laura also had assignments in Omaha, Nebraska and Boston, Massachusetts.


On the advice of a cousin who was in the Army, Laura visited a recruiting center. “He advised that I should not go into the Army, so I chose the Air Force,” she said.

Laura was sent to Philadelphia to take several aptitude tests. “When the scores came back, they suggested I should be a cook or go into computers. I chose computers.”

Laura shipped off for six weeks of basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, where she studied the Air Force mission, organization and customs, while receiving additional training in human relations. In addition, she earned credits towards an Associate degree in applied science through the Community College of the Air Force. “This was my first time to be away from my family, and it was especially hard that first Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s,” she said. “I had mixed feelings. I was feeling a combination of excitement for the future with ‘oh, no, what have I done!’”

Following basic training, Airman Laura Birchard was assigned to Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, Texas, where she received specialized training in telecommunications as a teletype operator. “At the end of our training, they sat us down and told us to fill out a ‘Dream Sheet’ with the three top choices of where we would like to be stationed. They specifically said not to waste one of our spots by putting down Hawaii because no one ever gets it straight out of basic training,” said Laura. “But I decided to go for it and I put down Hawaii. And that’s where I was stationed.”

Laura was stationed at Hickham Air Force Base on Oahu. The base was attached to Pearl Harbor and adjacent to Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii. She was one of very few women stationed at Hickman at that time.

Laura discovered a love for Oahu and the other nearby islands. During her free time, she enjoyed water skiing, hiking, exploring the local waterfalls, visiting the scenic landmarks, swimming, snorkeling, and hanging out with her friends from the military. “I loved everything about the islands,” she said. “It was so different from my experience growing up in Pennsylvania.”

“I had a lot of visitors while I was stationed in Hawaii,” said Laura. “It was so

cheap to hop to the other islands back then. Plus, I was able to take two military hops to Japan and Korea for $20.”

One of Laura’s most vivid memories of her time in Hawaii was December 7, 1981 when the 40th anniversary of Pearl Harbor was commemorated. “My parents and my grandmother were visiting me at the time, and we attended the service in the Memorial


Laura was surrounded by a tropical paradise, but went to work every day in a huge room that was kept ice cold. “You had to wear a parka because it was so cold and a pair of sound-muffling headphones to protect your ears because the computers were so loud.”

“I did that job for a while, and then they moved me to a new assignment where I worked in ground communications to an airborne command post. My job was to relay messages from the ground command to the airplanes above.”

Laura enjoyed working in this capacity but realized that she would rather be up in the air instead of on the ground. “My two-year assignment was coming to an end. I made the decision to go up in the air, so I applied for a job change to become a teletype operator in the air. I got the transfer, which required more schooling — including two weeks of survival training.”

“At that time, I was one of a very small number of females and the leadership hated that I was there. Survival school was usually only pilots and co-pilots, but now they were going to send all the team members,” said Laura. “Everyone knew how hard it would be so they sent me first, hoping I would fail.”

Cemetery of the Pacific, where war dead are buried in an extinct volcanic crater known as the Punchbowl, overlooking the capital city Honolulu.”

Thousands of people, including survivors, came to participate in the traditional laying of wreaths and the minute of silence at 7:55 A.M., the precise time when the attack began, killing more than 2,400 Americans, destroying 18 naval ships and 321 planes in the sneak assault.

“The program included recognizing the surviving Pearl Harbor veterans who shared their stories of that day and thanking them for their service,” she said. “The event ended with a thrilling military flyover.”

“Survival school was unlike anything I could ever imagine. We were left in the woods to survive, and then we were thrown into a mock concentration camp where we endured physical punishment and extensive mind games. Small cells. No sleep. No food. Loud music playing. Every time they moved us, they put bags over our heads. At one point, I was placed into a 55-gallon drum and they put a lid on it and covered it in dirt. It was grueling, and I wondered if I was going to make it. But, at the very end when we finished, they raised the American flag and played the national anthem. I had never been very patriotic growing up, but at that moment, I realized how much that flag meant. When that flag went up, I was so proud to be an American, and that feeling has never gone away.”


Following survival school, Laura was shipped to her new station in Omaha,

Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 19
This was my first time to be away from my family and it was especially hard that first Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. I had mixed feelings. I was feeling a combination of excitement for the future with ‘oh, no, what have I done!’”

Nebraska at the Offutt Air Force Base, which was the strategic air command headquarters.

During this time, America was in the middle of the Cold War with Russia. Because of this serious threat, Offutt had an airplane called the Looking Glass, which was flown 24-hours a day, seven days a week to carry a General in the air so that in the event of a nuclear war, if the President and executive leadership were wiped out, this General would become the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

“I arrived at Offutt in 1982, when women were not allowed to go into combat. I was an Airman First Class and worked as a teletype operator. They were very unsure what to do with me because I was one of the first women to be on this aircraft. It was fine while we were in the air, but on the ground, I was treated like a second-class citizen. There was a lot of animosity toward the few women who were stationed at this base, but I knew I was pioneering this for other women in the future.”

“Although the attitudes of the upper leadership were frustrating, the work was exciting and I loved it,” she said. “We would practice operations in the event there was ever a war, including releasing fake missiles out of the silos and running drills. I was part of a team that included the pilot, co-pilot, navigator and about twelve other staff. We even had a chef because the General was on board, so we ate like kings and queens up there!”

Laura flew 2,000 hours during her time in Omaha. Prior to leaving Omaha, she tested and made Sergeant before she transferred to her next base, in Boston, Massachusetts, where she was in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for the military. Here Laura’s previous real-life experiences helped her in her work regarding sexual harassment and racial discrimination.

Laura met her future husband in

Boston. Jeff Slack was also stationed in the Air Force. “When we were dating and decided that we were going to get married, we realized that we did not want to try to have a family and be in the service where we might be separated or required to move all around.”

ple had their son Christopher.

For the next four years, Laura held positions at Architectural Resources and Charter Glade Hospital before working 19 years at Gulf Coast Village in Cape Coral, where she started as activities director, advanced to director of programming, and eventually was responsible for opening the adult daycare program. “I discovered I loved working with older adults,” she said. During this time, Laura added a second Associates degree from Edison State College and a Bachelor of Business Administration from University of South Florida to her resume. From 2008 to 2010, Laura and Jeff moved to North Carolina where she became the executive director for the United Way, and in 2010 to 2015, she worked for the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, Mississippi. In 2016, she came to Shell Point as Director of Resident Life.

Today, Laura is surprised that she has indeed become the Shell Point version of Julie McCoy, cruise director. “I absolutely love my job, and every day is different,” she said. “The growth in our department and the new levels of sophistication that we can offer through the Tribby Arts Center are truly exciting.”

The young couple honorably discharged from the military. They got married in August 1985 in New Jersey. Immediately afterward, they moved to Fort Myers Beach, where Laura’s father had moved to open a little Italian restaurant. Laura helped her father in the restaurant while Jeff went to work for Robb & Stucky. In 1991, the cou-

Laura is also proud to be able to serve the veterans of Shell Point through the numerous patriotic programs that she and her team plan each year such as the Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Veterans’ Day programs. In 2021, with the help of resident Roland Garlinghouse, Shell Point was able to participate in the exciting Operation September Freedom event presented by Dream Flights, which allowed World War II veterans the opportunity to fly in a Stearman biplane.

“Interacting with the residents of Shell Point reminds me every day what a special place this is,” said Laura. “I could never have dreamed when I was growing up on the farm that my life would turn out this way. I am just so thankful.”

20 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023
Interacting with the residents of Shell Point reminds me every day what a special place this is. I could never have dreamed when I was growing up on the farm that my life would turn out this way. I am just so thankful.”
Laura grew up in "small-town" Pennsylvania, where her family owned a Garden Center and Plant Nursery. Proud to be a veteran, Laura is thankful for the many relationships she forged during her time in the service. In 1991, the couple’s son Christopher was born. Laura met her husband, Jeff, while she was stationed in Massachusetts. Once they decided to marry, both honorably discharged from the service and moved to Fort Myers Beach.


The Island neighborhood is the first chapter in the Shell Point story. Since 1968, The Island has provided its residents with a waterfront paradise on the banks of the Caloosahatchee River. Over the years, Shell Point expanded beyond The Island to include six additional neighborhoods, each providing multiple residential options and resort-style amenities. Expansion has always been a part of Shell Point’s history.

Now, for the first time in decades, Shell Point is returning to The Island with the construction of a new midrise residential building. With the unparalleled setting, lifestyle, and lifecare for which Shell Point is known, comes an opportunity for new waterfront residences in VISTA CAY.

VISTA CAY’s 12 residential floors over two floors of parking will offer 59 residences, all with sunrise or sunset coastal views. There are 15 different floorplans from which to choose, including lofts with high ceilings and large balconies, midrise residences with stunning finishes, and penthouse residences with panoramic views.

Additionally, Shell Point is planning to redevelop The Island’s amenities with the construction of a new 100,000-square-foot Island Commons. Adjacent to VISTA CAY, Island Commons will be a welcoming space for Shell Point residents to dine and enjoy an array of activities with their neighbors. The space will also serve as the hurricane shelter for independent living residents.


If you are interested in learning more about Vista Cay, stop by the Welcome Center to speak with your Retirement Counselor. For a list of Frequently Asked Questions and project updates, visit

All renderings, maps, site plans, photos, simulated views, floor plans and all other information herein are conceptual and should not be relied upon as representing the final detail. Dimensions, features, and specifications of the proposed development and residences are subject to change without notice. Furnishings are represented for illustration purposes only.
To move forward, and build for the future of Shell Point, we’re returning to The Island.
22 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023

Celebrating the theSuzyQ

The Suzy Q made its triumphant return to the Southwest Florida waters thanks to the benevolence of Shell Point residents who helped fund Hurricane Ian repairs. Once the popular pontoon was delivered back to Shell Point, donors were invited to enjoy an inaugural cruise and a celebratory lunch at The Crystal. “When Shell Point residents see a need, they don’t hesitate to take action,” said Jeff Cory, Executive Director of the Legacy Foundation. “The Suzy Q brings joy to so many, and their generosity has made a tremendous impact.”

Mary Layman (Lucina), Michelle McCarthy (Lucina) Ruth and Tony Furhovden (Estuary), Paul Zimmerman (Turban) Ron and Alice Wertz (Estuary) Joe Tutton (Eagles Preserve), Tom Kelly (Nautilus), Lynn Tutton (Eagles Preserve), Pam Kelly (Nautilus), Deborah Oswald (Coquina) Mary and Frank Mazur (Junonia) Sally Leimbach (Junonia), Cindy and Bob Eames (Turban), Wendell Leimbach (Junonia)
Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 23
Jeff Cory, Carol St.Clair (Palm Acres), Alice DeBaun (Eagles Preserve), Captain Russ

Joyful Gathering

Shell Point Celebrates Six Months After the Storm

Shell Point residents and staff gathered together at The Island Courtyard and Friendship Point to enjoy food, music and fellowship, express their

gratitude, and mark the six-month post-storm milestone with a celebration of life together at Shell Point. With the significant majority of displaced residents returned to their homes

and the campus restoration well underway, we took a moment to look back, see how far we’ve come, and reflect on all God has provided.


Bob and Beth Bauer (Enclave) and Mike Scott (Enclave)

Bottom Left: Dorothy Larsen (Junonia) and Shirley Fisher (Junonia) Center:
24 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023
Bottom Right: Rick Marton (Turban) and Monica Tison

The word that Martin and many others I know have been using for the last six months is “grateful,” and it's just a decision that we have made to focus on the provision of God and His blessings on Shell Point. That is what today is all about.

“In the Old Testament, it was often a practice to set up altars as markers of something significant whether that was an encounter with God, whether that was a covenant, whether that was a contract. And so we want today to be an altar of remembrance that from here forward, we can always look back on this day as a sign of when we paused for a moment to reflect, to demonstrate gratitude, and to be reminded of God’s goodness and grace and hand in our lives as a community over this past six months.”

Dotty Morrison (Cellana) and Karen Schrader (Turban) Jim Clark, Alyssa Haney, and Kristen Gartz Dee and Ken Nesselroade (Harbor Court)
Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 25
President Martin Schappell

Complimentary Wills Clinic

Wednesday, May 10 • Thursday, May 11 • Wednesday, May 17 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. (30-minute intervals) / The Legacy Foundation / The Island

Schedule your appointment by contacting The Legacy Foundation at 466-8484.

Have your estate plan reviewed by one of Southwest Florida’s leading estate planning attorneys through a complimentary 30-minute consultation. Ensure that your Will, Trust and Advanced Directives are up-to-date and conform with Florida statutes.

Estate planning attorneys in this clinic include:

Kevin Kyle and Courtney Lovejoy from Green, Schoenfeld & Kyle LLP

Craig Hersch and Michael Hill from Sheppard Law Firm.

*Please note, individuals are responsible for costs associated with documents prepared by legal professionals after their initial free consultation.


residents, with a response rate of 74.2%. We truly appreciate your taking the time to complete this survey, and we thank our Court Representatives for helping to promote participation. Harbor Court

we were especially proud to see that the indicator under “Would you recommend Shell Point?” continues to climb year over year, reaching the highest mark yet of 92.7% in this most recent survey.

vided is pivotal and helps us continue to improve the overall resident experience.

Thank you! 26 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023

Above and Beyond:

Looking Ahead to the 2023 Employee Christmas Gift Fund

Hard to believe, but it’s already that time of year to begin planning for this year’s Employee Christmas Gift Fund. The campaign for 2023 runs from Wednesday, October 4 through Wednesday, November 22.

As we reflect upon the past year, Shell Point Residents have a way to say THANK YOU to the dedicated Shell Point staff who carry out their mission

to care for, serve, and satisfy those who live here. Giving through the fund is an easy and appreciated way to recognize our employees and their exceptional “Above and Beyond” efforts all year long. Residents’ donations are given to hundreds of employees each December, making for them and their families, a brighter and more joyous Christmas season.

Please give as you are inspired, as well

Make a one-time gift during the Fall Campaign or even before it begins.

as what you are able. Since we see Shell Point employees and the effects of their labors every day, it might be helpful to think of their service, and your donation, in terms of a 365-day year:

$1 a day equals a donation of $365. $2 a day equals a donation of $730. $5 a day equals a donation of $1,825.

Send a check any time before Wednesday, November 22.

Two Ways to Give: Choose Which is Best for You! OR

Make the check payable to “Shell Point” and write “Employee Christmas Gift Fund” on the memo line.

Use Shell Point campus mail to deliver your envelope with enclosed check to Chris Ferrell at the Finance Department

Arrange an automatic monthly payment through your Shell Point account:

1 2

Visit the Shell Point Resident Website at and complete the form.

Call the Finance Department at (239)454-2075 to set up a monthly charge to your Shell Point account. (We have personally used this convenient method for the past several years!)

Please give what you can … it’s a wonderful way to bless our employees and their families.

Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 27

RESIDENT 2D Art Show & Sale

During the two-day 2D Art Show & Sale in the Grand Cypress Room, guests were invited to admire and purchase original paintings, drawings, collages, photographs and two-dimensional works from more than 20 resident artists. The Card Boutique was especially popular!

Top Left: Carolyn Bachman (Parkwood) Top Right: Janis Winchester (Turban) Left: Suzanne Bennett (Turban)
28 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023
Above: Pair of Swans 3 by Suzanne Bennett Don Adams (Junonia) Photograph by Don Adams Betsy Conrad (Estuary) Carol Bischoff (Turban) Mary Layman (Lucina) Phil Hilton (Springs), Joan Davey and James Davey (Harbor Court) Rick Marton (Turban)
Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 29
Terry Baldwin (Parkwood)

Above: Tom Young (Turban)

Right: Renee Chastant (Harbor Court) and Steve Canton (Harbor Court)

Below: Roger Olson (Coquina)

Bottom Left: Annie Wainwright (Parkwood)

Bottom Center: Fred McAuley (Junonia)

Bottom Right: George Haines (Springs)

Spring Art & Craft Bazaar

Residents’ creativity shined as they offered homemade crafts, jewelry, woodwork, pottery, décor—and delicious baked goods—for sale in The Village Church.

30 Shell Point
| May/June 2023

Quilt Show Shell Point

Shell Point’s quilters filled the Grand Cypress Room with their amazing masterpieces and showed off their impressive skills to fellow residents and guests.

Standing: Pat Meredith (Sundial), Jean Williamson (Lakewood), Debbie Melchi (Sand Dollar), Marie-Michelle McCarthy (Lucina), Marilyn Fielding (Junonia), Nancy Haring (Parkwood), Sue Seas (Junonia), LaMoyne Ebner (Rosemont)

Seated: Elaine Neighbors (Rosemont) and Karen McGregor (Rosemont)

Debbie Melchi (Sand Dollar)
Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 31
Carol St.Clair (Palm Acres) and her brother, Dave Saunders, with their late mother’s Christmas quilt.

Shell Point Happenings

CHECK THE WEEKLY REMINDER FOR UPDATES ON ANY CHANGES TO THE PROGRAMS LISTED IN THIS CALENDAR AS THINGS MAY CHANGE. For questions about upcoming events or activities, please contact either concierge desk. Unless otherwise noted, sign-up for each event will begin on the first business day of the month. If you are unable to attend a program that includes a fee, five business days’ notice is required to receive a refund

4 4




5:20/5:30/5:40/5:45/5:50 A.M.

IS / WDL / ES / EN / EP


Shell Point and the Legacy Foundation are the sponsors of the Fort Myers Prayer Breakfast at Jet Blue Park. Tim Tebow, the celebrated University of Florida National Championship quarterback, will be on hand to speak and profess his faith. Tim travels around the world sharing the love of Jesus and the motivation needed to love yourself and your neighbor. A box breakfast will be provided.


4:30 – 6:30 P.M.

Join the Resident Programming team and The Crystal staff as we celebrate this annual Mexican military victory over France with a “south of the border” fiesta! Enjoy flavorful, authentic main and side dishes and amazing desserts as you listen to live music — transporting you to Mexico without the need of a passport. Call the Crystal at (239) 454-2199 to book your reservation today.

4 4

Physical • Emotional • Spiritual • Intellectual • Community & Social • Natural Environment • Creativity
May & June 32 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023


FRIDAYS, MAY 5, 12, 19, 26

7 A.M.


Lace up your walking shoes and join Shell Point’s physicians every Friday morning in an exhilarating morning walk around the beautiful Island neighborhood. You will have the opportunity to learn about the medical staff while also getting physically fit together. The Island walk is approximately 1.5 miles.




WOODLANDS COMMONS 11:30 A.M. – 1:30 P.M.

Stop by the Island or the Woodlands Commons and make sure your voter registration is all set. Lee Vote will be on campus to help with any questions or concerns for mail-in or in-person voting.



1 P.M.


Join the Resident Programming team as we play several games of BINGO! Whether you’ve never played, or you are a seasoned player, this free event is a great opportunity to have fun and meet new people. All supplies provided; no experience necessary. No sign up required.



5 5 5 9 5

FRIDAYS, MAY 5, 12, 19, 26 11 A.M. – 1:30 P.M.


Explore new lunch options each week!

• May 5 – Joey’s Hot Dogs

• May 12 – Cajun Gringos

• May 19 – MAMBO Food Truck

• May 26 – Horse Eyed Jake’s

TUESDAY, MAY 9 12:30 – 6 P.M.


Make sure to stop by the Village Church parking lot and help save a life. The Blood Mobile will be parked all afternoon for your convenience. Giving blood is huge gift that you can give to those in need. Statistics show that regular blood donation is linked to lower blood pressure and lower risk of heart attacks. Save a life while improving your quality of life.

Sign-up required; call a Concierge Desk: Island: 454-2282, Woodlands: 454-2054 Walking required Stairs Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 33
5 5




Come out and celebrate a Captiva and Sanibel staple! While the Bubble Room cleans up from the Hurricane, they are bringing joy back to the community – and Shell Point is a proud supporter of our local businesses. The Bubble Room will be at The Crystal serving up their fabulous homemade cakes. Try a sample, buy a slice, or even pre-order an entire cake. Come out and enjoy live music and delicious desserts. No sign-up is required. You can also call The Crystal for pre-orders at (239) 454-2199.



4/4:10/4:20/4:25/4:30 P.M. IS / WDL / ES / EN / EP


Come dine with us at one of Naples’ premier restaurants! DeRomo’s is a spectacular fine dining Italian restaurant that serves steaks, pasta and seafood. Before our fabulous meal, enjoy an evening shopping for gourmet cheeses, meats, fresh breads, and specialty items at DeRoma’s Gourmet Market. This is a awesome evening you will not want to miss. We will provide a cooler for items needing refrigeration.




COST: $130

The resident programming team will be taking a trip to Sarasota. Explore all the Ringling Museum has to offer with a Museum of Art, Circus Museum, Ca’D’Zan, the Historic Asolo Theater and the beautiful Bayfront Gardens. The day will be filled with education, beauty, and connection. We cannot go all the way to Sarasota and not eat dinner at the famous Columbia restaurant on St Armand’s Circle. Don’t miss the fun and exciting day trip. Lunch and Dinner or your own.






Enjoy a sunset evening with Captain Russ aboard the Suzy Q. Watch for dolphins, manatees, and other wildlife as they present themselves for our delight! We will cruise over to St. Charles Yacht Club for a hand-crafted meal. St. Charles Yacht Club was established in 1990 and is in a beautifully secluded natural harbor near the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River. A limited menu provided by St. Charles.

12 17 11 12 15 17 34 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023


THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2023




Come hear the latest and win door prizes at an in-depth presentation of trips specially designed for Shell Point during the 2023-2024 season through the Epic Journeys Collection! All the trips include transportation and airfare from Shell Point. Plus, you travel with a concierge private tour manager who takes care of all your travel needs. These private, small-group trips are designed at a moderate pace to enhance your overall experience and created with your interests in mind.



7:30/7:40/7:45/7:50/7:55 A.M.

IS / WDL / ES/ EN / EP

COST: $7

Join us as we venture to Venice, Florida for a day of shopping. Enjoy an array of shops and lunch dining spots. Or if the sandy beach is more your thing, after we drop off the shoppers we will head to the beach for some sunshine, shelling and swimming. Take advantage of a delicious lunch at the famous Sharkey’s on the Pier for lunch. (Lunch is on your own.) At 1:30 p.m., we will pack up at the beach, pick up those who shopped, and head back to Shell Point.



8/8:10/8:15/8:20/8:25 A.M.

IS / WDL / ES/ EN / EP

COST: $5

Learn how Lee County transforms and reuses on this up-close tour. We will begin the tour at the Waste to Energy plant, view an animated video about waste processing, and take a drive through the “tipping floor” and see how all the materials are sorted. We then will have a presentation and question and answer session at the Material Recovery Facility overlooking the processing areas. Afterwards, we will enjoy a great lunch at Buckingham Farms where the produce is fresh, the meals are delicious, and the farm is a sight to see! (Lunch on your own.) Please wear athletic shoes or closed walking shoes.



10 A.M.


Mark your calendars and plan to attend the Annual Resident Hurricane Seminar. Hear from the different leaders of Shell Point about preparations you should make to be prepared. Dave Roberts—Shell Point’s weather expert—will discuss weather and the hurricane season. Learn about the hurricane shelter and much more. No sign up is required.

Sign-up required; call a Concierge Desk: Island: 454-2282, Woodlands: 454-2054
18 18 19 24 18 18 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 35
Walking required Stairs



3:30/3:35/3:40/3:45/3:50 P.M.

IS / WDL / ES / EN/ EP


The Sweet Liberty Catamaran is Naples’ premier sailing vessel. From the moment you leave the Naples City Dock, you will see magnificent multimillion-dollar homes along the Gordon River. Enjoy spectacular sunset views as you sail along the beautiful Gulf of Mexico waters. Before the cruise, we will dine at the Boat House, which serves up seafood, wraps and steaks along the Gordon River Canal.



7 P.M.


Shell Point’s Technical Arts Manager Dan Philgreen presents a singer/songwriter concert you will not want to miss! He will be playing all your favorite hits from songwriters like Gordon Lightfoot and Credence Clearwater Revival, along with an original song or two! Grab your tickets at the Tribby Box Office and come celebrate Dan’s wonderful talent.




Enjoy a nature cruise on-board the Suzy Q. Learn about the waters and wildlife of Florida, maybe we will even spot a few dolphins or manatees and watch birds as they frolic. We will stop and have lunch at Parrot Key Caribbean Grill. Voted Best Waterfront Dining since 2004, Parrot Key Caribbean Grill offers delicious Caribbean inspired seafood, burgers, and wraps.



4:40 – 6:30 P.M.

Come join the Palm Grill and the Resident Programming Team as we welcome to the Palm Grill special guest Chefs Doi Wongsena and Shannen Manliclic, who are known for their fantastic Asian specialties. With live-action stations, a buffet, and an array of desserts, this will be a fun-filled evening! We will have live entertainment and lots of fellowship. Call (239) 454-2059 to make your reservation at the Palm Grill.

Sign-up required; call a Concierge Desk: Island: 454-2282, Woodlands: 454-2054
25 31 26 31 31 25 36 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023
Walking required Stairs


are a seasoned player, this free event is a great opportunity to have fun and meet new people. All supplies provided; no experience necessary. No sign up required.


FRIDAYS, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

7 A.M.


Lace up your walking shoes and join Shell Point’s physicians every Friday morning in an exhilarating morning walk around the beautiful Island neighborhood. You will have the opportunity to learn about the medical staff while also getting physically fit together. The Island walk is approximately 1.5 miles.

2 2


FRIDAYS, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

11 A.M. – 1:30 P.M.


Explore new lunch options each week!

• June 2 – Monjaras Kitchen on Wheels

2 7 8

• June 9 – Cajun Gringos

• June 16 – Horse Eyed Jake's

• June 23 – Monjaras Kitchen on Wheels

• June 30 – Joey’s Hot Dogs



1 P.M.


Join the Resident Programming Team as we play several games of BINGO! Whether you’ve never played, or you




8:30/8:40/8:45/8:50/8:55 A.M. IS / WDL / ES/ EN / EP COST: $50 (INCLUDES LUNCH)

Look forward to a day full of color and art appreciation as we head to the Baker Museum of Art in Naples. We will see exhibitions including Chihuly, Jackson Pollock, Louise Nevelson, Jesus Rafael Soto, Rene Magritte and many more. Brambles Tea Room will provide a special Tea Luncheon of tea sandwiches and scones all while we learn about Tea Times and etiquette. Gluten Free options available if known in advance.



4:30 – 6:30 P.M.

7 2
All Aboard The Love Boat! The Crystal will be transformed into your favorite cruise ship for an evening of elegance. Dress up and enjoy a culinary evening of elegance featuring dishes from all around the world. Listen to your favorite classics, from Elvis to Sinatra. For reservations call The Crystal at (239) 454-2199. Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 37





Enjoy a nature cruise aboard the Suzy Q with Captain Russ and the Resident Life Team as we learn about Southwest Florida’s waters and wildlife. Beautiful views along the way will keep you on your toes looking for dolphins, manatees, and a variety of birds. We will stop and have lunch at the Deep Lagoon restaurant, known for their fresh and delicious seafood and desserts.




8/8:10/8:15/8:20/8:25 A.M.

IS / WDL / ES / EN / EP


We will start our trip at the wonderful Keke’s Café for a delicious breakfast, then head over to the Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium, which inspires people to connect with nature. We will have the opportunity to go on a nature walk, watch a movie in the Planetarium, visit a live Animal Talk, and tour the Butterfly House and Birds of Prey Aviary.




10/10:10/10:15/10:20/10:25 A.M.

IS / WDL / ES / EN / EP


Join the Resident Life Team as we head to Naples to the Rev’s Institute. Rev’s Institute is more than a car museum — it’s a place to see society through a different lens. It’s an institution dedicated to the study, preservation, con-

servation, and restoration of historically significant automobiles. Lunch will be at USS Nemo, which is said to be voted Naples Best Seafood. Sign up is required.





11:30 A.M.

COST: $24

Join Chef Justin from the Palm Grill for a cooking demonstration in the Woodlands Commons. Munch on Appetizers as Chef cooks an amazing lunch right before your eyes. Learn new tricks of the trade and helpful tips as he walks through the steps of a fantastic salmon and puff pastry dish. Learn how the chefs mold the pastry and cook the fish to perfection. Retire to the Palm Grill to enjoy the spoils of his labor while talking amongst friends. The lunch is a threecourse meal including appetizers, entrée and dessert. Sign up is required. Make sure to look in the July/ August issue of Shell Point Life to sign up for Cooking Series Parts II and III.



10/10:10/10:15/10:20/10:25 A.M.

IS / WDL / ES / EN / EP


Let’s head over to Sanibel and support BIG ARTS as we enjoy looking at the artwork of some of Fort Myers’ talented local students. BIG ARTS’ vision is to create great arts, entertainment and learning experiences that always inspire, enrich, and delight! We will enjoy a coastal-inspired lunch at Traders, and you can even shop in the Trader’s Emporium.

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10 – 11 A.M.


Let’s get together Island Neighborhood! Join the Resident Programming Team for a mid-morning Island Neighborhood Summer Social at The Crystal Patio that gives you the opportunity to meet, greet and connect with your neighbors, friends and newcomers! This will be a great time of fellowship, fun and conversation. Light refreshments will be served. No sign-up required.



10 – 11 A.M.


Let’s get together Estuary, Enclave and Eagles Preserve Neighborhoods! Join the Resident Programming team for a mid-morning Coastal Links Neighborhood Summer Social that gives you the opportunity to meet, greet and connect with your neighbors, friends and newcomers! This will be a great time of fellowship, fun and conversation. Light refreshments will be served. No sign-up required.




10 – 11 A.M.


Let’s get together Woodlands Neighborhood! Join the Resident Programming Team for a mid-mornig Woodlands Neighborhood Summer Social that gives you the opportunity to meet, greet and connect with your neighbors, friends and newcomers! This will be a great time of fellowship, fun and conversation. Light refreshments will be served. No sign-up required.




Enjoy cruising the canals of Cape Coral as we climb aboard the Suzy Q. We’ll enjoy the different sights along each canal, and maybe even see a dolphin or two. We will have a lovely dinner at the Westin’s Marker 92 Restaurant and watch a beautiful sunset!

Sign-up required; call a Concierge Desk: Island: 454-2282, Woodlands: 454-2054
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Walking required Stairs

Save the Date

Independence Day 2023 CELEBRATIONS

Faith and Freedom Sing Along



Join us for a joyful sing along as we celebrate our country and our faith in Christ.



9:30 A.M.

Everyone is welcome to join in celebration of our country’s Independence Day! The Fourth of July parade will start at the Village Church on the Island, circle the Island, and proceed to the Woodlands. From the Woodlands, we will parade through the Estuary, Enclave and Eagle Preserve neighborhoods before returning. Can’t join us? Cheer us on! Check News at the Point for the time it will come through your neighborhood.


11 A.M. – 2 P.M.

The Crystal will be serving a Picnic Lunch Buffet featuring hamburgers, hot dogs, and Chef Shaun’s world-famous BBQ ribs! Cost is $19. Reservations are required; call The Crystal (239) 454-2199.


2 – 2:30 P.M.

The America the Beautiful concert with Steve DeLadurantey and Friends will be held at The Village Church. You won’t want to miss this free concert featuring your favorite patriotic songs. Look for the Resident Programming Team afterwards for a sweet treat!


Part II: Lunch with Chef Justin and The Palm Grill


11:30 A.M.

COST: $24 +

Check the July/August issue of Shell Point Life to sign up for Part II and III!

Sign-up required; call a Concierge Desk: Island: 454-2282, Woodlands: 454-2054 Walking required Stairs
JULY 40 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023

Library Fund Drive a Success

The Shell Point Library’s Executive Board gratefully acknowledges, once again, the generosity of the residents after our recent fund drive. It is this spirit of giving that allows the library to continue in all its initiatives.

We love our library and the folks who use it on a daily basis. Our newspaper subscriptions attract readers every day; some people are there for the news, while others are looking for the opportunity to make copies of the puzzles! News, stock quotes, social events, and puzzles are big draws for our daily readers.

An aging population has many needs. Our Library orders both regular and large print books each month. Additionally, we provide audiobooks both for those who enjoy that format, as well as for those who might have vision problems. Our new section of Golden Oldies, which was added to our DVDs, has been very well received. We also

BAKE SALE Bakeless


Our 2023 Bakeless Bake Sale was once again a great success due to the very generous residents here at Shell Point! Our goal this year was to provide a golf cart for transporting patients, guests and family to and from the Larsen parking lot to the entrance of

the building. We have met our goal to acquire the golf cart— and we now have trained volunteers providing the service! The Shell Point Healthcare Auxiliary is so grateful to the Shell Point Community for their generous and continued support.

have children’s books, resource materials, classics, autobiographies and biographies. In 2022, there were nearly 5,000 items circulated.

Did you know the Library also provides Shell Point’s three assisted living facilities, as well as the Larsen Health Center, with new, large print books each month? We also support The Tribby Arts Center Library and the Genealogy Library in the Woodlands.

After reading this, you’re likely recognizing that it must take many people to organize all of these efforts on behalf of the Library. As a matter of fact, we have over 50 dedicated volunteers who keep things running smoothly!

To avail yourself of the Library’s many options, you simply need to acquire a Library Card. Every Shell Point resident and employee is entitled to have one. If you’ve not already done so, head over to the Library, and we’ll be delighted to get you a card.

Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 41
Shuttle driver Ron Carpenter (Eagles Preserve)

UCLA Memory Training

As you grow older, you may notice difficulty recalling names or you might find yourself misplacing items such as keys and glasses. Perhaps you walk into a room and forget why you entered, or you might struggle trying to remember a certain word. If so, be reassured that these are the four most common age-related memory changes. What does “age-related” mean? Basically, just that—memory changes are probably associated with getting older, and not a disease process such as a type of dementia. UCLA Memory Training is an innovative, four-week educational program that targets the four most common age-related memory complaints. The classes provide strategies to help participants develop good memory habits and teaches techniques to sharpen memory.

UCLA Memory Training provides cognitive stimulation, which is one of the “Big Four” pillars of cognitive health. The Big Four concept coined by Dr. Gary Small, former Director of the UCLA Longevity Center, also includes exercise, healthy eating, and stress management. Research supports the theory that lifestyle approach reduces risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. Connections Memory Care Programming focuses on supporting the mind/body connection for brain health based on the Big Four concept and supporting those impacted by memory changes. Join Us!



1 – 3:30 P.M.

SABAL ROOM/THE WOODLANDS This engaging two-session education program focuses on understanding dementia, managing communication and behavioral changes, managing stress, and the well-being of the caregiver. To register email or contact Emily Reese, Connections Program Coordinator, at (239) 454-2134.



1 – 3 P.M.

SABAL ROOM/THE WOODLANDS Register at your Concierge Desk.


WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 10 – 11 A.M.


In June—Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month—we will take a closer look at the effects of stress on brain health and stress management as part of a brain healthy lifestyle. Register at your Concierge Desk.

42 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023

Support Groups




This group offers support for residents or family members who are caregivers for someone with dementia. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with fellow caregivers, share ideas and discuss the stresses, challenges, and rewards of providing care for a loved one. If there is a need for respite, a coinciding group offering supervised activities for your loved one with dementia is available. Pre-registration is required. Contact Emily Reese, Connections Program Coordinator, at (239) 454-2134 or to register your loved one for the supervised activity program or with questions about the group.




Anyone impacted by diabetes or looking to learn more including spouses or family members are invited to attend the Diabetes Support Group. Each monthly meeting covers a different topic and includes an open discussion and an opportunity to share. Call Vivian Ciulla at (239) 225-2929 for more information.




Poor hearing can affect many aspects of one’s life. This group seeks to help residents cope with hearing loss, share information, learn about services and products that may help and offer support to each other. This is a great opportunity to try out the assisted listening devices available in the Social Center. For more information, call Healthy Living Coordinator Robert Torres at (239) 433-7975.




The Heart Healthy group aims to provide support and educational information to individuals living with heart disease. The goal of the group is to allow members to share their experience, fears, and solutions to help everyone from the newly diagnosed to those managing heart disease for many years. For more information, please contact Healthy Living Coordinator Lorena Nazario at (239) 454-2295.




The Parkinson’s Enrichment Group aims to provide support and educational opportunities to those affected by Parkinson’s disease as a patient, caregiver, family member, or friend. Meetings include speakers, group discussions, and emotional support. For more information, call Healthy Living Coordinator Christy Hayford at (239) 433-7939.




This group provides educational opportunities and support for those individuals dealing with low vision. Discussions may include the emotional aspects of vision loss, investigating solutions, helpful tools, and sharing resources. At every session, you will learn a “quick eye exercise” that you can utilize at home and share with others. Please join us to share your story, your knowledge, as well as your experiences, with other residents. For additional information, contact Healthy Living Coordination at (239) 454-2299.

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For Susan Schmitt (Lakewood), the benefits of her poles became especially evident during a recent trip to the hospital—and the rehabilitation that followed. “The ambulance forbade a walker, but I was able to take my poles along with me to the ER. For eight days in Health Park, and later at the Larsen Health Center, the poles provided security for walking,” said Susan.

“These poles fill a huge need in my life. They allow me to stand tall and to distribute weight to my arms while balancing. For mobility outside home, they allow security without the cumbersomeness of a walker. As balance and strength improve, I hope to use one cane consistently. But along the way, my poles prove vital. I am so grateful to Debbie for introducing them.”

For Susan Schmitt (Lakewood), the benefits of her poles became especially evident during a recent trip to the hospital—and the rehabilitation that followed. “The ambulance forbade a walker, but I was able to take my poles along with me to the ER. For eight days in Health Park, and later at the Larsen Health Center, the poles provided security for walking,” said Susan. “These poles fill a huge need in my life. They allow me to stand tall and to distribute weight to my arms while balancing. For mobility outside home, they allow security without the cumbersomeness of a walker. As balance and strength improve, I hope to use one cane consistently. But along the way, my poles prove vital. I am so grateful to Debbie for introducing them.”

URBAN POLING Revolutionizing Gait and

Earlier this year, I completed a Certification course for Urban Poling. The “Activator Pole,” created by Urban Poling co-owners Mandy Shintani and Diana Oliver, was designed for people who are look ing for a Nordic Walking technique that can provide stability and balance and improve posture. What these poles do not promote is rounding of the back!

Because poling is a bilateral activity that encourages a functional walking pattern, many adults who normally shuffle and have kyphosis without poles now stand upright, lift their feet, and use a heel/toe gait pattern when they walk with poles. They immediately feel more secure and confident. Instead of having two points of contact, they now have four! Poles can also serve as a fall prevention tool.

Today, Activator Poles are used by many professionals, including Occupational Therapists and Rehabilitation Assistants, and for one-on-one rehabilitation.

while the ledge allows for even distribution of weight across the outside edge of the hand. It also allows for comfortable and effective application of force for core strengthening and off-loading weight. Lastly, it supports the wrist in a neutral position. Another feature of the Activator Poles is the unique design of the Bell Tip. They are made of high-grade rubber with aggressive treads for shock absorption and durability. The greatest feature lies within the wider bell base, which provides greater stability and weight bearing compared with the traditional Nordic walking tips. A secure button locking system for height adjustment adds to the pole’s ease of use. Each pole has a 200 lb. per pole weight capacity.

Benefits Abound

The Activator Poles offer several overall health benefits, with positive effects on resting heart rate, blood pressure, exercise capacity, and maximal oxygen consumption. Use also improves core strength and balance, reduces pain, and increases flexibility. Using the poles also improves quality of life for users with various diseases, so the Activator Poles can be recommended to a wide range of people as primary and secondary prevention. Did I forget to mention that poling has been proven to burn from 20-46 percent more calories?


FRIDAY, MAY 5 • 1 P.M.

Join us on Cinco De mayo as we use themed music to enhance our Pole Walking experience! We will use different walking patterns, all while reviewing the basics of Pole Walking. We will add some stretching and strength moves as well!

Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 45

Open House Open House


In February, the Tribby Arts Center hosted an unforgettable Open House to celebrate our resident artists and welcome the community to our beautiful building. As the hub of the arts at Shell Point, The Tribby Art Studios and Guilds bring together the work of our resident artists, musicians and writers who love to share what they do and inspire others to become involved.

Nearly 400 guests were greeted at the front door by The Shell Point Drummers and welcomed to tour the Tribby and participate in interactive workshops throughout the building. In the Tribby Cafe, local ACMA musician William Metts gave a dynamic performance while guests enjoyed refreshments prepared and served by the Dining Team.

Joe Tutton (Eagles Preserve) and Alyssa Haney Pat Bubb (Parkwood) Marcia O’Hara (Lucina)
46 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023
Bob Kaplan (Turban)

Each of our Tribby Guilds thoughtfully prepared an exciting project to introduce newcomers to their craft and invited them to join in and ask questions. As a result, Guild members remarked that this year’s event allowed them to have meaningful conversations with the visitors, and many guilds added new members to their communities.

Visitors also enjoyed the Fanciful exhibition in the Shell Point Gallery and shopping at Serendipity. Jazz n' Stuff treated guests to an afternoon concert in Connie Brown Hall, and our expert Fitness Coordinator, Debbie Stapleton, led a high-energy Drumsticks class. We are already looking forward to hosting the next Tribby Open House in 2025!

Pat Meredith (Sundial) Marge Lee (Lucina) and Deborah La Gorce (Estuary) Margaret Ruffalo (Lakewood), Lynne Stauffer (Lakewood)
Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 47
Jim Deckert (Turban)

Seven Months Since Staged Reading

A Community Collaboration with Shell Point Players, Writers Guild and Florida Gulf Coast University Theatre Students


Connie Brown Hall • 1:30 p.m.


Sponsored by Friends of the Tribby Tribby Atrium and the Galleries • 2:30 – 4 p.m.

Shell Point Players and Writers Guild joined by students from Florida Gulf Coast University’s theater program— will present a staged reading entitled “Seven Months Since” that complements the opening of the Seven Months Since exhibition in the Shell Point, Overlook, and Tribby Legacy Galleries in the Tribby Arts Center.

The event’s inception can be traced back to when Marge Lee (Lucina), resident curator of the Tribby Arts Center, met Dr. Dan Bacalzo, Associate Professor of Theatre at FGCU, during conversations for the Tribby’s 2021 inaugural exhibition, Sparkle!

“We discussed a possible collaboration as a way of incorporating FGCU’s theatre program into Shell Point’s “Art as Healing” initiative. We also brought in FGCU’s Roots of Compassion and Kindness (ROCK Center) as another partner, with ROCK faculty member Jamie Wilson who joined me in a team-taught class this semester,” said Dan.

“We knew that blending the students and residents in a theatre-based production would result in an interesting dialogue between two distinctive, different demographics,” added Marge.

Development of the project stalled a bit in the fall, due to the impact of Hurricane Ian. When conversations resumed, Marge and Dan decided that a focus on how the hurricane affected both Shell Point residents and FGCU students could give a thematic cohesion to the project while allowing it to address issues of health, safety, compassion and empathy.

Preparation began in February, with approximately 40 students interviewing residents about their hurricane experience, while reflecting on their own encounters with the storm. Workshops began in March, with work culminating in the staged reading.

“My students and I have really enjoyed working with the Shell Point Players, Writers

Guild, and other residents who have participated in workshops and interviews,” said Dan. “There’s a fun dynamic when working on an intergenerational collaboration, as it allows for different perspectives and experiences to intersect. I think the vitality of some of the Shell Point residents surprised my students. As one of the residents said following a performance workshop, “80 is the new 60.”

Jana Stone (Eagles Preserve), co-director of the Shell Point Players, wholeheartedly agrees. “The workshop collaboration has been like a breath of fresh air. The spontaneous,

48 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023
Joe Tutton (Eagles Preserve), Bruce Bunch (Rosemont), Jamie Wilson, Dr. Dan Bacalzo, and Jana Stone (Eagles Preserve)

T ribb y At the

In the Galleries


Shell Point Artists & Writers Reflect on Ian

Friday, May 5 through Thursday, June 22

The Shell Point, Overlook and Tribby Legacy Galleries

Alternatively, artists and writers were free to entirely ignore the theme and submit art and texts on themes of their choice. All works on display have been completed since September 26, 2022.

Seven Months Since features an encore appearance of the large kinetic Aurora from the 2021 Moving Forward exhibition, representing Shell Point’s talented woodworkers. Along with Aurora, there will be a before-and-after photo collage, compiled by George Waters (Palm Acres), president of the Photo Studio, giving exhibition goers a glimpse into the damage that Ian caused in the Woodshop.

For centuries, art and creative writing have served as both solace and catharsis for those impacted by life-changing events. Hurricane Ian, which brought unprecedented destruction to Shell Point and our neighbors, was such an event. Beginning with apprehensions at hearing of its projected path, through sheltering

or watching from afar, to seeing a world of loss and then experiencing the recovery and healing process, Shell Point residents were changed forever with this event.

This exhibition provides a creative outlet for whatever Shell Point artists and writers wished to express in art and texts about their experience or thoughts of Ian.

Don’t miss this display of more than 85 artworks and writings that present a range of emotions, in all mediums, from pictures and words reflecting the destruction of the storm to those expressing the hopeful signs of recovery and rebirth.

Beginning Again by Kirk Gulledge (Junonia) Flight from Fury by Annie Wainwright (Parkwood)
Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 49

y At the

In the Galleries


Friday, May 5 through

Thursday, June 22

The Collaborations Gallery

Painting inspires poetry and poetry inspires painting in this year-long series of exhibitions, EKPHRASIS, resulting from a collaboration between the Painters and Writers Guilds. May through June, The Collaborative Works of Fred McAuley and John Small will be on display.

In the Studios

PHOTO STUDIO Macro Photography with Carol Sheppard

Tuesday, June 20 • 2 p.m. Connie Brown Hall

NEW HORIZONS: Works by Shell Point Glass Artists, Potters, and Photographers

Open Saturday, July 1 through

Thursday, September 7

Legacy and Overlook Galleries

Applications to participate in this summer’s exhibition in the Tribby Legacy and Overlook Galleries are due by day’s end on Monday, June 5. Registration forms are available at the Tribby Box Office and in the participating studios. Don’t miss this chance to artistically express what the term “new horizons” means to you!

Carol Sheppard, the new Vice President of Publications for the Photographic Society of America, will join us via Zoom on the big screen to talk about what makes a creative macro photograph. Photo Club members will be given the opportunity to sign up for a Macro workshop, to be held in the Photo Studio. All are welcome to attend!

PAINTERS GUILD An Artist’s Journey with Juli Bobman

Monday, May 8 • 2 p.m.

Painting Studio

Juli Bobman, 2023 instructor for Foundational Drawing, will share aspects of her Artist’s Journey—from graduating from the Ringling College of the Arts and Design, to her 2022 solo

exhibition at the Sydney and Berne Davis Art Center. At her studio, BTB Artists Studios (Behind The Buddha), she hosts weekly life drawing sessions and teaches drawing and painting.

WRITERS GUILD Open Mic Poetry Readings

Wednesday, May 3 • 3:30 p.m.

Literary Lounge

Join the growing number of lovers of poetry here at Shell Point. Come enjoy the camaraderie as you share poems or prose lasting no more than six minutes per recital. All residents are welcome; no sign-up necessary.

Short Story


Wednesday, May 10 • 3:30 p.m.

Literary Lounge

Doug Cartwright (Lakewood) will be hosting and reading our first selection: “The Story of an Hour,” by Kate Chopin, a 19th century writer from the Deep South who explored women’s role in society. Her short story is long in interpretation and inspiration. No need to read the story in advance. Discussion will follow among those present who wish to participate.

T ribb
Carol Sheppard Juli Bobman
(CONTINUED) 50 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023

At the Tribby Arts Library

Recent library acquisitions include three beautiful books: a pair on contemporary artists and one that is the exhibition catalog of the Italian artists that were recently discussed in an Academy program. Stop by to see By Her Hand, Artemisia Gentileschi and Women Artists in Italy, 1500-1800; Joan Mitchell; and Philip Guston Now.

Resident Performing Arts


Wednesdays • 2:30 p.m.

Connie Brown Hall

Shell Point’s resident Big Band plays concerts with a twist for the greatest audience in the world. Admission is free.

May 3: Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me

May 17: Let’s Play Jeopardy

The Galleries and Serendipity are open Tuesday – Saturday • 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Seren dipity

the shop at TribbyArtsCenter

Fabulous Shopping in Serendipity

The popular gift shop located inside the Shell Point Gallery of Tribby Arts Center offers a wonderful variety of gifts made by both Shell Point and guest artists, including paintings, photography, wooden items, fused glass, pottery, shawls and scarves, unique cards, and more. Need a spark in your wardrobe? Serendipity has become known for its wide range of affordable artistic jewelry!

Proceeds benefit the artists and help support the Tribby.

Open Tuesday–Saturday • 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 51

Encore! 2023


Shell Point’s 2023 Spring, Summer and Fall Concert Season is taking the stage in Connie Brown Hall at the Tribby Arts Center. Don’t miss this dynamic series with exciting live performances from an impressive array of talented artists!

SOLOMON EICHNER presents “Ode to Rach’s 150th!”

Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 7 p.m.

Tickets: $20 Resident | $25 Public

Connie Brown Hall

Concert Pianist Solomon Eichner returns to The Tribby for a celebration of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s 150th Birthday Year with his most favorite works, plus gems by

BAY KINGS BAND presents This Magic Moment

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 7 p.m.

Tickets: $20 Resident | $25 Public Connie Brown Hall

The Bay Kings Band is an amalgam of nine of Florida’s most accomplished professional musicians. This outfit has a three-piece horn section, two amazing leads, and a rhythm section that is sure to make anyone want to boogie. They specialize in high-energy music infused with energy and fun. They have been filling dance floors together for 10+ years, playing year ’round from the Panhandle to the Keys.

The Bay Kings Band have gathered a collection of the greatest songs of the 50s, 60s and 70s and compiled them into a magical hour of music they call “This Magic Moment.” Hear stories about your favorite songs as you see them performed by Florida’s elite talent. Dance the night away like never before to songs by Sam Cooke, KC and the Sunshine Band, The Fab Four, and so much more!

• Monday through Thursday 10 a.m.–3 p.m. • (239) 415-5667

Tribby Box Office

T ribb
At the
52 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023



3 P.M. in Connie Brown Hall • Also on SPTV Channel 12


Sunday, May 7

Step into the world of artist Johannes Vermeer in 1665, Delft, Holland. Oscar winning cinematographer, Eduardo Serra, shoots every scene as an individual painting. This beautiful, quiet film has an undercurrent of emotion with the relationship of the artist, played by Colin Firth and his teenage maid servant Griet, Scarlett Johansson. The production designers built a three-story house on a sound stage to create the intimacy we feel as we watch the characters in their roles.


Sunday, May 21

Paul Newman and Robert Redford star as the outlaw duo, evading a posse and fleeing to Bolivia. Bolivia? This comedic western focuses on the friendship between Robert Leroy Parker and Harry Longabaugh and lady love Etta Place as they try to evade the law and go straight in a new country. Winner of three Academy Awards for screenplay, cinematography, and Burt Bacharach’s score.


Sunday, June 4

June is known as the wedding month, so we think it is the right time to show one of the funniest films about a family wedding. Steve Martin and Diane Keaton star as the parents of the bride. As most fathers in this situation, George Banks is not ready to give away his daughter—no one could be good enough for his baby, played by Kimberly Williams. Dealing with the wedding planners is also a nightmare; Martin Short and BD Wong give the whole industry a bad name! Come have a good laugh with us and you will probably be reminded of similar incidents in your own family.

BIG EYES (2014)

Sunday, June 18

Do you remember the paintings of children with huge eyes that flooded the market in the 50’s and 60’s? Posters covered the walls of cafes and dorm rooms, and they were on sale at sidewalk art shows. Director Tim Burton brings the true story of this art world phenomenon. Maggie (Amy Adams) was the true artist, quietly painting her emotions in the eyes of these waifs, while her husband Walter (Christoph Waltz) raked in the millions. Walter wanted so badly to be a great artist, but his lack of talent drove him to greed, lies and drink.

Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 53

T ribb y At the




7 P.M. in Connie Brown Hall • Also on SPTV Channel 12


Monday, May 1

The scene is Spain at the time of the Inquisition when the writer/poet Cervantes (Peter O’Toole) and his servant Pancho (James Coco) find themselves imprisoned. Cervantes uses his manuscript and fellow prisoners to tell his tale of the Errant Knight Don Quixote, off to save the world, battling windmills in his quest for the Impossible Dream. Sophia Loren stars as Aldonza the barmaid whom our hero idolizes as the virginal Dulcinea. The film won Oscars for its music and for James Coco as supporting actor, and earned a nomination for Peter O’Toole.


Monday, May 15

Vincente Minnelli directed this MGM musical written by Betty Comden and Adolph Green. Fred Astaire stars as aging movie star on the downward side of his career. His best friends, played by Nanette Fabray and Oscar Levant, write a Broadway musical to revive it. The narcissistic artistic director hires prima ballerina, played by Cyd Charisse, as his co-star. When all these egos collide, the film becomes a comedy with some memorable musical numbers, winning an Oscar for best original music.


Monday, May 29

Stephen Sondheim’s 1973 Broadway musical becomes a film starring Elizabeth Taylor. In 1900, an aging actress finds herself at her country house, an awkward hostess surrounded by former and present loves and their families, plus her own mother and daughter. Len Cariou, Diana Rigg, Lesley-Anne Down, Laurence Guittard and Hermoine Gingold round out the cast as they “send in the clowns.”


Monday, June 12

The actual draft of Elvis Presley in 1957 became the inspiration for this musical comedy directed by George Sidney. In this case, rock and roll star Conrad Birdie (Jesse Pearson) receives his draft notice, devastating his fans nationwide. Songwriter Albert Peterson (Dick Van Dyke) hoped to have his new song recorded by Birdie. As a publicity stunt, a lucky high school girl (Ann-Margret) is chosen to receive the idol’s farewell kiss on the Ed Sullivan show. Thus, the comedy ensues featuring songs by Johnny Green and Charles Strouse.


Monday, June 26

James Cagney took home an Oscar for his portrayal of Chicago gangster Martin Snyder. Doris Day as his wife, singer Ruth Etting, probably deserved one also as the pair show off their acting talents in their tempestuous relationship. Snyder discovered her and made her a star, but was obsessed, jealous and controlling. Etting, America’s Sweetheart of Song was the star of her time, the 1920s, and the film features 12 memorable standards sung by Doris Day. Notice the gorgeous costumes by Helen Rose.

54 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023

Music on Mondays

This series of world-class performances by renowned artists is presented on the big screen in Connie Brown Hall at the Tribby Arts Center on Mondays at 1 p.m., and broadcast on SPTV Channel 12 at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m.


2008 Verbier Festival

Monday, May 8

Salvatore Accardo (violin), Antoine Tamestit (violist) and Gautier Capuçon (cellist) join the brilliant pianist Menahem Pressler for a chamber music concert of piano quartets by Schumann and Brahms.

Schumann and Brahms were tied to together by their love for Clara Wieck. Loving wife and muse to Robert Schumann, Clara was a friend and mentor to Brahms both before and after the death of her husband. This concert featured the works of these two great Romantic composers, opening with Schumann’s Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 47, a piece emblematic of Schumann’s personality: agitated, tormented, and passionate. It was followed by the Andante movement of Brahms’ Piano Quartet in C Minor, Op. 60, a work pianist Menahem Pressler describes as, “the most beautiful love declaration ever composed.”


Martin Kušej (stage director), Daniel Barenboim (conductor) with Rolando Villazón (Don José), Marina Domashenko (Carmen) and the Staatskapelle Berlin

Monday, May 22

Martin Kušej's brilliant 2006 Carmen represents a landmark interpretation of a truly timeless opera. Led by Rolando Villazón as Don José and Marina Domashenko in the title role, the virtuoso cast joins forces with the celebrated Staatskapelle Berlin under the direction of the legendary maestro Daniel Barenboim.

This 2006 production was declared a great success, with Mexican tenor Rolando Villazón hailed by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung as, "a perfect José, sung as he hasn't been sung in a long time." Marina Domashenko's lush mezzosoprano voice and the illustrious Staatskapelle Berlin under the baton of Daniel Barenboim make this production an operatic experience not to be missed.

In 1875, the 36-year-old Bizet was only a moderately successful opera composer. Little did he know that his new project, based on Prosper Mérimée's novella Carmen, was destined to immortalize his genius and become one of the most popular operas of all time. Ironically, the opera was met with incredibly negative critical reception, and when Bizet died of a heart attack on the night of its 31st performance, he died considering Carmen a failure. Just months later, the second production, mounted in Vienna, solidified the work's reputation as a masterpiece, and within the following three years, Carmen was produced in nearly every major European opera house.


Monday, June 5

Bach's work has shown no bounds in the variety of excellent music it has inspired, and jazz is no exception. The Baroque master's compositions have sparked the imaginations of countless jazzmen, including Jacques Louisser, Joachin Kühn, Dan Tepfer, and of course Brad Mehldau.

When the American pianist premiered his Three Pieces After Bach project at Carnegie Hall, he clarified that his unique approach "is not about making Bach jazzy," adding, "I have nothing against that but my program only includes works by Johann Sebastian Bach or my own music."

Mehldau is one of the most influential jazzmen of recent decades. He has shared the stage with musical legends as diverse as Charlie Haden, Lee Konitz, Renée Fleming, and Anne Sofie von Otter, and his music has played key roles in cinematic masterpieces like Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut.


Monday, June 19

Celebrated worldwide as a composer and a conductor unafraid to take risks and discover new possibilities, Esa-Pekka Salonen comes to you on in the esteemed company of the Orchestre de Paris and virtuoso cellist Gautier Capuçon.

The evening begins in high style with Shostakovich's Cello Concerto No. 1. From the opening of this beloved work, brimming with color and contrast, brightness and levity are imbued with an undercurrent of irony that comes more and more to the forefront as the movements progress. Next, the orchestra interprets Bruckner's Symphony No. 6, an enchanting masterpiece that the composer considered his boldest symphony, full of rhythmic complexity and bringing the program to a triumphant conclusion.

Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 55


Hundreds of residents participated in this year’s Shell Point Games, a signature biennial event that celebrates camaraderie and the spirit of friendly competition at Shell Point. The Games— which included an array of events, from

croquet and billiards to swimming and running—culminated in a Ceremony at The Village Church that celebrated winners with special medals. The Resident Life Team honored participants in a video featuring highlights from the week full of fun.

Phil Hilton (Springs) Craig and Cheryl Baker (Harbor Court) Rosmarie Phelps (King's Crown), Mike Klein (King's Crown), Ann Bushnell (King's Crown) Joe Burkart (Eagles Preserve)
56 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023
Chuck Bickelhaupt (Junonia) Don Fagnan (Harbor Court) Mildred Anderson (King's Crown) David Drummond (Junonia)
Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 57
Nancy Greenberg (Cellana)

For more photos, visit

Ruth Watson and Anne Parton (Arbor) Ann Bushnell (King's Crown), Michael Fiumefreddo (King's Crown), Barbara Steinhafel (King's Crown) Dick Brown (Parkwood) Pete Anderson (Junonia), Alvin Williams (Lucina), Chuck Bickelhaupt (Junonia), Wendell Leimbach (Junonia), Janet Austin (Rosemont), Dick Brown (Parkwood)

2023 Shell Point Celebration


Residents from each neighborhood of Shell Point gathered on Friday, February 17 in Connie Brown Hall for the Legacy Foundation’s annual Celebration event, hosted by Jeff Cory, Executive Director of the Legacy Foundation, and Karen Anderson, Shell Point’s Vice President of Human Resources.

This year’s theme illustrated how we are “Better Together,” whether we are facing a natural disaster, volunteering to help others, or generously supporting programs around campus.

“Today, we celebrate the resiliency of our residents and employees and the shared

sense of gratitude that continues to prevail throughout this community,” said President Martin Schappell.

The event also included a tribute honoring the legacy of Maggie Tribby, whose gifts to Shell Point inspired gathering spaces including Friendship Point, Serenity Cove and the Tribby Arts Center. Following an inspirational video featuring community highlights of the past year and entertainment from Swedish multi-instrumentalist Gunhild Carling and the Herbicide Jazz Band, residents enjoyed a sweet treat from FineMark National Bank & Trust. They also received a copy of the

For more photos, visit

2022 Annual Community Report, which recaps the tremendous positive activity that is occurring throughout Shell Point.

If you would like to receive a copy of the 2022 Community Report, please contact the Legacy Foundation at (239) 466-8484.

E.J. Erb (Springs)
Jeff Cory
Gunhild Carling Ron and Janice Boud (Estuary) and John and Sue Abitz (Estuary) Michael and Tanya Hochschild (Parkwood) with Anna Smith from FineMark Bank & Trust Karen Anderson, Vice President of Human Resources and Christy Skinner, Vice President of Healthcare Nancy Richardson (Turban) and David Pavey (Coquina), middle, with Rick and Charlene Hayman (Oakmont)
Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 59

A Visit with the C&MA Field Director for Cambodia

Sunday, May 21 • The Village Church

The Village Church welcomes David Manfred, C&MA Field Director for Cambodia, along with his wife, Christine.

The Blood of the Martyrs

10 a.m.

Based on the Tertullian quote that “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church,” David will share stories of missionaries and Cambodians who gave their lives for Christ, and how that has led to the multiplication of the Cambodian church.

Cambodian Church: Celebrating 100 Years

6 p.m.

Christine’s message of Pressing into the Humbling explains how God works in and through our limitations and challenges, illustrated with stories from the Cambodian church.

Based on Habakkuk 1.5, David shares stories of how Christ is currently building His Church in Cambodia in miraculous ways as he encourages us to Look to the Nations and Watch.

“Evidence that we have lived out God’s calling is clear in the country of Cambodia, where 100 years ago in 1923, The Christian and Missionary Alliance had the privilege of being the first to bring the gospel to this land. 100 years into it, the national church and mission are working side by side. There are still unreached peoples to hear the gospel, and there are still leaders to be developed, but the mission is moving forward. Alliance family, look what we get to be part of. It’s rich, it’s real, and it’s continuing.”

Ladies’ Fashion Show

featuring Designs by Anthony’s

Thursday, May 11 • 2 p.m.

The Village Church Auditorium

Admission: Canned good (tuna, chicken, or soup) for South Fort Myers Food Pantry

Sign up beginning April 23 online (, before or after services, or call the church office (239-454-2147) by May 5.

60 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023

Under Construction

Jean and I were in Beijing in 2007. Yes, that Beijing!

I was presenting papers at a professional conference, and then we were visiting friends who were doing ministry in the north of China, in Shenyang. It was a memorable trip.

It was the year before the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing—one of China’s “coming out parties” at which they wanted to showcase their entrance into the larger economic world after having been hidden behind the cloak of Chinese Communist secrecy for so long.

The joke at the time was that the new Chinese national bird was the crane. Jean and I were being driven through a portion of Beijing and on one occasion I counted 25 cranes— construction cranes. Just within the view of our taxi! It seemed that everything was under construction: a major push by the government to build not only the facilities for the Olympics, but housing for the visitors and impressive office buildings to showcase

all are a work in progress; we are under construction. So God would live in us by His Spirit!”

their emerging business interests. In those days, it was impossible to escape a construction project.

Shell Point is about to embark on a significant construction project on The Island. Modest, certainly, by comparison to the Chinese explosion! But for those of us who either live or work on The Island, it will be inescapable.

It’s all driven by a vision—a vision to keep Shell Point as the premier continuous care retirement community in the nation. A vision that Shell Point continues to be known for its exceptional quality. And a vision consistent with the mission of Shell Point—the service of God and the care of His people. A vision to make this

community a satisfying place, not just for us, but for future residents as well. But it occurs to me that we are construction projects ourselves. If we are believers in Jesus, and if we are still here on this planet, we believe God is still working on us, still building us into the vision, the image, of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, according to the apostle Paul, we are “being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” (Ephesians 2.22)

God’s dwelling! Imagine that. Just think how much work that entails! We all are a work in progress; we are under construction. So God would live in us by His Spirit!

And that construction project is not always easy. God usually must do some demolition before He does the finish work on us. May God grant us patience with one another as we go through the physical renovations on The Island, just as He has patience with us in our even more significant eternal renovation.

In the end, it’s all for His glory.

In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.
(Ephesians 2.22)
Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 61

Out & About

Bon Appétit

During a Taste of Shell Point, residents enjoyed delicious samples of new dishes along with a meet-and-greet with the Chefs and dining staff from each of the community’s on-site restaurants. “This event was a great opportunity to spend time with residents and showcase our talented team,” said Director of Dining, Paul Tison. “The event was a huge success, and we look forward to hosting it again next year!”

Jim and Geraldine Mockler (Junonia) Lynne Stauffer (Lakewood) Wilma Sanders and Harold Roth (Royal Bonnet)
62 Shell Point Life | May/June 2023

Crafters Guild

Beyond the walls of their Tribby studio, the Crafters Guild is engaged in events around Shell Point all year long. Over the holidays, they created beautiful designs to adorn not only the Tribby Christmas Tree, but also the trees on each floor of the Pavilion. “We also shared our handmade cards and holiday treats with the displaced residents,” said Crafters Guild member Gerri Harris (Cameo). The group also created the festive décor for the Valentine’s Day Resident Dance and Social, and organized a successful two-day cardmaking workshop for Assisted Living residents. “We keep busy, and we have fun!” said Gerri. Interested in joining the Crafters Guild? Contact Gerri at

Ooh La La

A festive reception in the Tribby’s grand atrium hosted by the Shell Point Film Society featured a French theme and a non-alcoholic Sparkling Blush to complement the Sunday Cinema Matinee of Baz Luhrmann’s spectacular 2001 film, Moulin Rouge. Check pages 53 and 54 to see which films are featured in May and June.

Mary Buck (Parkwood) and Maddy Hanlon (Harbor Court) Daphne Mason (Harbor Court), Vicki Faber, Helen Kalish (Harbor Court) Sharon Isgan (Harbor Court), Joan Lee (Harbor Court), Mary Ann Gira (Harbor Court), Dawn Kaufman (Estuary), Thelma Samuelsen (Eagles Preserve) Augusta Crane (Lakewood), Pat Bubb (Parkwood), Marcia O’Hara (Lucina), Gerri Harris (Cameo), Vicki Bundschu (Oakmont), Jeanne Carguilo (Turban), Diane Feik (Sundial), Emily Foehl (Parkwood), Emily Hawley (Rosemont)
Shell Point Life | May/June 2023 63
Marcia O’Hara (Lucina), Gerri Harris (Cameo), Pat Bubb (Parkwood)

Out & About

Extraordinary Expedition

A group of Shell Point residents, family members and friends embarked upon an extraordinary Isings Travel expedition earlier this year. Together, they explored the historic Spanish city of Quito, Ecuador including the Basilica and Convent of San Francisco, and discovered the unique wildlife of the Galapagos Islands.

Dave and Jill Bugby (Harbor Court);Tour Leader Art Veldman

Front, L-R: Marcia Kline (Periwinkle); Brenda Pulis (Estuary); Ida Martinson (Cellana) and daughter Anne Martinson; Tour Leader Jeanne Veldman; Larry Rosenberg (Macoma). Back, L-R: Carol Smith, Anne’s Sister; Anne Boxall (Lucina); Todd Pulis (Estuary); Ida’s friend Renae Morris; Annie Wainwright (Parkwood);

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Articles inside

Out & About

pages 62-63

Under Construction

page 61

A Visit with the C&MA Field Director for Cambodia

page 60

2023 Shell Point Celebration Better

page 59

Music on Mondays

page 55

T ribb y At the MOVIES ON THE

page 54


page 53

Encore! 2023

page 52

In the Studios

pages 50-51

T ribb y At the

page 49

Seven Months Since Staged Reading

page 48

Open House Open House

pages 46-47

URBAN POLING Revolutionizing Gait and

page 45

Support Groups

pages 43-45

UCLA Memory Training

page 42

BAKE SALE Bakeless

page 41

Library Fund Drive a Success

page 41

Save the Date Independence Day 2023 CELEBRATIONS

page 40


pages 37-39

4 4

pages 33-36

Shell Point Happenings

page 32

Looking Ahead to the 2023 Employee Christmas Gift Fund

page 27

Complimentary Wills Clinic

page 26

Joyful Gathering

pages 24-26


page 22


pages 16-21

Upcoming Attractions

pages 14-15


page 14

Elder Financial Abuse Preventing

page 13

Frozen in Time: Glacier Girl

pages 10-13

Join the Army and SEE THE WORLD

pages 7-9

2023 Resident Hurricane Seminar

pages 5-6

Hurricane Ian: Our Personal Recovery

page 4

English Garden Concert in the Tribby’s

pages 3-4
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