Sk254299 0ouil505 end of module evaluation

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End of Module Student Evaluation BA (Hons) Illustration Module Code: OUIL505 Illustration 2: Applied Illustration Name: Shelly Kaur Student ID: SK254299 Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms: poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent (Note- This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive.) Learning Outcome

Evidenced where? Blog, Visual Journal, Roughs, Final Illustrations, Stings, storyboards, development sheets etc. (No more than 75 words)

Your grade Using words: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent

5A7: Demonstrate an informed understanding of issues relating to media, communication, audience and context through the delivery of solutions to brief led problems or clearly identified creative concerns. (Knowledge & Understanding - Critical Awareness)

Both primary and secondary research were carried out to produce a well-informed project. Primary research was conducted through visiting establishment specialising in the chosen subject matter- coffee. Secondary, through conducting research in existing coffee brands, the background of coffee and also inspiration for aesthetics and technique. This is evidenced on my blog, presentation boards and project report.

Very good

5A8: Understand the potential and limitations of technologies and processes used in the production of illustration for 2d, 3d and/or 4d distribution. (Knowledge & Understanding Research)

Research into processes and technique and Very Good aesthetic was carried out. This aided the decision to create shape-based simplified imagery, use vectors and also influenced the colour schemes chosen. Digital software was chosen to produce the final outcomes due to their versatile nature, allowing you to quickly and easily adapt the image to be applied to various products.

5B5: Analyse and critically evaluate the impact of social, cultural, technological and/or ethical concerns on the development of solutions to problems relevant to individual creative concerns. Cognitive Skills - Problem Analysis, Problem Solving)

The research carried out regarding these concerns were used to form the basis of the project and my intent to shed a positive light on the these facts and ideas is demonstrated in analysis on my blog.


5C6: Explore and apply a range of appropriate practical and conceptual approaches to self-determined ideas, concepts, solutions/proposals in

I used a sketchbook to firstly express all my ideas and then began a process of roughing as a means of solving-problems encountered and also pushing an idea further until reaching the best possible outcome. I used reference imagery to inform my drawings and blogged about key moments on my

Very Good

response to own identified intentions and relevant practices. (Practical Skills Practical and Conceptual Development)

blog in which to show development and changes in direction.

5C7: Produce technically competent and conceptually appropriate outcomes to identified problems through the selection and application of visual skills. (Practical Skills - Visual Quality and Technical Competence)

I used a combination of digital skills to produce clean and professional outcomes to be applied. I believe my final resolutions are a clear indication of my level of skill and ability when producing work using these methods. Furthermore, I think my attention to detail is demonstrated within development shown on my blog.


5D5: Demonstrate the ability to plan and carry out a period of increasingly self-directed study through the appropriate use of workshop areas, studio activities and project management skills. (Key Transferable Skills Presentation and Evaluation)

I have demonstrated my ability to carry out a selfdirected project through the evidence shown within my six final outcomes and also the presentation boards and project report. I have also here displayed a professional approach to presenting my work. Self- evaluation of my practice is shown on my blog and also within my summative evaluation

Very Good

Summative Evaluation (See Evaluation Guidance on next page for more information) You are required to write a 750 word Summative Evaluation of this module. Please type up your Summative Evaluation in the box below. Make a PDF of the document, print out a copy to submit with your portfolio of work. Also please cut and paste the text from this box into the final page(s) of your OUIL505 Project Report. I was really excited about starting this module. Firstly, because we got to write our own brief and choose the subject matter that would form the basis of our project and secondly, because I feel as though knowing how to apply your practice within the real world is not only a crucial skill to have but significantly helps to develop the professionalism of your work. As aforementioned, the idea of writing my own brief was very exciting but equally, very daunting. I had never carried out a fully self-driven project, setting the requirements, deliverables and restrictions for myself. This has always been provided for me and so it was a lot of pressure to have to set myself a brief. I didn’t want to give myself too much to do and propose something that was unachievable but at the same time I wanted to challenge myself. Initially, at the start of the module I was unsure of what I wanted to be the starting point of my project and rushed into setting myself a brief that I wasn’t even sure I wanted to pursue. After some thought I decided upon the theme of coffee as this is something that I can’t live without and also really wanted to learn more about. I began the project by carrying out lots of research- both primary and secondary. In terms of primary research, I visited local cafes and coffee shops, spoke to the owners/ staff and also was given some freebies. As for secondary research, I looked into existing coffee brands, the history of coffee, coffee facts and also used online resources as a form of inspiration to drive my project forward. The importance of research was really made clear within this module, especially for me because it was the information I found

out through research that informed the outcomes and essentially gave me a guideline as to what I was drawing. I really pushed myself in terms of practical skills within this module. Although I am comfortable with using vectors, Photoshop hasn’t been my strong point in the past. I wanted to try and develop my skills and knowledge as to the possibilities of the software which I think I did within this project. Furthermore, I really stepped outside of my comfort zone with colour this time round, which is something I have been telling myself to explore further for a long time. I used online resources such as Pinterest to find inspiration and used this to construct cohesive colour palettes of my own. I now feel less afraid about using colour in my work. One thing that I have taken away from this project is the importance of roughing. I have never felt so strongly that drawing something over and over again is extremely useful and essential to producing a better outcome. In the past, I have noticed myself simply redrawing things for the sake of filling a sketchbook however, throughout the project I was more critical of myself in terms of what I believed could be improved and proceeded to re-draw the subject, making slight changes each time. Looking back, I feel as though I could definitely have done more roughing as nearer the end of the project I was panicking about getting the digital versions completed and rushed the sketching stage for a couple of the outcomes. Although I believe my final resolutions to be strong, there is always room for improvement. I spoke briefly of running out of time which brings me to talk about my organization skills within this project. I have never been particularly great at time management and having to juggle so many modules at the same time was a really difficult and stressful task for me. Although I was able to produce a full and pretty strong outcome, I think it could have been stronger if I had organised my time a little better earlier on in the project. The professionalism of my work is really starting to come through now. I have found myself making a conscious effort to keep things neat and tidy to ensure the end result is clean and professional. Furthermore, I have developed the necessary skills needed to effectively present, not just my work, but a whole project. This skill will most definitely come in handy further down the line when I am trying to get myself out there and promoting my skills and abilities.

Evaluation Guidance This should be a reflective summary of your experience across the module. -

How did it go? Where did your journey start, where did it end? I knew very little at the start of this module. At the end of the module I feel that‌


What learning took place? What was useful to you? Be specific. New skills? New methods? New processes or approaches? Did you use the blog to reflect on your project development?


What went well and why? What did you enjoy? What were you happy with as an outcome? Be critical and analytical. Why did you enjoy it? Perhaps identify particular sessions? This could be ideas, solutions to problems, studentship or research. How well did you use the studio? Did you invest enough time in the development and testing of your outcomes?


What could you have done better? What were the problems you faced? What did you do to try to overcome them? This could be in reference to studentship, organization or blogging as much as studio practice.


How can you apply what you have learned here for future modules and projects? Application and future thinking. Things you would do differently next time? What useful methods, processes and ideas will you take forward into the next module?

You may also want to consider: Self-questioning: How did your thoughts and opinions change as you progressed through the module? Feedback: What other people (tutors and peers) thought of work and how you responded to that feedback? Research: Did you use contextual research to inform your ideas, ways of thinking or understanding of the challenges set. This may include further research of your subject matter, slides from the presentations or use of the library.

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