Impact of Mobile App Performance on the User-experience and Best Tips to elevate it!
“While making a payment using an app for booking a hotel, you hit the submit button and the page doesn’t load. All you see is a blank screen. How would you feel? Questions like ‘Is my payment done?’ and ‘Will I lose my money?’ start popping up in your mind, leaving you clueless and annoyed!” Such incidents have had happened with all of us some or the other time. With such a negative experience, will you ever use that app again or recommend it to others? Never! That’s how a bad performing app hampers the user experience. All the mobile app development efforts can go in vain in minutes. So, what is the impact of a poor mobile app performance on the customer relationship and the businesses?
Impact of a Poorly Performing App on Customers and Business: Today’s customers have limited patience and short attention spans. They want instant output for their actions. If their expectations aren’t met, they are bound to leave the app. A mobile app that crashes at times, has slow response times or shows similar performance barriers, is simply hated by the customers. Here are some direct and indirect effects of a poorly performing app. • It will lead to unsatisfied customers. • The number of downloads will reduce considerably. • Existing, as well as potential customers, are bound to leave. • The time and efforts of the development team will be wasted. • The reviews and ratings of the app will aggravate. • All this can adversely affect the brand identity and the bottom line of the business.
These effects can be devastating for a business. So, a mobile app development company or a business using a mobile app for their growth must ensure that they provide an enjoyable and enriching experience Copyright © Biz4Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved Biz4solutions Logo and designs are trademarks of Biz4Solutions LLC. All trademarks and logos referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.
to their customers. This will enhance customer satisfaction, increase conversion rate, and ensure customer retention. It will enhance the credibility of the app and elevate the brand’s reputation. Consequently, it will increase sales and boost the ROI of the business. So, how to ensure that the customers stick around? We will now see some actionable tips that can ensure the seamless performance of a mobile app, ultimately enhancing the user experience. Let’s get started.
Practical Tips to Boost the Mobile App Performance Optimizing Images It is essential to resize and compress the images in the app with the use of special tools available online. This minimizes the image size in bytes and avoids the unnecessary amount of bandwidth, making the app lighter. The mobile app developers need to take care that the quality of images is not affected while doing this, also need to ensure that the size of the image is correct. Managing the Memory Appropriately A mobile app may have many threads spinning simultaneously which absorbs memory resources. It can overload the app. In iOS apps, memory issues can be handled using Objective-C and a process called reference counting. In Android, the process of memory management is a bit complex but allows one to do it exactly as needed. Loading Minimal Data If the app needs to handle a huge amount of data, it is best to only load the data as much as it is required. Developers can split the assemblies to attain this. They can also preload the data in the app database so it can be instantaneously loaded in the app as and when the user requires it. Using Loading Validations Try to add loading validations to the app to seem that the app is going faster than it actually does. One can provide some feedback or message on the screen of the app until there is a response from the background. This engages the users and gives a perception that the app is loading faster. Optimizing for Fast APIs APIs i.e. Application Program Interfaces are necessary for applications to communicate with each other without manual intervention. One way to optimize the API calls is by making fewer API calls, then caching the data coming from the server also helps in optimization. This, in turn, helps to enhance the app performance, reduces latency, round-trip time, etc. and improves user-experience. So, it is essential to optimize them for faster processes. A CDN- content delivery network and similar optimizations can also be used for accelerating APIs. Monitor Front-end and Back-end Data One must check front-end performance metrics like app response time, app crashes, screen rendering, etc. from time-to-time. Also, one must keep a watch on backend data and metrics like server response time, connection times, HTTP calls, etc. This data will help to measure the performance of the app and take the necessary actions to enhance its performance.
Final Words: Customers are Kings and Queens! Their experience while using a mobile app plays a key role in the success of the app. So, it is mandatory for the owners of a mobile app and even the mobile app development companies to ensure that the app’s performance is smooth and engaging. Providing excellent functionality and making the app visually attractive is not enough. One needs to eliminate all the performance obstacles that dampen the user experience, using the above-mentioned tips. Copyright © Biz4Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved Biz4solutions Logo and designs are trademarks of Biz4Solutions LLC. All trademarks and logos referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.
If your app is not performing up to the par, we can be your reliable technical partner in developing a highspeed custom mobile app. We, at Biz4Solutions, have a dedicated team of professionals who develop customer-centric apps that provide a classic user experience. Hire a team of mobile app developers from Biz4Solutions for world-class apps now! Get in touch to know more!
Copyright Š Biz4Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved Biz4solutions Logo and designs are trademarks of Biz4Solutions LLC. All trademarks and logos referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.