Business Matters | Volume 4, Issue 3

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VOLUME 4 ISSUE 3 INTHISISSUE PetersonNamedChamberPresident&CEO OysterFest:AnEconomicInspiration AThrivingDowntown


Page 2 Business Matters
Products · ASC Security & Investigations ·
Heritage Bank · Island Enterprises, Inc ·
Dog Casino · Mason Health · Mason PUD 3 Skookum Creek Tobacco Company ·
Club Alderbrook
Spa Arnold
Insurance Bayshore Cannabis Co Belco Forest Products Bradley Air Company Brady Trucking
Supply Builders FirstSource Christmas Village Consejo Counseling & Referral Service Edward Jones
FA EI Kristyn & Son Construction, Inc · Falcon Financial, Inc · Fike’s Roofing & Construction General Dynamics Electric Boat · Great Bend Center for Music · Hawks View Insurance · Jalisco Tortillas M4 Real Estate Group Maple Glen Senior Living Maples Excavating Mason Transit Authority MultiCare Nisqually Red Wind Casino Port Blakely Seattle Shellfish, LLC Shelton Ford Shelton Dental Center Shelton Dental Excellence Shelton School District Shelton
Sierra Pacific Industries The Shopper T Mobile Tractor Supply Company Washington Corrections Center Wilde
Platinum Gold
Green Diamond Resource Company
Hood Canal Communications Little Creek Casino Resort Our Community Credit Union Peninsula Credit Union Alta Forest
City of Shelton
Fred Meyer
Taylor Shellfish Farms Alderbrook Golf & Yacht
Resort and
Smith Insurance
State Farm
& Landscape
Karen Schade,
Mason County Journal
Irish Pub YSS Dive

Tanya Frazier, Chair Crossroads Housing & Martha Reed Foundation

Kyle Skarra, Chair Elect Builders FirstSource

Lisa Woodard, Treasurer Columbia Bank Shelton

Melanie Bakala, Past Chair State Farm Insurance

Dave Aykens ASC Security & Investigations

Eileen Bailey EI Kristyn & Sons Construction

Daniel Berner Berner Law Office, PLLC

Ashley Brady Brady Trucking & Landscape Supply

Marvin Campbell Squaxin Island Tribe

Kelley Crabtree

Artegan/Maple Glen Senior Living

Steph Fyfe Stephs Espresso

Mendy Harlow The Salmon Center

Jamie Mell

John L Scott Mell Property Management

Mitch Newman Newman Family Chiropractic

Ken Oakes South Sound Appliance

CJ Singh Joes Market & Shell Station

Randy Smith Shelton Athletic Club

Departure of the CEO

Atthebeginningofthisyear,hadsomeonebetmeI’dbeleavingtheChamberbeforetheholidays,I’d havebetthousandsofdollarsagainstthem Thankfully,therewasnobetbecauseIwouldhavelostit MylastdayattheChamberwillbeSeptember23and shortlyafterthat,I'llbeginattheThurston EconomicDevelopmentCouncilastheOperationsManager

Thisisbittersweet Forthebetterpartofadulthood,theChamberhasbeeningrainedineverythingI do I’vebeenblessedtoworkinthecommunitywhereIgrewupandhaveseenitchangedforthe better I’vewitnessedtheChamberAwardsGalagofrombarely100peopletosoldoutat450witha waitinglistandfromanightfilledwithpresentationstoanightofcelebration I’vehelpedspearheada DowntownVisioningPlanthatisstillbeingutilizedandevenexpandedupon Buttruly,itisthe incredibleleadersI’veworkedwithovertheyears,bothontheChamberBoardandwithinthe communityatlarge,thathasbeenthegreatesthighlight

Manyofyouhaveaskedwhatpromptedthechange IlearnedlongagothatwhenGodputspressureor beginsspeakinginmyearthatIneedtolisten Overthepastseveralmonths,Ihadsomefriendspoint outthisjobopportunity Iglancedatit,expectingtoquicklypassover,butfoundthatthejobwas madeforme Istillgettoworkwithbusinessesanditscratchesmyrealestateitchbyworkingwith expandingmarketsandreviewingcontracts Notonlythat,butindirectly,Istillgettoworkonbehalf ofMasonCountyasthereareprogramsbenefittingusaswell Thepotential toworkdirectlywith MichaelCadeandhisteamwasthetippingpoint Theplanbecameapparentandthepathforwardis cleartome

Icouldn'tstepawaywithoutknowingtheChamberwillcontinuetosupportthecommunityinthe mostintegralway TheBoardappointmentofDeidrePetersonasmysuccessorensuresthat Inevery accomplishmentattheChamberoverthepastdecade,Deidre'ssupporthasbeenparamounttoits success Sheknowstheprograms,shehasrelationshipswithinvestorsandleaders,andshewill breathefreshairintoeverything MasonCountywillbeblessedtohaveherserveinthiscapacity She won’tbeHeidi20,norshouldshebe Thisorganizationwasnotmeanttobestagnantandshouldhave afresh,energized,andcompetentleaderatthehelm Sheisthisleader

SomeofyouhaveyettoseethebreadthofwhatDeidrecanaccomplish Takeitfromme:youareabout tobewowed Inthe11yearsI’veworkedwithher,Ihaveneverceasedtobeimpressedwithherwork ethic,herunderstandingandloveofthiscommunity,orherprofessionaldemeanorwhile accomplishingimpossiblefeats Icanalreadytellyouthatadecadefromnow,thisorganizationwillgo furtherthanourwildestdreamscanimagine WhenyouaddinthesupportthatJennyAndersonbrings totheChamberaswell,theskyisthelimit


Tanya Frazier Crossroads Housing & Martha Reed Foundation

Comments from

In her time with the Chamber, Heidi brought forth many new initiatives and programs to the Mason County business community Although it will be sad not to see her regularly, we as the Chamber Board of Directors are thankful for all the things she has done in for our community and wish her the very best as she begins this new and exciting chapter

When it came time to sit down and plan our next steps as a board, there was no question on who is best suited to lead us through this transition as our permanent President & CEO Over the past decade, Deidre Peterson has been nothing short of a stellar employee of the Chamber She has been responsible for incentivizing event participation, implementing the move to a tiered dues model, securing a national partnership with Google, revamping the Ambassadors committee, developing guidelines for the annual awards program, sunsetting the auction, and spearheading in house policies and procedures.

Deidre is deeply committed to the Chamber She graduated from the Western Association of Chamber Executives Academy, a multi year program on chamber management essentials, and she continues to seize opportunities to expand her skill set and bring resources to our members Well known in statewide and national associations, she has received accolades for working tirelessly behind the scenes and for her laser like focus

Aside from her work at the Chamber, Deidre is a member of Shelton Kiwanis Club, serves on the City Council, and volunteers for St Edward Catholic Church She and her husband Jon live in downtown and are active in community efforts We are thrilled to offer Deidre the position of President & CEO of the Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce and look forward to the success her leadership will undoubtedly bring

COVERPHOTO:President&CEOto beDeidrePetersonanddepartingHeidiMcCutcheonposetogetherinfrontoftheChamber

Board Members 2022 Business Matters Page 3
BUSINESSMATTERSisproducedinMasonCountybytheShelton MasonCountyChamberofCommerce ServingMasonCountysince1922 theChamberisacatalystforbusinessgrowth,aconvenerofleadersandinfluencers,andachampionofourcommunity
Big change at the Chamber, big change indeed After 14 years with the Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce, Heidi McCutcheon has accepted a new employment opportunity with the Thurston County Economic Development Council and Center for Business & Innovation
Heidi McCutcheon Chamber President & CEO

For decades, the Chamber has recognized deserving businesses, individuals, and organizations through its annual awards program The entire community is invited to submit nominations online at masonchamber com/nominate and will be accepted through September 30, 2022 Award categories, guidelines, and the complete list of past winners is also published online

There are five categories open for nominations. Business of the Year honors the business that made the most significant contribution benefiting the Mason County community over the past year; most recently, The Patty Wagon took home the title Rookie of the Year nods to a new business and was awarded to Kealy Electric Boss of Year recognizes an individual who empowers their employees and is an example of leadership and management excellence; last year Jamie Mell of John L Scott Real Estate & Mell Property Management earned the accolade Citizen of the Year credits an individual who has made outstanding contributions to enhance the business community and the community at large; the recent award went to Dawn Myers Nonprofit of the Year celebrates an organization who strongly impacts Mason County through service, volunteerism, and donations; The Youth Connection received that title last

“We are inspired by those who have displayed innovation, economic courage, and generosity during these trying times,” said Chamber CEO Heidi McCutcheon “It is greatly rewarding to celebrate the extraordinary businesses and people who are making our community better ”

All nominations will be reviewed by the Chamber’s Member Services Committee, who will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees a slate of three finalists per category to be placed on the ballot As always, ballots will be sent to all members in good standing; each Chamber member receives one vote per category

The majority vote by the membership determines the award winners who will be announced live at the Awards Gala held at Little Creek Casino Resort’s Skookum Event Center on Friday, January 20, 2023.

Two other awards will also be announced at th event: President’s Choice Award and Voluntee the Year Last year Past Board Chair Melanie Bakala selected Julie Whitehouse for her dedication to local efforts and her activism an Chamber staff honored Jennifer Duncan of Peninsula Credit Union, respectively

For more information contact Deidre Peterson deidre@masonchamber com or (360) 426 2021

This community is amazing Tell us

Is your boss incredible?

What business has gone above & beyond? Who's your new favorite? Who's the individual always stepping up? Who just won't stop?

Simply submit their name online at masonchamber com/nominate

Business Matters Page 5

School is in session


Shelton School District, K 12

Superintendent Wyeth Jessee Shelton School District Central Office 700 S First St, Shelton (360) 426 1687 sheltonschools org

Bordeaux Elementary School, K 5 Principal Kyle O’Neil 350 E University Ave, Shelton (360) 426 3253 bordeaux sheltonschools org

Evergreen Elementary School, K 5 Principal Paula Canady 900 W Franklin St, Shelton (360) 426 8281 evergreen sheltonschools org

Mt View Elementary, Pre K 5

Principal Mary Johnson 534 East K St, Shelton (360) 426 8564 mtview sheltonschools org

Olympic Middle School, 6 7

Principal Chelsea Cornwall Brady 800 East K St, Shelton (360) 462 6671 olympic sheltonschools org

Oakland Bay Jr High, 8 9

Principal Teresa Mayr 3301 N Shelton Springs Rd, Shelton (360) 426 7991 objh sheltonschools org

Cedar High School, 9 12

Principal Amber Hosford Olympic College Campus 937 W Alpine Way, Shelton (360) 432 5492 cedar sheltonschools org

CHOICE Middle & High School, 7 12

Principal Vernon Bruni 807 W Pine St, Shelton (360) 426 7664 choice sheltonschools org

Shelton High School, 9 12

Principal Bruce Kipper 3737 N Shelton Springs Rd, Shelton (360) 426 4471 shs sheltonschools org

Grapeview School District, K 8

Superintendent Gerry Grubbs Principal Nick Schultek 822 E Mason Benson Rd, Grapeview (360) 426 4921 gsd54 org

NorthMasonSchoolDistrict,Pre KTo12

Superintendent Dana Rosenbach 250 E Campus Dr, Belfair (360) 277 2300 nmsd wednet edu

North Mason High School, 9 To 12

Principal Chad Collins 200 E Campus Dr, Belfair (360) 277 2303 nmsd wednet edu

Hood Canal School District, Pre K To 8

Superintendent Jose de Jesus Melendez 320 E Dalby Rd, Ste E, Union

Principal Sarah LeMier 111 N State Route 106, Shelton (360) 877 5463 hoodcanal wednet edu

Mary M Knight School District, K 12 Superintendent Matt Mallery Principal Michael Marstrom 2987 W Matlock Brady Rd, Elma (360) 426 6767 marymknight com

Pioneer School District, K 8 Superintendent Jeff Davis Principal Doris Bolender 112 E Spencer Lake Rd, Shelton (360) 426 9115 psd402 org

Southside School District, K 7 Superintendent Paul Wieneke School Administrator Robie Spaulding 161 SE Collier Rd, Shelton (360) 426 8437 southsideschool org


Olympic College President Marty Cavalluzzi Shelton Administrator Alison Smith 937 W Alpine Way, Shelton (360) 432 5400 olympic edu


Gateway Christian Center, Pre K to 5 Director Carter Cheston 405 S 7th St, Shelton (360) 426 5089 gatewayccc com

MasonCountyChristianSchool,Pre Kto9 Director Sharon Murphy 470 E Eagle Ridge Dr, Shelton (360) 426 7616 masoncountychristianschool org

Mt Olive Lutheran Preschool, Pre K Director Margarete Dohring 206 E Wyandotte Ave, Shelton (360) 427 3165

mtoliveshelton org/daycare and preschool

Shelton Head Start, Pre K Director Hannah Ameen 2412 W Railroad Ave, Shelton (360) 426 2898 soundtoharbor com

Shelton Preschool, Pre K Director Shannon Mazzoncini 2340 W Railroad Ave, Shelton (360) 426 7945

Shelton Valley Christian School, K 8 Principal Connie Mitzelfelt 201 W Shelton Valley Rd, Shelton (360) 426 4198

sheltonvalleychristianschool com

Skokomish Early Childhood Education Center, Pre K Director Austin Randall N 91 Reservation Rd, Skokomish Nation (360) 877 9007

skokomish org/early childhood education

Squaxin Island Child Development Center, Birth 5 years Director Sally Brownfield 3851 SE Old Olympic Hwy, Shelton (360) 426 3858

squaxinisland org/child development center 3

Page 6 Business Matters

Railroad's Fourth Block Breathes New Life

Main Street

Since the Chamber and EDC hosted a Tour of Empty Buildings in 2013, many of the decrepit spaces have been filled up with new retail spaces, eateries, and unique places It is thanks to the passion and grit of determined entrepreneurs that we have seen the beginnings of a sort of renaissance on Railroad You may have noticed that the fourth block has become reinvented and is now a draw for residents and visitors

Mestizos Latin Food is the newest addition The family and veteran owned eatery, located in the former home of The Strip Steakhouse, has been beautifully transformed and features Salvadorian and Mexican cuisine as well as a monthly special from a different Latin country Chef Jack (son of owners Brenda & Patrick Gradert) brings with him years of experience in high end restaurants and a passion for Latin fare

Shelton Candy Shoppe, located next door, is giving us all the nostalgia vibes They carry local candy artists and childhood favorites, an array of nationally recognized brands you've always loved, and even vegan, organic, and gluten free options Stop in to visit with owners Phillip and Kayla (self dubbed “ sugar dealers”) and grab yourself a treat! There are lots of Washington sourced goodies, including pints of local Olympic Mountain Ice Cream

And earlier this summer, Wilde Irish Pub opened the doors to the highly anticipated full service bar and eclectic restaurant. Jim & Nikki Boad love to travel and that provided the inspiration for this space The couple purchased the old Ming Tree building two years ago and slowly transformed it into a modern pub with a jovial vibe WIP takes pride in serving fresh, local, seasonal food as well as craft cocktails, fine Whiskeys, and an amazing selection of draft beers

Fat Cat Coffee, moved to its quaint location on the corner of the Angle Building in 2021, the same year being named Chamber Rookie of the Year The shop is owned by entrepreneur and coffee aficionado Feather Meredith She The menu features custom label grinds and includes hot & cold beverage options, including teas, energy drinks, smoothies, and Italian sodas You’ll also find local soaps, quirky gifts, and seasonal specials

Cottontail Baby & Kids Resale joined its sister store Our Favorite Things Resale Shop this year.

Owner Rishel Kidd is excited to offering new and gently used clothing, gifts, home décor, and more in a boutique style shopping environment There is also a small event space available for rent to hold parties, paint nights, yoga classes and more

Cooper Studios has anchored the block for more than ten years Owners Amy & Forest Cooper are active proponents for the downtown core who have worked behind the scenes to bring about big things like Shelton Neon Project and donated their time to ensure the longevity of traditions such as Halloween Trick or Treating with merchants

At the Western end of the storefronts, the old City Hall stands proudly, appropriately housing the Mason County Historical Society & Museum The museum shares the heritage of the region, free of charge, and plays host to artist receptions, rotating exhibits, and special collections

As described in National Trust for Historic Preservation report, “All across America, blocks of older, smaller buildings are quietly contributing to robust local economies and distinctive livable communities Buildings of diverse vintage and small scale provide flexible, affordable space for entrepreneurs launching new businesses and serve as attractive settings for new restaurants and locally owned shops They offer diverse housing choices that attract younger residents and create human scaled places for walking, shopping, and social interaction These modest, often overlooked buildings are irreplaceable assets for America’s new urban age ”

There are many creating authentic experiences downtown. Just look at Shelton Downtown Merchants, Shelton Farmers Market, local events and festivals hosted by organizations such as Forest Festival and Kristmastown Kiwanis, and the genius of Christmastown USA activities created by Northwest Event Organizers in cooperation with City of Shelton Get out, take a walk, and be part of a new, dynamic downtown

As the momentum builds and moves throughout downtown, the Chamber commits to continuing to work with its partners and local businesses to create a vibrant, thriving downtown Learn more at masonchamber com/downtown

Business Matters Page 7
has long been hailed as the heart of a community. In Shelton, Railroad Avenue has stood as an economic and retail cornerstone for more than 125 years.
Page 8 - Business Matters


Celebratingit’s40thanniversary(1982 2022) themuch celebratedeventisOctober1 2at thePortofShelton’sSandersonAirport Locals rejoice!September30isthereturnof OysterFunk,whenthe21+prefunkstarts onsiteFridayat6:00pmtokickoftheoyster slurpingwithlivemusicandmicrobrews

Forfourdecades“OysterFest”hasbeenan importanteventtoMasonCounty Although foodanddrinkanchorthefestivities,thereis muchtoseeanddoforthewholefamilyatthis celebrationthathasaprofoundimpacton manylocalnon profits Livemusic,onsite camping,PacificNorthwestmicrobrewsand Washingtonwines,educationalexhibits,and activitiesforthewholefamilyhighlightedby theshuckingchampionship,kiddietrainrides, andevenakid’sstage

LookingforanewarrivalatOysterFest?This yearaseafoodchowdercook offtakesstage whereboththeprosandhomechefscan competetobenamedthebestinthePacific Northwest Saturdayfeaturestheprofessional competitionwhileSundaywrapsthingsup withtheamateurs.

Thiscompetitionisjudgedbybelovedand renownedchefXinhDwelley Sheherselfbeing afeatureofthisyear’sOysterFest,namedby RotaryastheHonoraryGrandOldOyster(or GOObythoseintheknow).

RVandcampingreservationsareopenbut fillingquickly somakeyourreservation soon!Folkslookingtogivebacktothe communityorinterestedincomplimentary entryandavolunteert shirtcansignupfora shiftinseveralcapacities

SkookumRotaryClub iscommittedto OysterFest'ssuccess Everyyear,membersand theirfamiliesplan,setup,run,andteardown theevent Oneofthemajorreasonstheydoso istoassistlocalnonprofits Tobeafood vendor,organizationsarerequiredtobea nonprofitservingMasonCounty From traditionalfairfaretoseafooddelights,thereis somethingtosuiteveryone'stastes.

Speakingofseafood,don’tmisstheexcitement ontheShuckingStage.Onbothdays,oyster shuckerscompeteforcashprizesandnational recognition Shelton’schampionshipisthe

preliminaryeventtotheUnitedStatesshuck offatSt Mary’sOysterFestivalinMaryland Eachyear,thecompetitionsgoesthrough morethan6,000ofTaylorShellfish’sdonated oystersforthespeedandthehalf shell competitions

Gotooysterfestorgtolearnmore,make reservations,purchasetickets,andsignupto volunteernow Ticketsareavailableonlineor atthegate.Parkingisfree,withhandicapand VIPparkingavailablenearthegates Dogs, withtheexceptionofserviceanimals,arenot allowedinsidefestivalgates Firesare prohibitedonallgrounds ExitHighway101on toSandersonWayandfollowthesigns.


OysterFunk on September 30 6 9pm, Ages 21+ are $5

OysterFest is October 1 & 2 Saturday 10am 6pm Sunday 10am 5pm Adults are $10, 8 17 are $5, Children 7 & younger are free

401982 2022
Business Matters Page 9


The flower baskets that grace our streets for the summer season were hung with care just in time for Forest Festival weekend This project, led by the Chamber, could not have been possible without the help, support, and organizational skills from members of the community Our thanks go to Hood Canal Communications, City of Shelton, and Shelton Kiwanis Club & Foundation who were instrumental in the planning and hanging the flower baskets

The Chamber and its partners collaborate to beautify our community in the summer with a flowery, cheerful welcome and in the winter by displaying the Christmas street light ornaments


There is a tremendous cost associated with beautifying our community and the entire project is funded by community donations No tax dollars are allocated towards these projects and all donations go directly to the beautification program

You can help! Gifts made to the beautification program provide for the upkeep of the flower baskets, streetlight banners, and Christmas decorations Summer flower baskets may be sponsored for $275 each which offsets the cost of purchasing, maintaining, and watering one flower basket for the season All contributions are tax deductible under the 501(c)(3)

You may choose to sponsor a basket in the name of a business, an individual, or in memoriam of a loved one You can even choose which basket you'd like to sponsor from a list of available locations

Gifts of any amount are appreciated! You may drop off monetary contributions at the Chamber Office located at 215 W Railroad Ave or mail them to SMCCF, PO Box 2389, Shelton, WA 98584

If you would like more information on this valuable community project, please call (360) 426 2021 or visit sheltonchamber com/beautification

Page 10 - Business Matters

The Expo & Bite of Mason County on July 15 once again transformed downtown with a street fair along Railroad Avenue This year’s footprint stretched from First to Seventh and to make it more united, provide easy walking paths, and allow for even more business booths to participate With more than 100 booth spaces and 18 food & beverage options, thousands of residents and visitors turned out to enjoy the best of Mason County

As always, the Expo offered locals a chance to check out local services, retailers, and restaurants in a fun, casual atmosphere Vendors entertained and interacted by hosting games, offering giveaways, and drawing free raffles throughout the day; and our restaurants prepared delectable bites of food for a great value

This year there were incredible displays and a a variety of delicious fare After tallying the people’s choice votes, for the second year running, The Shelton Plant Shop earned Best Booth for their tent draped with lush houseplants and unique decorative items T’s Café & Espresso also took home the Golden Fork award as they delighted the crowds with bites of sandwiches, chowder, salad, cookies, Danishes, and specialty teas

The Expo & Bite of Mason County is made possible thanks to our premier sponsors Green Diamond Resource Company, Mason Health, Mason PUD 3, Our Community Credit Union, and Peninsula Credit Union as well as in kind sponsors AAA Septic & Portable Restrooms, Shelton Mason County Journal, and Skookum Rotary Club

Save the date for the next Community Expo & Bite of Mason County on Friday, July 21! Registration will open in March of 2023 For more information email events@masonchamber com or call the Chamber at (360) 426 2021

Premier Sponsors

AAASEPTIC AAASEPTIC Business Matters Page 11
In Kind Sponsors
Page 12 Business Matters

A new municipal code section addressing graffiti abatement is now in effect The ordinance was originally presented to the City Council in a study session held on March 8 After considered the Ordinance as part of their business agenda on April 5 the council and requested staff research and propose a code provision to provide relief for property owners impacted multiple times by graffiti

This new graffiti code section requires abatement within twenty (20) days of a voluntary correction notice agreement however when a property owner notifies the city of each instance of graffiti and abates the graffiti within the time period specified above the abatement period is extended to 180 days for the third and any subsequent graffiti impacts

“Graffiti” means any unauthorized inscription, word, letters, numbers, figure, picture, or design regardless of content which is sprayed marked, posted, pasted, or otherwise affixed, drawn, or painted on any surface of public or private property that is visible from any public right of way or public property Markings made by chalk or other easily washable means shall not be considered graffiti

Under the vandalism ordinances, the owner of the vandalized property is responsible for the cleanup, but the city will provide paint or the labor for the task

This ordinance does not prohibit legal murals or arts projects commissioned by property owners It is particularly aimed at addressing vandalism

As with all city codes, Shelton Police Department s enforcement officers are responsible to educate and address violations Officers Shannon Watanabe and Lexi McHargue reached out to the Chamber in an effort to develop resources to help property owners who have been targeted by this behavior

Longtime Chamber member and community supporter Builders FirstSource was approached with a wish list of supplies need to kickoff the assistance program Mike Gill kindly arranged for paint pans, roller handles, rollers, drop cloths, gloves, brushes, stir sticks, trash bags, can openers, and paint to be made available to support the program Neighbors helping neighbors is the best!

Page 14 Business Matters


After Hours

Business Matters Page 15
The July Business After Hours networking event was held at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Chamber members gathered to network and learned about the amazing things the church does for the community Ice cold refreshments, served courtesy of Bradley Air Company, were enjoyed as members of the business community came together for another successful Business After Hours In August, Pam Hanson, owner of Cameo Boutique & Wine Shop, was the epitome of a gracious host New property owners and creative minds of Il Canalé were introduced. Located on the beautiful Hood Canal, a midway point in the county, this event hosted both Chambers, whose members spent the evening networking, enjoying the views, and savoring refreshments Business After Hours provides an exclusive opportunity for members to connect and expand their local business to business network by provide inside looks, intriguing conversations, and complimentary hors d' oeuvres and beverages This is an ideal way to introduce yourself for the first time or strengthen existing relationships These socials are typically on the second Wednesday monthly from 5:30 7:00p Save the date! October 12 is at Columbia Bank September saw Peninsula Credit Union take a tiki break with their tropical themed luau Always a crowd favorite, PCU CEO Jim Morrell and Branch Manager Jennifer Duncan welcomed members to their spacious branch in downtown Shelton While encouraging members to forge stronger connections and professional relationships, they dressed to impress in Hawaiian shirts and served up delicacies prepared by Wild & Woodsy Catering
2. 3 4 5. 3 Gillis Auto Center is now Shelton Ford & Shelton Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram and part of the Bruce Titus Automotive Group 1 JaliscoTortillashostedafiestaonAugust27,celebratingthecompany's25 raisingfundsforSheltonMemorialParkandSheltonSchoolDistrict Taco bo 2 MasonCounty4 HhadseveralyouthparticipateatareaFarmersMarkets their4 Hpassionsandclubopportunities 4 Mason Transit Authority is now offering free rides for riders 18 and younger, anywhere MTA travels, even outside the county, 5 The Chamber's Chalk the Walks event was to promote positivity, get out neighbors in the community Judging by the artwork gracing our walks, it w Page 16 Business Matters
6 Seen andHeard 11. 9. 10 8. 7 9. 5. 7. 6 Mason County Fire District 4 has had a busy year! To date, they've responded to 1,070 calls 7 Hunters rejoice! O'Connell Archery sells compound bows, accessories, arrows, and targets as well as repair/service work Stop by to learn more about the sport and check out their test range Several Chamber members hosted Back to School events across the county and the state Above, you'll see 8 Molina Health Care 9 Kara Lynn Foundation 10 Shelton School District and 11 The Youth Connection 25thanniversaryand boutawin win! etsthisyear,sharing out, and connect with t was a hit! Business Matters Page 17

On the


Dana & Debra Lovely have sold AAA Septic after 29 years. The new owners are keeping the company's exceptional staff and location. City of Shelton welcomes Mike Githens to its leadership team. He has been hired as Finance Director. Jenny Anderson is taking on new responsibilities at the Chamber as Administrative Support Manager. Claudia Suastegui has been named Director of Shelton Family YMCA.
Page 18 Business Matters
Under New Ownership Sharey ourg oodnews! Who has earnedap romotion? Take a new post? Sendto info@masonchamber. com.
Gillis Auto Center is now Shelton Ford & Shelton CJDR, part of the Bruce Titus Automotive Group. The business sold in August, allowing longtime owner Don Gillis & general manager Jeff Gillis to retire.

Ribbon Cuttings

On July 1, the Chamber celebrated the grand opening of the WildeIrishPub OwnedbyJim&NikkiBoad,themodernpub prides itself in serving fresh, local, seasonal food, as well as craft cocktails and a full selection of draft beers Located on RailroadAvenue,theyarereadytoserve!

Justafewdoorsdown,MestizosLatinFoodhostedtheirgrand opening on August 9 The family and veteran owned restaurant features Salvadorian and Mexican cuisine, as well as a monthly special from a different Latin country Chef Jack has years of experience in high end restaurants You won't missoutonTacoTuesdaysorPozoleonFridays!

Northwest Resources II provides effective evidenced based alcohol and other drug dependency treatment services in both Intensive Outpatient and Outpatient treatment modalities in Thurston and Mason County since 1993 They also provide educational services and comprehensive, fair assessments and recommendations with their certified counselors

Yum! Conveninetly located on Railroad Avenue (in the former Strip Steak House), Mestizos Latin Food is a family and veteran owned restaurant featuring Salvadorian and Mexican dishes as well as monthly specials from a different Latin country They recently celebrated their grand opening (see photo above)

Change Your Narrative Today, LLC utilizes the knowledge, skills, and abilities of military spouses to grow micro business that are flexible around the challenges families face from relocation, lack of childcare, to deployments and long term separation from their service member

Serving the greater Mason County area, veteran and owner Chelsea Hicks offers Hoodsport Pet Sitting & Waste Removal, LLC for your favorite pet’s drop in care, dog walking, pet waste removal, and vacation home services Services are customizable based on your location, what your pet enjoys, and the specific needs of your family

This is the ultimate bar and bartending experience that comes to you! Happy Hour Mobile Bartending travels to your event, providing service for weddings, anniversaries, retirements, galas, and corporate events Always willing to go the extra mile, they strive to meet (and often beat!) every one of your expectations Let your inner you shine from head to toe

Amazing Face Esthetics has a licensed skin care professional dedicated to helping you achieve your goals Whether you are looking for some serious results or just need some rest and relaxation they have you covered!

New Members! JOIN TODAY! Membership Matters
difference in your business
membership begins at less than $18 per month Call the
Make a
and your community
Chamber at (360) 426 2021, visit masonchamber com/join,
email deidre@masonchamber com to learn more
Business Matters - Page 19



Chamber Government Affairs Committee Meetings

1st Tuesday, 12:00p

Port of Shelton Commission Meetings

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 2:00p

City of Shelton Council Meetings

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:00p

2nd and 4th Wednesday, 6:00p

210 W Franklin St, Shelton

Trivia Night

3rd Thursday, 7:00p

Potlatch Brewing Co, Hoodsport

Chamber Membership Meeting

3rd Thursday, 12:00 1:00p

Mason County Public Works, Shelton


Shelton Family YMCA Welcome Week

September 9 18

Shelton Family YMCA, Shelton

School House Rocks

September 10, 4:00 10:00p

El Sarape Cantina, Shelton


Shelton School District Board Meetings

2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6:00p

Shelton Kiwanis Club Meetings

3rd Tuesday, 1:00p

Mason County Republican Women’s Club Business Luncheon

1st Wednesday, 12:30p

The Shang Sports Bar & Grill, Shelton

Shelton Centennial Lions Club Meetings

2nd Wednesday, 12:00p

The Shang Sports Bar & Grill, Shelton

Chamber Business After Hours

2nd Wednesday, 5:30 7:00p

Mason County Republican Women’s Club Fireside Chat

3rd Wednesday, 6:00p

Railroad Tap Station, Shelton

Canal Cookouts

3rd Thursday, 6:00p

Union City Market, Union

Shelton Veterans Village Progress Meeting

3rd Wednesday, 5:30p Online via Zoom


okum Rotary Club nesdays, 7:00a al or St Edwards Catholic Church, Shelton ll Tournament sdays, 6:30 9:30p rape Cantina, Shelton

Teen Night Fridays, 5:00 8:00p

Shelton Family YMCA

Turning Pointe Woman’s Support Group Fridays 1:00 2:00p

210 P ifi C t Sh lt

Shelton Farmers Market Saturdays, 10:00a 3:00p Evergreen Square, Shelton

Play Bingo! September 9, 8:30 p September 10, 2:00p September 11, 2:00p

Littl C k C i R t Sh lt

South Mason Youth Soccer Touch a Truck Event September 17, 9:00a

2102 E Johns Prairie Rd, Shelton

Water Sounds Native Art Auction & Traditional Dinner September 17, 4:30p

Little Creek Casino Resort, Shelton

“Grease” Musical Singalong with Great Band Center Choir Potlatch Brewery

September 17, 7:00 9:00p

Fall Into Wellness Retreat September 18

Harmony Hill Healing Center, Union

Page 20 Business Matters
or Mason General Hospital, Shelton

& Community Programs


Fall Fun Fest by Community Lifeline

September 24, 12 4:30p

Kneeland Park, Shelton


Chamber Business After Hours

November 9, 5:30 7:00p

Free Day at National Parks

September 24

Olympic National Park

Free Day at State Parks

September 24

All Washington State Parks

September 24, 8:00 9:30p

Little Creek Casino Resort Shelton

October 1st & 2nd, 10:00a 5:00p

Sanderson Field, Shelton

Indigenous Peoples' Day October 10

Free Day at State Parks October 10

All Washington State Parks

Spotlight Shelton: Homelessness Response Conversation October 11, 6:00 8:00p

Shelton Civic Center, Shelton

Veterans Day November 11

Free Day at National Parks November 11 Olympic National Park

The Everly Set

September 25, 7:00p

SHS Performing Arts Center, Shelton

Shelton Rotary Club's OysterFunk

September 30, 6:00p

Port of Shelton Runway, Shelton

October 28, 2:00 5:00p

Mason General Hospital Emergency Department Parking Lot, Shelton

Halloween Spooktacular with Downtown Merchants & Chamber October 28, 4:00 6:00p Railroad Ave, Shelton

Denim & Diamonds benefiting the Karen Hilburn Cancer Fund November 13, 4:00p

Alderbrook Resort & Spa, Union

Thanksgiving November 24

Small Business Saturday November 26

Visit masonchamber com/calendar or call (360) 426 2021 for current information.

GO ONLINE for more event info
out what’s
with the
Chamber and in our community Events are subject to change; reservations may be required.
Business Matters - Page 21

Relying on hospitality and showmanship, the hole sponsors provided on course activities and specialty foods along the way The Chamber extends its thanks to Arnold Smith Insurance, Bayshore Shell & U Haul, Fred Meyer, Green Diamond Resource Company, Hawks View Insurance, Hood Canal Communications, John L Scott Real Estate, Little Creek Casino Resort, Lucky Dog Casino, Mason Health, Mason PUD 3, Northwest Accounting Group, Our Community Credit Union, Peninsula Credit Union, Shelton Dental Excellence, The Salmon Center, The Shopper, and Wittenberg CPA, PS for their sponsorship

Attheturn,teamssnappedphotosthankstoColumbia Bank,enjoyedwatercourtesyofBradleyAirCompany, andtookadrivewithaPingPongball Therewas plentyofactionalongtheway,evenasgolfersavoided sandtrapssponsoredbyBradyTrucking&Landscape Supply

Lendingalittlehelptothescores,playerswereableto purchaseadvantageslikealicoricestring,mulligans, andfairwaytees And,newthisyear,astrokeof sabotagewasofferedwhereeachteamhadthe chancetopurchaseonestrokeanotherteampriorto thestartofplay Followingarapidpaceofplay,golfers gatheredattheclubhouseforareceptioncourtesyof BernerLawOffice,LLC Playersenjoyedataco

andfajitabarandawaitedtheannouncementof theday’swinners FirstplacewenttoRoad WarriorsAllanEaton,GrantDishon,MikeEaton, andBobHurst;secondplacewenttoCityof Shelton’sBrentArmstrong,MattDeemer,Jared Schuffenhauer,andRobertChavis;andthird placewenttoMarkNault,RandyBrown,Brad Bonser,andEarlMoranrepresentingOur CommunityCreditUnionAlltournamentawards wereprovidedthankstoOurCommunityCredit Union

AllfundsraisedattheeventsupporttheChamber anditsmissiontoencourageandmaintaina vibrantbusinesscommunity

This year’s Chamber golf tournament was held on Friday, August 19 at Alderbrook Golf & Yacht Club. A fine mist took the edge off the morning and golfers clambered into carts sponsored by Shelton Athletic Club, eager to hit the greens as the shotgun sounded at 9:00 AM


Ok, we just had lunch at the Radio Fryer truck and let me tell you, it was AMAZING. Only had one gentleman working but he rocked our order and the next 5 orders after us. All with a smile. The food was awesome and generous without breaking the bank. Highly, highly recommend going there. This will me my new lunch stop whenever I’m in town.


Rave for Julia at Hackney Dental! She was super helpful getting a payment plan set up for my husband and was very patient with me while trying to deal with my chaos of hyper children in the background

We are truly grateful for Colton Kealy of Kealy Electric who recently completed the Electrical Rough-in for Habitat House #35. Colton has generously donated his time, labor, and materials to this project, and we couldn't be happier with his partnership to help fulfill our Mission. Community and Business supporters are crucial for our continued success with improving, maintaining, and building affordable quality housing for those in need in Mason County. -Marty C. Habitat for Humanity

Stopped in at the Shelton Candy Shop on Railroad. They have tons of unique treats, and they’re nice Going to make this a regular stop for us I didn’t even know they were there, the last couple months I’ve been so busy Sharing to help spread word so they can do well. It’s nice having a local candy shop.

Huge rave for T Mobile in Shelton Every employee was kind and worked hard to help me switch over I've dealt with lots of cell carriers/stores in my life and I was very impressed The manager was amazing as well I was able to get 3 lines and 2 new phones for a great deal I had a very specific phone in mind, and they made sure to help transfer everything and show me the newer features

Estie S

Business Matters Page 23
Page 24 Business Matters Now Offering In-store Shopping Grocery Pick-up Delivery Options Plus Gas & Rewards (360) 427-2979 301 E Wallace-Kneeland Blvd, Shelton

CHAMBER MEMBERS: Local Services Directory


Graphic Design & Websites

Joonbug Graphic Design joonbuggraphicdesign com (360) 556 6205


Northwest Event Organizers nwevent org (360) 427 5599

Shelton Mason County Journal masoncounty com (360) 426 4412


360West Studios, LLC 360weststudios com (615) 568 9669

96 9 KAYO/KGY Radio kgyradio com (360) 943 1240

iFiber One News Radio ifiberonenewsradio com (360) 426 1030



Little Creek Casino Resort little (360) 427 7711

Lucky Dog Casino myluckydogcasino com (360) 877 5656

Nisqually Red Wind Casino redwindcasino com (360) 412 3684

Festivals & Community Events

Faceplant Events hoodstock org (206) 779 1071

Mason County Concert Association masoncountyconcerts org (360) 426 1842


Auto Dealers

Shelton Ford (formerly Gillis Auto Center) sheltonford com (360) 426 5585

Automotive Maintenance & Repair

D & L Automotive and Repair dandlautorepair com (360) 426 1467

Denny's Auto Service dennysauto com (360) 426 2271

Les Schwab Tire Centers lesschwab com (360) 426 3333

Shelton Ford (formerly Gillis Auto Center) sheltonford com (360) 426 5585


Business Associations Economic Development Council of Mason County choosemason com (360) 426 2276

Island Enterprises, Inc (360) 426 3442

Mason County Master Builders omb org (360) 754 0912

North Mason Chamber northmasonchamber com (360) 275 4267

Shelton Downtown Merchants sheltondowntownmerchants com

Shelton High School DECA (360) 426 4471

Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce (360) 426 2021

Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises, Inc skokomishenterprises org (360) 877 5656

Washington Policy Center washingtonpolicy org (206) 937 9691

Computers & Technology

Hood Canal Communications hcc net (360) 898 2481

T Mobile t mobile com (800) 937 8997

Zeppelin Shipping & Technology Center

zeppelinshipping com (360) 545 3301


Arbaugh & Associates, Inc (360) 481 2846

Leader Graphics ptleader com (307) 275 0698

MasonWebTV Powered by HCC masonwebtv com (360) 229 2234

Shelton Mason County Journal masoncounty com (360) 426 4412

Mason County Forest Festival Association masoncountyforestfestival com (360) 490 6176

Olympus Rally olympusrally com (360) 589 0885

Printing & Design

The Shopper shoppersweekly com (360) 426 4677

Promotional Materials & Screen Printing Candy Wrapper Store candywrapperstore com (360) 462 0440

Northwest Custom Tees northwestcustomtees com (360) 791 3904

The Shopper shoppersweekly com (360) 426 4677

Signs & Banners Black Star blackstarprint com (360) 427 9614

Movie Theaters Shelton Cinemas sheltoncinemas com (360) 426 1000

Skyline Drive In Theater skylinedrive in com (360) 426 4707

Museums Mason County Historical Society Museum masoncountyhistoricalsocietyorg (360) 426 1020

Music & Choirs

Anna's Bay Center for Music annasbaychorale org (360) 545 3826

Great Bend Center for Music greatbendmusic org (360) 322 4626

Harstine Island Community Choir harstinechoir org (360) 432 9940

Vander Wal's Garage, Inc vanderwalsgarage com (360) 426 8208

Watson Diesel Repair, LLC watsondieselrepair com (360) 426 5255

Automotive Retail & Wholesale American Turbo Service americanturboservice com (360) 968 9197

Cut Rate Auto Parts cutrateautoparts com (360) 426 2800

Shelton Tabs & Titles watabsandtitles com (360) 462 0808

Boat Sales

Verle's Sporting Goods & Marine verles com (360) 426 0933


Jim's Automotive, Inc jimsautomotiveincwa com (360) 426 7167

Locate Coaching locatecoaching com (310) 936 2288

Sound Business Brokers soundbusinessbrokers com (360) 352 9191

SSC Unlimited, LLC sscunlimited com (757) 508 4935

Employment Services

American Workforce Group americanworkforcegroup com (360) 338 6900

Ascend Staffing ascendstaffing com (360) 491 4405

Career Quest careerquest biz (360) 427 7300

Exceptional Foresters, Inc (EFI) team efi org (360) 426 0077

Express Employment Professionals

expresspros com (360) 580 2889

WorkSource Mason County worksourcewa com (360) 427 2174

Mailing & Shipping

Zeppelin Shipping & Technology Center zeppelinshipping com (360) 545 3301

Office Equipment & Supplies

Capital Business Machines cbm wa com (360) 491 6000

Kelley Connect kelleyconnect com (360) 491 1854

Safety & Security ASC Security & Investigations ascnw com (206) 409 7397

South Sound Private Investigations southsoundpi com (360) 970 0504

Business Matters Page 25



Churches Faith Lutheran Church faithshelton org (360) 426 8611

Gateway Christian Fellowship gatewaycf com (360) 426 2758

Mt. Olive Lutheran Church mtoliveshelton org (360) 426 6353

New Community Church of Union thenccu org (360) 898 7855

Nonprofits & Charities

Capitol Land Trust capitollandtrust org (360) 943 3012

Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of Mason County sheltoncarenet org (360) 427 9171

Community Foundation of South Puget Sound thecommunityfoundation com (360) 705 3340

Community Lifeline cllshelton org (360) 462 4439

Crazy Love Ministries crazyloveministries org (360) 358 3355

Family Education & Support Services familyess org (360) 545 2060

Great Bend Center for Music greatbendmusic org (360) 322 4626

Harmony Hill Healing Retreat harmonyhill org (360) 898 2363

Humane Society of Mason County hsmcwa org (360) 275 9310

Local Services Directory

Kara Lynn Foundation karalynnfoundation com (360) 556 9237

Love INC of Mason County loveincofmasoncounty org (360) 462 5683

Martha Reed Foundation (360) 790 5732

Mason General Hospital Foundation masongeneral com (360) 427 3623

Peninsular Railway & Lumbermen's Museum simpsonrailroad org

The Salmon Center pnwsalmoncenter org (360) 275 3575

Toys for Tots of Mason County shelton wa toysfortots org (360) 968 9078


Cabinets, Doors, & Millwork

Olympic Mountain Millwork ommco net (360) 432 2992

Cleaning & Handyman Services

Bella Casa Service Management, LLC bccswa com (360) 427 3548

Bruce's Cleaning brucescleaning com (360) 490 1625

Hired Help, LLC (360) 401 5529

Instant Time Cleaning Lulu (702) 375 6618

Northern Flow, LLC northernflowllc com (360) 463 1733

Preferred Cleaning Service preferredcleaningsvc com (866) 842 0977

Mason County Clean Out's masoncountycleanouts com (360) 712 1113

Robert E's Carpet Cleaning robertes net (360) 427 6744

Shaka Cleaning LLC shakacleaning com (808) 859 6404

Shelton House Cleaning (360) 463 2884

So Clean & Green, LLC socleanandgreen com (360) 358 5252

WashingTone's Junk Removal (360) 810 7719


Allen Homes & Construction, LLC (360) 701 4006

Andrew Spear Construction, LLC spearbuilt com (360) 427 4440

Ashby Homes, Inc ashbyhomes net (360) 427 9487

Auseth Construction, Inc (360) 426 7368

EI Kristyn & Son Construction, Inc. eikconstruction com (360) 432 3147

Gennaro Contracting, LLC gennarocontracting com (360) 229 1800

Hodge Podge Farm, LLC (360) 451 2583

Jimini Paving jiminipaving com (360) 426 9918

Simpson Construction (360) 463 0227

South Sound Solar southsoundsolar com (360) 352 7869

Watson Construction Co (360) 426 7626


Daley Electric, LLC (360) 868 2822

First Light Electric, LLC (360) 317 6910

Kealy Electric, LLC kealyelectric com (360) 462 0175

Kilowatt Electric, LLC kilowattelectricllc com (360) 229 3112

RAM Electric ramelectricwa com (360) 482 0292


Arcadia Drilling, Inc. arcadiadrilling com (360) 426 3395

EI Kristyn & Son Construction, Inc. eikconstruction com (360) 432 3147

Flippin Awesome Dirt Works (206) 981 0712

Maples Excavating (360) 463 8474

Turning Pointe Survivor Advocacy Center turningpointe org (360) 426 1216

United Way of Mason County uwmason org (360) 426 4999

Political Organizations Mason County Democrats masoncountywademocrats org (360) 481 0758

Mason County Republican Women's Club mcwomensclub wixsite com/mcwc (360) 490 3281

Senior Services & Activities Maple Glen Senior Living mapleglensl com (360) 427 0300

Mason County Senior Activities Association mcsac net (360) 426 7374

Floor Coverings

Kinney's Custom Hardwood (360) 426 9891

Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning

Americool Heating & Air Conditioning americoolonline com (360) 273 3300

Bradley Air Company bradleyaircompany com (360) 426 1284

Olympic Heating & Cooling, LLC olympicheatingandcooling com (360) 426 9945

Olympic Stove & Spas, Inc. olympicstoveandspas com (360) 877 5200


Oakland Bay Landscape Services, LLC oaklandbaylandscaping com (360) 490 9187

TerraTects (formerly Matt B's Lawns) terratects com (360) 490 6013

Painting Contractors

Flying Colors Painting Co. flyingcolorsshelton com (360) 359 6103

Keeping Awnaroll (360) 490 8471

Senior Services for South Sound southsoundseniors org (360) 586 6181

Service Clubs & Fraternal Organizations Kristmas Town Kiwanis kristmastownkiwanis org (978) 729 9678

Shelton Centennial Lions Club lionsclub org (360) 426 3256

Shelton Eagles 3862 (360) 426 0507

Shelton Kiwanis Club sheltonkiwanis weebly com (360) 426 0512

Shelton Rotary sheltonrotary org (602) 920 6749

Skookum Rotary sheltonskookumrotary org

VFW Post 1694 (360) 426 4546

Roofing Contractors

Cogent Construction, Inc (360) 427 3162

Evergreen State Roofing, LLC esrwa com (360) 462 0800

Fike's Roofing & Construction fikesroofing com (360) 490 0013

The Roof Doctor, Inc. theroofdoctor com (360) 427 8611

Septic Systems & Portable Toilets

AAA Septic Tank Pumping aaasepticshelton com (360) 427 6110

Tree Service

Beko's Trees, LLC & Wood Carving bekostreesllc com (360) 490 2670

Fred Holmes Tree Service, LLC fredholmestreeservice com (360) 427 4489

Page 26 Business Matters



Banks & Credit Unions

Columbia Bank columbiabank com (360) 426 5581

Heritage Bank (360) 426 4431

KeyBank key com (360) 432 3380

Our Community Credit Union Downtown Shelton (360) 426 9701

Our Community Credit Union Mt. View Branch ourcu com (360) 426 9701

Peninsula Credit Union pcfcu org (360) 426 1601


Coffee & Espresso Café on the Way (360) 359 8358

Fat Cat Coffee Shop fat cat coffee shop business site (360) 870 7417

Steph's Espresso (360) 427 1290

Urraco Coffee Company Shelton urracocoffee com (360) 462 5282

Urraco Coffee Company Steamboat urracocoffee com (360) 764 8789

Restaurants, Food Trucks, & Catering Alderbrook Golf & Yacht Club alderbrookgolf com (360) 898 2575

Financial Advisors

Arnold Smith Insurance arnoldsmithins com (360) 426 3317

Bowman Financial Group, Inc bowmanfgi com (360) 427 4248

Community Financial Center ourcu com (360) 432 5201

Edward Jones

Armin Baumgartel, FA edwardjones com (360) 426 0982

Edward Jones Eric R. Thompson, FA edwardjones com (360) 426 8054

Edward Jones Karen Schade, FA edwardjones com (360) 426 4590

Local Services Directory

Edward Jones Lori Morgan, FA edwardjones com (360) 432 8965

Edward Jones Stefanie Dantinne, FA edwardjones com (360) 426 0982

Falcon Financial, Inc (360) 898 1199

Heritage Bank heritagebankwa com (360) 426 4431

Harrington Financial, LLC harrington financial com (360) 500 0770

Pacific Asset Management, LLC pacificasset com (360) 426 0633

State Farm Insurance Melanie Bakala bakalainsurance com (360) 426 2428

Insurance & Investments American Family Insurance Eric Smileuske amfam com (360) 462 3261

Arnold Smith Insurance arnoldsmithins com (360) 426 3317

Edward Jones Karen Schade, FA edwardjones com (360) 426 4590

Falcon Financial, Inc. (360) 898 1199

Hawks View Insurance hawksviewinsurance com (360) 308 8008

Stanford Insurance Services stanfordinsurance com (253) 874 9200

State Farm Insurance Melanie Bakala bakalainsurance com (360) 426 2428

Alderbrook Resort & Spa alderbrookresort com (360) 898 2200

Blondie's Restaurant (360) 432 2777

Change Your Narrative, LLC changeyournarrativetoday org (253) 279 1068

Dairy Queen dairyqueen com (360) 426 7277

Dale's Mobile Kitchen (360) 229 6356

Domino's dominos com (360) 427 8700

Eastside Specialty Cakes eastsidespecialtycakes com (425) 246 2785

El Sarape III & La Cantina elsarape net (360) 426 4294



Hood Canal School District hoodcanal wednet edu (360) 877 5463 ext 117

Olympic College Shelton olympic edu (360) 432 5400

Pioneer School District psd402 org (360) 426 9115

Shelton School District sheltonschools org (360) 426 1687

Sound Learning soundlearning co (360) 426 97330

WSU Extension mason wsu edu (360) 427 9670 ext 680

Mortgage Loans Academy Mortgage Brenda Thornbrue academymortgage com/ brendathornbrue (360) 999 5904

Academy Mortgage Vickie Nunez academymortgage com/ vickienunez (360) 358 8563

Axia Home Loans Rich Hall homeloanswithrich com (360) 919 3288

Change Home Mortgage Scotty Mills changemtg com (253) 405 2936

Peninsula Credit Union pcfcu org (360) 426 1601

Mestizos Latin Food (858) 248 2161

Nita's Koffee Shop (360) 819 5447

Radio Fryer Foods, LLC (360) 850 9629

Railroad Tap Station (360) 868 2500

Smoking Mo's smokingmos com (360) 462 0163

Suzan's Grill (360) 432 8939

Taqueria Las Palmas (360) 432 3220

Tasty Bites (360) 761 0677

Tempting Eats & Treats Facebook com/temptingeatstreats (360) 790 0984

The Cabin Tavern Bar & Grill (360) 868 2305

The Drift Pub & Grill thedrift101 com (360) 877 2300

The Shang Sports Bar & Grill (360) 427 0561

T's Café & Espresso (360) 462 1888

Wild & Woodsy Catering wildandwoodsy com (360) 229 1388

Wilde Irish Pub wildeirishpub com (360) 868 2905

Shellfish Growers Hama Hama Oysters hamahamaoysters com (360) 877 5811

Salish Seafoods salishseafoods com (360) 426 3442

Elected Officials &

Political Candidates

City Council Member Deidre Peterson sheltonwa gov (360) 545 2556

Committee to Elect Patti Case patticaseforwahouse com (360) 790 6182

County Commissioner Sharon Trask co mason wa us (360) 427 9670 ext 419

Judge George Steele co mason wa us/district court (360) 427 9670

Representative Dan Griffey houserepublicans wa gov /dan griffey (360) 786 7966

MacEwen for State Senate votedrewmac com (360) 250 0730

Randy Lewis for PUD 3 Commissioner (630) 432 4613

Steve Duenkel for Mason County Auditor steveforauditor com (360) 801 4284

Emergency Services Central Mason Fire & EMS cmfe org (360) 426 5533

MACECOM macecom org (360) 426 4441

Mason Fire District #4 masonfire4 com (360) 426 7222

Government City of Shelton sheltonwa gov (360) 426 4491

Mason PUD 3 masonpud3 org (360) 426 8255

Mason Transit Authority masontransit org (360) 426 9434

Port of Hoodsport portofhoodsport us (360) 877 9350

Port of Shelton portofshelton com (360) 426 1151

Washington Corrections Center doc wa gov (360) 426 4433

Seattle Shellfish, LLC seattleshellfish com (360) 236 0462

Taylor Shellfish Farms taylorshellfishfarms com (360) 426 6178

Wineries, Distilleries, & Liquor Sales Potlatch Brewing potlatchbrewing com (360) 877 2391

Stottle Winery stottlewinery com (360) 877 2247

The Hardware Distillery Co thehardwaredistillery com (206) 300 0877

Walter Dacon Wines walterdaconwines com (360) 426 5913


Hoodsport Timberland Library trl org (360) 877 9339

Shelton Timberland/ William G. Reed Public Library trl org (360) 426 1362

Timberland Regional Library trl org (360) 943 5001

Business Matters Page 27



Newman Family Chiropractic newmanfamilychiro com (360) 426 3886


Bowers Dental Group Drs Thomas Duffy & Marlin Meharry, DDS bowersdentalgroup com (360) 426 9711

Dr Steven H Bowers DDS, LLC bowersdentalgroup com (360) 426 1664

Hackney Family & Cosmetic Dentistry drhackney com (360) 426 1676

Shelton Dental Center sheltondentalcenter com (360) 426 8401

Shelton Dental Excellence sheltondental com (360) 426 4712

Fitness Clubs, & Classes Joonbug Yoga joonbugyoga com (360) 556 6205

Shelton Athletic Club sheltonathleticclub com (360) 426 1388

Health Care ABOVE Home Health abovehh com (360) 350 0123

Behavioral Health Resources bhr org (360) 704 7170

Capital Medical Center capitalmedical com (360) 754 5858


Events & Weddings

Cuddy Connections, LLC cuddyconnections com (707) 365 2037

Happy Hour Mobile Bartending happyhourmobilebartending com (360) 464 5279

Hood Canal Events hoodcanalevents com (360) 710 7452

St. Andrew's House saintandrewshouse org (360) 898 2362

The Pavilion at Sentry Park mcsac net/the pavilion html (360) 426 7374

Transit Community Center masontransit org/tccabout (360) 432 5754

Local Services Directory

Consejo Counseling & Referral Service consejocounseling org (360) 763 5610

HearingLife hearinglife com (360) 868 4277

Mason Health Mason Clinic masongeneral com/clinics (360) 426 2653

Mason Health Mason General Hospital masongeneral com (360) 426 1611

Miracle Ear miracle ear shelton com (360) 427 3187

Molina Healthcare molinahealthcare com (360) 522 3915

Hotels & Lodging

Alderbrook Resort & Spa (360) 898 2200

Little Creek Casino Resort little creek com (360) 427 7711

MultiCare multicare org (253) 403 1750

Shelton Counseling sheltoncounseling com (360) 545 2780

Shelton Dental Center sheltondentalcenter com (360) 426 8401

Shelton Dental Excellence sheltondental com (360) 426 4712

Holistic Care & Wellness Debbie Swanson, ND drdebbieswanson com (360) 531 7704

Living Well, Inc /Isagenix Marcy Kadoun Wilson livinwell isagenix com 1 360 280 1528

Massage Therapy

Cedars Bodywork & Massage, LLC cedarsbodyworknmassage abmp com (509) 846 6367

Kris Rose LMP Bodywork & Massage rosebodywork com (360) 490 3598


The Optical Shop of WA, Inc opticalshopofwa com (360) 427 7553


Neil's Pharmacy mygnp com (360) 426 3327

Skokomish Park at Lake Cushman skokomishpark com (360) 877 5760

Spencer Lake RV Park spencerlakerv com (360) 426 3178

The Waterfront at Potlatch thewaterfrontatpotlatch com (360) 877 9422


Mason County Taxi, LLC masoncountytaxi com (360) 426 8294

Mason Transit Authority masontransit org (360) 426 9434

The Patty Wagon pattywagonmobility com (360) 427 0202

Page 28 Business Matters



Evergreen Wholesalers Continental Floral Hiawatha, LLC hiawathacorp com (360) 426 4562

Mt St Helens Evergreens, Inc (360) 427 5544

Wild Greens International etsy com/shop/wildgreenwreaths (360) 462 0007

Forest Products & Timber Companies

Alta Forest Products altafp com (360) 545 6775

Belco Forest Products belcofp com (360) 426 8900


Dry Cleaners & Laundromats

Shelton Laundry (360) 426 4812

Funeral Services

Forest Funeral Home forest funeralhome com (360) 427 8044

McComb & Wagner Family Funeral Home & Crematory mccombwagner com (360) 426 4803

Pet Services

Haigh Veterinary Hospital haighveterinaryhospital com (360) 426 1840

Hoodsport Pet Sitting & Waste Removal, LLC hoodsportpetsitting com (360) 463 0603

Shelton Veterinary Hospital sheltonveterinaryhospital com (360) 426 2616


Accountants & CPA's Northwest Accounting Group nwaccountinggroup com (360) 426 8262

Vander Wegen & Associates, Inc., PS vanderwegencpa com (360) 426 1681

Wittenberg CPA, PS wittenbergcpa com (360) 426 0230

Architects Williams Architecture, PS williams architecture com (360) 426 0511

Attorneys & Legal Services Bauer, Pitman, Snyder, Huff Lifetime Legal, PLLC lifetime legal (360) 426 9100

Berner Law Office, PLLC bernerlawoffice com (360) 426 2999


Manufactured & Modular Homes Washington Home Center washhome com (360) 427 6667

Property Management

Elite Property Management Services elitesheltonrentals com (360) 898 7368

Gateway Property Management gatewaypropmgmt com (360) 426 3988

Gedora Leasing (360) 229 1220

Mell Property Management mellpm com (360) 427 1339

Real Estate & Development

Alderbrook Properties alderbrookproperties com (360) 898 0055

Berkshire Hathaway

HomeServices Northwest Real Estate Shelton kevinc bhhsshelton com (360) 426 9748

Crossroads Housing crossroads housing net (360) 427 6919

Habitat for Humanity of Mason County habitatmasonwa org (360) 426 8134

Homes First homesfirst org (360) 236 0920

Housing Kitsap housingkitsap org (360) 535 6139

John L Scott Belfair Terri Drexler terridrexler johnlscott com (360) 229 0947

Local Services Directory

Green Diamond Resource Company greendiamond com (360) 426 3381

Matthaeis Camco, Inc camcocedar com (360) 426 7900

Port Blakely portblakely com (360) 596 9439

Retirement Communities & Assisted Living Christmas Village (360) 426 2650

Maple Glen Senior Living mapleglensl com (360) 427 0300

Shelton Health & Rehabilitation Center sheltonhealthandrehab com (360) 427 2575

Sierra Pacific Industries spi ind com (360) 427 8200

Manufacturing General Dynamics Electric Boat gdeb com (360) 674 2077

Jalisco Tortillas madeinshelton com (360) 432 9397

Salons, Spas, & Barber Shops

2nd Street Design Studio 2nd street design studio com (360) 426 2141

Amazing Face Esthetics amazingfaceesthetics com (360) 463 8545

Lund Custom Machine (360) 432 0310

Pepper Cabinets peppercabinets com (206) 658 3051

Skookum Creek Tobacco Company, Inc. skookumcreek com (360) 462 3446

Dermasuite Skincare dermasuiteskincare com (530) 927 7838

Seven Inlets Spa seveninletsspa com (360) 462 1772

Crown Sign and Seal crownsignandseal com (360) 868 2452

Investigative Solutions, LLC investigativesolutionsllc business site (360) 910 1190

Robert W Johnson, PLLC (360) 426 9728

Whitehouse & Nichols, LLP, Attorneys at Law whitehousenichols com (360) 426 5885

Photography Cooper Studios cooperstudios net (360) 426 6646

George Stenberg Photography georgestenbergphotography com (360) 490 6903

John L. Scott Real Estate sheltonoffice johnlscott com (360) 426 3319

John L Scott Real Estate Kristy Buck kristybuck com (360) 490 0958

Keller Williams Realty Jerry Obendorf jerryobendorf com (360) 463 6386

LEV VEL Group, LLC levvel co (206) 775 2552

M4 Real Estate Group m4realestategroup com (360) 329 2911

Mason County Association of Realtors masoncountyrealtors com (360) 426 0689

Quixote Communities Shelton Veterans Village quixotecommunities org (360) 338 0451

RE/MAX Top Executives remax com (360) 427 6117

RE/MAX Top Executives Melissa Stearns remax com (360) 789 9683

Richard Beckman Realty Group richardbeckmangroup com (360) 426 5521

The Conklin Team at Windermere conklinteam com (360) 280 0874

Windermere Real Estate Keith Fuller keithfuller com (360) 490 3811

Windermere Real Estate/ Himlie, Inc windermereshelton com (360) 426 2646

Storage Sentry Mini Storage sentrypark com (360) 229 1220

Vision Corporation (360) 239 5264

Title Insurance Aegis Land Title Group agltg com (360) 426 9713

Land Title Company of Mason County landtitleco net (360) 426 8288

Olympic Title & Escrow olympictitlecompany com (360) 426 1626

Business Matters Page 29



Golf Courses

Alderbrook Golf & Yacht Club alderbrookgolf com (360) 898 2575

Lake Cushman Maintenance Company lakecushmangolfcourse com (360) 877 5505

Lake Limerick Golf Club & Cafe lakelimerickgolf com (360) 426 6290

Salish Cliffs Golf Club salish cliffs com (360) 462 3673

Marinas Jarrell's Cove Marina (360) 426 8823

Oakland Bay Marina, LLC oaklandbaymarina com (360) 426 9476

Recreation Ridge Motorsports Park (360) 427 7223

Skydive Kapowsin skydive101 com (360) 432 8000

Local Services Directory

Vance Creek Railriders (541) 519 4200

YSS Dive yssdive com (360) 877 2318

Visitor Information Hoodsport Visitor Information Center explorehoodcanal com (360) 877 2021

North Mason Chamber of Commerce northmasonchamber com (360) 275 4267

Shelton Caboose Visitor Information Center

explorehoodcanal com (360) 426 2021

Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce (360) 426 2021

Youth Activities Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington swwabigs org (360) 943 0409

Shelton Family YMCA (360) 753 6576

Shelton Highclimbers Football Booster Club Sheltonhighclimbersfootb all com (360) 870 3577

Shelton School District sheltonschools org (360) 426 1687

South Mason Youth Soccer Club smysc org (360) 432 0560

The Youth Connection sheltonfamilycenter org (360) 462 0125



South Sound Appliance southsoundappliance com (360) 427 1202

Cannabis Retailers

Bayshore Cannabis Co bayshorecannabis com (360) 426 0675

Elevation high elevation com (360) 426 3442

Shelton Cannabis Co sheltoncannabis com (360) 426 3390

Gas Stations & Convenience Stores

Bayshore Shell & U Haul (360) 427 0709

Fred Meyer Gas Station fredmeyer com (360) 427 2979

Hillcrest Shell (360) 358 8045

Joe's Market & Shell Gas Station (360) 426 0237

Kamilche Trading Post tradingpostrewards com (360) 426 5254

Steamboat Trading Post tradingpostrewards com (360) 866 8009

Twin Totems Store skokomishtourism com/ twin totems (360) 427 9099

Groceries & Specialty Foods

Fred Meyer fredmeyer com (360) 427 2979

Maggie's Market at Jalisco Tortillas madeinshelton com (360) 432 9397

Northwest Expressions, LLC nwexpressions com (800) 969 8117

Olympic Mountain Ice Cream olympicmountainicecream com (360) 426 0696

Seattle Shellfish, LLC seattleshellfish com (360) 236 0462

Shelton Candy Shoppe (360) 464 8013

Shelton Farmers Market sheltonfarmersmarket org (360) 463 6497

Taylor Shellfish Farms taylorshellfishfarms com (360) 426 6178

Union City Market unioncitymarket com (360) 898 3500

Hardware & Building Materials Alta Forest Products altafp com (360) 545 6775

Builders FirstSource bldr com (360) 426 2611

Sierra Pacific Industries spi ind com (360) 427 8200

Tozier Brothers Ace Hardware tozierbrothers com (360) 426 2411

Jewelry Mottet Fine Jewelry mottetfinejewelry com (360) 426 5811

Landscaping & Garden Supplies BCP Landscape Supplies bcplandscapesupplies com (360) 427 2869

Brady Trucking & Landscape Supply bradytrucking com (360) 426 3132

Living Earth Grow Supply facebook com/ livingearthgrowsupply (360) 426 3022

The Shelton Plant Shop (360) 229 5208

Tractor Supply Company tractorsupply com (360) 432 5900

Marine Supplies & Products Verle's Sporting Goods & Marine verles com (360) 426 0933

Retail Annie's Quilt Shoppe anniesquiltshoppe com (360) 427 6164

Builders FirstSource bldr com (360) 426 2611

Cameo Boutique & Wine Shop cameoboutique com (360) 898 3200

Cottontail Baby & Kids Resale (360) 890 3635

Habitat for Humanity ReStore habitatmasonwa org (360) 426 8134

ISH PNW facebook com/ISHPNW (360) 349 5468

Mary Kay Caryn Salapka marykay com/csalapka (360) 481 7179

Mary Kay Tamra Ingwaldson marykay com/tingwaldson (360) 265 1719

Nifty Thrifty Store mcsac net/nifty thrifty html (360) 427 0858

Our Favorite Things Resale Shop ourfavoritethingsresaleshop com (360) 790 3635

Some R 4 U somer4uantiques com (360) 549 6860

Tractor Supply Company tractorsupply com (360) 432 5900

Sporting Goods O'Connell Archery oconnellarchery com (360) 620 5777

Verle's Sporting Goods & Marine verles com (360) 426 0933

YSS Dive yssdive com (360) 877 2318

Page 30 Business Matters


Electrical Service Mason PUD 3 (360) 426 8255

Garbage & Recycling Mason County Garbage & Recycling masoncountygarbage com (360) 426 8729

Republic Services republicservices com (206) 332 7723

Internet & Cable Comcast Cable comcast net (800) 266 2278

Hood Canal Communications hcc net (360) 898 2481

iFiber Communications ifiber tv (360) 427 4000

Natural Gas Acme Fuel acmefuel com (360) 943 1133

Cascade Natural Gas Corp cngc com (888) 522 1130

Water & Sewer City of Shelton sheltonwa gov (360) 426 4491

April Byrd Karen Timpani Rick Hoss Roslynne Reed
Questions? Questions? Questions? SMALL BUSINESS HOTLINE CALL FOR ASSISTANCE WITH RESOURCES REQUIREMENTS AND COMPLIANCE WITH COVID 19 MANDATES (360) 426-2021 Callusforanswers. Callusforanswers. Callusforanswers. CHAMBER MEMBERS: Local Services Directory

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For years, local businesses and entrepreneurs have supported our community by sponsoring sports teams, donating to clubs and schools, and supporting the arts and nonprofits Undoubtedly, you have been impacted by one So we ask: who do you appreciate? Make a nomination to let them know how much they have made a difference Nominate and learn more at masonchambercom/awards

Rookie of the Year Kealy Electric Boss of the Year Jamie Mell Volunteer of the Year Jennifer Duncan Business of the Year The Patty Wagon Citizen of the Year Dawn Myers Nonprofit of the Year The Youth Connection President's Choice Julie Sund

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