RA week started on Wednesday, August 10, 2022. First, we went to the ad building to fill out some forms, and then we went to the dorm to unload our things. After this, we had a short meeting in the lobby and started to clean the dorm. We then had dinner and went to Dean Powell’s house for dessert and worship. Dean Powell gave the girls’ dorm RAs a book called An Untroubled Heart, which we will be reading throughout the semester. We started to come up with ideas of how we could help the girls in our hall. After a long day of loading and unloading things, it was finally time for bed.
On Thursday, we had a meeting with the fire department. The firefighters showed us how
to use a fire extinguisher. We were able to put out a “fire” on a screen that the fire department had brought. They explained to us all of the fire safety rules and how to get the students out of the dorms as quickly as possible. Afterward, the firefighters were able to show us their ambulance and fire truck. They also shared some of their experiences of when they had to put out a fire. That same morning and afternoon, we tackled most of the tasks that had to be done in the dorm.
On Friday, we started with breakfast and morning worship presented by Mr. Biaggi. After worship, we finished the tasks that we had not finished on Thursday. In the afternoon we went to Elevation Sports in
Harrisonburg, VA. They had knocker balls and we were able to knock each other and do tricks with them. The girls went first and then the boys followed afterward. We were taught to do front and back flips with the knocker balls. We then played indoor soccer and it was very difficult to move with the “bubble.” The best part of it all was playing nerf wars against the boys. We had “five lives”—if we were shot five times then we had to get out of the game. At first, it was a slow game because no one wanted to get shot. The girls had many advantages because we had the best side of the “field” and we had nerf guns that held many foam balls while the guys had to reload to shoot. Once the game had started, the lights were turned off and we
were playing a glow-in-thedark game. Surprise! The girls had won the game! The guys said it was not fair but it was still fun beating them.
The day was not over; we headed to Dean Rita’s house and ate Swedish pancakes for dinner. Let me tell you that they were delicious! After dinner, we helped clean up and we also went outside for a walk. We were able to see cows and feed grass to little goats. We then headed back to Dean Rita’s house and had worship to welcome in the Sabbath.
On Sabbath morning, both girls and guys headed to Mr. Short’s house to eat breakfast. We had a delicious meal with fresh peaches from the orchard.
Once we were done eating we headed to church. In the afternoon we went to Luray to take a Sabbath walk.
On Sunday morning we were up early to finish some last-minute things in the dorm and we were ready to welcome the girls into the dorm. I enjoyed RA week because it helped us RAs get closer with each other and with the deans. It was a neat experience that we had to get ready right before the students come into the dorm.
On Friday, September 2, 110 students from orchestra, band, strings, choir, Shenandoans (Shens), handbells, and praise team headed to Camp Overlook for bonding time and spiritual food. After the musicians unpacked their personal belongings, they were sent to set up chairs and instruments. A burger dinner was served a bit later and then the practicing began. Different groups went to their respective areas to practice mass orchestral and choral songs, as well as ones that only their group was working on. Most groups just sat down and started practicing but Shens went out into the woods to re-record a song while dressed in their fancy concert dresses and tuxedos.
Since the buses left late from the school, the entire schedule was pushed back a bit, but everyone came together for worship as soon as Shens finished their recording. Music department workers led praise time for vespers and then Mr. Biaggi made a couple of announcements. Mr. Leeper gave the vespers talk, and the students learned all about what it means to abide and grow in Jesus. He shared part of his personal testimony and impressed many students to stay close to Jesus and not get involved in supernatural things. After the sermon, some people talked to Mr. Leeper about his talk, some played ping pong and air hockey, some jammed together and played their instruments, and some tried to make a fire. The night had to come to an
Music Retreat
end, however, and everyone made his or her way back to the cabins.
The next day was filled with more exciting things and started off on a good note with a variety of muffins, bagels, and fruit for breakfast. The students changed into their blue music department shirts and headed up Agape Hill for a group picture. Next was time for Sabbath School and everyone gathered to sing and listen to announcements before they divided into small groups. Each group had to find a verse that related to the theme of the retreat, Grounded in Love, and had to explain why they chose that verse. Though most people chose the exact same verse about the tree planted in the water, Caleb Rivera and Cami Prudencio’s group put a spin on the assignment
by making a song out of the verse. After Sabbath School, there were mass pieces involving all of the music groups for praise time. Zaida Galva gave a beautiful solo at the beginning of “Build Your Kingdom Here,” and the students were blessed by even more music at the end of Pastor Williams Costa, Jr’s sermon. Pastor Williams and his wife played the piano and sang, respectively. Haystacks were soon served for lunch and then there was free time for the students to relax. People walked around the campsite with their friends, mostly staying in the shade because of the high temperatures. Ice cream was a welcome treat and the vegans were not left out this time! The students hung out with each other and played ping pong, sang songs,

played air hockey, took naps, went on a hike, and just enjoyed growing closer to people with whom they made music. There was another practice session before the final concert, but it was a bit difficult to practice with everyone because many students were in more than one group. Unfortunately, both music directors were out sick by the end of the weekend, but Mr. Ernst and Mrs. Hoffman were great substitute teachers and helped the students practice. The concert went smoothly, however, and began well with a violin duet by Giuliana Biaggi and Juan Benavides. String ensemble, choir, bells, and Shens all performed well. Everyone appreciated Luis Ac’s vocal solo that he self-accompanied on guitar. The concert came to an end and Mr. Leeper
gave a summary of the weekend before giving instructions about departure. Leaving the campsite required putting lots of chairs away, cleaning the cabins, cleaning the cafeteria, loading the food back onto the bus, loading luggage onto the bus, and loading the instruments back into the trailer. This process did not take too long because everyone pitched in and did his or her part. Many students would say this retreat was better than last year’s and want to give a big thank you to everyone who made this weekend possible.
September 8, 2022, was an important day for the seniors, as well as their families. It was a time to acknowledge the seniors of Shenandoah Valley Academy for their hard work and dedication during their high school years. It was a time to pray for them and dedicate this final year at SVA.
Seniors dressed in their class colors that night. The guys wore a formal black suit and a lavender color bow tie, and the girls came in with a lavender or black dress. Families came from all over to celebrate their kids. The seniors were able to walk down to the aisles of the church and sat on the stage. Beautiful music was performed by the senior praised team and others. We had Mr. David Herbert (known to many as “Homie Dave”) come and speak for us. This was a blessing to the seniors. We did an activity that was interactive. We answered questions with a piece of paper
Senior Dedication
and he scanned the paper to get the answer. Homie Dave was able to make things more understandable and relatable for the seniors. After the service was over, many people went outside and had photos taken. Families celebrated their kids’ last year of high school. Finally, there was the senior reception that was put on by the junior class. There were drinks and food being served to the seniors and their parents.
Saray Castillo, an SVA senior, thought that the occasion was lovely. She thought that the senior class bonds were strengthened through this event and things like walking down with other senior classmates, having family there to watch them and support them, and being able to take photos after the event. She really enjoyed the speaker’s talk, as it was interactive and relatable. It was something that she could actually use in the future and
not something that she would just listen to and forget. Finally, she loved the senior fellowship. She commented that the decorations were beautiful both inside and outside.
Senior parent and ROK Ministries Director Mrs. Tammy White appreciated that the school did something for the children of the Lord. She is grateful that SVA is Christ focused. Mrs. White thought that senior fellowship was wonderful, because she was able to talk to other senior parents. She also commented that the reception that was put on by the juniors was excellent.
Another student felt that the event was good overall. She liked the speaker’s way of delivering the message. She felt like the speaker did great with the games, especially the seniors’ answering questions and having them scanned with the phone to get the answer..
Girls’ Varsity Volleyball
This year, Shenandoah Valley Academy’s Varsity Volleyball team is looking hopeful! Our two coaches, Mrs. Patrick and Mrs. Leeper, have been leading out in guiding this new combination of players by giving the team encouragement and helping the players to be the best they can be. The team consists of eleven players, six of which are returning players. The players include: Olivia Patrick and Aubrey Herbert as captains; Ariana Anderson, Emma Cuellar, Juliana Mendez, Marietta Nagy, Kelsey Quintiana, Camila Rojas, Candela Villar, Nya Walker, and Tessah Zimmerman. This team would not be the same without our wonderful managers, Layla Moguel and Ayinka Auguste, helping us during gameplay and practice. Keeping God in the center, this team has been steadily improv-
ing each practice and learning how to work with each other. One way to display our improvement of teamwork and ability is by playing games. So far during the season, we have played six games, four of which we have won. Now, winning these games included much more than simply hoping the volleyball would get over the net. Much training had to be put in by each member of the team to obtain these victories. The training does not stop at the physical movements made but a large amount of thinking is involved as well. Before I touch the ball, I need to know to whom I need to direct the ball. During our practices, we practice the physical aspect (bumping, setting, hitting, and receiving); but we also practice the thinking aspect by working on court awareness, ball placement, and using commu-
nication to keep the team on the same page. As we train and play games, we are ultimately preparing for a tournament at the end of October.
Starting October 25 through October 28, the volleyball team will be traveling to Tennessee to play even more games in the National Association of Christian Athletes tournament, otherwise known as NACA. Placing most likely in the fourth division, our volleyball team will be playing against other teams, ultimately trying to reach the championship of division four. The tournament is only three weeks away, so our team is eagerly anticipating the opportunity to display all of our abilities and teamwork to others while glorifying God through our attitudes, whether we win or lose.

The purpose of the Girls’ and Boys’ Clubs is to create a community and to develop relationships between the dorm students and the village students. They are able to have fun with each other through activities and events planned by the officers. The officers for Boys’ Club this school year are Lucas Ferraz as President, Zion Calvin as Vice President, Nathan Oneffrey as Senior Representative, Jose Roblero as Junior Representative, Daniel Hernandez as Sophomore Representative, Emmanuel Matagaro as Freshman Representative, and Alex Cuellar as Pastor.
The Girls’ Club officers for this school year are myself as President, Omaris Mercado as Vice President, Gaby Goncalves as Senior Repre-
sentative, Kika Auguste as Junior Representative, Juri Castellanos as Sophomore Representative, Chera Riley as Freshman Representative, Anisa Phillip as Village Representative, and Princess Alcantara as Pastor.
When it comes to having good leaders in office, it is important that we all are able to work together well and be able to communicate efficiently. Both President Lucas and I agree that the officers for this year’s clubs are adjusting well into the positions and that everyone is working hard to improve the clubs. “Most of us know each other pretty well, so we have a good foundation for our team to be able to work well together,” says Lucas. Vice President Omaris appreci-
Girls’ and Boys’ Clubs CAMI PRUDENCIO
ates how involved the Girls’ Club officers are during the meetings and how everyone is willing to pitch in. During the meetings, the president gives a rundown of what will be discussed in the meetings and then the officers give their opinions or ideas about the topic. While planning Capture the Flag for the dorm retreats, the different clubs were able to bounce ideas off of each other for how to make the game go well. We were able to spend more time with the officers from the opposite club and practice our communication skills with others.
Along with communicating well with the other officers, we also get along really well and have a strong friendship as our foundation. “I’m
friends with the officers and it makes me feel comfortable in the meetings because I already know them outside of Girls’ Club,” says Senior Representative Gaby. Jose, the Junior Representative, says “Since I have bonded with them in the dorm and have had fun with them, it’s easier for me to talk and engage with the other people in the meetings. It helps me get more involved.” It makes it a lot better to be planning events and activities with your friends and it brings a better environment to the meetings. Even though some of the officers this year are new to SVA and to the clubs, it has been great getting to know them and see them participate in what goes on in the dorms.

The Girls’ and Boys’ Clubs really enjoy planning events for the SVA students to be a part of, and so far we have planned the Dorm Retreats, which went really well. We are also looking forward to doing more events next semester. “I’m looking forward to more events in the future. They are fun to plan and it’s fun to see people involved,” says Juri, the Sophomore Representative. Boys’ Club is expecting to have sports tournaments and competitions like football games, March Madness, and Fantasy Football. Girls’ Club is planning to have more activities where village girls can stay in the dorms and we also want to join Boys’ Club to do another sports event with all the students. The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs
are really excited to continue making this school year fun for everyone through the events we plan.
As we started a new school year, softball entered the calendar. Many people signed up early for softball this year, as it was included in a section for registration day. The sign-up list was filled with students and village students’ parents, since softball is an all-age sport. The season isn’t over yet, as the championship is still to be determined.
The beginning of the season started off with a very rocky start, as some players didn’t show up to the first few games. Players from other teams substituted for them, and in some
cases there would be uneven numbers in the startups. Although there were a few players short, more people started showing up to the games. Some players were trying new things and decided to play some softball, while players like Mr.Heilman, who is very experienced, were going against each other. There would be some games where the teams go toe to toe, as the scores were fairly close. These games would be intense and unexpected plays, as softball games have sudden changes that can lead to different outcomes. Games that might not
have been as exciting also took unexpected turns, which made the game interesting. Most teams have won games toe to toe, while the experienced teams would win by a large number of points. The Blue Jays won all their games, and, while they have good players, it’s always about teamwork, chemistry, and hunger. The Nationals are in 2nd place with one loss, but two wins. The Red Sox are in 3rd place with one win and two losses. The Braves are in 4th with one win and three loses. The Athletic team, now changed to Dodgers,
is in last with no wins, but it’s all about sportsmanship. The weather for the most part has been great, although there have been times where people were drenched, as a storm hit. We are looking forward to playing volleyball because the weather won’t matter. As we head into the middle of fall, the gym is the place to be. Volleyball was not played last year since it was canceled, but it isn’t canceled this year. Later there will be basketball, hockey, pickleball, and badminton intramurals. These games are all planned and

don’t plan to cancel anytime. Badminton and pickleball are new intramural sports added to the schedule; these games should be a fun experience for the new students. Last year softball, futsal, basketball, and hockey were played. Although they did not have a basketball intramural last year, hopefully there will be one this year. There are also tournaments like the futsal World Cup, where students with different nationalities form teams. It would be great to have many more games played, but for now all the games that are listed are a
fine pick. We’re thankful for the staff, students, parents, and Mr.Heilman for making intramurals very exciting and fun.

UNDEFEATED! The SVA Stars continue their season without any losses. They encountered many teams, but none were able to show some kind of a challenge. HVA were the only ones capable of having a tied game with us. However, we won’t let that happen again when they come on our turf. This year we have many new players who have been showing off their skills and abilities throughout the season, but some more than others. The captains this year are Zion Calvin and Jonathan Pelote. They have been keeping the morale of the team high, and show great leadership skills. We asked them how they think this year’s team has been doing and will do throughout the year. Jonathan said, “We have a good team, we play well together, and I enjoy playing with them. If we continue to play well, we will continue to improve and end undefeated. I can’t wait till NACA.” Zion said, “We are doing decent. I believe we are an ok team to do decent at NACA. I think this year’s team is better, because we have more teamwork.”

The team has been bonding together not just in the field but outside. We get closer together, and when we suffer in training and we get tired during practice or conditioning, we have each other. We encourage each other and get closer. It is such a nice experience to be a part of this team and to share this journey together with each other.
The team has played over 10 games as of this writing, each time having a leading score on the opponent. In order to improve the individual state and condition of the players, Coach Zach Lowe and Coach Joe Lowe have been having morning practices available for the team, giving them intense training in order to stay on top of the other teams. We are sure the coaches are proud of the team and are excited to help to continue the team’s journey both in playing soccer and in their spiritual life. They are there ready to train the men on the team and to make them better for soccer and for life. The team and coaches are very excited and look forward to going to the NACA tournament. Last year we came back with the first-place trophy of
Division II. We hope this year we can continue to play better and advance toward Division I. We hope and pray that we can take the first-place trophy as well for Division I. The team is planning on getting custom jackets or shirts, specifically for NACA. Last year’s jackets were nice and suitable outerwear for our team. We hope this year we can add to our wardrobe another exciting piece that can not only serve as warmth, but serve as a memory. We hope that we start to play more challenging teams so that the team can improve and be more prepared for the NACA tournament. The support from the home games have been a great motivator and encouragement for the team. We are grateful for the support; even though it’s cold, fans still show up. Thank you for all the support. This year’s team is looking promising, but we will be sad that the exchange students will be leaving early. I hope the team keeps its morale up and is able to stand up against the rest of the teams that are left.

Student Association (SA) retreat is where the SA officers come together a few days before school begins to plan for the upcoming school events. This year’s SA officers are Nathaniel Fairbank as president, Avery Browne as vice-president, Gaby Goncalves as treasurer, Naomi Coreas as secretary, Jonathan Pelote as sports secretary, Erica Lopez as pastor, Michael White as AV secretary, and myself as social secretary.
SA retreat was from August 12 to August 14. All the SA officers arrived on campus on Thursday and began our registration process.
On Friday, we had breakfast at the Mashburn Farm, where they served fruit salad and English biscuits with options of jelly or peanut butter. We also had delicious tofu mixed with some spinach and orange juice. We arrived at the farm and we started our day off with a prayer for a productive day of planning. From 10:00 am to 12:00 pm we started with a Bible study given by Mr. Leeper, then a meeting where we went through all the upcoming SA events and planned for them. “I appreciated being reminded that, now that I have a leadership position, I should remember to always be a light on campus, just like how great people in the Bible were to people around them,” explains Naomi. I found the message to be inspiring because Mr. Leeper talked about how as leaders we should lead the students by serving them just as Jesus Christ served
SA Retreat
others. Around 2:30 pm we left for Horizon’s Edge Sports Campus where we went rock climbing. There was a particular challenge where we had to go up the poles like steps and jump down when we reached the last one, which was scary yet thrilling. When I felt incapable of completing a challenge, my friends encouraged and motivated me. Following rock climbing, we were split into two groups and discussed ways in which we could make a difference for the SVA students this upcoming year. “I enjoyed hearing everyone’s different ideas on how we could better SVA, and then combine them into having a successful school year,” says Avery. After having a fun and productive time, we headed out to Thien An

Pho, a Vietnamese restaurant to treat ourselves. It was my first time having Vietnamese food and I enjoyed it. I had fried rice with grilled chicken and a side of salad. Afterward, we departed to Mr. Leeper’s beautiful house for vespers and s’mores by the bonfire. I loved the vespers since it was a time for all of us to get vulnerable with each other and share our relationships with God whether good, bad, or unsure. We ended the night with prayer and came back to campus.
The next day, we started our Sabbath with a scrumptious breakfast at the Shorts’ house. They served well-prepared eggs, tofu, pancakes, and tater tots, as well as fresh peaches. After breakfast, we sang hymns and enjoyed
music played by the piano and the guitar. Afterward, we went to the New Market SDA church where we had our main service. At 1:00 pm we had our lunch in the cafeteria, and we got to enjoy food prepared by our new cafe supervisor Mr. Molina. Right after lunch, we headed out for a hike, where I was taught how to skip rocks on the lake. I enjoyed the hike because it was amazing to be outside and enjoy the Lord’s creation in the company of my friends and supervisors. We then headed back to Mr. Leeper’s house, where we had supper and played games. “I found playing games and relaxing with my fellow leaders to be fun due to spending time with them out of a non-school environment, and it helped
me relax before the upcoming school year,” says Jonathan. Later on, we went back to the dorm to rest for registration the next day.
Sunday was an extremely busy (although fulfilling) day, considering we got to help all the new and returning students get started for the new school year, and got to see all our friends. Later in the day, we had our annual SA handshake where we got to greet and introduce ourselves to the SVA staff and students. Overall, SA Retreat was an amazing experience; we learned how to improve our leadership skills, as well as spent time getting to know each other better.
Editor: Nya Walker
Mrs. Boyer White: Sponsor
Letters to the Editor:
The Shen-Val-Lore welcomes your letters. All letters must contain the writer’s name and phone number. All unsigned letters will be omitted. The Shen-Val-Lore reserves the right to edit your letters for space and clarity, and to reject any letters. Place all letters under the door of the newspaper room or mail tham to: Shen-Val-Lore, 234 West Lee Highway, New Market, VA 22844.
The Shen-Val-Lore is the official student newspaper of Shenandoah Valley Academy and is published by the students. The opinions and views expressed in the Shen-Val-Lore are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors, Shenandoah Valley Academy, staff and faculty, or the Seventh-day Adventist Church.