2016 Alumni Weekend Program

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Welcome Home to Shenandoah! Alumni Weekend 2016 – April 15-17

Shenandoah Valley


#SVAAlumniWeekend2016 www.shenandoahvalleyacademy.org/alumni/

Welcome Home to Shenandoah! An old proverb says: “Home is Where the Heart Is.”

Dr. Twomley and Barron, Shenandoah Hall 1976

Most of us have more than one place we consider home. Perhaps it is your parents old house. Perhaps home is anywhere you are with the person you love most. Perhaps you consider Shenandoah home because you made life-long friends who became your family on this campus. People long to be at home -- where there is a feeling of comfort and sanctuary.

Throughout the years, I trust you will find comfort and sanctuary again and again at your SVA home. The buildings may seem a little smaller and the trees a little larger than you remember. Many of the young faces have disappeared or are almost unrecognizable, but the smiles and the eyes are undimmed. Welcome Home! On behalf of SVA’s faculty and staff, thank you for returning to your school. May you experience love, peace, and acceptance from everyone on this campus. May it be a sweet foretaste of the greatest reunion of all—in our Father’s Home. Please introduce yourself to the current SVA teachers and administrators. Meeting you and hearing your life stories is an inspiration and encouragement to us. And please reach-out to our students. You will find them Christ-like representatives of SVA who will make you proud. Most of our young people are here because of donations made by you, the loyal and generous Alumni and Friends who regularly give to support our school and students. Without your gifts it would be financially impossible for most of them to attend SVA. Each year 38 percent of our income is reliant upon gifts by alumni, friends, churches, businesses, endowments, and foundations. Thank you to each and every one who gives to support and sustain our students and the educational ministry of this legacy school. May this alumni weekend renew the joy and friendships of your youth, and refresh memories that will inspire your spiritual journey and sweeten your walk with Jesus. Home is Where the Heart is. May Shenandoah always be in your heart. Welcome home!

Dale E. Twomley, MBA, PhD • Principal and Business Manager


Alumni Weekend 2016 Schedule Friday, April 15 8:00am Registration 19th Annual Alumni Golf Benefit, Bryce Resort 8:45am Alumni Golf Tee Time 6:00-7:45pm Alumni Registration, Reception and Business Meeting, Cafeteria 8:00pm Alumni Vespers, New Market Church Join us for a nostalgic evening of music and inspiration.

Sabbath, April 16 9:30am Alumni Registration, Gymnasium Entrance 10:00am Sabbath Worship Service, Gymnasium Please note the church begins at 10:00am. There will be no Sabbath School. Don’t miss Roll Call! 12:00pm Honor Class Pictures, Gymnasium

See program announcements for photo download and ordering instructions. Envelopes will not be distributed, nor will picture orders be collected, after the worship service.

12:30pm Lunch, SVA Cafeteria Alumni and their families are invited to be our guests for lunch in the cafeteria. Honor class meal locations listed below. 2:30-4:00pm Jim Little Retirement Reception, Cafeteria/Dorm Open Houses 4:00pm Gospel Music Jam Session, Student Center Bring your instrument or singing voice--enjoy making gospel-style music with alumni and students! 5:00pm Alumni Vespers Concert, New Market Church Featuring New Market Church organ, alumni vocalists and musicians, current & former music directors, faculty & staff.

Saturday Night, April 16 9:00pm Alumni Basketball Games, Gymnasium Cheer on our Alumni All-Stars and SVA Stars! Enjoy junior class concession stand at gym entrance.

Sunday, April 17 9:30am

Principal’s View Continental Breakfast, SVA Cafeteria

Dr. Twomley hosts a light breakfast for alumni interested in dialoging about SVA today. SVA strings & Shenandoans featured. Breakfast is complimentary. Please sign up at registration tables.

Class Sabbath Lunch Locations

Please pick up your lunch tray in the cafeteria on the way to class meal location, unless otherwise specified below. Class of 1936 Class of 1946 Class of 1956* Class of 1961 Class of 1966* Class of 1976* Class of 1981 Class of 1986* Class of 1991 Class of 1996 Class of 2006

Cafeteria Mezzanine Cafeteria Mezzanine Earliteen Room, New Market Church To be announced Fellowship Hall, New Market Church Student Center Inn at Narrow Passage SVA Elementary School Gym 2nd Floor Classroom (right), Hewitt Hall Hadley Hall Chapel Home Ec Room, Hewitt Hall

*Please bypass the cafeteria and proceed to your lunch meeting location where your meal will be served.

SVA Alumni Association Board 2015-2016 Principal Dr. Dale Twomley H’09†‡* Alumni Director Janel Haas Ware ’86 ‡* Officers President Donna Hoffman Mashburn ‘74†‡ Vice President Shellie Shanko Campbell ‘76‡ Secretary/Treasurer Laura Rulona Lowe ‘91‡ Past President Janel Haas Ware ’86 ‡* Decade Representatives 1908-1959 (2) Arlene Thompson ‘55‡, Carl Blackburn ‘58‡ 1960s Sandra Eller Clatterbuck ’63‡ 1970s Richard Hevener ‘76‡ 1980s Paul Ware ‘83‡ 1990s Michelle Wilson Nelson ’92‡ 1999-present (2)

Kelly Wiedemann ‘03‡*, Nick Lapido ‘12†




April 14 Spring Music Concert May 27-29 Graduation Weekend June 24 Alumni Campmeeting Social August 15 First Day of School December 9-10 Candlelight Concerts

Announcements Professional honor class photos will be taken at the front of the gym immediately following the worship service. Envelopes will not be distributed, nor will picture orders be collected, after the worship service. Download free honor class photos at http://www.shenandoahvalleyacademy.org/alumni/AlumniWeekendPhotos.cfm. To order by mail, send $20 check to “SVA Honor Class Photos” 234 W Lee Hwy, New Market, VA 22844. Please include your name, address and class year on check. Sabbath offering will benefit the SVA unrestricted and worthy student funds. Please consider giving systematically to SVA. To receive a tax letter and receipt for your gift(s), fill out the envelope provided in your program. Thank you for generously giving back to support the sustainability of your school and our wonderful students! Sabbath lunch is provided free of charge to alumni and their families. The cafeteria serving line will form at the double doors under the colonnade. Please see Class Meal Locations for instructions for honor class lunch reunions. Retirement Reception for Jim Little will be held in the cafeteria from 2:30-4:00pm Sabbath afternoon. Join us in thanking Jim for his 30 years of service at SVA, and wish him well in his retirement. Joint Dorm Open House will be hosted by Hadley Hall and Phanstiel Hall deans and resident assistants from 2:30-4:00pm Sabbath afternoon. Tour the dorm and see the difference recent renovations made possible by many generous Alumni and Friends of have made to improve the quality of dorm life as a home away from home for SVA students. Stay in contact with SVA on social media! Facebook: Shenandoah Valley Academy, Shenandoah Valley Academy Group and Shenandoah Valley Academy Alumni Association; Twitter: @SVAAlumniAssoc; Instagram: @officialsvainstagram; LinkedIn: Shenandoah Valley Academy Alumni Group. Annual Alumni Campmeeting Social at the very first New Market Church sponsored campmeeting will be held on Friday, June 24 at 6:00pm (campus location to be determined). SVA alumni, students, current and former parents, current and former faculty and staff are invited. If you have children or grandchildren who are interested in attending SVA next year, attend to enter an alumni drawing to win $500 toward tuition next school year. You must be present to enter and to win.


Friday Evening Vespers

8:00pm, New Market Seventh-day Adventist Church Prelude

SVA Handbell Choir

Welcome Janel Haas Ware, Development and Alumni Director ‘86‡* Vesper Blessing

Carol Rasmussen Serle ‘66

Praise and Worship

Alumni and Student Praise Team

Early SVA Memories

Gus Viehman ‘34 Dale Twomley, Principal H’09†‡*

Introduction of Speaker Inspiration

Donna Hoffman Mashburn, Alumni President ‘74†‡

Closing Song

Gabrielle Geddis Griffin ‘86‡*

In a Little While We’re Going Home Congregation Eliza E. Hewitt

Benediction Blessing Postlude

Carin Orange Bata ‘96

Come, Thou Almighty King Felice de Giardini; arr. David Nino

David Nino, piano* Bruce Wilson, euphonium†‡

Music Department Chair, Chorale, Shenandoans, Band and Handbells: David Nino Orchestra & Strings Director: Kelly Wiedemann‡* *Current Faculty or Staff

†Former Faculty or Staff

‡Multigenerational SVA Family

In a Little While We’re Going Home Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way, In a little while we’re going home. For the night will end in the everlasting day, In a little while we’re going home.

We will do the work that our hand may find to do, In a little while we’re going home; And the grace of God will our daily strength renew, In a little while we’re going home.

Refrain: In a little while, in a little while, We shall cross the billow’s foam, We shall meet at last when the stormy winds are past, In a little while we’re going home.

There’s a rest beyond, there’s relief from every care, In a little while we’re going home; And no tears shall fall in that city bright and fair, In a little while we’re going home.

Alumni Weekend 2017 will be April 14-16

Sabbath Worship Service

10:00am, Zirkle Auditorium – Gymnasium Prelude


Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring J. S. Bach

Hymn Sing Congregation Welcome

Donna Hoffman Mashburn, Alumni President ‘74†‡ Dale Twomley, Principal H’09†‡*


Dorenda Dodge, Vice Principal H’14†‡*

Roll Call

Bill Strickland H’83†‡

Service Recognition

James Little 1985-2016

School Song

Dale Twomley, Principal H’09†‡*

Our Shenandoah Congregation & Orchestra Words: C. L. Ross; Music: Russell MacMeans; arr. Joshua Goines

Call to Prayer


Brother James’ Air Traditional, arr. Douglas Wagner Karla Rivera Bucklew, soprano ‘96‡

Invocation Chelsea Campbell ‘13‡ Shellie Shanko Campbell, Alumni Vice President ‘76‡ Hymn of Praise

Come, Christians, Join to Sing Congregation C. H. Bateman; arr. David Nino

Offering Call Offertory

Dale Twomley, Principal H’09†* Chorale

Glory, Glory, Alleluia Arr. Jay Althouse

Scripture Reading

2 Timothy 1:12 and 2:15

Anthem The Light of that City J.A Barbor Introduction of Speaker Sermon

Reggie Sherrill ’66 Shenandoans & Orchestra

Janel Haas Ware, Development & Alumni Director 86‡* Goldilocks and the Three Barriers

Pastor Victor Brown†

Benediction Benediction Response Postlude

Alumni, Chorale & Orchestra

Hallelujah Chorus Georg Frideric Handel Finale from Symphony No. 2 Charles-Marie Widor

Joshua Goines†

Band, Shenandoans & Chorale: David Nino* Orchestra & Strings: Kelly Wiedemann ’03‡* Organist: Joshua Goines†

Honor Class Photos will be taken at the front of the gym, immediately following the worship service.

Please gather your class and be ready to come forward when your honor year is announced. Thank you for maintaining an atmosphere of reverence during the service by taking extended conversations outside.

*Current Faculty or Staff

†Former Faculty or Staff

‡Multigenerational SVA Family

Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love; Hearts unfold like flow’rs before Thee, Hail Thee as the sun above. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness, Drive the dark of doubt away; Giver of immortal gladness, Fill us with the light of day! All Thy works with joy surround Thee, Earth and heav’n reflect Thy rays, Stars and angels sing around Thee, Center of unbroken praise’ Field and forest, vale and mountain, Bloss’ming meadow, flashing sea, Chanting bird and flowing fountain Call us to rejoice in Thee. Thou art giving and forgiving, Ever blessing, ever blest, Wellspring of the joy of living, Ocean depth of happy rest! Thou the Father. Christ our Brother— All who live in love are Thine; Teach us how to love each other, Lift us to the joy divine.

Lead on O King Eternal Lead on, O King Eternal, The day of march has come; Hence-forth in fields of conquest, Thy tents shall be our home; Through days of preparation, Thy grace has made us strong, And now, O King Eternal, We lift our battle song. Lead on, O King Eternal, Till sin’s fierce war shall cease, And holiness shall whisper, The sweet A-men of peace; For not with swords, loud clashing, Nor roll of stirring drums, With deeds of love and mercy, The heavenly kingdom comes.

Lead on, O King Eternal, We follow, not with fears, For gladness breaks like morning Where e’er thy face appears; Thy cross is lifted o’er us, We journey in its light; The crown awaits the conquest; Lead on, O God of might.

Doxology Praise God, From Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, All creatures here below; Praise him above, Ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, And Holy Ghost.

Our Shenandoah Where shines the big Virginia sun, And old Dominion’s streamlets run, From out the Massanutt’s cool shade, And down great Allegheny’s glade, God’s works in nature multiplied, Extol His name on ev’ry side.

Come, Christians, Join to Sing Come, Christians, join to sing Alleluia! Amen! Loud praise to Christ our King; Alleluia! Amen! Let all, with heart and voice, Before His throne rejoice; Praise is His gracious choice. Alleluia! Amen! Come, lift your hearts on high, Alleluia! Amen! Let praises fill the sky; Alleluia! Amen! He is our Guide and Friend; To us He’ll condescend; His love shall never end. Alleluia! Amen! Praise yet our Christ again, Alleluia! Amen! Life shall not end the strain; Alleluia! Amen! On heaven’s blissful shore, His goodness we’ll adore, Singing forevermore, “Alleluia! Amen!”

Chorus O Shenandoah (stomp & clap), dear Shenandoah (stomp & clap), In thee do we delight to rest (clapping) And daily strive to do our best, For Shenandoah, Shenandoah. In nature’s dooryard neatly planned, A gift is placed by God’s own hand, The S.V.A. of sacred birth, Our own dear school of sterling worth Whose beacon lit by gospel truth, Sheds holy light on paths of youth. What blighting frost can chill our zeal, Or evil’s fury ever deal A blow in madness fit to shake, Our faith in thee, O S.V.A! Or cause our strength in future time, to fag before thy cause sublime?


And daily strive to do our best, for Shenandoah, Shenandoah

SVA Endowment Scholarship Recipients 2015-2016 Total: $19,700.00 Samuel Aitchison Worthy Student: Cindy Balcarcel, $200.00 Thoma Suzanne Alderman Worthy Student: Jose VonVogler, $140.00 Jean Hicks Alexander Worthy Student: Bethany Edwards, $275.00 Frank and Emily Banzhaf Worthy Student: Becky Renderos, $910.00 Allan Blackburn – DiAnn Copenhaver Sportsmanship: Carla Navarro, $300.00 Julia Kay Blair Mission: Raisy Sanchez, $270.00 Ellen Quackenbush Carey Music (Voice): Meshach Perez, $140.00 Class of 1974 Worthy Student: Judson Watson, $85.00 Class of 1977 Friendship Worthy Student: Madeleine Ndahayo, $170.00 Class of 2013 Worthy Student: Nelda Atuti, $250.00 Herbert Copenhaver Science: Bethany Edwards, $220.00 Pearl Dieter Worthy Student: Jose VonVogler, $80.00 Excellentia Worthy Student: Daniel Palacios, $1,480.00; Elizabeth Reedy, $2,220.00 Kathleen Wu Facemire Basketball: Carla Navarro, $130.00 Claoma Suhrie Fearing Worthy Student: Daniel Hernandez, $250.00 Don and Becky Feltman Baseball: Jared Gil-Gomez, $1,850.00 Kent Sterling Grimm Memorial: Kimberly Owen, $280.00 W. C. Hannah Worthy Student: Karen Cruz, $170.00 Chuck and Sarah Jane Liers Worthy Student: Jared Gil-Gomez, $130.00 Luray SDA Church Worthy Student: Jackie Letaiugyang, $135.00 John and Vilas Mansfield Worthy Student: Marco Lopez, $190.00 John Minesinger Worthy Student: Shayla Coronel, $2,045.00 Carolyn Madden Nash Music: Daniel Chirvasuta, $155.00 Lester Patton Worthy Student: Judson Watson, $420.00 Clarence and Elsie Jenkins Pohle Worthy Student: Luke Fogg, $360.00 Paul and Doris Riley Worthy Student: Jonathan Smith, $195.00 Frank E. Shaw Worthy Student: Carla Navarro, $520.00 Walter B. Sheer, MD and Doris A. Sheer: Amber Vance, $215.00 Wallace and Myrtle Smith Worthy Student: Karen Cruz, $95.00 Edward O. Spencer Worthy Student: Theodore Thomas, $275.00 Josef Spencer Music: Meshach Perez, $65.00 Edna Stoneburner Basketball: Luke Fogg, $40.00 Jean Quackenbush Strickland Worthy Student: Nigel Msipa, $260.00 Earnest and Louise Thompson Worthy Student: Carla Navarro, $580.00

GHRoW Foundation Scholarship Recipients 2015-2016 Total: $36,000.00 Merit Scholarships: Meredith Schuen, $5,500.00; Amber Lawhorn, $4,000.00; Chloe Pettit $3,500.00; Ellerab Dorval, $500.00; Madeleine Ndahayo, $2,500.00; Damilka Joaquin, $2,000.00; Salima Omwenga, $1,500.00; Elizabeth Reedy $1,000.00; Jasmine Carcamo, $2,500.00; Bethany Edwards $2,250.00; Jared Gil-Gomez $1,500.00; Katherine Berrios $1,250.00 Jump Start Scholarships: Shayla Coronel, $1,000.00; Angie Edwards, $1,000.00; Brittany Murillo, $1,000.00; Minna Omwenga, $1,000.00; Davel Parker $1,000.00; Kelly Ramirez-Garcia $1,000.00 R. Scott Handel Leadership Scholarship: Ming Kim, $2,000.00

Shenandoah Valley Academy Honor Class Graduates 2015-201 CLASS OF 1926 Donald Abbott Mildred Ansley Harriet Baker James Baker Dorothy Bramble Roberta Bridgeforth C. Henry Cantwell Thelma Hohensee Earl Kaden Reginald Pleasants Curtis Quackenbush Charles Snyder Dorothy VanSeyle Nellie Witmarch Albert Widmer CLASS OF 1936 Ruby Abbott Mary Jane Beetham Betty Behner Gwendoline Brown Joseph Bryan Florence Burgoyne Samuel Clyde Ralph Coffman Charles Crider Stanley Dennison Bessie Dougherty Marjorie Harrison Gladys Huttenberger Charles Isaacs Jack Kepner Joanna Frieda Liers Alma Ney Madeline Reed Royal Reid Juanita Shirkley Loretta Spaeth Bertram Sturtevant Roger Williams Larance Zinn CLASS OF 1946 Virginia Becker John Beyer Mabel Bowman Darlis Brown Hope Brown Jefferson Cook Alfred Dubeck Donald Gesell Betty Grzywa

Howard Gustafson Caroline Hardisty Walter Herrell Leon Jones Noel King James Kubecka Herbert Lidner Edward McWilliams Nancy Pannabecker Dorothy Rima Eugene Smith Marie Speck Helen Suddarth Lillian Sundstrom Evelyn Taylor Joseph Verska Kathleen Weaver Louise Wilkens Betty Wingo Ruth Wyckoff CLASS OF 1956 Eolin Akers Norman Bradley Richard Clark Josephine Coursey Barbara Crouch John Douglass Clay Farwell Leroy Ford Ina Fox Livia Freyman Richard Haughey Gloria Howes Paul Imbraguglio Marilyn Johnson Marion Lewis Rupert Lewis John Mace Joyce Martin Donna Martin Evelyn McGrady George Mullins Bill Newhart Don Ortner France Pearson Thomas Peters Rosalie Phillips Dorothy Rhodes Charles Sanderson Janet Skeggs Robert Snyder John Stant

Iris Taylor Jerry Vis David VonEndt Ruth Vuszuka Samuel Wine Elaine Wingate Peter Wolosuk Lewis Wood CLASS OF 1966 Leslie Abrams Franklin Altman Gail Amos Betty Ashwood William Brown Marilyn Bee Jean Bender Linda Benedict Carolynne Benn John Bennett Beverly Benson Michael Bodtker Judy Brodersen Jeanne Brummett Homer Byrd Victor Cachero Sherry Calvert Carolyn Chambers Larry Cox William Davis David Dawson Cherie Dendy Deborah Dixon Edward Dorsey Roger Elliott Bruce Engen Earnest Foard Melvin Frank Kathy Frye Mike Gorbenko George Grason Juanita Guest Elizabeth Hardison Joseph Hare Donnie Hegamyer Sharon Hefman Birma Hernandez Wayne Hicks Carol Holbrook Linda Holland Paula Hutton Carol Johnson Angela Kallam

Dianne Knight Larry Kubrock Kenneth Lawrence Marilyn Lehman Darlene Lewis William Mansfield Les Marcussen Cynthia Mayers Aanen Nilsen Donna Palmer Joyce Palmer Margaret Palmour Roger Parish Lynda Patterson William Peesek Kathleen Perrin Emery Pollard Terry Pope Norma Powell Barbara Rasmussen Shirley Rauch Kenneth Raupach Roger Rinehart Susan Rittenhouse Karen Robertson Sonja Royalty Robert Rudas William Rudisaile Ernest Sabo James Schreiner Willard Schuler Crystalynn Scott Linda Shanko Reggie Sherrill Diane Skeggs Juanita Snedden Sherry Soles Edward Spencer Edna Steinmetz Darlene Sterner Cammie Stewart Glenn Stimpson Donna Taylor Dawn Tattrie Barbara Thompson Arthur Thumwood Edit Todd Sharon Tolas Robert Turner Bruce Wardle Clarice Wilkinson Anita Worley Richard Wright Jeanette Zent

CLASS OF 1976 Sharon Altman John Ambrose Jennie Bareford Karen Bestpitch Deborah Bohrer Thomas Bond Sandra Bondranko Kimberly Brown Charles Buchanan Sherry Burrows Tim Burton Charles Byrd Rebecca Cabrera Kim Carter Lori Clark Donna Clements Julie Clucas Laura Clucas Charles Coffey Robert Correia Selena Cramer Kathleen Creech Beverly Cross Karen Dolinski Diane Dukeman Stephen Dunn Nancy Eller Patrick Farley Mary Gibbs Charla Glenn S. Louise Hart Edwin Hayner Carolyn Heers Richard Hevener Stephan Hoffman Murel Hoskins Teresa Hunter Raymond Irby Merry Beth Jenkins Sondra Jones Janet Kemmerer Robert Kenyon Karen Klischies Melissa Kopko Clyde Lance Cynthia Looman Darlene Macknet Nina Maeda Cynthia Martin Garry Mason Clarence McClure Brian McCorkle Jay McGrady Sadonna McPherson

Francis Murphy Pamela Patterson Cheryl Pendleton Boyd Petit Blaine Pleasants Jeanette Prest Charles Pumphrey Rick Ramsey Michael Richardson Leslie Shafer John Mark Shanko Shellie Shanko Sheryl Showalter Mary Shupe Kathryn Simmons Clifton Slick Teresa Smouse Beth Snyder Kathy Stevens Marcia Stiles Gregory Storke Clarice Swanson Mark Sweeney John Thompson Michael Thompson Garth Thoresen Terri Torrice Wendy Varmer Melissa Walton H. Kent Ware George Watson Allen Wellborn Linnea Westerberg Arlene Williams Barbara Williams Denise Williams James Williams James Yeary Rheba Young CLASS OF 1986 Lisa Beall Amy Beaulieu Marjorie Benko Philip Bennett Naomi Blackmon Paul Boone James Boussy George Cancel Jennifer Casavant Robin Clark Mark Cole Cristina Cramer Deborah Crane Jerrod Dalton

Greg Davis Kimberly Decano Timothy Dunbar Maria Dunn Richard Ela Aimee Ellington William Ellis Rebecca Felan Stephen Filkoski Gregory Fisher Christopher Franklin Gabrielle Geddis Kristal Goree Richard Griffin Janel Haas Denita Harcombe Julie Heid Michael Hughes Karin Jerman Jon Paul Jones Majid Khadduri Skip Kittleson Ronda Klocko Robert Knickerbocker Brenden Kootsey Joseph Lance Mary Lance Rebecca Lawrence Marcelo Lopes Joseph Lowe Thyra Lowe George Lyon Deena Marstaller Eric Martinsen David Mayers Rebecca Moniz Neal Nelson Timothy Nelson Kelli Newball Kimberlee Newball Stephanie Oakley Gentry Osborne Peter Oster Eunjoue Pak Anne Berit Petersen Wayne Pollard Morris Porter Dana Pryor Laura Putnam Orlando Reece Chantel Repass Amy Severe Kimberly Showers Kendall Shultz Virginia Simmons

Troy Funk Mike Slack Jaime Slater Daniel Snow Codwyn Steel Susan Stout Dawn Tauro Joseph Taylor Dennis Thrall Eric Ullom William Underwood Oscar Valencia Kent Wallack Catesby Ware Heidi Weber Karen Wilkens Maynard Wheeler Duane White Heidi Williams CLASS OF 1991 Kevin Adams Wendy Adams Roger Altman Susie Amorim Deret Brand Tonya Brown Noelle Burke James Callan Sharon Callicott James Clemons Shannon Cleveland Daniel Croft Deanne Depew Thomas Diller Manoj Enjati Michael Follante Eric Gang Tyrone Gissentaner Thomas Goddard David Hairston Ruth Ann Halter Mishelle Hamilton Daniel Hatem Cathy Hevener Todd Hollis Michael Hooper Walter Humphries Jason Johnson Michael Johnson Asbury Jones Christopher Jones Chin Won Kim Thomas Knoll Patricia Koh

Lani Kumalae Warren Litten Stephen Lowry Emily Massey Melissa Moses Sherri Neff Katrina Nelson Bjarne Ossum Janice Phalen Michael Pooler David Prins Denise Prins Yvonda Roberts Laura Rulona Somphone Saengchanh Marcello Scalzo Eirik Schlisner Sibby Serreno Ernest Stevens Brigitta Szerecz Troy Tauro David Tripp Sherri Vasquez Kelly Veach Richard Vinglas Linda Walsh Peter Williams Doug Wilson Julie Wray Cynthia Wright CLASS OF 1996 Jeffrey Badillo Aren Baze Amanda Boggess Bryan Brown Jennifer Bucholz Tammy Clifford Amber Coe Cristina Coryell Lauri Cothern Mark Couillard Marcus Crowley Kevin Deans Melvin DeLaRosa Michael DePaula Lesli DeSouza Shannon Dortch Aimee Flemmer Ricky Flores Mayda Flores Duane Gang Rual Garcia Jason Garey Jennifer Giller

Jeremy Grimes Lori Halvorsen Tristan Hamilton Jeneath Heller Kirsty Hodson Rolf Holbrook Jeremy Howe Jeremy Jones Lisa Kaifer Kenneth Kline Mark Kuniya Vivian Laird Heather Landry Jung-Koo Lee Rebecca Little Julia Malin Grace McCoy Crystal Moulder Michael Moulder Andrew Oh Carin Orange Cheryl Orr James Pacylowski Bryan Patterson Paul Pelley Abigail Penn Sonya Peterson Jeffrey Poynter Brandi Reihl Karla Rivera Hector Diaz Roman Ramone Romero David Royer Jared Schneider Patricia Schumacher Kelly Sheffer Crystal Shull Peter Steen Kimberly Stevens Janice Torres Heidi VanArsdale Valerie Vaughn Christine Weber Brian Wells Thomas White Evelyn Wilson Shannon Wright Sandra Zapata CLASS OF 2006 Caleb Allen Timothy Banks Meghan Battle Erica Becker Christopher Beers

Joseph Casillas Matthew Cathlin Valeriu Copaceanu Riena Cornett Jamie Cosme Jared Coston Robert Dean Simeon DeStefano Ryan Feltman Cynthia Gonzalez Paul Hanson Charleyne Hardin Jeremiah Herbert Anderw Herrington Astrid Hildago Talia Hudson Willie Ivy Jessica Johnson Kellen Jones Trevor Jones Maria Jordania Jasmine Jung Jae Hun Kim Kaydee King Julie Kwon Jonathan Lacey Julie Lambert Amanda Lanning Christopher Lee Sonia Lopez Joshua Maloon Kelly Mangum Ivan Marsh Courtney Martin Marissa Martin Bridgette Matthews Sean Meyer Heather Middag Ashley Midkiff Walila Paiva Michael Park Jessica Peck Laura Phillips Dale Pickett Matthew Piersanti Jonathan Poehler Kate Reeves Jenny Rhodes Jessica Ritchie Sedrick Snowten Eun Ho So Sara Sweeney Stephen Thomas Brandon Todd Kristina Turner

Brittney Urso Jessica Vaz Jessy Villamizar Suranny Villamizar Nathan Walker Mary Bailey White Tristan Williams Wendi Wolters Natalia Wright Lynn Yang Seul-Ki Yeon CLASS OF 2016 Ashley Alvarado Cindy Balcarcel Clinton Bame Kayo Boeira Hannnah Charles Suzanne Davidovas Ellerab Dorval Stephen Genus Daniel Hernandez, Jr. Minkyung Kim Sinmidele Kolade Amber Lawhorn Haneul Lee Tatiana Melendez Andrew Moore Nigel Msipa Carla Navarro Ashton Nestell Kimberly Owen Sun Ho Park Chloe Pettit Alain Pichot Samuel Renderos Victoria Rios-Rivas Cameron Sahly Katheryn Savegnago Meredith Schuen Kellie Shelton Theodore Thomas Karen Vallado Amber Vance Jose Von Vogler Peyton Ware Emmanuel Wetzel

“Congratulations Class of


Welcome to the Alumni Family!�



Virginia Sun

the Big

Shenandoah Valley


“A gift is placed by God’s own hand The S.V.A of sacred birth Our own dear school of sterling worth”

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