2017 Alumni Weekend Program

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Shenandoah Valley


“And daily strive to do our best for Shenandoah, Shenandoah!”


April 14-16 • Shenandoah Valley Academy

Alumni Weekend

#SVAAlumniWeekend2017 www.shenandoahvalleyacademy.org/alumni/

“Oh Shenandoah, Dear Shenandoah, in thee do we delight to rest...”

Principal’s Welcome Welcome home to Shenandoah Valley Academy. Together, we celebrate the legacy of our school, reminisce in the wonderful time spent here, and bask in the lifelong friendships established on this campus. This weekend is a special time to encourage each other, strengthen and renew connections with people who have made a difference in our lives, and to simply laugh about fun times shared. Shenandoah Valley Academy is strong today and continues to grow because of the unwavering support of its graduates and the blessings of our Heavenly Father. Thank you for committing your energies and resources to the well-being of SVA students today– and for returning to celebrate God’s amazing blessings to each one of us. It is a special honor to have you here, and to witness and experience your continued support of the legacy of excellence here at Shenandoah.

Donald Short, Principal

Message from the Alumni President According to dictionary and legal definitions, legacy is a gift by will, of money or other personal property from an ancestor or predecessor, passed on to us by family. The Bible says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 6:5-7) Legacy is powerful and valuable! A legacy of values is even more precious than one of valuables. Generations of alumni have found a legacy in Shenandoah Valley Academy. Including my family, beginning with my grandmother attending as a young girl in the early 1900’s to my nephews and niece graduating in the 2000’s, four generations have called this campus our home. We can proudly say SVA has promoted a spirit of unity, loyalty, and love in the life of our family. The students who attend SVA today are able to become a part of the wonderful and powerful legacy of Shenandoah because of the Alumni and Friends who generously make financial gifts to support them. Without regular gifts from hundreds upon hundreds of SVA Alumni, it would be financially impossible for most to attend. Thank you for your support of “our SVA kids,” the next generation who will carry on our giving legacy. Thank you for giving back to your school--it exists today because of you! It is my desire that this Alumni Weekend will be a time when we will renew our values of love for God and each other. I encourage you to give back in some way this weekend by volunteering, making a financial gift, or by taking time to connect with current students. They’re excited to have you here! In the process of giving back, I am confident you will be blessed. Welcome home to your legacy!

Donna Hoffman Mashburn ’74†‡, Alumni President

Alumni Weekend 2017 Schedule Friday, April 14 8:00am Registration, 20th Annual Alumni Golf Benefit, Bryce Resort 8:45am Alumni Golf Tee Time 6:00-7:45pm Alumni Registration, Reception and Business Meeting, Cafeteria 8:00pm Alumni Vespers, New Market Church Join us for a nostalgic evening of music and inspiration with the SVA alumni and campus family.

Sabbath, April 15 9:30am Alumni Registration, Gymnasium Entrance 10:00am Sabbath Worship Service, Gymnasium The church service begins at 10:00am. There is no Sabbath School. Don’t miss Roll Call! 12:00pm Honor Class Pictures, Gymnasium

See program announcements for photo download and ordering instructions.

12:30pm Lunch, SVA Cafeteria Alumni and their families are invited to be our guests for lunch in the cafeteria. Honor class meeting locations listed below. 4:00pm Gospel Music Jam Session, Student Center Bring your instrument or singing voice--enjoy making gospel-style music with alumni and students! 5:00pm Alumni Vespers Concert, New Market Church Third annual alumni concert featuring alumni vocalists and musicians, current and former music directors, faculty and staff.

Saturday Night, April 15 9:00pm Alumni Basketball Games, Gymnasium Cheer on our Alumni All-Stars and SVA Stars! Ladies first! Enjoy the junior class concession stand at gym entrance.

Sunday, April 16


Principal’s View Continental Breakfast, Cafeteria

Principal Don Short hosts a light breakfast for alumni interested in dialoging about SVA today. SVA Strings and Shenandoans featured. Breakfast is complimentary; please sign-up to attend at alumni registration.

Class Sabbath Lunch Locations

Please pick up a tray in the cafeteria on the way to your class meal location, unless otherwise specified below. Class of 1937 Class of 1947 Class of 1957* Class of 1962* Class of 1965* Class of 1967* Class of 1977* Class of 1982 Class of 1987* Class of 1992 Class of 1997 Class of 2007* Class of 2002

Mezzanine, Cafeteria Mezzanine, Cafeteria Home Ec Room, Hewitt Hall Student Center Vito’s Italian Kitchen 540-433-1113 1047 Port Republic Rd, Harrisonburg Library, Twomley Hall Fellowship Hall, New Market Church Cafeteria SVA Elementary School Gym 2nd Floor Classroom (right), Hewitt Hall Chapel, Hadley Hall Contact: Caitlyn Mayers (804)754-5539 Mezzanine, Cafeteria

*Please bypass the cafeteria and proceed to your lunch meeting location where your meal will be served.

SVA Alumni Association Board 2016-2017 Alumni Director Janel Haas Ware ’86 ‡* Officers President Donna Hoffman Mashburn ‘74†‡ Vice President Shellie Shanko Campbell ‘76‡ Secretary/Treasurer Paul Ware ’83‡ Past President Janel Haas Ware ’86 ‡* Decade Representatives 1908-1959 (2) Bonnie Kelchner Hannah ’59‡, Carl Blackburn ’58‡ 1960s Sandra Eller Clatterbuck ’63‡ 1970s Richard Hevener ‘76‡ 1980s Susan Sheer Perkin ‘83‡ 1990s Michelle Wilson Nelson ’92‡ 1999-present (2)

Kelly Wiedemann ‘03‡*, Nick Lapido ‘12†

Upcoming SVA Events


May 13 Spring Music Concert May 26-28 Graduation Weekend August 14 First Day of School October 20-21 Academy Days December 8-9 Candlelight Concerts


April 20-22 Alumni Weekend

Announcements Professional honor class photos will be taken at the front of the gym immediately following the worship service. Download your FREE honor class photos at www.shenandoahvalleyacademy.org/alumni/AlumniWeekendPhotos.cfm. To order prints by mail, send $20 check to “Honor Class Photos” 234 W Lee Hwy, New Market, VA 22844. Please include your name, address and class year on check. Sabbath Offering benefits the SVA unrestricted and worthy student funds. The generous and regular financial support of Alumni and Friends ensures that “no qualified student is turned away from Shenandoah Valley Academy because of finances.” Please use the card and envelope in your program to make a gift during the offering today or make a gift online at www.shenandoahvalleyacademy.org. Please consider making a commitment to give systematically to SVA. Regular gifts from Alumni and Friends are making a difference by providing monthly income we count on. For more information about making a gift to SVA, contact Janel Haas Ware ‘86, Director of Development & Alumni Relations at janel.ware@sva-va.org 540-740-2202. Thank you for generously giving back to your school in support of SVA students! Alumni Weekend Sabbath Lunch is provided free of charge as a gift from SVA to all alumni and their families. The cafeteria serving line will form at the double doors under the colonnade. Please see “Class Sabbath Lunch Locations” on page 2 of this program to find your class reunion meeting location. Joint Dorm Open House will be hosted by Hadley Hall and Phanstiel Hall resident assistants and deans Sabbath afternoon from 2:30-4:00pm. Tour the dorms and see recent renovations made possible by generous Alumni and Friends which have made all the difference in improving and maintaining quality dorm life for SVA students. Follow SVA Social Media! Find us on Facebook: Shenandoah Valley Academy, Shenandoah Valley Academy Alumni Association, Shenandoah Valley Academy Group; LinkedIn: ShenandoahValleyAcademy Group; Instagram: @officialsvainstagram; Twitter: @SVAAlumniAssoc. Alumni Basketball Games begin at 9:00pm Saturday night. Come out and cheer on SVA Stars and Alumni All-Stars! Thank you to Jacqueline Copenhaver Mayers ‘00, Jodi Bryan Perez ‘98 and Sean Henline ‘89 for leading the All-Star teams this year. Food and drink will be for sale at the Junior Class concession stand located at the entrance to the gymnasium.


Friday Evening Vespers

8:00pm, New Market Seventh-day Adventist Church Prelude


Welcome Janel Haas Ware, Development and Alumni Director ‘86‡* Vesper Blessing

John Wagner ‘57†

Praise and Worship

Alumni and Student Praise Team

Introduction of Speaker

Jeff Lingerfelt ‘78


Feed My Lambs

Special Music

Grand Roundup J. Clayton Reeda

Closing Hymn

In a Little While We’re Going Home Congregation Eliza E. Hewitt

Phillip Rego ‘77

Benediction Benediction Song Brody Wiedemann ‘07†‡*, Kelly Wiedemann ‘03‡* Music Department Chair, Chorale, Shenandoans, Band and Handbells: David Nino* Orchestra & Strings: Kelly Wiedemann‡*

*Current Faculty or Staff

†Former Faculty or Staff

‡Multigenerational SVA Family aAttended

In a Little While We’re Going Home Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way, In a little while we’re going home. For the night will end in the everlasting day, In a little while we’re going home.

We will do the work that our hand may find to do, In a little while we’re going home; And the grace of God will our daily strength renew, In a little while we’re going home.

Refrain: In a little while, in a little while, We shall cross the billow’s foam, We shall meet at last when the stormy winds are past, In a little while we’re going home.

There’s a rest beyond, there’s relief from every care, In a little while we’re going home; And no tears shall fall in that city bright and fair, In a little while we’re going home.

Alumni Weekend 2018 is April 20-22

Shenandoah 19 0 8 - 2018

Where shines the Big Virginia Sun 4

Sabbath Worship Service

10:00am, Zirkle Auditorium – Gymnasium Prelude Orchestra Hymn Sing Congregation Welcome Donald Short, Principal* Announcements Dorenda Dodge, Vice Principal H’14†‡* Award Presentation Roll Call Kelli Fluharty Hanon, Alumni President-Elect ‘88‡v Honor Class Ranking Officers: 1957, 1967, 1977, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2007, 2017 School Song

Our Shenandoah Congregation Words: C. L. Ross; Music: Russell MacMeans; arr. Joshua Goines

Call to Prayer


Search Me, Oh God J. Priano

Invocation Hymn of Praise

Richard Rose ’67

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus/Lift Up the Trumpet Congregation arr. David Nino

Offering Call Offertory

Janel Haas Ware ’86‡* Development and Alumni Director Orchestra

How Great Thou Art arr. Tim Fisher

Scripture Reading

Romans 12:1-2

Andy Howell ’92‡

Anthem Thou, Oh Lord Chorale L. Ireland Introduction of Speaker Sermon

Joshua Jetter ‘97†*

Living Legacies

Kathy Goddard†‡

Benediction Benediction Response

Hallelujah Chorus Georg Frideric Handel

Alumni, Chorale, Shenandoans, Orchestra


Band, Chorale and Shenandoans: David Nino* Orchestra & Strings: Kelly Wiedemann ’03‡* Song Leader: April Henline ‘87‡ Organ: Ken Ford ‘72‡, Jaclyn Knight, Otto Pebworth *Current Faculty or Staff

†Former Faculty or Staff

‡Multigenerational SVA Family

Volunteer Faculty


Honor class photos will be taken at the front of the gym immediately following the worship service. Please gather your class and be ready to come forward when your honor year is announced.

Thank you for maintaining an atmosphere of reverence during the service by taking extended conversations outside.


Sweet By and By There’s a land that is fairer than day, And by faith we can see it afar; For the Father waits over the way To prepare us a dwelling place there.

When We All Get to Heaven Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, Sing His mercy and His grace; In the mansions bright and blessed He’ll prepare for us a place.

Refrain In the sweet in the sweet By and by (by and by), We shall meet on that beautiful shore; In the sweet in the sweet By and by (by and by), We shall meet on that beautiful shore.

Refrain When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We’ll sing and shout the victory!

We shall sing on that beautiful shore The melodious songs of the blest, And our spirits shall sorrow no more Not a sigh for the blessing of rest. To our bountiful father above We will offer our tribute of praise; For the glorious gift of His love And the blessings that hallow our days. All the Way My Savior Leads Me All the way my Savior leads me, What have I to ask beside? Can I doubt His tender mercy, Who through life has been my Guide? Heav’nly peace, divinest comfort, Here by faith in Him to dwell! For I know, whate’er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well; For I know, whate’er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well. All the way my Savior leads me, Cheers each winding path I tread, Gives me grace for every trial, Feeds me with the living Bread. Though my weary steps may falter And my soul athirst may be, Gushing from the Rock before me, Lo! A spring of joy I see; Gushing from the Rock before me, Lo! A spring of joy I see. All the way my Savior leads me, Oh, the fullness of His love! Perfect rest to me is promised In my Father’s house above. When my spirit, clothed immortal, Wings its flight to realms of day This my song through endless ages: Jesus led me all the way; This my song through endless ages: Jesus led me all the way.

While we walk the pilgrim pathway, Clouds will overspread the sky; But when trav’ling days are over, Not a shadow, not a sigh. Let us then be true and faithful, Trusting, serving every day; Just one glimpse of Him in glory Will the toils of life repay. Onward to the prize before us! Soon His beauty we’ll behold; Soon the pearly gates will open; We shall tread the streets of gold. Our Shenandoah Where shines the big Virginia sun, And old Dominion’s streamlets run, From out the Massanutt’s cool shade, And down great Allegheny’s glade, God’s works in nature multiplied, Extol His name on ev’ry side. Chorus O Shenandoah (stomp & clap), dear Shenandoah (stomp & clap), In thee do we delight to rest (clapping) And daily strive to do our best, For Shenandoah, Shenandoah. In nature’s dooryard neatly planned, A gift is placed by God’s own hand, The S.V.A. of sacred birth, Our own dear school of sterling worth Whose beacon lit by gospel truth, Sheds holy light on paths of youth. What blighting frost can chill our zeal, Or evil’s fury ever deal A blow in madness fit to shake, Our faith in thee, O S.V.A! Or cause our strength in future time, to [fail] before thy cause sublime? 6

Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus Come, Thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set Thy people free; From our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in Thee. Israel’s Strength and Consolation, Hope of all the earth Thou art; Dear Desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart. Born Thy people to deliver, Born a child and yet a King, Born to reign in us forever, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. By Thine own eternal Spirit Rule in all our hearts alone; By Thine all sufficient merit, Raise us to Thy glorious throne. Lift Up the Trumpet Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring: Jesus is coming again! Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing: Jesus is coming again! Refrain Coming again, coming again, Jesus is coming again! Echo it, hilltops; proclaim it, ye plains: Jesus is coming again! Coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain; Jesus is coming again! Heavings of earth, tell the vast, wondering throng: Jesus is coming again! Tempests and whirlwinds, the anthem prolong; Jesus is coming again! Nations are angry–by this we do know Jesus is coming again! Knowledge increases; men run to and fro; Jesus is coming again!

SVA Endowment & Special Scholarship Recipients 2016-2017 – Total: $26,750 Samuel Aitchison Worthy Student: Niyokwizerwa Seti $250 Thoma Suzanne Alderman Worthy Student: Sydni Brown $180 Jean Hicks Alexander Worthy Student: Diego Vargas $345 Frank & Emily Banzhaf Worthy Student: Basam Mohomed El Sayed-Gonzales $1,150 Allan Blackburn-DiAnn Copenhaver Sportsmanship: Benjamin Adjei $515 Ellen Quackenbush Carey Music: Jonathan Villatoro $175 Class of 1974 Worthy Student: Kelly Ramirez $105 Class of 1977 Friendship Worthy Student: Jecanson Francois $245 Class of 2013 Worthy Student: Natalee Townsend $315 Herb Copenhaver Science: Kendra Fairbank $290 Pearl Dieter Worthy Student: Sarita Julca $100 Excellentia Worthy Student: Rosanny Serrano $4,660 Kathleen Wu Facemire Basketball: Jalen Knight $160 Claoma Suhrie Fearing Worthy Student: Andrew Cuellar $310 Don & Becky Feltman Baseball: Jared Gil-Gomez $775, Sammy Aquino $775, Josiah Castro $775 Kent Sterling Grimm Memorial: Michael Iseminger $430 W.C. Hannah Worthy Student: Chantel Palmer $215 Chuck & Sarah Jane Liers Worthy Student: Christopher Armstrong $195 John & Vilas Mansfield Worthy Student: Olivia Sarmiento $245 John Minesinger Worthy Student: Rueben Toma $645, Minna Omwenga $645, David Morel $645, Tia Jones $645 Carolyn Madden Nash Music: Andrea Huaytalla $200 Lester Patton Worthy Student: Brittany Murillo $535 Clarence & Elsie Pohle Worthy Student: Christopher Reedy $450 Paul & Doris Riley Worthy Student: Josselyn Villatoro $245 Frank E. Shaw Worthy Student: Andrea Huaytalla $650 Walter B Sheer, M.D. & Doris A. Sheer: Jalen Knight $335 Wallace & Myrtle Smith Worthy Student: Angie Edwards $120 Edward O. Spencer Worthy Student: Sammy Aquino $345 Josef Spencer Music: Marco Lopez $85 Edna Stoneburner Worthy Student: Eliezer Melendez $55 William & Jean Quackenbush Strickland Worthy Student: Aaron Amaya $330 Earnest & Louise Thompson Worthy Student: ShaDiamond Wilson $855 Worthy Student Gift Commemorating 1977 40th Year Honor Class Reunion (anonymous): Salima Omwenga $1,977; Minna Omwenga $1,977 2016-2017 GHRoW Foundation Scholarship Recipients – Total: $21,000 GHRoW Scholars: Madeleine Ndahayo $5,000; Damilka Joaquin $4,000; Salima Omwenga $3,000; Elizabeth Reedy $2,000; Bethany Edwards $2,250; Jared Gil-Gomez $1,500; Katherine Berrios $1,250 R. Scott Handel Leadership Scholarship: Madeleine Ndahayo $2,000 7

Shenandoah Valley Academy Honor Class Graduates 1917-2017 CLASS OF 1917 Morris Roberts CLASS OF 1927 Wilson Beall Elsie Burns William DeFries Fern Douglas Josephine Douglas Nona Gillespie Lester Harris Ethel Harter Marie Harter Naomi Kilmer Andrew Lessner Charles Ott William Purdy Walter Saunders Naomi Taltamus Margaret VanDine CLASS OF 1937 Jane Baumgartner Esther Brent Amy Cornor Franklin Crider Aldene Crosby Clyde Dougherty Louise Ekstrom Bonnie Jean Hannah Vivienne Heald Charles Hermann Vivian Hill Leonard Jackson Clara Jamieson Charles Johannes Arthur Kroncke Ruth Knrocke Audry Lee Ada McDaniel Agnes Mead Lillian Mertz Mary Jane Minner Ruth Minnick Dorothy Roeder Mary Ross Ruth Sellers Ruth Toms Anita Williams Catherine Williams Lawrence Wolfe

CLASS OF 1947 Christine Alpin Eugene Artress Josephine Baliya Allison Becker Kenneth Bittner Mary Lou Boyer Jeanne Cross Karl Deiter Marie Draper Emmagene Eckenroth Alexander Galambos Dorothy Gehr Joseph Gimpel John Graham Alfred Hess Neal Hubbard Ruth Jerman William Johnson John Klim Lois Krenrich Victor Leidich Mary Lewis Genevieve Lorigan Annabelle Malloy Jeanne Miller Alyce Quimby Patricia Roder Erma Jean Smith Minnelee Smith Marian Steely Claoma Suhrie Irma Wargo Charles West Herbert Wightman Roger Wood

Janet Hevener Marilyn Hoag Snookie Hudson Norma Irvins Shirley Lillya Alice Mace Doris Macko Donald Morgan Patty Murray Stella Nordstrom Patsy Parks Lyndine Purdy Leroy Rickard Leon Rickard Zola Sawdy Emma Lou Self Gloria Shauf Elaine Sorensen Barbara Stringer Donna Thomason Constance Tucker Joan Twing Herbert Tyler Colleen Wagner John Wagner Neil Wagner Charles Webster Charles Wilkens Jeanne Woodruff Harrell Woolford Dale Zeismer CLASS OF 1967 Barbara Abbott Daniel Altman Viola Armstrong Joe Barden Coral Baerg Harold Beckwith D’Lorah Benedict Laura Benn Mary Ann Bond Joyce Bramble William Buckler Brooks Carey Marilyn Christensen Cathy Clymer Janet Cotta Layna Cox Larry Daniels William Davis Kaye Davis Paulette De Lumban

CLASS OF 1957 Dale Abbott Thomas Amos James Burtnett Jean Cash Bernice Cole Joan Crandall Richard Crowther David Davies Lenis Dean Dorothy Eichner Raymond Farwell Chester Fox Stuart Goff Faye Hanlein Irvin Harrison 8

Dennis Donachy Martin Durst Steve Farrell Beverly Farwell Susan Foll Sharon France Carol Freuchtel Patricia Gardner Sharon Golt Sheila Golt Kenneth Grimes Edward Harver Barry Hegamyer David Hevener Gail Hevener Sandra Horsley Bennett Johnson Keith Johnson Larry Johnson Steven Jones Diane Kearns Carol Kenny Linda Kubrock Lee LaBare Nelson Lawhorn Carol Layton Sue McCleary Jan Marcussen David Mayers Charles Meadows Mary Mondics Robert Mondics Gary Morris Michael Moulder David Napier Gary Paisley Rebecca Patrick Charlotte Petit Barry Phillips Jewell Queen Sue Rex Shirley Reynolds Candy Rice Cynthia Risdon Kathy Saulsbury Katie Seeley Velva Sigler Colleen Smith Marilynn Smith Gean Stark Michael Stoner David Swain David Swanson Richard Tappan

Mildred Terry Kathryn Thornton Joy Tolson John Toms Carol Trower John Vasko Ted Wardle Esther Wayner Joy Wilkin Jeanette Wilson Steve Zimmerman CLASS OF 1977 Heidi Anderson Juanita Armstrong Eddie Bareford Cindy Barrett Robert Belote Donna Bondranko David Burdick Mary Cabrera Cynthia Charles Tamala Charles Carolyn Chittum Robin Crouse Greg Cullum Clinton Davis Trudy DeHaven Debra Dickens Deborah Farsht Gregory Foster David Frey James Gainer Dianna Garrido Cindy Grisso Carol Hare Melanie Harris Stephen Haynie Donna Helms Mikki Hoffman William Horvath Lisa Howell William Hudgins Jacqueline Hume Terry Hume Charlene Koliadko Karen Kolb Gail Maconaughey Sonja Mathers Michael Matthews Janice McGraw David Meyer Deborah Patton Argette Payton Debra Perkins

Karen Phillips Shirley Pinnick Bradley Pryor Phillip Rego Nancy Richards Thomas Ripley Sheila Roberts Cynthia Rogers Kay Shaben Lyndon Shipowick Deborah Shore Linda Sines Denny Smith Josef Spencer Teresa Stiles David Stout B. Kurt Styron Elizabeth Sullivan Dacia Susleck Patricia Sweeney Clifton Tate Mark Thomas Cheryl Thompson Richard Thompson Deborah Thoman Robert Thompkins Shawn Towne Theresa Turner Jacqueline Wheatley Bobby Jack Wilson Dennis Wilson Rebecca Wolosuk Rene Wolosuk David Youngberg Charles Williams Honorary

Jim Eglinger David Eye Fred Facemire Lawrence Filkoski John Forrester George Franklin Jeffrey Gang Paul Gentile Gregory Gessel Betty Goad Melanie Hegamyer April Henline John Hermann Forrest Jones Sheryl Kantner Vivian Karim Jeffrey Kite David Koliadko Scott Kuczma Aimmie Lagundino Deborah Lawrence Joanne Lowe Melinda Lowly Steve Marstaller Charles Massey Karen Miles Carmen Moore Angela Morton Yvette Norcott Mark Norris Anthony Olivieri Randal Possinger Sergio Ramos Heidi Richards James Richards Theresa Rinehart Cheryl Roda James Sanderson Sheryl Satterfield Keith Seard Donald Shaw III Michael Smith Carlton Starling Traci Tauro Randall Terry Heidi Thompson Craig Trace Christina Wakefield Tamara Williams Joanne Wolosuk David Wooster Sharon Wright Kathleen Wu Rhonda Yates

CLASS OF 1987 Richard Adolph Joleen Armstead Kenneth Bame Fernella Barclay Alisha Baughman Bryan Brigner Sherri Brown Tamara Burks Kenneth Chaij Troy Clark Steven Clem Christine Cole Wendy Couch Carolyn Craig Raquel Cramer Michael Croft Gregory Cruz Harry Dhillon 9

CLASS OF 1992 Wisam Abdul-Karim Jeyaseelan Abraham Timothy Arena Thomas Ball Matthew Baughman Ronald Blush Edward Boyd Wendy Branson Natalie Cirigliano Justin Coe Jeffery Collins Monte Culver Glenn Decano Jennifer Depew Robert Depew Christopher DeShazo Jane Duncan Russell Edwards Jennifer Figge Scott Flemmer Buffy Foxworthy Brian Gang Gregory Gryte Connie Gibb David Hazel Michael Hittle Andy Howell Esther Hurd Joi Keeler Julie Kumalae Matthew Kuniya Connie Kuykendall Sn Jung Kwon Jodi Lewis Herbert Lim Paul Medina Sven Meyers Jonathan Michael Noelle Montesion Rachael Moore Theresa Mote Sarah Noble Nicole Plantier Laureen Ponder Brett Poynter Edwin Rodriguez John Schneider Kurt Schneider Kristin Shelton Alison Shyab Heather Sigler Danielle Sirk Vanessa Smith Cynthia Soto

Chris Stephenson Jason Stirewalt Marjoray Tavenner Yonas Temesgen Beda Tirol Meghan Titcomb Shelly VanArsdale Juanita Valencia Timothy Varga Chet Williams Kimberly Wilson Lisa Wilson Michelle Wilson Noelle Wilson Michael Wright William Wyatt CLASS OF 1997 Amber Adams Alex Alilio Rachel Allen Hyung Wo An Sarah Axmaker Jason Baker Atipac Barrios-Koch Jennifer Berry Julia Blair Stacy Breeden Kirt Brower Michael Bushong Shauna Calkins Marsha Cato Jannifer Clem Bryan Collick Sevren Daming Amber Davis Deanna Davis Ryan Dingman Foster Dorsett Heather Flynt Bonnie Ford Steven Fox Erin Fuller Michael Gann Marta Grentz Joshua Haley Matthew Hawkins AmiKay Hebard Jennie Hickerson Angela Iskandar Ardianto Jetter Joshua Jetter Stefanie Johnson Lee Johnston Eun Jeong Kim

Ivan Kim Ji Sung Kim Ki Dong Kim Jason King Sharon Koh Andrew Kuntaraf Jennifer Lemon Jeffrey Little Gabriel Lockey Tamara McGee Elliott McWhite Brian Mitchell Joseph Motz Nathan Ockenga Damyeun Park Tara Pearcy Duane Perkins Lauren Pervis Ramon Porter Erin Rawson Frulwinn Reyes Amber Rice Jason Ridley Kami Russell Telia Shipowick Erika Schmigelsky Michelle Song Mary Steen Marie Stewart Malcolm Sturdevant Thomas Szerecz Edwin Tenali Joshua Tull Jessica Wade Matthew Ware Vaughan Warjri Rebecca Wheatley Caroline White Keith White Kelly Wieder Kenneth Wilber Romeka Wilkin Ginger Williams Jaime Williams Bennita Wonce CLASS OF 2007 Howard Abasto Amanda Allen Kevin Baptist Heather Blackburn Cassandra Brauer Jonathan Bryan Caitlyn Carney Brenden Casillas

Jordan Core Jace Coston Abner De Los Santos Robert Dortch Rosemary Estes Luis Fajardo David Fee Michael Fitts Jared Gantt Shawn Garman Summer Han Julie Hittle Phillip Hong Sean Hsu Jenifer Jesson Minyoung Kim Dara Lawson Amy Lee Min Soo Lee Thomas Lee Eva McCormick Mark McCree Allison McNeilus April Minnick Joshua Minty Amanda Mitchell Tara Mitchell Valeria Moseley Kristin Peek Lisa Pichette Michael Pichette David Ramsdell Matthew Ramsey Katherine Ruiz Donovan Sailo Sean Smith Brittany Sweeney Evan Taylor Kara Turpen Rebecca Vanegas Corey VanNostrand Joan Whieldon Brody Wiedemann Jeralyn Wile Amanda Worrell Dwight Young

Leah Charles Daniel Chirvasuta Karen Cruz-Cruz Heidi Davis Darnell Devadass Eric Eiselstein Luke Fogg Trystan Gammon Noe Grady Ryan Griffin Matthew Harter Kearsten Jedamski Dewell Jimenez Damilka Joaquin Iverson Kester-Calvin Jason Khargie Felicia Kisku Justin Lee Mabel Mabena Madeleine Ndahayo Brenda Ngetich Jamel Northover Coby Odate Salima Omwenga Janice Pakkianathan Davel Parker Ricardo Paulino Jessica Pepper Meshach Perez Elizabeth Reedy Joshua Reinoehl E. Rebeca Renderos Christian Sanchez Raisy Sanchez Elizabeth Schuen Michael Sewell III Lelana Staszak Joseph Tembo Madysen Thrall Tatyana Vega Madeleine Ware Judson Watson

CLASS OF 2017 Janell Adeyeye Barry Armstrong Amaia Belgrave Gustavo Brasil de Souza Jacob Callahan Haianny Carvalho Shay Charles

Welcome to the Alumni Family!�


“Congratulations Class of



i lumn A A V S of thessociation A

among alumni

yalty & suppo g lo rt n i fo r r te


hip ws lo

doah, Christia nan nf e el Sh

Fo s

Shenandoah Valley


“And daily strive to do our best for Shenandoah, Shenandoah!”


April 14-16 • Shenandoah Valley Academy

Alumni Weekend

#SVAAlumniWeekend2017 www.shenandoahvalleyacademy.org/alumni/

“Oh Shenandoah, Dear Shenandoah, in thee do we delight to rest...”

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