3 minute read

Notes from the Principal

Reviewing the history of Shenandoah Valley Academy, Pastor Buz Menhardt recently preached: “117 years ago God stirred Charles Zirkle’s heart to ‘build a school on the land of my family inheritance.’ He wanted to follow the instruction of Ellen White to build a school where students learn to Serve Christ, Value Knowledge, and Accept and Life of Service. We are here because Charles had a generous heart and a clear vision of how such a school would bring blessings to untold generations of students.”

SVA is sustained similarly by you, Alumni and Friends. Your generous hearts are stirring with the same clear vision to educate current and future generations of students as disciples of Jesus. Thank you for your vision and ongoing financial investment that is essential to sustaining this all-important mission.


Here is what you made possible for fiscal year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Thank you for your financial gifts combined with the gifts of others, for the school program, tuition assistance, and projects, totaling $2,831,480 for the SVA Annual Fund and the wonderful the Zirkle Gym Project (see page 3). Because of your faithful financial support SVA had an operating increase for the eighth consecutive year. Because of you!

MOST IMPORTANTLY your generous financial gifts helped provide more than $875,000 in tuition assistance and scholarships to qualified students. This is less student aid awarded than in previous years. The reason? In 2021-2022 student labor costs increased by more than $200,000 because of government required wage increases. Higher student wages offset the need for tuition assistance, but not the need for unrestricted gift dollars to help fund student wages. Your unrestricted gifts helped fund the wage increases AND your worthy student gifts helped fund needs-based tuition assistance. Your generous gifts helped meet this $1,000,000+ challenge for SVA and worthy students. Thank you very much!

For 2022-2023, there is an enthusiastic, positive, spiritual tone among the students. During Week of Prayer 18 students came forward asking for baptismal studies. Joseph Pelote ’24 was the first student baptized in the Shenandoah River on Parents Weekend. Praise the Lord!

The academic program is growing this year with three new full-time faculty positions: a Spanish-ESL teacher; a “Dream Manager” developing an academic success and guidance program to support students in achieving their personal, academic, professional dreams; and an agriculture director who is teaching an Agriculture Science class and training students for mission and community service. Already fresh produce is being served in the caf and has been gifted to the community!

As you read this inspiring report, please know the important impact your kindness and generosity has on student lives. You make it possible for Shenandoah to be a haven for students to learn from Christian teachers, establish lifelong friendships, and have the opportunity “to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that [they] may be filled with all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:17-19 NKJV

With deepest gratitude,

Donald R. Short • Principal

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