Shenandoah Valley Academy Annual Giving Report • 2023-2024
Pacylowski ’24
It is hard to put into words how much SVA means to me. I am so thankful for the time I have spent on this campus. Four years ago, the world shut down because of the COVID-19 pandemic. While most schools had virtual learning, SVA stayed open. As a freshman, I was able to go to school and interact with friends and teachers. Who would have thought that being able to go to class would be something to be so thankful for?! Students at SVA were able to meet with mentors, have Bible study with pastors, and thrive within in-person classes.
Those of us at SVA are able to look back over our high school experience and smile, realizing how truly fortunate we are. My friends and I went from freshmen and sophomores to upperclassmen and school leaders. The values, focus, and purpose of SVA has been poured into us. Our mentors, pastors and teachers assure us that we are ready to lead. We have learned to embrace change and make the best of situations around us. We are stronger individuals than we were just four short years ago. We have grown physically, emotionally, academically, and most importantly, spiritually. As we move on from SVA, the Class of 2024 will cherish the memories and friendships we made in “The Big Virginia Sun.” I pray we will continue to encourage those around us, remember our times together, and move forward together “With One Purpose.”
"Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another, according to Christ Jesus, so that with one purpose and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:5-6 NIV
Shenandoah Today is a publication of the Office of Development and Alumni Relations
© 2024 Shenandoah Valley Academy
Janel Ware, Director of Development and Alumni Relations 234 W Lee Hwy, New Market, VA 22844 janel.ware@svasda.org 240-401-1169
Photos: Samuel Girven ’25, Carrie Heilman, Jaclyn Knight, Rusty Litten '62, Katelyn Pacylowski ’24, Laura Short, Swartz Photography
Shenandoah Valley Academy, established in 1908, exists to provide a distinctly Seventh-day Adventist college preparatory program through experiences to produce disciples of Jesus who are compassionate citizens prepared for college and careers.
Graduating Adventist Christians who will... Serve God
Knowledge Accept a Life of Service
Spirituality, Relationships, Academics, Work Ethics, Character Development, Health & Wellness, Fun
2023-2024 Board of Trustees
Geraldo Alonso
Cristian Barrera
Bobby Belleza ‘88
Shernett Dalhouse
Kelbert Feitosa
Don Feltman
David Forbes
Kelli Hanon ’88, Alumni Association President
Richard Hevener ‘76
Janine Hudson
Steve Laing
Jerson Malaguit
Robert McLennan ‘03
Jacqueline Messenger ‘77
Aldrin Mota
Louise Phanstiel ‘76
Claudia Pretel
Reed Richardi '00
Daniel Royo
Mariano Samayoa
Karen Senecal
Donald Short, Principal
Nigel Standish
Charles Tapp, Chair
Jose Vazquez, Vice Chair
Donald Short, Principal
Kaleb Leeper, VP Spirituality
Carrie Heilman, Registrar
Dear Alumni and Friends, thank you for your financial investment and prayers. You make possible the mission and sustainability of Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA). Together we are united “With one purpose” (Romans 15:5-6) in the mission of educating students as disciples of Jesus!
The inspiring 2023–2024 school year culminated in the celebrating the baptisms of 20 students and the graduation of 61 seniors! Praise God for these wonderful students who are the fulfillment of the SVA vision to “Serve God, Value Knowledge, Accept a Life of Service.”
Here is what you made possible for fiscal year July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024: Financial gifts from you and others, for school operations, tuition assistance, and projects, totaled $1,707,080 to the SVA Annual Fund. Because of your consistent, generous financial support, SVA had an operating increase for the ninth consecutive year. This year-to-year positive trend is only happening because of your generosity and commitment!
MOST IMPORTANTLY your generous financial gifts helped provide more than $1,000,000 in tuition assistance and scholarships to qualified students. Your worthy student gifts help fund crucial need-based tuition assistance. Your unrestricted gifts support a quality school program, capital improvements, as well as tuition assistance, scholarships, and student wages. Thank you for your generous giving that makes everything at SVA possible for students!
For 2024–2025 ‘Where Shines the Big Virginia Sun,’ the new year is full of endless possibilities for students to build relationships with Jesus, Christian teachers and friends; to study, work, minister and serve; to have fun!
SVA school culture is POSITIVE, ENERGETIC, SPIRITUAL. We have enthusiastic, thoughtful student leaders in the
Student Association, senior class, and dorms. School and class spirit is high! Wonderfully energetic Freshmen are already having a positive impact on campus culture.
The older the world becomes, the more the Holy Spirit is at work on campus. During Week of Prayer, less than one month into the school year, 28 students requested to study for baptism! A surprise response we’ve never experienced before: 90 students signed up to form music praise teams for church, vespers, and worships! Shenandoah students are precious treasures living in the context of God’s Kingdom, learning how to love and serve like Jesus. They are making a difference on campus, in the community, and in the world beyond. Praise God for how He is moving and working among the students!!
Sincere thanks to you Alumni and Friends, for your prayers and generous financial support that makes all of this possible for SVA students. Please join me in praying for the wonderful students and dedicated faculty and staff here at Shenandoah as we educate the next generation of Christ’s disciples.
With Gratitude,
Donald R. Short, Principal
In Santa Bárbara de Samaná, Dominican Republic, a small Seventh-day Adventist church was earnestly praying. They faced eviction from their rented house of worship with no money or backup plan. “We didn’t know what we were going to do,” the church’s head elder says. “But then God answered our cry.”
Their answer to prayer came in the form of a spring break mission effort, organized by Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA). Ninety-four students engaged in a multifaceted mission trip to the Dominican Republic in March. “We look for projects where students will have a positive mission experience and where we can make a big impact,” says Donald Short, principal. “We look for places where we can work with local church members… the Dominican Republic checked all the boxes.”
The annual music tour was combined with the mission trip, making the experience particularly notable. “SVA Music aims to glorify God, not ourselves. Music is mission, ministry, and service. With this focus in mind, a “mission-music trip” makes perfect sense,” Short adds.
The Music Department performed in several schools and churches across the country, including two Adventist schools in Santo Domingo and two performances at the Universidad Adventista Dominicana.
“SVA music tours are always missionminded, with the purpose of sharing God's love with others through music,” said Daniel Biaggi, music director. “People thanked us for sharing uplifting
God-centered music. Even though the Dominican Republic is a Christian country, they rarely hear choir and orchestra music, so our contribution greatly impacted the locals.” The musicians later reunited with their mission trip counterparts and continued their music ministry in Samaná.
A major mission initiative was the church building project. In just over a week, the students constructed a church building for the local Adventist congregation in Samaná, fulfilling a significant need in the community and answering the church members’ prayers. The church, built next to the K–12 Adventist school, was constructed at the summit of a steep hill, providing a panoramic view of the surrounding seaside city. “We didn’t think it could be done,” Short told the congregation at the church’s inaugural service. However, the students persevered and ultimately managed to complete the church.
The Music Department also organized a weeklong series of school music classes and donated sets of ukuleles and recorders. And notably, SVA musicians with featured speaker Pastor Hector Hernandez, a pastor from Georgia, held a weeklong evangelistic series at the Samaná Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, resulting in 11 baptisms.— Samuel Girven (‘25)
SVA depends on your faithful charitable donations to be a sustainable school. Only because of you, SVA keeps the bold important promise that “no qualified student is turned away from Shenandoah because of finances.” Alumni and Friends, it is your generosity that makes everything possible for students. YOU are safeguarding SVA sustainability for students today and for the future, until Jesus comes.
• SVA Alumni and Friends Giving totaled $801,375 representing 88% of gifts received this year, with Alumni gifts totaling $608,320. Thank you for your commitment to no qualified student being turned away. THANK YOU for sustaining Shenandoah Valley Academy!
• Tenth Consecutive Year 100% Board of Trustees Giving THANK YOU for your leadership, Mr. Chairman and Trustees!
• Tenth Consecutive Year 100% Faculty and Staff Giving THANK YOU for your dedication, Faculty and Staff!
• Tenth Year of Recurring Monthly Giving from individuals totaled nearly $100,000! The more monthly donors, the greater the base of financial support for SVA and worthy student sustainability. THANK YOU monthly donors, for your vision for sustainability evidenced by your monthly giving!
• GHRoW Foundation Scholarships 17 GHRoW Scholar students received need- and merit-based scholarships totaling $33,500. Thank you GHRoW board members and donors, for your ongoing financial commitment to SVA students!
• 27th Annual Alumni Golf Benefit Once again you filled the player roster, and with generous sponsors, more than $53,500 was raised for the SVA ballfield lights fund. Over three tournaments, players and sponsors have raised $168,500 toward lighting the fields that have been dark for 18 years. Great news: preliminary engineering work and moving electric to the fields is underway. We will keep you informed and continue to press forward until this project is done. Thank you players and sponsors, for your vision and enthusiasm for an outdoor active culture for students!
• Bainum Family Worthy Student Gift It is tradition for Alumni and their families to honor loved ones with memorial gifts. Notable this year is a generous gift from the Bainum Family in memory of Jane Bainum ’38. THANK YOU Bainum Family, for your ongoing generosity in memory of your mother and grandmother that makes an important difference for worthy students.
• 2023 Year-End Match Giving Challenge For the ninth year, generous donors pledged to match all unrestricted and worthy student year-end gifts dollar-for-dollar up to $222,000. Alumni and Friends, your giving response of $229,160 to the Match Challenge means that total Match giving was responsible for more than $451,160 —an incredible blessing for SVA operations and for worthy students! Special thanks to several 1953 and 1959 alumni who joined the group of donors Matching year-end gifts. THANK YOU for your consistent generous support, year-end Match DonorInvestors —we need your help to do it again for 2024 year-end!!
My dear Alumni and Friends, THANK YOU for your prayers and unwavering financial investment that sustain SVA and its precious students. Your legacy of love and generosity is having an incredible and miraculous impact "For Shenandoah, Shenandoah!"
With deepest gratitude and love to you all –
Janel Haas Ware ’86 Director of Development & Alumni Relations
Year 2024 Giving Total: $1,707,080*
Bolded Names:
3+ consecutive years giving *Deceased Honor-Memorial Gifts
¹ In memory of Carolyn Barron Adams '55
² In memory of my husband Dr. George Akers '43 former SVA principal
³ In memory of Lenora Carter Altman att. '42-'43
4 In memory of Jane Goyne Bainum '38
5 In memory of Frank and Emily Banzhaf
6 In memory of Faye Etta Self Barnes '57
7 In memory of Richard Bendall
8 In memory of Richard Bendall, my first mentor who changed my life
9 In honor of Daniel and Monica Biaggi
10 In memory of Allan Blackburn ’65
11 In memory of Mary Hazel Brent 1923
12 In memory of Debra Clements Brill '70
13 In honor of Timothy Burton '76
14 In memory of Ellen Quackenbush Carey '64
15 In memory of Esther Brent Coffman '37
16 In honor of William Brent Coffman '64
17 In memory of William Henry Coffman '39
18 In memory of Rick Cooper '85
19 In memory of Beverly Cross Curles ‘76
20 In memory of Larry Dalton ‘69
21 In memory of Glenn Darr '63
22 In memory of Pearl Deiter
23 In memory of Vincent DiBiase, a dedicated and fun Spanish teacher
24 In memory of Doug Dunbebin '80
25 In memory of my Pop Pop Dixon in celebration of the agriculture program
26 In memory of Kathy Wu Facemire '87
27 In memory of Steve Farrell '67
28 In memory of Dr. Jim Fluharty and Blake Rhodes ’60 in recognition of the family's dedication to Shenandoah Valley Academy
29 In memory of Dr. Jim Fluharty DDS
30 In memory of Orlo Gilbert
31 In memory of Tom and Margi Harnett
32 In memory of my mother Angela (Bee) Harris '39 on the occasion of her birthday, January 27
33 In honor of Carrie Heilman and Jaclyn Knight
34 In memory of Dr. David Hemp DDS '60
35 In memory of Fred W. Herbst '51
36 In memory of Betty Mace Hevener '55
37 In memory of Paul Jones ‘86
38 In memory of John S. Klaver, Sr. '71
39 In memory of John Klim ‘47
40 In memory of Lillian Shanko Koliadko 1920
41 In memory of Amelia Lawrence Hess 1920
Gifts From Alumni Total: $608,320.00
Bernice (Parish) Davidson
Alfred Hess
Esther (Jackson) Johnson
Elaine (Willis) Williams 22
Corinne (Spangler) Reasner
James Anderson
Carl Miller
Betty (Coleman) Wood
Ruth (Lillya) Gainer
Junice (Sowers) Patton 53
Barbara (Neff) Fritzsche
Richard Schell
Bonnie (Bowman) Showalter
Albert Kowalak
Gerald Lillya
Ina (Fox) Masters
John Stant
Sam Wine
Alice (Mace) Thomas
Patty (Murray) Thompson 48
Carl Blackburn 51 73
Gayle (Lockwood) Fell 23
Manfred Heinrich
Doug Lord
Owen Van Kirk
Leena (Bendall) Wood 7 40
Nancy (Waddell) Schell
Claire (Eckenroth) Blackburn 51 73
Richard Brown 34
Donald Clark
Constance (Davis) Dalton
Ardebella (Dean) Fox
Sandra (Moore) Juarez
Gary Langston
Janet (Sorensen) Langston
Helen (Newcome) McCarson
Jackie (Witt) Yarnell Attended 80
Maryanne (Lord) Clark
Less Chafen 77
Joel Dortch
Joyce (Hicks) Ellington 6 28 56 72 73
Fred Hermann
Bill Hooker
Dennis Norris
Gerald White
Jerry Evans
Roger Mace
42 In memory of Orion Lawrence 1920
43 In memory of DiAnn Copenhaver Mace ‘65
44 In memory of Helen Hornbaker Martin '53
45 In memory of Craig McPherson ‘78
46 In memory of Marilyn Moon
47 In memory of Livia Modra Freyman Murphy '56
48 In memory of Janet Murray '62
49 In memory of Dr. Juan Narvaez '83
50 In memory of Carolyn A. Madden Nash '63
51 In memory of Janet Sue Blackburn Nichol
52 In memory of Tracy D. Pack and Anthony D. Pack
53 In memory of Lester Patton '52
54 In memory of Wendi Hales Rhodes ‘90
55 In memory of Bonnie A. Hanback Rivera '63
56 In memory of Martha Sanderson '59
57 In memory of Jacob C. Saylor
58 In memory of Fred Seeley '64
59 In memory of Walter B. and in honor of Doris Novak Sheer '55
60 In memory of Carlton Starling '87
61 In memory of Walter "Sonny" Stewart '63
62 In honor of Dianna Harter Stoffer '83
63 In memory of Silas and Gerri Still
64 In memory of Bill and Jean Strickland
Kathryn (Fagal) Prall
Bonnie (Painter) Reed
Dorothy Thompson
Kitty (Bird) McGhinnis
Ruth Ann (Barron) Boston 1
Joy (Pennington) Faehner
Eddie Haas
Rusty Litten
Caroline (Purdie) White
Karen (Matiesen) Mace
Eddie (Cash) Benedict
Jim Brodersen
Sandra Clatterbuck 73
Marshall Conner
John Donaghue
Carolyn (Berry) Eshelman
Tom Evans
Peggy (Charles) Halifax
John Hanson
Sue (Harless) Henson
Wally Mook Attended
Bonnie (Hevener) Moyers
Beverley (Jackson) Nash
Larry Pester
David Stewart 61
Rick Stewart
Silas Still
Betty (Davis) Haas
Blainette (Ullom) Hanson
Jim Callan
William Coffman 11 14 15 16 17 58
Carol Good
65 In honor of the SVA Music Department for their dedication to ministry! Joe '86, Laura '91, Ethan '19, Zach '21, Mason '24
66 In honor of Dale and Connie Twomley H'09
67 In honor of our friend Richard Thompson ‘77 If Richard is the product of Shenandoah Valley Academy education, then you are doing a wonderful job helping to create a better world
68 In honor of Rick Thompson '77
69 In memory of Wayne Verde '78
70 To enable the spirit and kindness of Janel Ware '86 in support of her passion and love for SVA
71 In memory of Peter Watts
72 In memory of Ann Lewis Williams '60
73 In memory of Beverly Williams
74 In memory of Charlotte Williams Esveld '62
75 In memory of David Wilkens '65
76 In memory of Tammy Rae Wolosuk '79
77 In memory of Joni and Reggie Woodruff '60
78 In memory of Reg Woodruff '60
79 In memory of Harrel Woolford '57
80 In memory of Cliff Yarnell att.
81 In memory of my great uncle Charles Zirkle, SVA founder
Barbara Graves
Millie (Maberry) Greer
Diane (Wilson) Hall
John Henise
Verne Kemerer 7
Ralph Kurti
Fred Seeley*
Earnest Williams Attended
Craig Ziesmer
Steve Blackwell
Cheerie Lou Capman
Ronald Carter
Jim Davis
Robert Deery Attended 5
Susan (Dixon) Finlaw
Art Grimes
Donald Jackson 10 43
Gil Lewis 8
Bill McGhinnis
Jay Nixon
Carl Showers
Linda (Yates) Showers
Joanie (Hooker) Wilson
Carl Zentz 75
John Bennett
Jean (Bender) Eckler
Faye (Holland) Horner
Jeanette (Zent) Lamb
William Mansfield
Reggie Sherrill
Linda (Shanko) Sutton
Carol (Johnson) Tol
Dianne (Knight) Watts 71
Judy (Brodersen) Winters
Zachary Mace ‘24, Senior Class President
Good morning and welcome, Pastor Shane, Elder Tapp, Principal Short, faculty and staff, friends, families, fellow graduates, and most importantly our dear school cat, Mochi –
Today is not only the day that we finish our high school careers. Today is the day that we begin the rest of our lives. The opportunities life has to offer are limitless, and they are all there for the taking. None of us know what will happen tomorrow. None of us know what will happen in a year. None of us know what will happen in 10 years—isn’t that exciting?
Everything from this point on will be what you make it to be. Life is not going to be easy, and it is certain that we will all have ups and downs. But I have a solution: All you have to do to be certain in your future is let God guide you.
After today each of you have many things to look forward to. In the next few years you might graduate college, start your first job, meet the love of your life, get married, have your first child, have more children, watch those children grow up, travel the world, and the list goes on. So let me
When I ran to be your class president, I did not intend to be your president for only this year, but to be your president for the rest of our lives. I cannot even begin to describe the honor it has been and how proud I am of each and every one of you. If we are all willing, together our class can and make an impact on bringing others to Christ and in continuing His work here on earth. God did not put our group of 61 together by chance. He knew when He brought us together that we could move mountains in His name. As we leave here today, I ask you, don’t forget about the family you have here at Shenandoah and the mission that God is calling you to do. Because, I strongly believe we are stronger together and that Shenandoah Valley Academy’s graduating class of 2024 will do something like no other!
Laura Benn
Gail (Hevener) Melkersen
Donna Patton
Deborah (Donachy) White
Paulette (De Lumban) Montross 27
Kathryn (Thornton) Parrish 7 30 46
Michael Carpenter
Marvin Gingerich Attended
Dianna (Sheffer) Hevener
Gregory Isaacs 78
Bill Liers
Lynn (Blevins) Liers Attended
Sam Murdoch
Andrew Panos
Gerald Ramsey
Sherry (Newman) Ramsey
Ken Wilson Attended
John Clark III Attended
Joyce (Hamer) Dalton
Deborah (DeBois) McMillen
Kendell Snedden
George Brill 12
Bill Dodge
George Gainer
Rick Shull
Bill White
Susan (Koliadko) Shull
David Ferrell
Gaylon Hevener
Louise Klaver Attended 38
Patty (Hevener) Lemon
Don Correia
Delsie (Pack) Knicely 52
Marilyn (Miles) Perez
Sharon (Shanko) Pelton
Susan (Belote) Altman
Winona (Gray) Barreto
Susan (Altman) Fritts 3
Colleen (Harnett) Isbell 31
Rick Perez
Melanie (Clemmer) Rapp Attended
Deanna (Stevens) Brown
Gary Burton
John Burton
Clarence Carr
Carol (Lester) Elliott
Gregg Johnson
Barbara (Madson) Kerstetter
Brenda (Wagner) Kilgore
Jan (Strickland) Osborne 64
Mark Midkiff
Mark Mitchell
Daniel Reiss
Doug Sheffer
Arlene (Williams) Bowen
Tim Burton
Becky (Cabrera) Feltman
Don Feltman Honorary
Dickie Hevener
Louise (Hart) Phanstiel
Rick Ramsey
Nancy (Eller) Seigel
Shellie Shanko
Teresa (Hunter) Taylor
Beth (Snyder) Thompson
John Thompson
Jacquelyn (Hume) Mitchell
Robin Broussard Attended
Clint Davis
James Gainer
Lisa (Howell) Gainer
Carol (Hare) Pack
Mark Thomas
Rick Thompson
Shawn Towne
Donna (Bondranko) Wampler
Charlene Wiedemann
Josef Spencer
Jacqueline (Wheatley) Messenger
Jonna (Freeman) Davis
Richard Baumgartner
John Hudgins
Steve Irby
Ruth Anne (Mayers) Labate
Jeff Lingerfelt 13
John Nunes
Laurie (Reinhardt) Salmons
Steve Blackburn
Roland Caton
Daryl Hevener
Sharlene (Mallow) McAllister
Shawn McCrery
Kelly (Stebbins) Menhardt
Raymond Shields 76
Duane Swanson
Mike Onoffrey Attended
Stuart Ware 29 49 66 73
Anonymous 24
Rocky Corner
Mike Price
Sandra (Johnson) Rice
Glenda Umali
Mark Battle Attended
Debbie (Hevener) Battle
Joanne (Thompson) Gentry
Mike Gentry
Dan Koliadko
Paul Marstaller
Janice (Henderson) Onoffrey
Lorrie (Hevener) Roscher
Bonita (Joyner) Shields
Jamie (Hawbaker) Weinberg
Jenny (Young) Lingerfelt Attended 13
Bill Champion Attended
Stewart Hoskins Attended
Rose (Patton) Lang
Colt Peyton
David Reile
Debbi (Mattox) Romano
Tony Williams
Sheri (Bracy) Anderson 49
Donna (Fritz) Bearden
Sue (Crews) Carlson
Eldy Chavez
Cameron Cole
Judy (Bickford) Hayes
Scott Kemmerer
Kurt Moon
Jim Neighbors
Beth (Knickerbocker) Pettit
Kerry Pryor
Polly (Prasada Rao) Roberts
Dianna (Harter) Stoffer 49
Darla (Reese) Stong
Paul Ware
Randy Aybar
Olivia (Davis) Butner
Jacqueline (Franklin) Carney
Anita (Miles) Doss 18
Tony Hampton
Steve Kreitner
Sydney Moon
Rick Moyers
Kellie (McCrery) Nunley
Mark Rollins
Sheri-Lyn Sapp
Alonzo Starling 60
Tom Thayer
Kathy (Taylor) Thompson
Sarah Ware
Barry Wilhelm Attended
Roger Williams
Nora (Bostick) Miles
Will Anderson
Kimberly (Hudson) Bennett
Amanda Moore
Philip Bennett
Paul Boone 60
Aimee Ellington
Robert Knickerbocker
Joe Lowe 60 65
Donald Spady
Janel (Haas) Ware 29 49 66 73
Susan (Stout) Ware
Duane White 9
John Hermann
William Lyon Attended
Carmen Moore
Mark Norris 18 26 37 54 60 64
Deb (Lawrence) Pizzimenti 25
Bobby Belleza
Traci (Clark) Brossfield
Frank Cox
Eric Ellington
Kelli (Fluharty) Hanon
Monique Hawkins
Gina (Rulona) Herbert
Jared Thompson
Scot Blackburn
Kimberly (Etherith) Pressley
Lee Miles
Laura (Rulona) Lowe 60 65
Tommy Diller
Sarah Jane Liers Honorary
Ruth (Halter) Straley
Timothy Arena
Kimberly (Wilson) Wilbur
Monica (Zepp) Peeke 73
Jeremy White
Roy Wu 26
Jeff Peeke Attended 73
Norman Belleza
Larry Karpenko
Jeff Lowe
Krista (Messenger) Rogers
Jennifer (Peeke) Chalker
Sylvia Mack
Shelley (Cothern) Tenali
Ricky Flores
Tristan Hamilton
Kristy Hodson
James Pacylowski
Paul Pelley
AmiKay (Hebard) Pacylowski
Jenny Sue (Lemon) Hocking
Josh Jetter
Heather (Flynt) Raymond
Ed Tenali
Melissa Harley
Steve Jetter
Joel Lopez
Kristina Zanotti
Eric Garman
Jacqueline (Copenhaver) Mayers
Mark Mendizabal
Reed Richardi
Katie (Whitman) Jetter
Shalyn (Crawford) Garman
Kimberly (Schneider) Westfall
Shellie (Pires) McLennan
Jonathan Burishkin
Anthony Bussey
Kelly (Wiedemann) Jaén 40
Robert McLennan
Jared Beers
Michael Piersanti
Chelsea (Lacey) Piersanti
Jordan Taylor
Lauren (Borchers) Walker
Jared Coston
Ryan Feltman
Courtney (Martin) Feltman
Cynthia (Gonzalez) Ostrowski
Dale Pickett
Amanda (Lanning) Pickett
Heather (Blackburn) Richardson
Evan Taylor
Brody Wiedemann 40
Justin Feltman
Peter Holler
Richie Hevener
Dale Twomley Honorary
Connie Twomley Honorary
Chad McLennan
Randy Wiedemann 40
Seth Fogg
April (Minter) Fogg
Nigel Msipa
Barry Armstrong
Heidi (Davis) Rarangol
Madeleine Ware
Trisney (Bocala) Wiedemann 40
Taylor Belleza
Ethan Lowe
Kyle Thompson
Barbara Suddarth Honorary
Chase Parnell
Raquel Gomez
I grew up in a Seventh-day Adventist home and was baptized at nine. As I got older, I started questioning God and what I was taught to believe. And I think that’s normal and good that as you grow-up you start to think for yourself and about what you were brought up to believe. One of the ways to strengthen your faith is to ask questions and get those questions truthfully answered. But I didn’t ask for answers to my questions. I doubted. When you have questions about God, and you don't look for honest answers, the devil is going to answer those questions for you. And so he did, and he lied, saying God is selfish, unjust, and that He couldn’t love sinners. And I believed it. I thought, is this the kind of God that I’m supposed to serve? Maybe I don't want to serve Him or want to believe in Him at all.
We started having Bible studies once a week, and slowly I saw the Holy Spirit working in my life.
So I came to SVA with a bad attitude. I was going through the motions of school and didn’t really care. However, the Holy Spirit worked in my life through religion class, and I started warming up to God again. Mrs. [Darlene] Molina created an environment in class where I felt comfortable asking questions I had never received answers to. I see many different ways God works through our Bible teachers and am very grateful for them. I’m sure many students could say the same. At the end of my freshman year, I started to have a relationship with God again, but wasn’t ready to broadcast it. I had testified against
Gifts From Individuals Total: $801,375.00
Carolyn Abbott
Clydina Anbiah
Dittu & Molly Abraham
Joseph and Tracy Agolio
Imogene Akers ²
Jean-Wilner Alexandre
Geraldo Alonso
David and Carol Anderson
James Anderson
John and Aleteia Anderson
Sheri (Bracy) Anderson 49
Will Anderson
Anonymous 24
Anonymous (26)
Timothy and Heather Arena
Barry Armstrong
Neil Armstrong
Edwin and Victoria Avila
Randy Aybar
George and Fern Babcock
Ronald and Elizabeth Baptie
Regina Barnes 60
Cristian Barrera
Winona (Gray) Barreto
Yoneko Barrow
Mark and Debbie (Hevener) Battle
Richard Baumgartner
Donna (Fritz) Bearden
Jared Beers
Bobby Belleza
Esther Belleza
Norman Belleza
Taylor Belleza
Luis & Adrinna Beltre
Marie Bendall
Eric and LuAnn Bender
Eddie (Cash) Benedict
Laura Benn
John Bennett
Kimberly (Hudson) Bennett
Philip Bennett
Delois Berry
Daniel and Monica Biaggi
Patricia Bickford
Him for so long and it felt strange to become an advocate for Him. Sophomore year Week of Prayer (a guest speaker comes in and we meet in the morning and evening). At the end of the week we have communion, students can share their testimonies, we sing songs--and everyone is crying at the end. It can be very powerful. This particular Week of Prayer “Love 101” was about the love of God. After one of the night programs, I went back to my room, fell on my knees, and prayed the most earnest prayer I have prayed in years. I decided I didn’t want to live the life I was living anymore. The next day, I talked with Mr. [Kaleb] Leeper and told him I wanted to be baptized. We started having Bible studies once a week, and slowly I saw the Holy Spirit working in my life. I was convicted to start reading the Bible every morning, and eventually started giving Bible Studies to other students. By second semester I preached my first sermon, and at the end of the year I was baptized. Of course this is a shortened version of my testimony, but I wanted to add that however special it is to me, it is not unique. There so many SVA students you can talk to who will testify about the change that’s taken place in their life. They will tell you about the vespers or afterglow that made them cry. They will tell you how slowly they came to know Christ by being in an environment that constantly welcomes the Holy Spirit.
Carl and Claire (Eckenroth) Blackburn 51 73
Steve and Brenda Blackburn
Scot Blackburn and Nirmala Abraham
Steve Blackwell
Daniel Blaise
Billy and Maude Body
Paul and Wanda Boone 60
Ruth Ann (Barron) Boston ¹
Pamela Bothel 73
Lyle Botimer 60
Bernett Bowbeer
Arlene (Williams) Bowen 19
Darrell Bowyer
Diana Boyd
Latey Bradford
Alex and Kelli Brady
George Brill 12
Wayne Bristol
Daniel and Marta Britton-Gordon
Jim Brodersen
Ryan and Traci (Clark) Brossfield
Robin Broussard
Deanna (Stevens) Brown
Mark Brown 60
Richard Brown 34
Aaron and Rona Bruce
Lisa Bruce
Jimmy and Elaine Buchanan
Diane Burishkin
Jonathan and Jennifer Burishkin
Gary Burton
John Burton
Tim Burton
George and Carol Busch
Anthony Bussey
Olivia (Davis) Butner
Jim and Jeannie Callan
Bruce and Margie Cameron
Cheerie Lou Capman
Alan and Miluzka Carbajal
Sue (Crews) Carlson
Jacqueline (Franklin) Carney
Michael Carpenter
Clarence Carr
Ronald Carter
Roland Caton
Less Chafen 77
Jennings Chafin
Jennifer (Peeke) Chalker
Bill and Cindy Champion
Eldy Chavez
Lester Chavez
Emanoil Chirvasuta
Andrew and Paula Choi
Donald and Maryanne (Lord) Clark
John Clark III
Trudy-Ann Clarke
Sandra Clatterbuck 73
William and JoAnn Clegg
Mickey & Evelyn Clinedinst
William Coffman 11 14 15 16 17 58
Cameron Cole
Dennis & Constance Collins
Mark Collins 60
Jason Conlon
Norman Connell
Gerald Connelly
Marshall Conner
Florin Copaceanu
Rocky Corner
Don Correia
Jared and Caleigh Coston
Nancy Countrymen
Frank and Cherith Cox
Larry and Sharon Cutter
Fatima Da Silva
Constance (Davis) Dalton
Joyce (Hamer) Dalton 20
Barbara Dameron
Julita Damian
Tony and Joan Daniels
Barbara Darr 21
Jed and Elizabeth Dart
Roger and Nancy Dauer
Bernice (Parish) Davidson
Clint and Jonna Davis
Jim Davis
Randy and Ruth Davis
Andrew and Catherine Dawson
Edward Decker
Robert Deery 5
Ted Deiter 22
Mayra Del Villar-Malcolm
Jean Desmarais 59
Susan DiBiase
Jeff Didawick
Tommy Diller
Shernett Dixon-Dalhouse
Bill and Dorenda Dodge
John Donaghue
Joel Dortch
Anita (Miles) Doss 18
Eileen Dubberstein
Helen Dundon
Leo Dundon
Daniel and Karen DuVal 67
Jean (Bender) Eckler 73
James and Patsy Eggleston
Veronica Eggleston
Aimee Ellington
Doug and Joyce (Hicks) Ellington 6 28 56 72 73
Eric Ellington
Carol (Lester) Elliott
Carolyn (Berry) Eshelman
Jerry Evans
Tom and Shirley Evans
Joy (Pennington) Faehner
Klebert Feitosa
Robert and Carolynne Fekete
Gayle (Lockwood) Fell 23
Don and Becky (Cabrera) Feltman
Justin Feltman
Ryan and Courtney (Martin) Feltman
David Ferrell
Joan and William Filkoski
Susan (Dixon) Finlaw
Ricky Flores
Seth and April (Minter) Fogg
Julie Fooshee
David Forbes
Terry Forde
Ardebella (Dean) Fox
Kimberly Franklin
Helen Freas-Fogg
Susan (Altman) Fritts ³
Barbara (Neff) Fritzsche
Richard and Amy Fullmer
George and Leanne Gainer
James and Lisa (Howell) Gainer
Ruth (Lillya) Gainer
Michael and Shirley Gammon
Eric and Shalyn (Crawford) Garman
Nelcy Leonor Gelvis
Martha Gentles
Mike and Joanne (Thompson) Gentry
Devon and Hillary Genus
Vaughn George
Mark and Patricia Gilbert
Marvin Gingerich
Alvin and Barbara Glassford
Cliff and Sue Gleason
Raquel Gomez
Carol Good
Roy Grandle
Barbara Graves
Millie (Maberry) Greer
Don Griffin
Art Grimes
Eddie and Betty (Davis) Haas
Leroy and Janet Haas
Walter Hadley
Peggy (Charles) Halifax
Diane (Wilson) Hall
Tristan Hamilton
Davin and Shawna Hammond
Tony Hampton
Kelli (Fluharty) Hanon
Paul Hansen
John and Blainette (Ullom) Hanson
Melissa Harley
Tim and Donna Harley
Tony Harpine
Mark Harris
William Harris 32
William Hart
Virginia Harter 62
Monique Hawkins
John and Judy (Bickford) Hayes
Natalie Hayes
Ryan and Carrie Heilman
Manfred Heinrich
John Henise
Sue (Harless) Henson
Gina (Rulona) Herbert
Judy Herbst 35
Fred Hermann
John Hermann 58 63
Joyce Hermann
Iris Hernandez
Obed Hernandez
Mary Hernandez and Mark Osborne
Alfred Hess 39 41 42
Daryl and Tammy Hevener
Dianna (Sheffer) Hevener
Dickie and Denise Hevener
Gaylon Hevener
Lacy Hevener 36
Nancy Hevener
Richie Hevener
Carmen Hiraldo
Ana Hiraldo-Gomez
Elizabeth Hobson 73
Jenny Sue (Lemon) Hocking
Kristy Hodson
Elaine Hoffman
Tim and Laura Hohmann
Peter Holler
Daniel Honeycutt
Bill Hooker
Faye (Holland) Horner
Stewart Hoskins
Vernon Hsu
Na'Hammani Hubbard
Julie Huchrowski 79
John Hudgins
Kim and Todd Hunt
Ruth Imbraguglio
Steve Irby
Gregory Isaacs 78
Colleen (Harnett) Isbell 31
Donald Jackson 10 43
Marianne Jackson
Kurt and Lucinda Jaeger
Kelly (Wiedemann) Jaén 40
Matthew and Bonita James
Beverly Jansheski
Mary Jaroche
Josh Jetter
Steve and Katie (Whitman) Jetter
Alexander & Leela Job
Lennox Job
Priya Job
Rick and Georgina Johns
Betty Johnson
Esther (Jackson) Johnson
Gary and Barbara Johnson
Gregg Johnson
Tom and Angela Johnson
Dave and Betsy Johnston 44
Mark and Deena Jordan
James Joseph
Sandra (Moore) Juarez
Philip and Ruth Just
Betty Kantzer
Larry Karpenko
Verne Kemerer 7
Scott Kemmerer
Gary and Laurie Kennedy
Barbara (Madson) Kerstetter
Brenda (Wagner) Kilgore
Clayton and Ausma Kinney
Elaine Kirk
Louise Klaver 38
Charles and Katrina Klein
Delsie (Pack) Knicely 52
Robert Knickerbocker
Ryan and Jaclyn Knight
Michael and Peggy Koch
Dan Koliadko
Albert Kowalak
Steve Kreitner
Ralph Kurti
Lalu and Novalina Kusdarman
Rick and Ruth Anne (Mayers) Labate
Jeanette (Zent) Lamb
Rose (Patton) Lang
Gary and Janet (Sorensen) Langston
Edward and Jane Lawaty
Andrew Lechler
David Lee 70
Donald and Ruthanne Leeper
Kaleb and Heather Leeper
Wayne and Patty (Hevener) Lemon
Gil Lewis 8
Bill and Lynn (Blevins) Liers
Sarah Jane Liers
Gerald Lillya
Jeff and Jenny Lingerfelt 13
Charles and Cynthia Litten
Rusty Litten
Jim Little
Joel Lopez
Doug Lord
Wanda Lord Steele 68
Ethan Lowe
Jeff Lowe
Joe and Laura (Rulona) Lowe 60 65
William Lyon 60
Roger and Karen (Mathiesen) Mace
Sylvia Mack
Jon and Phyllis Maiden
Jerson Malaguit
Elizabeth Malin
Carolyn Malin Brown
William Mansfield
Paul Marstaller
Andrew and Kimberly Marter
Charles and Juanita Martin
Ina (Fox) Masters
Carla Mateo
April Mayers
Jacqueline (Copenhaver) Mayers
Anthony and Barbara Mayo
Sharlene (Mallow) McAllister
Helen (Newcome) McCarson
Shawn McCrery
Roger McFarland
Bill and Kitty (Bird) McGhinnis
Murrell and Merry McKenzie
Raquel McKenzie
Chad McLennan
Lee* and Patty McLennan
Robert and Shellie (Pires) McLennan
Vincent and Deborah (DeBois) McMillen
Lincoln McQuillan
Lisa McWilliams
Luis and Susana Mejia
Bertram Melbourne
Danny Meldrom
Ole and Gail (Hevener) Melkersen
Mark Mendizabal
Christian Mendoza
Buz and Kelly (Stebbins) Menhardt
Jason Merryman
Jacqueline (Wheatley) Messenger
Mark Midkiff
Mirela Mihalache
Lee and Nora (Bostick) Miles
Bill Miller
Carl Miller
Rita Miller
Scott and Andrea Miller
Jim and Linda Minty
Mark and Jacquelyn (Hume) Mitchell
John and Rebecca Mohr
Federico and Darlene Molina
Faith Montes
Paulette (De Lumban) Montross 27
Wally Mook
Kurt and Jill Moon
Sydney Moon
Carmen and Amanda Moore and the Moore Family
Susan Morgan
Daniel and Valerie Morikone
Aldrin Mota
Bonnie (Hevener) Moyers
Rick Moyers
Nigel Msipa
Jimmy and Rebecca Munoz
Teresa Munoz
Sam Murdoch
Charles and Jane Murphy
Beverley (Jackson) Nash 10 43 50 55
Jim Neighbors
Stanley and Mildred Nickens
Jay Nixon
Dennis and Shelva Norris
Mark Norris 18 26 37 54 60 64
John Nunes
Kellie (McCrery) Nunley
Gordon and Karen Olson
Jo Carroll Onoffrey
Mike and Janice (Henderson) Onoffrey
Newly Orak
Stephen and Micki Orian
Alfred Ortega
Juan and Ana Ortiz
Neijer Ortiz
Bill and Jan (Strickland) Osborne 64
Cynthia (Gonzalez) Ostrowski
Carol (Hare) Pack
James and AmiKay (Hebard) Pacylowski
Emily Pagan
Arul Pakkianathan
Joseph and Flora Pakkianathan
Anna Palmer 81
Andrew Panos
Evianny Paredes
Chase Parnell
Kathryn (Thornton) Parrish 7 30 46
Joyce Patrick
Mike and Becky Patrick
Donna (Edwards) Patton
Junice (Sowers) Patton 53
Helen Peace 60
Jeff and Monica (Zepp) Peeke 73
Marilynn Peeke
Locrecia Pelham
Paul Pelley
Karen Pelote
Sharon (Shanko) Pelton
Rick and Marilyn (Miles) Perez
Larry Pester
Karen and George Petersen
Beth (Knickerbocker) Pettit
Colt Peyton
Howard and Louise (Hart) Phanstiel
Dale and Amanda (Lanning) Pickett
Laura Pierce
Larry and Janine Pierre-Louis Hudson
Michael and Chelsea (Lacey) Piersanti
Harvey Piper
Deb (Lawrence) Pizzimenti 25
Kathryn (Fagal) Prall
Kimberly Pressley
Claudia Pretel
Mike Price
Shernette Prince
Bobby and Betty Pryor
Kerry Pryor
Nathan and Achamma Purushothaman
Ray and Jannette Queen
Sarojini and Manuel Raj
Jorge and Bexy Ramirez
Reynaldo Ramirez
Gerald and Sherry (Newman) Ramsey
Rick Ramsey
Melanie (Clemmer) Rapp
Heidi (Davis) Rarangol
Anita & Calvin Ratcliffe
Derek and Yani Raymond
Heather (Flynt) Raymond
Corinne (Spangler) Reasner
Hermoine Reece
Bonnie (Painter) Reed
David Reile and Barbara Suddarth
Daniel Reiss
Gary and Daylene Reynolds
Sandra (Johnson) Rice
Reed and Jade Richardi
Jeff and Heather (Blackburn) Richardson
Jeanice Riles
Paulett & George Rinard
George and Cheryl Ritenour
Polly (Prasada Rao) Roberts
Marcellus T. Robinson
Marvin and Josie Robinson 78
Robert Robinson
Dennis and Nabeeha Rochester
Luis Rodriguez
Gordon and Ellen Rogers
Krista (Messenger) Rogers
Stephen and Emily Rogers
Mark Rollins
Debbi (Mattox) Romano
Fred and Lorrie (Hevener) Roscher
Daniel Royo
Melba Rulona
Faustina Rynda
Laurie (Reinhardt) Salmons 45 69
Shibin Samuel
Osvaldo Sanchez
Sheri-Lyn Sapp
Diana Saquisela
Rosimar Savegnago
Virginia Saylor 57
Dick and Nancy (Waddell) Schell
Anthony and Dawn Schram
Richard and Wendy Schuen
June Seebeck
Fred Seeley*
Nancy (Eller) Seigel
Keith Seldomridge
Karen Senecal
Beaman Senecal III
Shellie Shanko
Karen Shea
Charlene Sheffer
Doug Sheffer
Reggie Sherrill
Raymond Shields 76
Roy and Bonita (Joyner) Shields
Donald and Laura Short
Bonnie (Bowman) Showalter
Carl and Linda (Yates) Showers
Rick and Susan (Kolidako) Shull
Pearline Sickler
Gene and Karen Sigler
Barbara Smith
Brenda Smith
Stevan and Pamela Smith
Kendell Snedden
Cynthia Snellings 47
Kenny Sobremisana
Cynthia Sosa
Donald Spady
Josef Spencer
Nigel Standish
John Stant
Alonzo Starling 60
David Stewart 61
Rick Stewart
Silas Still
Dennis and Melody Stoerzinger
Dianna (Harter) Stoffer 49
Jeff and Darla (Reese) Stong
Ruth (Halter) Straley
Stephen and Susan Strehle
Linda (Shanko) Sutton
Duane Swanson
Sandra Sweet
Anne Sweetman
Diana Tanksley
Charles and Maureen Tapp
Thomas and Bennessa Tarbay
Arthur and Teresa (Hunter) Taylor
Evan Taylor
Jordan Taylor
Ed and Shelley (Cothern) Tenali
Tom Thayer
Alice (Mace) Thomas
Mark Thomas
Michele Thomas
Dave and Beth (Snyder) Thompson
Dorothy Thompson
Jared Thompson
John Thompson
Kathy (Taylor) Thompson
Kyle Thompson
Patty (Murray) Thompson 48
Rick Thompson
William Thompson/Langley
Sulross and Frances Thorward
Sarah Timis
Yadana Annie Tin
Carol (Johnson) Tol
Shawn Towne
Jim Townsend
Neptali Transporte
Homer and Barbara Trecartin
Mauricio and Edelith Trigo
Merlin and Anita Tweedy-Debusk
Dale and Connie Twomley
Glenda Umali
Glenis Valera
Owen Van Kirk
Mozart Vargas
Dyanne Vasquez
Jose and Sonia Vazquez
Jeffry Vergara
Armando and Jacqueline Vidal-Salgado
Jeffrey and Darlynn Villegas
Lauren (Borchers) Walker
Donna (Bondranko) Wampler
John and Laura Ward
Henry and Harriett Ware
Madeleine Ware
Paul and Susan (Stout) Ware
Sarah Ware
Stuart and Janel (Haas) Ware 29 49 66 73
Nicholas and Jennifer Warila-Chan 68
Paul and Beverly Warren
Donald and Luz Washington
Dianne (Knight) Watts 71
Yenerlly Waugh
Jamie (Hawbaker) Weinberg
Roger and April Weiss
Kimberly (Schneider) Westfall
Karen Whetzel 33
Bill and Janet White
Duane and Tammy White 9
Gerald and Caroline (Purdie) White
Jeremy and Deborah White
Ron and Deborah (Donachy) White
Brody Wiedemann 40
Pete Wiedemann 40
Randy and Trisney (Bocala) Wiedemann 40
Werner and Charlene (Koliadko) Wiedemann 40
Warren and Kimberly (Wilson) Wilbur
Barry Wilhelm
Edna Wilkin and Joy Jackson
Clarence Williams
Earnest Williams 74
Elaine (Willis) Williams 22
Matt Williams
Roger Williams
Tony and Tracey Williams
Justo Williamson
Beverly Wilson
Bruce and Joanie (Hooker) Wilson
Ken Wilson
Judy (Brodersen) Winters
Mark Witcher
Philip and Mindi Wiygul
Karen Wolcott
Betty (Coleman) Wood
Leena (Bendall) Wood 7 40
John and Daveen Woods
Lydia Wright
Roy Wu 26
Jackie (Witt) Yarnell 80
Kristi Young
Todd Young
Kristina Zanotti
Carl Zentz 75
Craig Ziesmer
Victor and Monica Zill
John Zollbrecht
Total: $905,960.00
Anonymous (5)
Adventist Healthcare
Atholton SDA Church
Bailey SDA Church
Bainum Family FoundationIn memory of Jane Bainum '38
Bealeton Spanish SDA Church
Beltsville SDA Church
Big Daddy Diesel
BNA Adjusting
Bound Brook Spanish SDA Church
Bowman Hills SDA Church
Bridgeton Spanish SDA Church
Buena Vista SDA Church
Carter Memorial SDA Church
Champion Ventures
Charleston SDA Church
Chesapeake SDA Church
Columbia Union Conference
Courthouse Road SDA Church
Culpeper Hispanic SDA Church
Duke Energy
Eastwood SDA Church
Edge Design Build Inc
Elevance Healthcare Inc
Elkton SDA Church
Equator Home Improvements
Fairfax Spanish SDA Church
Fairmont City Church
Fellowship Deaconry Ministries
Filipino International SDA Church
Fredericksburg SDA Church
Fredericksburg Spanish SDA Church
G Gordon Hadley MD Foundation
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
GHRoW Foundation Inc
Gloucester SDA Church
Goldsboro SDA Church
Hampton Roads SDA Church
Hanon Pediatrics LLC
Harpine Drywall Company
Harrisonburg SDA Church
Harrisonburg Spanish SDA Church
Hevener's Cars and Trucks
Hopewell Spanish SDA Church
Iglesia Adventista Del 7Mo
De Park Church
Iglesia Adventista Hispana Norwalk
John W Hayes Construction LLC
Khandagle Medical Associates
Kilmarnock SDA Church
McKee Foods Corporation
Metropolitan Spanish SDA Church
Murphy Family Giving FundIn memory of Livia Modra Freyman Murphy '56
New York Life - Blackbaud Giving Fund by YourCause
New Market SDA Church
Southern Adventist University
Ohio Conference
Olney SDA Church
Owen Family Giving Fund
Paul Davis Restoration
Paz Group LLC
Potomac Conference Education Foundation
Potomac Conference
Raleigh Spanish SDA Church
Red Springs Spanish SDA Church
Redeeming Grace Fellowship SDA Church
Seabrook SDA Church
SDA Church of Martinsville
SFFC Foundation - Partnering for Eternity/Teachers Coming Home
Silver Spring Spanish SDA Church
Sisters of Fellowship Deaconry
Sligo SDA Church
Southern New England Conference
Staunton SDA Church
Strasburg SDA Church
Tabernacle of Joy SDA Church
Tappahannock SDA Church
Texico Conference
Timothy J. Burton Construction
Tranquility SDA Church
University SDA Church
Vienna SDA Church
Virginia Advanced Health Services
Vision Technology Group
Walla Walla University
Waynesboro SDA Church
Weeks Spanish SDA Church
West Bronx Spanish SDA Church
Wilna SDA Church
Winchester SDA Church
Winchester Spanish SDA Church
Woodbridge SDA Church
Worthington SDA Church
Kroger School Rewards
Manassas SDA Church
Educational Subsidy
Total: $1,095,000.00*
Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
*Subsidy not included in FY2024 Giving Total, see p. 4
Luis Ac Figueroa
Excellentia Worthy Student: $7,140
Michelle Atuti
Wiedemann-Koliadko Music in Memory of Lillian Shanko Koliadko 1920: $500
Evelyn Balcarcel
Allan Blackburn-DiAnn Copenhaver Sportsmanship: $300
Brandon Benitez-Padilla
Don & Becky Feltman Baseball: $580
Samuel Diaz Bravo
CA Star Worthy Student Scholarship in Memory of Carlton Starling ’87: $3,600
Kryza Carrasco
Jean Hicks Alexander Worthy Student: $170
Joshua Franco Dr. Kim Math: $50
Samuel Girven
Class of 1953 Worthy Student: $130
Kendriannah Gordon
Lester Patton Worthy Student: $320
Camile Hamilton
Samuel Aitchison Worthy Student: $130
Tamar Hamilton
William & Jean Quackenbush Strickland Worthy Student: $240
Donovan Hernandez
Feltman Family Spiritual Leadership: $660
Yeili Osorio Hernandez
John Minesinger Worthy Student: $1,280
Kristofer Hoffman
Carolyn Madden Nash Music: $100
Luiz Javier
Clarence & Elsie Pohle Worthy Student: $220
Emmanuel Matagaro
Edna Stoneburner Worthy Student: $30
John Mathai
Kent Sterling Grimm Memorial: $210
Jeanette Mahoro
Frank E. Shaw Worthy Student: $330
Belmaris Mercado
Josef Spencer Music: $200
Abby Moore
Herb Copenhaver Science: $150
CA Star Worthy Student Scholarship in Memory of Carlton Starling ’87: $3,600
Kaylyn Morris
Shirley Cruze John ‘49 Worthy Student: $130
Daniela Munoz
Walter B. Sheer, MD & Doris Sheer: $190
Neijer Ortiz
Paul & Doris Riley Worthy Student: $120
Steve Paz
Feltman Family Spiritual Leadership: $660
Rosmaily Peguero
Chuck & Sarah Jane Liers Worthy Student: $100
Jim Perez
Thoma Suzanne Alderman Worthy Student: $90
Simon Perez
Claoma Suhrie Fearing Worthy Student: $160
Don & Becky Feltman Baseball: $580
Jose Roblero
Edward O. Spencer Worthy Student: $180*
Genesis Roldan
W. C. Hannah Worthy Student: $110
Alonzo Sanchez
Earnest & Louise Thompson Worthy Student: $750
*Scholarships applied to student contracts for the 2024-2025 school year, unless applied in 2023-2024 which is noted by an asterisk.
Sophia Segura
Class of 2013 Worthy Student: $160
Ajani Shaw
Ellen Quackenbush Carey Music: $90
Caley Smith
Excellentia Worthy Student: $7,140
Camila Soriano
Class of 1974 Worthy Student: $50
Salome Tembo
Julia Kay Blair Mission Trip: $170*
Grace Tolbert
Kathleen Wu Facemire Basketball: $350
Aleks Ullrich
Class of 1977 Friendship Worthy Student: $500
Mariajose Velasquez
Pearl Deiter Worthy Student: $500
Yandel Verdugo Velasquez
John & Vilas Mansfield
Worthy Student: $130
Jaqueline Vidal
Frank & Emily Banzhaf: $570
Alex Whalen
Fran '38 and Jack Clarke, Jr. "Hope for the Future Foundation" Worthy Student: $2,500
Cory Whalen
Fran '38 and Jack Clarke, Jr. "Hope for the Future Foundation" Worthy Student: $2,500
A growing crowd milled around me, exchanging greetings and hugs—signs of friend groups reuniting. I sat alone in the lobby of Twomley Hall at Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA). It was handshake day, and I was a new student.
Several days earlier, I moved from my native Michigan, met by the heat and humidity of Virginia, to attend SVA. It was an abrupt change from how I had envisioned my last two years of high school.
Every plot worth its salt has a tragedy, and this one involved me switching schools before the end of my sophomore year. I didn’t want to stay online for the last two years of high school, and needed a school that would allow me to grow. I prayed, asking God to lead where he wanted me to go. After some searching, in July I committed to attending SVA as a community student and immersing myself in its vibrant student life.
Back to handshake. People around me. Couldn’t place a single face in the room. “Did I make the wrong decision?” I wondered.
A student came over, introduced himself, and asked “Have you met anyone in your class?” I replied I had not. He led me to some classmates. We hit it off, and
they accepted me with open arms. Then as handshake began, and I began to meet everyone else, I knew it would be okay. I would succeed at SVA. God had answered my prayer.
echoed throughout the gym.
I quickly settled into classes and my daily routine. Prayer groups, chapels, and Friday night vespers opened my eyes to the warm spiritual atmosphere on campus—just what I had looked for. My teachers are passionate about knowledge and with their help I know I can reach for the stars. I began to make more friends and deepen existing friendships. Service opportunities beckoned, and soon I began to contribute by using my skills around school.
On a chilly September evening, I sat on the bleachers with a friend watching an intense varsity volleyball game. We were behind by a slight margin in the penultimate set and were tied 2-2.
A player fell on our side. The guest team scored. Our player got back up playing harder than ever. We scored a point. And another. Soon, we were back on track. The guest coach stopped the game to huddle.
“SVA! SVA! SVA!” we cheered.
When we won I jumped up and cheered the loudest I’ve ever cheered. We all poured onto the court.
“SVA! SVA! SVA!” echoed throughout the gym. It was then I realized the immense pride I have for my new school and that this is home. This is where I belong. This is where I can thrive. This is where God wants me. He wants me at SVA.
Friday, April 18
8:00am Golf Tournament
6:00pm Reception, Registration, Business Meeting
8:00pm Vespers
Friday Speaker, Reed Richardi ‘00
Sabbath, April 19
9:00am Registration
10:00am Church Service (No Sabbath School)
12:00pm Honor Class Photos
12:00pm Lunch for All & Honor Reunions
Sabbath Speaker, Simon Liversidge ‘85
Saturday Night, April 19
9:00pm Alumni Basketball (Ladies First)
Sunday, April 20
9:30am Principal’s View Breakfast Talk about SVA today!
Weekend and Golf Contact: