Prescription Drug Abuse - Popping Pills May Cause Memory Loss Aging is the second most dreaded condition after death. However, it is an inevitable aspect of life, which cannot be controlled by human efforts alone. The stage is not only characterized by physical weakness and breakdown of muscles and strength, but also deteriorating cognitive skills, especially memory. Although it is not easy to stop the changes of time, professional help is available to deal with the problems related to health and finances to enhance one’s quality of life in later years. One of the most prevalent problems associated with old age is memory loss, characterized by a gradual decline in memory, inability to perform routine tasks, loss of language skills, disorientation and impaired judgment. It is common for older adults to forget their children or grandchildren’s name and other details. Studies have shown that weakening of brain cells is primarily responsible for the memory loss. However, a few external factors can also damage the cells and lead to memory loss. Apart from being a common sign of aging, memory loss can also be the effect of substance abuse, as shown by several studies. Prescription drugs could be interfering with memory in older adults Prescriptions drugs are commonly found in almost all households. From cold to serious illnesses, there is a medication for all healthrelated issues. Popping in prescription pills without doctor’s recommendation may lead to serious consequences, especially in the elderly. According to scientists, prescription drugs play a major role in damaging the brain cells, which further leads to memory loss. Listed below are some of the prescription drugs that cause significant brain damage leading to memory loss: Antianxiety drugs: Commonly known as benzodiazepines, these drugs are prescribed to relieve anxiety disorders, agitation, muscle spasms and delirium due to alcohol withdrawal. The drug dampens the activities taking place in the key parts of the brain, apart from altering the acetylcholine level (the neurotransmitter responsible for memory and learning). Lower
levels of acetylcholine may lead to forgetfulness and lack of concentration. Its deficiencies are also linked with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Cholesterol drugs: Commonly known as statins, these drugs help in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. However, when used over a prolonged period, they can deplete brain levels of cholesterol, which are vital for memory and other mental processes. Sleeping pills: Sleeping pills are prescribed to people experiencing disturbed sleeping patterns, insomnia or lack of deep sleep. Also known as nonbenzodiazepine sedativehypnotics, they work similar to antianxiety drugs affecting the acetylcholine levels. Their overuse can restrict the interaction between short- and long-term memory, which caused memory loss. Narcotic painkillers: Narcotic drugs are primarily used to treat chronic pain. These drugs work on the central nervous system (CNS) to subdue the patient’s emotional reaction toward pain and discomfort. However, in doing so, the drugs also interact with chemical messengers that are associated with memory and cognitive ability. Hence, using these drugs for extended periods can affect both long- and short-term memory. Hypertension drugs: Also known as beta-blockers, these drugs help slow down the heart rate and lower the blood pressure. Prescribed to patients suffering from high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and abnormal heart rhythms, these drug tend to block the action of norepinephrine and epinephrine, both associated with memory and learning. Road to recovery Be it illicit, prescription, or any other form of drug, addiction in any form is dangerous as it can lead to a fatal drug overdose or may lead to severe mental health issues. If you or your loved one is dealing with drug abuse – be it prescription or street drugs – and needs professional help, contact the Recover Mental Health to know about the best drug treatment centers in the U.S. Recover Mental Health is a resource center dedicated to providing information on everything related to mental health and substance abuse. With over 21,000 listings in our directory, we provide quick and easy access to treatment centers across the U.S. and Canada. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-593-2339 to get more information about the top drug addiction treatment centers near you.