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function hall

function hall

Aging as a Radical Problem

With the developemnt of society, it rarely surprises us any any more that Tianjin has entered a highly aging society. 15% of the registered population are over 65, which ranking the third in China.


Aging is also a severe problem all over the world that until 2050, over 60% of the global popoulation would be over 60, and 30% of them would be over 80. We hope that our design can become a paradigm and provide a universal coping strategy for the aging society, both today and in the future. Due to the increasing urbanization, more and more young people from rural areas are moving to city but their parents are left in their hometown since they prefer a familiar surrounding to live in. At the same time, for young people, taking care of their parents in the city will be a huge burden. How to find the coincidence point between the two has become the first problem we face.

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