May 10, 2018 Print Edition

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May 10 - May 16 , 2018



2018 Milwaukee Burger Week Eat your way through our second special event celebrating one of Americaí s greatest inventions Fifty Years After the Fair Housing Act ... !"#$%&

Urban Gardens Transform Communities and Change the Way We Eat and Live ... !"#$%'

Time to PLAY. NE



























MAY 26











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J U LY 2 8









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Association of Alternative Newsweeklies

MAY 12



MAY 12


MAY 15



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MAY 17



MAY 17


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SHEPHERD EXPRESS ADV18129-ShepEx 3quarter pg Ent ad 5_10.indd 1

MAY 10, 2018 | 3 5/1/18 11:07 AM



Father James Groppi leading a fair housing march, August 29 1966

!"#$%&'()*+&,#$(*&$-(& !)"*&./0+"12&,3$ !"#$%$&#&'!()'*+,#-&#,+&' !"",.*/$&0-)'1+-!#'#0$(1&2'34#' .,+-'.4&#'3-'),(-'$('.$/5!46-::BY CATHERINE JOZWIK his year marks the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Fair Housing Act, designed to prevent housing discrimination by lenders, real estate agents and landlords. In Milwaukee, marches to protest housing discrimination against minorities—headed by Roman Catholic priest and NAACP Youth Council advisor James Groppi, Alderwoman Vel Phillips and other community activists—began on Aug. 28, 1967, and ended on March 14, 1968, after 200 consecutive days. Groppi, who eventually left the priesthood, organized the Commandos, a group of 100 African American men, to shield marchers from violence by residents who were against integrating city neighborhoods. He passed away at the age of 55 in 1985; Vel Phillips just recently passed away at the age of 95.

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Closing a Housing Loophole

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No More Redlining

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Can We Do Better?

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Activating Dead Spaces; Outgrowing Crime

Victory Garden Initiative Blitz


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Cross-Generational Collaboration

At Kayla’s Garden, seniors from Scott Senior Living Com9 !+$#/&' )$Y1&' 3"20)$#$3' "$0' -":)' K%)$/&' 18' 6$1.9-1.' /1' ,-"2)'.#/-'5#%6#$,'"$0'/-)'&1+$3)2'3)$)2"/#1$'#$'/-)'$)#3-9 (12-1104'J/A,'"'.#$9.#$',#/+"/#1$Z'R-)',)$#12,'01$A/'-":)'/-)#2' 1.$'&"20,'"$&!12)'"$0'"KK2)*#"/)'-":#$3'"'$)"2(&'K%"*)'/1' 3"20)$7'"$0'/-)'&1+$3'K)1K%)'821!'/-)'$)#3-(12-110'%#6)'/1' %)"2$'"$0')$Y1&'/-)'"//)$/#1$'/-)&'3)/'821!'/-)',)$#12,4' ID",/'&)"27'.)'-"0'"'321+K'18'&1+$3'K)1K%)'1+/'/-)2)'-)%K9 #$3'1+/'812'/-)',+!!)27'"$0'):)2&'0"&'/-)&'.)$/'-1!)'.#/-'

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Joins Wisconsin Geological Society May 19 & 20 | Sat-Sun 10-5

Hart Park Mineral & Gem Show Muellner Building 72nd & State | Wauwatosa, WI

Chrysalis Gallery Marshall Building #604 | 227 E Buffalo 414-455-8250 Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9 AM – 4 PM



M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 ! 7



he Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory, reactionary or authoritarian actions and policies of the Donald Trump administration, as well as other activities by all those who seek to thwart social justice. We will publicize and promote actions, demonstrations, planning meetings, teach-ins, partybuilding meetings, drinking-discussion get-togethers and any other actions that are directed toward fighting back to preserve our liberal democratic system.

Saturday, May 12

Voter and Civic Engagement Campaign @ Acción Ciudadana de Wisconsin (221 S. Second St.), 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

Acción Ciudadana de Wisconsin, Latino Voting Bloc of Wisconsin and Citizen Action of Wisconsin have organized a weekly Saturday campaign of knocking on doors and phone banking to get people thinking about the 2018 elections. Volunteers can go out and talk to voters about the issues that they care about and get them involved in different events happening in the community.

Green Party of Greater Milwaukee Monthly Meeting @ Milwaukee Public Library (310 W. Locust St.), 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The Green Party of Greater Milwaukee will meet to discuss opportunities, action plans and more to push their mission of peace, justice, healthcare and power to the 99%. The meeting is open to the public.

Peace Action Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ The corner of Oakland Avenue and Locust Street, noon-1 p.m.

Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action Wisconsin to protest war and, quite literally, “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee afterward.

Educators Amplified— Governor’s Edition @ The Miramar Theatre (2844 N. Oakland Ave.), noon-3 p.m.

This live Resistance Radio broadcast will feature nine Democratic candidates for governor laying out where they stand on issues important to educators and public schools.

8 | M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8

Laughing Liberally @ ComedySportz Milwaukee (420 S. First St.), 8-10 p.m.

Laughing Liberally Milwaukee is a monthly progressive political comedy show hosted by comedian, satirist and progressive talk radio host Matthew Filipowicz. This month’s show features Dina Nina Martinez, Greg Bach, Kristin Lytie, Kelly Katona Dhein and Deon Green.

Tuesday, May 15

Milwaukee Red and Blue Dialogue @ Best Place at the Historic Pabst Brewery (901 W. Juneau Ave.), 6:30-8:30 p.m.

The Frank Zeidler Center for Public Discussion and the Millennial Action Project are coming together to host the second dialogue session featuring bipartisan members of the state legislature. Discussion will center on issues most important to young people. The event is free with dinner and drinks provided.

‘Bag It’ Screening @ Riverwest Public House Cooperative (815 E. Locust St.), 7-9 p.m.

Researchers have found high amounts of plastic in all five Great Lakes as well as microscopic pieces of plastic in drinking water and beer according to Bag It, a documentary about plastic’s effect on the environment. Donations are welcome and proceeds will go to a local group making fabric shopping bags.

Wednesday, May 16

Addressing Sexual Harassment @ Milwaukee Area Labor Council (633 S. Hawley Road), 5-8 p.m.

This one-night workshop presented by the Milwaukee Area Labor Council and the School for Workers will go over sexual harassment, power dynamics and what steps workers can take to combat this issue.

Women Lead Candidate Forum @ 1122 N. Astor St., 5-7:30 p.m.

Women Lead, an organization promoting progressive, pro-choice women candidates, will host a forum with eight candidates for various elected positions across Wisconsin, including Marisabel Cabrera (Assembly District 9), Erica Flynn (Assembly District 84) and Julie Henszey (Senate District 5). To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to Together, we can fight to minimize the damage that Donald Trump and others of his kind have planned for our great country. Comment at n

NEWS&VIEWS::FEATURE > Urban Gardens continued from page 6

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Turning Residents into Neighbors

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Growing Businesses through Urban Farming

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Bannon’s Diabolical Dream Lives On in Wisconsin ::BY JOEL MCNALLY


!"#$ %&'()*+,"$ ,!$ -!,.'($ /+0'$ #!$ 1!((2$ +,2$ &!('$ +3!4#$ 5#'0'$ 6+,,!,!"#$% &'()**+,% -#."$% &)/($01'.&"% ($/(231"$% -#2% 24'$% "#($1"5 $4$6% "2% $7$'"% "#$% 02&"% &')((.72)&% 8$/)37.'14&% .019.4137$% 177% 2:$(% "#$% '2)4"(+!1*"$(% #$% -1&% fired as President Donald Trump’s chief political &"(1"$9.&";% <14424%#16%1%6.1327.'17%6($10%2*%)&.49%#.&%$=5 pertise at putting a completely unqualified bigot .4%"#$%>#."$%?2)&$%"2%'($1"$%#.&%2-4%41".24-.6$% network of corrupt, unfit Republican officials. @"% 177% '10$% '(1&#.49% 62-4% -#$4% 1'')&$6% '#.76% predator Roy Moore, the first candidate Bannon &$7$'"$6%"2%A.'A%2**%#.&%/72",%-1&%6$*$1"$6%3+%1% Democratic civil rights attorney in a U.S. Senate (1'$!.4%B713101,%2*%177%/71'$&; %<14424%.00$6.1"$7+%&14A%2)"%2*%&.9#"%146%72&"% another job: getting fired by Breitbart News, the inflammatory website he’d built into a national platform for the white supremacist alt-right. De5 '$4"%/$2/7$%$:$(+-#$($%'$7$3(1"$6%.4%"#$%&"($$"&,% 3)"% 1//1($4"7+% 014+% >.&'24&.4% 8$/)37.'14&% haven’t heard the news. >.&'24&.4%&".77%#1&%42"%24$,%3)"%"-2,%8$/)37.5 can candidates for federal office who were sleazy

enough to receive Bannon’s personal endorse5 ment. They are Kevin Nicholson—a candidate *2(%"#$%8$/)37.'14%420.41".24%"2%2//2&$%.4')05 bent Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin; and Paul Nehlen—an openly racist, anti-Semitic can5 didate for the congressional seat of fleeing U.S. Rep. and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

Billions in Outsider Money

B46%7$&"%+2)%"#.4A%"#$&$%1($%C)&"%*(.49$%'145 6.61"$&,% !"#$%$&"% ($/2("$6% "#1"% "#(2)9#% :1(.2)&% means, Nicholson’s campaign has received more than $7 million from Richard Uihlein, the Illinois 3.77.241.($% -#2% #1&% 3$$4% 24$% 2*% "#$% /(.01(+% funders of Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s /27.".'17%'1($$(%146%#.&%.775*1"$6%()4%*2(%"#$%/($&.5 6$4'+;% '()* +,-($./%".* !"-% recently identified Uihlein—whose great-grandfather was one of the co-founders of the Schlitz Brewing Co. in D.7-1)A$$!1&% "#$% 7.""7$5A42-4% E0$916242(F% -#2% .&% 6.&()/".49% 8$/)37.'14% /(.01(.$&% 1(2)46% "#$%'2)4"(+%3+%'24"(.3)".49%02($%"#14%GHI%0.75 7.24%"#.&%+$1(%"2%$="($0.&"%'146.61"$&%-#2,%-."#% any luck at all, will be unelectable in November. They’re the sort of donors who run vile, in5 flammatory ads on hot button right-wing issues such as protecting Confederate symbols, crimi5 nalizing abortion, repealing marriage equality 146% 1327.&#.49% '.:.7% (.9#"&% *2(% 0$03$(&% 2*% "#$% LGBTQ community. Uihlein backed Jeanne @:$&,% "#$% $="($0$% /(.01(+% 2//24$4"% 2*% @77.42.&% 8$/)37.'14% J2:;% <()'$% 81)4$(% -#2% #.($6% 1% 6$$/5:2.'$6%017$%1'"2(%"2%1//$1(%.4%1%'200$(5 '.17%-$1(.49%1%6($&&,%#276.49%1%/)(&$%146%"#14A5 .49%J2:;%81)4$(%E*2(%&.94.49%7$9.&71".24%"#1"%7$"&% me use the girls’ bathroom.” Nicholson, a former U.S. Marine without any

other actual qualifications, disparaged his fellow veterans, declaring that any Democrats among #.&%<146%2*%<(2"#$(&%0)&"%#1:$%($")(4$6%#20$% -."#%3(1.4%61019$!1%*1)7"+%E'294.".:$%"#2)9#"% process.” Nicholson absurdly claimed Demo5 crats have “wholesale rejected the Constitution.” Quite the opposite. Democrats, including mil5 lions of veterans, are fighting passionately to pro5 tect the Constitution’s guarantee of equal treat5 0$4"%)46$(%"#$%71-%($91(67$&&%2*%(1'$,%($7.9.24%2(% 41".2417%2(.9.4%.4%"#$%*1'$%2*%($/$1"$6%1&&1)7"&%3+% Nicholson’s party and president. One of the big chuckles about Nicholson’s ra5 bid hatred of Democrats, of course, is that many 2*%#.&%2-4%/1("+%7$16$(&%721"#$%#.0,%42"%*2(%14+% 2*% #.&% 2**5"#$5-177% /27.".'17% '200$4"&% K-#.'#% 247+% /)"% #.0% (.9#"% 1"% #20$% .4% "#$% 8$/)37.'14% Party), but because when Nicholson was in col5 lege, he was, gasp, a Democrat.

Begging for Bad Endorsements

State Sen. Leah Vukmir, the party favorite to oppose Sen. Baldwin until Nicholson began burying her under Uihlein’s avalanche of mil5 7.24&,% /(2:.6$6% &20$% 10)&$0$4"% #$(&$7*;%B*"$(% Bannon’s political plummet, Vukmir demanded Nicholson repudiate Bannon’s endorsement. That gave Nicholson an excuse to leak just how desperately Vukmir had unsuccessfully groveled 3$*2($%<14424%3$99.49%*2(%#.&%$462(&$0$4"; Nehlen, a Republican candidate in the First Congressional District, has experience doing Bannon’s political dirty work. Bannon hated Paul Ryan for failing to endorse Trump’s openly #1"$*)7% 1""1'A&% 24% D$=.'14% 146% D)&7.0% .00.5 9(14"&;% 8+14% /($*$(($6% )&.49% 02($% "(16.".2417% 8$/)37.'14%'26$%-2(6&%"2%1//$17%"2%(1'.&"&;%<($5

itbart and Bannon enthusiastically endorsed Ne5 hlen’s primary challenge to Ryan in 2016, and Trump gave Nehlen several shout-outs. Now Nehlen is back without Ryan to kick around. He’s promoting his candidacy this ".0$%-."#%(1'.&"%1""1'A&%24%D$9#14%D1(A7$! "#$%3.(1'.17%B0$(.'14%1'"($&&%01((+.49%J($1"% Britain’s Prince Harry—and denouncing imaginary Jewish conspiracies against what he proudly calls his “Pro-White” campaign. Don’t count Nehlen out as the Republican '249($&&.2417%420.4$$;

Wisconsin: Making Bannon’s Dream Come True

It’s embarrassing to see Wisconsin still stuck in Bannon’s sick version of the Re5 publican Party. That’s what can happen as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 0$%$1).-* 2.$%)3*6$'.&.24%1772-.49%3.77.241.($&%"2%&/$46% )47.0."$6% 102)4"&% 2*% '1&#% "2% /(202"$% 14+% "-.&"$6%'146.61"$&%2*%"#$.(%'#22&.49;% It’s even worse in Wisconsin because 2*% 1% '2(()/"% &"1"$% &)/($0$% '2)("% 6$'.&.24% shutting down a John Doe investigation into .77$917% '22(6.41".24% 3$"-$$4% 8$/)37.'14% '146.61"$&% 146% -#1"% 1($% *(1)6)7$4"7+% "$(0$6% “independent political groups.” The court ruled it’s not illegal in Wisconsin for outside groups to coordinate directly with politicians’ campaigns. This essentially allows outside 9(2)/&% "2% &/$46% 0.77.24&% 2*% 62771(&% .4% 61(A% 024$+% "2% #$7/% $7$'"% /27.".'.14&% -."#2)"% $:$(% #1:.49% "2% .6$4".*+% "#$% &2)('$&% "#1"% 01+% .4% effect be buying public officials. It’s Steve Bannon’s dream come true. 0"44).%*,%*-()5()63)756)--8&"48%n


You Think the Brewers Will Make the Playoffs Last week we asked if you believe the Milwaukee Brewers will make the playoffs this year. You said: n Yes: 67% n No: 33%

What Do You Say?

Do you believe Donald Trump can successfully negotiate and sign a significant deal with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un? n Yes n No Vote online at We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue. 10 | M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8



Please Don’t Talk Impeachment



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hen I hear people in Congress talking impeachment, too often it’s from congressional members who have done very little for their constituents lately and are looking for some quick press coverage. It’s an easy applause line for a Democratic audience. When I hear some of my friends talking impeachment, I try to tell them they are only firing up Donald Trump’s base. Impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction by the Senate will happen if and only if there is a very clear smoking gun showing anyone other than Trump’s committed base that the president crossed serious criminal lines and betrayed our country. Conviction and removal from office will only occur when moderate Republicans in the Senate decide that Trump’s actions have become too serious to continue to overlook. In President Richard Nixon’s final days, it was moderate and well-respected GOP senators like Howard Baker who met with Nixon and told him in unequivocal terms that it was over. He had to resign or he would be the first president to be removed from office through the impeachment process. Nixon understood. He resigned, and America spent the next several years healing itself. Today, the environment is very different. The atmosphere in Washington, D.C., is far more partisan. In Nixon’s day, there was no Fox News and right-wing talk radio. There was no internet to host lunatic fringe groups who have their dubious interpretations of the facts or their own set of “convenient facts” and who, unfortunately for America, have a sizable audience. Also, there are now a number of Americans— many on the extreme right—who have their own private arsenal of military assault weapons. Impeachments or recall elections are difficult because many Americans get a little uncomfortable with the idea of removing someone from office in the middle of their duly elected term. Courageous elected officials who make some necessary but hard choices often see their popularity go down when they are trying to do “the right thing.” If they had to worry about getting recalled or impeached every time their poll numbers go down, their courage would certainly go down as well, and unfortunately courage isn’t high among elected leaders right now.

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Pushing for Impeachment Fires Up Trump’s Base

So, until it can be shown that Trump committed serious acts—such as colluding with a hostile foreign power to help him win the 2016 election—and moderate Republicans accept the evidence, impeachment and removal from office is just not going to happen. However, what will happen if people keep pushing for impeachment prematurely is that the president’s base will get more fired up and will work harder to keep the Republicans in control of Congress so they can continue to protect the president. Let’s not work against ourselves. We have an honest Republican prosecutor in Robert Mueller, and we need to patiently wait for his report. As long as his investigation proceeds unimpeded, I am convinced that many serious criminal acts by members of the current administration will be uncovered. There are also some very serious questions about Trump and his family and money laundering to be looked into. Also, be careful what you wish for. If Trump is removed from the presidency, Vice President Michael Pence becomes president and will pose as a fresh face on the political scene. Pence is one of the most extreme right-wing politicians in Washington. He is a religious zealot and the darling of the extreme religious right. He is close to all of the right-wing special interest money and the billionaire types like the Koch brothers—which is one of the main reasons Trump selected him as vice president. He also understands how Congress works; he was part of the Republican congressional leadership. Finally, if it gets to the point where the evidence is sufficient to convince enough moderate Republican senators that for the sake of America they have to muster the courage to vote to remove the president, there may also be enough evidence to remove Pence. If, at that time, the speaker of the House is a Democrat, don’t hold your breath on a dual impeachment and conviction. Trust me, moderate Republicans don’t have that much courage unless they plan to retire at the end of their term. Louis Fortis is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the Shepherd Express. Comment at!n


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On The Edge Bar & Grill

Pizza the Main Draw at On The Edge

The biggest draw here is the pizza. It’s Milwaukee style: thin, cracker-like crust, a slightly sweet sauce, and served cut into squares. The edge crust is lightly charred, like it should be, and the middle pieces slump under the weight of all the toppings, which are not skimped on here, especially cheese. Carnivores should opt for the meat lovers pizza ($16.50-$19.50), which is topped with sausage, pepperoni and bacon. I’m not one to eschew vegetables on my pizza, but this is one of the best meatatarian versions around. Fennelheavy Italian sausage is pinched into various shapes and scattered about along with thin pepperoni slices. But the real surprise is the bacon. It’s precooked and crumbled, and every few bites you’ll get a burst of strong, smoky flavor, but it doesn’t overpower the other toppings or even worse, get lost. This is the best rendition of bacon pizza I’ve found. Along the same Italian American bar food lines are mozzarella sticks ($6) and garlic bread ($3.75, or with cheese for $4.50). Both appetizers are solid ver::BY LACEY MUSZYNSKI sions. The mozzarella sticks are huge and wonton wrapped, and you get four to an order along with a side of tangy marinara. The cheese garlic bread, just nless you’re looking for it, On The Edge is like the pizza, doesn’t skimp on cheese. Both go a long way to fill bellies after pretty easy to miss. Attached to the back of the too much beer. Southridge Athletic Club, there’s not much from The rest of the menu is not huge, but it covers the usual favorites. Burgers the street to indicate that a bar and grill lurks and sandwiches run the gamut from a tenderloin sandwich ($9.50) with fried within the large, nondescript building. But pay atonions to a buffalo chicken wrap or sandwich ($8) with pepperjack. Or, keep tention to the sign under SAC’s, because there’s a very on with the Italian theme (why not?) and grab a chicken Parmesan ($8) or Italfriendly tavern with fantastic pizza tucked at the back ian sausage sandwich ($7.50), both covered in marinara and mozzarella. of the building. Like any good bar, fish fry is a big draw on Friday, but is available on On The Edge gets its name from the fact that the Wednesday, too. Cod is available beer battered with slaw, fries and rye bread building is location in Greenfield, but the back parking ($10.75) or baked with wine and Cajun seasoning and served with rice and lot is in Greendale. I can’t imagveggies ($11.25) for a lighter option—this is attached to ine what that means come tax a health club, after all. Fried perch ($12.25) and a fishertime, but it only affects patrons man’s platter with cod, perch and shrimp ($14) round out as a topic of lively conversation the fish fry. if you’re new to the bar. Chances On The Edge There are a number of rotating specials, like a fried are, your bartender, cook or any of chicken dinner with mashed potatoes, taco Tuesday deals Bar & Grill the bar’s regulars would be happy to talk and pizza discounts on Thursday. There are 10 beers on about it, or anything else that comes to mind. 6815 W. Edgerton Ave. tap that rotate seasonally and include a mix of macros That tavern congeniality is only one thing that makes and locals that won’t make anyone call this a beer bar. But 414-421-6244 • $$ On The Edge so appealing. The space itself is a cross bethis is a tavern, and the taps they do have top out at $5.25 tween a bar and a family restaurant with carpeted floors, for brews like Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald. daises that create cozy seating areas, decorative stained Handicapped access: No Next time you’re in the Greenfield area, or famished glass windows, and plenty of TVs, a pool table and a from shopping at Southridge too long, skip the chains CC, RS, FF, FB couple arcade games for the kids. The décor is sparse—not on 76th Street and make a point to seek out On The Edge Hours: M-F 4 p.m.-midnight, unlike the adjoining banquet hall—but the food more instead. A neighborhood tavern with excellent pizza is a than makes up for it. Sa-Su 11 a.m.-midnight real treat.

12 | M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8



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All inquiries are confidential. This study is funded through private donations to the Rogers Memorial Hospital Foundation.


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Bursting with Flavors Sampler

11a-2p at all stores

Much like the merry month of May, our stores are abloom with the flavors of the season. Stop by and try beverages featuring flavors from rose to lavender, cheeses awash with

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floral flavors, baked treats and more at this one of a kind flower child sampler.

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4 stores and a cafĂŠ in greater Milwaukee to serve you. Visit for locations and store hours. '

M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 ! 13



Pinehold Gardens

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Y NOW, YOU’RE WELL AWARE OF THE FARM-TO-TABLE DINING MOVEMENT. It’s gained so much steam over the last decade that it’s become ubiquitous. Diners are accustomed to seeing produce, meat and dairy farm sources listed on restaurant menus and websites, much to the delight of the hardworking farmers who have historically worked under the radar—at least as far as the dining public is concerned. Any chef worth their salt has always been concerned about and interested in where their ingredients come from. The recent farm-to-table trend is not really about chefs: It’s about diners becoming aware and interested in exactly what they’re eating and where it came from, something that chefs have always known, but haven’t necessarily been prompted to promote. Chefs are more than happy to share that information with diners, who lap up the information, whether it’s because of curiosity, a genuine desire to support local farmers or a trend they can hashtag on Instagram. No matter the reasoning behind it, the farm-to-table movement is likely here to stay. Chefs love the farmers, producers and foragers who supply their restaurants as much for their products as their commitment to creating an open, safe and local supply chain. We asked local chefs and restaurateurs to tell us which local farms they source their produce, meat and dairy from. While the list is by no means comprehensive, it gives conscientious consumers a great lineup of local, sustainable farms that they can support directly.

LotFotL Community Farms

mushrooms. This family run farm uses only organic growing methods. A small amount of CSA shares are available.

W7036 Quinney Road, Elkhorn Tim Huth’s farm in Elkhorn has a funny name, until you learn that it’s an acronym for “living off the fat of the land.” All kinds of produce is grown here, including greens, heirloom tomatoes, squashes, potatoes and garlic, to name a few. Get your hands on some of their fresh produce by signing up for a CSA share and enjoy the produce bounty all growing season long, or stop by their booth at the South Shore Farmers Market.

Mushroom Mike

Eat them at: Bavette la Boucherie

Big City Greens

Eat them at: Lake Park Bistro

906 E. Hamilton St. You might not have guessed it, but there’s a farm just a couple blocks north of Brady Street. Big City Greens grows mostly microgreens and a few other vegetables and herbs indoors year round, with a small patch of land for outdoor growing in summer. Like many farms, they’ve diversified their business to include foraging as well, in particular for wild 14 | M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8

Eat them at: Lazy Susan

448 E. Bruce St. The go-to guy for mushrooms in Milwaukee, Mike Jozwik has become somewhat of a celebrity among the city’s food obsessed. He cultivates 10+ types of mushrooms in a warehouse facility in Harbor View, complete with a futuristic-looking science lab to continue bringing the best, safest mushrooms and microgreens to area restaurants. He even won an award for the largest morel mushroom by weight. Look for him and his ’shrooms at area farmers markets.

Jeff-Leen Farm

Eat them at: Buckley’s

N254 County Highway I, Random Lake Jeff-Leen has been a family owned farm since 1868. Current owners Jeff and Kathy Preder are the fifth generation of their family to run the farm. They raise Piedmontese beef,

Shared Seasons Farm

pastured chickens and turkeys, and sell eggs as well. None of their animals are injected with antibiotics, steroids or hormones, and the pastures they graze in are certified organic. You can purchase their beef, chicken and eggs at the Tosa and Fox Point farmers markets.

Farm 45 LLC

Eat them at: Braise

3180 Highway C, Jackson Farm 45 owner Terry Groth uses sustainable farming methods to raise lambs and goats. His great grandfather started the farm about 130 years ago and he’s still utilizing the same land today. The farm uses a method of pasturing the animals called rotational grazing, where the animals are moved to new pasture every few days to graze and fertilize the area. Watch their Facebook page in summer for info about upcoming dinners on their farm.

Pinn-Oak Ridge Farms Eat them at: Sanford

N5784 Johnson Road, Delavan Steve and Darlene Pinnow own and operate Pinn-Oak Ridge Farms, which supplies lamb to restaurants in Milwaukee, Madison and Chicago. Their lambs are hormone- and antibiotic-free, under 10 months of age when slaughtered, and grain fed for at least 30 days to enhance the flavor of the meat. You can purchase their lamb from Metcalfe’s Market in Wauwatosa, or order online directly from the farm.

Produce with Purpose

Eat them at: Kindred on KK

W2923 Fourth St., Fond du Lac Rick and Dawn Slager are dedicated to growing and providing produce with sustainable methods and teaching the public about the process. They grow close to 40 different varieties of produce on their two-acre farm in Fond du Lac County, including heirloom and cherry tomatoes, carrots, beats, onions, Brussels sprouts and potatoes. Get your hands on their fruits and veggies by signing up for their CSA, or ordering one-time boxes of produce on their website.

Fine Fettle Farm Eat them at: Morel Heather Hall and Amy Wallner’s Fine Fettle Farm is a little wonderland of beautiful produce. They grow rainbow carrots, multiple colors of bright beets, purple daikon radish and many colors of tomatoes. Greens, herbs, broccoli, melons and leeks round out the offerings of this diversiSHEPHERD EXPRESS


LotFotL Community Gardens

fied, sustainable farming operation. You can find them at the Fox Point Farmers Market this season.

Central Greens

Eat them at: Maxie’s

470 N. Storyhill Parkway This certified organic urban indoor farm uses aquaponics to grow a variety of microgreens and herbs. Central Greens grows their plants in beds floating on top of water, without soil. The water comes from fish tanks with thousands of fish, which is full of natural fertilizer. Once the plants have used the nutrients in the water, it goes back to the fish tanks and the process starts again. It requires significantly less water than traditional farming and no added fertilizer. Buy their greens at Sendik’s Food Market, Outpost Natural Foods, Woodman’s Markets and Whole Foods.

Golden Rod Cottage /Urban Farm Eat them at: Pasta Tree

3130 W. Juneau Ave. Golden Rod Cottage and Urban Farms is a little bit different than any other farm on this list. Owner Stephen Seefeldt started a garden after an accident made him examine his eating habits. He wanted to expand, so he recruits homeowners to grow produce for the farm in their front and back yards. In exchange, they get a large CSA share during the growing season. Thanks to him, more than 50 varieties of vegetables are now grown all over the West Side of Milwaukee. Look for his popup stand at Kettle Range Meats on Saturday and at Robert’s Upholstery on First Street on Sunday (both 10 a.m.-2 p.m.); learn more about the business by searching “Golden Rod Cottage/Urban Farm” on Facebook.

Ney’s Big Sky

Eat them at: Goodkind

1366 E. Sumner St. #4, Hartford Founded in 1965 and on its second generation of ownership, Ney’s Big Sky raises beef, poultry and pork. Cattle make up the bulk of their livestock, and are raised on a grass-fed diet with rotational grazing. Besides supplySHEPHERD EXPRESS

ing unprocessed and dry-aged beef, Ney’s also does their own processing, including numerous flavors of brats and sausages, beef patties and bacon. You can purchase their products directly from their website, or find them at the South Shore Farmers Market.

Shared Seasons Farm Eat them at: Amilinda

W4535 County Highway A, Fredonia Paul and Sara Huber rented land and founded Shared Seasons Farm in 2013. Three years later, they were able to move to a new small scale, diversified vegetable and egg farm in Fredonia. They grow 35 different vegetables and herbs using sustainable and organic practices. Purchase their produce at the Brookfield and Tosa farmers markets, or sign up for their egg delivery program for fresh eggs each week.

ì No Event We Caní t Handleî

Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner • Catering

Yuppie Hill Poultry

Eat them at: Beans & Barley

W1384 Potter Road, Burlington Lynn Lein started farming in 1999 with only a dozen hens. Now she runs Yuppie Hill Poultry with more than 2,500 laying hens, plus turkeys and Berkshire hogs. The farm’s name comes from Lein being teased that her hens led such a good life that they were yuppies. Hens are fed local grains without hormones or antibiotics and have plenty of room to perch, scratch and roam. Watch for their trailer at local farmers markets, or sign up for one of their “dinner on the farm” meals.

15419 W National Ave New Berlin, WI 53151


Pinehold Gardens

Eat them at: La Merenda

1807 E. Elm Road, Oak Creek The owners of Pinehold Gardens, Sandy Raduenz and David Kozlowski, did not come from a farming family. But that didn’t stop them from leaving their office jobs in their 40s and purchasing their 21-acre Oak Creek farm in 2004. They grow 45 different kinds of fruits and vegetables and power their farm with solar panels. Cook with some of their produce by signing up for their CSA or stopping by their on-farm stand every Saturday morning.

517 N. Main Street Thiensville, WI 53092


Catering 414-803-5177 M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 | 15

!"#$% 1434 N FARWELL AVE ï

276-7288 ï

"#&& ::SPORTS


all shows 21+

All shows at 8 pm unless otherwise indicated Tickets available at Shank Hall Box Office, 866-468-3401, or at

Fri 5/11

Bob Schneider MOBLEY


Sat 5/12



Big Bang Baby



Thurs 5/17

Fri 5/18

Wild Adriatic, Richard Buckner $15

Copper Box $15

Sat 5/19

Wed 5/23

The Loviní Kind, Failure To Launch $9

Ana Popovic



5/25 Smoke DZA, Bodega Bamz 5/28 Matt Costa, Elizabeth and the Catapult 5/29 Judith Owen featuring the legendary Leland Sklar

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Getting a Head Start Toward a Winning Record

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Racine Theatre Guild’s ‘Sister Act’

DEBUT BY JASMINE RIDGELL, TOP-NOTCH PRODUCTION COMES TO RACINE THEATRE GUILD ::BY JOHN JAHN his is my first show with Racine Theatre Guild,” says Milwaukee-bornand-raised singer Jasmine Ridgell, “and it’s been an amazing experience working with one of the most professional community theaters I’ve ever worked with.” Ridgell, who’s formerly performed with Kenosha’s Lakeside Players and Metro Milwaukee Voices—as well as in productions at Alchemist Theatre and Waukesha Civic Theatre and other area companies—takes on the starring role of Deloris Van Cartier in Racine Theatre Guild’s upcoming production of Sister Act. Sister Act is known to most by its enduring musical comedy feature film of 1992, which starred Whoopi Goldberg in the role Ridgell will be taking on. Directed by Emile Ardolino, written by Joseph Howard and with musical arrangements by Marc Shaiman, the film was one of the most financially successful comedies of the early 1990s, eventually grossing $231 million worldwide. Clearly, there was something here to work with. It spawned a film sequel in ’93, but the most durable form Sister Act has taken in the years since its feature film debut has been as a live staged musical comedy.


The stage musical version—with music by Alan Menken, lyrics by Glenn Slater and book by Bill and Cheri Steinkellner—debuted in 2006 and has been in production by numerous touring and local theatrical companies around the world ever since. And for good reason; its fish-out-of-water story and engaging music make for a potent, poignant and amusing combination. “Sister Act is a comedy,” Ridgell says, “but can be really emotional at times. It’s a powerful thing, being able to share such relatable perspectives with an audience.” For those who might have seen Sister Act only on film— or perhaps in a more traditional theater setting—director Douglas Instenes lets us know that the audience will be fairly well immersed in the onstage proceedings at RTG’s performances. “Our theater has a thrust stage and is only 10 rows deep, so the feeling the audience gets is much different from a proscenium theater,” he says. “Sets are different as well as staging and choreography. You are extremely close to the action.” As for the music, Instenes says that he “hired a company called MT Pit to produce a digital orchestration. Our theater doesn’t have a pit or any place appropriate for a live band when we produce larger musicals.” For those who might think this a negative in any way, know that this is common practice these days and the results are, when done right, perfectly fine. As Ridgell adds, “We’re using recordings, and the speaker system is so high quality, it sounds just like a live band!” Sister Act is filled with music, dance, comedy and drama. The plot revolves around Deloris Van Cartier (in the film, this was Goldberg’s character) who, given some shady friends, her witnessing their shady shenanigans and, later, her interaction with suspicious authorities, is forced to go into the witness protection program. She’s a street-smart, sultry lounge singer, so why not hide her in the most unlikely of environments, a convent? That’s what happens, and Deloris Van Cartier becomes “Sister Mary Clarence.” Here, she doesn’t suffer in silence through life in, for her, a surely most alien existence, but finds herself making friends, finding her own, true voice and brightening the lives of the actual nuns as well. In Racine Theatre Guild’s production, in addition to Ridgell, other Racine actors and singers will be making Theatre their company debut in Sister Act. These are Waverly McCollum in one Guild of the principal roles as Sister Mary Sister Act Robert, as well as six others among May 11-27 the chorus of nuns and nightclub characters. In addition, the cast includes Robbyn Wilks as Mother Superior, Dawn Van Ess as Sister Mary Lazarus and Anne Mollerskov as Sister Mary Patrick. The “bad guys” consist of Curtis (Bob Benson) and his cohorts in crime (Patrick Schneider, Malcolm Jae O’Shea and Paul Marquez). Norgie Montes De Oca-Metzinger plays Eddie, the cop who’s got Deloris’ back. The show is, according to RTG’s Joycelyn Fish, “supported by a massive crew of costumers, set builders, technicians and production members.” Sister Act will be performed May 11-27 at the Racine Theatre Guild, 2519 Northwestern Ave., Racine. For tickets, call 262-633-4218 or visit

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::THISWEEKINMILWAUKEE SATURDAY, MAY 12 A Mother’s Day Weekend R&B Tour @ Miller High Life Theatre, 7 p.m.

As ’90s R&B has been rediscovered by a new generation of listeners, SWV have enjoyed a resurgence in recent years. One of the best-selling girl groups of all time, the pioneering vocal trio recorded hit after hit in the early ’90s, including “I’m So into You,”“Weak” and “Right Here/ Human Nature,” all of which appeared on their 1992 It’s About Time. Since reuniting from a hiatus last decade, the trio has released two solid new albums, 2012’s I Missed Us and 2016’s Still. The group headlines the Mother’s Day weekend show with fellow R&B veterans Kelly Price, Lil Mo, Bobby V (formerly known as Bobby Valentino; he’s the guy who sang the police siren noises on Lil Wayne’s “Mrs. Officer”) and Pleasure P (from the group Pretty Ricky). Flatbush Zombies


Flatbush Zombies w/ Kirk Knight and Nyck Caution @ The Rave, 8 p.m.

New York may no longer be hip-hop’s creative center, but there’s still no shortage of young talent coming out of the city. Flatbush Zombies have been one of the better acts to emerge from Brooklyn over the last few years, a group with a clear appreciation for the genre’s past and a clear vision for where they’d like to take it going forward. On their 2016 debut album, 3001: A Laced Odyssey, they resurrect the gritty horrorcore sound pioneered by The Gravediggaz then put their own bleakly psychedelic spin on it, creating an album that feels strangely out of time. The band’s new sophomore album Vacation in Hell is even more expansive, and features guest spots from Joey Badass, Jadakiss, A$AP Twelvvy, Bun B and, most surprisingly, the alternative band Portugal. The Man.

Bob Schneider w/ Mobley @ Shank Hall, 8 p.m.

Singer-songwriter Bob Schneider has tightened his sound considerably over the years. On his earliest records, the Austin, Texas, troubadour hopped around from genre to genre, touching on classic rock reggae-twinged jam rock, hip-hopinflected folk and lovelorn ballads. But for his 2006 album, The Californian, Schneider restricted himself to just direct roots rock, resulting in an album that captured the energy of his live shows. Subsequent releases have maintained that energy, including 2009’s Lovely Creatures, a career high that featured some spirited forays into Latin music, and his uplifting new album, Blood and Bones, which reflects on his new life as a husband and a father (“It’s nice to be alive,” he sings). His domestic life hasn’t stopped him from touring. Each year he posts dozens of recordings of his freewheeling live shows to his Bandcamp page.

Todd Rundgren’s Utopia @ The Pabst Theater, 7 p.m.

To the masses, Todd Rundgren is best known for his catchy, irresistibly silly novelty hit “Bang the Drum All Day,” a song that in no way captures the depth and diversity of his body of work. He’s worked with artists as diverse as Janis Joplin, Badfinger, The Band, Hall & Oates, XTC, Patti Smith, The New York Dolls and The Cars—whom he briefly fronted during a reunion tour—but never let those outside projects get in the way of his own solo career. Many fans, though, feel that Rundgren did some of his best work with his band Utopia, which he’s toured and recorded with intermittently since the early ’70s (although the band’s last studio album, P.O.V., came out in 1985). The current version of the band features longtime members John Wilcox and Kasim Sulton, who sung the band’s biggest hit, 1980’s “Set Me Free.”

SUNDAY, MAY 13 Damien Jurado w/ Naomi Wachira @ The Back Room at Colectivo, 8 p.m.

Since the mid-’90s, Seattle’s Damien Jurado has been recording pretty songs about ugly emotions, sung mostly in a husky voice that suits his blunt lyrics. After a series of buzzed-about cassette-only releases in the ’90s, he cemented his reputation as one of indie-rock’s great songwriters with a trio of turn-of-the-century releases for Sub Pop, including his breakthrough, Rehearsals for Departure, but he’s done some of his best work for his current label Secretly Canadian, for which he’s released more than 10 records, including his absolutely gorgeous new The Horizon Just Laughed. Few songwriters, from indie-rock or otherwise, have released so many consistently exceptional records.

Joe Richter @ Anodyne Coffee Walker’s Point, 8 p.m.

Milwaukee singer/songwriter Joe Richter’s songs have always captured a sense of joy and hope, and that’s truer than ever on his new album, Revival, his first with a full band. For the album Richter called on some of the city’s most seasoned session players including, on the album’s uplifting lead single “Happy Tears,” fellow songwriter Willy Porter, who lends some memorable guitar. Touching on folk, blues, country and gospel, the record is a testament to the comforts of love. He plays this album release show at Anodyne Coffee’s Walker’s Point location. 18 | M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8




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:::>9?@ABC David Byrne

Exhibits | Kids Activities Refreshments | Raffles

Free Shuttle Between Museums


TUESDAY, MAY 15 David Byrne w/ Benjamin Clementine @ The Riverside Theater, 8 p.m.

David Byrne has never been one to coast on past accomplishments, though he could certainly be forgiven if he did. As the leader of Talking Heads, Byrne was responsible for some of the most exciting rock and adventurous pop music of the ’70s and ’80s. That restless spirit has carried through his solo albums, as well as his recent collaboration albums with Brian Eno, Fatboy Slim and St. Vincent. His latest record, American Utopia, is his first truly solo album in 14 years, and at its best it recalls the electrifying art rock of his heyday, especially on the jamming lead single “Everybody’s Coming to My House.” For this current tour with a 12-piece band, Byrne has promised a highly choreographed show that he’s calling “the most ambitious show I’ve done since the shows that were filmed for Stop Making Sense,” which is saying something. As with past tours, the concert will include songs from both his solo career and his days with the Talking Heads.

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Black Rebel Motorcycle Club w/ Pete International Airport @ The Rave, 8 p.m.

On their turn-of-the-century debut album, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club really did feel like rebels, deftly making the case for loud, psychedelic rock ’n’ roll at a time when it had fallen out of favor. The prominent garage-rock revival of the early 2000s vindicated the San Francisco group, but it also left them without much of an obvious mission statement, putting these one-time insurgents for the first time on defense instead of offense. The band threw a curveball with 2005’s Howl, branching out to explore acoustic blues and folk, but subsequent albums have been less radical, with bluesy undertones mostly drowned out by the trio’s traditionalist, electric rock. Like its predecessors, the band’s new Wrong Creatures is another back-to-basics affair, but it’s a solid one, featuring some memorably moody guitar riffs.

Yonatan Gat w/ Storm Chaser, Soup Moat and Q The Sun @ Cactus Club, 8 p.m.

If you never caught a Monotonix show, you missed out. The American record label Drag City signed the eccentric Israeli garage-rock group Monotonix largely on the strength of the group’s wild live show. The group disbanded in 2015, but their energy lives on in guitarist and founding member Yonatan Gat’s solo work, which builds on the psychedelic punk of his former project while putting his blistering guitar even further front and center. In 2015 he released his debut full-length album, Director, as well as the Steve Albini-produced EP called Physical Copy. His latest album, Cockfight, was released this month and features production from David Berman of the Silver Jews and Calvin Johnson of K Records fame.


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::PERFORMINGARTSWEEK For More to Do, visit

“Strings Attached” Frankly Music’s season finale at Schwan Concert Hall amounts to a festival for stringed instruments. As the ensemble’s leader and founder, violinist Frank Almond, says, “Our final concert, ‘Strings Attached,’ features a string extravaganza with the rarely heard Grande Sestetto of Mozart, along with the much-loved Brahms Sextet No. 1.” Frankly Music welcomes back violist Toby Appel and cellist Nicholas Canellakis— the latter of whom makes his debut with Frankly Music in this concert. Brahms’ String Sextet No. 1 in B-Flat Major, Op. 18 was premiered via an ensemble led by legendary Brahms enthusiast, violinist, conductor, composer and teacher Joseph Joachim. Brahms was (almost) breaking new ground with this string sextet for, prior to its composition in 1860, very few such chamber works existed; you have to go back to the 13 of such pieces by Luigi Boccherini several decades earlier. Mozart’s Grande Sestetto Concertante in E-Flat Major—an arrangement of his popular Sinfonia Concertante, K. 364—is a delightful, mature, threemovement work of the Austrian genius from 1779. (John Jahn) Monday, May 14 at 7 p.m. at Schwan Concert Hall, Wisconsin Lutheran College, 8815 W. Wisconsin Ave. For tickets, visit Frank Almond BY JENNIFER BRINDLEY

“Legends and Masters” The historic Downtown Milwaukee Pabst Theater hosts the Festival City Symphony—under the baton of the orchestra’s new music director and conductor, Carter Simmons—for a concert of celestial music that brings folktales to life. Maestro Simmons, who concurrently serves as the artistic and music director of the Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra, has been praised by FCS chairman and CEO Franklyn Esenberg for “bringing a long background of classical music knowledge [with him] that will help our orchestra maintain the high standards that it has demonstrated as Wisconsin’s oldest continuously performing symphony orchestra.” Works on the program are the overture to Der Freischütz by Carl Maria von Weber (1821); an orchestrated version of the solo piano Intermezzo, Op. 119, No. 2 (1893)—also known as the Black Swan—by Johannes Brahms; Engelbert Humperdinck’s prelude to Hänsel und Gretel (1893); and the magnificent, stunning and seamless Symphony No. 7 in C Major, Op. 105 (1924) of Jean Sibelius. (John Jahn) Sunday, May 13, at the Pabst Theater, 144 E. Wells St. For tickets, call 262-8536085 or visit

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“Moving Beyond the Battlefield” “When you’re young, things can seem overwhelming,” said Lake Arts Project co-founder Karl von Rabenau. “So how do we focus on what’s good? How do we manifest that in ourselves so we can manifest it in the world?” His organization provides area high school students with immersive art experiences through the creation of original multidisciplinary performances. For its fifth annual spring concert, married co-founders von Rabineau and Jennifer Miller gathered young writers, musicians, visual artists and dancers together with dancer-choreographer Adam McKinney, a former Alvin Ailey Dance Company member and current co-founder of DNAWORKS, a service organization committed to healing through the arts; and with Milwaukee’s powerful Shakespeare company of post-deployment military veterans, Feast of Crispian. The vets brought classical performance practices to the creative process and McKinney brought storytelling through expressive and therapeutic movement. This show, which includes the McKinney premiere “From Shining See,” is the result. The Milwaukee-born McKinney met Miller and Rabenau when all three were members of Milwaukee Ballet. An assistant professor of dance at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, he’s returned at their behest for this project. “As a choreographer,” he says, “I feel it’s my responsibility to create works that deal with important social issues. In dance, we deal with our bodies and our bodies naturally hold trauma. The arts can be a means toward healing and reconciliation. My vision for our communities is to use the arts for truth telling, sharing stories and creating allies in places that have disallowed connection.” (John Schneider) 7:30 p.m. May 12 and 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. May 13 at Danceworks, 1661 N. Water St. Free for active military and veterans, $15 general admission. For tickets, call 414-277-8480 ext. 6025 or visit


C’mon Get Happy: A Judy Garland Tribute Born Frances Ethel Gumm, Judy Garland went on to a lifelong career as a singer, actress and vaudevillian. “Lifelong” is not the least bit hyperbolic; her performing career spanned 45 of her 47 years. Her film career included such timeless musicals as The Wizard of Oz, Meet Me in St. Louis, The Harvey Girls and Easter Parade. In 1997, Judy Garland was awarded a posthumous Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. Numerous Garland song recordings have been inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame, and in 1999, the American Film Institute placed her among the 10 greatest female stars of classical American cinema. Quite obviously, there is much to go on for a tribute concert dedicated to the legendary Judy Garland, and that’s what Sunset Playhouse has put together. Kerry Hart Bieneman—who, last season, gave a sold-out George Gershwin concert at Sunset—here takes on Garland’s repertoire accompanied by pianist Johnny Rodgers. Rodgers, himself, is no novice to this material by any means; quite the contrary, he was music director for Garland’s daughter, Liza Minnelli, for 18 years. (John Jahn) May 12 and 13 at Sunset Playhouse, 800 Elm Grove Road, Elm Grove. For tickets, call 262-782-4430 or visit





Illustration by Scott Radke

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Windfall’s ‘Celebration’ Philosophizes in Song and Dance ::BY SELENA MILEWSKI



Judy Moody in First Stage’s Sparkling ‘Treasure Hunt’

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22 | M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8

Clever Columbo Returns to the Stage at Alchemist Theatre ::BY HARRY CHERKINIAN


)*$!,*% B,57?:,% '*+% -)% !??)+!1 '$)59%$.!*;%,2%$.'$%"7?05)+%0,5!/)% +)$)/$!A)%-!$.%'*%7*5!$%/!('"!54+&$! ?$/<,,)$,!.100$6!,$)%74'$,!)$7%+0&! +/!B`!/10&!/+6!.10(!($16&" But the wily detective actually first got his start in a 3)1(!GN!($16&!17+!1&!1!&$-+0,16(!-4161-'$6"!:0,!:)-4$2 .%&'!B4$1'6$!41&!?6+<74'!'4$!?$)+=$,!-4161-'$6!?1-@!'+! )%/$!%0!9'E"<L'.%;31483,P+,')%&"3#13C%B4$!56%'%07!%&! &4163>!-)$=$6!10,!4<.+6+<&!a-6$,%'!F%))%1.!_%0@!10,! R%-416,!_"!_$=%0&+0b!10,!.(&'$6(!/10&!5%))!)+=$!'4$! &<636%&$!$0,%07"

But first, there’s the murder: A psychiatrist and his .%&'6$&&!3)+'!10,!@%))!4%&!5%/$!&+!'4$(!-10!?$!'+7$'4$6"! F$! @0+5! 54+! '4$! @%))$6&! 16$! /6+.! '4$! &'16'"! L'9&! '4$! -1'210,2.+<&$!71.$!'41'!$0&<$&!'41'!.1@$&!51'-4%07! '4%&!3)1(!$0717%07!10,!/<0"!:0,!,%6$-'+6!:16+0!A+3$-! highlights the interpersonal conflicts and relationships <3/6+0'!%0!'4%&!%0'%.1'$!3&(-4+)+7%-1)!,61.$,(" B4$! $0&$.?)$! +/! &$=$0! a%0-)<,%07! 1! )%=$! 133$162 10-$!?(!?1&&$'!4+<0,!R</<&!cJb!16$!5$))!-1&'"!:&!'4$! .<6,$6%07!4<&?10,>!S46%&!Q++,$!&@%))/<))(!&4+5&!'4$! 761,<1)!.$0'1)!,$'$6%+61'%+0!1&!'4$!@%))$6&9!3)+'!<061=2 $)&!+=$6!'4$!-+<6&$!+/!'4%&!36+,<-'%+0"!D6$0,1!U+33(! 41&!1!,$)%74'/<)!,$1,310!]<1)%'(!1&!4%&!.%&'6$&&>!&$-2 +0,27<$&&%07!4$6&$)/>!?$,$-@$,!%0!6$'6+!9NH&!41%6>!.%0%! &@%6'&!10,!)167$>!)++3(!$166%07&" D<'!1&!S+)<.?+>!R10,1))!B"!:0,$6&+0!%&!1!&'10,+<'[! %'9&!&+!$1&(!'+!-+.316$!4%.!'+!'4$!B`!=$6&%+0!aU$'$6! #1)@b"!D<'!4$!-)$16)(!.1@$&!'4$!6+)$!4%&!+50>!-13'<62 %07!&%.%)16!.100$6%&.&!a'4$!3<VV)$,!/1-1,$>!'4$!-%716! 410,! 7$&'<6$&b>! ($'! $0'%6$)(! ?$)%$=1?)$! 1'! '4$! &1.$! '%.$"! :0,$6&+0! %&! &%.3)(! /1&-%01'%07! '+! 51'-4[! '4$! predictable shuffle turns into a quick turnaround and 10!$0'6133%07!]<$&'%+0!1&@$,!+//27<16,"!L'9&!'4$!)%'')$! 7$&'<6$&!'41'!1,,!<3!'+!+0$!.1d+6!3$6/+6.10-$" B4$!&4+5!%'&$)/!41&!10!+=$61))!B`!/$$)!'+!%'"!S6$,%'! '4$! 56%'$6&9! ?1-@76+<0,&>! '4$! <&$! +/! 9NH&2&+<0,%07! .<&%-! '+! -6$1'$! '$0&%+0! 10,! /+6$&41,+5%07>! '4$! 41%6! 10,!-+&'<.$&"!D<'!%0!'4$!$0,>!'4$6$9&!1)51(&!_%$<'$02 10'!S+)<.?+"!:0,!4$!1)51(&!7$'&!541'!4$9&!1/'$6!%0!'4$! end: the truth. No matter what the stakes. /03'"60%&($%@J%(+%+01%=E801<,4+%/01(+312%AQHJ%*C% R,)),8-,)),8% =K1C% D'3% <'31% ,):'3<(+,')2% K,4,+! +01(EG 801<,4++01(+31C8'<" SHEPHERD EXPRESS



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!"#$#%&'(")&*+ ,-.*(/&/.%+0"'.%)1+'$+ 0"'&2)*+322/*+45*)56+ ::BY TYLER FRIEDMAN

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Music by Alan Menken | Lyrics by Glenn Slater Book by Cheri Steinkellner & Bill Steinkellner Additional Book Material by Douglas Carter Beane Based on the Touchstone Pictures Motion Picture Sister Act written by Joseph Howard

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MAY 11 - 27 262.633.4218 !"#$%&'(&"'!&)*!+

Charles Allis Art Museum 1801 N. Prospect Ave.

Chip Duncan and Mohamed Amin understand art’s power to address societal ills. Kenyan photojournalist Amin (1943-1996) is perhaps best known for exposing Ethiopia’s famine crisis during the 1980s, although he Mohamed Amin, The Driver (Kenya), 1973 also documented wars, natural disasters and other calamities— always with the hope that his images would rally the world to incite change. Since the 1980s, Milwaukee’s Chip Duncan has documented the effect of humanitarian crises on the folk of more than 40 developing countries, from Burma to Afghanistan. “Inspiring Change: The Photography of Chip Duncan and Mohamed Amin,” May 10 through Oct. 21 at the Charles Allis Art Museum, features three galleries of photographs and documentary videos that present a cross-section of the documentarians’ work. On May 18, Mohamed Amin’s son, Salim Amin, will visit Milwaukee to present Mo & Me, a documentary about his father’s life and work.

9&=>,6?--)96$-6:)9&=-)5,3)@ABC Various locations along North Prospect North Terrace and North Wahl avenues

Five museums dot a scenic span of North Prospect Avenue, which has accordingly been deemed “Museum Mile.” On Sunday, May 13—Mother’s Day—these five institutions will wave or reduce their admission fees, offer free docent-led tours, set out snacks and have prepared activities to entertain the children while the adults mingle and contemplate. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. a shuttle will run continuously between the five museums: Jewish Museum Milwaukee, the Museum of Wisconsin Art at Saint John’s On The Lake, the Charles Allis Art Museum, Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum and North Point Lighthouse.


Woodson Art Museum • 700 N. 12th St., Wausau Photography has taken Ian Plant to extraordinary places: to the tops of active volcanoes, in pursuit of endangered animals and into Wisconsin ice caves. On May 12 and 13, photography brings Plant to Wausau’s Woodson Art Museum for a brief, yet busy, residency. From 1-2 p.m. on Saturday, May 12, the photographer will lead a gallery tour of the Woodson’s ongoing “Rarely Seen: Photographs of the Extraordinary” exhibition, which includes his Ice Cave Wisconsin. Afterwards, from 3-6 p.m., Plant will lead a class for intermediate photographers entitled “Lessons from the Field,” touching on both technical and philosophical issues (call 715-845-7010 to register). On Sunday from 1-2 p.m., Plant will share his favorite photos and the stories of their capture.


M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 | 23


[ FILM CLIPS ] Avengers: Infinity War PG-13

It’s been two years since the Avengers were torn apart by events in Captain America: Civil War. The out-sized villain, Thanos (Josh Brolin in motion capture), arrives on Earth for a smash-and-grab to seize the Infinity Stones required to end half the universe. Determined to stop him, the fractured Avengers join forces with Guardians of the Galaxy. The spectacle of this film is beyond the beyond—a result of well-imagined special effects produced by 10 different effects studios, including ILM (Industrial Light & Magic). Directed by the Russo brothers, who also helmed the Captain America movies, Infinity War successfully juggles its dozen-plus characters over a two-and-a-half hour run-time. Filmed in IMAX and 3D, Infinity War: Part Two is scheduled for release in May 2019. You can almost hear the fans cheer as each part ushers in summer blockbuster season. (Lisa Miller)

‘The Rider’

Breaking In PG-13

When Shaun Russell (Gabrielle Union) brings her adolescent kids to the home of her recently deceased father, she has no idea that her dad kept a valuable secret at his remote country estate. The truth is known to Eddie (Billy Burke) and his violent thugs, who break into the house and lock Shaun outside, while Eddie holds her kids hostage inside. He engages the home’s high-tech protective measures, making it virtually impossible for Shaun to reach her children. To save them all, Shaun must overcome these defenses and stop Eddie before he finds his prize and disposes of her family. Released to coincide with Mother’s Day, here comes another reason to appreciate mom. (Lisa Miller)

Life of the Party PG-13

Melissa McCarthy portrays Deanna Miles—a 40-something, stay-at-home mom—until her husband abruptly dumps her for another woman. To take back her life, Deanna returns to college, where she plans to earn the degree she abandoned when she married Dan (Matt Walsh). The catch is, Deanna chooses the same college currently attended by her daughter, Jennifer (Debby Ryan), who can only cringe when Deanna gets drunk at a frat house party and disappears into a member’s bedroom for the night. Meanwhile, Deanna’s ex-husband also attempts to reclaim his lost youth, piercing his ear and donning a ridiculous, garish diamond stud. McCarthy teams with real-life husband Ben Falcone, (who directs) in this, their third big-screen effort. McCarthy and Falcone, however, seem to be unaware that 105 minutes spent being embarrassed for Deanna is a very long time. (L.M.)

‘The Rider’

Visual Poetry, Rodeo Country and ‘The Rider’ ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN


uiet and moody, The Rider is a repo man wants the trailer where Brady lives remarkable visual poem that with his developmentally disabled kid sister and reveals its story through the ac- his father, who drinks and gambles away what cumulation of small details. The little money they have at the casino. Riding a protagonist, Brady Blackburn bucking bronco is Brady’s hoop dream. (Brady Jandreau), is an ill-looking young man The Rider has many arresting scenes, includgulping down a fistful of pills and picking at the ing Brady’s visit to the grave of his mother, its bandage on his head. He has a marker rising above a field of metal plate in his skull, lives tall but stingy grass whisperThe Rider on a vast plain under a big sky ing in the wind, and the many and tries—and fails—to lasso episodes under the pale moon Brady Jandreau a dummy bull. He’s just out of of an endless sky unsmudged Directed by the hospital. He’s a rodeo rider by the electric lights of civilizaChloé Zhao who has had a serious fall. tion. Brady is featured often in Directed by Chloé Zhao, close-ups, downcast and worRated R Chinese born but residing in ried by the nurse’s assertion that the U.S., The Rider is set on the he should never ride again. The Lakota Sioux reservation. It’s a country of big Rider is less about the sport of rodeo than the hats, open spaces, wild horses and—for fun on camaraderie of men drawn together by the adSaturday night—the rodeo. Poverty and social venture of an experience where every second is problems are the shadows at the margin. The a gamble. 24 | M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8

[ HOME MOVIES / NOW STREAMING ] Killing for Love

Elizabeth Haysom plotted the cold-blooded slaughter of her parents in a notorious 1985 case. Composed of archival news footage, interviews with investigators and her German boyfriend accomplice, Jens Söring, Killing for Love explores the limits of justice and the power of a manipulative sociopath when emotions are aroused. Söring, serving a life sentence, admits: “I have destroyed my life ... I thought it was about love.” Did he take the rap for a murder he didn’t commit?


The U.S. doesn’t look good in this movie set during the War of 1812. No rockets red glare here—just genocidal mayhem as a squad of Yanks pursues a British officer and his Native American companions through the woods of upstate New York. Director Ted Geoghegan (We Are Still Here) upends Hollywood frontier clichés and infuses this action picture with the supernatural. The demonic American commander is forced to confront some other demons in those woods.

The Railway Children

Edith Nesbit’s classic English children’s novel has been adapted several times for stage and screen. The latest iteration (2016) was mounted before a live audience and a set of cameras. In a few instances, the cinema-theater hybrid falls short. This award-winning production by the York Theatre Royal works best when focused on the imaginatively arranged theatrical elements—its actors spread across a stage with sliding floor panels—and on the finely wrought performances by a multi-generational cast.

So Bright is the View

A movie that doesn’t move seems odd, but So Bright is the View returns filmmaking to circa 1910 in long takes wherein people act and converse. Romanian directors Michaël and Joël Florescu also borrow a page from the neo-realists. Their protagonist is a young Jewish woman from Bucharest at a dead end in a country with few opportunities. Given the choice of emigrating to America or Israel, she finds that both seem overrated as promised lands. —David Luhrssen SHEPHERD EXPRESS


Ali on Ali:

Why He Said What He Said When He Said It (WORKMAN), BY HANA ALI

Muhammad Ali’s daughter Hana is working on a biography of her father. Meanwhile comes this illustrated collection of the boxer’s quotes, annotated by Hana. Ali: “Some people have special resources inside, and when God blesses you to have more than others you have a responsibility to use it right.” Hana explains that whether at home or the mosque, he stressed the importance of having a purpose. He was as fast with a rhyme—and his assertions of greatness— as he was with his fists. “If I were a garbage man I’d be the world’s greatest garbage man!” he told a reporter. Ali on Ali is often funny. Hana describes her father’s first documented quote, age 12: “If I find the kid who stole my bike, I’ll whup him.” (David Luhrssen)

Hannah’s Dress: Berlin 1904-2014 (POLITY PRESS), BY PASCALE HUGUES

A French writer drawn to that magnet of Europe, Berlin, Pascale Hugues finds herself leasing a flat on an affordable street—not a trendy neighborhood but close enough to the action and with many still elegant buildings that survived World War II. Wondering about the past, she dug through public records and found that the area was built circa 1900 for upper middle-class families. Then she asked: What happened here when Berlin became the capital of Nazi Germany? A fascinating and engaging local history, applicable in its methods to other places around the world, Hannah’s Dress chronicles Hugues’ quest to track down former residents (children when Hitler came to power) and document a street where nothing important ever happened except for the importance of everyday life. (David Luhrssen)



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hile most authors are able to evoke genuine emotion through their writing, not every writer can use unabashed humor and witty candor quite like comedian and blogger Samantha Irby. This Evanston, Ill. native, whose second book, We Are Never Meeting in Real Life, was a New York Times bestseller, has recently re-released her debut collection Meaty. Meaty is currently in development with FX Studios to be turned into a comedy based on Irby’s life. At first glance, Irby’s life experiences aren’t synonymous with hilarity. She grew up in poverty, her parents died months apart from one another when she was 18 years old, she suffers from Crohn’s disease and debilitating arthritis and was forced to drop out of college. However, Irby finds creative and endearing ways to discuss taboo topics from explosive diarrhea to terrible one-night stands with a wickedly funny writing style that she perfected through her popular blog called “bitches gotta eat.” In Meaty, a semi-autobiographical chronicle of her first 37 years, she brings no-holds-barred, laugh-out-loud humor to some of her edgiest and raunchiest memories. This uproarious collection received numerous literary accolades when it was first released in 2013, from a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers selection to a Cosmopolitan Best 22 Books of the Year for Women, by Women. Irby will share her riotous stories at Boswell Book Company at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 10. For an interview with Samantha Irby, go to KIRSTEN JENNINGS


Samantha Irby

M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 | 25


It’s Ladies Night and the Feeling’s Right


ne of the great things about Milwaukee is the activities, events, parties and specials centered around women. From empowering conferences and healthrelated workshops to ladies-only happy hours and female choirs, Brew Town tries its best to roll out the carpet for women. This week is no exception! Just take a look at my social calendar, and you’ll see all sorts of ways gals and their pals can celebrate, network and enjoy a bit of fun all at once. In the meantime, however, let’s read an email from a reader looking for that special lady of his own.


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I can’t seem to find a decent woman to save my life. I’ve tried it all: Dating sites, speed dating, blind dating, volunteering (I read your column), church name it, I’ve tried it. Most of the women seem more interested in my money or at least interested in what I can buy them, where I can take them, etc. I have a very healthy bank account, and they are more into that than into me! Any clue how I can meet an honest, quality lady in Milwaukee?

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Dear Ruthie says, ì Hear Me Out! î

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Me, me, me, me! (Hand in the air, waving wildly.) I’m accustomed to dates involving warm beer, stale crackers and Uber rides, so I have low expectations. Listen, sugar, I could write a clever little response here regarding what I think you’re doing wrong, but let’s cut to the chase and list things out, shall we? ! Stop telling women about your financial situation, which you obviously are. ! Stop saying “Hit me up.” ! Don’t try to overly impress on the first date. Keep it simple. Don’t let on that you’re swimming in bucks too early. ! Call me. ! Rethink your “type.” Clearly the type of woman you’re chasing isn’t working for you. Open yourself up to meeting different personalities, looks and ages. In fact, consider dating women the exact opposite of who you are usually attracted to. ! Take a break. Sometimes love finds you when you’re not looking for it, so remove yourself from the dating pool and focus on you for a bit. ! Hit me up. Follow these suggestions (or at least try a few of them), and let me know how it goes, honey. I bet you’ll find that lucky lady in no time!

::RUTHIE’SSOCIALCALENDAR May 11: Go Red for Women Luncheon at The Pfister Hotel (424 E. Wisconsin Ave.): The American Heart Association’s “Go Red” movement comes to Milwaukee with a ladies luncheon at a Cream City staple. Wear your favorite red outfit and grab your gal pals for a 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. event featuring speakers, food and more. Tickets start at $150, so nab yours via the American Heart AssociationWisconsin page on Facebook. May 11 & 12: ‘Remember Love’ Women’s Voices Milwaukee Concert at Milwaukee LGBT Community Center (1110 N. Market St.): When’s the last time you’ve enjoyed a free concert? Well, don’t miss this delightful event featuring the city’s women’s chorus. Enjoy the all-ages show at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and at 3 p.m. on Saturday. May 12: Lesbian Pop-Up Bar at Hi Hat (1701 N. Arlington Place): The entire second floor of the Brady Street area staple is reserved for the ladies during this 8 p.m. party. Enjoy a cash bar and meet some friendly faces during the event that lasts until bar close. May 12: Ladies Night at Mary’s Beercade (730 S. Fifth St.): Start your engines, girls, because Mary’s Beercade is all about you during these monthly 9 p.m. parties. Begin your night out with drink specials and a vintage video game tournament just for gals or stick around all evening and see what craziness unfolds. May 13: Justice League of America Underoos Party at Kruz (354 E. National Ave.): Last month there was a toga party; this month the guys from Castaways L/L social group are donning their superhero underwear for a silly, sexy beer bust for the books. Wear your Underoos for free raffle tickets, or simply come and enjoy a naughty good time at this favorite men’s bar, 3-7 p.m. May 15: Latin Night at This Is It (418 E. Wells St.): This popular bar turns the heat up at 8 p.m. every Tuesday with two-for-one tequila shots, discounts on Corona and enough Latin music to spice up the work week. Don’t forget that it’s also Progressive Tuesday, which means the more you drink, the cheaper your drinks get! Ask your muy guapo bartender for details. Want to share an event with Ruthie? Need her advice? Email and follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester. SHEPHERD EXPRESS



!"#"$%&'()*+ ,&*)-. /(%.012"#34 '1"+5().'"() 62+7"8 ::BY PAUL MASTERSON


!"#$!%& #'()& !"#$%&'#() ") &"*+ shackle German flea market, an old book caught my eye. Emblazoned in gold on its brick red cover was the beckoning title !"#$%&'%(%)(*+,-".. In its inevitably German way, the title (in English, obviously, !"#$%&/0%1 (%)(*+,-")) said it all and that alone was worth the few dollars price. Little did I know I had purchased a 1926 first edition of a collection of sexual studies including several written by the father of modern LGBTQ liberation, Magnus Hirschfeld. Like his other works on the subject, his contributions to !"#$%&'%(%)(*+,-". present scientific biographies of individual trans (he invented the term “transvestite” in 1910 that would evolve into today’s transgender and its variants), gay and lesbian subjects. Reading it at the time, I was struck by Hirschfeld’s candid and natural embrace of sexuality that helped confirm my own sense of being of another identity that was as valid as any other. And, as it still does today, the book made clear how we are so predisposed to ignorance and denial that our whole social structure continues to suffer as a result. May 14 marks the 150th anniversary of Hirschfeld’s birth in 1868. The significance of the occasion is recognized in his native Germany where 2018-2019 has been declared “Hirschfeld Anniversary Year.” In July, the German Federal Post Office will issue a postage stamp in his honor. Throughout the jubilee, arts events, seminars, exhibits, conferences and concerts will celebrate the “Einstein of Sex” or, as he was affectionately known within his gay Weimar circle, Tante Magnesia (“Aunt Magnesia”). Hirschfeld’s work in the field of ,%-) !",) (&./#$0&%"1'#() "#$) 2','.#+ ary. Basing his theory of sexuality and gender on the “born this way” principle, he argued the case for fluidity and that all sexual expressions and their characteristics were part of a spectrum from masculine to feminine. He believed that homosexuality was, in fact, a third sex and practiced universally. As early as the SHEPHERD EXPRESS

1890s he advocated the legalization of abortion and the decriminalization of homosexuality. In 1919, he helped produce a film, 2.3"*)/ %&)/ 34"/ 2.3"*. (Different from the Others). It depicts the plight of a gay man subjected to blackmail (it still exists today only as a restored reconstruction). His work, he hoped, would help fight prejudice and provide justice through knowledge for those “hostages of morality,” the victims of an invented system that condemned their natural deviations from the norm as deviance. But given the politics of the times, whether in conservative Imperial Germany or, later, under the Nazi regime, particularly as a Jewish gay liberal, Hirschfeld was considered revolutionary in its most subversive sense. A year after his film’s release, it was banned. The Nazis burned his books and his Institute for Sexual Science was ransacked and razed. Hirshfeld managed to escape to Switzerland and, later France, where he died in 1935. In Germany today, his legacy was the complete repeal in 1994 of the infamous Paragraph 175, the anti-gay law in the German penal code and the founding of the Magnus Hirschfeld Federal Foundation. Hirschfeld Anniversary Year should be recognized here as well. It seems, after all, we are still, a century later, fighting for the same cause.

Richard Hartman



he Volunteer Center of Washington County has opened a hip community space aptly named The Hub—Social Good Brews, 303 Water St., West Bend. Milwaukee firm’s HGA Architects and Engineers designed the nonprofit coffee shop’s interior. The million-dollar location overlooks the Museum of Wisconsin Art (MOWA). The Milwaukee River meanders to the west and the nearby Eisenbahn State Trail attracts bikers, walkers and runners. Richard Hartman, owner of the building and adjoining Gallery of Wisconsin Art, sits with me at one of many circular tables. The space, which had a previous life as a tire shop, is now open and airy, a perfect fit for the 1947 building. You are a collector of early Wisconsin art and now a gallerist. Most of the big old-school galleries are gone. Owners have retired, and new galleries feature contemporary art. No one represents historic, important early Wisconsin artwork. Families of artists don’t know where to turn. We provide a market and save work from a destiny of dusty attics, mildewy basements, rodent-infested sheds and yard sales. You could have used The Hub’s space to enlarge your gallery, but instead you leased it to a nonprofit? With 7,000 square feet of high-end gallery space, there is plenty of room to juxtapose both contemporary and early work together around timely themes. Serving on a number of boards, I applaud the inherent good imbedded in nonprofits and sympathize with their funding struggles. Floating the concept past friend, Sue Millin, E.D. for the Volunteer Center, we fatefully discovered the concept was already on her radar! Is there anything nicer than the marriage of good coffee and art—besides wine and art? Hmmm, maybe someday? The two venues complement each other, but do caffeine-high techy types break from their screens and journey into your gallery? Absolutely, and we warmly welcome a diverse community. Everyone is invited with beverage and “big voices” to browse and ask questions. We are a welcoming and friendly collaboration. Fine art can intimidate. We educate and encourage a comfortable relationship with artwork. “It’s fine art, so live with it!” A huge red-letter sign, “Together,” on The Hub’s wall, says it all. It’s all about collaboration. We are always better together. I just want to enjoy good art, drink coffee and have fun. It’s bloom-time from May 5 to June 29 when the Gallery of Wisconsin Art features “Botanical Masterpieces.” For more information, visit To learn more about The Hub, visit

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here are a few ways that rock bands can achieve cult status. Groups like the Grateful Dead have dedicated, larger-than-life fanbases willing to travel far and wide to catch a glimpse of their idols. Smallerscale bands like Big Star maintain ravenous fanbases despite their lack of commercial success. Their adoring fans can’t help but spread the band’s gospel to anyone who will listen. Dogs in Ecstasy may be far-removed from Deadheads or Alex Chilton, but the band’s status within Milwaukee’s music landscape is somewhere between the two. Since their formation in 2013, the noise pop trio has garnered a cult-like local fanbase who gleefully pack dive-bar venues and unabashedly sing every word to every song. Singer-guitarist Willy Dintenfass and drummer Tony Dixon had a taste of the local celebrity lifestyle prior to forming Dogs in Ecstasy. The pair toured behind another Milwaukee musician with a cult-like following, the infamous rap-rocker Juiceboxxx. Along with keyboardist-vocalist Molly Rosenblum, their relationship with Juiceboxxx remains close today. Dintenfass still performs in Juiceboxxx’s band, and both of Dogs in Ecstasy’s albums were released on Juiceboxxx’s record label, Thunder Zone.

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“He has been very instrumental in pushing this project forward,” says Dintenfass. “We all have a long history together and a bit of a shared outlook on music and creativity. Speaking for myself, I’m often inspired by his unrelenting love of music.” Dogs in Ecstasy’s cult following surely began on the world wide web. The band has a carefully crafted online persona which only enhances the band’s allure. Their unique brand of humor can definitely be alienating to some internet users, and it can even be hard for some fans to understand. Dintenfass says the band’s online presence goes hand in hand with their musical ambitions. “I view what we do online as coming from the same impulse that drives our songs: the desire to make a weird world of creative stuff,” he says. “There is also some self-promotion, but that’s true for the songs as well.” Curating the band’s online character isn’t always easy, and their internet-specific brand of humor doesn’t always translate IRL. “It’s difficult to maintain only in the sense that right now, it feels boring to come up with enough stuff to post to keep the algorithms interested in our content,” says Dintenfass. Algorithms and content are topics that frequently pop up in the band’s lyrics. Tracks like “Rage Against the Dying of My Phone,”“I Google Myself” and “I’m A Man” explore the intricacies of living in the digital age. Naturally, the songs are drenched in the band’s self-deprecating humor. Songs about technology woes are scattered throughout the band’s discography, and Dintenfass says technology continues to inspire his songwriting. “Earlier in the band’s existence, it felt like certain technologies ubiquitous in daily life were underrepresented in pop-rock lyrics,” he explains. “Technology often comes up in our songs because it is a place where, right now, people express an older thing, which is helplessness in the face of their own emotions.” Dintenfass is the band’s primary songwriter, but he says he’s often inspired by his bandmates’ quips. “A lot of songs are built around phrases that are funny but also have a touch of pathos, which I just Googled,” he says. When the band isn’t writing music, they’re often writing other content. Short stories, poetry and fanfiction can be found on Dogs in Ecstasy’s website and Facebook page. “For me, there is no difference between the writing and the songs,” says Dintenfass. “We would like to continue pushing the envelope on what constitutes acceptable rock band output.” Dogs in One highlight in the band’s bibliogEcstasy raphy is “My Life in the Ghost of Bush,” a Cactus Club fanfiction about Bush frontman Gavin Rossdale coping with his divorce from Thursday Gwen Stefani. The piece can be found May 10, in a forthcoming zine titled Dreams and 9 p.m. Gripes Reader. Dintenfass says the band’s writing can be polarizing among fans. “Some readers like it more than the music,” he says. “Some readers say, ‘Why?’” Dintenfass says the band’s future is unclear, though he hopes Dogs in Ecstasy will release their next full-length soon. “There was a long gap between the release of Welcome 2 Hell and the release of Dreams and Gripes,” he says. “My goal is to not do that again—to release a lot of stuff sooner rather than later—and to continue to work on expanding the Dogs in Ecstasy universe of creativity.” Dogs in Ecstasy is performing at Cactus Club on Thursday, May 10, at 9 p.m. with Palberta, Peeper & LePlay, Graham Hunt Lottery Trust and DJ SB. Dreams and Gripes will be available on Friday, May 11.




Milwaukee Psych Fest Returned for Another Weekend of Daring Music ::BY BLAINE SCHULTZ


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The Cut-Outs

!"#$%&'()&'*$%+,'-,&#$ to Refine Their Sound


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iving near Lake Michigan provides Milwaukee indie-rock band The Cut-Outs plenty of inspiration for their music. Water-themed songs such as “Ocean Floor” are a testament to the area’s natural beauty, according to drummer Rob Weber, who especially enjoys spending time in South Shore Park and walking along the beach. “It’s a sacred thing for me, like a pilgrimage,” he said. Along with The Form, the band will play Club Garibaldi on Friday, May 18, as part of the venue’s Underground Hive series. In winter 2015, The Cut-Outs braved the cold and collaborated with high school students working on a class project to make a video of the band playing live along the lakeshore. The students were eager to help and worked hard, Weber said. Through his brother, Weber met guitarist Joel Van Gorder, then a Pulaski High School senior, in the late ’90s. Van Gorder began playing while he was in the seventh grade. “I got a guitar from my buddy across the street,” he said. The pair formed The Cut-Outs in 2000. The current band lineup includes bass player Tim Kowalski and keyboardist Eric Abshagen. With the exception of Kowalski, who took music courses at Milwaukee Area Technical College, all members are self-taught musicians. The Cut-Outs’ musical influences include a mix of emo, Brit-pop and rock, including The Cure, Oasis, Blur, Guided By Voices, Superchunk (“They’re my favorite band,” Van Gorder said) and, from closer to The Cut-Outs home, The Promise Ring. Over the years, the band has cemented their own Friday, May 18, 8 p.m. style. “We’re more organic now,” said Weber. Club Garibaldi In 2005, the band recorded an album with engineer Billy Ciccarelli for radio station WMSE’s “Local Live” program. Weber was happy with the results. “He caught our sound right away,” said Weber. Since then, The Cut-Outs have released a handful of albums and EPs—including 2006’s Bring The Beat Back—played a number of shows locally and toured the Midwest, including Chicago and Madison. They have opened up for and played with national and international acts such as Scottish band PAWS, Seattle-based Dude York and Canadian bands Metric and the Stills. One memorable experience was playing the popular Chicago bar The Beat Kitchen. “That was the highlight of our career,” said Weber, who is also in charge of the band’s bookings. “We will play Milwaukee still,” he said, “but I want to get us out there.” The Cut-Outs recently released a split single, “Fallen Horses” and “Tropics,” which they recorded at Howl Street Studios in Bay View with recording engineer Shane Hochstetler. “Working with him was pretty awesome,” said Van Gorder, and although members of the Cut-Outs now have day jobs, families and other commitments, they still manage to get together and practice once a week. “We have a lot of songs we are working on,” Van Gorder said; “It’s our art, something we can never get out of,” added Weber. The Cut-Outs will play at Club Garibaldi (2501 S. Superior St.) with The Form on Friday, May 18, at 8 p.m. Listen to their songs at or

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::ALBUMS Elvis Presley

The Searcher: The Original Soundtrack (LEGACY) Director Thom Zimny’s HBO documentary on Elvis Presley sought to get past the clutter and cliché that have surrounded the star since he first took the national stage. Even without the movie it accompanies, The Searcher’s soundtrack goes a long way toward putting Elvis into a fuller perspective. He was the victim of many things including the dumbed-down aspects of Southern working-class culture and the repressive philistinism of his manager, Tom Parker. The densely packed three-CD set is a smartly curated, career-spanning collection of recordings that puts the highs and lows in sharp relief. It shows Elvis as a musical omnivore whose sensibility ran the gamut from gritty blues to laughable schmaltz, from hard-punching rock and roll to tearful country balladry. His duet with Frank Sinatra (“Love Me Tender”/ “Witchcraft”) proves he was no match for Sinatra in lyrical expression, but “Are You Lonesome Tonight?” shows he was as good a crooner as Dean Martin. What The Searcher finds is that—unlike the history written by rock critics in the 1970s—there wasn’t a good Elvis followed by a pathetic Presley, a golden age that dissolved into ruin. As Zimny insists in the illustrated booklet accompanying the CDs, “there is no period in Presley’s career that doesn’t offer major recordings.” The evidence is in the music chosen for this collection. —David Luhrssen

Cyberchump After

(INTERNAL COMBUSTION) Mark G.E. is best known for his satirical new wave band, Xposed 4Heads. His other longrunning musical project, Cyberchump, plays on an entirely different field. A long-distance collaboration with Jim Skeel, the Milwaukee-Kansas City duo records looping soundscapes that suggest eeriness, rainy days, foreboding, splinters of memory and fragments of hope. After sounds great alongside early recordings by Brian Eno and Robert Fripp. —David Luhrssen

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Amelia's, Jackson Dordel Jazz Quintet (4pm) Anodyne Coffee (Walker's Point), Honest John Art*Bar, Open Mic Comedy Cactus Club, Dogs in Ecstasy record release w/Palberta, Peeper & LePlay, Graham Hunt & Lottery Trust & DJ SB Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), The New Pioneers County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/Barry Dodd Jazz Estate, Organ Night: Trudell/Peplin/Kuzniar Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, Acoustic Blu O'Donoghues Irish Pub (Elm Grove), The All-Star SUPERband (6pm) On the Bayou, Open Mic Comedy w/host The Original Darryl Hill Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Amber & Adam Potbelly Sandwich Shop (East Side), Texas Dave (12pm) Radisson Hotel (Menomonee Falls), Jonny T-Bird & Big Dad Riverside Theater, Brit Floyd Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World's Funniest Free Comedy Show Route 20 Outhouse (Sturtevant), Blacktop Mojo w/Joyous Wolf & Of Limbo Saloon on Calhoun, Amplified Artist Sessions presents: The Atomic Spins Shank Hall, James Lee Stanley The Bay Restaurant, Roxi Copland The Packing House Restaurant, Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Martini Jazz Lounge Up & Under Pub, A No Vacancy Comedy Open Mic


Alley Cat Lounge (Five O'Clock Steakhouse), Ali & Doug Duo American Legion Post #399 (Okauchee), Cowboy Up American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Indigo Dog Angelo's Piano Lounge, Julie's Piano Karaoke Anodyne Coffee (Walker's Point), Joe Richter record release show Art*Bar, Troy Petty Cactus Club, Lina Tullgren w/Spirits having Fu, Carbon Bangle & Sundial Mottos Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Ray Bonneville Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Matthew Davies & Dale Kellison (8pm); DJ: era & The Nile (10pm) Clarke Hotel (Waukesha), Dick Eliot Jazz Guitar (6pm) ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Company Brewing, Cullahsus album release w/Cullah & The Comrades, and D'Amato County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Crawdaddy's, Rick Holmes Blues Duo (6pm) Crush Wine Bar (Waukesha), Jeff Stoll and JoAnna Marie Frank's Power Plant, Cream City Comedy Festival Presents: Strip Joker (6pm), Two and a Half Stars w/Murton Dur & Crimes Against Nature-formerly Alpha Dogma, CD release (9pm)) Hops & Leisure (Oconomowoc), RC3 Iron Mike's (Franklin), Jam Session w/Steve Nitros & Friends Jazz Estate, Johannes Wallmann CD release (8pm), Late Night Session: Tommy Antonic Trio (11:30pm) Kim's Lakeside (Pewaukee), Andrew Gelles Band Kochanski's Concertina Beer Hall, The Mr. T Experience w/ Direct Hit Kuhtz General Store (Oconomowoc), Jonny T-Bird & the MPs Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Linneman's Riverwest Inn, Undercover Organism w/Wurk Los Mariachis Mexican Restaurant, Larry Lynne Band Lyon's Irish Pub (Watertown), Derek Byrne Mamie's, Robert Allen Jr. Band Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm) Miramar Theatre, Jake Miller (all-ages, 7pm) Pabst Theater, Jim Norton Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Jason Ray Brown (9pm), In the Fire Pit: 5 Card Studs (9pm) Rave / Eagles Club, Farruko w/Lary Over (all-ages, 8pm), Flatbush Zombies w/Kirk Knight & Nyck Caution (all-ages, 8pm), Steve Moakler w/Corey Kent White (all-ages, 8pm) Riverside Theater, Johnny Mathis Route 20 Outhouse (Sturtevant), Nonpoint w/Butcher Babies, Cane Hill & Sumo Cyco Shank Hall, Bob Schneider w/Mobley

The Bay Restaurant, Dave Miller Jazz & Blues Duo The Local/Club Anything, Earth Angel w/False Witness The Packing House Restaurant, The Barbara Stephan Group (6:30pm) Trinity Three Irish Pubs, Superfly Up & Under Pub, A-Z


American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Our House Art*Bar, Wattle & Daub Bremen Cafe, Texas Dave Trio Cactus Club, “YouTooCanWoo Night Out” w/French Horn Rebellion & Friends Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), James Lee Stanley Century Pub & Eatery (Kenosha), Cactii Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Jon Burks Band w/Warhola Cats (8pm); DJ: The Brains (10pm) Club Garibaldi, Radio Radio Celebrates The Cars w/ Xposed 4Heads Colectivo Coffee (On Prospect), Glen Phillips of Toad The Wet Sprocket ComedySportz Milwaukee, Laughing Liberally Milwaukee Company Brewing, Fifth Annual Zucchini Party w/Glitter Moneyyy, Mortgage Freeman & Yung Zucchini Dopp's Bar & Grill, The Lawmen Final Approach, Duosonic Live! Five O'Clock Steakhouse, Kirk Tatnall Frank's Power Plant, Amuse w/Size 5s, Honey Creek & The Biscaynies Harry's on Brady, 5 Card Studs Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Vocals & Keys Hops & Leisure (Oconomowoc), One Shot Wally Ladies Nite Jazz Estate, Dan Pugach Nonet (8pm), Late Night Session: Jordan Rattner Group (11:30pm) Kick Switch Bar And Grill (Okauchee), Robert Allen Jr. Band Knights of Columbus (West Allis), Elvis Mother's Day Estravaganza (6pm) Linneman's Riverwest Inn, Tangled Lines w/Will Pfrang and the Good Land Gang Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, Larry Lynne Band Miller High Life Theatre, A Mother's Day Weekend R&B Tour Miramar Theatre, Educators Amplified Live Radio Broadcast w/WRRD Resistance Radio 1510 AM (12pm), EH!DE w/JSLAY, Dad? & Diamond Shock (all-ages, 9pm) Pabst Theater, The Reunion of Todd Rundgren’s UTOPIA Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Eric Barbieri Acoustic Duo (9pm), In the Fire Pit: Mt. Olive (9pm) Riverside Theater, #IMOMSOHARD: Mom's Night Out Round 2 Shank Hall, Super-Unknown (Soundgarden tribute) w/Big Bang Baby (STP tribute) & Ten (Pearl Jam tribute) Slinger House (Slinger), Joe Kadlec Sperino's Monte Carlo Room (Elkhorn), Carole & the DV8's Splash Martini Bar (Oconomowoc), Scott E. Berendt The Cheel (Thiensville), Martelle Jossart Jazz Trio The Coffee House, Portage Road Songwriters Guild New Song Conference The Landing at Hoyt Park, Close Enuf Band (Walk to End Lupus Now, 9am) The Packing House Restaurant, Joe Jordan & His Soul Trio (6:30pm) The Suburban Bourbon (Muskego), Barbra Streisand Tribute w/Melody Mendis Trinity Three Irish Pubs, Dan Harvey w/DJ Zovo Turner Hall Ballroom, Roy Wood Jr. Up & Under Pub, Thee Grateful Dub Band


Angelo's Piano Lounge, Live Karaoke w/Julie Brandenburg Anodyne Coffee (Walker's Point), The Corn Potato String Band w/Fox & Branch Blu Bar & Lounge at the Pfister, Lynne Arriale w/Jeff Hamann & David Bayles Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Hayward Williams w/Zak Trojano Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Christopher Haise (8pm); DJ: Sheppy (10pm) Colectivo Coffee (On Prospect), Damien Jurado w/Naomi Wachira County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Dick Eliot Jazz Guitar (5:30pm) Dopp's Bar & Grill, CCMC Open Jam w/host The Lawmen (2pm)

Dugout 54, Dugout 54 Sunday Open Jam Hops & Leisure (Oconomowoc), Full Band Open Jam w/host Robert Allen Jr. (5pm) Jazz Estate, Sunday Night Styles: Youth in a Roman Field Kochanski's Concertina Beer Hall, 2nd Annual Ladies of Music, Entertainment and Business Awards (2pm) Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic The Coffee House, Living Activism Series: Benefit The Frank Zeidler Center for Public Discussion w/Green Sails The Suburban Bourbon (Muskego), Barbra Streisand Tribute w/Melody Mendis


Jazz Estate, UWM Combo (7pm), Mark Davis Trio (8:30pm) Linneman's Riverwest Inn, Poet's Monday w/host Timothy Kloss & featured reader Morgan Shepherd (sign-up 7:30pm, 8-11pm) Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Miramar Theatre, Human After All w/ForeverAtLast, American Bandit, These Fading Visions & Placeholder (all-ages, 6pm) Paulie's Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/Christopher John & Dave Wacker The Roadhouse (Dundee), Jonny T-Bird open jam Up & Under Pub, Open Mic w/Marshall McGhee and the Wanderers


Be Sound Music Studio, Torch Singer Tuesdays C Notes Upscale Sports Lounge, Another Night-Another Mic Open Mic w/host The Original Darryl Hill Cactus Club, Yonatan Gat w/Storm Chaser, Soup Moat & Q The Sun Frank's Power Plant, Duck and Cover Comedy Open Mic Jazz Estate, Funk Night w/Nick Lang Kim's Lakeside (Pewaukee), Open Jam w/Robert Allen Jr. Band Mamie's, Open Blues Jam w/Marvelous Mack Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Miramar Theatre, Tuesday Open Mic w/host Sandy Weisto (sign-up 7:30pm, all-ages)) Potbelly Sandwich Shop (East Side), Texas Dave (12pm) Rave / Eagles Club, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club w/Pete International Airport (all-ages, 8pm) Riverside Theater, David Byrne w/Benjamin Clementine The Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Jazz Jam Session Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Marge Eiseman B-day w/Transfer House Band


Anodyne Coffee (Walker's Point), Joyann Parker Band w/ Charles Walker Band Cactus Club, The Dangerous Summer w/All Get Out & A Will Away Conway's Smokin' Bar & Grill, Open Jam w/Big Wisconsin Johnson Corner House (Racine), Wiegratz / DeRose Jazz Duo High Dive, The Voodoohoney Pirates Jazz Estate, Duo Sessions with Lou Cucunato Kochanski's Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Linneman's Riverwest Inn, Acoustic Open Stage w/feature King Courteen (sign-up 8:30pm, start 9pm) Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Pabst Theater, Thunder From Down Under Paulie's Field Trip, Humpday Jam w/Dave Wacker & Mitch Cooper Tally's Tap & Eatery (Waukesha), Tomm Lehnigk The Bay Restaurant, CP & Stoll w/Chris Peppas & Jeff Stoll (6pm) The Cheel (Thiensville), Jimmy Schwarz & Matt Tyner Duo (6pm) The Packing House Restaurant, Carmen Nickerson, Joe Jordan & Kostia Efimov (6pm) Totalgame Sports Bar, Wacky Wednesdays w/host The Original Darryl Hill Westallion Brewing Company, Rick Holmes Pro Jam w/host Robert Allen Jr.


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414.292.3816 M A Y 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 | 31


PUT UP YOUR DUKES By James Barrick

!"#$%&'"()&*(+ “Kaidoku”

Each of the 26 letters of the alphabet is represented in this grid by a number between 1 and 26. Using letter frequency, word-pattern recognition, and the numbers as your guides, fill in the grid with well-known English words (HINT: since a Q is always followed by a U, try hunting down the Q first). Only lowercase, unhyphenated words are allowed in kaidoku, so you won’t see anything like STOCKHOLM or LONG-LOST in here (but you might see AFGHAN, since it has an uncapitalized meaning, too). Now stop wasting my precious time and SOLVE! 24 22


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DOWN 1. Hebrew letter 2. Pilaster 3. Midday 4. Cheers 5. Chaplain on base 6. Alloy of copper and zinc 7. Latvian 8. Having no will 9. Suppose 10.Flow of volcanic debris 11.Coup d’— 12.A Muppet 13.Robert Louis Stevenson title

14.— Browne belt 15.Chords 16.Ohio team 17.Fateful day 18.Single: Prefix 26.Attu aborigine 28.Existed 29.Red gem 33.Some cards 35.Jumper 36.Sir — Hercules John 37.— de Jouy 38.Bomb: 2 wds. 40.Breed of British horse 42.About 4 inches 43.Roman official: Var. 44.Judged 46.Improve 48.Column 49.Of an eye part 50.Partially submerged structure 54.— Jones’ Locker 56.Rigid shoe 59.World-weary 60.Barmy 62.Brother of Moses 63.Color 64.Grapefruit cousin 65.Echo 67.Kind of logic

68.Remove 69.Lyric poem 70.Indonesian island 71.Stony 72.Haven’t a clue! 73.Zola 74.Fills 76.Relating to windows 77.Hooch 80.— Morgana 81.Neeson the actor 82.Arts lover 84.Skeps 85.Better late — never 87.Handles 89.Enrage 91.Fail to note 94.Unexpected development 95.Endangered animal 97.Runs in neutral 98.Injection 99.Diner fare 100. Opposer 102. — meridiem 104. Kind of lily 105. Indigo 106. Cattle 107. Brink 109. Sch. org. 110. McGraw or Burton




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5/3 Solution

WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 29 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Women in the Limelight Solution: 29 Letters


" " $ $ # % &

! " " # " #


5/3 Solution: We all need some me time


32 | M A Y 1 0 , 2 0 1 8



Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •

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78.Prof. org. 79.Muscat and — 80.Wild 81.Standoffish one 82.Underground passage 83.DC org. 84.A moisturizer: 2 wds. 86.Ladybug 88.Recluse 90.Red River city 92.Powdery residue 93.Stop!, at sea 95.Caps 96.Encircled 98.Specter 101. Two 103. Gesture at meeting or parting 108. Acrobat’s feat 110. Place in Austria 111. Oklahoma city 112. Bone: Prefix 113. Liking 114. Habituate 115. Bell sound 116. Slight 117. — ego 118. Online crazes 119. Gen. Robert — —


8 14




( 01- , 1- .


ACROSS 1. Dinged 5. Ending for metro or cosmo 10.Vichyssoise ingredient 15.Tidy 19.Carbon-based compound 20.Hippodrome 21.Heart chambers 22.Make like new 23.Portico 24.Daft 25.Servant 27.Put pen to paper 29.Gown material 30.Rope 31.Act 32.Get top billing 34.Facilitated 36.Old anesthetic 39.Fragrant compound 41.More velvety 45.Replacement car 47.Simple toy: 2 wds. 51.Orchid genus 52.Containers 53.Redacts 55.Like an overgrown wall 56.Annoyed mood 57.Like Methuselah 58.Get along 59.Run, said of ink 60.Spoon 61.Darkroom item 64.Pivotal 65.Stole from 66.Wet 67.Upright 68.Stage setting 69.Everlasting: Arch. 71.Stadium event 72.Buffs 75.— grigio 76.Washed-out 77.Slipper




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© 2018 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication


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::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Born under the sign of Taurus, Edmund Wilson was a renowned 20th-century author and critic who wrote more than 30 books. He also served as editor for Vanity Fair and The New Republic, and influenced the work of at least seven major American novelists. When he was growing up, he spent most of his free time reading books: 16 hours a day during summer vacations. His parents, worried about his obsessive passion, bought him a baseball uniform, hoping to encourage him to diversify his interests. His response was to wear the uniform while reading books 16 hours a day. I trust you will be equally dedicated to your own holy cause or noble pursuit in the coming weeks, Taurus. You have cosmic clearance to be single minded about doing what you love. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): It’s possible you could pass for normal in the next three weeks; you might be able to fool a lot of people into thinking you’re an average, ordinary contributor to the dull routine. But it will be far healthier for your relationship with yourself if you don’t do such a thing. It will also be a gift to your less daring associates, who in my opinion would benefit from having to engage with your creative agitation and fertile chaos. So my advice is to reveal yourself as an imperfect work-in-progress who’s experimenting with novel approaches to the game of life. Recognize your rough and raw features as potential building blocks for future achievements. CANCER (June 21-July 22): “Paradise is scattered over the whole earth,” wrote the scientific poet Novalis, “and that is why it has become so unrecognizable.” Luckily for you, Cancerian, quite a few fragments of paradise are gathering in your vicinity. It’ll be like a big happy reunion of tiny miracles all coalescing to create a substantial dose of sublimity. Will you be ready to deal with this much radiance? Will you be receptive to so much relaxing freedom? I hope and pray you won’t make a cowardly retreat into the trendy cynicism that so many people mistake for intelligence. (Because in that case, paradise might remain invisible.) Here’s my judicious advice: Be insistent on pleasure! Be voracious for joy! Be focused on the quest for beautiful truths! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): These days, your friends and allies and loved ones want even more from you than they usually do. They crave more of your attention, more of your approval, more of your feedback. And that’s not all. Your friends and allies and loved ones also hope you will give more love to yourself. They will be excited and they will feel blessed if you express an even bigger, brighter version of your big, bright soul. They will draw inspiration from your efforts to push harder and stronger to fulfill your purpose here on Planet Earth. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): One of the advantages you get from reading my horoscopes is that I offer confidential information about the gods’ caprices and leanings. For example, I can tell you that Saturn—also known as Father Time—is now willing to allot you a more luxurious relationship with time than usual, on one condition: that you don’t squander the gift on trivial pursuits. So I encourage you to be discerning and disciplined about nourishing your soul’s craving for interesting freedom. If you demonstrate to Saturn how constructively you can use his blessing, he’ll be inclined to provide more dispensations in the future. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Vincent van Gogh’s painting The Starry Night hangs on a wall in New York’s Museum of Modern Art. He created it in 1889 while living in a French asylum. Around that same time, 129 years ago, a sheepherder in Wyoming created a sourdough starter that is still fresh today. A cook named Lucille Clarke Dumbrill regularly pulls this frothy mass of yeast out of her refrigerator and uses it to make pancakes. In the coming weeks, Libra, I’d love to see you be equally resourceful in drawing on an old resource. The past will have offerings that could benefit your future. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Love everyone twice as much and twice as purely as you ever have before. Your mental health requires it! Your future dreams demand it! And please especially intensify your love for people you allegedly


already love but sometimes don’t treat as well as you could because you take them for granted. Keep this Bible verse in mind, as well: “Don’t neglect to show kindness to strangers; for, in this way, some, without knowing it, have had angels as their guests.” SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): After meditating on your astrological aspects for an hour, I dozed off. As I napped, I had a dream in which an androgynous angel came to me and said, “Please inform your Sagittarius readers that they should be callipygian in the next two weeks.” Taken back, my dreaming self said to the angel, “You mean ‘callipygian’ as in ‘having beautiful buttocks’?” “Yes, sir,” the angel replied. “Bootylicious. Bumtastic. Rumpalicious.” I was puzzled. “You mean like in a metaphorical way?” I asked. “You mean Sagittarians should somehow cultivate the symbolic equivalent of having beautiful buttocks?” “Yes,” the angel said. “Sagittarians should be elegantly well-grounded. Flaunt their exquisite foundation. Get to the bottom of things with flair. Be sexy badasses as they focus on the basics.”“OK!” I said. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Now is a favorable time to discuss in elegant detail the semi-secret things that are rarely or never talked about. It’s also a perfect moment to bring deep feelings and brave tenderness into situations that have been suffering from half-truths and pretense. Be aggressively sensitive, my dear Capricorn. Take a bold stand on behalf of compassionate candor. And as you go about these holy tasks, be entertaining as well as profound. The cosmos has authorized you to be a winsome agent of change. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In his 1931 painting The Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali shows three clocks that seem to be partially liquefied, as if in the process of melting. His biographer Meredith Etherington-Smith speculated that he was inspired to create this surrealistic scene when he saw a slab of warm Camembert cheese melting on a dinner table. I foresee the possibility of a comparable development in your life, Aquarius. Be alert for creative inspiration that strikes you in the midst of seemingly mundane circumstances. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “My whole life is messed up with people falling in love with me,” said Piscean poet Edna St. Vincent Millay. She spoke the truth. She inspired a lot of adoration, and it stirred up more chaos than she was capable of managing. Luckily, you will have fewer problems with the attention coming your way, Pisces. I bet you’ll be skilled at gathering the benefits and you’ll be unflummoxed by the pitfalls. But you’ll still have to work hard at these tasks. Here’s some help. Tip #1: Stay in close touch with how you really feel about the people who express their interest in you. Tip #2: Don’t accept gifts with strings attached. Tip #3: Just because you’re honored or flattered that someone finds you attractive doesn’t mean you should unquestioningly blend your energies with them. ARIES (March 21-April 19): The Torah is a primary sacred text of the Jewish religion. It consists of exactly 304,805 letters. When specially trained scribes make handwritten copies for ritual purposes, they must not make a single error in their transcription. The work may take as long as 18 months. Your attention to detail in the coming weeks doesn’t have to be quite so painstaking, Aries, but I hope you’ll make a strenuous effort to be as diligent as you can possibly be. Homework: Do you allow your imagination to indulge in fantasies that are wasteful, damaging or dumb? I dare you to stop it. Testify at

Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.


This Castle Rocks!


n the tony Denver suburb of Castle Rock, Colo., residents on Avery Way are in a tizzy about the Thunderstorm Play Palace—a 7,500-square-foot home where, neighbors told KDVRTV, the owner invites swinging couples and singles to gather for wild sex parties. Invitees must make a “donation” ($70 for couples and single men; $20 for single women), and the parties include drinks, snacks and potluck dishes. On the invitation, guests were asked to bring their own condoms and show respect for the “new furniture.” The host is a married father of three who feels harassed by the neighborhood, but he counters that he’s taken steps to be discreet, including installing soundproofing and making sure “there are no open areas.” But neighbors claim they hear “disturbing sounds” coming from the house. “You can hear people doing what they’re doing,” one resident told reporters. Castle Rock Police say the man is not breaking the law because he’s only taking donations, and the activities are contained to his home.

Fifty Shades of Neustadt Police officers in the German town of Neustadt were called to an apartment building on Wednesday, April 25, after reports of screaming led neighbors to suspect domestic violence, The Daily Mail reported. Instead, they found a couple receiving instruction in the Japanese art of Shibari (erotic bondage) from the apartment’s tenant. “Shibari” translates as “the beauty of tight binding.” In an official statement regarding their investigation, the police reported the couple were “well and in a good mood,” even asking the officers if they’d like to join in; alas, they had to decline.

Bathing Gone Weird Evelyn Washington, 29, broke then crawled through a window in a Monroe, La., home on Tuesday, April 17, then settled into a warm bath—along with a bag of Cheetos within reach on an adjacent toilet lid. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that, when the homeowner returned from work around 5 p.m., she called police, who quickly arrived and removed Washington to the Ouachita Correctional Center, where she told them “an unknown male told her to break into the victims’ residence.”

On Wednesday, April 4, a homeowner in Stoke-on-Trent, England, returned home to discover a man bathing in his tub and enjoying a cup of Oxo (broth), according to the BBC. When police arrived, the 36-year-old naked man tried to flee but was caught and arrested. As the incredulous homeowner later complained: “He ate my crisps, had five rounds of corned beef and sauce, ate a jar of pickles, had two ice creams and a can of Coke!”

What’s in a Name? A Planet Fitness customer in Saginaw Township, Mich., was alarmed on Sunday, April 15, when he located a Wi-Fi network named “Remote Detonator” while searching for an available connection. The gym manager evacuated the building and called police, who brought in a bomb-sniffing dog and declared the facility safe after a three-hour shutdown. Saginaw Township Police Chief Donald Pussehl told that people often choose odd names for their Wi-Fi networks, adding that one on his own street is called “FBI surveillance van.”

The Long Arm of the Law In October 1981, Stephen Michael Paris escaped from the Jess Dunn Correctional Center in Muskogee, Okla., where he had been serving a nine-year sentence for drug possession and distribution. Using the name Stephen Chavez, Paris managed to evade authorities until April 12, when investigators tracked him down at an office in Houston, where he was working. Paris was mentioned in his mother’s obituary—using his alias, the Associated Press reported, and after confirming his identity with fingerprints, the U.S. Marshals Service returned him to custody—nearly 37 years after his escape.

Jaywalkers Getting Hosed! Jaywalkers, beware: The city of Daye, in Hubei Province, China, has installed water sprayers and an electronic screen at a crosswalk to stop people from crossing on a red light. Five pylons were placed along the road on Monday, April 16, China Daily reported— three of which identify offenders using sensors and then spray them with water if they attempt to cross against the light. Other pylons “photograph people crossing against red lights,” explained Wan Xinqiang of the Daye public security bureau, and “a large electronic screen at the intersection will instantly display their photos.” © 2018 ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 | 33




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