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MAY 24, 2018 | 3 5/16/18 10:57 AM
!"#$%&'(()% *'+,-.#%/#%01"% 2'(3'.4#%&5'.+ !"!"#$"#%&'#($%#!!"#$%&'(#&) ::BY LOUIS FORTIS AND SELENA MILEWSKI .S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) is up for reelection in the Tuesday, Nov. 6 General Election. She took time out of a busy day in Washington, D.C., to discuss her campaign and issues of importance to Wisconsin voters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!"#$%%&'(%)*'"+),-.#-//'0(1 Rogers Behavioral Health is currently recruiting individuals, ages 18 to 65, to participate in a clinical research study aimed at reducing the symptoms associated with Major Depressive Disorder. The study, delivered on a smart phone in a controlled setting, includes brief sessions twice per week for four weeks, and participants will receive compensation for time and travel.
To learn more, call 414-865-2600 or visit rogersbh.org/depression-research.
All inquiries are confidential. This study is funded through private donations to the Rogers Memorial Hospital Foundation.
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Have You Visited South Milwaukee Lately?
!"#$%&'()#"*+%"#,% "-)+.%#/01&+/%)0#,2 3)0-.0,%-)04.#,2 '01'.0#$%0./)5,% ::BY CATHERINE JOZWIK
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Brooks adds that manufacturing employ4 ment is “significantly down from years past.” At one point years ago, that plant employed thousands. It’s now hundreds.” Caterpillar media relations representative Lisa Miller said that the company currently employs 500 people in South Milwaukee. “They’re still making rope lines and drag shovels,” she says. According to the mayor, Caterpillar will cease !"" operations south of Rawson Avenue by the end of 2018.
Funding Economic Development
In February, the Bucyrus Foundation (part of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation) offered the city a $200,000 development grant to be used in three different capacities. Seventy-five thousand dollars was earmarked to fund South Milwaukee’s first economic development di4 rector position; even before that occurred, in October 2017 Stephanie Hacker accepted the position. Secondly, $50,000 of the grant was used to restore the existing Downtown Revitalization Grant. According to the City of South Milwaukee website (smwi.org), this grant offers property and business owners up to $30,000 in matching grant funds for build4 ing repairs and improvement. The remaining $75,000 will go towards creating a master plan for the former Bucyrus location at 1100 Milwaukee Ave. when a new owner purchases the property. Caterpillar occupies 76 acres (and owns around 43.5 acres) of the former Bucyrus property; One Liberty Properties, a real estate investment firm in New York, owns the re4 maining 32.5 acres, which are for sale. Mayor Brooks says city officials are discussing the development of a new TIF district “including the Cat campus and surrounding areas.” Last year, South Milwaukee was accepted into Connect Communities, a program imple4 mented by the Wisconsin Economic Develop4 ment Corporation (WEDC) to improve devel4 opment in cities’ downtown areas. South Mil4 waukee aims to “beautify” its downtown, ac4 cording to Brooks. “It’s one tool we are using and will continue to use with the city chamber of commerce. We can learn a lot from what others have done,” he says. The mayor’s blog, southmilwaukeeblog.com, the city newslet4 ter, social media and organizations such as "#$!South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center (SMPAC) help spread word about the city’s revitalization efforts. “The SMPAC does a great job of marketing,” Brooks explains.
SMPAC’s Impact
Located at 901 15th Ave. in South Milwau4 kee High School, the SMPAC offers perfor4 mances from high school drama clubs and lo4 cal groups such as Four Guyz in Dinner Jack4 ets to national acts such as Peter Yarrow and Noel Paul Stookey (of Peter, Paul and Mary fame). Youth theater is also very popular. Executive director Rachel Sorce, whose parents worked as music educators, was born and raised in South Milwaukee. Before tak4 ing the position at SMPAC, she worked in
corporate marketing. SMPAC works with many other South Milwaukee events—even providing musicians for the Thursday night farmers market, now in its 10th season. Ac4 cording to Brooks, the market features more than 20 musical acts and many different ven4 dors. “There’s an eclectic mix of stuff there,” he says. SMPAC also partners with other events such as Heritage Days in July and Evening on the Avenue. Sorce’s husband, Peter, owns Sorce Martial Arts, 926 Milwaukee Ave. The couple purchased the building on a land con4 tract several years ago. “South Milwaukee is an affordable and welcoming community,” Rachel Sorce says. “I couldn’t be happier to be a part of it.” A member of the Downtown Revitalization Committee, Sorce wants to get the word out about South Milwaukee’s many assets, including its high walkability. “We have a golf course and a yacht club, and we’re on the lake,” she adds. South Milwaukee is also home to MidKoast Entertainment, a music studio offering audio and lighting production and DJ services. Coowner Colin Bischoff, who founded MidKoast along with Matt Minue several years ago, runs the business from his childhood home, located at 2606 Lake Shore Blvd. Every July, Mid4 Koast hosts Cliffstock, a free festival for art4 ists and musicians, in Bischoff’s backyard. “I see more and more of the younger artist crowd making a presence in the area,” Bischoff says. “It’s all about providing a place where likeminded people can share passions.” Leah Manthey, co-owner of Parkway Flo4 ral (1001 Milwaukee Ave.) and president of the South Milwaukee Community and Busi4 ness Association, holds an annual fundraiser for Cliffstock. She also heads the community garden initiative known as Growing South Milwaukee. Manthey says locations and the size of the garden, which she hopes will be in place by summer, are currently being con4 sidered. The city is collaborating with interior design students at Mount Mary University to provide design work for the interiors of 11 vacant properties. Students are working with property owners and doing interior de4 sign mock-ups. According to Manthey, many businesses work together to improve the city. “It’s such a tight-knit community. I feel that strength in numbers is working for us,” she says. Serendipitous Designs and Gifts owner Jamie Allard said business has been going great since she moved in to her new location, formerly Jen’s Sweet Treats, 907 Milwaukee Ave. Allard plans to hold open mic nights for artists and musicians in the future and is part4 nering with friend and art therapist Jennifer Albright to host classes that “focus on learn4 ing expression through art” such as “Intuitive Painting.” In June, Serendipitous will host an event to celebrate the unveiling of a six-foot mural, painted on two panels, attached to the building’s exterior. Allard plans to replace the mural as necessary. Each successive mural will be painted by a different artist.
Community Soccer Kicks Things Up a Notch
James Moran, owner of Moran’s Pub (912 Milwaukee Ave.), has done his part to bring sports, live music and other fun activities to South Milwaukee. Moran, a native of Bir4 mingham, England, bought the pub in 2017. A soccer fan, he decided to show television matches, which helped draw in patrons (in fact, he’ll be showing World Cup matches at the pub this summer). Moran also added dart and pool leagues and began hosting cribbage, Xbox sports and ping-pong tournaments. Word-of-mouth helped increase business considerably and cement Moran’s reputation as a community pub. “The soccer focus defi4 nitely helped,” he says. Every week, Moran hosts pickup soccer, a sport which he feels is inclusive, attracting people of all races and ethnicities. “When we’re chasing a ball, ev4 eryone gets along just fine,” he explains. Moran presented the idea of a futsal court in Hickory Park to the South Milwaukee School District board (futsal is a variant of soccer played on a hard court). According to "#$!mayor’s blog, a dual-use futsal-basketball court and tennis-pickleball court will replace the park’s two tennis courts. The project is ex4 pected to be completed by the end of July. The real estate market is responding to the changing climate of South Milwaukee as property owners are raising purchase prices. According to zillow.com, the median home value in the city is about $155,000. The mayor feels that South Milwaukee has many attrac4 tive features, including affordable housing, natural beauty, a safe community and rea4 sonable proximity to Downtown Milwaukee. “You get a lot for your money. We feel like a small town tucked in the middle of a metro4 politan area,” he says. Nearby parks are other major assets to the city. Grant Park, located on Lake Michigan, spans around 380 acres and features numerous walking trails, lagoon, golf course and beach4 front areas with a seasonal snack bar. Grant Park is also a popular destination for area birders. Numerous bird species can be spot4 ted on any given day, including great horned owls, yellow warblers and even endangered species such as piping plovers. The nonprofit Friends of Grant Park was recently awarded the prestigious Noel J. Cutright Award, named after the prominent Ozaukee County ornithologist, for their ef4 forts in bird conservation. To help the bird population and educate the community, the Friends hold weekly bird walks every Sunday in May. Because of its dedication to helping preserve avian habitats, South Milwaukee was recently designated a “Bird City” by Bird City Wisconsin. “We are in a perfect place on the South Shore to craft this vision” of an attractive South Shore community, Stephanie Hacker says. “It’s a really advantageous location for business owners and residents.” Major Brooks agrees, adding: “People need to discover what’s going on in South Milwaukee.” #$%%&'()!()*+&,+&-.&/,-&**01$%0!n
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he Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory, reactionary or authoritarian actions and policies of the Donald Trump administration, as well as other activities by all those who seek to thwart social justice. We will publicize and promote actions, demonstrations, planning meetings, teach-ins, party-building meetings, drinking-discussion get-togethers and any other actions that are directed toward fighting back to preserve our liberal democratic system.
Anti-Foxconn Coalition Public Meeting @ Riverwest Public House Cooperative (815 E. Locust St.), 6-8 p.m.
Saturday, May 26
Lead in Our Water @ Urban Ecology Center (1859 N. 40th St.), 7-8:30 p.m.
Peace Action Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ The corner of Water Street and St. Paul Avenue, noon-1 p.m.
Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action Wisconsin to protest war and, quite literally, “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee afterward.
Sunday, May 27
Peace Through Music @ Linneman’s Riverwest Inn (1001 E. Locust St.), 7 p.m.-midnight
The Gaia Coalition Network, 350 Steven’s Point, Water Protectors of Milwaukee and other groups are teaming up to create an official coalition against the Foxconn manufacturing plant in Mt. Pleasant, Wis. This meeting is open to anyone who would like to get involved.
The 17th-annual Peace Through Music event will feature local bands covering the music of the late Beatles legend John Lennon. There will also be a silent auction and 50/50 cash raffle. Proceeds from the event will go towards the Wisconsin AntiViolence Effort and the Brady Campaign.
Friday, May 25
Tuesday, May 29
The B-Side: Exploring the Need for Black Women Entrepreneurs @ Alice’s Garden (2136 N. 21st St.), 5 p.m.
VoodooHoney, a Milwaukee-based record label, will host a panel discussion featuring local artists, writers and musicians to honor the past, present and future of African American women entrepreneurs and “explore our personal and collective journeys of black womanhood through art and dialogue.”
Meet Wisconsin Gubernatorial Candidate Kathleen Vinehout @ Riverwest Public House Cooperative (815 E. Locust St.), 5:30-8 p.m.
State Sen. LaTonya Johnson will lead a discussion about the impact Milwaukee’s toxic lead exposure has on local families. The event is a part of the Urban Ecology Center’s Our Water: Milwaukee’s Mirror—A Community Science Freshwater Series.
March on Milwaukee Community Discussion @ Kingo Lutheran Church (1225 E. Olive St.), 7-8:30 p.m.
Kingo Lutheran Church will host a discussion about the 50th anniversary of the open housing marches in Milwaukee facilitated by the Frank Zeidler Center for Public Discussion. Kingo will provide a brief history of the marches, after which participants will discuss the history and legacy of the marches in small groups.
Wednesday, May 30
50-Year Ache @ Anodyne Coffee Roasting Co. (224 W. Bruce St.), 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is organizing a storytelling event featuring stories of people facing racism, sexism, homophobia and other bigotry. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Storytelling begins at 7.
Wisconsin State Sen. Kathleen Vinehout (who’s running for governor) will be at the Riverwest Public House for an “afterwork meet and greet” where she will present her “People First” vision for Wisconsin and alternative budgets she has created. Attendees will also be able to speak directly with the candidate.
To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to savingourdemocracy@shepex. com. Together, we can fight to minimize the damage that Donald Trump and others of his kind have planned for our great country. Comment at shepherdexpress.com. n
You Disagree with Walker’s Claim That His Budget Cuts Haven’t Hurt Schools Last week we asked if you agree with Gov. Scott Walker’s claim that his massive cuts to public education have not significantly hurt Milwaukee Public Schools. You said: n Yes: 20% n No: 80%
What Do You Say? Will the summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un actually happen this summer? n Yes n No Vote online at shepherdexpress.com. We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue.
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Break Free from Neuropathy with a New Supportive Care Cream A patented relief cream stands to help millions of Americans crippled from the side effects neuropathy by increasing sensation and blood flow wherever it’s applied Raymond Wilson The Associated Heath Press AHP − A recent breakthrough stands to help millions of Americans plagued by burning, tingling and numb legs and feet. But this time it comes in the form of a cream, not a pill, suggesting the medical community may have been going about the problem all wrong. The breakthrough, called Diabasens, is a new relief cream developed for managing the relentless discomfort caused by neuropathy. When applied directly to the legs and feet, it causes arteries and blood vessels to expand, increasing the flow of warm, nutrient rich blood to damaged tissue. However, what’s most remarkable about the cream...and what makes it so brilliant...is that it contains one of the only natural substances known to activate a special sensory pathway right below the surface of the skin. This pathway is called TRAP1 and it controls the sensitivity of nerves. In laymen terms, it determines whether you feel pins and needles or soothing relief. Studies show that symptoms of neuropathy arise when the nerves in your legs deteriorate and blood flow is lost to the areas which surround them. As the nerves begins to die, sensation is lost. This lack of sensation is what causes the feelings of burning, tingling and numbness. This is why the makers of Diabasens say their cream has performed so well in a recent clinical use survey trial. It increases sensation and blood flow where ever its applied.
No Pills, No Prescriptions, No Agony Until now, many doctors have failed to consider a topical cream as an effective way to manage neuropathy. Diabasens is proving it may be the only way going forward. “Most of today’s treatment methods have focused on minimizing discomfort instead of attacking its underlining cause. That’s why millions of adults are still in excruciating pain every single day, and are constantly dealing with side effects” explains Dr. Esber, the creator of Diabasens. “Diabasens is different. Since the most commonly reported symptoms − burning, tingling and numb legs and feet − are caused by lack of sensation of the nerves, we’ve designed the formula increase their sensitivity. And since these nerves are located right below the skin, we’ve chosen to formulate it as a cream. This allows for the ingredients to get to them faster and without any drug like side effects” he adds.
Study Finds Restoring Sensation the Key To Effective, Long Lasting Relief With the conclusion of their latest human clinical use survey trial, Dr. Esber and his team are now offering Diabasens nationwide. And regardless of the market, its sales are exploding. Men and women from all over the country are eager to get their hands on the new cream and, according to the results initial users reported, they should be. In the trial above, as compared to baseline, participants taking Diabasens saw a staggering 51% increase sensitivity in just one week. This resulted in significant relief from burning, tingling and nubmness throughout their legs. Many participants taking Diabasens described feeling much more balanced and comfortable throughout the day. They also noticed that after applying, there was a pleasant warming sensation that was remarkably soothing.
Diabasens Users Demand More Many of Diabasens users say their legs have never felt better. For the first time in years, they are able to walk free from the symptoms which have made life hard. “I have been using the cream now for about ten days. It has given me such relief. I’ve had very bad foot pain from injuries and overuse of my feet for years which have contributed to severe itching/tingling and pain for some time. (My father also suffered from this pain and itching. I wish I would have had this for him.) The first time I used the cream, I felt an almost immediate relief from this. I now use it at least twice a day: once in the morning before work and once at night before I sleep. I am so delighted with this. It has helped my walking, also. It has helped generate feeling again in my feet,” raves Marsha A. from Texas
Diabasens is shown to provide relief from: • Burning • Swelling • Tingling • Heaviness • Numbness • Cold extremities Targets Nerve Damage Right Below the Skins Surface Diabasens is a topical cream that is to be applied to your legs and feet twice a day for the first two weeks then once a day after. It does not require a prescription. The active ingredient is a compound known as cinnamaldehyde.
Topical Creams Offer Sufferers a Safer, More Effective Avenue of Relief: Diabasens increases sensation and blood flow wherever its applied. It’s now being used to relieve painful legs and feet. Studies show that neuropathy and nerve pain is caused when the peripheral nerves breakdown and blood is unable to circulate into your legs and feet. As these nerves deteriorate, sensation is lost. This is why you may not feel hot or cold and your legs and feet may burn, tingle and go numb. Additionally, without proper blood flow, tissues and cells in these areas begin to die, causing unbearable pain. The cinnamaldehyde in Diabasens is one of the only compounds in existence that can activate TRPA1, a special sensory pathway that runs through your entire body. According to research, activating this pathway (which can only be done with a cream) increases the sensitivity of nerves, relieving feelings of tingling and numbness in your legs and feet. Supporting ingredients boost blood flow, supplying the nerves with the nutrients they need for increased sensation.
Amazing Relief Exactly Where You Need It With daily use, Diabasens users report remarkable improvements in their quality of life without of the negative side effects or interactions associated with prescription drugs. Readers can now enjoy an entirely new level of comfort that’s both safe and affordable. It is also extremely effective, especially if nothing else has worked.
Discounted Supply of Diabasens for Local Readers This is the official release of Diabasens. As such, the company is offering a special discounted supply to any reader who calls within the next 48 hours. A special hotline number and discounted pricing has been created for all Wisconsin residents. Discounts will be available starting today at 6:00AM and will automatically be applied to all callers. Your Toll-Free Hotline number is 1-800-605-1029 and will only be open for the next 48 hours. Only a limited discounted supply of Diabasens is currently available in your region.
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Living in a Drunken State ::BY JOEL MCNALLY
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Binging Out of Control
The study used the CDC definitions of binge 7)01901=T+*6)!*)!'*)$!7)0195!*1!&!501=3$!*%%&2 sion for women and five or more for men—and -$&84!7)01901=T$0=-,!*)!'*)$!7)0195!&!($$9! +*)!(*'$1!&17!QU!*)!'*)$!+*)!'$1:!C*'#012 01=!,-*5$!'$&56)$5>!QPV!*+!&763,5!01!?'$)0%&! 7)019!$.%$5508$34W!01!G05%*1501>!,-$!/$)%$1,&=$! 05! IX:IVT$.%$$701=! ,-$! 1&,0*1&3! &8$)&=$! #4! '*)$!,-&1!PV: The area identified as Milwaukee-Wauke2
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!"#$%&'()*+$,'-)$ the Right to Ruffle the %*)+./)012+$")'13)*+$ ::BY YVONNE OCHILO
haired by National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell, 39 of the NFL’s crème de la crème convened in a meeting last October to discuss the National Anthem protests spearheaded by former quarterback Colin Kaepernick. As highlighted in Ken Belson’s and Mark Leibovic’s recent New York Times article “Inside the Confidential NFL Meeting to Discuss National Anthem Protests,” the stakeholders’ objective was to address the “public hostility” experienced by the NFL (as well as ruffled presidential feathers) by players kneeling during the playing of the U.S. National Anthem before football games. In theory, a people should never be afraid of its government; otherwise there is a risk of a tyranny. Patriotism does not equal complacency but rather raises questions of its government and its citizenry when there is injustice in a democracy. For this reason, players who decide to use their status as a platform to protest racial inequality and police malfeasance should not experience retaliation for exercising their constitutional First Amendment rights. Although the football field is a non-conventional forum to voice grievances, we must recognize the magnitude of its influence on Americans. Football is a symbol of cultural pride that unifies most of us despite racial and socio-economic disparities. Therefore, it is an effective tool as it draws and holds the layman’s attention. Thus, the protests exhibited in this non-conventional forum can shed light on pertinent issues that plague the African American community. Racial prejudice is the tip of the iceberg. Other issues include unemployment, lack of adequate schools-education, poverty and drugs.
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‘Stop That Other Business?’
Perhaps the most striking comment in Belson’s and Leibovic’s article was a quote by Houston Texans owner Bob McNair who attended the October meeting. He stated: “You fellas need to ask your compadres, fellas, stop that other business, let’s go out and do something that really produces positive results, and we’ll help you.” At first blush, this directive seems harmless, requiring players to stop kneeling and to focus on immediate, results-oriented action plans. Let me preface this by commending those players who choose to give back their money and time in solidarity with—and in support of—their communities. However, McNair does not acknowledge the fact that he is a Caucasian male who has (whether he is aware or not) benefited from white privilege vis à vis the African American players who comprise 70% of the NFL’s lineup. White privilege is difficult to grapple with as it is nuanced with other factors such as family upbringing, values, economic status and gender that influence an individual’s worldview. McNair fails to recognize the despondency and conviction it must take for an African American NFL player like Kaepernick to risk his career, reputation and beaucoup dollars in protest of racial bias and police brutality. McNair and other team owners must not pay “lip service” but rather show a commitment to the players’ right to protest on the field—in particular those who have been historically marginalized and continue to experience the ripple effects of injustice. Moreover, owners who champion players’ protests amid any negative public relations or tension with Donald Trump are not being unpatriotic but rather courageous in displaying their team spirit. The business of sports and amassing enormous profits should neither outweigh free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment nor curtail the marketplace of ideas. America cannot be “great” when African Americans and other people of color experience oppression and mass incarceration. NFL players, concerned citizens and community organizations can mobilize from grassroots to boardrooms, but the government’s backing is required to fuel these efforts. Most importantly, the government has an obligation to ensure that all its citizens are equally protected under the rule of law. Yvonne Ochilo is a Milwaukee attorney. Follow her on Twitter at @Ochilolaw or contact her on Facebook by searching for Ochilo Law Offices. Comment at shepherdexpress.com. n
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Texas de Brazil
All the Meat You Can Eat at Texas de Brazil
grilled provolone, prosciutto, salami), sushi, smoked salmon, assorted olives and roasted peppers, fresh asparagus and one of my favorites—a grilled pineapple sliced thin, carpaccio style. Included in the salad bar are also a variety of hot items that are delicious on their own or complement the meat. The signature lobster bisque, offered on the salad bar or bar menu, was silky and aromatic and shouldn’t be missed. To kick off the parade of meat, you will be given a disc with a red and green side to turn over when you are ready for more, also a basket of mini cheese bread muffins and caramelized cinnamon bananas. Don’t be confused by the bananas served before the meal. I love the idea of !::BY ALISA MALAVENDA dessert first, but here they act as a delicious palate cleanser for you to enjoy all the flavors of each individual meat. You will also receive a dish of garlic carnivore’s Disneyland of woodfire-grilled meat with Brazilian flair is mashed potatoes that can be replenished as often as you desire. Then, the what you will find at Texas de Brazil. The array of meat at the former happy, smiling gauchos emerge wielding a never-ending procession of skewlocation of McCormick & Schmick at Mayfair offers a unique dining ers of different meats with the precision and grace of a ballet. The dining room experience starting before you enter the building. The savory aroma buzzes with lively excitement as they carve tableside. Time-honored traditions of meat cooking whets your appetite for what’s in store—an extravaare executed by grilling all the meat over wood fire and preserving the flavor gant feast for your eyes and palate. Be advised: for a tender and juicy outcome. There is quite a selection Prepare yourself for a marathon, not a sprint! to choose from but why limit yourself? Try a little of evThe Brazilian style steakhouse features one erything. My favorite was the picanha (sirloin), tender and price ($42.99) for all you can eat and yet it is dripping with flavor with a light crunch of salty crust on the Texas de Brazil fine dining experience. Start off with one of outside of the meat. We also enjoyed lamb chops, beef filet their signature cocktails—the traditional 2550 N. Mayfair Road two ways, bacon-wrapped Parmesan chicken, pork rib and Brazilian Caipirinha is as refreshing as pork loin and another favorite—the Brazilian sausage. 414-501-7100 • $$$$ the breeze off the water in the summer By now you may be wondering where the Texas comes in texasdebrazil.com/ heat—or order by the glass from their from “Texas de Brazil”? It is in that good ol’ Texas hospitality locations/milwaukee/ list of premium wine. The lush salad bar which shone through in each and every person we came overflows with fresh and original items. Handicap Accessible: Yes into contact with. It is as refreshing as the Caipirinha to find You could easily make a meal from the customer service as outstanding as the food. Be sure to CC, GF, FB, RS salad bar alone. check out the website for their daily specials and discounts. Hours: M-Th 5-9:30 p.m., Texas de Brazil offers a set price just for the unlimited F 5-10 p.m., Sa 4-10 p.m., salad bar ($24.99). The offerings are too many to list, but (left) Lamp Chops (right) Sliced Picahna and assorted meats Su 4-9 p.m. include several cheese and charcuterie items (Manchego,
12 | M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8
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all shows 21+
All shows at 8 pm unless otherwise indicated Tickets available at Shank Hall Box Office, 866-468-3401, or at ticketweb.com
Mon 5/28
Tues 5/29
Matt Costa,
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Leland Sklar $25
at Dan’s Pizza & Sammiches (4241 S. Packard Ave.), open since February, has definitely upped the standards of carryout/deliveryonly fare. Shunning frozen appetizers or canned sauces, they instead offer scratch-made and healthier items, prepared with locally sourced ingredients such as greens from Milaegar’s and eggs from Yuppie Hill Poultry. The broad menu consists of appetizers such as wild mushroom bruschetta and the hummus plate, in addition to classics like jumbo chicken wings and fresh fried mozzarella. Several salad options include the Pear & Walnut, Caprese and Italian. Sandwich choices include subs, grass-fed beef burgers, wraps, Reuben and the creative Spicy Cauliflower Wrap—perfect for vegetarians with a spicy kick of vegan Buffalo sauce, romaine lettuce, diced tomatoes, avocado and blue cheese (optional). Fresh marinara sauce graces the meatball sandwich, served on a grilled bun that withstands the saucy goodness. Sandwiches are served with house-made potato chips and pickled veggies in brine that is not quite sweet or sour, reminiscent of my great-aunt Alice’s refrigerator pickles. The Friday fish fry features wild-caught cod with light, crispy breading, served with coleslaw, choice of potato, fresh baked marble rye and homemade tarter sauce. The pizzas are truly Milwaukee style—thin crust and cut into square servings. You can build your own pizza with more than 20 choices of toppings, go classic with the fresh mozzarella with tomato and fresh basil, or choose from specialty pizzas like The Veggie or The Hot Hawaiian. Many items can be made vegan or gluten free, and the food comes in compostable containers.
Thurs 5/31
Fri 6/1
The Lighthouse and the Whaler
Arts Fishing Club $10 Adv /$12 dr
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Fri 6/8
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M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 13
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his year’s diverse lineup includes a variety of fresh new restaurants as well as returning favorites,” remarks Beth Weirick, CEO of Downtown Milwaukee’s BID #21. “Offering both lunch and dinner options, Downtown residents and guests can get a taste of Milwaukee’s flavor at any time of day.” BID (Business Improvement District) #21 started Downtown Dining Week in 2006 in an effort to familiarize Milwaukee-area residents and out-of-town visitors alike about the fine ingesting and imbibing businesses the city’s Downtown area has to offer. Diners at participating restaurants (see accompanying list) will also have the option to donate to Key to Change—an initiative created by BID #21 in an effort to cure chronic homelessness in our community. Indeed, since its launch just eight months ago, it has raised more than $16,000—to which Dining Week restaurants have already added $4,000 in their own donations. Specially priced menu options for this eight-day feast include lunches for $12.50 and dinners for $25-$35. Four lucky diners will be awarded $450 in dining certificates. Downtown Dining Week runs May 31-June 7.
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Cantina Milwaukee
Ale Asylum Riverhouse
310 W. Wisconsin Ave. 414-223-0600 thecapitalgrille.com
110 N. Old World Third St. 414-269-8700 riverhousemke.com
850 N. Plankinton Ave. 414-270-0890 benihana.com
Blue Bat Kitchen & Tequilaria
249 N. Water St. 414-431-1133 hospitalitydemocracy.com/blue-batkitchen
The Brass Alley
1023 N. Old World Third St. 414-800-6240 thebrassalley.com
800 N. Plankinton Ave. 414-210-5381 brunchmke.com
Café at the Pfister
424 E. Wisconsin Ave. 414-390-3878 thepfisterhotel.com/milwaukee -restaurants/cafe-pfister
14 | M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8
1110 N. Old World Third St. 414-897-8137 cantinamilwaukee.com
The Capital Grille
Carson’s Ribs
301 W. Juneau Ave. 414-223-3311 ribs.com
Club Charlies
320 E. Menomonee St. 414-763-8548 clubcharlies.com
Doc’s Commerce Smokehouse 754 N. Fourth St. 414-935-2029 docsbbq.net
425 E. Wells St. 414-278-8586 flannerysmilwaukee.com
408 E. Chicago St. 414-220-1155 kanpaimilwaukee.com
The Pub Club
The Knick
Rare Steakhouse
The Loaded Slate
Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery
139 E. Kilbourn Ave. 414-291-4793 kilawatcuisine.com 1030 E. Juneau Ave. 414-272-0011 theknickrestaurant.com 1137 N. Old World Third St. 414-273-5700 theloadedslate.com
801 N. Jefferson St. 414-273-4224 louiseswisconsin.com
1041 N. Old World Third St. 414-271-3377 madersrestaurant.com
Mason Street Grill
425 E. Mason St. 414-298-3131 masonstreetgrill.com
811 N. Jefferson St. 414-273-2597 mikeysmke.com
Milwaukee Chophouse 633 N Fifth St. 414-226-2467 chophouse411.com
Mo’s...A Place for Steaks 720 N. Plankinton Ave. 414-272-0720 mosaplaceforsteaks.com
Oak Barrel Public House 1033 N. Old World Third St. 414-897-8320 oakbarrelmilwaukee.com
221 N. Broadway 414-308-1600 hospitalitydemocracy.com/onesto
Pastiche at the Metro
411 E. Mason St. 414-225-3270 pastichebistro.com/home.php
Pier 106 Seafood Tavern 106 W. Wells St. 414-273-7678 pier106seafoodtavern.com
1103 N. Old World Third St. 414-988-5000 mke.thepubclubmilwaukee.com
833 E. Michigan St. 414-273-7273 milwaukee.raresteakandseafood.com
740 N. Plankinton Ave. 414-276-3030 rockbottom.com/locations/milwaukee
The Rumpus Room
1030 N. Water St. 414-292-0100 bartolottas.com/rumpus-room
779 N. Front St. 414-271-2007 safe-house.com
Smoke Shack
332 N. Milwaukee St. 414-431-1119 hospitalitydemocracy.com/smoke-shack
217 N. Broadway 414-431-7944 hospitalitydemocracy.com/swig
Third Coast Provisions 724 N. Milwaukee St. 414-323-7434 thirdcoastprovisions.com
1122 N. Edison St. 414-223-1122 vagabondmke.com
Ward’s House of Prime 540 E. Mason St. 414-223-0135 wardshouseofprime.com
Water Street Brewery 1101 N. Water St. 414-272-1195 waterstreetbrewery.com
Who’s on Third
1007 N. Old World Third St. 414-897-8373 whosonthirdmke.com
741 N. Milwaukee St. 414-225-0000 zarletti.net
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For more A&E, log onto shepherdexpress.com
Modes and Moods of Film Music for Chorus
Master Singers of Milwaukee
ome of the most redolent and emotional music has been written to accompany moving images on the big screen. If you think that movie soundtracks are just “background noise” or “elevator music” that you can just as easily do without, try to imagine some of your favorite moments in cinema without the music underlining, in the most profound way, what you see. Making the case for the enduring importance of movie music is what the Master Singers of Milwaukee have in mind for their upcoming concert, “At the Movies.” The Master Singers of Milwaukee won our 2017 Best of Milwaukee reader poll for Best Choral Group: no mean feat given the competition. “The choir was thrilled to be selected by the readers of the Shepherd Express,” says the ensemble’s spokesperson, Martha Dodds Stoner. “With competition like the Bel Canto Chorus and Milwaukee Symphony Chorus, which have so many more singers, we were excited to be recognized for excellence.” Founded in 1972, the Master Singers of Milwaukee is an adult mixed-voice choral group composed of talented vocal musicians from the greater Milwaukee area. Its depth of range and power comes from singers with extensive musical backgrounds. Choir members consist of international soloists who’ve sung throughout the U.S., Europe and Asia, church and school choral directors, vocal students from area schools and serious amateur musicians. Accompanying the chorus under the baton of its music director, Eduardo García-Novelli (who also serves as associate professor of music and director of choral activities at Carthage College), will be guest jazz group the Chris Geiser Trio, which has been making music together for about a decade thus far. “They first played together as part of the worship teams at Elmbrook Church, leading music for weekend services and occasionally adding sacred jazz,” Dodds Stoner explains. “The trio plays for various public and private events, and individually, they play for various churches.” The Chris Geiser Trio last worked with the Master Singers of Milwaukee for the latter’s “Just Jazz” concert four years ago. The trio consists of pianist Chris Geiser, bass player Dave Schroeder and drummer Dave Ruetz.
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You don’t often actually get to hear a choir singing to scenes in movies, so many of the works on the Master Singers of Milwaukee’s “At the Movies” program are choral arrangements of songs originally heard by a vocal (or even instrumental) soloist in a film. One example of this will be a performance of “What a Wonderful World,” which was a number one hit for Louis Armstrong when released in 1967. In 1988, his recording appeared in the film Good Morning, Vietnam and, consequently, was re-released as a single—hitting number 32 on the Billboard chart later that year. (It also made a less well-known film appearance—serving as the end credit music for the 1995 movie 12 Monkeys.) “Over the Rainbow” is another example. It’s certainly one of the most famous movie songs ever—so memorably sung by the young Judy Garland in 1939’s The Wizard of Oz. “Over the Rainbow” won the Academy Award for Best Original Song and became Garland’s signature song—as well as one of the most enduring standards of the 20th century. About five minutes into the film, Dorothy (Garland’s character), after failing to get Aunt Em, Uncle Henry and sundry farmhands to listen to her tell of an upsetting incident involving her dog and the infamously mean Miss Gulch, sings about a place where she’ll find peace and acceptance. Choruses also have the wonderful trait of being able to wordlessly imitate the sounds of musical instruments. An example of this will be the Master Singers’ performance of Craig Hella Johnson’s arrangement of “Gabriel’s Oboe,” a theme (actually the theme) from the 1986 film, The Mission. The soundtrack for the film—well received among critics and nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Score—earned its composer, Ennio Morricone, a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score. In The Mission, the most prominent use of “Gabriel’s Oboe” occurs when a Jesuit father walks up to a waterfall and starts playing his oboe with the goal of befriending the native Guaraní people with its soothing sounds and, thus, also smooth his way towards continuing with his missionary work in the New World. There are also those rare but altogether gorgeous moments when a choral version of a song—whether or not it actuMaster ally made a deliberate appearance in a film score or not—beSingers of comes inextricably linked to a Milwaukee legendary movie. Such is the “At the Movies” case with “Moon River” and the 1961 movie, Breakfast at Wauwatosa Tiffany’s. The tune went on to Presbyterian win the 1962 Academy Award Church for Best Original Song as well as Sunday, June 3 Grammy Awards for Record of 4 p.m. the Year and Song of the Year. These are just a few of the more than one dozen choral versions of movie songs and themes to be heard at the Master Singers of Milwaukee’s “At the Movies” concert. Other pieces come from such films as Working Girl, West Side Story, Top Hat, The Gay Divorcee, Summer Stock, Frozen and more. Sunday, June 3, at 4 p.m. at Wauwatosa Presbyterian Church, 2366 N. 80th St. For tickets, visit mastersingersofmilwaukee.org.
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The Spits w/ Sex Scenes, Gallery Night and Brain-Bats @ Cactus Club, 9 p.m.
Ace Frehley @ Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, 8 p.m.
The Spits have always understood that punk music doesn’t have to be important. In the spirit of The Ramones, the Kalamazoo-born garage-punk band writes songs about partying, brawling and killing time. It’s punk music at its purest. They’ll share this bill with a trio of Milwaukee’s finest punk bands, including one that has a new release to celebrate: Sex Scenes, who offer 15 minutes of thundering, growling punk in the ill-tempered spirit of Jesus Lizard and Pissed Jeans on their new LP, h. It’s awesomely loud and lovably grumpy.
Former KISS guitarist Ace Frehley hasn’t donned his signature Spaceman makeup since 2002, when he left the band after what was supposed to be its farewell tour (it wasn’t, obviously). He has continued making music, however, staying true to KISS’ template on his recent solo albums, including 2014’s Space Invader and his 2016 covers album Origins, Vol. 1, each of which offered heaping helpings of the rowdy hard-rock and pop-metal KISS made their name with. Those songs should make for a rousing show on their own, but the guitarist also throws plenty of hits from his former band into his set for good measure.
Steny’s Walker’s Point Block Party @ Steny’s Tavern, noon
There’s a Guinness Book of World Records for just about anything you can imagine, and this weekend Steny’s will set out to break one of them. On Sunday, the second day of its Walker’s Point Block Party, the bustling Walker’s Point sports bar will attempt to set the record for the world’s largest Bloody Mary toast. Show up by 4:30 p.m. if you want to be a part of history. The block party will also feature craft beer tastings, and music from Saving Savana and The Toys on Saturday, as well as music from The Cheap Shots and Almighty Vinyl and a bags tournament on Sunday.
Greatest Lakes w/ Nickel&Rose @ Anodyne Coffee, 8 p.m.
The Milwaukee-by-way-of-Kenosha indie-folk band Greatest Lakes charmed out the gate with their 2014 self-titled album, a wistfully dreamy album that lives up to the majesty of the group’s band name. And then they sort of disappeared. After a couple years mostly off the grid, the band has returned with a new sophomore album, Divisions, that was more than worth the wait. Building on the Grizzly Bear/ Fleet Foxes vibe of its predecessor, it’s a flashier, slightly more loaded record, but the band’s distinctive harmonies remain as blissful as ever. The band shares this album release show with the inventive Milwaukee folk duo Nickel&Rose. LITTLE X LITTLE PHOTOGRAPHY
SUNDAY, MAY 27 Riverwest FemFest @ multiple venues
Each year, Riverwest FemFest showcases dozens of female, trans and non-binary artists from Milwaukee and beyond. For its fourth year, FemFest has expanded considerably in both its scope and its scale, with a remarkable eight-day lineup of showcases at venues across Riverwest. It all kicks off on Sunday, May 27, with a comedy showcase at Lakefront Brewery featuring Chastity Washington, Shannon Noll, Allison Dunne and Dina Nina Martinez. On Monday, Rise & Grind Café #2 hosts an all-ages spoken word night, featuring Lilo Allen, Marissa Reyes, Heard Space and others. On Tuesday, Microlights hosts the Riverwest FemFest Film & Video Showcase—two programs of shorts curated by Grace Mitchell and Naomi Shersty. On Wednesday, five venues will open their doors for the Riverwest FemFest Gallery Walk: The Ski Club, The Yellow Wallpaper Project, The Jazz Gallery, Yours Truly and The Lunchbox at After School Special, while Art*Bar hosts a bill featuring five bands and musicians, including Saebra & Carlyle, Rocket Cat and Banana Fish. The festival continues through Sunday, June 3, with a truly remarkable lineup of music bills planned for that weekend. For the complete lineup, visit rwfemfest.com.
Rich The Kid w/ YBN Nahmir, IshDARR, Big Chicken, MT Twins and Mac Hefner @ The Riverside Theater, 7:30 p.m. Greatest Lakes
18 | M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8
Rich The Kid is having a moment. After years of building buzz around Atlanta, and a series of respectable mixtapes (including many with Migos), the Georgia rapper finally has some bona fide hits to his name. Last year he released “New Freezer,” a cold and clever trap song featuring Kendrick Lamar which made a splash on rap radio. His follow-up single “Plug Walk” made an even bigger impression, thanks in part to its utterly ridiculous “Breaking Bad”-inspired music video, which features a drug-cooking alien. Those songs are both featured on his debut album, The World Is Yours, which also includes guest spots from Future, Khalid, Rick Ross, Swae Lee and Lil Wayne. SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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Read our daily events guide, Today in Milwaukee, on shepherdexpress.com
6:30 PM
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Judith Owen featuring Leland Sklar @ Shank Hall, 8 p.m.
Since his 1996 debut album Emotions on a Postcard, Welsh singer-songwriter Judith Owen has dabbled in a little bit of everything, honing a sophisticated mix of rock, folk and jazz. She’s also performed on albums by Richard Thompson, Julia Fordham and her husband, comedian-musician Harry Shearer, singing on his 1994 album It Must Have Been Something I Said and his just-released album under his Spinal Tap alter ego Derek Smalls, Smalls Change (Meditations Upon Ageing); she also does a mean cover of Spinal Tap’s “Christmas with the Devil.” This month, Owen releases her latest album—a covers collection called redisCOVERed featuring interpretations of songs as varied as Donna Summer’s “Hot Stuff,” Ed Sheeran’s “Shape of You” and Joni Mitchell’s “Ladies Man,” as well as a torchy take on Drake’s “Hotline Bling.” For this show, she’ll be joined by one of the most prolific session musicians ever, Leland Sklar, a Milwaukee native who has performed on more than 2,000 albums by acts including Crosby, Stills and Nash, Leonard Cohen and Warren Zevon. Rumor has it Owen will be joined by another special guest as well.
Tedeschi Trucks Band w/ Charlie Parr @ The Riverside Theater, 8 p.m.
The Southern rock-blues rock supergroup Tedeschi Trucks Band formed under the happiest circumstances possible. After touring together in the late ’00s, the husband and wife rockers Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi merged their respective bands in 2010 so they could spend more time together on the road. They knew they were onto something with the success of their first album under the Tedeschi Trucks umbrella, 2011’s Revelator, which took home a Grammy for Best Blues Album. Their 2013 follow-up, Made Up Mind, was a more varied set that includes several songs heavily inspired by the vintage soul of Stax and Motown. Some of those sounds also worked their way into 2016’s Let Me Get By, which played up the group’s blues and gospel influences. Their latest release is last year’s live album Live from the Fox Oakland, which includes a ripping version of Leonard Cohen’s “Bird on the Wire.” SHEPHERD EXPRESS
Masterful. Beautiful. Muy macho. Daring Technique: Goya and the Art of Etching. On view through September 9.
Francisco de Goya, The Agility and Audacity of Juanito ApiÒ ani in [the Ring] at Madrid (Ligereza y atrevimiento de Juanito Apinani en la de Madrid), from the series La Tauromaquia, 1816. Etching and aquatint. Milwaukee Art Museum, Bequest of Howard L. Zetteler in memory of his wife, Evelyn H. Zetteler. M1983.204.20.Photo by John R. Glembin.
M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 19
::PERFORMINGARTSWEEK For More to Do, visit shepherdexpress.com
Flyin’ West
The Glenn Miller Orchestra
Sheri Williams Pannell, artistic director of the Bronzeville Arts Ensemble, has many reasons for wanting to direct Flyin’ West, she says, “but the predominant one is to share a poignant story inspired by an aspect of American history that is seldom taught, even at the secondary level—the all black settlements established following the Emancipation Proclamation.” Atlantabased writer Pearl Cleage’s 1992 play is set in 1898 in the historic all black town of Nicodemus, Kan. It tells the story of a small group of courageous African American women who took advantage of the Homestead Act to travel west and build new lives for themselves and their families in a harsh, untested region of the country. Nicodemus is the oldest existing African American pioneer town in America and Milwaukee artist and activist Una VanDuvall is a descendant of its founders. VanDuvall will be the featured speaker in an extended talk back following the matinee performance on Sunday, May 27. This Milwaukee connection is another reason Pannell chose the play. At 5 years old, the Bronzeville Arts Ensemble strives to illuminate the black experience in America. “Homeownership and community building is still the American dream for many,” Pannell says. “The question these pioneering women and our audience must answer is, once you have achieved your dream, how far will you go to protect it?” Black Arts MKE is producing. A resident group of the Marcus Center, Black Arts MKE works to increase the availability and quality of African American arts organizations in Milwaukee. (John Schneider) 7:30 p.m. May 24-26 and 3 p.m. May 27 at the Marcus Center’s Wilson Theatre in Vogel Hall. For tickets, call 414-273-7206 or visit marcuscenter.org.
Mrs. Wrights The “Mrs. Wrights” mentioned in the title refer to the women in the life of famed (some might say infamous) and fascinating Wisconsin-born architect Frank Lloyd Wright; the work is an original solo dance theater work in which creator and performer Jenni Reinke builds the historical characters’ experiences through dance and drama. Intimate spaces are choreographed through the architecture of the body, and Modernism provides a blueprint for movement, music and design. The women Reinke portrays are his loving companion, Olgivanna, his mother, Anna, his lover, Mamah, and his ex-wives, Kitty and Miriam. This world premiere of Mrs. Wrights kicks off Quasimondo Physical Theatre’s tour to venues around the country. A Milwaukee production of the piece is also planned for fall. “Collectively, their lives span the years 1869-1985 and mirror 19th- and 20thcentury women’s history in America,” Reinke says of the characters she brings to life through movement. “[The women have been] overshadowed by Wright in history,” she says, so Reinke says that she wants her performance “to give voice to their experience” in “a show that is ultimately about the women rather than the larger-than-life architect.” She likewise adds that, in researching her subject matter, she was “lucky to tour Wright buildings and has fallen in love with his architecture.” Given the premiere’s locale, this whole enterprise would seem to be highly synergistic. (John Jahn) Friday, June 1, at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin Hillside Theater, 6604 Highway 23, Spring Green. For tickets, visit wrightinwisconsin.org or quasimondo.org.
Hartford’s Schauer Center invites you to get “In the Mood” for a taste of the Big Band Era via a concert by the Glenn Miller Orchestra. Miller was an American trombonist of the first order who went on to found one of the most popular big bands of all time—aided by the fact that they recorded extensively for RCA. In the period 1939-1943, Miller and his orchestra scored 23 chart-toppers. That’s more than Elvis Presley and The Beatles did in their entire recording careers. It could have been an even lengthier list; alas, Miller was killed on Dec. 15, 1944, when a military airplane he was on disappeared in stormy weather over the English Channel. The band he founded, however, would continue to perform and record under different leaders for many years. Only a small gap exists between the original and the founding of the big band that comes to the Schauer Center; of course, all of the original members have long ago passed away, but the tradition lives on. Music director Nick Hilscher leads the Glenn Miller Orchestra in performances of Glenn Miller’s classic arrangements of such timeless hits as “Moonlight Serenade,” “Rhapsody in Blue,” “Chattanooga Choo-Choo,” “A String of Pearls,” “Little Brown Jug,” “Elmer’s Tune” and many more. (John Jahn) Friday, May 25, at 7:30 p.m. at the Schauer Center, 147 N. Rural St., Hartford. For tickets, call 262-670-0560 or visit schauercenter.org.
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Everything First Rate at Frankly Music’s Finale ::BY RICK WALTERS
Skylight’s ‘Urinetown’
Skylight’s ‘Urinetown’ a Thinker Wrapped in a Spectacle
"#$#!%$#!&%'(!)%*+#$!#,,*!-'!./(0-,"+!12*-3!4"#%+$#5*!6$7823+-7'!79!!"#$%&'($!"#$%& '()**%+&)+*#&*,%&-##.&/+0&"1#(%2&/+0&"#$%&/00%0&-3&*,)"&4(#051*)#+6"&1(%/*#("!-5*&)*6"&*,%& )1#+#17/"*)1&4#7)*)1/7&$%""/8%&*,/*&,)*"&,/(0%"*9&:+&/&'#(70&#;&%<*(%$%&4/(*)"/+",)4&)+&',)1,&4#7)= *)1)/+"&/(%&(%857/(73&-#58,*&/+0&"#70&/+0&*,%&"3"*%$&#;*%+&"%%$"&$#(%&,#("%&*(/0%&*,/+&/1*5/7& (%4(%"%+*/*)#+2&)*6"&(%;(%",)+8&*#&-%&*#70&0)(%1*732&>?,)"&0#%"+6*&'#(.9@&A%)*,%(&5+;%**%(%0&8(%%0& and wealth consolidation nor starry-eyed idealism and unregulated use of resources will keep a country afloat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he choreography (Ryan Cappleman) and music (David Bonofiglio and a small band) are polished as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dzich’s Officer Lockstock and Kaylee Annable’s Little Sally serve as meta-narrators from opposite ends of the 4()J)7%8%&"1/7%2&5+)*%0&)+&;(/+.&/+0&;()%+073&-/+*%(&/-#5*&,#'&*,%&"*#(3&$5"*&47/3&#5*&8)J%+&-#*,&*,%&1#+J%+= *)#+"&#;&$5")1/7&*,%/*%(&/+0&*,%&",#'6"&7#;*3&8#/7&*#&"4%/.&0)(%1*73&*#&/&0)"%+1,/+*%0&$#0%(+&/50)%+1%9& C*%J%+&H9&G#%,7%(&/"&/&-75"*%()+82&5+/J#)0/-73&B#+/70&?(5$4=7).%&J)77/)+&/+0&I/1,/%7&U)%+*%.&/"&,)"& 0/58,*%(2&M#4%!',#"%&+/$%&)"&/+&5+/J#)0/-7%&F/(/1.&V-/$/&(%;%(%+1%!/(%&%</88%(/*%0&%$-#0)$%+*"&#;& extreme conservatism and liberalism. An impressive ensemble of often double-cast performers flies through *(/+")*)#+"&"4/++)+8&/&J/"*&/((/3&#;&"*37%"&/+0&4%()#0"9&?,%3&4(%"%+*&/&-%J3&#;&1/()1/*5(%"&5+)*%0&#+73&-3&*,%& ;/1*&*,/*&*,%36(%&/77&0%")8+%0&*#&$/.%&5"&N5%"*)#+&/&-(#.%+&"*/*5"&N5#9& 62"';<2+=;$%+>?+.&+&2%+@"'.5(.A+62%.&"%+7%$&%"B*+7./'&+62%.&"%C+>DE+FG+@"'.5(.AG+4'"+&#:3%&*C+:.00+H>HI JK>ILE??+'"+M#*#&+*3A0#<2&+N;*#:&2%.&"%G'"<G
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M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 21
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hotography is arguably the most democratic art. The distance between the professional and amateur is much less evident than that between, say, a Rembrandt and Junior’s fridge-hung finger painting. The gap has been further minimized by the widespread availability of highquality photographic technology in phones. So it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that you—yes, you—are some unschooled photographic genius ripe for discovery by the art world. “Wisconsin Photography 2018,” a juried exhibition for Wisconsin photographers and video artists, is an opportunity to be discovered or disillusioned. For a $25 jurying fee, you may submit 10 digital photographs or two video files for possible inclusion in the exhibition, to be held from Aug. 25 through Nov. 24 at the Wustum Museum in Racine. The submission deadline is Monday, July 9. Additional information can be found at ramart.org/content/wisconsin-photography-2018.
Summer Movie Preview 2018 !"#$%&'"($)*+$ !"#"$$,-$./00#1 ::BY DANIEL BARNES
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American Animals (June 1)
E2"-% /(*$>+("=$% -/'(?% =,(D-% /2$% 0$,/*($>."($+/"1!% .$A*/%'0%J,(/%),?/'1B%52'%.$7"#$($.%/2$%+("="1,77?%*1> derseen 2012 true-crime doc -./!012#+'/)8%K('="-"1!% ?'*1!%,+/'(-%;#,1%K$/$(-%,1.%J,((?%L$'!2,1%2$,.7"1$% ,-% A'($.% -*A*(A,1% D".-% ,//$=:/"1!% ,% 7*+(,/"#$% 2$"-/B% and if the film’s electrifying trailer is any indication, &1/)34(5! &531($+! 7''D-% 7"D$% 6#''$/! 7#48/'! A7$1.$.% 5"/2%9():#8
The Incredibles 2 (June 15)
Licking his wounds from the box office failure of -#1#))#;$(5<B%J(,.%J"(.%:*77-%,1%91.($5%6/,1/'1%,1.% returns to his Pixar home to make a sequel to his big> !$-/%2"/8%9-%5"/2%/2$%=()+!,1.%935<35:!>/1#!sequels, 054)/<3?$/+!@!will likely struggle to justify its own ex> "-/$1+$B%A*/%"/C-%,7-'%'*(%7,-/%2':$%/'%-,#$%,%:,(/"+*7,(7?% 5$,D%-*==$(%0'(%/2$%0,="7?%0("$1.7?%0,($%MA#'/$!-)(5B +,$C(53(!D%!"E11/)!F(4('3#5B%1'%'1$NO8
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“Biological Topography” finds Milwaukee artist Rory Pitman in an abstract mood. The painter’s canvasses depict no earthly objects, yet stir the spirit and elicit emotional responses through dynamic forms and bold colors. “This art is all about emotion,” claims Pitman, “I would ask the viewer to feel the painting more than see it or interpret it, but not to try and feel what I, the artist, was feeling at the time.” A closing reception for “Biological Topography” will be held on Saturday, May 26, from 6-9 p.m. 22 | M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (June 22)
The 2015 amusement park blockbuster GE)(++34! *#)$<!was nothing to get excited about, but my bar of ,++$:/,A"7"/?%0'(%."1'-,*(%='#"$-%"-%1'/'("'*-7?%7'5B%-'% <C=%($,.?%0'(%,1'/2$(%(".$8%@2("-%K(,//%,1.%J(?+$%G,77,-% 4'5,(.%($/$,=%"1%/2$%7$,.-B%A*/%/$(("A7$%."($+/'(%@'7"1% E($#'(('5% 2,-% A$$1% ($:7,+$.% A?% -7"!2/7?% 7$--% /$(("A7$% ."($+/'(%P898%J,?'1,B%52"7$%P$00%&'7.A7*=%($/*(1-%,-% G(8%<,1%Q,7+'7=8
Under the Silver Lake (June 22)
90/$(%/2$%E'A$%4'':$(>A?>5,?>'0>I"+2,(.%)"1D7,/$(% horror-movie miracle that was 2015’s 0'!9#$$#;+B%<C=% 7"1"1!% *:% /'% 5,/+2% 52,/$#$(% 5("/$(>."($+/'(% G,#".% Robert Mitchell has to offer next. It doesn’t hurt at
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Sicario: Day of the Soldado (June 29)
9%"34()3#!sequel made without original star Emily J7*1/%,1.%'("!"1,7%."($+/'(%G$1"-%S"77$1$*#$%="!2/% -$$=%,%7"//7$%-2'..?%,1.%-*-:"+"'*-B%A*/%=?%2':$-% ,($% A'7-/$($.% A?% /2$% ($/*(1% '0% -+($$15("/$(% E,?7'(% 62$(".,1B%/2$%:,(/"+":,/"'1%'0%J$1"+"'%.$7%E'('%,1.% P'-2% J('7"1% M/2$?% .$7"#$($.% /2$% A$-/% :$(0'(=,1+$-% in the 2015 original) and my general disdain for Vil> 7$1$*#$B%52'%!$/-%($:7,+$.%2$($%A?%6/$0,1'%6'77"=,8
Don’t Worry He Won’t Get Far on Foot (July 13)
F"/2%J3$8!now nearly 10 years in the past, it feels 7"D$% 5$C($% .*$% 0'(% &*-% S,1% 6,1/C-% '1+$>,>.$+,.$% ($="1.$(% '0% 2"-% =,H'(>1$--B% $-:$+",77?% ,0/$(% /2$% *1="/"!,/$.%."-,-/$(%'0%-./!"/(!#K!-)//+8%S,1%6,1/% +'1/"1*$-%2"-%/5"-/$.%+,($$(%:,/2%5"/2%/2"-%A"':"+%'0% 52$$7+2,"(>A'*1.%+,(/''1"-/%P'21%@,77,2,1B%:7,?$.% by Joaquin Phoenix.
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (July 27)
Tom Cruise returns for this sixth entry in the longrunning franchise, although this is the first time he 2,-% 5'(D$.% 5"/2% /2$% -,=$% ."($+/'(% /5"+$8% @2("-> topher McQuarrie also wrote and directed 2015’s 7#:E/!>('3#5B%,1.%9($$#E'!,::$,(-%/'%:"+D%*:%52$($% /2,/%'1$%7$0/%'008%4$1(?%@,#"77%H'"1-%/2$%+,-/B%-:'(/> ing the mustache that launched a million pixels of 1"!2/=,($>"-2%0,+$7"0/%@&<%"1%GE+'34/!I/(:E/8
Mile 22 (August 3)
G"($+/'(%K$/$(%J$(!%,1.%-/,(%Q,(D%F,27A$(!%:($> #"'*-7?%/$,=$.%*:%0'(%/2$%-*(:("-"1!7?%!''.%L//2B ;('/)! A#)3M#5% ,1.% /2$1% ,!,"1% 0'(% /2$% -*(:("-"1!7?% !''.% N(')3#'+! L(,B% -'% <C=% +'=0'(/,A7$% A$//"1!% '1% /2$"(% /,7$1/% 0'(% #"-+$(,7% ,+/"'1% ,1.% =*-+*7,(% -/'> (?/$77"1!8% E2"-% /"=$B% F,27A$(!% :7,?-% ,1%9=$("+,1% intelligence officer tasked with protecting an infor> mant (Iko Uwais of The Raid films).
BlacKkKlansman (August 10)
<1% ,% 5$,D% -*==$(% 0'(% (E'/E)+B% <% 5"77% /,D$% ,1?> /2"1!%<%+,1%!$/B%$#$1%/2$%7,/$-/%:('#'+,/"'1%0('=%/2$% :$($11",77?%'#$((,/$.%6:"D$%)$$8%P'21%G,#".%F,-2> ington, who as a child briefly appeared in Lee’s 1992 classic J($4#$1!OB%:7,?-%I'1%6/,775'(/2B%,1% African American cop who infiltrated the Colorado Springs chapter of the KKK in 1979. Topher Grace +'>-/,(-%,-%G,#".%G*D$B%52"+2%"-%H*-/%+(,R?%$1'*!2% /'%5'(D8
The Happytime Murders (August 17)
Details surrounding this latest film from long> /"=$%Q*::$/-%='#"$%."($+/'(%J(",1%4$1-'1%,($%-/"77% -'=$52,/%-2,.'5?B%A*/%"/%-*($%-'*1.-%7"D$%,%*.#! 9)(1/<!7#:/)!7(??3'P!0'(%:*::$/-8%<1%,1%,7/$(1,/$% *1"#$(-$% 52$($% 2*=,1-% ,1.% :*::$/-% *1$,-"7?% +'> exist, a hard-boiled detective investigates a string of =*(.$(-%"1%/2$%$1/$(/,"1=$1/%"1.*-/(?8 Daniel Barnes is film critic for the% 6,+(,=$1/'% T$5-% U% I$#"$5% (5<! (! 1/1?/)! #K! './! "(5! 9)(5B 43+4#!93$1!=)3'34+!=3)4$/Q SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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Avengers: Infinity War PG-13
It’s been two years since the Avengers were torn apart by events in Captain America: Civil War. The out-sized villain, Thanos (Josh Brolin in motion capture), arrives on Earth for a smash-and-grab to seize the Infinity Stones required to end half the universe. Determined to stop him, the fractured Avengers join forces with Guardians of the Galaxy. The spectacle of this film is beyond the beyond—a result of well-imagined special effects produced by 10 different effects studios, including ILM (Industrial Light & Magic). Directed by the Russo brothers, who also helmed the Captain America movies, Infinity War successfully juggles its dozen-plus characters over a two-and-a-half hour run-time. Filmed in IMAX and 3D, Infinity War: Part Two is scheduled for release in May 2019. You can almost hear the fans cheer as each part ushers in summer blockbuster season. (Lisa Miller)
Life of the Party PG-13
Melissa McCarthy portrays Deanna Miles—a 40-something, stay-at-home mom—until her husband abruptly dumps her for another woman. To take back her life, Deanna returns to college, where she plans to earn the degree she abandoned when she married Dan (Matt Walsh). The catch is, Deanna chooses the same college currently attended by her daughter, Jennifer (Debby Ryan), who can only cringe when Deanna gets drunk at a frat house party and disappears into a member’s bedroom for the night. Meanwhile, Deanna’s ex-husband also attempts to reclaim his lost youth, piercing his ear and donning a ridiculous, garish diamond stud. McCarthy teams with real-life husband Ben Falcone, (who directs) in this, their third big-screen effort. McCarthy and Falcone, however, seem to be unaware that 105 minutes spent being embarrassed for Deanna is a very long time. (L.M.)
Solo: A Star Wars Story PG-13
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Intended as the origin story of Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich), this latest Star Wars is somewhat entertaining, despite playing it safe and failing to offer noteworthy surprises. We learn the circumstances that brought Han and Chewbacca together, as smugglers piloting the Falcon spacecraft. Han’s story may be a bit of a yawn, but the film is reinvigorated by engrossing action and bulls-eyes from Woody Harrelson and Paul Bettany, playing a crook and a criminal mastermind, respectively. Ever since Disney purchased Star Wars, the studio has interfered with each film’s director. During this chapter, co-directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord were fired, then replaced by director Ron Howard, who finished the film following weeks of re-shoots. (L.M.)
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Brooke (Amanda Delaney) and Caleb (Justin Maina) epitomize selfie-era self-absorption as fitness-yoga vloggers with a million followers. Cameras are seldom off and their lives are recorded down to (nearly) the most intimate details. Although they are a social media celebrity couple, and everyone knows about their camping trip, Brooke is surprised when creepy guys recognize her. And then: terror on the campsite as masked men assault the couple. But that’s only part one. Turns out that Brooke and Caleb are being stalked by indie filmmakers working on a documentary about the hazards of social media. They plan to show how easy it is to learn everything about people who expose themselves online. An almost brilliant satire in its twisting narrative and use of cellphone and digital-cameras, Followers even reveals the vulnerability of gated communities. No one is safe—not even the people bent on revealing the insecurity of contemporary life.
Still on the Run: The Jeff Beck Story
Jeff Beck was a guitar innovator in the age of great guitar innovators. Still on the Run is a compelling documentary woven from archival footage and Beck’s reminiscences along with reflections from Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page and others. Beck builds his own hotrods and his playing combines a gearhead’s sense for how machines respond to the human touch with an artist’s awareness of possibility. Unlike most rock stars, Beck never got stuck in his own past.
Sleeping Dogs
Sam Neill was young and feral when he starred in this New Zealand production, Sleeping Dogs (1977). The low-budget picture was a bit like the paranoid political thrillers and revolutionary fantasies from ’70s American cinema. Neill plays a disgruntled man who wants to be left alone but is drawn into guerilla war against the U.S.-supported dictatorship that takes over New Zealand in time of economic turmoil. Neill and the cast do good work dramatizing the story. —David Luhrssen SHEPHERD EXPRESS
M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 23
Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler never learned John Lewis Gaddis’ lesson: “If you seek ends beyond your means, then sooner or later you’ll have to scale back your ends to fit your means.” Russia proved too vast for them to conquer and dreams of dominion crashed to earth. Yale history professor Gaddis wrote On Grand Strategy in the manner of a lively graduate seminar—smart, lucid, referencing everyone from Herodotus and Sun Tzu to Niccolo Machiavelli and Leo Tolstoy. Less history than philosophy, On Grand Strategy values the ability of flexible leaders to shift course—working sideways if necessary—to reach a morally defensible goal. The apparent prevarications of Abraham Lincoln as he inched toward emancipation serves as an example. And the ability to steer through roiling currents is as useful in personal life and the workplace as it is in politics and war. (David Luhrssen)
The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World (HARPER), BY SIMON WINCHESTER 1776 is celebrated as the birth of a nation, but as science writer Simon Winchester demonstrates in his latest book, the most important birth that year concerned the advent of precision. The nascent technology of steam engines required components that reproduced identical outcomes and in 1776, a mad Englishman called John Wilkinson perfected the machinetooled process that became essential to the Industrial Revolution. As The Perfectionists reminds us, the technology we enjoy today depends on precision. Winchester is a good storyteller with a novelist’s gift for description. He’s also a philosopher who wonders about fetishizing perfection and the possible dead end of nano-perfectionism. As for artisanship, he adds that only metal, glass and ceramic objects can be precise. Wooden things swell and contract—“it is a substance still fixed in the natural world.” (David Luhrssen) 24 | M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8
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o Wisconsinite would be surprised to learn that some cities in the Badger state experience the coldest winter temperatures of anywhere in the United States. In Door County, on Washington Island, the average temperature during the winter months hovers somewhere around 19 degrees Fahrenheit. With a population of approximately 700 year-round residents, it is not hard to imagine that winters on Washington Island can at times feel isolating and a bit cruel. So when 30-something Fiona, the protagonist in author J.F. Riordan’s novel Robert’s Rules, decides to take up a bet and spend an entire winter living with her girlfriend on the island, she has little idea what is in store for her, even though she is relocating from nearby Ephraim. Robert’s Rules is the third installment in the awardwinning North of the Tension Line series. Like her previous novels, Riordan’s sense of place is a central character in the story, and her vivid depictions of J.F. Riordan northern Wisconsin winters are extremely apt, poignant and mesmerizing. Alongside the rich descriptions of Door County that fill the pages, Robert’s Rules is replete with a wry small-town cast of characters. Told in a beautifully crafted literary style, Robert’s Rules is an engaging story filled with deep insights about people and their environment. In the process, Riordan reveals the eccentric and oftentimes unexpected realities behind the bucolic images of modern small-town life. Riordan moved to Wisconsin as a child and studied voice at the University of New Mexico before returning to Milwaukee to teach English. She will appear at Boswell Book Co. at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 24.
In a High West Double Rye Whiskey vs. Elijah Craig Bourbon showdown, 750 attendees sampled both classic and reimagined Old Fashioneds and voted on their favorite.
Bourbon Winner: Cantina Whiskey Winner: Drink Wisconsinbly Overall Winner: Drink Wisconsinbly
Thanks to all who participated: ï Balzac ï Bibingerí s ï Cantina Milwaukee ï ï The Crimson Club ï Drink Wisconsinbly Pub ï ï Famous Daveí s ï Garyí s Old Fashioned Mix ï ï Hudson Business + Lounge ï ï Kegelí s Inn ï Maison ï ï Meyer Brothers Old Fashioned Mix ï ï MOTOR Bar & Restaurant ï ï The Riverwest Filling Station ï ï Twisted Willow Restaurant ï Vituccií s ï !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!
M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8 ! 25
Work Sucks!
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::RUTHIE’SSOCIALCALENDAR May 23: Totally Spies Party at This Is It (418 E. Wells St.): Whether you watch the cartoon “Totally Spies,” are a James Bond fan or simply have a yen for international espionage, this is the party for you! Drink specials, drag queens and dangerous liaisons make this 9 p.m. event a top-secret soiree you won’t want to miss. May 24: Botanical Gardens Yoga at Boerner Botanical Gardens (9400 Boerner Drive): Get your inner “ohm” on, stretch those quads and breathe in a bit of fresh air all at the same time. (This either sounds heavenly or hellish to you. Which is it?) Experience yoga in the lovely Boerner gardens during a 6-7 p.m. class. Preregister (for $15) at boernerbotanicalgardens.org. May 26: Art in the Park at Henry Miller Park (315 E. Groveland Drive): Spring is here, so get your keester outside and check out some artsy-fartsy stuff. This Oak Creek event has been a hit for the last few years, so see what all the fuss is about. More than 85 local artists display their must-see talents during the 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. day of creativity, shopping and fun. May 26: Milwaukee Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival at Waukesha County Expo Center (1000 Northview Road): Like food? Like beer? Like trucks? (Wait, no. Forget that last part.) Foodies unite and head to Waukesha for this second annual nod to the ultimate in food-truck bites and local brews. The noon to 5 p.m. nosh-fest involves a $5 entry fee. May 26: No-Stress Collective Party at Riverwest Public House Cooperative (815 E. Locust St.): Welcome summer with music from the last four decades at this laid-back, ultra-cool dance party. Check out this ego-free safe spot during the 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. event. May 26 & 27: Steny’s Walker’s Point Block Party at Steny’s Tavern (800 S. Second St.): This iconic Walker’s Point bar hosts a weekend of fun. Live music, a bags tournament, Bloody Mary toast and more make for a merry Memorial Day weekend. The craziness starts at 1 p.m. on Saturday and runs through Sunday. Want to share an event with Ruthie? Need her advice? Email DearRuthie@Shepex.com and follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie.
26 | M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8
!"#"#$"%&'()*+,-.) /"0"%1'2)3')4"#3%&15)617) ::BY PAUL MASTERSON
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Amanda Huff
!"#$%&'(()*"+,(-) !"#$%#&'())&.&+/) $"01)234&#/(/)5+) 6(-)7(8&0)9#8&3 ::BY EVAN RYTLEWSKI
t took Amanda Huff some time to retire Selfish Skin. Between her increasingly full schedule of performances at festivals and tribute shows (including this winter’s Björk tribute show, which she curated), her side work and her performances with the jazz project Strangelander, the versatile Milwaukee singer had periodically released tantalizing stray tracks online under the Selfish Skin moniker. And she considered releasing her solo debut, Hemiptera, under that moniker, too, despite the protestations of her primary collaborator for the project, electronic producer Christian Strehlow. “I had to convince her that Amanda Huff is just an extremely charming name for a singer,” Strehlow says. She eventually agreed it was the way to go.
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“I think it just made more sense to go forth as Amanda Huff and drop Selfish Skin, which is something I was trying to make work for too long,” Huff says. “I think I was always conceptually attracted to the idea of Selfish Skin and the persona, but this feels much more direct to me. It’s like shedding a layer. I can claim these sounds as my own.” A modernist take on trip-hop that occasionally adorns its rich, electronic swells with torchy pianos, flashes of Latin rhythms and touches of flamenco guitars, Hemiptera isn’t the kind of record that Huff pictured releasing as her debut. It was born of impulse. Once the two musicians began collaborating on tracks, they accumulated them so fast that they were almost half done with the record before they even realized they were making one. Some of the songs were released online almost as soon as they were finished—a departure from what Huff describes as her usual process of “laboring over a song for six or seven years then putting it out once I’m sick of it.” “I always imagined that if an album had come out under my own name it would have been something more stripped down, because it would have just been myself making it, but this is a lot closer to the sorts of sound that I’m into,” Huff says. “I’m usually very deliberate with how I work; I like to get down to the details and learn a song through and through, but this process was a little bit of the opposite. Not that it wasn’t careful or constructed, but I was working on a timeline and Christian was pushing me to relax a bit and work a little more intuitively.” The process also involved writing songs around the barest thread of an idea. Usually, Strehlow would send her a track he was working on, Huff says, “and he’d have some stupid name tied to it; then I would take that name and use it as a writing prompt. It felt like a fun game. How do you twist whatever he’d named it into a song that reflected something deeper?” That process led to some of the project’s most memorable numbers. “Cicada” conjures memories of long summer nights, while the festive, brassy “Caroline’s,” named for the sometimes-overlooked local jazz club, runs with the nightclub vibe of its namesake, prompting a performance from Huff that would make the late Shirley Horn proud. Although some of these songs may become staples of Huff ’s future live sets—Huff says she’s pitching a version of “Caroline’s” to her jazz band—it’s unlikely she and Strehlow will ever perform them together live. For one, Strehlow is in the process of leaving Milwaukee for California, a move he’s wanted to make for a while. But mostly, he says, the chemistry that the two have in the studio just doesn’t translate to the stage. “It’s weird, because we did one live show together one time, and I have a feeling it’s the last live show we’ll do together,” Strehlow says. “It wasn’t anything bad, but I just felt so goofy. Basically, I stand in a corner and press play. I think for us to perform together it would have to come down to me building more of a live set, and that’s not really my thing. I’m more of a studio guy.”
David Byrne Reinvented the Wheel with his Visionary New Tour
!"#$%&'($%)!*%+,-+.&/&(!0$%$+&1 &(023!"#$%!&$'()*+!,-.$/!01*')! ()-%)/!#$%!')&!(23*!41!5-66$'7! $(! 8(#)! 92%(! -94$($23%! %#2&! :;.)!/2')!%$'5)!(#)!%#2&%!(#-(! were filmed for !"#$% &'()*+% !,*-,<=! "#-(;%! -!4$7!56-$9+!7$.)'!(#-(!!"#$%&'()*+%!,*-,!$%! widely regarded as the greatest concert film ).)*!9-/)!-'/!-!42-%(!(#-(!9$7#(!#-.)!)-%$61! just been the kind of hyperbole artists indulge in when they’ve got new music to promote >01*');%!6-()%(!%262!-6439+!./,0)1'*%2"#$)'+! &-%!*)6)-%)/!$'!?-*5#@<! 03(!#)*);%!(#)!&$6/!(#$'7A!01*');%!*).)6-(2*1! ')&!(23*!$%!-5(3-661!).)'!/#0, form-breaking (#-'! (#2%)! !"#$% &'()*+% !,*-,! %#2&%<! 01*')! #-%!-6&-1%!72')!(#)!)B(*-!9$6)!$'!52'5)*(+!43(! this was something else completely; an extra transatlantic flight. Calling his show Tuesday night at the Riverside Theater the most inventively choreographed concert I’ve ever seen— which it was, by a long shot—doesn’t even 4)7$'!(2!/2!$(!C3%($5)< "#)!%#2&;%!*-/$5-6!52'5)$(A!-!4-*)!%(-7)+!-%! white and pristine as Byrne’s shock of hair. "#-(;%! $(<! D2! /*39! E$(+! '2! E)142-*/! 923'(%+! no microphone stands, no guitar pedals, no 3'%))961! 52*/%<! :'%()-/+! ).)*1! 93%$5$-'! $'! Byrne’s suited, barefooted 11-piece band played with their instrument strapped to them, drumline-style, a setup that gave them complete mobility and complete freedom to dance alongside one of the most limber 66-year-olds on the planet. Every song featured some elegant twist, be it a choreographic departure or a novel lighting display. Some were spectacles; others were poems. :(!&-%!-'!$'5*)/$46)!-5#$).)9)'(+!'2(!2'61! 2'! -'! -*($%($5! -'/! )92($2'-6! 6).)6+! 43(! 2'! -! purely technical one. How does a crew get (#-(!9-'1!&$*)6)%%!9$5%!(2!%23'/!(#-(!722/F! The takeaway from !"#$% &'()*+% !,*-,! &-%! the Talking Heads’ sound was so massive,
David Byrne
so powerful, it took an enormous rig to contain it. Here, Byrne and his band conjured the same almighty magnificence on a flat plane without so much as a pair of shoes. And while the crowd lit up most for the Talking Heads favorites—“I Zimbra,” “Once in a Life Time,” “Burning Down The House”—his solo mate*$-6!%2-*)/+!(22<!./,0)1'*%2"#$)'!$%!-'!3').)'! -6439+!%29)($9)%!-692%(!)94-**-%%$'761! %2+! but it’s got a couple of highlights that give Talking Heads’ heyday works a run for their money. “Everybody’s Coming to My House” and “Always Doing the Right Thing” were reminders of the electrifying highs this master is still capable of even this late in his career. Creating a show that upends all assumptions of what a concert can be once is remarkable. Doing it twice is unprecedented.
ith a name like The Cow Ponies, the band is sending a signal about their sound and their roots. “Our website says, ‘Alt CountryOld Country-Cow Punk,’” according to vocalist Robin Graham. But what exactly does that mean? A lively discussion ensues over the diverse yet coherent directions represented on The Cow Ponies’ album, Easy to Fall. Released late last year, Easy to Fall is rock with a twang when it’s not country the way Buck Owens used to sing it. “I once heard that alt country is for people who go to country bars and get their asses kicked,” says guitarist-vocalist (and husband of Robin) John Graham. He actually prefers “indie country”—but what’s that? “The Blasters were once asked what they call themselves and they said: ‘It’s American music,’” John continues. “The Cow Ponies have elements of country, honky-tonk, rockabilly and that pure American invention— rock and roll. We’ve blended it all together.” The funny thing about the songs on Easy to Fall is that despite being written (with one exception) by John, the lyrics sound as if they might be Robin’s. She fully inhabits their lived-a-little adult stories of acceptance and irritation—of settling for well enough in a world of disappointment. Formed in 2015, The Cow Ponies are a noisy symphony of diverse musical interests. Robin grew up playing clarinet in a CleveCow land community orchestra. “I came into the band with no knowledge of electric sound—of microphones!” she says. Bassist (and Ponies occasional songwriter) Tom T. was in the reggae-inspired new Saturday, wave X-Cleavers. Drummer (and Easy to Fall’s recording engineer) May 26 Andy Stilin’s background is punk rock and pedal steel guitarist Company Keith Bolog is—befitting his instrument—the pure country guy. Brewing As for John, he was a leading figure in Milwaukee’s late-’70s to early-’80s rockabilly revival as a member of The Rock-a-Dials. “I got disgusted with the music scene and dropped out, sold my stuff, didn’t play for 10 years,” he says. He slowly crept back into music through a cover band, a stint in Ashcan School and—his first collaboration with Robin—the ’60s Stax-Volt cover band Torn Soul featuring a three-woman horn section. After Torn Soul imploded, John fell into “a writing frenzy,” turning out the songs that fill Easy to Fall. They were his first in 30 years. With their embrace of rock’s rustic roots, The Cow Ponies is a full circle return for John—almost. “I still love rockabilly but it’s too restrictive. You have to look and play in a certain style,” he explains. “With indie country, I feel free to rock out or lean toward country. It gives me room.” He reflects on the past and present. “I still love the era I grew up in—the strong alternative scene at Zak’s and the Starship. It was a really magical time but there’s a lot of magic going on in Milwaukee right now.” The Cow Ponies, Chris Head & the Honchos and Paladino will perform Saturday, May 26, at Company Brewing.
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MUSIC::LISTINGS THURSDAY, MAY 24 Amelia’s, Jackson Dordel Jazz Quintet (4pm) Art*Bar, Comedy Open Mic Camp Bar Tosa, Jude and The Dude Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Group w/Eddie Butts Company Brewing, Shilpa Ray w/Red Stuff & Amanda Huff County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/Barry Dodd Frank’s Power Plant, The Toxenes w/Ceteri & Six Wives of Richard Jazz Estate, Nathan Kay Group Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Loud Library & friends Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) Miramar Theatre, Klutch w/Corey Pieper & MT - Marshall Twins & hosts DJ GEE-A, J Lamo, Bizzy Bee & J.O (all-ages, 9pm) O’Donoghues Irish Pub (Elm Grove), The All-Star SUPERband (6pm) On the Bayou, Open Mic Comedy w/host The Original Darryl Hill Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Mark Croft Potbelly Sandwich Shop (East Side), Texas Dave (12pm) Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show The Back Room at Colectivo, Parsonsfield The Bay Restaurant, Jeannine Rivers & Kirk Tatnall The Landing at Hoyt Park, The Jonny T-Bird Trio (5pm) The Packing House Restaurant, Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Martini Jazz Lounge: Eric Schoor Trio w/Manty Ellis Up & Under Pub, A No Vacancy Comedy Open Mic
FRIDAY, MAY 25 Alley Cat Lounge (Five O’Clock Steakhouse), Brian Dale Group Ally’s Bistro (Menomonee Falls), CP, Stoll & Co. w/Chris Peppas & Jeff Stoll American Legion Post #399 (Okauchee), Nite Trax American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), The 45’s Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Julie’s Piano Karaoke Art*Bar, Art Show Opening: Wisconsin Painters Studio, music w/Greg Herriges: Whirled Music Cactus Club, Paul Cherry w/Pleasure Thief, The Meatcurtains, Cashfire Sunset & DJ Hype Girl Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Radio Wranglers Central Standard Craft Distillery, Andrew Gelles
Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Eston Bennett and Friends (8pm); DJ: Sextor (10pm) Clarke Hotel (Waukesha), Dick Eliot Jazz Guitar (6pm) ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee! County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Crawdaddy’s, Robert Allen Jr. Band (6pm) Dale Z.’s On Tour, Coventry Jones Acoustic Frank’s Power Plant, The Pseudo Feds w/VexNation, Allantide & The Disappointments Greenfield Park, Traveling Beer Garden w/music (5pm) Hops & Leisure (Oconomowoc), Uncle Fester Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Jam Session w/Steve Nitros & Friends Jazz Estate, Nineteen Thirteen (8pm), Late Night Session: Lockjaw Trio (11:30pm) Juneau Park, Traveling Beer Garden w/music (5pm) Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Church of Cash Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Freddy & the Blifftones Lucky Chance, 4th Fridays Open Jam w/Craig Omick & Friends All Star Jam Band Mamie’s, Michael Charles Band Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm) McAuliffe’s Pub (Racine), Beat Seekers w/Slaughter Party & Resistance O’Donoghues Irish Pub (Elm Grove), Swing & A Miss Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Geoff Landon & Friends (9pm), In the Fire Pit: Sweet Diezel Jenkins (9pm) Riverwest Public House, Nelson Devereaux w/Cool Pollution, Nutritious & Delicious Route 20 Outhouse (Sturtevant), Hot Rocks (Rolling Stones Tribute) Site 1A, Jack Beats w/Tombz Tally’s Tap & Eatery (Waukesha), Tomm Lehnigk The Bay Restaurant, Julie Thompson N’ Troy The Cheel (Thiensville), Sara & Kenny Up & Under Pub, Brett and the Dandies
SATURDAY, MAY 26 7 Mile Fair (Caledonia), Eddie Taylor Jr. (12pm) American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Larry Lynne Band Anodyne Coffee (Walker’s Point), Greatest Lakes w/ Nickel&Rose Arriba Mexican Restaurant (Butler), Greg & Ollie Davis Duo Cactus Club, The Spits w/Sex Scenes LP release, Gallery Night & Brain Bats Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), The Bindlestiffs
5/24 Father Sky 5/31 Paper Holland
30 | M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8
Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: The Zimmer Effect w/The Rouge Electrics (8pm); DJ: Holiday Spirit (10pm) ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Company Brewing, Chris Head & The Honchos w/The Cow Ponies & Paladino Cornerstone Restaurant, Peter Donalds (6pm) Dale Z.’s On Tour, Red Element Band (12pm), Project X Band (4:30pm) Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Kirk Tatnall Frank’s Power Plant, Endless Reign w/H1Z1, Primal Enemy, Burial Ritual, Toxic Ruin & Time Keeper George’s Tavern (Racine), Jonny T-Bird & the MPs Greenfield Park, Traveling Beer Garden w/music (5pm) Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Vocals & Keys Hops & Leisure (Oconomowoc), 33 RPM Jazz Estate, We Six (8pm), Late Night Session: Jordan Rattner Group (11:30pm) Juneau Park, Traveling Beer Garden w/music (5pm) Kick Switch Bar And Grill (Okauchee), Andrew Gelles Konkel Park, 24th Annual Dan Jansen Family Fest: Oldies But Goodies Spectacular (2pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, “New Morning Revisited” remake of Dylan’s classic album w/many performers (benefit for Alzheimer’s Association, Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter) Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, Frank, Dean, Sammy & More Miramar Theatre, TDM Festival 2018: Lil Chicken, Wave Chappelle, Pizzle, Yung Satori, Genesis Renji, Sawyer, Shun Millions, ADHD, Melodic Prodigies, Taj Raiden, $uki, Destinee Lynn, Tajh Virgil, Nick Grace & guests (all-ages, 6:30pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Naked ‘80s (9pm), In the Fire Pit: The Terry Sims Band (9pm) Rave / Eagles Club, Saved By The 90s (all-ages, 7:30pm) Riverside Theater, Memorial Day Weekend Jam: 112, Carl Thomas, J. Holiday, Sunshine Anderson and Dave Hollister Rockfield Live (Germantown), Robert Allen Jr. Band Route 20 Outhouse (Sturtevant), Bella Cain Saloon on Calhoun, 5 Card Studs The Cheel (Thiensville), Leroy Airmaster The Packing House Restaurant, Joe Jordan & The Soul Trio (6:30pm) Up & Under Pub, French Benefits Wisconsin Harley-Davidson (Oconomowoc), Maple Road Blues Band (11:30am)
SUNDAY, MAY 27 7 Mile Fair (Caledonia), Eddie Taylor Jr. (12pm) Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Live Karaoke w/Julie Brandenburg Cactus Club, Mary Ocher w/Social Caterpillar Cafe Bavaria, The Bierkeller Boys (6pm) Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Derek Pritzl and Friends (8pm); DJ: Fazio (10pm) City Lights Brewing Company, Derek Byrne & Paddygrass Dale Z.’s On Tour, Jimmy Monsoon Band w/Kenny Brandt (12pm), Mt. Olive Band (4:30pm) Dugout 54, Dugout 54 Sunday Open Jam Hops & Leisure (Oconomowoc), Full Band Open Jam w/host Robert Allen Jr. (5pm) Jazz Estate, Sunday Night Styles: Memorial Day Weekend Bluegrass Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, CHIEF & Black Belt Theatre (1pm) Lakefront Brewery, RiverWest FemFest Stand Up Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, “Peace thru Music”: John Lennon Tribute w/many acts (benefit for Wisconsin’s Anti Violence Effort (WAVE) & The National Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence) Miramar Theatre, Koo Koo Kanga Roo (all-ages, 2:30pm) Old Town Beer Hall (Germantown), Acoustic Blu Duo (1pm) Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Aces High w/Master of Puppets Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White
Rave / Eagles Club, Los Invasores / Joss Favela / Maximo Grado Los Invasores de Nuevo León, Joss Favela, Grupo Maximo Grado, Banda La Costeña, Buknas de Culiacan, Edicion de Culiacan & Grupo Mala Influenzia (all-ages, 8pm) Reefpoint Brew House (Racine), Duosonic Live! Riverside Theater, Rich The Kid w/YBN Nahmir, IshDARR, Big Chicken, MT Twins and Mac Hefner Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic Route 20 Outhouse (Sturtevant), Veterans Benefit (Tiny Homes Project): Songwriters Showcase (2pm) Scotty’s Bar & Pizza, Transistor Radio (4pm)
MONDAY, MAY 28 American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Midlife Crisis (2pm) Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Danny Schmidt w/Sam Baker Jazz Estate, Poetry Night with Bryon Cherry Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/Christopher John & Dave Wacker Shank Hall, Matt Costa w/Elizabeth and the Catapult Up & Under Pub, Open Mic w/Marshall McGhee and the Wanderers
TUESDAY, MAY 29 Be Sound Music Studio, Torch Singer Tuesdays Braun’s Power House, Open Mic w/Cadillac Pete and The Powerhouse Blues Band C Notes Upscale Sports Lounge, Another Night-Another Mic Open Mic w/host The Original Darryl Hill Cactus Club, Typesetter, Mobina Galore, Telethon & Faux Fiction Frank’s Power Plant, Duck and Cover Comedy Open Mic Jazz Estate, Soul Night with Cameron Webb Kim’s Lakeside (Pewaukee), Open Jam w/host Big Murff & the Divers Mamie’s, Open Blues Jam w/Stokes Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) McAuliffe’s Pub (Racine), Parkside Reunion Big Band Miramar Theatre, Tuesday Open Mic w/host Sandy Weisto (sign-up 7:30pm, all-ages)) Potbelly Sandwich Shop (East Side), Texas Dave (12pm) Riverside Theater, Tedeschi Trucks Band w/Charlie Parr Shank Hall, Judith Owen w/the legendary Leland Sklar The Astor Cafe & Pub, The Chris Hanson Band w/Robin Pluer (6:30pm) The Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Jazz Jam Session Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Transfer House Band w/Dennis Fermenich
WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 Cactus Club, Matthew Logan Vasquez (Delta Spirit) w/Parker Gispert & Brett Newski Conway’s Smokin’ Bar & Grill, Open Jam w/Big Wisconsin Johnson High Dive, The Voodoohoney Pirates Jazz Estate, Talking Ear Kletzsch Park, Traveling Beer Garden: Keg Tapping w/Vern & the Originals (5pm) Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Acoustic Open Stage w/feature Jacque Conarchy (sign-up 8:30pm, start 9pm) Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Paulie’s Field Trip, Humpday Jam w/Dave Wacker & Mitch Cooper Tally’s Tap & Eatery (Waukesha), Tomm Lehnigk The Cheel (Thiensville), Jay Matthes (6pm) The Cooperage, Cactus Club presents: Waveless w/Gauss The Packing House Restaurant, Carmen Nickerson & Kostia Efimov (6pm) Totalgame Sports Bar, Wacky Wednesdays w/host The Original Darryl Hill Westallion Brewing Company, Rick Holmes Pro Jam w/host Robert Allen Jr. SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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With his beautiful green eyes and quiet demeanor, Ray Ray is sure to tug on your heart strings. He will wait patiently for you to give him a nice neck rub, and once you do, he will squeeze his eyes so tight in delight! This love bug is only 5 years old and is looking for a family where he can be the only cat. If you have a spot in your home and heart for Ray Ray, stop by the Wisconsin Humane Society Milwaukee Campus today!
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!"#$"#%& Small but mighty, meet Sounder, a 5-year-old dog available for adoption at the Wisconsin Humane Society Ozaukee Campus! This fun girl loves a good game of fetch and is always ready for her next adventure! Don’t let her small 12lb frame deceive you, Sounder has no trouble keeping up for a nice long walk! If you would like to meet Sounder, please call 262377-7580 today! SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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HOW TO SUCCEED By James Barrick
!"#$%&'"()&*(+ “Kaidoku”
Each of the 26 letters of the alphabet is represented in this grid by a number between 1 and 26. Using letter frequency, word-pattern recognition, and the numbers as your guides, fill in the grid with well-known English words (HINT: since a Q is always followed by a U, try hunting down the Q first). Only lowercase, unhyphenated words are allowed in kaidoku, so you won’t see anything like STOCKHOLM or LONG-LOST in here (but you might see AFGHAN, since it has an uncapitalized meaning, too). Now stop wasting my precious time and SOLVE! psychosudoku@gmail.com 25
12 2
24 10
15 22
26 1
4 26
1 1
8 1
4 24
2 10
13 23
17 2
9 1
22 10
10 8
5/17 Solution
WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 17 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Sea Travel
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4, ,
Solution: 17 Letters
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5/17 Solution: Winter playground &
Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 • info@creators.com
67. Serviceable 69. Hems and — 70. Greek nymph 73. Elevator name 75. Guinness and others 76. Appraise 78. Placed at intervals 80. Vincent Van — 81. Eject 82. Fipple flute 85. Insect 86. Belgrade native, once 87. Charter 89. Holds 90. Stead 93. Earthquake 94. Aquatic herb 95. Bank jobs 98. — of Alexandria 100. Trapshooting 101. Succulent plant 102. Present! 103. Frosted 104. Get along 105. Painted tin 106. Bellow 107. Villain in Shakespeare 108. Emblem 109. — tide 113. Thesaurus word: Abbr.
DOWN 1. Tooth 2. Jai — 3. Hazard to ships 4. Synthetic material 5. — — it mildly 6. Pics 7. Nucha 8. “The Mouse — Roared” 9. Good for one’s health 10. — obscura 11. War vessel: Hyph. 12. Aspersion
13. Rind 14. Western tribe 15. “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” author 16. Kanten 17. Chance 18. A letter 28. Ancient Italian city 29. Reduce 30. Small canine 34. Remove 35. Vegetable stew 37. Lepontine — 38. Fosse 39. Artist’s creation 40. Dot- — 41. Holy Roman Emperor 42. Circumvent 43. Lump 44. Something simple 46. Silica 48. Athletic event 50. POTUS #43 51. Grinder 52. Salacious 55. Muzzled mutt 57. Fashion 59. Done to — — 60. Crowbars 61. That’s nonsense! 64. Helper: Abbr. 66. Travels around
5 7
32 | M A Y 2 4 , 2 0 1 8
79. Coffin stand 80. Farm denizen 82. Refrain in old songs: Hyph. 83. Wheal 84. Containers 86. Part 4 of quip: 3 wds. 88. — ammoniac 89. Great Italian poet 90. Hauls 91. Occult event 92. Discovers 94. Fractional part 96. Times 97. Abbr. on a map 98. Jazz singer Laine 99. — quam videri 101. End of the quip: 5 wds. 109. Resin in varnishes 110. Wag 111. At liberty 112. Place in Asia 114. A metalloid 115. Toledo’s lake 116. Bearing wings 117. Like a dirty dish 118. Brews 119. Walter — — Mare 120. Russian length 121. Roger Rabbit, e.g.
+ , - .& ,
ACROSS 1. Freshwater fish 5. Hues 10. Pointed end 14. Burn 19. Spread in a tub 20. Poker variety 21. Competent 22. The —, Netherlands 23. Scottish Highlander 24. Of the bishop of Rome 25. Pouting look 26. Swiftly 27. Start of a quip by J. Paul Getty: 6 wds. 31. Princely Italian family 32. Sour 33. Part of Can. 34. Formerly, formerly 36. Winged fruit of the maple 39. Cry 43. On the house 45. Learning 46. Feed 47. Garment part 49. Part 2 of quip: 3 wds. 51. “— Vice” 52. Put cargo aboard 53. Eskers 54. EU mem.: Abbr. 55. Run off 56. Come into view 58. Gamble 59. Cousin to a BOLO 60. Road disaster 62. Young bird 63. Avena sativa 65. Part 3 of quip: 2 wds. 68. JFK predecessor 69. Theatergoers, collectively 71. More dilettantish 72. Scuffle 74. Impair 77. Comes to be
© 2018 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication
10 2
16 2
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::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Now is a favorable time to worship at the shrine of your own intuition. It’s a ripe moment to boost your faith in your intuition’s wild and holy powers. To an extraordinary degree, you can harness this alternate mode of intelligence to gather insights that are beyond the power of your rational mind to access by itself. So be bold about calling on your gut wisdom, Gemini. Use it to track down the tricky, elusive truths that have previously been unavailable to you. CANCER (June 21-July 22): “A poem is never finished; it is only abandoned,” wrote poet W. H. Auden, paraphrasing poet Paul Valéry. I think the same can be said about many other kinds of work. We may wish we could continue tinkering and refining forever so as to bring a beloved project to a state of absolute perfection. But what’s more likely is that it will always fall at least a bit short of that ideal. It will never be totally polished and complete to our satisfaction. And we’ve got to accept that. I suggest you meditate on these ideas in the coming weeks, Cancerian. Paradoxically, they may help you be content with how you finish up the current phase of your beloved project. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I highly recommend that you spend the next three weeks hanging out on a beach every day, dividing your time between playing games with friends, sipping cool drinks, reading books you’ve always wanted to read and floating dreamily in warm water. To indulge in this relaxing extravaganza would be in maximum alignment with the current cosmic rhythms. If you can’t manage such a luxurious break from routine, please at least give yourself the gift of some other form of recreation that will renew and refresh you all the way down to the core of your destiny. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Contemporaries of the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras told colorful stories about the man. Some believed he was the son of a god and that one of his thighs was made of gold. When he crossed the Casas River, numerous witnesses testified that the river called out his name and welcomed him. Once a snake bit him, but he suffered no injury, and killed the snake by biting it in return. On another occasion, Pythagoras supposedly coaxed a dangerous bear to stop committing violent acts. These are the kinds of legends I expect you to spread about yourself in the coming days, Virgo. It’s time to boost your reputation to a higher level. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): My counsel may seem extreme, but I really think you should avoid mildness and meekness and modesty. For the immediate future, you have a mandate to roar and cavort and exult. It’s your sacred duty to be daring and experimental and exploratory. The cosmos and I want to enjoy the show as you act like you have the right to express your soul’s code with brazen confidence and unabashed freedom. The cosmos and I want to squeal with joy as you reveal raw truths in the most emotionally intelligent ways possible. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): French novelist Honoré Balzac periodically endured intense outbreaks of creativity. “Sometimes it seems that my brain is on fire,” he testified after a 26-day spell when he never left his writing room. I’m not predicting anything quite as manic as that for you, Scorpio. But I do suspect you will soon be blessed (and maybe a tiny bit cursed) by a prolonged bout of fervent inspiration. To ensure that you make the best use of this challenging gift, get clear about how you want it to work for you. Don’t let it boss you. Be its boss. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Ancient civilizations waged war constantly. From Mesopotamia to China to Africa, groups of people rarely went very long without fighting other groups of people. There was one exception: the Harappan culture that thrived for about 2,000 years in the Indus River Valley, which in the present day stretches through Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Archaeologists have found little evidence of warfare there. Signs of mass destruction and heavy armaments are non-existent. Art from that era and area does not depict military conflict. One conclusion we might be tempted to draw from this data is that human beings are not inherently combative and violent.
In any case, I want to use the Harappan civilization’s extended time of peace as a metaphor for your life in the next eight weeks. I believe (and hope!) you’re entering into a phase of very low conflict. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Every human being I’ve ever known, me included, has to wage a continuous struggle between these pairs of opposites: 1. bad habits that waste their vitality and good habits that harness their vitality; 2. demoralizing addictions that keep them enslaved to the past and invigorating addictions that inspire them to create their best possible future. How’s your own struggle going? I suspect you’re in the midst of a turning point. Here’s a tip that could prove useful: Feeding the good habits and invigorating addictions may cause the bad habits and demoralizing addictions to lose some of their power over you. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Some books seem like a key to unfamiliar rooms in one’s own castle,” said author Franz Kafka. I suspect this idea will be especially relevant to you in the coming weeks, Aquarius. And more than that: In addition to books, other influences may also serve as keys to unfamiliar rooms in your inner castle. Certain people, for instance, may do and say things that give you access to secrets you’ve been keeping from yourself. A new song or natural wonderland may open doors to understandings that will transform your relationship with yourself. To prep you for these epiphanies, I’ll ask you to imagine having a dream at night in which you’re wandering through a house you know very well. But this time, you discover there’s a whole new wing of the place that you never knew existed. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Just for now, let’s say it’s fine to fuel yourself with comfort food and sweet diversions. Let’s proceed on the hypothesis that the guardians of your future want you to treat yourself like a beloved animal who needs extra love and attention. So go right ahead and spend a whole day (or two) in bed reading and ruminating and listening to soul-beguiling music. Take a tour through your favorite memories. Move extra slowly. Do whatever makes you feel most stable and secure. Imagine you’re like a battery in the process of getting recharged. ARIES (March 21-April 19): The Aries poet Anna Kamieńska described the process of writing as akin to “the backbreaking work of hacking a footpath, as in a coal mine; in total darkness, beneath the earth.” Whether or not you’re a writer, I’m guessing that your life might have felt like that recently. Your progress has been slow and the mood has been dense and the light has been dim. That’s the tough news. The good news is that I suspect you will soon be blessed with flashes of illumination and a semi-divine intervention or two. After that, your work will proceed with more ease. The mood will be softer and brighter. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Do you know what you are worth? Have you compiled a realistic assessment of your talents, powers and capacities? Not what your friends and enemies think you’re worth, nor the authority figures you deal with, nor the bad listeners who act like they’ve figured out the game of life. When I ask you if you have an objective understanding of your real value, Taurus, I’m not referring to what your illusions or fears or wishes might tell you. I’m talking about an honest, accurate appraisal of the gifts you have to offer the world. If you do indeed possess this insight, hallelujah and congratulations! If you don’t, the coming weeks will be an excellent time to work on getting it. Homework: Send news of your favorite mystery—an enigma that is both maddening and delightful—to freewillastrology.com.
Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.
The Unkindest Cut of All
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Must Be a Millennial Thing As finals were ramping up at the Univer7 sity of Utah at the end of April, one student’s !)"--%=4+D$!3%8$'3%654")I%?$'5+4%J$#+%05))$4% !4$"3$*%"%-3"'*7")+'$%!)+-$3K=)"!$*%5'%39$%L;% <5))"4*%0"445+33%M5H4"4.K89$4$%-34$--$*7+&3% -3&*$'3-%!+&)*%(+%2+4%"%(++*%!4.;%N?M7,C%4$7 =+43$*% O,9$% B4.% B)+-$3P% !"&(93% +'% Q&5!:).R% $6$'% 8539% "% -&(($-3$*% 1S7#5'&3$% )5#53/% T U$#5'5% 38$$3$*/% OV% -3".$*% 11% #5'&3$-/% H&3% V% 2$$)% -+% #&!9% H$33$4;% ,9"':% .+&% 3+% 89+7 $6$4% H&5)3% 395-;% B"'% 8$% "**% "% H+W% +2% 35--&$-/% please?” Miller filled the closet with stuffed "'5#")-%"'*%-+23%#"3$45")-;%OV%395':%$6$4.+'$% D&-3%'$$*-%"%-"2$%-="!$%-+#$35#$-/P%-9$%-"5*/% O$6$'%52%53F-%5'%"%6$4.%=&H)5!%=)"!$;P
Terrus Incognito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`$*%3+%#&-$&#%65-53+4-;
High on the Hog a'%_"D5%0+&'3"5'%5'%B95'"/%9+(%2"4#$4-%"4$% $W=$45#$'35'(% 8539% 95(9745-$% 9+(% H4$$*5'(% 2"!5)535$-% 39"3% 9+&-$% 1/SSS% 9$"*% +2% -+8-% =$4% floor. Xu Jiajing, manager of Guangxi Yangx7 5"'(%B+;%M3*;/%3+)*%b$&3$4-%39"3%39$%O9+(%9+3$)-% -"6$% $'$4(.% "'*% 4$-+&4!$-;% ,9$% )"'*% "4$"% 5-% '+3%39"3%#&!9/%H&3%.+&%!"'%4"5-$%"%)+3%+2%=5(-;P% The buildings range from seven floors to 13, 8539%$)$6"3+4-%3+%#+6$%H+39%=$+=)$%"'*%=5(-;
“How Much for the Little Girl?” ,9$% (4"'*#+39$4% +2% "% [7.$"47+)*% (54)% 5'% 0"45$33"/% U";/% H$!"#$% ")"4#$*% +'% 0+'*"./% 0".% [/% 89$'% "% -34"'($4% -3"43$*% 2+))+85'(% 9$4% "'*% 39$% )533)$% (54)% "4+&'*% "% N4+($4% -3+4$;% WXIA-TV reported that Einodd Samimi 9"*% $"4)5$4% "==4+"!9$*% 39$% (4"'*#+39$4% "3% "% '$"4H.%<")#"43%"'*%"-:$*%52%9$%!+&)*%O9"6$P% 9$4% (4"'**"&(93$4% 2+4% c1SS;% ,&4'$*% *+8'/% 9$%)"3$4%&==$*%39$%"'3$%"3%N4+($4/%+22$45'(%3+% =&4!9"-$% 9$4% 2+4% cZSS% "'*% !+##$'35'(% +'% 39$%)533)$%(54)F-%O=4$33.%9"54;P%,9$%(4"'*#+39$4% !+'24+'3$*%?"#5#5/%*4"85'(%"%)"4($%!4+8*%+2% -9+==$4-% 89+% !9"-$*% 95#% 394+&(9% 39$% -3+4$% "'*% 3+% 95-% !"4;% E+)5!$% "44$-3$*% ?"#5#5% "3% 95-% 9+#$%+'%!9"4($-%+2%$'35!5'(%"%!95)*%"'*%!45#57 '")%-+)5!53"35+';
Parrot Parrots Dog E+)5!$%5'%M+$44"!9/%U$4#"'./%4$-=+'*$*%+'% 0+'*"./% 0".% 1d/% 3+% !+#=)"5'3-% "H+&3% "% *+7 #$-35!% *5-3&4H"'!$% "23$4% "% '$5(9H+4% 4$=+43$*% "% )+&*% !+'24+'3"35+'% 39"3% 9"*% H$$'% (+5'(% +'% 2+4% -+#$% 35#$;% ^&3% 89$'% 39$.% "4456$*/% 39$.% 2+&'*%"%ZZ7.$"47+)*%#"'%"4(&5'(%8539%95-%(54)7 245$'*F-%="44+3/%"!!+4*5'(%3+%0$34+%J$8-;%,9$% ="44+3%9"*%H$$'%#":5'(%H"4:5'(%-+&'*-%)5:$%"% *+(/%"'*%39$%#"'%H$!"#$%"''+.$*%8539%53;%J+% charges were filed.
Fast Food Gone Weird T^&4($4N5'(% 8"-% )++:5'(% 2+4% )+6$% 5'% "))% 39$% 45(93% =)"!$-% +'% 0".% \% 89$'% 8+4:$4-% !9"'($*%"%^+-3+'%)+!"35+'F-%-5('%3+%4$"*I%OT <$'*.-% ;;;% E4+#eP% "'*% =+-3$*% "% =5!3&4$% 3+% Twitter. United Press International reported 39"3% 53% 3++:% )$--% 39"'% "'% 9+&4% 2+4% 39$% 4$*7 9$"*$*%2"-372++*%9$"43394+H/%D&-3%"%2$8%*++4-% *+8'/%3+%4$-=+'*I%OaN/%H&3%*+'F3%($3%9"'*-.% "'*%8$%9"6$%3+%H$%9+#$%H.%1S;P%V'%"%!)"--5!% )+6$%345"'()$/%T0++'E5$%$W=4$--$*%95-%*5-"=7 =+5'3#$'3I%OV%:'$8%V%-9+&)*F6$%"-:$*%-++'$4;P f% ZS1]% XJGbY<?% 0B0YYM% ?_JGV7 BX,VaJ M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 33
Slingin’ In the Rain ::BY ART KUMBALEK
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trying to find out if Medicare covers moss removal, 7120$2$7,6.#> !"%72%'*$+E3$02<("8$3%$F&3,6(2.$K2%$1,.(#2%$ &26.%*$2'$("$6(810$2-,40$",7*$',$01('$A28&$7(..$-&$2$02#$ light on the word count. Benefit to you the reader ('$ 0120$ 01&$ 0%A&$ '(L&$ ,4810$ 0,$ -&$ .268&6$ 012"$ 4'42.*$ 71(;1$3&2"'$%,4$'1,4.#"E0$"&&#$0,$6&"0$01&$54--.&$ ?A2;&$M&.&';,A&$N4'0$0,$02<&$2$@,;<("8$82"#&6$1&6&> O40$ 01&$ 32("$ 6&2',"$ +E3$ ",0$ 2-.&$ 0,$ 71(A$ ",6$ A43A$,40$2$1&2/%)#40(@4..%$01,4810)("/,<("8$&''2%$ @,6$ %,4E'$ 01('$ 7&&<$ ('$ ,"$ 2;;,4"0$ 0120$ +$ -&$ ,01&6) 7('&$,;;4A(&#$7(01$'.2AA("8$0,8&01&6$7120$+$7,4.#$
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34 | M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 8
Real hot chat now.
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