PLUS: Milwaukee Fringe Festival Takes on a Variety of Themes
Aug. 23 - Aug. 29, 2018
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!"#$"#%&"'()*&%+", THIS FRIDAY! AUG. 24 • 5-9PM RAIN OR SHINE
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"#$%#$&'($)%&$"" 8/13/18 11:50 AM
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AUGUST 23, 2018 | 3 8/13/18 11:19 AM
!"##$%&'"(#$%)'*+",-$ .)$/0)+)$!0)1$ 2&*$3+)$4)(5-6$ ::BY WILLIAM HOLAHAN AND CHARLES O. KRONCKE
he Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017, the “crowning achievement” of Donald Trump’s first year in office, is estimated by the Joint Committee on Taxation and the Congressional Budget Office to add $1-1.5 trillion to the national debt over 10 years. Suddenly, the need to offset this increased pace of debt accumulation has caused Republicans to pivot from a Trump campaign promise to sustain entitlement spending; even Social Security, the country’s most popular government program, is now on the chopping block. Although Social Security has never missed a payment in more than 70 years, the constant repetition of such falsehoods as “Social Security is broke” or “the trust fund money was stolen” have led many, particularly the young, to fear that Social Security will not be available when it is their time to retire. These assertions reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of a system that is working just as planned. Social Security is not about to explode—not now nor when the bonds in the trust fund run out. Nor is it broken, bankrupt, a Ponzi scheme or any of the other alarming pejoratives often used to describe it. For most beneficiaries, Social Security constitutes an important part of their retirement income; for 35% of its recipients, it is their only income. Consequently, the program is extremely popular with the electorate. Why is cutting Social Security such a priority now? A little history is in order.
How We Got Here
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4 | AUGUST 23, 2018
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A Ponzi Scheme?
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The Falling WorkerRetiree Ratio
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For more News, log onto
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Choices for Congress When the Bonds Run Out
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,==! 8&+! +5)! 7%(+! 0)'(-(+).+! X%%7)'(! 4%&=/! 8)! dead. However, significant events—such as the +)''%'-(+! ,++,$9(! %#! I)0+;! BB*! @AAB*! ,./! @AACO(! financial meltdown—intervened, causing the )$%.%72!+%!3'%4!7%')!(=%4=2!+5,.!0'%R)$+)/*! 4-+5! +5)! ')(&=+! +5,+! I%$-,=! I)$&'-+2! 0&'$5,()/! #)4)'! 8%./(;! >5)! .)4! 0')/-$+-%.! -(! #%'! +5)! bonds to run out in 2033; most Boomers will (+-==!8)!,=-1)!,./!$%==)$+-.3!I%$-,=!I)$&'-+2!8).: efits. What happens then? Here are two of the many choices that Congress will face when the 8%./(!'&.!%&+Y! !Reduce the Benefits >5)! 0,2'%==! +,D! $,.! (+-==! (&00%'+! JCK! %#! scheduled benefits. A person retiring in 2040, ,#+)'!$%.+'-8&+-.3!+5)!7,D-7&7!#%'!,+!=),(+!PQ! 2),'(! %#! 4%'9-.3! =-#)*! -(! ($5)/&=)/! +%! ')$)-1)! $41,572; under this calculation, the person 4%&=/!')$)-1)!%.=2!EP@*CFB; ! !Pay Full Benefits Continuation of scheduled benefits would ')6&-')!,!$5,.3)!-.!+5)!=,4!+%!0)'7-+!#&./-.3! #'%7! %&+(-/)! +5)! (2(+)7*! 7),.-.3! +5)! 3).)',=! taxpayer. If Congress decides to make such a $5,.3)*!!"#$!%&'()'#$!#*"%$(+#*'%,&$-.#-(/#&(-')# $)#&'0,$&'1 to fully fund the scheduled benefits. Rather, Congress can simply continue with the )D-(+-.3!I%$-,=!I)$&'-+2!+,D!',+)(!-.!0=,$)!8)#%')! +5)!>'&(+!U&./!4,(!)D5,&(+)/!,./!8%./(!4)')! (+-==!8)-.3!$,(5)/!-.;!H%!3'),+!$,+,(+'%05)!4-==! %$$&';!>5-(!-(!3%%/*!8)$,&()!+5-(!()$%./!%0+-%.! -(!+5)!7%(+!=-9)=2!%.)!+%!8)!$5%().!82!,!#&+&')! Congress since most of the Boomers will still 8)!,=-1)!,./!1%+-.3!Z,(!4-==!+5)-'!$5-=/').*!45%! /%.O+!.)$)((,'-=2!4,.+!+%!(&00%'+!+5)-'!0,').+(! %'!5,1)!+5)7!7%1)!-.+%!+5)!(0,')!8)/'%%7[; S./)'(+%%/!$%'')$+=2*!I%$-,=!I)$&'-+2!-(!.%+! ,! %.):4,2! +',.(#)'! %#! #&./(! #'%7! 4%'9)'(! +%! ')+-'))(;!V,+5)'*!-+!-(!,!0'%3',7!+5,+!')$%3.-?)(! the reciprocity between generations. Current 4%'9)'(! ,')! 0,2-.3! +5)-'! +,D)(! %&+! %#! -.$%7)! ).5,.$)/! 82! +5)! 0'-%'! 4%'9! ,./! -.1)(+7).+(! %#!+5)!')+-'))(;!<.!,!7,'9)+!(2(+)7*!4-+5!4)==: #&.$+-%.-.3! $,0-+,=! 7,'9)+(*! ),$5! 3).)',+-%.O(! 0'%/&$+-1-+2!-(!).5,.$)/!82!+5)!)##%'+(!%#!0'): $)/-.3!3).)',+-%.(*!,./!),$5!3).)',+-%.!0,2(!,! 0,'+!%#!+5,+!-.$'),()/!0'%/&$+-1-+2!-.!+5)!#%'7! of retirement benefits for the generation that 7,/)!-+!0%((-8=);!>5)!2%&.3!0,2!+5)!%=/!%&+!%#! ).5,.$)/!0'%/&$+-1-+2!7,/)!0%((-8=)!82!+5)!%=/! 45%!-.1)(+)/!-.!-.#',(+'&$+&')!(&$5!,(!&.-1)'(-: +-)(!45).!+5)2!4)')!2%&.3;
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AUGUST 23, 2018 | 5
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n the beginning, they planted tulips. Back in 2000, as Walnut Way Conservation Corporation was forming, Lindsay Heights neighbors planted 1,000 tulip bulbs because they wanted to see something beautiful growing in a vacant lot on North 17th Street where a house once stood. They wanted to send a message that Lindsay Heights was worth building up and not tearing down. From its inception almost 20 years ago, Walnut Way used urban agriculture to beautify Lindsay Heights and bring together the residents of this blighted and neglected North Side area to heal and empower the neighborhood. “The mission of Walnut Way is to sustain economically diverse and abundant communities through civic engagement,” says Tyler Weber, program manager of catalytic development at Walnut Way. “Our founders are from the neighborhood. Our board at any given time must be at least 51% neighbors. There’s a focus on abundance and how important local economics are.” Lindsay Heights spans from West Walnut Street on the south to West Locust Street on the north and stretches west from I-43 (Eighth Street) to 20th Street. Forty years of disinvestment had left the Lindsay Heights neighborhood in shambles, plagued with high poverty, crime, incarceration and unemployment rates and low educational achievement. During the Great Migration, which started in the 1920s and continued through 1970, millions of blacks fled the South to escape Jim Crow laws and to find better economic opportunities in the North. However, they faced racism and segregation in the North as well. In 1950, the Lindsay Heights neighborhood had few blacks. By 1960, 65% of the population in Lindsay Heights was black. Redlining, the practice of denying lending to minorities and minority communities, hit Lindsay Heights hard, and residents could not get financing to buy their own homes. In the 1960s, freeway development resulted in the razing of thousands of homes and displaced thousands of people who lived along the I-43 corridor and in the path of the proposed Park West Freeway near North Avenue, further fragmenting the neighborhood. To complicate matters, by the early 1970s, Milwaukee’s economy began to decline. Tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs in the city were lost, and property values fell. That same pattern of redlining, in which banks choke off lending to minorities and minority communities, has shaped New York City, Chicago and other cities, but the impact in Milwaukee proved especially severe, in part because black migrants began arriving in 6 | AUGUST 23, 2018
Peach Tree planted by Walnut Way
droves just as the economic structure that was supposed to buoy them was disappearing.
Peaches and Dreams In 2006, Walnut Way founders Sharon and Larry Adams renovated an abandoned house at 2240 N. 17th St., which now houses the Walnut Way offices. After consulting with seniors in Lindsay Heights, they then planted a peach orchard in the garden next door. It was a creative act meant to bridge the generations and honor the elders who had memories of better times in the neighborhood. They remembered a time 50 years earlier when fruits trees, especially peach trees, grew in abundance. They had fond memories of picking Sun-kissed peaches off the tree on a hot summer day. “They took an empty lot and turned it into a peach orchard,” says Antonio Butts, Walnut Way executive director. “Now, there’s a generation of kids on the block who don’t know what it’s like not to have fresh peaches growing there every summer.” In 2017, Walnut Way harvested 780 pounds of peaches from its urban orchards. Lindsay Heights is home to 2,700 families and has almost 40,000 residents. There are at least eight active neighborhood associations in Lindsay Heights and half a dozen churches. Walnut Way has a strong history of partnering with local residents and other neighborhood organizations who have had faith in the resilience of the neighborhood to rebuild, revitalize and heal
itself. In fewer than 20 years, Walnut Way has renovated more than 100 homes and turned more than 20 vacant lots into orchards, gardens and green spaces. Walnut Way uses revenues from its produce sales to fund these projects and harvests 3,000 pounds of food annually from its gardens and orchards. In addition, Walnut Way’s Blue Skies Landscaping program supplies nearly 50% of Walnut Way’s revenues. It has 14 employees from the neighborhood and paid more than $300,000 in wages in 2017. “Walnut Way is a Milwaukee leader and is becoming a national leader in combining green infrastructure development with job training that creates long-term, family wage jobs. The Blue Skies Landscaping program is creating green jobs for a very challenged community,” says Tim McCollow, program manager of Home Gr/own Milwaukee. Home Gr/own partnered with Walnut Way to build nine pocket parks within the city, which include Ezekiel Gillespie Park, Fondy Park and Sunshine Park in Lindsay Heights. These landscaping projects manage storm water while beautifying and greening vacant lots. Blue Skies Landscaping also did the landscaping on the seven-acre site of the new St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care on North Avenue between 24th and 25th Streets. This year, Walnut Way received MMSD’s Green Luminary award for connecting workforce development and green infrastructure in its
projects, and it was also one of six recipients of a $150,000 grant from the Institute for Sustainable Communities (Walnut Way competed with 51 applicants nationwide). The grant will be used for solar energy projects and storm water infrastructure in Lindsay Heights.
It Takes a Neighborhood For many years, West North Avenue was a thriving business corridor that served the local community, but then businesses abandoned their North Avenue stores and offices as the neighborhood spiraled into economic and social decline. “For a long period of time—decades—more than half of the buildings on North Avenue between Fond du Lac Avenue and the freeway have been empty. There are no jobs, no one is cleaning up the trash, no one is calling about crime, no one is saying traffic is moving too fast here. It’s not providing walkable spaces. It’s not providing spaces for social connectivity,” says Weber. For a year, Walnut Way brought 70 neighborhood partners together to plan how best to revitalize the North Avenue corridor. They asked: What’s needed? What could be here? What’s possible? Eventually, they had a $2 million capital campaign so that it could buy the building at 16th and North, which then became the Innovations and Wellness Commons. The building opened in 2015 and houses the Fondy Farmers Market administrative offices, Juice Kitchen, Outpost Learning Center and The Milwaukee Center for Independence. It won a Milwaukee Award for Neighborhood Development Innovation (MANDI) in 2017. “One of the aspects of the work begun 10 years ago, which is still present today, is in building an infrastructure of organizations and relationships in the neighborhood,” says Susan Lloyd, executive director of the Zilber Family Foundation. Though the foundation works closely with Walnut Way, it also partners with other organizations, including Neu-Life Community Development, Fondy Food Market, Lindsay Heights Health Alliance and Johnsons Park. “Sharon Adams [Walnut Way’s founder] was and is very adept at building relationships both within and outside the neighborhood to make sure there are always a lot of people who care about the same things,” Lloyd adds. Opened in 2015, the Innovations and Wellness Commons sparked a spate of new development on North Avenue Walnut Way’s partnership with other community organizations to rebuild the North Avenue business corridor is part of an effort get more of the community’s money to recirculate within Lindsay Heights at local businesses. It is estimated that $27 million is spent outside the neighborhood because residents can’t spend it in the Lindsay Heights neighborhood. New construction, green space development and rehabbing and repurposing of older buildings are taking place, and more is being planned; a critical mass for a neighborhood renaissance seems to be forming. For example, heading west on North Avenue through Bronzeville toward Lindsay Heights, at the northwest corner of Martin Luther King Drive and North Avenue, is the new Pete’s Market, which opened last year and won two 2018 MANDIs. At the corner of Fourth Street a block west is a newly constructed, multiWalnut Way continued on page 8 > SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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> Walnut Way continued from page 6
use building that is the new home of America’s Black Holocaust Museum (slated to open this fall). The museum is just one block away from the office of the Milwaukee Urban League. West of the freeway, in Lindsay Heights proper, the newly constructed Prince Hall apartments at 11th Street stands next door to the old Prince Hall Masonic Lodge. At 13th Street is the Milwaukee College Prep Lola Rowe Campus (opened in 2014), which is adjacent to the Northside YMCA; the latter has housed a Children’s Hospital Clinic since 2014. Across the street from the Innovation and Wellness Common, the Legacy Lofts are being carved out of the old Blommer ice cream factory, and a newly-constructed apartment building next door is almost completed. The Bucyrus Campus of the St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care, which opened in 2016, provides child and adult daycare and has an on-site community medical clinic. It is located on a seven-acre former brownfield between 24th and 25th Streets. St. Ann employs about 100 people from the neighborhood. Fond du Lac Avenue cuts a diagonal through Lindsay Heights, and this street has also seen many positive changes. Next door to the Fondy Farmers Market at 22nd and Fond du Lac is Fondy Park, which won a 2018 MANDI. Johnsons Park, near 17th St. and Fond du Lac Ave., once a crime haven, has now been greened and redeveloped. On Johnsons Park’s west side are Alice’s Garden, a 2.2-acre urban farm, and Brown Street Academy. Recently, North Avenue was repaved between Eighth and 20th Streets. Fifty hanging flower baskets have been installed along the business corridor between Eighth and 24th streets.
Plans on the Drawing Board Phase II development of the Innovations and Wellness Commons is tentatively scheduled to begin within the next year in a parking lot adjacent to the current building. First floor tenants in the Phase II building, include a Milwaukee JobsWork satellite office, a locally owned cafe and bakery and the African American Chamber of Commerce. The second floor will house the Walnut Way Center of Wellness, which will host yoga, meditation and healing groups, and the Center for the Arts and Community, which will have acting classes, poetry readings and art galleries. Kalan Haywood of the Haywood Group bought the old Sears parcel at Fond du Lac and North Avenues last February. He is seeking community input on the redevelopment of the 6.5-acre site. The Sears building will be demolished, and mixed-use development is planned. Final plans have not yet been announced. Possibly, Haywood will also build multi-family housing at a nearby site. Phase II construction at the Bucyrus Campus of St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care will add dementia care units, respite care space, a swimming pool, an intergenerational art room, beauty salon and band shell; landscaped walking paths will be completed this fall. When the new addition opens, another 100 people from the neighborhood will be employed.
Sharon and Larry Adams plan to build Adams Garden Park, a destination garden center on Fond du Lac Ave., across the street from Johnsons Park. The project consists of multiple sites on Lloyd Street, Fond du Lac Avenue and North 18th Street and will include orchards and nurseries, stores that sell seasonal stock and a bed and breakfast. Plans include renovation and buildout of an existing building at 1836 W. Fond du Lac Ave. that will be a hub for nonprofits committed to environmental and social justice. Future tenants are expected to include the Milwaukee Environmental Consortium, Milwaukee Water Commons and the Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters Institute. “It’s very exciting in terms of what’s happening with development on North Ave.,” says Sr. Edna Lonergan, director of St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care. “It’s going to be sought after by developers very soon.”
Neighborhoods at a Tipping Point? The pace of commercial development in Lindsay Heights has picked up significantly in the past few years. “The question is whether Lindsay Heights is at a tipping point and will continue on the path of increasing prosperity in the neighborhood,” says Lloyd. “How do we ensure this after 20 years of investment?” Another question is how to manage the growth going forward, assuming that it continues at this rapid pace. Since its inception, Walnut Way has always kept to a model of including residents in planning. Neighborhood groups and organizations, including Zilber, St. Ann and the Haywood Group, have stuck to this successful model when implementing new projects. “Neighbors really did come together, and they have done some very significant catalytic initiatives to turn things around and move them in a different direction,” Butts says. Walnut Way wants to make sure that neighborhood residents remain on board as stakeholders. “When we come now with a more robust strategy around reinvestment, how do we protect the people who have been here and not prevent them from being a part of the revitalization of the neighborhood?” Butts asks. “Wealth is what we’re talking about when we talk about catalytic developments in our economic corridors. We want to create economic inclusion for organizations, individuals and families in the neighborhood to find pathways to invest, gain equity and have some sense of ownership so that folks have a stake in it.” About 36% of Lindsay Heights residents are homeowners. Urban agriculture has been at the heart of what Walnut Way and Lindsay Heights have accomplished during the past 20 years. There is still a long row to hoe in Lindsay Heights, but the soil has been well prepared, and some seeds have taken root and are thriving. Walnut Way has taken a soft approach to a neighborhood that has endured more than its share of hard knocks. “We’ve had this deep conversation about urban ag because that’s where it all started,” Butts says. “That’s the heart of it. That’s the flagship of our social enterprise.” Comment at n SHEPHERD EXPRESS
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! NEWS&VIEWS
::SAVINGOURDEMOCRACY ( AUG. 23 - AUG. 29, 2018 ) The Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory, reactionary or authoritarian actions and policies of the Donald Trump administration, as well as other activities by all those who seek to thwart social justice. We will publicize and promote actions, demonstrations, planning meetings, teach-ins, partybuilding meetings, drinking-discussion get-togethers and any other actions that are directed toward fighting back to preserve our liberal democratic system.
Thursday, Aug. 23
Canvass and Phone Bank for Democrats @ Tom Palzewicz Campaign Headquarters (12201 W. Burleigh St., Suite 7), 4-8 p.m.
Tom Palzewicz, Julie Henszey and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin will host a weekly canvass and phone bank every Thursday from 4-8 p.m. until the Tuesday, Nov. 6, election. Volunteer opportunities include canvassing, phone banking and more.
Friday, Aug. 24
National Muslim Voter Registration Day @ Islamic Society of Milwaukee Headquarters (16670 Pheasant Drive, Brookfield), 12:30-3:30 p.m.
The Islamic Society of Milwaukee is celebrating National Muslim Voter Registration Day with an event that informs citizens on how to vote, where to vote and voter registration. A separate event will also be held at the Masjid Al-Huda (1800 16th Ave., South Milwaukee).
Human Rights Campaign Membership Meet and Greet @ Fluid Milwaukee (819 S. Second St.), 6-8 p.m.
LGBTQ rights organization Human Rights Campaign (HRC) will host a happy hour at Fluid Milwaukee to show community members how they can be a part of the effort to unite and mobilize the LGBTQ community and its allies throughout Wisconsin. There will be a $5 cover at the door which includes a one-year HRC membership.
Lumumba Screening @ Peace Center (1001 E. Keefe Ave.), 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Raoul Peck’s Lumumba follows the final months of Republic of Congo Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, as he and President Joseph Kasa-Vubu attempt to keep the country afloat. UW-Milwaukee professor emeritus Patrick Bellegarde Smith will facilitate discussion after the screening.
Saturday, Aug. 25
Voter Registration Training and Canvass @ Milwaukee Public Library (814 W. Wisconsin Ave.), 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
The Wisconsin Poor People’s Campaign is participating in a Unite the Poor Day of Action by registering people to vote and canvassing in neighborhoods across the city for the upcoming elections on Tuesday, Nov. 6.
Peace Action Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ the corner of Capitol Drive and Teutonia Avenue, noon-1 p.m.
Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action Wisconsin to protest war and, literally, “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee afterward.
Bikes and Pro Fights @ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center (1531 W. Vliet St.), 5 p.m.
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During Team Certified Promotions’ professional boxing event, community leaders including State Sen. Chris Larson and Rep. Jonathan Brostoff will be in attendance. There will also be a voter registration push.
Stand 4 Peace @ Tiefenthaler Park (2501 W. Galena St.), 5-9 p.m.
Stand 4 Peace is a celebration of community projects that promote unity, harmony and peace throughout the heart of Milwaukee. The celebration will begin with remarks from Mayor Tom Barrett and Midtown community leaders and include a performance from WebsterX. The event is free and open to the public.
Sunday, Aug. 26
Milwaukee Unite for Justice Day of Action @ Milwaukee County Courthouse (901 N. Ninth St.), noon-2 p.m.
Multiple Milwaukee community organizations, including Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort, will come together in conjunction with a national protest against Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court.
Monday, Aug. 27
Pups and Pops @ Marquette University Raynor Memorial Libraries (1355 W. Wisconsin Ave.), 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
NextGen Wisconsin, a progressive group looking to turn out young voters in upcoming elections, will host an event on Marquette’s campus to register voters while giving students the opportunity to unwind with therapy dogs and ice cream.
MKEDems Summer Outing @ Gordon Park (1321 E. Locust St.), 5:30-8 p.m.
A potluck summer celebration will go down in Gordon Park as the Democratic Party of Milwaukee County hosts its annual summer outing. Sloppy Joes, water and soda will be provided, with attendees encouraged to bring a dish to pass. Local candidates for elected offices will be in attendance.
To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to savingourdemocracy@ Together, we can fight to minimize the damage that Donald Trump and others of his kind have planned for our great country.
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Wednesday, September 19 | 6-8 pm $35 • Oak Creek Library
2018 Update to New Tax Laws
Changes in tax law are here and we want to help you navigate. This seminar will review many of the individual filer common tax issues and how they are influenced by the new tax bill. We will go through these changes item by item, explaining how tax filing will change going forward. Limited Space Available. Reserve Early.
Register At: Or Call: (414) 231-9138 Upcoming Small Business Educational Seminars: Oct. 10 and Nov. 14
For more info:
Alice Zaganczyk Peterson MS Certified Public Accountant
1123 N. Water St., Suite 305, Milwaukee, WI 53202 SHEPHERD EXPRESS
AUGUST 23, 2018 | 9
Wisconsin’s Already Eager for November ::BY JOEL MCNALLY
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You Don’t Think Trump’s Harley-Davidson Boycott Will Succeed Last week, we asked you if Donald Trump’s effort to encourage a boycott of Harley-Davidson will succeed. You said: n Yes: 7% n No: 93%
What Do You Say? Do you believe tapes exist of Donald Trump saying the N-word, as his former aide Omarosa Manigault Newman has alleged? n Yes n No Vote online at We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue.
10 | A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8
Jean Bell-Calvin
!"#$%!&#''()$'*+%!,%!-#$'./! 0,1!./#!2/,'#!),334%+.5 ::BY ERIN BLOODGOOD
his country’s health care system is complicated, difficult to navigate and not attainable for everyone. Jean Bell-Calvin and her team at the UWMilwaukee Silver Spring Community Nursing Center are working to change that, starting at the local level. The team at the Nursing Center treats their patients differently than the average hospital. Rather than simply looking at symptoms, they take the time to speak with their patients about their day-to-day habits and stressors that may have caused the symptoms. “You have a right to be treated a certain way, have your questions answered and have somebody take the time to listen,” says Bell-Calvin, the Nursing Center’s director and driving force behind the clinic for the last 30 years. Bell-Calvin has made it her life’s work to help the community understand health. If asked to talk about her life, she will tell you, “It is not about me but the wonderful team of people I work with and the people we serve,” yet she deserves enormous praise for her dedication to the people of Milwaukee. In 1988, Bell-Calvin took a job at the recently opened clinic and has worked to improve the programming to meet the needs of North Side residents ever since. The original goal of the clinic was to promote health, focusing on education and nutrition. But in the late 1990s, after being approached by Milwaukee County, the clinic transitioned to providing primary care for the underinsured. Through the General Assistance Medical Program, the clinic became a contracted insurance provider for the county and began to provide primary care to community members that otherwise could not afford it. There is more to health than clinical diagnoses; the Nursing Center also takes into consideration the many factors that can affect people’s well-being, such as relationships at home, not being able to pay the bills or a lack of reliable transportation. The Nursing Center seeks to build a relationship with the people they serve and adapts their programming to meet the needs of the community. A vital partner that helps them achieve this goal is the Silver Spring Neighborhood Center (SSNC), a non-profit community center that services the people in the neighborhood through programs relating to health and wellness, education and employment. The SSNC often looks to the Nursing Center for programming related to health and nutrition, providing an opportunity for the nurses of the UWM Nursing Center to go out in the community and learn what is needed to improve people’s health. “It’s about looking at people, finding out what their needs are and plugging them in,” Bell-Calvin explains. Bell-Calvin and the UW-Milwaukee Silver Spring Community Nursing Center emphasize that primary care is not enough to keep people healthy; they must also be educated. Whether that means teaching people proper nutrition or helping them understand how to use their insurance plan, the goal is to empower people with knowledge. “This is the work I’ve been called to do,” says Bell-Calvin, and with that work, she continues to change lives one family at a time. For more of Erin Bloodgood’s work, visit Comment at!
Cocina 1022
Tavos Signature
BelAir Cantina
Bellis Bistro & Spirits
Crimson Club
Toast Restaurant
Belmont Tavern
Farmerís Wife
C≠ viche
Mequon Pizza Co.
Iron Horse Hotel
CafÈ Corazon A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 11
View MKE
Global Flavors, Extraordinary Views at View MKE
pizza with an international profile. I think of Milwaukee style as a thin cracker crust, but their crust had a delightful chewier texture with a crisp snap to it. We opted for the special, featuring a layer of Spanish sofrito, two cheeses and Peppadews finished with an avocado cream drizzle. The flavors worked well together, and it was a nice size portion for sharing. Other pizza choices include a three cheese-three mushroom combo and a pimento cheese and kale ($14-$15). The rest of the menu is divided into categories. First: Boards & Snacks, where you will find not only cheese and charcuterie, but also a pickled veggie flight made with chef’s choice of house pickled items. Besides the chips, other small snacks offered, ! including marinated olives or adobo roasted peanuts ($4-$22), are perfect for ::BY ALISA MALAVENDA nibbling. Next on the menu is a breakdown of Land, Sea and Garden. Land offers crispy pork belly with a tamarind glaze, sliced thin and tender and sitting on top of iew MKE has a love of locally sourced ingredipuffed rice. The chef recommends taking a bite of all the components together for ents, a casual yet chic neighborhood vibe and an a true culinary experience, and it did not disappoint. Korean short ribs and a panextraordinary view of the city. Everything about seared chicken also roam the land side of the menu. this restaurant seems to celebrate Milwaukee, and On the Sea side of things, scallops, charred octopus and a beautiful bowl of its location on top of Brewers Hill affords a view that steaming piri piri mussels with a hint of orange and fennel all have interesting flareminds us of just how spectacular a city it is. With all the vors. I was intrigued by the Garden selection that included curried cauliflower with doors to the patio open, seated inside or out, you feel like yogurt, pepitas, craisins and pickled chilies. It was a good dish, but I would have you are dining al fresco. Modern global inspirations pair loliked a little more of the curry flavor. However, the fried Brussels sprouts with goat cally sourced ingredients with spices from all over the world. cheese and pistachios drizzled with hot honey, and the compressed watermelon Shareable plates are the focus of a good portion of the with pickled strawberries, cantaloupe, fresh mozzarella and balsamic all had inmenu. The house chips ($4), perfect for snacking while mulltense flavors, wonderful textures and were beautifully presented. ing over the next course, were crisp, salty View MKE serves an eclectic and fun brunch menu on and light—the perfect complement to Saturday and Sunday. The Toast Board with everything our before-dinner cocktail. The craft cockbagel crunch and pickled shallots, house-made biscuits View MKE tail list included interesting choices such as (also used as the base for the eggs benedict) and the Okothe Brewers Hill Beets with mezcal that was nomiyaki (a Japanese pancake that literally means “as you 414-763-0003 vibrant in color and smoky in flavor, and the like it”) were all top notch. View MKE’s brunch and dinner Cream City Cucumber Fizz was a refreshing Tom Collins-like menu offers a diverse melting pot of cultures and flavors 1818 N. Hubbard St. cocktail perfect for a hot summer night. The list of beer and that celebrate our city and make it shine right along with wine is well rounded and offers some great local brews on $$-$$$ that breathtaking view. tap. The wines are showcased by intensity and priced by a CC, FB, OD, SB, RS, GF five-ounce pour or by the bottle. (left) Sea Scallops, (right) Seared Ahi Tuna Handicap Accessible: yes View MKE offers six “Milwaukee Style” pizzas plus a special
12 | A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8
For more Dining, log onto
!"#$%&'('')*+,'-./ 012&+3114+52/$6
There was once little hope in Milwaukee for diners who wanted to go out for soul food and eat vegan. Now, pay-what-you-can-afford Moravian Church eatery Tricklebee Cafe (4424 W. North Ave.) offers a solution to that culinary conundrum, at least on Fridays. That’s when vegan soul food figures into the ’Bee’s midday bill of fare. In part, the soulful offerings give testimony to the versatility of tofu. That soybean curd comprises much of the base of the mock catfish the café often serves. It has also been a major ingredient of the salmon croquettes that excited my taste buds. Tricklebee’s meatless iteration of an entree sometimes found on soul food restaurant breakfast menus replicates the taste and texture of those grilled fish patties. Served with brown rice pilaf and root vegetables, it’s flavorfully guiltfree comfort food. Seafood and fowl may be easier to mimic, but here’s looking forward to what Tricklebee’s cooking talent could do to imitate chitterlings and ham hocks.
1832 E. North Ave. | Milwaukee, WI | 414.273.6477 |
!"#$"#%&'!()* SHEPHERD STAFF
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Lowlands Local Series Brings It Home with Local Brewer Collaborations!::BY SHEILA JULSON
"#!$%&'()*+!,-()*!.(/#+0!"#$%#!$&%'()*!+,-.!+*&/0,,'1!+,-.!2,3,0$,1!2*&4 elux and Café Hollander, are known for seamlessly blending influences from the '5"',&)6!5-!7(058*!"$/#!'5%,'!-55)!,&)!9*3*0,:*!-,350$/*6;!<*%*&/'=1!>5"',&)6! )*%$)*)!/5!90$&:!/#*$0!858(',0!>5"',&)6!20*"$&:!+5'',950,/$3*!"$/#!2*':$,&! 90*"*06!%'56*0!/5!#5?*!"$/#!/#*!>5"',&)6!>5%,'!@*0$*6!90*"$&:!%5'',950,/$3*;! This partnership launched the first week of July and includes Good City Brewing, Third Space Brewing, Raised Grain Brewing Co., The Fermentorium and Black Husky Brewing—brewer4 ies all within a five-mile radius of a Lowlands café. Ileana Rivera, beverage director for the Lowlands Group, noted that Lowlands Local Series 9($')6!(85&!80*3$5(6!%5'',950,/$5&6!"$/#!A$6%5&6$&!90*"*06!6(%#!,6!+*&/0,'!A,/*06!20*"$&:! +5?8,&=!,&)!B550!+5(&/=!20*"$&:!+5;!CD#*!$)*,!9*#$&)!>5"',&)6!>5%,'6!$6!/#,/!"*E0*! really keeping it local—hyper-local to an extent—breweries within a five-mile radius of one 5-!5(0!'5%,/$5&61F!6#*!6,$);!CG$'",(H**!$&!:*&*0,'!#,6!9**&!)5$&:!65?*!0*,''=!,"*65?*1!$&&54 3,/$3*!/#$&:6!"$/#$&!/#*!8,6/!/"5!=*,061!,&)!"*E3*!6**&!'5/6!5-!90*"*0$*6!858!(8;!A*!",&/*)! /5!6#5"%,6*!/#,/;F @5?*!'5%,'!90*"*0$*6!#,)!,'0*,)=!,8805,%#*)!>5"',&)6!"$/#!/#*!8566$9$'$/=!5-!%5'',950,/4 $&:1!/#(6!8',&/$&:!/#*!6**)!-50!>5"',&)6!>5%,'!@*0$*6;!CI3*0!/#*!8,6/!%5(8'*!5-!?5&/#61!"*E3*! 9**&!:5$&:!/5!)$--*0*&/!90*"*0$*61!%#*%H$&:!/#*?!5(/!,&)!9($')$&:!0*',/$5&6#$861F!<$3*0,!6,$);! “These guys were the first five where we visited their breweries and really felt a connection.” The varieties in the Lowlands Local Series launch are Good City Brewing’s Good City Sehr Gut Helles, a 4.8% brew that blends German and East Side influences into a bright, crisp ',:*0J!D#$0)!@8,%*!20*"$&:E6!K,88=!L',%*1!"#$%#!9($')6!5&!/#*$0!6$:&,/(0*!G$)"*6/!L,'*!M'*! with floral, citra hops; Raised Grain Brewing Company’s Oranje Juicy Double IPA, which packs a 7.8% alcohol content and is touted as “biermosa but without the O.J.”; The Fermen4 /50$(?E6!2'(6#$&:!M(0,!7&:'$6#!G$')!M'*1!,!&5&4,:*)!9$*0!"$/#!,))*)!055$9561!#$9$6%(61!%(04 0,&/61!056*!#$861!*')*09*00$*6!,&)!%0,&9*00$*6J!,&)!2',%H!K(6H=!20*"$&:E6!D0$8'*!B5:!7'$/*1!,&! 8.2 % brew that offers an American twist on a Belgian staple, rounds out the Lowlands Local @*0$*6!',(&%#; The flavors were also crafted with approachability in mind. “They taste like you could have more than one,” Rivera said. All five beers in the launch are available at all the Lowlands café '5%,/$5&6!"$/#$&!/#*!G$'",(H**!,0*,1!*N%*8/!-50!+,-.!2,3,0$,1!9*%,(6*!>5"',&)6!",&/6!/5! H**8!/#,/!'5%,/$5&!*N%'(6$3*'=!7(058*,&; The five launch biers will be available through mid-September, and Lowlands will collabo4 0,/*!"$/#!'5%,'!90*"*06!/5!?,H*!9,/%#*6!-50!/#*!,(/(?&!?5&/#6;!CA*E0*!?,H$&:!6(0*!"*E0*! %53*0$&:!,!:,?(/!5-!5--*0$&:6;!73*&!/#5(:#!"*!?56/'=!80$)*!5(06*'3*6!5&!2*':$,&!9$*01!"*! find that a lot of Belgian biers are way different than American IPAs,” Rivera said. “We want to keep it open and fluid, so these brewers felt they could create something special for us.” !"#$%"#&$'()"#%*+'"(,$-'.'+$/"0/*(1.2#"3456"%5$n
August 26 | West Allis Farmers Market 6501 W. National Ave.
::SPORTS !"#$%&#'( )*'+'*,( -&&*./01%23( 4/*''*( !%#',$.2', ::BY KYLE LOBNER
he Milwaukee Brewers’ decision to move Jhoulys Chacin ahead in the rotation paid dividends last Sunday as he worked six scoreless innings against the St. Louis Cardinals and helped his teammates pick up a 0,0*! ),=4:,?*!3$%/50= and stay afloat in the playoff chase. Chacin was awarded a win on Sunday, his 13th of the season, and now stands one shy of his career high of 14. Wins are, without question, a terrible measure to use to assess a pitcher’s performance. Brewers franchise history offers many textbook examples of this fact. Take Ben Sheets, for example. In 2004, he had arguably the best season by a pitcher in franchise history, posting a 2.70 ERA and striking out 10 batters per nine innings in the height of the MLB’s offensive boom. He “won” 12 games that year. In 2009, Braden Looper led all MLB pitchers with 113 earned runs allowed and set a franchise record by giving up 39 home runs despite pitching fewer than 200 innings. He “won” 14 games that season and never pitched in the majors again. Nonetheless, collecting his 14th and 15th wins would be a nice cherry on top of a remarkably solid Brewers debut season for Chacin, who has performed as well or better than anyone could have expected him to this year. He’s one of a few Brewers closing in on a milestone in the season’s final weeks. Here’s a look at some of the others:
n Jesus Aguilar—30 home runs Aguilar has already set career highs in nearly every offensive category this season, made his
first All-Star appearance and participated in his first Home Run Derby. His next home run, however, will push him into even more elite company as he’ll move past 30 for the season. It’s hard to believe in the current offensive era, but no Brewer reached 30 home runs in 2013, 2014 or 2015. If or when Aguilar does it this season he’ll be the 22nd different player in franchise history to reach the mark and the sixth since 2016, joining Chris Carter, Ryan Braun, Domingo Santana, Eric Thames and Travis Shaw.
n Ryan Braun—1,000 career runs Braun’s bat was coming around a bit before a rib cage injury caused him to leave Wednesday’s game against the Cubs early. At that time, he was hitting .333 with a .385 on-base percentage and .617 slugging in his last 19 appearances and had scored 13 runs over that span. If he can get back on that pace, he has a real shot to score the 19 more runs he needs to become just the third Brewer (joining Robin Yount and Paul Molitor) and the 15th active player with 1,000 runs scored in his career. Every active player with 1,000 runs has played in at least 100 more games than Braun, who made appearance 1,551 on Sunday.
n Jeremy Jeffress— 250 appearances as a Brewer Jeffress worked two innings on Sunday and has now taken to the mound for Milwaukee 237 times: 10 in his first stint with the club in 2010, 148 in his second run with the team from 2014’16 and 79 more since rejoining the club in 2017. He was an All Star for the first time in 2018. Jeffress has followed an unlikely path to this milestone, but if he pitches in a Brewers uniform 13 more times, he’ll officially qualify to join the Brewers’ Wall of Honor when he eventually retires. By that point, he’ll rank 12th in franchise history in appearances on the mound. Jeffress was selected #16 overall in the 2006 draft and will be the Brewers’ fifth first-round pick from an eight-year span from 1999-2006 to qualify, joining Ben Sheets (1999), Prince Fielder (2002), Rickie Weeks (2003) and Ryan Braun (2005). Comment at .7&47&#1&84#&..56"%. n
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A Festival of Fringy Fun
!"#$%&'(()*+",-() *(./"0%#)1+(.(,/.)%) *+(.2)3%'()4,)%)5%+"(/6) 47)32(8(.) ::BY MARK LISOWSKI
RESH, FUN AND FRINGY. CLOSE OUT YOUR SUMMER FESTIVAL BINGE WITH THE FRINGE. Now in its third year, the Milwaukee Fringe Festival brings to you a lineup of more than 20 sets to experience on the weekend of Aug. 25 and 26 at the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts (929 N. Water St.), showcasing some of the finest alternative artists, musicians and performers from Milwaukee and elsewhere. What’s so special about this year’s Fringe Festival? Show-goers will have access to new, original work, unlike any that’s been part of this summer season. The Fringe comes to you as a celebration of the human experience—reconnecting you with the subtleties of life that often go unnoticed. Through the media of dance, theater, music, singing and painting, celebrants can take part in all corners and depths of expression. It’s raw, it’s abstract, it’s our narrative. And, in the words of Brian Nau, visual artist featured in this year’s lineup, “It’s not just another beer-swig festival.” Nau, contributing for the third year in a row, finds the Fringe to be an ever-growing event where people come together to enjoy and find opportunities to access those subtleties of life. “This is not just an event to grab a beer, look at stuff and walk away. The fest continues to offer a chance for people to experience deeper parts of themselves and others. There’s a consciousness developing around the Fringe, and it will evolve and grow to become the most fun festival in the city,” he says. Nau intends to host a live painting at this year’s fest, inviting participants to contribute their ideas and brushstrokes to a collaborative work that captures human interconnectivity and the spirit of the Fringe. The Fringe perpetuates a rooted tradition in Milwaukee for alternative art meant to bring audiences fresh takes on a variety of themes. Come see the legendary Elizabeth Fuller and Conrad Bishop, founders of the experimental Theatre X and now performing as Independent Eye. Fuller will perform the one-woman show Survival, a commentary written by Bishop on surviving the Donald Trump era. Two other Theatre X veterans will be on hand. Flora Coker directs John Schneider (accompanied by Mrs. Fun—pianist Connie Grauer) in a new take on songs by Lorenz Hart and Richard Rodgers, such as “My Funny Valentine,” that confronts challenges faced by the LGBTQ community in both the past and the present.
Painting, theater… What else will be part of this year’s Fringe? Mezclando Dance and Tamarind Tribal Belly Dance will bring unique cultural flare to the outdoor stage. Indoors, the Angry Men Puppet Show present a humorous, bawdy act intended for adults only. Pius XI High School brings home the play they took to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival—the grandma of fringe festivals internationally. Performance artist Chad Piechocki returns in an original collaboration with Milwaukee DIY Chamber Music. Playwright Michael Fringe Lucchesi returns with a new play readFestival ing. Present Music Underground is a new Fringe venture by Milwaukee’s Marcus Center venerable New Music group. Chicago for the performance artist Tyler Anthony Smith Performing Arts brings his extremely funny drag perforAug. 25 & 26 mance. Contemporary dance company SueMo: A Dance Experience returns with all new work. Catey Ott Dance Collective and Lake Arts Dance bring modern dance and ballet. Aperi Animam returns with haunting choral singing. How’s that for starters? On Sunday, the bands A Western Edge, 4th Home and Lifetime Achievement Award will perform on the outdoor Peck Pavilion. You’ll find the unique interactive artist Anja Notanja along the riverside near Houdini Magic. Keep your eyes peeled for human statue Alice Wilson; with more than 14 years of theater and modeling experience, Wilson returns to the Fringe once more to wow, impress and startle passersby with stunning makeup and costuming… if you can spot her! The Milwaukee Fringe Festival is sponsored by the Marcus Center, Wisconsin Board of Tourism, Wisconsin Arts Board, Nice Plays and many others. Tickets for the indoor shows will be available for purchase at the festival. Prices are $15 for a single-show ticket; $30 for an all-inclusive day pass; and $45 for the all-inclusive two-day festival pass. For more information, visit
Artwork by Brian Nau
A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 15
::THISWEEKINMILWAUKEE FRIDAY, AUG. 24 Ghostface Killah @ The Rave, 8 p.m.
Ben Folds
THURSDAY, AUG. 23 Cake and Ben Folds w/ Tall Heights @ BMO Harris Pavilion, 7 p.m.
With their droll grab bag of rock, funk, country, hip-hop and mariachi music, few bands embodied the anything-goes spirit of ’90s alternative quite like Cake. With a new album in the pipeline, their first since 2011’s Showroom of Compassion, the band returns to Milwaukee to co-headline this show at the BMO Harris Pavilion with another ’90s alternative radio staple who transcended that era: Ben Folds, the piano-pounding singersongwriter who has bounced from one quirky project to the next over the last couple of decades, among them albums with actor William Shatner, author Nick Hornby and the classical ensemble yMusic. Folds also wrote the soundtrack for Jeff Garlin’s 2017 comedy Handsome: A Netflix Mystery Movie.
Though few in the ’90s would have pegged him to become the Wu-Tang Clan’s hottest commodity—at the time Method Man was the member of the group with the most commercial potential—Ghostface Killah always stood out for his excitable delivery and his detailed, by-the-neck storytelling. Since the new millennium, though, Ghostface has proven himself the most consistent and acclaimed Wu-Tang member, releasing instant classics like 2006’s Fishscale and interesting oddities like 2009’s absurdist R&B record Ghostdini: Wizard of Poetry in Emerald City and his 2013’s musical comic book Twelve Reasons to Die.
Ghostface Killah
RZA: Live from the 36th Chamber @ Oriental Theatre, 9:30 p.m.
Wu-Tang Clan founder and producer RZA has never been one to hide his love of kung-fu films. He named his group after one and titled the group’s classic 1993 debut Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) after one of his personal favorites, The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, a 1978 epic widely regard as one of the genre’s greatest films. In conjunction with Hip-Hop Week MKE, RZA will present a live score of the movie at the Oriental Theatre as part of Milwaukee Film’s ambitious Craft Cinema program.
FieriCon @ Walker’s Point, 2 p.m.
FRIDAY, AUG. 24 Mexican Fiesta @ Summerfest Grounds
From its beginnings as a modest South Side street party in the ’70s, Mexican Fiesta grew into one of the Midwest’s largest celebrations of Hispanic culture and a mainstay of the Milwaukee summer festival calendar. This year the event celebrates its 45th anniversary with another three days of music, food and merriment. Highlights include a genealogy exhibit, a Friday night Día de los Muertos parade, more than 150 arts and craft vendors, a car and motorcycle show, a tequila tasting bar, art workshops, and a bounty of mariachi bands. (Through Sunday, Aug. 26.)
Asleep at the Wheel @ Potawatomi Hotel and Casino, 8 p.m.
Few celebrity chefs invite as much mockery in foodie circles as Guy Fieri, the frosted-tipped Food Network fixture who’s never met a dish he couldn’t drown in Donkey Sauce. Last year New York hosted a bar crawl that encouraged participants to don Fieri’s signature goatee, bowling shirts and backward sunglasses, and now Milwaukee is getting in on the action with its own FieriCon, a marathon bar crawl with 16 scheduled stops across Walker’s Point. It kicks off at O’Lydia’s at 2 p.m.; the complete schedule is available at the event’s Facebook page.
WMSE Backyard BBQ w/ Old 97’s @ Humboldt Park, noon-8 p.m.
For nine years running, Milwaukee’s independent radio station 91.7 WMSE has commemorated the end of summer with a leisurely day of hot barbeque, cold beer and live music in the park. This year’s Backyard BBQ boasts one of the event’s strongest lineups yet, with Texas alt-country favorites Old 97’s headlining at 6:30 p.m., following a full afternoon of music from Bailey Dee, Altered Five Blues Band, Vitrolum Republic and Buffalo Gospel (who will be joined by members of Field Report).
Since their inception in the ’70s, Austin’s Asleep at the Wheel have been the most devout torchbearers of the Western swing style of country music popularized by the late Bob Wills. Throughout the decades, the ensemble has frequently crossed paths with one of Wills’ most famous fans, Willie Nelson, with whom they recorded the 2009 collaboration Willie and The Wheel, which included guests Vince Gill and Paul Shaffer. They reunited with Nelson for his 2015 album for Cracker Barrel, Willie Nelson and Friends.
A Couch Conversation with DJ Kool Herc @ Miller High Life Theatre, 4 p.m.
No history about the creation of hip-hop is complete without DJ Kool Herc, the Jamaica-born DJ who introduced the Bronx to one of hip-hop’s signature sounds in the early ’70s: the break, which followers like Grandmaster Flash and Afrika Bambaataa ran with and popularized years later. As part of Hip-Hop Week MKE, Herc will discuss his legacy as the “Father of Hip-Hop” at this conversation moderated by author Michael Arceneaux. Old 97’s 16 | A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8
Read our daily events guide, Today in Milwaukee, on
SATURDAY, AUG. 25 Lil Baby w/ YK Osiris, City Girls, Kollision, B La B @ The Rave, 8 p.m.
Thanks to an early co-sign from fellow Atlanta rapper Young Thug, Lil Baby hit the ground running after serving two years in prison on drug charges. Less than a year after his release, he’d cemented himself as one of the city’s hottest rappers, thanks to mixtapes like last year’s Too Hard, which showcased his melodic voice and vivid storytelling. It was only this year, though, that Baby took his act to the masses with his official debut album Harder Than Ever and its single “Yes Indeed,” which became a top 10 hit thanks in no small part to a guest feature from Drake.
Pablove One Another @ Nomad Nacional, 5 p.m.
Most Milwaukee music fans know the pediatric cancer nonprofit Pablove through its annual benefit concert at Turner Hall Ballroom each winter. Like that flagship event, this “mini-festival” at Nomad’s Walker’s Point location will feature a variety of Milwaukee music acts old and new, among them DJ Paul J, Pet Engine, Daniel Rey (the alias of Dejan Kralj of The Gufs), Wire and Nail, No No Yeah Okay and some surprise guests. Cover for this all-ages event is $10.
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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 29 The Diaspora Arkestra @ Washington Park Bandshell, 6 p.m.
When Radio Milwaukee DJ Tarik Moody was tapped to book a night for Washington Park’s Wednesday night concert series last year, he didn’t just book a band. He created one—and an ambitious one at that. With the help of saxophonist Jay Anderson and singer B~Free, he created The Diaspora Arkestra, an ensemble of more than a dozen musicians who created a program that, in a little over two hours, tried to capture the scope of the entire history of African American music. It was a little cruel, given all the work that the musicians put into creating that set, that weather cut the band’s debut at Washington Park short last year, but thankfully they’re back this year. Once again, The Diaspora Arkestra’s performance will serve as the kickoff for this year’s Strange Fruit Music Festival, a series of concerts and events sponsored by the Milwaukee label Voodoohoney at venues around the city through Sunday, Sept. 2.
“What if music was a place?” Milwaukee jazz/ blues/ambient musician Misha Siegfried asks in his new project The Moments Before Dark, an immersive art exhibit he spent three years creating with the assistance of a dozen designers, animators and fellow musicians. Siegfried has said he won’t be releasing the music he’s created for the project as an album or a download. The only way to hear it will be at this one-night installation at the Riverwest Jazz Gallery, but for the curious who want a sneak peek Siegfried has teased snippets of music and video from the installation on his website,
Misha Siegfried: The Moments Before Dark @ Riverwest Jazz Gallery, 8 p.m.
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::PERFORMINGARTSWEEK For More to Do, visit
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen’s romantic novel, Pride and Prejudice, was written in 1813. Its comedic moments, and there are plenty, arise from the author’s depiction of manners, education, marriage and money; though written in the milieu of early-19th century upper-crust British society, the plays themes still hold relevance for modern audiences. Indeed, Pride and Prejudice remains on many a most-loved-books list, and it has appeared in live stage, TV and feature film adaptations galore. SummerStage of Delafield describes their production of Pride and Prejudice as a “fast-paced and engaging new adaptation [that] captures all the wit, sophistication and romance” of the original novel. Brian D. Zelinski directs this adaptation by Jon Jory. The cast includes Victoria Hudziak as Elizabeth Bennet, Paige Bourne as Mary Bennet, William Molitor as Mr. Bennet and JJ Gatesman as Mr. Darcy. (John Jahn) Aug. 23-Sept. 8 at the Lapham Peak Unit of Kettle Moraine State Forest, W329 N846 County Highway C, Delafield. For tickets, visit
Doc Danger and the Danger Squad Jason Powell, the creator of Fortuna the Time Bender vs. the Schoolgirls of Doom, has written a new musical that conjures the pulp adventures of a bygone era—Doc Danger and the Danger Squad—which receives a fully staged premiere via Milwaukee Opera Theatre. In keeping with its mission, Milwaukee Opera Theatre commissioned 10 original musical theatre works in 2009, several of which have been shown since. Doc Danger is the latest production towards fulfillment of that mission. In terms of overall style, Powell’s new work owes as much to the witty, polished flair of 19th-century operetta as it does pulp novels of the 1920s and ’30s. “I more or less worship at the altar of Gilbert and Sullivan,” Powell says, adding that most of his works are strongly influenced by the legendary British team. “Maybe there’s something in my brain that is automatically attracted to artistic works from bygone ages,” he explains, “which is how you get a mash-up of 1890s musical style and 1930s adventure fiction; sometimes, you can’t beat the classics.” (John Jahn) Aug. 23-30 at the Studio Theatre of the Broadway Theatre Center, 158 N. Broadway. For tickets, call 414-291-7800 or visit
This Prison Where I Live Theater RED revisits beloved Shakespearean actor, Edwin Booth, for another Milwaukee premiere. Written and directed by Angela Iannone, this new work is the second collaboration between the playwright and local theater company and follows closely on—and is a companion piece to—Ianonne’s The Seeds of Banquo. In This Prison Where I Live, we find Booth rehearsing for an upcoming production of a play by The Bard of Avon. As he prepares, the ghosts of his past, including that of his disreputable brother, interrupt him repeatedly. Edwin Booth, incidentally, is not a fictional character. He was an American actor who toured throughout the country and Europe in the latter-half of the 1800s performing Shakespearean plays; indeed, many theatrical historians consider him the greatest American actor. In Theater RED’s production, Booth will be played by company alumnus and Chicagobased actor and playwright Jared McDaris. (John Jahn) Aug. 24-Sept. 9 at the Tenth Street Theatre, 628 N. 10th St. For tickets, visit 18 | A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8
THE MYSTERY FROM the MILWAUKEE ART MUSEUM’S VAULT New research finds the true identity of an artwork in the collection ::BY HARRY CHERKINIAN
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ally and figuratively. RS';/)'),)4%>%-,)'-9'*"#'/**$%7,*%-&'9$-1'*"#' moment I first saw the painting,” says Tanya T/,(.'>,$/*-$'-9'E,$-4#/&'/$*A'T/,(.';"-'>/1#'*-' :=:'%&'U@CK.'/&0'"#$')*/99';#$#'4(/&&%&3'/'$#5 %&)*/((/*%-&'%&'U@CM';"#&'*"#'4/%&*%&3'%&'+,#)*%-&' >/,3"*'"#$'#2#Q9-$'#&*%$#(2'0%99#$#&*'$#/)-&)A'RS' <&#;'%*';/)'3--0.'7,*'0%0&6*'+,%*#'<&-;';"/*'%*' was,” she explains, adding, “the file on the paint5 ing confirmed that my doubts were justified—as other experts who had seen the painting were also skeptical.” Paul was able to confirm her suspicions with other experts in the field from the Tate Gallery /&0'O#**2':,)#,1A'S&'9/>*.'B>-**'=((/&.'/'O#**2' curator, had just completed an exhibition on the /$*%)*' ;"-' *"#2' 7#(%#8#' -$%3%&/((2' 4/%&*#0' *"#' ;-$<'/&0'&-*#0'/&'%&*#$#)*%&3'9/>*V'W&#'4/%&*%&3' %&'*"#'8-(,1#'-9'*"#'/$*%)*6)';-$<')"-;&'%&'*"#' Getty exhibit was missing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ment was relatively straightforward,” he said, &-*%&3'*"/*'*"#$#'/$#')-'1/&2'0%99#$#&*'>-&0%*%-&)' 9-$'/$*;-$<)'*"/*'*%1#9$/1#)'>/&'8/$2'3$#/*(2'9-$' restoration projects. “There was a heavy grime (/2#$'-&'*-4'-9'*"#'2#((-;#0'8/$&%)"'*"/*'"/0'*-' 7#'$#1-8#0'7#9-$#'*"#'8/$&%)"'>-,(0'7#')/9#(2'$#5 moved.” Bockrath was pleased with the results, noting, for example, that tree branches and other detail had held up and were “surprisingly sturdy” -&>#'$#)*-$/*%-&';/)'>-14(#*#0A' So, what exactly did the museum now have in place of the “Constable” work? A painting now $%3"*9,((2'>/((#0'*+),-.#-/0)-12/&3+4/&-.5-64"#%
7+88)9-HC?K@56KUL.'*"#'&/1#'*/<#&'9$-1'/'8%((/3#' (->/*#0'-&'*"#'#03#'-9'*"#'[-$^*'0#'[-&*/%&#75 (#/,.'(->/*#0')-,*"#/)*'-9'T/$%)A'_,%*#'/'0%)*/&>#' /;/2' 9$-1' G-&)*/7(#6)' 8#$2' E&3(%)"' >-,&*$25 )%0#A P,*' /((' *"#' 4%#>#)' &-;' >/1#' *-3#*"#$A' !"#' O$/&8%((#' /$#/' ;/)' 4-4,(/$' ;%*"' /' 3$-,4' -9' 4/%&*#$)'9$-1'*"#'P/$7%`-&'B>"--(.'-9';"%>"'%*)' (#/0#$';/)'/()-'/';#((5<&-;&'(/&0)>/4#'4/%&*#$.' !"#-0-$#'a-,))#/,A'!"#'1,)#,16)'/$*;-$<';/)' />*,/((2'/&'-%(')<#*>"')*,02'0-&#'9-$'a-,))#/,6)' major 1833 Salon painting which now hangs in *"#' B*/*#' Y#$1%*/3#' :,)#,1.' B*A' T#*#$)7,$3.' a,))%/A'a-,))#/,';-,(0'7#>-1#'<&-;&'9-$'"%)' major influence on Impressionism, as he and -*"#$'P/$7%`-&'B>"--('4/%&*#$)'*--<'*-'*"#'-,*5 0--$)'*-'4/%&*A G,$/*-$'T/,('>-,(0')##'"-;'*"#'4/%&*%&3'>-,(0' 7#' 1%)*/<#&' 9-$' /' G-&)*/7(#' /)' *"#' *;-' /$*%)*)' 0%0')"/$#')-1#')%1%(/$%*%#)'#/$(2'-&'%&'*"#%$'>/5 $##$)A'RP-*"';#$#'4/$*'-9'*"#'4(#%&'/%$'4/%&*%&3' tradition in the early part of the 19th century,” T/,(' )/2)A' RT/$*%>,(/$(2' %&' "%)' #/$(2' 2#/$)' -9' 4/%&*%&3'H$%3"*'/$-,&0'*"#'*%1#'*"#'Z/2*-&'4/%&*5 ing was executed c. 1831-’32), Rousseau looked )-1#;"/*' (%<#' G-&)*/7(#.' /)' "#' "/0' )##&' "%)' bG-&)*/7(#6)c';-$<':0)-;"<,"+#'%&'C?UM'/*'*"#' Salon in Paris and was deeply struck by it.” P,*'*"#')%1%(/$%*%#)'#&0#0'*"#$#A'\#*/%()'%&'*"#' “Constable” painting included a French-style :/&)/$0'$--9'/&0'-00'$-><'9-$1/*%-&)'&-*'9-,&0' %&' G-&)*/7(#6)' ;-$<A' T/,(' <&#;' *"/*' *"#' ;-$<' %*)#(9' ;/)' &-*' 0-&#' 72' /&' E&3(%)"' 4/%&*#$A' P,*' ;%*"'*"#'"#(4'-9':=:'(#/0#$)"%4.')*/99'/&0'-*"#$' experts worldwide, a “lost” work has now been 9-,&0'/&0'$#)*-$#0A !"#' $#)*-$#0' ;-$<' ;%((' 7#' 4(/>#0' -&' 8%#;' /(-&3)%0#' *"#' a-,))#/,' %&' :=:6)' >-((#>*%-&.' *"#' C?dd5C?J@' -%(' -&' 4/&#(' =2#&)/- !"#$&'"()>?.2'0)4-$)-&.8)+8-@-A"4B+C.#DA'S&'/00%*%-&.'*"#' exhibition will include sections explaining the >-&8#$)/*%-&' /&0' $#/**$%7,*%-&' 4$->#))A'=' "%3"5 light of the exhibition features an original copy -9' /' >/*/(-3' 9$-1' C?IK.' %&' ;"%>"' *"#' &#;(2' $#0%)>-8#$#0' -%(' )<#*>"' ;/)' (/)*' 0->,1#&*#0A' Paul adds, “The results of this project have been exceptionally satisfying, allowing us to ‘bring 7/><6'/'4/%&*%&3'*"/*';/)'-*"#$;%)#'%3&-$#0'/&0' forgotten and restore a Rousseau to the world.” Y#&>#.' 12)*#$2' )-(8#0Q/&0' /' 4/%&*%&3' >-1#)' “home” again—this time, with its rightful name /&0'>$#/*-$A “Constable? A Landscape Rediscovered” ;%((' 7#' -&' 8%#;' B#4*A' I5[#7A' CI' %&' *"#' :%(5 ;/,<##'=$*' :,)#,16)' E,$-4#/&'=$*' O/((#$5 %#).'Z#8#('U.'O/((#$2'BU@UA'[-$'1-$#'%&9-$1/5 *%-&.'8%)%*V'1/1A-$3! SHEPHERD EXPRESS
A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8 ! 19
This second release in as many weeks (see Alpha) spotlights our affection for our canine best friends. While riding his motorcycle through a military research area, Miles (Alex Neustaedter) discovers a damaged top-secret, robotic dog. Created to protect soldiers, the Bengal tiger-sized artificial intelligence is named A.X.L.—a colorful character programmed to bond with its human counterpart. Having bonded with Miles, A.X.L. is a loyal protector, while Miles, in conjunction with computer savvy Sara (Becky G), joins A.X.L. to evade his abusive military researchers. A.X.L. easily keeps pace as Miles capably maneuvers his motorbike over and around obstacles, taking advantage of the terrain to outwit their military pursuers. A kid-friendly film, A.X.L. certainly presents excellent toy merchandising opportunities. (Lisa Miller)
Crazy Rich Asians PG-13
‘Mile 22’
‘Mile 22’ Makes Violence Look Dull ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN
!"#$%%$!"#$%&'$%'&()**"+&,-*.!"#$"%&'("!)*+"')!*,!*!,'(-'&!./0! (1))*231!&'*)!-*#3,!*!45,,#*2!,*6'"15,'!12!*!78'*,*2&9!&-''%8#2'3! ,5:5-:*2!,&-''&;!,'<'2!3'*3!*23!12'!:#$!'=781,#12!:'61-'!&"'!(-'3#&,! :'$#2!&1!-188> 08&"15$"!*!8*,&%)#25&'!&?#,&!&#',! &1$'&"'-!)*2+!811,'!'23,!*23!)*@',!&"'!781&!*8)1,&! #2&'-',&#2$9!!"#$%&&!#,!:*,#(*88+!*!212%#2&'-*(&#<'!<#3'1! Mile 22 $*)'!#2!?"#("!&"'!./0!&'*)!A8'*3!:+!B*-@!C*"8:'-$D! Mark Wahlberg )5,&!&-*<'-,'!&"'!3*2$'-15,!,&-''&,!16!*!)*@'%:'8#'<'! Lauren Cohan E15&"'*,&!0,#*2!(#&+9!$5*-3#2$!*!3'6'(&1-!?#&"!&"'!,'% cret behind missing nuclear material. Bullets fly, blood Directed by ,75-&,9!(*-,!(-*,"!*23!:5-29!3-12',!"1<'-!1<'-"'*3F*23! Peter Berg everybody is kung-fu fighting. Tedium sets in. !"#$%&&! Rated R )*@',!<#18'2('!811@!3588> B1&1-%)15&"#2$!C*"8:'-$!,7'?,!*!(5&%*23%7*,&'! 3#*81$5'!6588!16!&-'23#2$!&'-),F(1885,#129!&"'!61$!16! ?*-9!'8'(&#12!"*(@#2$>!G*5-'2!.1"*2!78*+,!*2!#23',&-5(&#:8'!(1))*231!"*<#2$!&-15:8'! balancing work and family. The brightest moments come from John Malkovich as a ./0!("#'6!3#-'(&#2$!&"'!(*-2*$'!6-1)!*6*->!0,!5,5*89!"'!#,!*--1$*2&8+!6'+9!:-#88#*2&8+! ,57'-(#8#15,!*23!,)5$8+!*:1<'!#&!*88>
+./0#/"+' !+"#$' 1+"2),3 ",)#40+!5))"' 4#%0&' ",/%1
)$#8#9%$ !"#"$%&'()*&+,% ---./012/3445/6134./37 20 | A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8
Adapted from the bestseller by Kevin Kwan, this romantic comedy is seen from the perspective of American-born Rachel Chu (Constance Wu). A New Yorker and the longtime girlfriend of Nick Young (Henry Golding), Rachel agrees to be his date for the Singapore wedding of Nick’s best friend. Rachel is unaware, prior to their trip, that Nick’s family is fabulously wealthy, so she is ill-prepared for the disapproval of Nick’s protective, imperious mother, Eleanor (Michelle Yeoh). Raised by a single mother, there is evidence Eleanor’s concerns are valid in the difficult marriage of Nick’s favorite cousin, Astrid (Gemma Chan). Despite distractions of extreme opulence (Nick’s cousin’s wedding costs $40 million dollars!), the film is firmly grounded in family traditions and the chemistry between its principal characters. (L.M.)
The Happytime Murders R
When Brian Henson signed on to direct Melissa McCarthy, Elizabeth Banks and Maya Rudolph in a live-action/human-puppet film, he embraced exposing the seamy side of puppet sex addicts and prostitutes. Being the son of Muppet creator Jim Henson, the experience must have been equal parts confusing and amusing. In a universe where puppets and humans coexist, McCarthy portrays detective Connie Edwards, a human teamed with an oversexualized puppet detective to solve the murders of puppets from a popular children’s TV show. Complex human-puppet friendships are further complicated because the human actors here must walk two-foot wide planks in order to accommodate puppeteers beneath the sets. (L.M.)
[ HOME MOVIES / NOW STREAMING ] The Cat O’ Nine Tails Italian director Dario Argento loved long tracking shots and employed them liberally—along with quirky camera angles—in The Cat O’ Nine Tails (1971). Despite stilted plot points, the murder thriller centered around a genetics research institute holds interest. Buoying the story is the performance by Karl Malden as a blind man who helps a brash reporter track the culprit. The Cat O’ Nine Tails is acutely aware of darkness and the power of vision.
Tideland Nine-year-old Jeliza-Rose (Jodelle Ferland) dutifully administers a fix to her heroin-addicted dad (Jeff Bridges) and that’s just for starters. Terry Gilliam’s Tideland (2005) is John Waters splattered with Texas dust and an ugly Amélie with touches of Psycho. Based on the novel by Mitch Cullin, Tideland is also a fractured fairytale populated with ogres and filmed from askew and shifting angles. Occasionally amusing and always macabre, Tideland is an evocation of childhood at its darkest.
The Escape For Tara (Gemma Arterton), sex with her husband (Dominic Cooper) is more a matter of endurance than pleasure. Although he clearly loves her, he doesn’t really understand her. Their whiny needy kids get on her nerves and the suburban housewife routine is deadening. “I’m not happy,” she finally declares. He’s baffled. Measuring the distance between two people in nano-inches registered in silence, The Escape is an essay in the ennui that can result from unrealistic expectations.
To Auschwitz and Back: The Joe Engel Story The story is familiar, but we have fewer and fewer opportunities to hear it from anyone who was there. When he was 14, Joe Engel was separated from his family in the Warsaw ghetto and carted off to the death camps. He survived and made a new life in Charleston, S.C. In To Auschwitz and Back, he recounts the degradation, the filth, the inhumanity of the Holocaust. His terrifying eyewitness account becomes a plea against forgetfulness. —David Luhrssen SHEPHERD EXPRESS
"#$%&'()#$'%(*%)#$% +,-%.#(%/#()%01-2(3-
!"#$%&'%!!(!#&)*&+%,)$)%-&.(&/)$0 1%23##& .4#%.#-"(#-*& +(-& 4#-& )!0 .#!*#$5& -#%$)6#7& 8#-+(-,%!9#*:& !"#$%&#$!'"('()#&*&)+'($#)*$')+%&!%!' !,-.' )!' /)+&)' 0)**)!' 1/&*2),3$$' 0.)#4$+'5.$)%+$6!'!"#$%&' ()"##7' "+'8)%.)+&9$' :$;4,+9'1<9'5)9=$#6!'*%"'"$'+,-%7>'?.$'-)9'$)!@ ily fill a stage with her presence. Iannone has also !%)++$=' &9' ;+"=,-%&"9!' )!' A)+&$=' )!' /&*2),3$$' B$;6!'.'(/&,#$0"#'("&&1)')9='/&*2),3$$'C;$+)' 5.$)%+$6!'%)3$'"9'C!-)+'D&*=$E'2&3%#$',3'41-%>' ?.$'.)!')*!"'4$$9'&9A"*A$='&9'!-."*)+*F'+$!$)+-.' at the Folger Shakespeare Library and the Hamp@ den-Booth Theatre Library in New York. Recent years have also seen her turn to playwriting, in@ cluding a cycle on Edwin Booth, founder of the Hampden-Booth Library and one of 19th-centu@ +F'G#$+&-)6!'#"!%';+"#&9$9%')-%"+!'1)9='4+"%.$+' "('%.$'&9()#",!')!!)!!&9E'H".9'D&*3$!'I""%.7>
)9=')!')';+"=,-$+>'G!'&%'%,+9!'",%E'.$'2)!',9&L,$' among theatrical actor-managers in that his ge@ 9&,!'2)!'"(')9'$M%+$#$*F';+)-%&-)*'%F;$>':$'39$2' .&!'-+)(%')9='),=&$9-$';+$($+$9-$!'!"'-"#;*$%$*F' %.)%'.&!'$=&%&"9!'"('!-+&;%!'-)9'!%&**'4$';+"=,-$=' with great success. Outside of my own pleasure in writing the plays in the Edwin Booth cycle, I -"9%&9,$'%"'.)A$')'#&!!&"9'%"'$9!,+$'%.)%'2.$9' ;$";*$' !;$)3' "(' J%.$' "%.$+' I""%.EK' %.$F' ="96%' mean Edwin.
7+)% 8,0"% 3-% &+0,8(4$(&% +4% $"(% '(9#$3+4: -"3;%.($)((4%2&)34%#4&%<+"4%!39=(-6%>+%)"#$% extent did you have to fill in the blanks through imagining their lives? During Edwin’s lifetime, there would have been nothing written about his relationship to his younger brother, except to say that there was no relationship. Everyone in the family distanced %.$#!$*A$!' (+"#' H".9' )9=E' &9@ =$$=E')!'<'#$9%&"9'&9'*/,#'5&,#8 13'6/%&%'7'4,-%E'9"'"9$'!;"3$' his name in the presence of Ed@ win, and no one asked Edwin )9F' L,$!%&"9!' )4",%' H".9E' "+' %.$F'2",*='9$A$+'4$';$+#&%%$=' in Edwin’s company again. <9' +$-$9%' F$)+!E' %.$+$' #,!%' .)A$' 4$$9' %.+$$' "+' (",+' 4""3!' ;,4*&!.$=' )4",%' H".9' D&*3$!' I""%.' $)-.' F$)+E' )9=' &9' %.$' last eight years, two new books have been published about Ed@ 2&9E')9='<'%.&93')%'*$)!%'"9$'"9' %.$'!,;;"!$='J+&A)*+FK'4$%2$$9' the two brothers. It is one thing to create a fiction about the rela@ %&"9!.&;'4$%2$$9'%.$'%2"'4+"%.@ $+!N'&%'&!')9"%.$+'%"'*""3')%')-%,)*' ="-,#$9%!E' *$%%$+!E' =&)+&$!' )9=' 9$2!;);$+'+$A&$2!>' /F';)+%&-,*)+'&9%$+$!%'&9'2+&%@ ing all my plays is to begin with +$)*'="-,#$9%)%&"9>'5.$'$A$9%!' Angela Iannone "('%.$'*&A$!'"('%.$'#$#4$+!'"(' %.$' $9%&+$' I""%.' ()#&*F' )+$' &9@ Off the Cuff asked her about her Edwin Booth teresting enough without making things up, so I -F-*$6!'*)%$!%'-.);%$+E'*/,#'5&,#13'6/%&%'7'4,-%E' !%$$+'-*$)+'"('%.)%'3&9='"('&9A$9%&"9>'/F'+$!$)+-.' which she will direct for Theater RED. is thorough enough to allow me to say, “I didn’t #)3$')9F'"('%.$'$A$9%!',;>K'<'2"+3'&9')!'#,-.' !"#$% &'()% *+,% $+% $"(% -,./(0$% +1% 2&)34% L,"%)%&"9'(+"#'%.$'!",+-$'#)%$+&)*')!'<'-)9>' 5++$"6 ! Edwin Booth operates as the center of com@ 7+)%&3&%$"(%#--#--34#$3+4%+1%?.'#"#8%@34: #$+-$E' )+%!E' ;"*&%&-!' )9=' !"-&)*' ;+)-%&-$!>' C(' 0+94%#11(0$%2&)34A-%0#'(('6 -",+!$E')9F"9$'2."'%+)&9!')!')9')-%"+'2&**'.)A$' 5.)%'$A$9%')(($-%$='%.$'*&A$!'"('$A$+F')-%"+'&9' .$)+='"('.&#'=&!%)9%*FE'+)%.$+',9("+%,9)%$*F',!,@ G#$+&-)>'<%'+$!,*%$='&9')'-"#;*$%$'!.,%@="29'"(' )**F' )!' J%.$' "%.$+' I""%.>K' :$' -)#$' ,;' #"+$' $A$+F' %.$)%$+' &9' %.$' -",9%+FO)9=' )' #"!%' -),@ prominently for me when I began doing research tious reopening for every venue many months &9%"'$=&%&"9!'"('D&**&)#'?.)3$!;$)+$';*)F!'%.)%' )(%$+'%.$'$A$9%>'<9'%.$'&##$=&)%$')(%$+#)%.E'%.$' Edwin Booth was involved in shaping as an actor $9%&+$'I""%.'()#&*F'2)!';*)-$=',9=$+')++$!%>'C*=@ SHEPHERD EXPRESS
$!%'4+"%.$+'H,9$')9='4+"%.$+@&9@*)2'H".9'?*$$;$+' 0*)+3$' 2$+$' ;*)-$=' &9' )-%,)*' P)&*N' %.$&+' #"%.$+E' /)+F'G99E')9='"*=$!%'!&!%$+E'B"!)*&$E'2$+$';*)-$=' under house arrest; younger sister Asia (married to Clarke) was heavily pregnant at the time, she also was placed under house arrest. Youngest sibling Joseph somehow boarded a ship to Aus@ %+)*&)')9='!;$9%'%2"'F$)+!')4+")=N'.$'2)!')++$!%$=' 2.$9'.$'+$%,+9$='%"'G#$+&-)'%2"'F$)+!'*)%$+'",%' of fear that he had been a conspirator, but nothing was ever proven against him. Edwin had been performing the night of the event and was not apprised until the morning after. He promptly cancelled his engagement and went into seclusion, only venturing out at night and in the company of a group of friends %"';+"%$-%'.&#'(+"#'=$)%.'%.+$)%!'"+')!!),*%>':$' spent eight months in retirement from the stage, returning only because he was the financial sup@ ;"+%'"('.&!'$9%&+$'()#&*FE')9='.$'9$$=$='%"'+$%,+9' to making money. Some unkind critics claim that %.$'$A$9%'4""!%$='.&!'-)+$$+E')9='!"#$'!)F'&%'&!' a testament to his own genius that he recovered from it. That he carried the shame and stigma of &%'2&%.'.&#'$A$+')(%$+'-)99"%'4$'=",4%$=>' ! What are the challenges of directing your own play? Is there a danger that a directorplaywright might not have sufficient distance 1'+8%$"(%8#$('3#96 I am completely happy directing my own plays and find the greatest challenge is not in the
=&+$-%&"9'"('%.$#E'2.&-.'&!'%.$'!)#$'!$%'"('!3&**!' 9"'#)%%$+'%.$'%$M%E'4,%'&9'%.$')!!,#;%&"9'%.)%')**' of my creative team will be caught up with the kind of research and historical knowledge that I .)A$>'5.&!'&!';)+%*F'2.F'<';+$($+'%"'2"+3'2&%.')-@ tors who have a history of working with me; we have a good communication system and a certain ground level of knowledge about the time, char@ )-%$+!')9='$A$9%!'%.)%'#)3$!'%.$';+"-$!!'$)!&$+>'<' am thrilled to be working with five Booth cycle )*,#9&OG*)9' Q&"%+"2&-RE' 0"+F' H$(($+!"9' :)@ gen, Leah Dueno, Christopher Elst and Marcee Doherty-Elst, as well as some newcomers to the ;*)F!> The directors I enjoy working with are those 2."' )+$' &9%&#)%$*F' -"99$-%$=' 2&%.' )9=' 39"2*@ edgeable about the script they have been hired %"' =&+$-%>'5.$F' )+$' ,9)4*$' %"' 4$' !,+;+&!$=' 2&%.' a question that the creative team might have. They should be able to be delighted, but not sur@ prised. Directing is loving everything about the text you are working on and using all the skills F",' -)9' %"' -+$)%$' %.$' 4$!%' ;"!!&4*$' ;+"=,-%&"9>' In any given moment, with any line, or situation, there are an infinite number of ways to perform it—opening up that moment like a beautiful spi@ +)*'"(';"!!&4&*&%F>' */%"$%&'92:';,))'<&%#%3$'5.$'Q+&!"9'D.$+$' I Live' .=>?' @A8B%<$?' C' "$' *%3$/' B$&%%$' */%"$%&D' E@F'G?'HI$/'B$?'+1&'01&%',3J1&0"$,13D'-,#,$'$/%8 "$%&&%K?L10?
The art under the wings is inspiring, too. All sorts of art for every sort of interest. Abbott Handerson Thayer, An Angel, 1893. Oil on canvas. Layton Art Collection Inc., Gift of Miss Alice Chapman L1925.2. Photo by John R. Glembin.
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::RUTHIE’SSOCIALCALENDAR Aug. 22—Pride Gives Back at Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery (740 N. Plankinton Ave.): Help support the greatest pride event in the country—Milwaukee’s PrideFest! For a $5 cover charge, you’ll enjoy two craft beers and a sample-size appetizer. Mingle with community leaders and learn about upcoming LGBTQ events and more during the 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. happy hour. Aug. 23—Discover Courage Event at Club Charlies (320 E. Menomonee St.): Stop in this Third Ward happy-hour hot spot during this fundraiser for Courage MKE and the Jackie Roberts Memorial Scholarship. An art auction, vacation-package raffle and more run 5-9 p.m.
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Aug. 24—Margarita Fest at Milwaukee Athletic Club (758 N. Broadway): It’s margarita madness in Brew City when the staff of Shepherd Express hosts this 6 p.m. rooftop party. Your $28 ticket gets you samples from the best margarita makers in town, as well as access to food vendors and cash bars. Live music rounds out the crazy-good time. See to save your spot.
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Hide Your Sausage—and Eat It, Too! !"#$%&'()*"+
!"#$%&$$'%()*'+%(,-+%.),%-&)/0%01,$$%2$-,34%5$63% flash: I’ve coincidently been single for about three years. I love drag, and I love performing in drag, but I realize that if I want a man, I need to quit drag. No man in this town wants to date a drag queen, so out with the wigs and in with the men! Right? My friends say I’m being stupid, and that I should keep up the drag and not worry about the men. Whose right and whose wrong? You tell me. Quit drag in pursuit of a man who is never going to come or keep up with the drag and be lonely?
Good news! You can hide your sausage and eat it, too! You can have it all, sugar booger! Don’t change who you are, what you love or how you express yourself in the hopes of finding a man. (Insert “pfffft” sound here.) Besides, what sort of a man are you going to attract if you’re not being your true self? You want a man who loves you for who you are, right? You certainly don’t want a man who loves the person you’re pretending to be. Be true to yourself, and you’ll find a man who loves the real you. If you want to quit drag, that’s fine. But quit because you want to; not because you think doing so will lead Prince Charming your way.
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Aug. 24—Pants Off Dance Off: Five Year Anniversary Party at Riverwest Public House Cooperative (815 E. Locust St.): Shake it in your skivvies during this body positive underwear dance party, celebrating its fifth year of funky, freaky fun. Even though there is no cover, the 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. undies party benefits ARCW with your donation at the door. Strip down and shake it up, and if you can work in a “formal birthday costume” of sorts you may even win the costume contest. Aug. 25—Miss Club Wisconsin at FIVE Nightclub (5 Applegate Court, Madison): Get your keester in the car and head over to Madison for this night to remember. The top glamor girls of the state compete for this coveted title of keeps tongues wagging, tea flowing and jaws dropping. The 9 p.m. pageant includes a $5 door charge. Aug. 27—Bi+ Pride Milwaukee Steering Committee Meeting at Anodyne Coffee Roasting Co. (224 W. Bruce St.): Open to all, this 5:307:30 p.m. meeting that helps “craft community for non-monosexuals, their partners, families and friends.” Meet new people, make new friends and help carve out this community in our city. Aug. 28—‘Camp Wannakiki’ Viewing Party at This Is It (418 E. Wells St.): Haven’t checked out the new drag reality competition, “Camp Wannakiki,” yet? Your hostess (and Wannakiki contestant) Pagan Holladay can help with that as she hosts this zany viewing party at 7 p.m. Don’t miss Ruthie’s new reality show, Camp Wannakiki, on YouTube. Want to share an event with Ruthie? Email and follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie.
JC from ‘Big Brother’
!"#$ %&'%$ #())*+$ ,-.$ !%,!$ )*,-#$ /0&'$ 0+1!%*+2! "#! $%&&! '()%*$+,-! .! /0#! .(1%&%#23+#%)! 45! *%+&"6,! #70$8! 9:"1! :*067%*;! #%<'%#6%*#! =>! ?"%@%#! 0A! BC2#0D%67"(1! %,%! @+(),! E?&'#! +! 60F%(! older adult who usually is the first to go) for GG!)+,#!"(!+!$%&&!?*0)'@62?&+@%)!70'#%-!47%*%8! 67%,!H"%!A0*!67%!9?0$%*!0A!%H"@6"0(8;!$7"@7!+&2 &0$#!67%D!60!(0D"(+6%!+!*"H+&!60!3%!H06%)!0'6!3,! 67%! 067%*! 70'#%! D%D3%*#-!47%! $"((%*! *%@%"H%#! +!7+&A2D"&&"0(2)0&&+*!?*"I%-!JH%*!"6#!BC!#%+#0(#8! the show has finetuned its cast to represent the $")678!3*%+)67!+()!3%+'6,!E?7,#"@+&!3%+'6,8!+(,2 way) of all-American diversity. LGBTQ house 1'%#6#!7+H%!*'(!67%!A'&&!#?%@6*'D-!47%,KH%!3%%(! 100)!?&+,%*#!+()!3+)8!%()%+*"(1!+()!+((0,"(18! 3'6!+&&!L'#6!?+*6!0A!%H%*,)+,!.D%*"@+-!M6K#!3%%(! 1*%+6!A0*!67%!@0DD'("6,8!+&&0$"(1!67%!@0'(6*,!60! see LGBTQs normalized. N6"&&8! (0*D+&@,! )0%#(K6! D+F%! A0*! 100)! *+62 "(1#-!4$0!)%@+)%#!0A!+(,!45!*%+&"6,!#70$!@+(! *%)'@%!"6#!H"%$%*#!60!,+$("(1!%(('"!67+6!$0'&)! have them switching to “Two Broke Girls” re2 runs for their fix of mindless entertainment. So, this year’s ensemble reflects “Big Brother’s” +#6'6%! @+#6"(1! %H0&'6"0(! A*0D! *%1'&+*2"#7! 1',#! +()!1+&#!60!<'"*F,!#")%#70$!6,?%#!60!O"&&%(("+&! A*%+F#-!.()8!"(!67+68!67"#!#%+#0(!?*%#%(6#!'#!$"67! SHEPHERD EXPRESS
a looking-glass reflection of our national discon2 6%(6!+()!)"H"#"0(-!47%!#70$K#!?*0)'@%*#!)%#%*H%! @*%)"6! $7%*%! @*%)"6! "#! )'%P! 67%,KH%! D+(+1%)! 60! D0(%6"I%! 67%! (+6"0(K#! $0%#! +()! 7+H%! @*%+6%)! potential inter-cast conflict deftly rooted in our ?%*H+)"(1!A%+*#!+()!3"106*"%#-! Q7%(!67%!#%+#0(!3%1+(!3+@F!"(!R'(%8!+D0(1! 67%! 1',#! $%*%! +! N%@0()! .D%()D%(6! 7'(FP! +! O'#&"D! 7'(FP! +! @7"#%&%)8! 3&0()! &"A%1'+*)P! 67%! fly black guy with his self-given “Swaggy C” ("@F(+D%!E67+68!&%#6!$%!A0*1%68!$+#!%D3&+I0(%)! across all his clothing); a sleek, nerdy, virgin gin2 ger; and a hefty, 40+ ex-cop from New Jersey (he was the first evicted, of course). Covering 67%!1+,!3+#%!$+#!+!&"66&%!?%*#0(S+!TKU;!/+6"(0! bodybuilder-dancer. Among the uniformly bux2 0D!$0D%(!$%*%!67%!6$+(1,!@0'(6*,21"*&!$%&)%*P! +!?#,@70&01,!D+L0*!@0%)P!+!(+6'*+&!3"*678!#6+,2+62 70D%!D0DP!+!&"A%!@0+@7!"(60!@*,#6+&!E67%!D+1"2 cal minerals, not meth); and the bible-thumping, black, “nice but nasty” flight attendant. A bi-ra2 @"+&!A0063+&&!?&+,%*!?*0H")%)!67%!03&"1+60*,!&%#2 3"+(-!47%!3*0#8!+&$+,#!#7"*6&%##8!?0#%!+!&06P!67%! women incessantly cry. They all lie to finesse 67%"*!$+,!60!67%!?*"I%-! N0@"+&! D%)"+! 1*0'?#! A0&&0$! 67%! +@6"0(8! +&2 &0$"(1! 67%! +')"%(@%! E0))&,8! +! &+*1%&,! >CV! )%2 mographic) to scathingly opine about who they love and hate. The gay guy, JC, isn’t particularly &0H%)-!:%"(1!+!&"66&%!?%*#0(8!7%!(+6'*+&&,!3*"(1#! +! @%*6+"(! )"#@0DA0*6! 60! #0D%-! 47%(! 67%*%K#! 67%! Latino (read: immigrant) part and the gay part. W&'#8! 7%K#! %AA'#"H%&,! %3'&&"%(6! "(! +! #70*68! 1+,! !"#$%!$+,-! M(! +! D,20??*%##"0(2"#21*%+6%*267+(267"(%! exchange—when the black flight attendant obliviously dropped the “m-word”—JC tried to explain its inherent offensiveness by compar2 "(1!"6!60!67%!9(2$0*);!3,!03&"H"0'#&,!&#'()*!67%! 9(2$0*)-;!47+6!)")(K6!10!$%&&-!X%K#!+&#0!+@@'#%)! of sexually harassing both his male and female 70'#%1'%#6#-! 47%! &+#6! 3"6! #%%D#! "*0("@! %(0'178! 1"H%(!67%!#70$K#!)*"H"(1!6"6#2+()2+3#!),(+D"@#8! $"67!D+(,!@+#6!7%6%*0#!*06+6"(1!3%)D+6%#!#"(@%! ("176!0(%-!:'6!67%(8!L')1"(1!067%*#!"#!3%#6!$7%(! $%!@+(!@0()%D(!67%D!0A!0'*!0$(!D0*+&!A+"&"(1#-! M6K#!+!*%+&"6,!#70$8!+A6%*!+&&A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 23
For more MUSIC, log onto
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azz trumpeter Miles Davis was at the top of his game in the late 1960s, inching the genre forward into new, unchartered territory with groundbreaking music. With the 1970 release of Bitches Brew, Davis blew the roof off, literally inventing the notion of “jazz fusion,” and nothing has been the same since. Davis had help launching his musical revolution from a roster of highly talented young players, including keyboardists Joe Zawinul, Herbie Hancock, Keith Jarrett and Armando Anthony “Chick” Corea. For Corea, that time with Davis helped him develop his protean view of music in general and jazz in particular. The Spanish-Italian son of a Dixieland bandleader from Massachusetts, Corea, 77, learned his musical appreciation early. He played professional gigs in high school, dropped in and out of The Juilliard School and performed with a variety of jazz players, including Mongo Santamaria, Herbie Mann and Stan Getz. He replaced Hancock in Davis’ band just in time for the album Filles de Kilimanjaro, and his career took off from there. Corea, who can count 22 Grammy Award wins throughout his varied career, will bring his Akoustic Band featuring bassist John Patitucci and drummer Dave Weckl to the Pabst Theater on Friday, Aug. 24. The veteran pianist took a few moments on his tour bus recently to respond to questions about his life and career.
Chick Corea Akoustic Band Pabst Theater Friday, Aug. 24, 8 p.m.
What led you to a career in music, specifically one in jazz? I grew up around music. There was my dad and all the musicians in his band, plus my dad’s record collection, which consisted of the great jazz music of the early ‘40s I loved it all and felt a part of this group from the very beginning. What attracted you to keyboards? I think the creative imagination knows no bounds. I just happened to choose the piano from the very beginning. I just liked it. A combination of percussion and melody and harmony all wrapped into the same instrument. You performed with Miles Davis during several of his most influential periods. What did you learn from him, both as a musician and as a person? Miles was unrestrained creatively. He had an independent attitude toward music and life and held to it with integrity. This artistic integrity he demonstrated his whole musical life and is what really inspired me so greatly.
I once saw you perform as guest soloist with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra with Bobby McFerrin conducting. I believe you played something by Wolfgang Mozart. Can you compare and contrast performing classical music with performing jazz? This is a very interesting subject and one in which I’m highly interested. It’s the bringing together of what has become two almost separate worlds of music—the world of improvisation and the world of written music. The only answer for me is to continue to play any music that I play with the same aesthetic approach, which is to make it beautiful and have it communicate to the listener the best I can. I’ve grown up with improvisation as my main musical approach, so the rendering of classical music scores and even my own fully-written music scores is another technique and discipline which I’m learning more and more about, the results of which I’m very excited to pursue. Who were your main musical influences? Really, the list is quite long, although you can put at the top of the list the pianists that came through Miles Davis’ band just before me, including Herbie Hancock, Bill Evans, Wynton Kelly, Red Garland and Horace Silver. Bud Powell and Thelonious Monk were the first pianist-composers that really inspired me and whose music I transcribed to better learn their techniques. Duke Ellington also is a favorite pianist of mine and of course a very inspiring composer. But the man is and always will be Art Tatum! Tell me about the Akoustic Band. What can listeners expect musically from this group? Dave, John and I are having a big blast playing together as an acoustic trio again. We’ve made a new live recording which we’re offering on tour and playing a relatively new repertoire including some old chestnuts as well.
then with Herbie Hancock. These associations were like stepping into old, comfortable shoes—old friendships, mutual admiration, a shared musical language and an easy rapport. I’ve continued my duet with Bobby McFerrin for a long time as well. This was the more unusual one for me because of Bobby’s specialness as a vocalist and musician. Playing with a singer usually means I’m an accompanist. But with Bobby, it was always a real duet, a musical relationship. Another unusual duet, but one that I love, is making music with Béla Fleck. A slightly unlikely combination—piano and banjo—but with a musician like Béla, really an adventure and a lot of fun. Shorter-term but very fruitful and adventurous piano duets I’ve had with Makoto Ozone, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Stefano Bollani, Hiromi, and more recently, Brad Mehldau. I also very much enjoyed playing the Mozart double piano concerto with Keith Jarrett many years ago. It was the one memorable time we played two pianos together. What do you want most for your audiences when you play? I’m happy when I see my audiences smiling and enjoying the music or in some way experiencing pleasure from it. I’m sure each individual in the audience experiences the music in his own personal way, but the live performance of music is one of those archetypical experiences where I see the results in front of my eyes while I’m playing. Music and art are a kind of antidote to the dark side of life, so it’s a pleasure to be able to deliver this every time I play. The Chick Corea Akoustic Band with John Patitucci and Dave Weckl plays the Pabst Theater on Friday, Aug. 24 at 8 p.m.
You’ve collaborated with a wide variety of master musicians over your career. What collaborations came most easily? Which were the most challenging? My first duet collaborations were with Gary Burton and Chick Corea
24 | A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8
! #$%&'(!)*+,(! " -%#../(!0%'+12%! an Efficient Set at Shank Hall
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Richard Lloyd
Red Lodge
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!"#$%&#'&'(&")#!*#$%&#+,-./01&&#$",!#2&3#4!35&6#!"#$%&'()!*+,#$(-$.#%+/$*$.*+0$,(&1 prised solely of women cannot be understated. It’s a very specific bond. This is what I wanted all along,” guitarist/vocalist Addie Skillman said. The other members were inclined to agree, #2#+$!"(3/"$%!$!((4$5#*)6$-()$!"*!$%0#*$!($,(&#$!($-)3%!%(+7 8)3&&#)$$9*3)*$:)*2#+0#)$*+0$;4%<<&*+$&#!$(2#)$*$0#,*0#$*/(=$*!!#+0%+/$&*+5$(-$!"#$ 6*&#$>%2#)?#6!$'3+4$6"(?67$:)*2#+0#)$)#<(,*!#0$!($@*4<*+0=$A*<%-7=$-()$*$-#?$5#*)6$.#-()#$)#!3)+%+/$!($ B%<?*34##$%+$CDEF7$G'(+$"#)$)#!3)+=$*$,"*+,#$&##!%+/$<#0$;4%<<&*+$*+0$:)*2#+0#)$!($0%6,366$-()&%+/$*+$ *<<1/%)<$.*+07$HI$?*6$2#)5$-()!3+*!#$!($'<*5$%+$.*+06$?%!"$6(&#$#J,#<<#+!$&36%,%*+6$?"#+$I$<%2#0$%+$@*4<*+0=$ so my goal was to keep that momentum and energy going,” said Gravender. “I was very happy to find two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ired of “writing pop songs and singing pretty,” Skillman sought something more aggressive. After six months of molding their riot grrrl-influenced feminist punk sound, Red Lodge made their live debut in the fall of 2017. They released a single, “Judith,” in !%&#$-()$!"%6$5#*)P6$Q#&&#$Q#6!7$I+6'%)#0$.5$!"#$'*%+!%+/$!"#$%&'()*+$,-'./)/012,13$.5$ Red M)!#&%6%*$:#+!%<#6,"%=$!"#$6(+/$0#'%,!6$*$?(&*+$*+0$"#)$&*%0$0#,*'%!*!%+/$"#)$)*'%6!7$ Lodge “The song is written from their perspective,” said Upthagrove. “It’s a very cathartic song High Dive !($6%+/7K R%!"$*$6%+/<#$*+0$+3&#)(36$6"(?6$!($!"#%)$+*&#=$!"#$.*+0$"*6$.##+$')#''%+/$-()$!"#$ Friday, release of their debut EP. The seven-song cassette opens with the raucous punk of “I Aug. 24 , Hate,” which nods to classic riot grrrl bands like Bikini Kill and The Frumpies. 9 p.m. “I Hate” flows seamlessly into mid-tempo rocker “Concern Troll,” a song about tack<%+/$!"#$,(0#0$<*+/3*/#$(-$(+<%+#$'(!16!%))#)67$HI$-(<<(?$*$<(!$(-$'<3616%S#$.<(//#)6$*+0$ -*6"%(+$?(&#+$(+$Q*,#.((4$*+0$I+6!*/)*&=K$6*%0$;4%<<&*+7$HM$<(!$(-$!"#$,(&&#+!6$*)#$ ,(+,#)+$!)(<<%+/=$<%4#$TU(3P)#$6($3+"#*<!"5=$6"(3<0+P!$5(3$.#$?())%#0$*.(3!$0%*.#!#67PK$ Over the remaining five songs, the EP retains a steady punk flow. Occasionally the songs veer from their aggressive punk core, but never far enough to lose track of their central sound. The EP’s cohesion is a credit !($?#<<1,)*-!#0$6(+/67 M6$!"#$.*+0$*?*%!6$!"#$)#<#*6#$(-$!"#%)$VW=$>#0$9(0/#$%6$"('#-3<$-()$!"#$-3!3)#$?"%<#$-##<%+/$*?#0$.5$!"#$ O(3)+#5$6($-*)7$;4%<<&*+$.#*&6=$HI$0#,%0#0$!"*!$I$?*+!#0$!($.#$%+$*$.*+0$?%!"$?(&#+$(+<5$*+0$%!$*,!3*<<5$ ?()4#0$(3!XK$ 41#'5/#-1'6)*+'*,'78'21)1*31'3&/9'*%'.$-&':$;1'9$%&'<"%"21'8)*,3'*,#'5$,%'=2*6'/,'<2$#*+>'?"-@'AB'*%' C'6@D@
A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 25
MUSIC::LISTINGS To list your event, go to events and click submit an event
Amelia’s, Jackson Dordel Jazz Quintet (4pm) BMO Harris Pavilion, CAKE & Ben Folds w/Tall Heights Cactus Club, Suzi Analogue w/Fire-Toolz & DeLilac Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Ryanhood Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Group w/Eddie Butts Colectivo Coffee (Lakefront), Colectivo’s Música del Lago County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/Barry Dodd Frank’s Power Plant, S.S. Web w/Tommy Luke Trio & Long Mama Italian Community Center, Futures Free From Violence: Games & Grooves After Hours Jazz Estate, Hornzz Jazz in the Park (Cathedral Square Park), Unity (6pm) Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Smokin’, Live & Local w/Brecken Miles (5pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, Ultimate Open Jam w/host Abracadabra Muskego Veterans Memorial Park, Muskego Community Fest: Vinyl Groove 60’s & 70’s (6pm) O’Donoghues Irish Pub (Elm Grove), The All-Star SUPERband (6pm) On the Bayou, Open Mic Comedy w/host The Original Darryl Hill Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Alyssia Dominguez & Jeremy Zima Potbelly Sandwich Shop (East Side), Texas Dave (12pm) Rave / Eagles Club, RAW Connect (all-ages, 7pm) Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show Shank Hall, Chuck Prophet w/Jeremy & The Harlequins The Packing House Restaurant, Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (6pm) The Rock Sports Complex, In the Umbrella Bar: G & R w/Craig Omick (5pm) Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Latin Sessions: Johnny Padilla Turner Hall Ballroom, Pedro the Lion w/H.C. McEntire Up & Under Pub, A No Vacancy Comedy Open Mic
American Legion Post #399 (Okauchee), Larry Lynne Trio American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Tomm Lehnigk (6:30pm) Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Julie’s Piano Karaoke Anodyne Coffee , Waco Brothers w/The Tritonics Cactus Club, Triple Eye Industries Fest 3 Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Eccentric Acoustic Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Paul Spencer Band w/James Sodke, Andy Spadafora, Larry Tresp & Eric Jacobson Charmbiance Wine Art Bar, CP & Stoll w/Chris Peppas & Jeff Stoll Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Carolinas (8pm); DJ: Fazio (10pm) Clarke Hotel (Waukesha), Dick Eliot Jazz Guitar (6pm) Colectivo Coffee (Lakefront), Friday Nite Music Series ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Company Brewing, The Everything Lasts Forever Show w/Vogel Park County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Currie Park, Traveling Beer Garden w/music (5pm) Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Veronica & Doug Duo Henry Maier Festival Park, Mexican Fiesta Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Jam Session w/Steve Nitros & Friends Jazz Estate, Eric Schoor Quartet (8pm), Late Night Session: Jesse Montijo & Dinosaur Rocket (11:30pm) Juneau Park, Traveling Beer Garden w/music (5pm)
Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, SheFolks Tour w/Georgia & Maria Lucky Chance, Fridays Open Jam Showcase w/Craig Omick & Friends All Star Band & guests Mamie’s, DJ and the Bluesers Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm) Milwaukee Athletic Club, AURA Music Series: Chicken Wire Empire Miramar Theatre, Virtual Riot w/HrzSoGood, Goomba b2b Kretlow & Trillney (all-ages, 9pm) Pabst Theater, The Chick Corea Akoustic Band w/John Patitucci & Dave Weckl Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: The Twintones (9pm), In the Fire Pit: Liam Ford Band (9pm) Rave / Eagles Club, Ghostface Killah (all-ages, 8pm) Route 20 Outhouse (Sturtevant), Well-Known Strangers Shank Hall, The Producers w/Trolley The Baaree (Thiensville), Friday Night Live: August Battles (6pm) The Bay Restaurant, Mark Meany The Packing House Restaurant, The Barbara Stephan Group (6:30pm) Turner Hall Ballroom, “Stargazed” Benefit Concert Up & Under Pub, Friday Time Band Westallion Brewing Company, Derek Byrne & Paddygrass
Bremen Cafe, Texas Dave Trio Cactus Club, Rahn Harper w/Yogie B & Keez, Shle Berry, BMORN & Magic Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Open Stage Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Paul Spencer Band w/James Sodke, Andy Spadafora, Larry Tresp & Victor Campbell Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Surgeons In Heat w/Patti & Rex Everything (8pm); DJ: Quixotic Control (10pm) ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Cooler By The Lake, The Sensation (4:30pm) Currie Park, Traveling Beer Garden w/music (5pm) Final Approach, Transistor Radio Fireman’s Park (Richfield), Richfield Days: Vinyl Road (3pm) Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Kirk Tatnall Fox Point Farmers Market, Eric Baer (10am) Frank’s Power Plant, Triple Eye Industries Fest 3: War Brides w/Curbsitter, Tile, These Beasts & El Wrongo (4pm), Shiver w/Insane Octane-Rocks & Eponymous (9pm) Henry Maier Festival Park, Mexican Fiesta Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Vocals & Keys Hops & Leisure (Oconomowoc), Gin Mill Dogs Humboldt Park, WMSE Backyard BBQ: WMSE DJs (12pm), Buffalo Gospel (1pm), Vitrolum Republic (2:20pm), Altered Five Blues Band (3:30pm), Bailey Dee (4:50pm), Old 97’s (6:30pm) Jazz Estate, BakerzMillion Sextet (8pm), Late Night Session: Streetlight Society (11:30pm) Juneau Park, Traveling Beer Garden w/music (5pm) Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Silk Torpedo w/Fly and The Swatters Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Jones w/Patrick Van Bibber of VB’s Jeebies Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) Milwaukee Boat Line Dock, Maple Road Blues Band Milwaukee County Sports Complex, The Beach Boys in concert wThe Southwestern Suburban Symphony Pops Miramar Theatre, Exmag Monument Square (Racine), Saturday Sounds on the Square: Loose Strings (2pm) Nomad Nacional, Pablove One Another / MKE (5pm)
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Rudy ’N Vee (9pm), In the Fire Pit: Hillbilly Casino (9pm) Rave / Eagles Club, Lil Baby w/YK Osiris, City Girls, Kollision & B LA B (all-ages, 8pm), Casey Donahew (all-ages, 8pm), Raise The Roof Penthouse EDM Rooftop Party w/Nate Derus DJs (all-ages, 8pm) Riverside Theater, Legends of Summer: Young Buck, Lil Flip, Mike Jones, Big Mike, C-BO, MC Eight & CMW, Luniz, Dru Dow, Pooh Man Riverwest Filling Station, Eccentric Acoustic Silver Spring House, Rick Holmes Plays the Blues South Milwaukee Yacht Club, Larry Lynne Trio St. Monica Catholic Church, Blues, Brew & BBQ Bash w/Leroy Airmaster (6pm) Stingers, Cadillac Pete & The Powerhouse Blues Band (3pm) The Bay Restaurant, The Anne Davis Jazz Trio The Cheel (Thiensville), Madtown Mannish Boys The Packing House Restaurant, Joe Jordan & The Soul Trio (6:30pm) The Rock Sports Complex, Summer Concert Series in Umbrella Bar: Southbound (6:30pm) Up & Under Pub, Titan Fun Key Urban Ecology Center - Riverside Park, Family Power Music Presents: Tre Princepesse, Babygzus, Sypher Lady X & host Nick Ramsey
American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Boomer Nation Cactus Club, L.A. Witch w/Moonwalks & Whips Cafe Hollander (Downer), Patio Performance Series: Jesse Voelker (5pm) Caroline’s Jazz Club, Jimi Schutte American Blues Conway’s Smokin’ Bar & Grill, Open Jam w/Big Wisconsin Johnson High Dive, The Voodoohoney Pirates Iron Mike’s (Franklin), B Lee Nelson Acoustic Jam Jazz Estate, Scott Currier & Jason Goldsmith play “People Time” Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Acoustic Open Stage w/feature Ian McGibbin (sign-up 8:30pm, start 9pm) Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Paulie’s Field Trip, Wednesday Night Afterparty w/Dave Wacker & guests Pere Marquette Park, River Rhythms: La Orquesta Salsa Power (6:30pm) Pewaukee Lakefront Park, Waterfront Wednesdays: Road Crew (6pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White Riverwest Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Misha Siegfried: The Moments Before Dark Rotary Performance Pavilion (Wauwatosa), Tosa Tonight Summer Concert Series: 88Nine Radio Milwaukee presents Mike Mangione & The Kin w/guest Caley Conway (6pm) Tally’s Tap & Eatery (Waukesha), Tomm Lehnigk The Cheel (Thiensville), Steve Cohen & The Riccos (6:30pm) The Packing House Restaurant, Carmen Nickerson & Kostia Efimov (6pm) Totalgame Sports Bar, Wacky Wednesdays w/host The Original Darryl Hill Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Eric Schoor Trio Farewell Show Washington Park, Washington Park Wednesdays: The Diaspora Arkestra w/James Anderson & Tarik Moody (5pm) Westallion Brewing Company, Rick Holmes Pro Jam w/host Robert Allen Jr. Zeidler Union Square, Westown Farmers Market: Derek Sallmann (11:45am)
Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Live Karaoke w/Julie Brandenburg Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Sugar Ransom w/Allen Cote (8pm); DJ: Sextor (10pm) County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Dick Eliot Jazz Guitar (5:30pm) Dugout 54, Dugout 54 Sunday Open Jam Fireman’s Park (Richfield), Larry Lynne Band (1pm) Henry Maier Festival Park, Mexican Fiesta Hops & Leisure (Oconomowoc), Full Band Open Jam w/host Dave Imprel Band (6pm) Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Jam Session w/Kenny Todd (3pm) Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Blues Benefit for Cadillac Pete Rahn w/Reverend Raven & Friends & host The Blues Disciples (2:30pm) Panga Bar & Grill (Oconomowoc), Jude and The Dude Acoustic (5pm) Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic Scotty’s Bar & Pizza, Bill Boquist’s Classic Country & Variety (4pm) Shank Hall, Ben Haggard w/Liar’s Trial solo Smiling Moose (Osman), Moose Fest: Altered Five Blues Band (2pm) St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Parish Picnic: Vern & the Originals Polka Band (12pm), Close Enuf Oldies Variety Band (3pm) Tammy’s Town Tap (Franksville), The Sensation (4pm) The Baaree (Thiensville), Sunday Funday: She’s Right, I’m Left (4pm) The Packing House Restaurant, Jazz Unlimited Jazz Jam: CP3Oh w/ Chris Peppas, Jeff Stoll, Joe Zarcone & Mike Caldwell (1pm) Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, Cafe Sopra Mare: Jack Grassel & Garrett Waite (10:30am)
Cactus Club, David Dondero w/Shickey & Caley Conway Jazz Estate, Poetry Night w/Bryon Cherry & Isaiah Joshua Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Poet’s Monday w/host Timothy Kloss & featured reader Zach Byron Schorsch (sign-up 7:30pm, 8-11pm) Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/Christopher John & Dave Wacker Shank Hall, JigJam Silver Spring House, Rick Holmes Plays the Blues The Astor Cafe & Pub, The Chris Hanson Band w/Robin Pluer (6:30pm) Up & Under Pub, Open Mic w/Marshall McGhee and the Wanderers
Cactus Club, Negative Approach w/ZÖR & Detenzione Chill On the Hill (Humboldt Park), Zach Pietrini w/Mike Mangione & the Kin, and Trapper Schoepp (6pm) Frank’s Power Plant, Duck and Cover Comedy Open Mic Italian Community Center, Jim Liban Combo w/Nick Moss (6:30pm) Kim’s Lakeside (Pewaukee), Big Murff & the Divers Open Jam Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Mentors Mamie’s, Open Blues Jam w/Stokes Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Miramar Theatre, Tuesday Open Mic w/host Sandy Weisto (sign-up 7:30pm, all-ages) Pabst Theater, John Hiatt & The Goners w/Sonny Landreth Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (4pm) Potbelly Sandwich Shop (East Side), Texas Dave (12pm) Riverwest Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Jazz Jam Session The Baaree (Thiensville), Alive After 5: Mas Soul (5:30pm) Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Transfer House Band w/Dennis Fermenich
! " # $% & ' #( ) )*" #*( +( ,- $ .-*' " % ( 11 Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm or Saturdays, 9:30-11:30 am Sep 8/12 Beginning Mindfulness Practice Sep 15/19 Sitting and Walking Meditation Sep 22/26 Mindfulness of Body Sep 29/Oct 3 Mindfulness of Feelings Oct 6/10 Mindfulness of Thought Oct 17/20 Mindfulness of the World* Oct 24/27 Four Noble Truths Oct 31/Nov 3 Lovingkindness Nov 7/10 Compassion Nov 14/17 Sympathetic Joy Nov 28/Dec 1 Equanimity / Graduation** 26 | A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8
The Intravaganza is led by Paul Norton, M.D. Order of Interbeing
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Includes reading materials and 2 CDs of guided meditation !""#$%&'(()*#+&#,-(# ./0)12"0(**#3(0,(% 4+5$#/0#65,2%)57#'"5** IJ*;5K/9=5;L* 44+5$#/0#*'-()2"( Mail to !/678306599*>56=5; 1922 East Park Place, Milwaukee, WI 53211 or E-Mail or Call 414-962-8678 or online at
8/23 El Bangerz with King Swyft 8/30 Rob Knapp SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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Sick About the News? Here’s How to Cope !"#$%&'$()*+
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A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 27
!"#$%&'"()&*(+ “Sum Sudoku”
Put one digit from 1-9 in each square of this Sudoku so that the following three conditions are met: 1) each row, column, and 3x3 box (as marked off by heavy lines in the grid) contains the digits 1-9 exactly one time; 2) no digit is repeated within any of the areas marked off by dotted lines; and 3) the sums of the numbers in each area marked off by dotted lines total the little number given in each of those areas. Now do what I tell you—solve!
8/16 Solution
WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 28 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Solution: 28 Letters
62. Ceded 63. Implied 64. All together: 2 wds. 65. Unclean 66. Hovel 67. Robot in Jewish folklore 68. -- citato 70. Sacher or linzer 71. Pearls before -74. Salver 76. Sediment 77. Cluttered with detail 80. Heroine in Irish legend 82. Rouses 84. Knitting design 85. Hairdos 87. Poems 88. Toward the mouth 90. Eclipse type 92. Match 93. Curly hairstyle 94. Agent: Hyph. 95. Hard-rind fruit 96. Tex-Mex fare 97. Note 98. Region 99. Yoo-hoo! (sotto voce) 101. Doctrine 102. Joke 103. “The Confessions of -- Turner”
! " # # #
8/16 Solution: Be prepared for an accident
# $ %
28 | A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8
Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •
DOWN 1. Organ part 2. Old Hebrew measure 3. River in Russia 4. Spearheaded 5. Junior or senior 6. Bullhorn 7. Idem 8. ER workers 9. Request 10. Marked, in a way 11. Mellophones 12. Theater award 13. -- judicata
14. Decision 15. Vaudeville offerings 16. Cut short 17. Game of chance 21. False assertion 23. “Peanuts” name 25. Hughes or Hawks 28. Soda pop brand 30. Gone 31. Kicks 32. Signs 33. Willamette River city 34. Of fleecy animals 35. Curse 36. Sea eagles 37. In any way: 2 wds. 38. Island group 39. Fracas 40. Disfigures 44. Thomas Stearns -47. Soft-pedaled 48. Stanza 50. Nothing other than 52. Stamp of a kind 54. “Rule, Britannia!” composer 55. Drunk 57. Dye worker 58. Use a blue pencil 59. Like Batman and Robin 61. Dunne or Castle
) #
& ' . 0+ 10- .
71. Tiny amount 72. Cut from 73. Coconut fiber 74. Weather-beaten 75. English king 77. Ten reams 78. Queen of Thebes 79. Like a brigand 81. Paddy 82. Hand tool 83. Doggedness 86. Part 4 of quip: 3 wds. 89. Repetition 90. City in Belgium 91. Cart 92. Food storage pouch 95. Makes a murmuring sound 96. Timber tree 97. Inset 100. Part 5 of quip: 3 wds. 102. Horticulturists 104. Mount Narodnaya’s range 105. Extra 106. Pro 107. End of the quip 108. Timbre 109. Social conventions 110. Any Olympian 111. Brown ermine
ACROSS 1. Where voters assemble 6. Drug letters 9. Loathe 14. Framework 18. Start of a quip by 24-Across: 2 wds. 19. Bladed pole 20. Examine 21. Dough 22. Parts of some clocks 24. Speaker of the quip: 2 wds. 26. Day 27. Guy 28. Pasta variety 29. San Luis -30. Muscles, for short 31. Droplets 32. “Jurassic World” hero 33. Part 2 of quip: 3 wds. 37. Blends 41. Stop!, at sea 42. Singer -- Ramazzotti 43. Inhibit 45. History: Abbr. 46. Musical way of speaking 47. “Praying” creature 49. Settle 50. Sch. in Westwood 51. Compass pt. 52. Fists 53. Coin-toss result 55. Additional 56. Arbitrates 58. “Harry Potter” owl 59. “A Tale of Two --” 60. Bury 61. Part 3 of quip: 2 wds. 62. Orchid-root meal 63. Fastened 65. Beef 66. Term in Freudian psychology 69. A flower 70. Cogs
8 4 , / 8
( # * ) + # $ 1 5 , + ! * 9 / # / &
© 2018 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication
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::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I think you’ve done enough rehearsals. At this point, the apparent quest for a little extra readiness is beginning to lapse into procrastination. So I’ll suggest that you set a date for opening night. I’ll nudge you to have a cordial talk with yourself about the value of emphasizing soulfulness over perfectionism. What? You say you’re waiting until your heart stops fluttering and your bones stop chattering? I’ve got good news: The greater your stage fright, the more moving your performance will be. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In all the time we’ve worked on diminishing your suffering, we may have not focused enough on the fine art of resolving unfinished business. So let’s do that now, just in time for the arrival of your Season of Completion. Are you ready to start drawing the old cycle to a close so you’ll be fresh when the new cycle begins? Are you in the mood to conclude this chapter of your life story and earn the relaxing hiatus you will need before launching the next chapter? Even if you don’t feel ready, even if you’re not in the mood, I suggest you do the work anyway. Any business you leave unfinished now will only return to haunt you later. So don’t leave any business unfinished! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Are you ready to mix more business with pleasure and more pleasure with business than you have ever mixed? I predict that in the coming weeks, your social opportunities will serve your professional ambitions and your professional ambitions will serve your social opportunities. You will have more than your usual amount of power to forge new alliances and expand your web of connections. Here’s my advice: Be extra charming, but not grossly opportunistic. Sell yourself, but with grace and integrity, not with obsequiousness. Express yourself like a gorgeous force of nature and encourage others to express themselves like gorgeous forces of nature. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “When I picture a perfect reader,” wrote philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, “I picture a monster of courage and curiosity, also something supple, cunning, cautious, a born adventurer and discoverer.” I suspect he was using the term “monster” with a roguish affection. I am certainly doing that as I direct these same words toward you, dear Sagittarian reader. Of course, I am always appreciative of your courage, curiosity, cunning, suppleness, and adventurousness. But I’m especially excited about those qualities now, because the coming weeks will be a time when they will be both most necessary and most available to you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You do not yet have access to maps of the places where you need to go next. That fact may tempt you to turn around and head back to familiar territory. But I hope you’ll press forward even without the maps. Out there in the frontier, adventures await you that will prepare you well for the rest of your long life. And being without maps, at least in the early going, may actually enhance your learning opportunities. Here’s another thing you should know: your intuitive navigational sense will keep improving the farther you get from recognizable landmarks. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Healing isn’t impossible. You may not be stuck with your pain forever. The crookedness in your soul and the twist in your heart may not always define who you are. There may come a time when you’ll no longer be plagued by obsessive thoughts that keep returning you to the tormenting memories. But if you hope to find the kind of liberation I’m describing here, I advise you to start with these two guidelines: 1. The healing may not happen the way you think it should or imagine it will. 2. The best way to sprout the seeds that will ultimately bloom with the cures is to tell the complete truth. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Nineteenthcentury British painter J. M. W. Turner was one of the greats. Renowned for his luminous landscapes, he specialized in depicting the power of nature and the atmospheric drama of light and color. Modern poet Mary Ruefle tells us that although he “painted his own sea monsters,” he engaged assistants “to do small animals.” She writes that “he could do a great sky, but not rabbits.” I’m hoping that unlike Turner, you Piscean folks will go both ways in the
coming weeks. Give as much of your creative potency and loving intelligence to the modest details as to the sweeping vistas. ARIES (March 21-April 19): The two pieces of advice I have for you may initially seem contradictory, but they are in fact complementary. Together they’ll help guide you through the next three weeks. The first comes from herbalist and wise woman Susun Weed. She suggests that when you face a dilemma, you should ask yourself how you can make it your ally and how you can learn the lesson it has for you. Your second burst of wisdom is from writer Yasmin Mogahed: “Study the hurtful patterns of your life. Then don’t repeat them.” TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Speak the following declaration aloud and see how it feels: “I want strong soft kisses and tender unruly kisses and secret truth kisses and surprise elixir kisses. I deserve them, too.” If that puts you in a brave mood, Taurus, add a further affirmation: “I want ingenious affectionate amazements and deep dark appreciation and brisk mirthful lessons and crazy sweet cuddle wrestles. I deserve them, too.” What do you think? Do these formulas work for you? Do they put you in the proper frame of mind to co-create transformative intimacy? I hope so. You’re entering a phase when you have maximum power to enchant and to be enchanted. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): As you map out your master plan for the next 14 months, I invite you to include the following considerations: an intention to purge pretend feelings and artificial motivations; a promise to change your relationship with old secrets so that they no longer impinge on your room to maneuver; a pledge to explore evocative mysteries that will enhance your courage; a vow to be kinder toward aspects of yourself that you haven’t loved well enough; and a search for an additional source of stability that will inspire you to seek more freedom. CANCER (June 21-July 22): If you have been communing with my horoscopes for a while, you’ve gotten a decent education -- for free! Nonetheless, you shouldn’t depend on me for all of your learning needs. Due to my tendency to emphasize the best in you and focus on healing your wounds, I may neglect some aspects of your training. With that as a caveat, I’ll offer a few meditations about future possibilities. 1. What new subjects or skills do you want to master in the next three years? 2. What’s the single most important thing you can do to augment your intelligence? 3. Are there dogmas you believe in so fixedly and rely on so heavily that they obstruct the arrival of fresh ideas? If so, are you willing to at least temporarily set them aside? LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “All the world’s a stage,” wrote Shakespeare, “And all the men and women merely players.” In other words, we’re all performers. Whenever we emerge from solitude and encounter other people, we choose to express certain aspects of our inner experience even as we hide others. Our personalities are facades that display a colorful mix of authenticity and fantasy. Many wise people over the centuries have deprecated this central aspect of human behavior as superficial and dishonest. But author Neil Gaiman thinks otherwise: “We are all wearing masks,” he says. “That is what makes us interesting.” Invoking his view -- and in accordance with current astrological omens -- I urge you to celebrate your masks and disguises in the coming weeks. Enjoy the show you present. Dare to entertain your audiences. Homework: What’s the part of yourself that is least evolved and needs most transformation? Testify at Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.
Scooters are for the Birds
ird Scooters (pay-per-minute electric scooters) arrived this summer in many a U.S. city and welcomed by many residents, but in some places, the handy people transports have met with less-than-positive reaction. The Los Angeles Times reported on Aug. 10 that angry residents are throwing Bird scooters off balconies, heaving them into the ocean, stuffing them into trashcans and setting them afire. Robert Johnson Bey, a Venice Beach maintenance worker, said: “Sunday, I was finding kickstands everywhere. Looked like they were snapped off.” What’s worse, the perpetrators are documenting their destruction on social media; Instagram has a “Bird Graveyard” account devoted to filmed chronicles of scooter desecration. Culver City resident Hassan Galedary, 32, had a visceral reaction to the scooters. “I hate Birds more than anyone,” he said. “They suck. People who ride them suck.” However, he has stopped defacing them: “I can’t put bad energy into the world. I don’t even kick them over anymore.”
That’s a Lot of Flockin’ Birds
new device offers “an eco-solution to public peeing.” But Reuters reports that nearby residents and business owners are unhappy about the urinals, saying they are “immodest and ugly” and will “incite exhibitionism.” The so-called uritrottoir—a mashup of the French words for “urinal” and “sidewalk,” looks much like a plastic trash receptacle, and local mayor Ariel Weil says they’re necessary. “If we don’t do anything, then men are just going to pee in the streets,” Weil states.
Thoreau Would Be Pissed Dr. Jay Curt Stager and his colleagues, researchers at Paul Smith’s College, have released results from a study showing that Walden Pond, made famous by naturalist Henry David Thoreau in the mid-1800s, is an ecological disaster, thanks to human urine. The pond was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1962, and the site in Concord, Mass., draws hordes of tourists each year. But NBC News reports that swimmers urinating in the water for generations is the most likely cause of high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the pond that cause algae to spread and block the Sun’s rays, devastating the fish population. The study authors suggest building a swimming pool nearby to take pressure off the pond. © 2018 ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION
Agents of Columbus (Ohio) Humane executed a warrant on a home in the Clintonville neighborhood on Aug. 14 in response to complaints about birds inhabiting the home. Columbus Humane CEO Rachel Finney told The Columbus Dispatch that concerns about the birds’ well-being were warranted: Officials found more than 600 birds inside, including macaws, African gray parrots, Amazon parrots and other species. “It’s pretty overwhelming to step into the house,” Finney said. Removal took all day, and Columbus Humane was undertaking the task of examining each bird from beak to tail. Finney said the agency would decide which birds might be adoptable after assessments are complete. As for the owner, she said, “We’re confident we’ll have charges; it’s just a matter of which charges and how many.”
Finding Karl-Friedrich German police took a baby squirrel into custody on Aug. 9 following an incident in which it chased a grown man down the street. The Guardian reported that an unnamed man summoned Karlsruhe police when he simply could not shake the tiny squirrel. But when officers arrived, the squirrel suddenly lay down and went to sleep. Officers felt sorry for the exhausted little rodent, who apparently had been separated from its mom and was looking for a replacement in the terrified man. Police named their new mascot Karl-Friedrich, then took him to an animal rescue center, where he was doing very well.
Pee-utiful Paris In Paris, the designer of a recently installed sidewalk urinal on the Île Saint-Louis says the A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 8 | 29
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