Revolution Catalogue 3 MAY 2018

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may 3 2018

durroW, co. laois

the irish revolution and beyond: artefacts, letters, and mememtos

Important IrIsh hIstory sale includes primary source material relating to michael collins, kevin barry, bill mckenna, arthur griffith, seĂ n mac eoin, felix cronin, austin stack, kathleen mckenna & others


sheppards pSra No. 003183

REVOLUTION 3 MAy 2018 The Irish Revolution and Beyond: Artefacts, Letters, and Mememtos VIEWING The Square, Durrow, Co. LaoiS, r32 FN88 29 apriL - 2 May 2018

10:00-17:00 GMT eaCh Day

aND By prior appoiNTMeNT

ORDER OF SALE The Square, Durrow, Co. LaoiS, r32 FN88 3 May 2018

10:30-13:00 GMT: LoTS 1 - 69

REMOVAL OF GOODS iTeMS MuST Be CoLLeCTeD or arraNGeMeNTS MaDe For CoLLeCTioN No LaTer ThaN 16:00 GMT 10 May 2018. iTeMS NoT CoLLeCTeD By ThiS TiMe wiLL eNTer a SToraGe FaCiLiTy. SToraGe CharGeS oF €3 per iTeM per Day wiLL appLy. where iTeMS reMaiN iN SToraGe For LoNGer ThaN Two workiNG weekS They May Be re-SoLD By puBLiC auCTioN or priVaTeLy wiThouT NoTiCe To The Buyer.

ONLINE BIDDING aBSeNTee aND TeLephoNe BiDDiNG BiDDiNG FaCiLiTieS are aVaiLaBLe Via LiVe oNLiNe  BiDDiNG aVaiLaBLe Via www.The-SaLerooM.CoM, www.LiVeauCTioNeerS.CoM, aND/or www.iNVaLuaBLe.CoM.

CONTACT DETAILS The Square, Durrow, Co. LaoiS, r32 FN88, ireLaND • phoNe: +353 (0)57 874 0000 • Fax: +353 (0)57 873 6546 • • • •

Lot 2

2. COLLINS MICHAEL (1892 – 1922) Irish revolutionary, soldier and politican Photograph Inscribed verso: ‘Michael Collins age 12 Woodfield, Clonakilty, County Cork in the formal gardens of the Ursaline Sisters 1902’. €300 – 500

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Lot 2 (detail)

Lot 3 (detail)


3. BARRY KEVIN (1902 – 1920) An autographed letter signed (Kevin Barry) to Dr Denis J. Coffey This letter – written on the eve of his execution in Mountjoy Prison, Dublin – was to Dr Denis J. Coffey, first president of University College Dublin. Previously unknown to be extant, Barry’s letter was in response to Coffey’s ‘kind words of encouragement and praise’. Dr Coffey was often referred to as ‘the students’ professor’. The letter was to be delivered by Fr Albert, OFM Cap. €20,000 – 30,000

Dear Dr. Coffey Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and praise. I am glad you all think so gladly of me. Fr. Albert comes in to see me later and I hope to have a good old chat with him in the Gaelic. Do not worry too much about me I will be going to a much better place. Tell my fellow students to say a prayer for me and tell them I will miss them, but I will remember them in my prayers tonight and also say a prayer for Frank Flood. Parting is such a sad thing but we will meet again someday in heaven. This is not goodbye but simply adieu for now. Canon Waters will give me communion upon the event in the morning and I will go to the gallows as an Irishman with love in my heart for a free Ireland. Your student, Kevin Barry

4. IRISH VOLUNTEERS 5 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 4 ASSEMBLY NOTICE: CO. LONGFORD 1917 €100 – 150

Longford Volunteers Assembly 1917 An assembly of volunteers shall take place on Sunday next at the old Ashley grounds Ballymahon. This assembly is for drilling purposes only and no armaments will be allowed on the site of assembly. This assembly will be policed by Sinn Fein activists and they will be obeyed by all attending. All political delegates Mr Thomas Reddington and Mr Sean Connolly shall attend and give a speech on the state of Ireland in 1917. All are requested to attend this gathering. Erin go bragh, By order Sean Guynor Commisar, Tipperary North Division NOTE Sean Connolly O.C. Longford Brigade

6 s h ep pa r d s .ie

Lot 5


General Order. Execution Order Provisional Government Military Law December 9th 1923 You are hereby notified in writing that having being detained and charged as a prisoner taken in arms against the lawful government of the land. You will be taken from your place of detention and executed by firing squad on the 12th Dec 1923 [sic]. This execution is a reprisal for the assassination and brutal murder of Brigadier Sean Hales T.D. a member of said provisional government and will act as a solemn warning against such brutal methods. May the lord God have mercy on your soul. By Order Gen Mulcahy, General Chief of Staff

Addressed verso: David Hogan Esq, Cork Military Barracks

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Lot 6

6. MANUSCRIPT LIST OF DELEGATES TO ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE IRISH VOLUNTEERS, 31 OCTOBER 1915 €100 – 150 NOTE: Named delegates include the Leinster Executive and representatives from Cork City, Belfast, Tipperary, Mayo, Wexford, Athlone, London, Glasgow, Dublin 1st Battalion, and Dublin 2nd Battalion. The list was delivered by hand to Miss Kathleen McKenna, Blackrock, County Dublin instructing her to ‘Please type 10 copies’ and that the matter was ‘Not Urgent’.

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Lot 7 (detail)

7. NAPOLI KATHLEEN (Née McKenna) (1897 - 1988) typed letter signed to Colonel Padraic O’Farrell, Rome, Italy, 24 August 1982 with manuscript emendations and postscript. €100 – 150 NOTE: Kathleen McKenna (1897 1988) was born in Oldcastle ,Co Meath, to a strongly nationalist family, whose circle of friends included Arthur Griffith,Douglas Hyde and the poet Brian O’Higgins. In 1919 she joined Sinn Féin and was given the task of typing and printing the Irish Bulletin, the new underground publicity organ envisaged by Arthur Griffith and the Ministry of Propaganda, then under the direction

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of Desmond FitzGerald. In 1921 she went to London for the Treaty negotiations as secretary to Arthur Griffith, head of the Irish Delegation. She later served as private secretary to Desmond FitzGerald when he was minister for External Affairs. and later Kevin O’Higgins and William Cosgrave. In 1924 she was secretary to the Boundary Commission, and in 1926 she was one of the secretaries to the Irish Delegation attending the Imperial Conference in London. She resigned in 1931 to marry Capt Vittorio Napoli of the Italian Royal Grenadier Guards, moving to Libya and Albania before settling in Rome. She was a regular contributor to the Irish Independent, the Irish Times and other Irish and international newspapers. (Source: The Irish Times 21 March 2014)

Lot 8

8. UNIDENTIFIED MOUNTED SOLDIER WITH BRITISH ARMY WWI ERA BELL TENTS IN BACKGROUND Photograph Initialed bottom right: D MO’K Inscription verso: Nr. The Curragh, Kildare, Bivouac €40 – 60

10 s h ep pa r d s .ie

Lot 9

9. FÍONA [UNKNOWN] manuscript letter signed to Bill [McKENNA ?] 20 November 1940 €50 – 80

Bill A Chara, The item you mentioned is a Picnic Corkscrew which folds into itself. It was given to me by Sean Collins Mick’s brother and found among his most personal belongings in Portobello Barracks. Sean gave it to me to remind me of my great regard and love for Michael. I will gladly give it to you to display in your museum of Army History and for the coming Anniversary. Please return when all the fun and celebrations have ceased, as it is one of my most treasured possessions. Regards for now Fíona

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Lot 10

Lot 10 (verso)

10. MANUSCRIPT ENVELOPE [illegible] Collins personal items Army HQ Barracks September 6 1922 Verso Some items in the custody of General McKeown to be returned to his residence at Bora-Valle [sic] Lodge Flynn Duty Officer €40 - 60

12 s h ep pa r d s .ie


Army HQ 10 Jan 1922 PRO TREATY: Chief of staff Dick Mulchay D/CoS Eoin Duffy Asst. CoS J.J O’connell A.G Gerard O’Sullivan A.M.G Sean McMahon D.Trg Emmett Dalton D. Organiser Diarmaid O’Hegerty D. Publicity Pioras Beehan ??? D. INT Michael Collins ANTI TREATY D – Purchase Liam Mellows D – Engineering Sean Russell (+ munitions) D – Chemicals Seamus O’Dundon [Div Comdts] Liam Lynch, Joe McKelvey, Fionn Pilkington, Oscar Taynor

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Lot 28

Lot 12

12. THOMAS BODKIN ET AL: STAINED GLASS MEMORIAL WINDOW, ST JOSEPH’S TERENURE, SOUVENIR OF DEDICATION Physical description: 48 p.; 19 cm. (8vo) Manuscript inscription by Kathleen McKenna to Michael [Unknown] on inside front cover. €100 – 150 NOTE: The stained glass window The Crucifixion by Harry Clarke (1889 – 1831) was unveiled in the Church of St. Joseph, Terenure, Dubin on 23 May. It was dedicated to the memory of Major Laurence Gorman and Edward and Jeannie de Verdon Corcoran. 15 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 12 (detail)

Michael I am so sorry about young Kevin Barry. It is sad to see one so young being executed by English. Hope you are keeping well. I am sending you on this little book you might drop by to see the windows when passing as it is very beautiful. Best wishes Katie Mac

Lot 13

13. OWEN FRANCIS DUDLEY (1882 – 1852] Deathless armyadvance, a battle cry, with manuscript inscription €50 – 80

Kathleen McKenna Dublin

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Lot 14


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NOTE: Major General Felix Cronin (d. 1961) was from Lorrha, Co. Tipperary; a veteran of the Irish War of Independence and Civil War, who had known Collins, and served in the 1920s as quartermaster general of the Irish Free State army. He married (1925) Kitty Kiernan (1893 – 1945) who had been the fiancée of Michael Collins. He and Kitty Kiernan had two sons: Felix Mary Cronin, and Michael Collins Cronin.

Lot 15

“ Lot 15

15. KLINT AF, GUST. – KRUSENSTIERNA VON, H.: INTERNATIONELL SIGNALBOK 1902, Stockholm 1902 SIGNED BY SIR ROGER CASEMENT (1864 – 1916) Inscription inside cover: €200 – 300 NOTE: This is a book on signal flags and signal lights from around the world. Frontispiece illustration; with flag table, showing the alphabet in flags. Eight other illustrated plates with the flags of the world. Includes signals for summoning pilots, light flash signals, geographic signals and making sentences. In Swedish. 19 sh e ppar d s .ie

To be presented to Irish Military Museum when my last remains are laid to rest. Book was purchased by me in Landeer in 1946 at the high price of 16 Guinea’s which I thought was rather steep. The book was sold to me as being signed by Roger Casement (Ruairi Mac Easmainn) probably before he came to Ireland by submarine and as we all know he was captured tried and hung for treason. Whatever the outcome it is in my opinion a curiosity and therefore well worth the effort and money. P.D. Kavanagh (Lt. Col)

Lot 16

16. PHOTOGRAPH OF THE ASGARD (IRISH VOLUNTEERS GUN-RUNNING YACHT) OFF HOWTH, CO. DUBLIN Signed by Desmond Rea O’Kelly (1923 – 2011) €40 – 60 NOTE: Rea O’Kelly will always be associated with Dublin’s Liberty Hall. O’Kelly was an engineer, rather than an architect. He graduated from UCD with a BE in civil engineering in 1945. Much later, in 1977, he was admitted to membership of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) and was elected a fellow in 2002. He was also elected to fellowship at the Institution of Engineers of Ireland in 1985. [Source: The Irish Times, 20 Feb. 2011].

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Lot 17

17. ‘THE METROPOLE’ LINEN SHIRT FROM THE WARDROBE OF GENERAL FLELIX CRONIN Inscribed ‘F. Cronin’. The collarless shirt is of Irish manufacture and bears the Metropole Shirt Star of David trademark above the label of Hand in Hand Clothing Stores, 32 – 36 Barking Road, East Ham, London. €80 – 120

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Lot 17 (detail)

LOT 18 (1 of 2)

18. 1916 ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS, MILITARY TATOO MEMENTOS: ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY, 1936 Candles together with an accompanying explanatory manuscript signed (Bill McKenna) letter.

LOT 18 (2 of 2)


8. 5. 1938 The Easter Dawn 1936 The New Irish Army held a Military Tatoo in Dublin at the Royal Dublin Society Showgrounds to mark the 20 years Celebrations of the Army of the Republic 1916. The Candles enclosed were burned in the Procession by Members of the Irish Army and these were given to me by a Member of the Quartermaster Staff as a Memento and are to be cherished as part of our National Culture and Heritage and History. Bill McKenna Athlone

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Lot 19

19. OFFICERS’ MESS ACCOUNT NOTES Inscribed by a number of hands on a large white envelope €40 – 60

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Lot 20

20. UNION FLAG, POSSIBLY REMOVED AS A TROPHY FROM A CURRENTLY UNKNOWN LOCATION DURING THE IRISH REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD the national flag of the United Kingdom, its Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories, commonly called the Union Jack €80 – 120

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21. UNION JACK inherited by Free State forces, together with a linen pouch €80 – 120

22. EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS HYMN BOOK Dublin, 1931 Inscribed in pencil: Capt. Donegan, Phoenix Park ‘32 €20 – 30

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Lot 23

23. SMALL NOTEBOOK WITH MAROON COVER AND PAGE-MARKER RIBBON Entries which include shipment   of soldiers to Germany. €150 – 250

Lot 23

[...] 29/06/1915 Meeting at Temperance Hall attended by Mr Eamonn De Valera. Monies collected for Irish Freedom . 04/07/1915 Attended display of drill and manoeuvres in Phoenix Park by Irish Volunteers and afterwards went to Gresham Hotel to report details, Ms Kearney pleased 11/07/1915 Went to Howth on tram way with Ms McKenna, takes notes on coastal defences [...]

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Lot 25 (detail)

24. FITZPATRICK, PERCY, SIR 1862-1931. THE TRANSVAAL FROM WITHIN London, 1899. Inscribed inside front cover: Label: Athlone Garrison Hospital

Dear Tom, I just came across this the other day and thought I would send it on to you. Best Wishes Sean Mac

€40 – 60

30 s h ep pa r d s .ie

25. TONE, WOLF: SPEECHES FROM THE DOCK, OR PROTESTS OF IRISH PATRIOTISM. Dublin, 1867 Manuscript inscriptions include: (i) Dominick Quigley, Portumna, Sept 7 1867 (ii) Tadgh McKenna, Greenore, 1919, (iii) Kate McKenna Napoli 1934.

€50 – 80

31 sh e ppar d s .ie

26. LIDDED BOX CONTAINING HAIR SLIDES, HAIR CLIPS etc. Lid-inside inscribed in pencil: Mrs Felix Cronin Abbeyview Lorha [sic] Co. Tipperary

€40 – 60

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Lot 27 (i)


27. (i) CEREMONIAL ACCORDING TO THE ROMAN RITE, London, 1895 Inscribed in pencil: Sean MacKeoin, Western Command, Athlone 1941 together with (ii) 2 x DROGHEDA CHEMICAL MANURE CO. LTD STATEMENTS Each to McCarthy, Banagher [Co. Offaly]. Dated 1904 and 1911. €40 – 60

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Lot 27 (ii)

Lot 28

28. EDWARDS, RUTH DUDLEY, PATRICK PEARSE, THE TRIUMPH OF FAILURE London, 1979 Manuscript inscription €

XII – 1980 To K. Best Wishes Sean Kathleen Napoli Viche de Porto Aerdeatuna 00154 Rome

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Lot 29 (iii)

Lot 29

29. GREELEY, HORACE, THE UNION VOLUNTEERS OF 1861 – 64. VOL. II Manuscript inscriptions Together with (ii) an Officers’ Library, Custume Barracks, Athlone loan card and (iii) an Irish Times cutting re American Civil War with a Capt. P.D O’Donnell byline.

Major WM Chaplain Victoria Barrack Athlone General Sean Mac Keoin Custume Barrack Athlone July 12th 1930

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Lot 30

30. WEBLEY ROYAL IRISH CONSTABULARY REVOLVER With label inscribed attached: NOTE: The Webley RIC (Royal Irish Constabulary) model was Webley’s first double-action revolver, and was adopted by the RIC in 1868, hence the name. General George Armstrong Custer was known to have owned a pair, which he is believed to have used at the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876.

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Given to Kate McKenna by Mr Griffith in 1919 prior to a raid by Auxiliaries, Bill [McKenna]

inside back cover: Study Rules and Regulations Be Aware, Be Cautious

Inside front cover: debosssed with Dublin Metropolitan Police warrant numbers: DMP 10704 DMP 12213

Lot 31


Manuscript inscription on page opposing inside front cove: This item was found by Republic Forces In Dublin Castle when liberated in 1922 S. Mac Keoin Sora Valley Lodge Athlone Thomas Clarke Dublin May 6 1908 Mr Thomas Clarke Esq 55 Amien Street Dublin

38 s h ep pa r d s .ie

Lot 32

32. BRACKEN, HENRY, FARRIERY IMPROV’D: OR, A COMPLEAT TREATISE UPON THE ART OF FARRIERY ... London, 1756 Manuscript inscription in pencil: €4,000 – 6,000 NOTE: Séan Mac Eoin (1893 – 1973) was a prominent Irish politician and soldier. An IRA Flying Column leader and later Chief of Staff of the Irish Defence Forces, he was nicknamed the ‘Blacksmith of Ballinalee’. He served a blacksmith’s apprenticeship to his father before taking over the family forge at Ballinalee, Co. Longford. Mac Eoin was rumoured to be best man at Michael Collins’ wedding. [Source: Coogan, Tim, Michael Collins, Dublin, 1991. p. 223] 39 sh e ppar d s .ie

Government Buildings, Dublin 62 Padraig a Chara, The Little book you found was indeed in my possession and was given to me by Michael Collins when he returned from Treaty Talks in London in 21. If you would keep it for me until I return from Geneva I would be most grateful. The trip should take about 2 weeks and then we will have a talk etc. about doing an article for An Cosantoir. Kindest Regards For now Sean McKeoin O.C.

Lot 32

gave her 2 fine sons Patrick and Willie to Ireland’s cause for freedom Amen K. McKenna Easter 1921 To the memory of a very dear friend colleague and comrade in arms General Michael Collins murdered by cowardly assassins on August 22 1922. May God smile on you always Michael R.I.P. K. McKenna [p. 35]

Lot 33

33. KATE McKENNA’S CATHECISM With manuscript inscriptions €150 – 250

Mountjoy [front cover]

In memory of a comrade and friend Kevin Barry executed by British crown forces Nov 1st 1920 May his soul rest in peace and grant us a united Ireland Gratis. [inside front cover] We pray to you O Lord to give strength to our friend Maigraid Began Ni Piarais who

41 sh e ppar d s .ie

We do not hate the English we pity them for those intolerance cruelty and their blindness. They are a sad and intolerant race. S. Mac Keoin [p. 46] [...] In memory of Kevin Barry comrade and martyr executed by hanging on November 1st 1920 Rest in Peace [p. 61] [...] Thomas J. Clarke Sean Mac Diarmuid Thomas McDonagh Eamon Ceannt PH Pearse William Pearse Joseph Plunkett James Connelly Michael O’Hanahran [p. 62] We Beseech you O Lord / to look kindly upon our New and Free Ireland and with your guidance and Kindness we may grow and prosper and finally become One True Nation the Republic of Eireann. God Bless Ireland [p. 63] K. McKenna 1923

Lot 34

34. RYAN, ABRAM J. (1839 – 1886), RYAN’S POEMS Manuscript inscriptions, inside cover: To Kathleen McKenna God bless you and save you, We will remember you in our prayers. Best wishes Brother Augustine.

Bears the stamp of ‘The Library, St Patrick’s College, Kiltegan’ together with a newspaper cutting ‘Father Abram Ryan, the poet priest of the Deep South’

Lot 34 (detail)

Kathleen McKenna God Bless you and Save You We will remember you in our Prayers. Best Wishes Brother Augustine. [...] Remember Arthur Griffith and Michael Collins and all decent Irish Men and Women who fought for our beautiful Country of Ireland please remember them in your prayers and thoughts and remember their sacrifice K. Mc

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Lot 35


Lot 35 (details)

Inside front cover: debosssed with Dublin Metropolitan Police warrant numbers: DMP 9065 DMP 10937 DMP 6366

Manuscript inscription on page opposing inside front cover: K. . McKenna

Manuscript inscription on title page: Aibhistin de Staic [Austen Stack]

43 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 34 (detail)


(i) Micheal Collins Murdered at mBeal na Blath County Cork on August 22nd 1922. Rest in Peace you True Son of Eire from your friends and comrades Sean McKeown Bill McKenna Kathleen McKenna Felix Cronin Sean Collins

(ii) Found in Old Filing Cabinet at back of Powder Magazine by Lieut. Kearney, not sure what to do so will leave them into Mess to be forwarded unto General MacKeoin himself Kavanagh O.C. 45 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 37 (1 0f 6)


Lot 37 (2 0f 6)

(i) To Katie from Francis, Katie, we are asked by the pope to pray for peace, so, pray hard. We may be in danger’ says the papers!! (ii) Our wish to Katie from Aunt Kitty and children

46 s h ep pa r d s .ie

Lot 39

Lot 38


48 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 38 (detail)

April 12th 1915 Connaught Rangers Regiment Portumna Castle Stores One Barbed Wire Cutters

Lot 39


Lot 39 (detail)

July 4 1932 Field Glasses given to Katie by Mrs Pearse that belonged to her boys and found in St Enda’s. Kate gave them to me for safe keeping in Athlone Bill McKenna

49 s h ep pa r d s .ie

“ (i)

Sean A Chara This Christian Cross was removed from mBeal na Blath in 1926 and was recovered by local people as Michael Collins’ Last Stand on this Mortal Earth.

It was desecrated by Irregular Troops who used it as for Target Shooting. Keep it safe and well and pass it on to future generations so they will never Forget a Great Man and a Brave Comrade and a true and Hearty Friend. God Bless Michael and Ireland Bill McKenna

(ii) [Dr] Leo Ahearn

Lot 40

40. MICHAEL COLLINS BEAL na mBLATH COMMEMORATIVE ROADSIDE CROSS Simple forged metal cross: mounted on corrugated card-board with attached manu-script (i) & (ii) notes and (iii) label. €8,000 – 12,000

NOTE Dr Ahearn was the medical doctor at Shanakiel Hospital, Cork, where Collins’ remains were taken to following his demise. Verso Jack and Tom Murray planted the [mine?] at Beal na Blath and are thought to have made this cross

(iii) Manuscript return label Lt Col Kane Columb Barracks Mullingar, Co. Westmeath

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Lot 40

Lot 41


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Lot 42

42. SCOTT, WALTER, THE LADY OF THE LAKE Manuscript inscription €40 – 60

To Aunt Aggie with love from David H. Coy 6th Black Watch R.H, Edinburgh 16/11/14

53 s h ep pa r d s .ie

Lot 43 43. FOOT, MICHAEL, THE TRIAL OF MUSSOLINI London, 1944 Manuscript inscription €50 – 80

(i) Kathleen Napoli Viali di Porto Ardiatina 00154 Rome Italia (ii) Kathleen McKenna Athlone

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Lot 37

Lot 44

44. O’GROWNEY, EUGENE, SIMPLELESSONS IN IRISH, Dublin, 1896 Manuscript inscription verso: €100 – 150

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1921 Tadgh McKenna, Rath Internment Camp County Kildare

Lot 45 (detail)

Lot 45

45. HENDERSON, FRANCES L., RAMBLES AROUND EDINBURGH Manuscript inscription verso €80 – 120

Very beautiful city and the people are so charming [?] in every way, K. McKenna Napoli

57 s h ep pa r d s .ie

Lot 46

46. PRINCE FREIDRICH VON HOMBURG Manuscript autograph ‘Rauiri Mac A[?] Together with (ii) Five (5) Irish - German Society membership cards Date range: 1951-1957. €100 – 150

58 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 46 (ii)

47.FRENCH TRICLOUR EMBROIDERED WITH EMBLEM OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS ABOVE THE SLOGAN ‘ESPOIR ET SALUT DE FRANCE’ ON THE CENTRAL PANEL €80 – 120 NOTE: During WWI, Jesus is said to have appeared a young Frenchwoman, Claire Ferchaud (later Sister) asking for the apposition of the emblem of the Sacred Heart on the French tricolor flag.

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Lot 48


General Sean McKeown Military Barrack Athlone Co. Westmeath

60 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 49

49. GILMORE, GEORGE, 1934 REPUBLICAN CONGRESS Manuscript inscription: €40 - 60

Lot 49 (detail)

K. McKenna Napoli Co Dublin

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Lot 50

50. RELIGIOUS MEDALS AND SCAPULARS IN POUCH Manuscript inscription: €50 – 80

Blessed Artefacts of Comrades and Friends who died in Ireland’s struggle for freedom Felix Cronin K. Kiernan-Cronin

62 sh e ppar d s .ie


63 s h ep pa r d s .ie

Lot 52


“ (i)


64 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 53

53. WATERFORD CITY ARMORIAL TRUMPET VASES, A PAIR Each bearing a polychrome Coat of Arms of the city above the motto Urbs Intacta Manet €300 – 500

Lot 53 (detail) 65 s h ep pa r d s .ie

Lot 54 (detail)

54. MINIATURE BOX IN BOOK FORM EMBOSSED WITH THE PORTA SANTA Nine (9) manuscript prayers by Kate McKenna Napoli together with a lock of Daniel O’Connell’s hair.

(i) 66 sh e ppar d s .ie

arms of the Lord. Amen Kate (iv) Petition For all Commandeers and Volunteers Of the Revolution of Irish Freedom. We beseech, oh Lord Grant us Salvation Amen. K. (v) A prayer for the People of Europe After this terrible War K. (vii) Petition

Lot 54

A prayer for the People of Ireland and the people who gave their lives for our Nation Kate

A special prayer for my dear Friend Sean MacKeoin and his Family Grant the[sic] Peace and Happiness Amen Kate (viii) A prayer for all my friends and relatives In Ireland, my they always Prosper and flourish in the Eyes of the Lord. Amen K. Verso: Army Depot Athlone […] Dublin 1/11 Paid

(ii) A prayer for My family and Friends Kate

(ix) Daniel O’Connell A lock of his hair [lock of hair affixed to note] Cecil O’Brien

(iii) A Prayer Pray for the soul of Michael Collins T.D. A true and decent Soldier and a true friend, May he rest forever in the

Verso Blessed in Rome by his Holiness the Pope in 1950 S[ean] MacE[eoin] 67 s h ep pa r d s .ie

55. THREE (3) AMMONITE (?) FOSSILS AND A CARVED STONE CROSS (i) 7 X 8 cms. (ii) 7 x 8 cms. (iii) 5 x 8 cms. (iv) 8 x 6 cms. €80 – 120

68 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 50

Lot 53

Lot 54

Lot 56

56. CONWAY, WILLIAM, THE CHURCH AND STATE-CONTROL Naas, 1952 Manuscript inscription €80 – 120

72 sh e ppar d s .ie

Sean McEoin Custume Barracks Athlone

Lot 57


In appreciation with best wishes from: John Shannon 11 – 7 – 37

73 s h ep pa r d s .ie

Lot 58 58. SMITH AND WESSON .38 CALIBRE REVOLVER together with seven (7) Phoenix Park Ordinance Office related linen bags; 2 x bearing the Broad Arrow, 1 x War Office, and 1 x Board of Ordnance. €200 – 300

74 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 61

Lot 59

59. PHOTOGRAPH OF UNINDENTIFIED CHURCH Manuscript inscription verso


Sean Chara

NOTE: Kathleen Hughes helped organize the Irish Race Conference held in Paris in January 1922. [Source: NAI DFA ES Box 11 File 77]

76 sh e ppar d s .ie

Mass will be celebrated before we leave for Irish Congress in Paris in Please to make sure all Irish Parties participating will attend Kathleen Hughes

Lot 60

Lot 60

60. GRENADE AND BAYONET TRAINING: DEFENCE FORCE REGULATION, SCHOOL OF THE GRENADIER Dublin n/d Manuscript inscription (i) title page and a manuscript inscription (ii) loose-leaf note inserted detaling training timetable for 17 December 1927 €80 – 120

78 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 60 (details)

“ (i)

December 15 1927 Programme of Training Potential N.C.O.s [...] Gen Mulcahy

(ii) Thomas Kinsella 2nd Battalion Portobello Bks

Lot 60 (detail)

Lot 61 (details)

61. ASSORTED PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTS AND NEGATIVES Enclosed in a manila envelope with manuscript inscription €40 – 60

80 sh e ppar d s .ie

Photographs Kathleen McKenna

Lot 63 (detail)

62. IRISH BANK LEATHER LODGEMENT POUCH Royal Bank of Ireland Ltd, No. 567 19 x 16 cms. €80 – 120

82 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 63


Lot 63 (detail)

€200 - 300

83 s h ep pa r d s .ie

Lot 64 (detail)

64. ASSORTED LOOSE PAGES FROM NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINE TOGETHER WITH FOUR PAGE FACSIMILE LEAFLET INCLUDING:  (i) Illustrated London News Christmas at Windsor (ii) Imagerie d’Épinal, no. 1351 (iii) Pages from Sir Thomas More’s History of Richard III Manuscript inscriptionS

84 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lt .Col. PB Havanagh An Cosantóir Comdt Kane Columb Barracks Mullingar

Lot 65

65. TYPEWRITTEN LETTER FROM CAPTAIN J. M. FEHAN, MERCIER PRESS, CORK TO BILL McKENNA, ATHLONE Dated 27 September 1981 Requesting a meeting as part of Feehan’s research for book on Michael Collins. McKenna was part of the army escort accompanying Collins at Beal na mBlath. €40 – 60

85 s h ep pa r d s .ie

Lot 66 (detail)

Lot 66 (detail) 66. IRISH ARMY PRINTED SUPPLY SHEET Athlone 193 92 x 29 cms. Manuscript inscription €40 – 60

(i) Supplies for six weeks duration in case of any setbacks Major P. O’Kane

Sean McKeoin, O.C. Costume Barracks Athlone F. .J. O’Kane, Q. M.

86 sh e ppar d s .ie

Lot 67

67. EASTER RISING 50TH ANNIVERSARY COMMERATIVE CANDLES Manuscript inscription on wrapping paper €100 – 150

1 dozen Taper-Candles for Midnight Procession to Commemorate 50th Anniversary Easter Rising Supplied to the Children of Lorrha Boys N.S. by S. Cronin

87 s h ep pa r d s .ie

Lot 69


88 sh e ppar d s .ie


89 s h ep pa r d s .ie

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