Should I Quit Teaching

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Should I Quit Teaching? Three Things To Consider

The question “ should I quit teaching� is something many teachers contemplate at certain points in their career life. I bet you as an educator yourself have also thought of the possibility of giving up entirely on the profession. Each mentor has their own reasons as to why. Whatever that is, you must think things through before jumping into that conclusion. Here are the things you need to reflect on before answering the question, "should I quit teaching." Thesefactors should help you draw your final answer. Decide not only for yourself, but also for the people who might be affected with such a choice. 1. Think about what you really enjoy doing. As a teacher and a professional, it is necessary to consider what you really want to do with your life. Rate yourself carefully. What are the things that can make you happy? Consider whether education can bring fulfillment and satisfaction in your life in five years or five decadestime. Do not rush to leave teaching - especially if you have not carefully considered, or when a job with high earnings came. Examine whether teaching is your passion or just a simple profession for you. From there you can follow what your life will be in the future. 2. Think about what you can do. Being a teacher involves many skills to start. Effective teaching is not the only qualification for becoming a teacher. Even four or five years of school work on education are not enough. There are assets that educators should put in place, such as personal and interpersonal skills. Consider things that you can actually do. If you're really good at teaching, then it is better not leaving it. It would be difficult on your side to start a new profession if you have no idea what your work will be. It is also ineffective on your end to learn things again becauseit is a necessity. 3. Consider how much you can contribute. Before deciding to leave teaching, and to appeal to a new higher paying job, take note of how much you can contribute to a school and a business. Given your current skills and talents, how can you be an asset at a specific environment? Is it going to affect or influence more lives when you quit teaching? Life is a service you should continue to provide valuable involvement to others. Theseideas may not be as simple as you to think. Give yourself time to consider about these things and see how your response will affect you and your goals in life. "Should I quit teaching" is a great question, which requires awarenessand consideration of some of these factors first.

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