Traveling Using Your Teaching Salary
It is not a top secret that the teaching salary of educators is low. We often hear them complaining about it since it is not enough, especially if they have families they are trying to feed on their own. As a teacher as well, I am empathizing with the situation for I can’t deny that indeed I have been compensated poorly. In spite of salary issuesand concerns, don’t let this be a hindrance to do anything you want. For instance, one thing in which I strongly believe is traveling. Perhaps you might question how your pay can be enough for that sight seeing you have been wanting to take. You might even digress from the sheer idea becausetraveling for one is expensive. Let me show how you can fit your salary into a possible out of town experience. Tip # 1: Plan ahead. Traveling involves sufficient planning time especially on a tight budget. There are many things to consider as well like airplane tickets, accommodations and the like. If you do have plans booking one would be cheaper if they are booked months ago. Hotel reservations are the same. Whenever possible, do not travel during peak season. It is in this time that hotels would zoom high in terms of budget. Take months or more to plan. Another thing to consider is to ensure that you have already written the possible expenses.List down the different areas such as how much it will probably take you to buy for tickets, accommodation, food, etc.. At least you'll be able to assesshow much you will really spend. Tip # 2: Budget in detail. If you already have this trip in mind and the probable costs, the next big thing to do is budget. Allocate a specific amount each pay day and put it under your travel money. If you already have a month in mind, divide how much you really need to save to achieve the right amount. If you plan to allocate more than half of your salary for this trip, then years of savings is indeed necessary. You should not compromise your expensesfor one trip only. Learning to endure a little patience and more savings can make this dream into a reality. Tip # 3: Be open to compromises. In order to enjoy a vacation you need not be on another island or continent to begin with. If you really want a tour, especially during this summer, just head out of town and stay on the beach as close to your home as possible. At least with this, you can definitely save more becauseyou do not spend much and still have that relaxing atmosphere with you. Traveling is not only for professionals with higher pay. Teachers can also enjoy such privilege. It may not be grade compared to those who can afford, but nonetheless, the thought is still there. We travel becausewe want to see new things, new cultures and to enjoy ourselves. Thus, any teaching salary need not be a hindrance to make this dream into a reality.