Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort Introduction

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湖洲喜来登温泉度假酒店 Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort 南太湖之滨被水晶与玉石所点缀的“指环” Unveils Design Narrative Behind Hotel’s Architecture

拱桥哲学:中国传统文化的全新阐释 A Modern Interpretation of Traditional Culture “在中国传统文化中,有许多事例都表明了人们对新技术和新创造的渴望。我把这种对创新 的渴望,理解成一种中国传统。” “In the long Chinese history, people have always pursued a harmonious relationship with nature and this has become a major part of Chinese culture and tradition” 马岩松 Ma Yansong 设计师 Architect

在设计湖州喜来登温泉度假酒店之初,马岩松先生从中国古典建筑中汲取灵感,融入湖州水墨文化气息,力求以现代的手法表 现水文化。马岩松先生认为,在中国古典建筑里,拱桥是一个重要的元素,这便是酒店外观“指环”的由来。建成后的酒店倒 影在太湖中,泛起圈圈涟漪,就像是一轮明月倒映在湖水中。不得不说这是对中国传统文化的一种全新阐释。 Huzhou is famous for traditional ink painting and splendid water views; while the arch bridge has long been one of the key elements of traditional Chinese architecture. Through incorporating this ring-shaped design, Mr. Ma hopes to build a contemporary hotel that seamlessly integrates with the surrounding environment while being reminiscent of a beautiful arch bridge over Taihu Lake. The marvelous appearance can be observed in numerous ink paintings. Some people have also found that the resort’s reflection in the water is very much like that of a moon—another element that holds important symbolic meaning in Chinese culture.

世界级建筑奇观 An Architectural Marvel 这般天马行空的设计,给整个酒店的建造提出了 非常大的难题。最终酒店整体结构选用“钢筋混 凝土核心筒”结构,这一结构在世界各地超高层 建筑中被广泛采用,最早可以追溯到1872年建造 的法国巴黎Menier巧克力工厂,而世界知名的纽 约帝国大厦,台湾101大楼都采用了这一技术。 A concept that undoubtedly was the product of a gifted imagination, the construction of the resort represented a significant challenge. The “reinforced concrete core wall” structure was adopted, a concept which has been widely used throughout the world to build super high rises, which include the 1872 Menier chocolate factory in Paris, the world-renowned Empire State Building in New York, and the distinctive Tapei 101.



石之美者:世界玉石收藏 A Stunning Collection of Natural Jades 古人云,石之美者为玉也。玉自古便是高贵和纯洁的象征,古人 视玉如宝,并称玉是人体蓄养元气最充沛的物质。 Jades are an important symbol of elegance and pureness in Chinese culture and Chinese believe that jade can help promote physical health and maintain mental balance.

不难发现,湖州喜来登温泉度假酒店内使用了大量的“玉石”和“水晶”作为装饰。 也正因为如此,主楼“指环”的两侧分别使用“翡翠”和“水晶”来命名。 Sheraton Huzhou having used a great deal of crystal and jade in its interior, the two semi-arches of the “ring” are appropriate named “Jade” and “Crystal.”



Crystal Tower

Jade Tower

天花板:施华洛世奇水 晶与欧洲天然水晶 Ceiling: Swarovski and European natural crystal

礼宾台:丝绸之路宝石 Concierge Desk: Silk Road Cryolite 前台接待:红玫瑰宝石 Reception Desk: Red Rose Cryolite

廊柱:黄水晶 Pillar: Citrine 大堂地面:阿富汗白玉配合镶 嵌巴西虎眼石 Lobby Floor: Afghanistan White Jade and adorned with Tiger’s Eye Stone



A Stunning Collection of Natural Jades


A Stunning Collection of Natural Crystals

石 之 美 者 : 世 界 水 晶 收 藏

宴会厅 Ballroom

天花板:水晶 Ceiling: Crystal

墙面:黄水晶 Wall: Citrine

A Stunning Collection of Natural Jades

自助餐台面:蓝宝石原石 Buffet Counter: Unpolished Blue Gem

石 之 美 者 : 世 界 玉 石 收 藏

自助餐台:白玉 Buffet Counter: White Jade

盛宴 Feast

位于酒店大堂中央的“波斯玉原石”可称为是镇店之宝。“波斯玉”被称为玉中珍品,更因为其晶莹剔透、冰清玉洁的特 性,被誉为“圣玉”。 “波斯玉”的形成条件极其特殊复杂,它们大多来自于地下几十公里深处,经过几万年高温岩浆的 雕塑,在地壳运动下被涌到地球表面,冷却后才可成型。 The most brilliant of all is a Persian Rough Jade, placed in the center of the lobby. Crowned as “Holy Jade,” Persian Jade requires very demanding and complicated conditions to take form. They are usually forged by pyromagma for hundreds of thousands of years, dozens of kilometers beneath the ground before they spout to the surface of the Earth and cool down to take shape. With an astonishing weight of 28 tons, the Persian Jade Rough is considered the resort’s special treasure.

镇店之宝 Treasure

太湖之滨与自然协调统一 An Event Retreat Attuned to Nature 整座酒店共有超过2000平方米的会议及多功能空间供宾客选择,这也包括了位于酒店最高27层的“太湖厅”,300平米的面积 配合全玻璃屋顶,可以俯瞰整座太湖的秀美。 Boasting a total event space of over 2,000 square meters, including the 300-square-meter Taihu Meeting Room, on the 27th floor and offers an all-glass design to present a stunning panoramic view of the lake, Sheraton Huzhou is destined to be one of the most coveted event destinations in China.

婚礼胜地 Wedding Paradise 如果宾客想在太湖之滨举办户外婚礼,那坐落于太湖之上面 积达1600平米的环形婚礼岛将是您的不二选择。当然宾客也 可以选择在位于酒店一侧的“玫瑰花园”内进行一场热情的 派对,整座“玫瑰花园”按照欧式花园设计,无论是贯穿其 间的花卉小径,还是一旁的圆形草坪,都被万支玫瑰所簇拥, 其中所栽培的更是多款稀有玫瑰品种。 The resort will also appeal to brides and grooms-to-be, with its 1,600-square-meter ring-shaped Wedding Island, which is located on the shores of the scenic Taihu. Guests can also choose the Rose Garden for a one-of-a-kind party , designed in an authentic European style, the Rose Garden offers a romantic sanctuary with round-shaped lawns clustered by countless roses, many of which are precious species.

水面上的光影精灵 A Dreamlike “Moon” on Taihu Lake 酒店“指环”型建筑被由德国知名灯光艺术公司设计的高亮度景观灯所环绕,变幻出五彩斑斓的绚丽图案,而水中的倒 影就像是一轮被涂上了色彩的弯月。 Graceful and majestic in the day, Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort becomes even more attractive at night. The spectacular illumination transforms the resort into a fascinating “moon” of lights and shades. The creative genius behind the hotel’s luminous display is the famous German luminal art company. The resort’s reflection on the lake is brighter and more enchanting than that of a real moon.

天籁之梦水疗 Mystic Spa G1 中东式水疗 Middle East Spa G2 东方式水疗 Oriental Spa

D 温泉池 Hot Spring E 地中海式水疗 Mediterranean Spa

F 城市美学式水疗 Urban-Chic Spa

A/B/C 度假式水疗 Resort Spa

B2 Floor

鸟瞰湖城 Huzhou Overview

湖州市地处浙江省北部,紧邻江苏、安徽两省(距南京220公里),东邻上海(130公里), 南接杭州(75公里),是环太湖地区唯一因湖而得名的城市。 Located in northern Zhejiang Province, Huzhou neighbors Shanghai (130km) in the east, Hangzhou (75km) in the south, Nanjing (220km) in the west. Amongst the cities in the Taihu Lake territory, Huzhou is the only one that is named after the lake.

风太 光湖 Scenes of Taihu Lake

湖州太湖旅游度假区 Huzhou Taihu Lake Vacation Area

太湖是中国的第二大淡水湖,亦是热门 的风景名胜区。湖州太湖旅游度假区集 中了太湖、弁山、湿地、法华寺、温泉、 邱城遗址等重要旅游资源,山清水远, 人文荟萃。 Taihu Lake is the second largest fresh water lake in China with beautiful landscaping. Huzhou Taihu Vacation Area is an integrated part of Taihu Lake, Bian mountain, wetland, Fahua Temple and other interesting attractions. This area forms parts of the vast natural Taihu Lake environment, surrounded by magnificent hills.

湖滨码头 Taihu Lake Wharf 集商业、餐饮、旅游观光、休闲娱乐、特色购物、风情演艺、文化展示为一体的大型主题旅游休闲体验 区,成为南太湖的一个综合性休闲胜地。 Huzhou Taihu Lake Wharf is an integrated tourism entertainment and food & beverage attraction.

湖州温泉高尔夫俱乐部 Huzhou Hot Spring Golf Club 湖州温泉高尔夫俱乐部是长三角唯一纯天然高尔夫俱乐部,同时又是原 生态景观型旅游度假式球场,四面群山环抱是一个天然大氧吧。 Huzhou Hot Spring Golf Club features one of the most challenging golf courses in the Yangtze River Delta Region. The golf course is renowned for its hilly and challenging landscape. The club also provides leisure and recreational facilities with scenic viewing spots.

存古 韵城 City Attractions

飞英塔/飞英公园 Feiying Tower 飞英塔俗称“塔里塔”,湖城三绝之一,是全 国重点文物保护单位,飞英公园以飞英塔命名, 汇集了飞英塔、韵海楼、墨妙亭、六客堂、霅 溪馆、西亭等珍贵古迹。 Located in downtown Huzhou City, the stone pagoda was built in the Tang Dynasty to restore Buddha relics and Buddhist sculptures.

莲花庄 Lotus Park 莲花庄是一代书画大师赵孟頫的别业,以奇 石、园林、书画、爱情为主题,以碧水红莲、 奇石异卉闻名江南。 The villa of Mr. Zhao Mengfu – renowned master of painting and calligraphy in Huzhou.

中国湖笔博物馆 China Writing Brush Museum 中国湖笔博物馆是目前国内唯一系统、 全面、详尽述介湖笔文化的主题博物馆。 This themed museum introduces the historical birthplace of the writing brush culture in China.

铁佛寺 God Temple 位于湖州市内劳动路中段,因宋铸 铁观音佛像而得名, 誉铁观音为“东 方维纳斯”。 The 14th-century Temple, famous for Iron Buddha.

钱业会馆 Qianye Hall 钱业会馆始建于清光绪二十九年 (1903),由湖州钱业界 人士投资兴建。 Built in 1903, it shows the prosperous economic development in Huzhou during Qing dynasty.

仁皇山 Renhuang Mountain 初名凤凰山,既是湖州近郊揽胜之 地又是湖州的文化名山。重建的仁 皇阁为仿古建筑巍峨耸立,古朴庄 重共分七层向南可俯视湖州城向北 可远眺太湖湖州胜景一览无遗。 Known as the “Mountain of Phoenix”, and for its traditional Chinese pavilion on the top, this memorial was constructed to recognize the great warrior – Xiang Yu

道场山 Daochang Mountain 位于湖州城南道场山,旧名云峰,为天目山尾闾, 最高峰海拔 210.7 米。 Famous Buddhist mountain with ancient temples

湖州历史街区 Huzhou Historic District 潘家廊渔歌子景区 Pan Jialang

衣裳街 Yi Shang Street

长岛公园 Long Island Park

湖州最大的公园, 采用“太湖之舟”设计理念。 The largest landscaped park in Huzhou city.

展示项羽生平事迹,渗透着浓郁的历史气息 Portrays the life story of the great warrior – Xiang Yu

项王公园 Xiang Wang Park

美周 景边 Surrounding Areas

南浔古镇 Nanxun Ancient Town 中国十大魅力名镇 Chinese top 10 beautiful town 南浔古镇现有各级文保单位17处,拥有江南古典园林巨构小莲庄、近代中国最负盛名的私人藏书楼-嘉业堂藏书楼、 江南第一豪宅-张石铭旧宅、独具江南风情的明清古建筑群 -百间楼等重要历史遗存,被联合国教科文组织授予“亚太 地区文化遗产保护杰出贡献奖”。 Nanxun is a famous water town, a rare super-rich town in the modern history of China, and the home of "Jili Lake Silk", well-known in China and abroad.

莫干山 Mogan Mountain 全国四大避暑胜地 One of China’s best summer retreats 莫干山素以竹、云、泉“三胜”和清、 静、绿、凉“四优”而驰名中外。莫干 山山峦连绵起伏,风景秀丽多姿,景区 面积达43平方公里,以绿荫如海的修竹、 清澈不竭的山泉、星罗棋布的别墅、四 季各异的迷人风光称秀于江南,享有 “江南第一山”之美誉。

For a taste of the outdoors, visit Mogan Mountain. One of China’s best summer retreats, the picturesque area is filled with wild bamboo, hundreds of springs and waterfalls, and some 200 villas representing various architectural styles from all over the world.

安吉 Anji Country 中国竹乡 China’s Capital for Bamboo

湖州市安吉县是“中国竹乡”,被誉为气净、水净、 地净的“世外桃源”。 Anji is a village set in the depths of a green bamboo plantation, known as the "National Bamboo Forest Park."

工传 艺统 Traditional Handicrafts

双林绫绢 Huzhou Silk 绫绢是绫与绢的合称,“花者为绫,素者为 绢”,用纯桑蚕丝织制而成。双林绫绢轻似 晨雾、薄如蝉翼、质地柔软、色泽光亮,素 有“凤羽”之美称。 Sample of Huzhou silk using traditional China damask silk techniques, has the laudatory title of “feather of phoenix ” won!

织里刺绣 Zhili Embroidery 1958年湖州钱山漾遗址出土了距今4700年的绢 片、丝带、丝线、丝绳和苎麻布,这些我国境 内最早发现的新石器时代的丝织实物也足已见 证湖州地区丝织业的悠久历史。 Huzhou has a very long history of embroidery technics dating back to 4700 years ago.

羽毛扇工艺 Feather Fan 湖州羽毛扇的特点是:毛片平薄,质软风柔, 制工精致,造型美观,色彩雅致。因而被人 们誉为“纳凉妙品”而名播于世。 Huzhou is famous for traditional handmade feather fans.

湖笔制作工艺 Handmade writing Brushes 湖笔与徽墨、端砚、宣纸一起被誉为文房四 宝,历来就有“湖颖之技甲天下”之称。地 处湖州市南浔区的善琏镇,是湖笔的发源地 及主要产地。 Home of handmade writing brushes and the starting point of the ‘silk road’.

大食 动指 Local Cuisine

周生记馄饨 Wonton Soup

丁莲芳千张包 Bean-curd Skin Bun

练市 红烧酱羊肉 Braised Lamb

诸老大粽子 Chinese Rice Cake

定胜糕 Rice Pudding

湖州银鱼 Whitebait

太湖蟹 Hairy Crab

Local Specialty delicacies

长兴板栗 Chestnut

湖州雪藕 Lotus Root

安吉白果 Gingko

安吉冬笋 Winter Bamboo Shoots

山核桃 Walnut

湖声 州动 Recreation in Huzhou

酒吧信息 Bar Information 炫吧 Starlight bar 地址:湖州市太湖路 5858 号

莉莉·玛莲 Lili Marleen Bar 地址:湖州市滨河路666号

老树林酒吧 Old Woods Bar 地址:湖州市滨河路812号

苏荷酒吧 SOHO Bar 地址:湖州市凤凰路129

皇后酒吧 Queen Club 地址: 湖州工贸大街532号

Boss Club 地址: 湖州太湖路18号嘉年华城堡

同岑1912 Club 1912 地址: 湖州人民路368号爱山广场15号楼

KTV信息 Karaoke Information

嘉乐迪量贩KTV Karide KTV 地址:吴兴区红旗路55号银泰店5楼

讴歌量贩KTV Ouge KTV 地址:人民路和北街交叉口

美迪亚量贩KTV Meiyadi KTV 地址:劳动路114号

星掌门时尚KTV Star Master KTV 地址:红旗路2号聚龙大厦5楼

湖州喜来登温泉度假酒店 地址:中国.浙江.湖州市太湖路5858号 邮编:313000

SHERATON HUZHOU HOT SPRING RESORT Address: No. 5858 TaiHu Road, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, 313000 P.R. China t - 0572 2299 999 -7806


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