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House Ethos
Ethos of the House
In Mulliner, we are here to encourage you to exercise independence but also give you any support you need as you navigate your A Level year. You will have different challenges to the other year groups in the school and Mulliner is a place where you can get specialist advice, concentrate on your goals, be surrounded by friends experiencing the same things and enjoy the privileges of being an Upper Sixth Former. We treat each other like family and celebrate each other’s talents and interests. Each year group has a different feel to it and we are keen that you all contribute to making this a successful and enjoyable final year at Sherborne Girls. The Mulliner Prefects (selected by the first Exeat) play a vital role in this, running socials, organising mid-week activities and leading meetings or prayers. Mrs Cole and the team want you to feel at home enough to take risks and develop into the person you want to be when you leave Sherborne Girls. Mulliner is a stepping-stone to life beyond school – we know that you will want to make the most of it!


Mulliner is a unique house because you will live with the rest of your year group. Those who get the most out of Mulliner socially enter their Upper Sixth year with an open mind – they are ready to work hard, embrace new challenges, and make the most of social opportunities and the chance to expand friendship groups. We are not a cliquey house. We adopt a ‘University Halls’ approach to rooming, where you are all mixed up at random. Some people admit to finding this a little nerve-wracking at the start but you are never more than two minutes from good friends from your previous house no matter which floor you are on; and all girls agree, after the first week, that they are glad the floors are so mixed, as it makes for a truly united house and gives you the opportunity to get to know more people. Our Mulliner community is strong because we are considerate and look out for one another. The Upper Sixth year is a chance to adopt a mature approach to communal living. You will work hard but also have a lot of fun. There are midweek optional socials to break up the working week such as DIY facemask sessions, relaxation colouring, craft nights and Wii/baking/board games competitions; and there are also bigger events that the whole house comes together to enjoy. In the past, Prefects have also organised house trips to Flip Out to go trampolining and to a pottery-making workshop. You can bring your ideas to the House Prefects and they will help make it happen, whether that is an in-house student cookery course, a Come Dine with Me series of suppers in the Snug or a Karaoke night.