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Careers and Higher Education
Sherborne Girls is committed to helping pupils make successful decisions about their plans after Sixth Form. Most girls progress to traditional degree courses at competitive universities in the UK and abroad. We help pupils who do not want to go to university explore a variety of exciting alternatives for their future.
In 2021, 80% of university applicants from Sherborne Girls secured places at Russell Group universities. Mrs Scorer (UCAS Coordinator) and Mrs McManus (Careers Coordinator) advise girls and their parents throughout the applications process, with regular drop-ins and one-to-ones. Mr Banks is also available to talk about Apprenticeship Schemes and applying to university abroad.
A comprehensive programme to help girls plan their future is embedded in the Sixth Form curriculum and delivered at appropriate moments throughout the two years. Up-to-date advice is essential, and the girls are encouraged to seek information from reliable sources as they make plans. The programme includes: • Talks to the year group highlighting their options after School • Individual interviews in the Lent Term • A day of workshops in the Trinity Term of L6 to help girls make applications for the next stage • Use of Unifrog, a comprehensive careers and university online platform • Talks by university admissions tutors • Opportunities throughout the two years to meet employers and explore different careers • An opportunity to attend an apprenticeship fair • Visit to an Oxbridge Conference • Personal Statement and CV workshops • Information about going to university abroad
The girls are kept up-to-date about forthcoming careers events and opportunities and they are encouraged to gain relevant work experience and attend Taster Courses and Open Days. Those applying for Oxbridge, Dentistry, Veterinary Science or Medicine are assigned a mentor and attend weekly sessions to help them prepare for this highly competitive process. From 2021, the Lower Sixth will also participate in the new Sherborne Girls Futures Award. This bespoke programme provides girls with the opportunity to develop and recognise their employability skills and explore careers and higher education options in preparation for their life beyond school. It follows on from the portfolio building and reflective nature of the Sherborne Girls Junior Diploma, evidencing their skills, experiences and learning.
At every turn, we prepare Sixth Formers thoroughly for the many challenges and exciting opportunities that lie ahead.