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Computer Science
Why study Computer Science?
Advances in computing are transforming the way we work and the Computer Science specification is designed to reflect this. The specification focuses on the knowledge, understanding and skills students need to progress to higher education or thrive in the workplace. The start of the course begins with intensive training in programming and algorithmic thought, coupled with data-structures. Although some students will have a GCSE background, the course is structured so that students without this background and the requisite interest and motivation can succeed. The course is an academic Computer Science source and therefore lends itself well with good mathematical and problem/puzzle-solving skills. Pupils follow the AQA syllabus which contains a good mixture of Low and High level languages which are used to demonstrate the basic principles of computing. Different languages and environments are used such as Logo, Raptor, Python, Java and PyCharm, Assembly and Haskell to enhance learning. Python is the main language of the course, however, and pupils should complete the Codeacademy Python course prior to starting in September. This is particularly the case for non GCSE prior-knowledge. Those who continue into the Upper Sixth will extend their knowledge of programming and problem solving and will further study database systems in depth using MySQL and functional programming (Haskell). The Non-Examined Assessment (Project) is started towards the end of the L6th and pupils will be expected to identify their project and work hard on this during the summer in preparation for the start of the U6th. Pupils are guided towards personal selection of a project that interests them and which conforms to the mark-scheme provided by AQA.
The Computer Science Department at Sherborne School has its own well-resourced and dedicated rooms, which are available to those pupils who study Computer Science during breaks, lunchtimes, after school and during their free lessons if no teaching is going on in there. All software needed specifically for the course is free for educational purposes. Pupils may use their own laptops in class should they wish and are encouraged to do so.
Requirements of the course
• A laptop is required for pupils to study
Computer Science. • A solid understanding of GCSE Maths (at least a grade 7).
While some niches within the field are expected to grow more quickly than others, Computer Science is an excellent choice if you want a career with a solid future and high potential earnings.
Subject Content
All fourteen subject areas listed are covered for A Level. 1 Fundamentals of programming 2 Fundamentals of data structures 3 Fundamentals of algorithms 4 Theory of computation 5 Fundamentals of data representation 6 Fundamentals of computer systems 7 Fundamentals of computer organisation and architecture 8 Consequences of uses of computing 9 Fundamentals of communication and networking 10 Fundamentals of databases 11 Big Data 12 Fundamentals of functional programming 13 Systematic approach to problem solving 14 Non-exam assessment - the computing practical projectgrade 7).
Paper 1
This paper tests a student’s ability to program, as well as their theoretical knowledge of computer science from subject content 1- 4 opposite. It is assessed by an on-screen exam lasting three hours. Students answer a series of short questions and write/adapt/extend programs in an Electronic Answer Document. One larger program is given to the pupils to study as preliminary material.
Paper 2
This paper tests a pupil’s ability to answer questions from subject content 5-12 opposite. It is assessed by a written exam lasting three hours. Pupils answer a series of short and extended answer questions.
Non-exam Assessment (Project)
Additionally, there is a non-exam assessment which assesses a pupil’s ability to use the knowledge and skills gained through the course to solve a practical problem. Pupils will be expected to follow a systematic approach to problem solving, as shown in section 13 opposite.
Who can give me more information? Dr Wild