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Why study Sociology?
Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology’s subject matter is diverse, ranging from crime to education, from the family to the state, from the divisions of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture. Unifying the study of these diverse subjects is Sociology’s purpose: understanding how human action and consciousness shape, and are shaped by, surrounding cultural and social structures.
This A Level will help students to analyse critically sources of information and to base reasoned judgements and arguments on evidence. A Level Sociology helps students organise and communicate their knowledge and understanding in different and creative ways, and to appreciate the significance of theoretical and conceptual issues in sociological debate. Throughout the course they will evaluate sociological methodology and a range of research methods through active involvement in the research process. This will help develop skills that enable us as individuals to focus on personal identity, roles and responsibilities within society.
You will consider questions including:
To what extent does our gender, ethnicity or class affect our life chances?
What is the role of institutions in society – do they perform positive functions, or simply work in the interests of the powerful and against the powerless?
How and why has British society changed over the last 50 years?
Course content (AQA Specification):
Over the course of two years you will study topics such as: • Education • Crime and Deviance • Families and Households • Stratification and Differentiation (e.g. inequality in social class, gender, ethnicity and age) • Theory and Methods
Three two-hour examinations are sat at the end of the two-year course.
Who can give me more information? Mrs Elliott