3 minute read
Maths teacher Dr Andrew Moore and his daughter Jasmine teamed up to run the incredible distance of 10 marathons in 10 weeks to raise money for the United Nations Refugee Agency.
“It was quite tough to keep going but it is nothing compared to the struggle of the displaced people that we are raising
Over the summer and autumn, staff welcomed the patter of teeny, tiny feet and we are delighted to share the wonderful news that:
Julie Watts, our Librarian, had a little girl, Elowen, in May; in August English teacher, Emily Bell, gave birth to Milo (pictured above) and Head of Strings, Catrin Win Morgan, welcomed Liliwen. Sam Walls from the Sports Department gave birth to a bouncing 9lb 9oz Oliver in October and there was a big surprise for Lucy Smith in the Marketing Department when baby Freddie arrived in August - some 9 weeks earlier than expected!
All mums and babies are doing brilliantly and we wish them well. but if you miss a day then you have to
money for. It has certainly been tougher than expected, for me especially rather than Jasmine. I haven’t really run at all
for about 20 years and one of the main

It’s not just the pupils who we encourage to be life-long learners.
The CPD programme at SG supports staff with their professional development and we wish to congratulate Jon Hammond, Housemaster for Reader Harris and Head of U5 and Louise Orton, Senior Deputy Head, who completed their MEd in Educational Leadership. They also accomplished an Apprenticeship Level 7, receiving their end point assessment through the Chartered achieving the ultimate accolade in management: Chartered Manager.
As Chartered Fellows they can use the designatory letters CMgr FCMI. This recognises their status as professional managers and brings a practical, positive impact to the management of the School.
Lizzie Nurse, Director of Drama, has been awarded a Chartered Teacher qualification from the Chartered College of Teaching. The relatively newly-designed qualification is aimed at experienced teachers and recognises a dedication to using research to create evidence-informed teaching practice. Well done Lizzie!
challenges I faced was the aches and sore muscles in the morning after running every day. If you divide the mileage over each day it works out to be a manageable 6km a day (every day!), Management Institute (CMI)
make up for the lost distance and the runs have to be longer. The key is to seriously stretch each evening!”
Their outstanding efforts raised a fabulous total of £2,165.
A Level Textiles student, Deena,
from The Gryphon School in Sherborne, can be seen here proudly showing off her winning design for a suit jacket for the new SG Sixth Form uniform. Deena’s design of a chic blue lining with silver embroidery initials representing all seven boarding houses, beat more than 60 other contenders in the competition to create a concept for the suit jacket lining.
Deena came along to the School Shop where she was presented with her own suit. She was thrilled with the finished garment which will be a very impressive addition to her portfolio.
Well done Deena – our Sixth Formers love it!

Our commitment to provide ‘the best of both worlds’ for the girls under our unique partnership with Sherborne School has seen even greater resourcefulness required to make sure the joint clubs and societies carry on and we have made the most of opportunities to meet online for academic enrichment, plus Oxbridge interview practice. A selection of the activities we are hoping to share with Sherborne School are: Young Economists; Anthropology and Sociology Discussion Group; Biology Olympiad; Psychology in the News; Senior Debating; L6 Thinkers; Chemistry Olympiad; Senior History Society; Turing Society; Cecil Society and Sherborne Radio.