On Foot
On Foot
NIGHT WALK ON EGGARDON HILL Emma Tabor and Paul Newman Distance: 2½ miles Time: Approx 1½ hours Park: Limited parking on roadside near the summit of Eggardon Hill (Roman Road and King’s Lane). Walk Features: An area rich in prehistoric earthworks including barrows and a nearby burial chamber as well as mediaeval strip lynchets and the dramatic banks and ditches of Eggardon Hillfort. Some steep sections are rewarded with incredible views across West Dorset and Lyme Bay towards Dartmoor and back towards the Isle of Wight in the east. There is also tranquility and an abundance of wildflowers inside the southern part of the hillfort which is owned by the National Trust. Refreshments: The Marquis of Lorne, Nettlecombe. 64 | Sherborne Times | August 2021