3 minute read
What’s On
____________________________ Every Thursday 7.30pm-9.30pm Scottish Country Dancing Long Sutton Village Hall For more information please contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com
____________________________ Wednesday 2nd 10.30am The Probus Club of Sherborne – Did Hitler Die in the Fuherbunker - with guest speaker William Christopher The Grange Hotel, Oborne New members always welcome. Contact John Hutchings (Club Secretary) 01935 813448. probus-sherborne.org.uk
____________________________ Wednesday 2nd 3pm & 7pm Sherborne Art Society – Treasures of the Fan Museum Digby Hall, Hound Street A talk with the museum’s curator Jacob Moss. All welcome. Non-members £7 theartssocietysherborne.org
____________________________ Thursday 3rd 8pm Sherborne Historical Society Talk – Britain’s Gurkhas: Their Place in our History and our Future Digby Hall, Hound Street. Col. David Hayes CBE traces the history of the Gurkhas, the most feared and respected body of fighting men in the British Army, from their origins in Nepal in 1815 through to their current operations. sherbornehistoricalsociety.co.uk
____________________________ Saturday 5th 7.30pm Loshn Klezmer Band Buckland Newton Village Hall Klezmer trio exploring the traditional music of Ashkenazi Jewish culture. 01300 345455. £10, £5 u18s, £25 family. artsreach.co.uk ____________________________ Sunday 13th 3pm BSO Resound – Winter Warmers Sandford Orcas Village Hall A special winter performance for an audience of all ages introduced by a BSO presenter. Music by Mozart, Bizet, Copland, Campkin and more. 01963 220208 £10, £5 u18s, £25 family. artsreach.co.uk
____________________________ Wednesday 16th 10.30am The Probus Club of Sherborne – Future Roots - with guest speaker William Christopher The Grange Hotel, Oborne New members always welcome. Contact John Hutchings (Club Secretary) 01935 813448. probus-sherborne.org.uk
____________________________ Thursday 17th 7.30pm Follow me Down: Songs from the West with Steve Knightley Grange Hotel, Oborne Multi-award-winning singer-songwriter/ musician and founder member of folk band Show of Hands. Tickets £19. Available from obornefolkmusic@gmail.com tel. 07866 933736
____________________________ Thursday 17th 8pm Sherborne Historical Society Talk – Sugar Digby Hall, Hound Street, DT9 3AA Prof. James Walvin explains how sugar was transformed from a luxury to a necessity, then, more recently, to a global health problem - all via the history of slavery. sherbornehistoricalsociety.co.uk
____________________________ Friday 18th 7.30pm Company Gavin Robertson – Done to Death, By Jove! Marnhull Village Hall Holmes and Watson meet Poirot and Miss Marple (alongside the usual suspects) in a spoof homage. Recommended 12+. 01258 820381. £10, £5 u18s, £25 family. artsreach.co.uk
____________________________ Saturday 19th - Sunday 20th 10am-5pm Angels of Sound Oborne Village Hall. Voice playshop. Find your soul note. £70 bookings 01935 389655 ahiahel@live.com centreforpuresound.org
____________________________ Saturday 19th 10am-2pm Repair Cafe Cheap Street Church Hall, Sherborne Bring household items to be repaired and avoid landfill. Not for profit organisation. Volunteers and repairers needed repaircafesherborne@gmail.com or @repaircafesherborne
____________________________ Tuesday 22nd 10am Theatre Fideri Fidera – Oskar’s Amazing Adventure The Exchange, Sturminster Newton Good humour, adventure, music and song. For children aged 2-8 years and their families. Post-show arts and craft workshop – advanced booking required. 01258 475137. £6, £5 u18s, £20 family. artsreach.co.uk
____________________________ Friday 25th 7pm Family Business: An Intimate History of John Lewis & the Partnership Digby Memorial Hall, Digby Road A talk with the award-winning author Victoria Glendinning. Tickets £9 members £10 non-members available via sherborneliterarysociety.com/events and Winstone’s Books.
____________________________ Sunday 27th 2pm-4pm Singing Bowl Soundbath Oborne Village Hall
£15 bookings 01935 389655 ahiahel@live.com centreforpuresound.org
Planning ahead
____________________________ Wednesday 2nd March 10.30am The Probus Club of Sherborne – A Life Stuck in Gum - with speaker Chris Nicholson The Grange Hotel, Oborne New members always welcome. Contact John Hutchings (Club Secretary) 01935 813448. probus-sherborne.org.uk
____________________________ Thursday 3rd March 8pm Sherborne Historical Society Talk – From Nowhere to Normandy: The Rise of the British Assault Glider Force 1940-44 Digby Hall, Hound Street Richard Folkes OBE on the extraordinary creation of the British assault glider-borne force during WWII, culminating in the coup de main at Pegasus Bridge on D-Day. sherbornehistoricalsociety.co.uk
____________________________ Sherborne RFC 1st XV, Tribute South West 1 East Gainsborough Park, Terrace Playing Fields. pitchero.com/clubs/sherbornerfc
Saturday 5th TBC v Chippenham (A) Saturday 12th 2.30pm v Oxford Harlequins (H) Saturday 19th 2.30pm v Witney (H)
____________________________ Sherborne Town FC 1st XI, Toolstation League 1 (3pm unless otherwise stated) Raleigh Grove, Terrace Playing Fields. sherbornetownfc.com
Saturday 5th v Oldland Abbotonians (A) Saturday 12th v Gillingham Town (H) Saturday 19th v Bristol Telephones (H) Saturday 26th v Wells City (A)
____________________________ listings@homegrown-media.co.uk
Friday Lunchtime Recitals
Cheap Street Church, 1.45pm
(unless otherwise stated)
4th February Brass 11th February Woodwind 18th February Pianists I 4th March Chamber Music 11th March Pianists II 18th March Wind Band Recital, Big School Room, Sherborne School