3 minute read
Ian Bartle, Headteacher Sherborne Primary School
Aquestion many of us might contemplate is ‘what do we get from our time on Earth?’ However, I feel we must also ask ourselves ‘what do we give back?’ to make the world a better place for all.
Too often in life, we concentrate on what we can take from this journey as individuals, rather than as a community. We see this play out in the news on a global scale but, like everything (particularly the global ecology conversation), if you start small, things grow exponentially.
What have you done for others recently? I’m sure we can all make quite a list but who taught us the importance of giving back? For us, at Sherborne sherbornepri.dorset.sch.uk
Primary this is at the core of our motto and mission: Achieving/Belonging and Caring. Giving back is fundamental to everything we do and to how we approach educating our children.
A simple example of this is our commitment to the global and national eco agenda. We are proud of our FIVE National Eco-Schools Green Flags (the highest possible national award). These awards are not about trophies but much more about the journey – what the children learn along the way. I can only imagine the squirming at the Walkers Crisps factory when our Eco Committee wrote to them and asked why they need so much single-use plastic for their packaging. Their reply was not convincing, even to a seven-year-old.
I’m sure the people of Sherborne are also aware of our ‘Acts of Random Kindness’ within the town –passing flowers and chocolates to members of the public to teach our children that giving back actually makes you feel great too. The town may not be so aware of our ‘intergenerational project’. All our children take part in this initiative that links local care homes to our school – ‘Old People’s Home for Four Olds’ as the Channel Four series was called (we started our project three years before this show!) The activities between the children and residents include bingo, cooking, art, games and music and create such a bond between old and young.
Giving back is true of so many in society in numerous ways. At Sherborne Primary we have a huge range of volunteer readers, classroom supporters, school trip helpers, PTA members and an impressive governing body (they are actually the largest body of volunteers in the country). All giving back to their community; to the next generation.
Maybe you help a local charity or are part of a local club that helps others, such as Cubs, Cadets, or Guides? Maybe you deliver meals to those in need or just take the time to sit with an older person to keep them company? These are the caring attributes we wish to foster in our children.
Our next exciting idea is the Community Cafe Project, which, as the name suggests, will be a cafe accessible to the whole community, newly built within our outdoor space at the school. This will be a multifaceted enterprise. Our children are going to help organise and run the cafe as a small business. This will provide them with key life skills such as maths, problemsolving, people skills and numerous other attributes the business community will require of future employees.
The cafe will provide a space where the community can come together to socialise and interact and also one where, we as a school, will be able to host courses, events and other helpful activities.
Finally, the space will be open to other organisations and agencies, providing a focal point for the area while further strengthening the bonds in our community.
Giving back provides such a wonderful, warm and pleasurable experience, why shouldn’t we start this at the youngest age possible? My wish is that in doing so, ‘giving back’ becomes an intrinsic part of our character and enables us to build a healthier, happier, stronger community.

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