1 minute read
Ford Cottage
banks to reach The Gap,
6 This is a magical spot, secluded and tucked away in the folds and woods of the geological anomaly of this high ground which divides Dorset, north from south. You will see a box at the junction, which contains a book for those who have made it here to sign. Take time to explore and radiate out along the other paths, especially to the east further along the Wessex Ridgeway where there are good views.
7 From the junction, head west for Folly, 1 mile. You now head downhill, still between trees and in spring, banks of wild garlic and bluebells. After 150 yards, reach a large metal gate to then head across a field and a short steep climb up to a gate in a hedge, still near the edge of the wood. Head through this and then across a track through another gate and then down into the next field. After 1/4 mile, reach a small double gate in a hedge, having just passed some old oaks, still skirting the edge of the wood to your left. Go through these gates and then turn left, to walk uphill towards gates which cross a farm track.
8 Go through both gates and cross the track, to head diagonally across the field, keeping away from Springwood farm, to soon head slightly downhill, looking for two more gates which cross another farm track coming from the farm. Go through both gates and follow a hedge downhill, initially, and then leave the hedge to head across to a gate to the right which takes you out of the field and onto the farm track you crossed earlier – out onto the road in front of Armswell Farm.
9 Turn left onto the road at the entrance to Springwood Farm, now behind you, and walk uphill for 1/3 mile and back to the start of the walk at Folly.
With thanks to Emma, Dave and Blue!