3 minute read
David Hare was castigated recently for opinioning that there were too many musicals dominating London’s West End, to the detriment of the more serious plays, and Derek Jacobi used part of his speech as a 2023 Olivier award winner to suggest that theatre ticket prices had become far too expensive, making the experience out of many people’s financial reach.
I must admit that I love a musical. I bailed out of seeing the nearly four hours, physically and mentally challenging epic, A Little Life, in favour of seeing the wonderful musical, Guys & Dolls, at the Bridge Theatre, but tickets can be expensive particularly if it is a family outing. The energy of this production is reflected by the sheer enjoyment of the cast members, which translates to the audience. This is an immersive production with audience members, who opted for the very reasonably priced standing tickets (£39.50), down on the stage floor where the actors interact closely and involve them in the storyline. The two well-known names, Daniel Mays as Nathan Detroit, the shifty hard to pin down Manhattan wheeler-dealer who is ultimately a lovable rogue, and Marisha Wallace as Miss Adelaide, the star performer at The Hot Box Club and his long-suffering fiancé, were charismatic and played their characters well. However, Andrew Richardson gave an excellent performance as Sky Masterson, a gambler who falls in love with the mission worker, Sarah Brown, played by Celinde Schoenmaker, whose voice was quite enchanting. The stage design is novel as floor levels rise and fall as the various scenes are played out, with minimal props silently sliding into place by a host of floor staff who remain unintrusive throughout. Guys & Dolls is playing until 2nd September and, judging by the breadth of the audience, this is a rip-roaring musical for one and all. bridgetheatre.co.uk haroldpintertheatre.co.uk thesavoytheatre.com uktw.co.uk wallacecollection.org
Whilst I didn’t see A Little Life, starring James Norton, at the Harold Pinter Theatre until 18th June and then at the Savoy Theatre until 5th August, my friend who went said, ’it was an incredible evocation of the book, and the cast was outstanding.’ So, if you loved the book, you may enjoy the play but it’s not for the faint-hearted.
I went to the Salisbury Playhouse and saw the most brilliant production of The Beekeeper from Aleppo – the first time this marvellous book has been translated into a play for the stage. Alfred Clay was Nuri and Roxy Faridany, Afra, and the small cast played all the other roles. The stage was imaginatively reinterpreted throughout as a place of despair and, contrastingly, hopeful dreams. The production is touring around the country until July and is well worth a visit.
The Wallace Collection has just opened an exhibition entitled Portraits of Dogs: From Gainsborough to Hockney which is described as ‘a treat for art-lovers and dog-lovers alike’, so that should cover most people in our beautiful area of Dorset! On until 15th October, £14 a ticket, members go free.

Mondays & Thursdays 1.30pm-4pm
Sherborne Indoor
Short Mat Bowls
West End Hall, Sherborne 01935 812329. All welcome
Mondays 2pm-5pm & Tuesdays 7pm-10pm
Sherborne Bridge Club
Sherborne FC Clubhouse, Terraces 01963 21063. bridgewebs.com/sherborne
Tuesdays 10am-12pm
Fine Folk Dancing
Charlton Horethorne Village Hall
£2.50 per session. Beginners welcome. 01963 220640.
Every 1st & 3rd Thursday 10am-12:30pm
Castleton Probus Club
The Grange, Oborne, DT9 4LA New members welcome. edwardhiscock6@gmail.com
Every 1st Thursday 9.30am Netwalk for Business

Owners & Entrepreneurs Pageant Gardens. @Netwalksherborne
Thursdays 1.45pm-4.45pm
Rubber Bridge
Sherborne Bowls Clubhouse, Culverhayes car-park 01963 21063. bridgewebs.com/sherborne
Thursdays 7.30pm-9.30pm St Michael’s Scottish Country Dance Club
Davis Hall, West Camel £2. Call Elspeth 07972 125617 stmichaelsscdclub.org performances. Tickets ticketsource.co.uk/ sherborneabbeyfestival or call 0333 666 3366
Monday 1st 8am-5pm (sellers from 7am)
Alweston Car Boot Sale
Alweston Village Hall, DT9 5HT In aid of Folke Church. Info 01963 23436
Tuesday 2nd - Tuesday 30th 10am-5pm (Tuesday - Saturday) Visual Rhythm Art Exhibition by 5 Dorset Artists
Malthouse Gallery, East Lambrook Manor Gardens. Free entry june.lisle@btinternet.com
Wednesday 3rd 3pm and 7pm Vaux Le Vicomte Fit for a King Digby Hall, Hound Street
Free for members, £7 for non-members theartssocietysherborne.org/
Wednesday 3rd 10.45am for 11am
Thursday 27th April –Thursday 4th May
Sherborne Abbey Festival
Annual, week-long celebration of music, with events in Sherborne Abbey and across town. Free entry to many

Sherborne Probus Club TalkThe Bombay Explosion The Grange, Oborne DT9 4LA probus-sherborne.org.uk
Friday 5th 10am-5pm Flower Festival for the Coronation
St Peters Church, Stourton Caundle
Hawkers Farm, Stour Provost SP8 5LZ Call: 07801 240103 Tickets: £5 Eventbrite hawkersfarm.org/defashion-dorset

Coffee, tea & cake available (donation box in lieu of charge in aid of The Children’s Society)

Friday 5th 7.30pm
Concert - Emma Fisk violin with Mike Denham piano Cheap Street Church, Sherborne. £15. Bookings: raymondwood1949@gmail.com
Saturday 6th 2pm-10pm and Sunday 7th 2pm-10pm
Sherborne Summer Festival and Coronation Weekend Pageant Gardens. Admission free.
Wednesday 10th 6.30pm for 7pm
Sherborne House and the Dickens/Macready Screen Church Hall, Digby Road, Sherborne Tickets £10 from Winstones or on the door. (The Screen is on display 4pm–6.30pm)
Thursday 11th 7.30pm
Sherborne & District Gardeners’ Association - Brief AGM plus Talk ‘Alpines in Troughs’
Digby Hall, Hound Street
All welcome - visitors £2. 01935 389375
Saturday 13th 10.30am-12pm
Plant Sale