2 minute read
Craig Hardaker BSc (Hons), Communifit
Improved mobility and flexibility
Stretching has been shown to help improve the range of motion through joints. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight.
Reduces the chance of getting injured
As previously stated, stretching helps our muscles become long and flexible. This results in exertion not placing too much force on the muscle itself. Without our muscles being long and flexible, when you call on them for strenuous activity, they are unable to extend as far as required. That puts you at risk of joint pain, strains, and muscular damage.
There are numerous types of stretching and with this, many different examples of suitable exercises. Let’s cover some simple, yet basic stretches that should be suitable for most people if not everyone. Firstly, It is worth noting we should try and stretch when our muscles are warm and there is a good circulation of oxygenated blood around the body. A simple walk or march on the spot is enough to do this.
Hamstrings stretch
If we sit for too long, our hamstrings (muscle of the back of the leg) can become tight. This is also linked to lower back pain. To avoid this, place one leg out straight in front of the other bent leg. With the toes pointing upwards, gently lean forwards, ensuring your body weight bears down onto the hamstrings. Make sure to keep your back straight and lower slowly. This can be performed sitting or standing.
Calf stretch
Tight calf muscles and limited ankle mobility can affect our balance and walking. To alleviate this tightness, place one foot behind the other in a standing position. Keeping the back leg straight and the front leg bent, bring both heels close to the floor. To enhance this stretch you can push against a fixed object. Alternatively, you can sit, straighten a leg and place a belt, elastic or tights around the toes of that leg and bring your toes back in towards you.
Side stretch
There are many stretches that can help with posture, here is just one of them. Seated or standing, place one hand above the shoulder joint towards the ceiling. Keeping your back straight, lean away from the lifted arm. If seated, try and keep your bottom flat on the chair. If standing, keep your feet a shoulder’s width apart.
Stretching has become incredibly advanced with multiple methods employed, using many different forms of apparatus. I personally believe we must keep stretching simple and effective – trying to cover all areas of the body. If you’d like some advice on stretching, or you have mobility issues – we would love to hear from you.
Wishing you a happy and stretchy May!
Communifit run a variety of events throughout the year, many of which support charities local to Sherborne. Visit their website for details of forthcoming events.