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Reverend Jim Edie, Sherborne Team Vicar and Chaplain to the Gryphon School, Canon Nicki Edwards, Headteacher, Gryphon School
The central aim of the group put together to establish The Gryphon School over 30 years ago was to build a school that would be at ‘the heart of the community’. Whether, like Jim, who has had involvement as Chaplain for a relatively small fraction of that time since joining in September 2022, or Nicki completing 21 years at the school, the school community can feel confident that the aim has been achieved. The senior leadership, teaching, support staff and governors care deeply about giving the best possible opportunities; both academic and extracurricular, to every young person who passes through the school doors. Like any institution, there will always be challenges, and without a doubt, funding is a constant battle, but at The Gryphon School the commitment, professionalism and resourcefulness of staff is exemplary; something that seems to be in the DNA of every member of the team.
The Gryphon School’s vision statement is taken from John’s Gospel, ‘I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full’ (John 10:10), and this legacy of ‘life in its fullness’ is what has rippled out across our society through the school’s past students. It is not uncommon when chatting to someone in town or further afield about the school, that they comment on their own positive experience or knowledge of the school’s reputation. The school’s legacy stretches broadly into the arts, academia, sporting prowess, business and even to parliament!
Yet, there is something that sits far deeper in the words of Jesus than ‘success’. Jesus’ words point to something else – they point to the fact that life doesn’t always run straight and that in life there are challenges and difficulties too. They point to the fact that to ‘live life to the full’ we need Jesus and that He offers to run, walk, crawl, alongside us and, where needed, pick us up and carry us home. This is also reflected abundantly at The Gryphon School, and therefore, also to be celebrated on this anniversary are the support staff, whose daily task is to prop up those for whom life is not currently straightforward, for whatever reason.
At the end of Matthew’s Gospel, after ‘sending’ His disciples out, Jesus announces, ‘And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’ (Matthew 21:20). Therefore it is our prayer that along with the legacy of so many committed staff, the knowledge and love of Jesus would also be a lasting legacy of all who pass through The Gryphon School, that they would know Jesus is with them, as this is where life is lived to its fullest.