Natural Living Magazine

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The Whole Grain Scam

How To Make Grains Fit To Eat




May/June 2011




The Whole Gluten Scam




Allergy Vs. Intolerance


Living Social


Gluten: Friend or Foe


Ask An Expert


The Doctor’s Choice


Basic Answers


in every issue Editor’s Note


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From Our Readers


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Phyllis Brogden Founder of the Philadelphia Celiac Support Group and one of the pioneers of celiac education on a national level for 23 years. being diagnosed with celiac disease I found out about the newsletter from the Philadelphia support group and ordered it. Written almost entirely by Phyllis Brogden, it was one of the most oddly readable newsletters I had ever come across. “Who is this woman?” I thought, and made it my business to find out. More than 10 years later, I am proud to call Phyllis Brogden my friend. She led the Philadelphia celiac support group for 23 years, ably and extensively supported by her husband Ed. During her 23 years leading the group, Phyllis published countless newsletters. She fielded hundreds, perhaps thousands, of calls from celiacs new and old. She even brought new celiacs into her home, if needed, for some first-hand guidance. Phyllis would listen to their concerns and then tell them what’s what. If they have already found information and it is incorrect, “I deprogram them,” she said. In 2003, members of the Philadelphia group decided it was time to honor Phyllis, then age 73, for her tireless work for those who have celiac disease. Regrettably, I was unable to attend the celebration. I would have like to have been there to talk about Phyllis and explain why I think the celiac community is lucky to have her and, more personally, to explain the effect she had on my ow handling of celiac disease and on the development of this magazine.


Shortly after

Phyllis gets a surprise salute from two friends.

I would have told how I became friends with Phyllis and how she helped me understand the gluten-free diet. I would have explained why she is a pioneer who helped put the gluten-free diet back on the track it should have been on in the first place. I would have told them how, when I wavered and thought my work was not worth the time and effort, Phyllis encouraged and supported me. Unfortunately, that wasn’t possible, so I broadcast my thanks to her here. Most of all I admire Phyllis for standing up for what is right. Well before Gluten-Free Living, she looked at some of the prevailing wisdom about celiac disease and the gluten-free diet. To do that, she went to the experts, especially Donald Kasarda, PhD, a food scientist who was able to explain, scientifically,

what contained gluten and what likely didn’t and why. Despite the fact that what he said ran counter to what she heard from the national support groups, Phyllis fearlessly stood up for what was right during a time when other knowledgeable celiacs cowered and stayed silent. Had there been more celiacs like Phyllis in this country, we would not still be discussing vinegar! So we salute Phyllis Brogden. For being one of a kind. For devoting her energy and her talents to make life better for those challenged by celiac disease. For just being Phyllis. Ann Whelan, editor and founder of Gluten-Free Living, is indebted to Phyllis Brogden for many things, but most of all for her support and affection.

If they have already found information and it is incorrect, “I deprogram them,” she said.



FOOD EDITOR Lainey Docque

ART ART DIRECTOR Samantha Kolb DESIGN DIRECTOR Devon Mikolajczak




CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Patty Donovan Deborah Manners Aine McAteer

Ellie Garvin Orren Garvin Adelaide Yeske

MEDICAL ADVISORS William Garvin PhD Jared Garvin MD SUBSCRIPTION ORDERS, INQUIRIES, AND ADDRESS CHANGES P.O. Box 420 Islamorada, FL 32142 1-800-773-8429 EDITORIAL OFFICES Studio33 789 Frankton Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46081 (317)400-8000 Fax (317)400-8400

Gluten-free! Lactose-free!


Natural Living is produced in Adobe InDesign on ASUS computers. Body text is set in Adobe Caslon Pro, designed by Carol Twombly and based on the William Caslon’s own specimen pages printed between 1734 and 1770.

RICE DREAM® Enriched Vanilla Available in 8, 32 and 64 oz sizes Ingredients: filtered water, brown rice (partially milled), expeller pressed high oleic safflower oil, tricalcium phosphate, natural vanilla flavor with other natural flavors, sea salt, vitamin A palmitate, vitamin D2, vitamin B12.


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Natural Living ... (ISSN 0886-0483, May 2011, Volume 1, No. 1) is published bimonthly by Studio33, 789 Frankton Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46081: tel: (317)400-8000. Subscription rates: one year, $25; two years: $40. Canadian subscriptions add $15/year airmail and remit in U.S. funds. Foreign subscriptions add $30/year surface mail or $65/year airmail and remit in U.S. funds. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and artwork should include a SASE; otherwise they will not be returned. Natural Living does not assume responsibility for original artwork. Copyright 2011 by Natural Living. Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, IN, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send all address changes to Natural Living, P.O. Box 420, Islamorada, FL 32142. Canada GST Reg. #R122594716. Produced and printed in the U.S.A.

editor’s note

Welcome to Natural Living!


It seems like everywhere I go, I am writing. Writing about the moment that I am experiencing and the information that I am personally researching on my own journey, and then sharing those thoughts. It comes as natural as breathing. So as we started this new magazine, it seemed only appropriate to begin with something that is pertinent to not only myself, but to so many of you who are on a similar journey! Wheat allergy. 30 years ago we hardly ever heard it mentioned, and I only knew one person (Phyllis Brogden, see page 3) who was talking about it. Now it is everywhere and there are even entire magazines, such as our sister magazine, Gluten-Free Living, devoted to the topic. In this issue, we wanted to bring a variety of basic, gluten-related topics into one place and offer resources to those of you who are searching for answers. As we move forward, it is the desire of the entire Natural Living team to bring you information covering a myriad of topics from gardening the natural way, to traveling to our natural wonders in America, to renewable products and recycling, to natural medicine, to organic foods and recipes. As our readers, we know you are interested in how we can better live a high quality of life in harmony with the earth around us, so as we delve into old wisdom and new technologies, we will share our journeys of discovery with you. Upon occasion we will bring you special editions such as this one when we find a topic so compelling that the information begs to be highlighted. However, each issue will contain articles on the topic of focus in that month as well as repeating sections such as Spotlight, in which we will feature a founding person from the past who made the present, as we know it, possible. Other repeating sections will include Ask An Expert, which features a reader’s question answered by an expert in the field, the Doctor’s Choice, featuring a food or medical recommendation, as well as other topics. We will also insert as many references to great resources for further exploration.

We want you to enjoy this magazine. While there is a good deal of content to consume, we have designed Natural Living for easy reading, yet power packed with pertinent information that you can use. It is also our intent to bring you the colors of nature and compelling photography to support these articles, as well as additional resources in the sidebars and photos. Write to us and let us know what you think! We are excited to hear from you!

SHERI GARVIN, Editor Follow me on Twitter:

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The Whole Grain Scam How to Make Grains Fit to Eat by Patty Donovan

As you walk down the grocery aisles, you are bombarded with whole grain cereals, breads and other bakery products. Major companies have a big TV campaign promoting their whole grain cereals. Aside from the fact that many of these are loaded with sugar and few are 100% whole grain, are these foods really good for you?



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U N F O R T U N A T E L Y , these aren’t doing your

body much good and could actually be harming you. Grains, nuts and legumes, being seeds, are not “ready to eat”. The fiber from untreated whole grains is very harsh and can actually increase ingestive difficulties, especially in those who persist in eating a SAD (Standard American Diet). This can lead to irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease and inflammatory bowel disease as well as increased constipation, diverticulitis and many more disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract. Gluten, along with other proteins in grain, is very difficult to digest. A diet high in unfermented whole grains, particularly wheat, puts an enormous strain on the whole digestive system. Eventually, the GI system breaks down and you end up with allergies, celiac disease, mental illness, chronic indigestion and Candida albicans overgrowth to name just a few. Symptoms

Grocery shopping on a gluten-free diet entails learning more about many different grains and which groceries offer them as an option.

of candidiasis and gluten intolerance overlap significantly because the undigested sugars promotes overgrowth of Candida albicans. There is now even evidence of a link between gluten intolerance and multiple sclerosis. During the process of soaking and fermenting, gluten and other difficult-to-digest proteins are partially broken down into simpler components that are more readily available for absorption. Shopping for wheat alternatives often involves buying from bulk bins found at stores such as Whole Foods.


Grains fall into two general categories 1. Gluten containing grains such as rye, barley and especially wheat. (Oats are actually gluten free but if grown in the US, they are contaminated with gluten as they are grown and processed side by side with wheat. Celtic oats are safe.) 2. Gluten free grains such as buckwheat, rice, quinoa and millet are, on the whole, more easily digested. These grains however, still contain other anti-nutrients which should be neutralized.


Approximately 1 in 200 people around the world have actual celiac disease, an auto-immune disease where the body’s immune system attacks itself when exposed to gluten. However, a conservative estimate places gluten intolerance as affecting 1 in 7 people. Some studies indicate 1 in 3 or 4. Gluten intolerance is poorly understood, and rarely diagnosed by physicians. When you complain of symptoms that are actually gluten intolerance, you are most likely to be told you have reflux, irritable bowel or that you are depressed.


A conservative estimate places gluten intolerance as affecting 1 in 7 people.

Whole grains are found in comfort food such as bread.


Wheat is one of the first cereals known to have been domesticated.


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Approximately 1 in 200 people around the world have actual celiac disease, an auto-immune disease where the body’s immune system attacks itself when exposed to gluten.

Why Soaking “Soaking allows enzymes, lactobacilli and other helpful organisms to break down and neutralize phytic acid. As little as seven hours of soaking in warm acidulated water will neutralize a large portion of phytic acid in grains. The simple practice of soaking cracked or rolled cereal grains overnight will vastly improve their nutritional benefits. Soaking in warm water also neutralizes enzyme inhibitors, present in all seeds, and encourages the production of numerous beneficial enzymes. The action of these enzymes also increases the amounts of many vitamins, especially B vitamins.” Sally Fallon, Nourishing Traditions


the way you eat grains requires advance planning, but only a few extra minutes of actual preparation time. For non-gluten containing grains, simply put the whole grain in a bowl with enough water to cover. Add a tablespoonful of whey, lemon juice or vinegar and leave covered at room temperature for at least 6 to 12 hours.

You can get whey simply by draining yogurt (or kefir) through a tightly woven cloth. The clear liquid that drains is whey. Drain, add your cooking liquid and cook as usual. This will take you less than 5 minutes and the grain will be ready for cooking when you get home from work or get up the next morning.

There are many grains available as alternatives to wheat.

Delicious breads can be made from non-gluten grains.


Gluten containing grains require more preparation. Grains need to be soaked and sprouted, a process which takes 2 to 4 days. After germination, they are ready to cook with no further soaking, or the can be dried and ground into flour. In today’s busy world there are many alternatives. If you make your own bread with purchased whole grain flours, simply start a day early. Substitute buttermilk, kefir or yogurt for part of the liquid. Make your dough as usual, put in a covered bowl and allow it to rest for 24 hours. I’m not going to give an exact recipe because you will have to experiment to find what works for you. The acid in the above foods is needed to break down gluten and phytates while the live bacteria in the above cultures actually begin the digestion process for you.


The easiest option is to buy your grain products already made from sprouted grains. Ezekiel bread is available in almost all health food stores and even some grocery stores. Other brands are Alvarado Street Bakery and Manna Breads. There are other brands depending on where you live. You can get bread, hamburger buns, even tortillas. You can also buy flour that has been made from sprouted grains. ◊


These symptoms are overlooked because gluten intolerance is so poorly understood and the symptoms vary widely, affecting every part of your body. Some of these symptoms include: diarrhea, flatulence, bloating and gastro-intestinal discomfort. Other symptoms often reported are headaches, mouth ulcers, weight gain or weight loss, a poor immune system, and chronic skin problems like dermatitis and eczema. Anemia is often also present.


If you have determined that you are gluten intolerant or have been diagnosed with Celiac disease, complete abstinence from gluten is imperative to healing. Some people with gluten intolerance (not celiac) may be able to introduce sprouted grains back into their diet after at least a year of strict abstinence.

Gluten intolerance is poorly understood, and rarely diagnosed by physicians. Because it is highly unlikely you will get the correct diagnosis from your physician unless you actually have celiac disease, you can test yourself through an elimination diet. You will have to be extremely conscientious because wheat/gluten is hidden in most processed foods, medications and even supplements.

Grains contain substances that block nutrition. Other important anti-nutrients

Gluten intolerance is known to lead to other food sensitivities. 10 N AT UR A L L I V I N G . C O M

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The other problem with untreated grains (and nuts, seeds and most legumes) is that they contain substances called “anti-nutrients�; in other words they contain substances which block or inhibit obtaining nutrition from them. The main anti-nutrient is phytic acid (or phytate). Phytic acid is the principal storage form of Phosphorus in plant tissues. The highest levels are found in the hulls. Phytates are known to inhibit the absorption of essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. Because phytates bind to these minerals in the GI tract, they are eliminated instead of absorbed. Phytates contribute to mineral deficiencies in anyone who relies primarily on these foods for their mineral intake. Deficiencies are most likely to occur in vegans, infants and children, the elderly and in people of developing countries who rely on grains for most of their nutrition, especially if little or no animal protein is consumed. Along with mineral deficiencies, these people are especially vulnerable to

Closeup of a full head of wheat.

developing a niacin deficiency leading to pellagra. Pellagra is characterized by the “4 D’s�: Diarrhea, Dermatitis, Dementia, and Death. Besides phytates, grains contain other antinutrients such as enzyme inhibitors which can inhibit digestion and put stress on the pancreas; tannins, which irritate the digestive tract; complex sugars which the body cannot break down; and gluten and related proteins which humans have difficulty digesting. Anti-nutrients are present because they prevent germination until conditions are right for growth and survival. Plants need moisture, warmth, time and slight acidity in order to sprout. Soaking grains and legumes or slow sour dough fermentation imitates nature.

Neutralizing Anti-nutrients All of these substances can be neutralized by several methods, however, the whole grain products you find at the grocery store, and even most at the local health food store have not been treated. Cooking grains only slightly decreases the amount of phytic acid. Soaking grains/nuts/legumes in an acidic medium for 12 to 24 hours will effectively neutralize phytates as does sprouting, which is more involved and actually entails sprouting or germinating the grain or legume. Fermenting, as in preparing a true sourdough, will also neutralize antinutrients.

Plants need moisture, warmth, time and slight acidity in order to sprout.


Sally Fallon, author of the book Nourishing Traditions and follower of Dr. Weston A. Price’s teachings, is a huge advocate of soaking and goes into great detail in the book. This is an excellent book for beginners. Dr. Weston A. Price was a dentist who studied “native” nutrition as it affected various cultures’ teeth. He was the first person to warn of the dangers of consuming large amounts of either refined or improperly prepared grains.

Human anatomy is poorly adapted to a diet high in grains.

many as four stomachs and an extremely long (by comparison) intestinal tract. Human anatomy allows us to eliminate animal products before they putrefy in the gut but leave us poorly adapted to a diet high in grains.


Humans only have one stomach and much shorter intestines than animals that subsist on plant matter. These animals have as

Whole grains should be sprouted before consuming.

When grains are properly prepared through soaking, sprouting or fermenting, the friendly bacteria of the microscopic world begin the process of digestion for us in a bowl. These are the same lactobacilli that do their work in the first and second stomachs of the herbivores and found in the intestines of healthy people. We can survive quite well without grains, and giving up grains altogether is an option that will not only aid digestion, but help heal insulin resistance and other problems. ◊



Our sister magazine for people with allergies and sensitivities to gluten.

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living social


Allergy Friendly Tips on Eating Out Can you go out with friends and family, eat an allergy-friendly meal, and still enjoy yourself ? Today, the answer

is a resounding ‘Yes’! More and more restaurants, of all sizes, menus, price ranges and styles now offer a broad choice of food options appealing to all patrons. Awareness of diners’ special needs is at an alltime high. By asking the right questions and speaking to right staffers, you can be assured to dine on an enjoyable and safe meal.

Choose Wisely

If you’re food allergic, select a restaurant with a gluten-free menu. A chef who is able to work with one special diet is usually able to accommodate other dietary needs.

Call Ahead

Contact the manager during non-peak hours and explain your food allergy or sensitivity. When you make the reservation, have staff note your allergy next to your name. When you arrive, ask to speak to the manager or chef to confirm your special needs.

Definitions--Overlapping Terms Resolved Food anaphylaxis is the term used to describe the classic allergic, systemic hypersensitivity reaction to a food or food additive. It is by definition IgE-mediated, and it involves very specific downstream chemical mediators. IgE mechanisms account for the majority of immunologic reactions to food. Food allergy (hypersensitivity) is a more general term--it includes food anaphylaxis and is used to denote an immunologic reaction to food, whether it is IgE-mediated or the result of some other immune mechanism. Food intolerance is a general term describing an abnormal physiologic response to an ingested food or food additive that is not proven to be immunologic in nature. This term encompasses idiosyncratic, metabolic, pharmacologic, or toxic responses to a food or food additive.

Make It Clear

Along with providing a list of the foods you can’t eat, be sure to discuss potential cross contamination concerns. Invest in dining cards to quickly explain your condition. Visit us online at for gluten-free and dairy-free cards.

Become a Regular

Select a few favorite restaurants and develop a relationship over time. Chefs at small, local places know the menu and can help you select items that are safe.

Be Aware

Chain restaurants often use prepackaged dishes. This means kitchen staff have little control or knowledge of specific ingredients. If you eat at a chain, choose one that offers a gluten-free menu. .

Give Thanks

Keep It Simple

Go with Your Gut

Select simple dishes with fewer ingredients. Avoid casseroles, sauces, soups and marinades.

Be appreciative to wait staff, the chef and the manager. Gratitude goes a long way in ensuring a good experience on your next visit. If you’re uncomfortable with the response from restaurant staff, don’t eat there. Pick another restaurant. ◊


Allergy vs. Intolerance

What is the difference between Wheat Allergy and Wheat Intolerance? by Deborah Manners


For clarity, they are NOT the same thing: Wheat Allergy is a severe sudden onset allergic reaction to a certain protein component of wheat.

If you are one of the 75% of people who are affected by food intolerance, it makes sense to investigate, doesn’t it? Untreated food intolerance is the cause of many serious health risks later in life.

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T H A T I S, it’s an auto-immune response of the body. Usual symptoms are immediate coughing, asthma, breathing difficulties, and/or projectile vomiting. It can cause life-threatening responses in allergic people. Fortunately, true wheat allergy is quite rare (less than ½ % of population). These people must observe a strict wheat-free diet to remain healthy.

Wheat Intolerance (Gluten intolerance) Wheat Intolerance is when you have difficulty digesting wheat, which may seem less important. It is a slower onset but certainly involves the immune system. Gluten intolerance appears as chronic symptoms like aching joints, depression, eczema, gastro-intestinal problems, low blood iron levels and others. Wheat intolerance caused by gluten (contained in wheat, rye barley and oats) is associated with serious health risks like diabetes, bowel cancer, anemia and osteoporosis.

If you think you might have wheat or gluten intolerance you can get proof by doing the Detection Diet - a simple and effective way to find out for sure - no drugs and no therapies. The treatment is simple - a gluten-free diet, and people who have suffered for years improve dramatically within a couple of weeks.

Most Gluten sensitive people are Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitive (NCGS) and the majority are undiagnosed.

Food Intolerance


Dairy Intolerance (includes Lactose intolerance) Yeast sensitivity (eg. Candida infections) Gluten sensitivity (inc. Celiac and Wheat intolerance) Fructose or Sugar sensitivity Food allergy

75% 3 in 4 people 33% 1 in 3 people 15% 1 in 7 people

35% 1 in 3 people 1% 1 in 100 people

How common is Wheat Allergy and Wheat Intolerance? True Wheat Allergy is very rare (less than ½ % of people) and is usually detected very early in life, babies and toddlers going on to solid foods. But Wheat Intolerance (due to gluten sensitivity - a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats) is actually rather common. Up to 15% of people, or one in seven is gluten intolerant. Some of them meet the requirements of celiac testing and are known as Celiacs.

Wheat Intolerance is one of only a handful of common food intolerances. Up to 15% of people are affected (see table). And it’s not because of something you caught or something you did. It’s in your genes and it’s the story of evolution.


Most people who speak of wheat allergy are really referring to Wheat intolerance caused by Gluten, a very complex protein found in wheat and some other grains. It affects one in seven people or 15%. The growing of grain crops using agricultural techniques has only been practiced for around 10,000 years. Compared to the time humans have been eating other foods in the hunter-gatherer lifestyle (meat, fish, vegetables and fruits) - 2.5 million years - that’s a very short period.

Gluten is a highly complex protein. It is one of the most complicated molecules we eat. It is responsible for “Leaky gut”

When people say they are wheat intolerant, they are more likely to be gluten sensitive. This might mean Celiac disease or it may not. However the symptoms of gluten sensitivity are easily confused with other food intolerances like dairy and fructose intolerance.

Our capacity to grow high yield grain crops like wheat and barley has far outstripped our digestive system’s rate of development.

Our bodies just haven’t evolved that fast. In fact our capacity to grow high yield grain crops like wheat and barley has far outstripped our digestive system’s rate of development. That is, as a species, not all humans yet have the necessary genetic makeup to break down the complex part of the grain: the gluten.

syndrome, and it actually tears holes in the small intestine of some people.

The rush towards a wheat-free diet should be tempered with a little research and reading first.

You need to get proof of your food intolerance by taking an ALCAT test (page 18) or celiac screening.


Grains are fairly new to the human diet, yet are a main staple in most societies.

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Undiagnosed food intolerance can cause serious long-term health problems like osteoporosis, anemia and many others.

Generally food intolerances cause gastro-intestinal symptoms and a wide variety of other types of symptoms.


Or if it is really gluten sensitivity, (much more likely in the cases of wheat-sensitive adults and children) it is effectively treated

These people feel better on Gluten-free than they have for years and often within 2 or 3 weeks.


Wheat allergy is normally identified in babies and is best treated with a diet. Symptoms quickly clear up without any drugs or therapies needed.

Humanities penchant for genetically altering plants has added to the problems faced by allergy sufferers.

with a gluten-free diet. Recovery is often dramatic. These people feel better on Gluten-free than they have for years and often within 2 or 3 weeks. Doing nothing can be a risk. Undiagnosed food intolerance can cause serious long-term health problems like osteoporosis, anemia and many others. â—Š

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ask an expert


ALCAT Testing Why is it important to have an ALCAT test?


T o d a y i n t h e i n d u s t r i a l i z e d w o r l d, we face

vastly different threats to our health and well being than our grandparents and those who came before us. In past years, infection was the greatest cause of death. Today it is cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other degenerative diseases associated with aging. Recent scientific discoveries have revealed increasingly deeper levels of understanding of how food interacts with our immune system affecting metabolism in ways that can be either beneficial or detrimental. Chronic activation of the immune system and the chronic inflammation that it produces is not only the common feature of modern diseases of aging, but also its major underlying cause.


The ALCAT Test will assist in identifying a wheat allergy as well as any others.

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Dangerous Grains is about the health hazards of gluten grains. It’s co-written by James Braly, an M.D. who specializes in food allergies, and Ron Hoggan, a celiac patient who has written widely on the subject. Celiac disease is a degeneration of the intestinal lining caused by exposure to gluten. Gluten sensitivity is a broader term that encompasses any of the numerous symptoms that can occur throughout the body when susceptible people eat gluten. The term gluten sensitivity includes celiac disease. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, its close relatives (kamut, spelt, triticale), barley and rye. Wheat is the most concentrated source.

Dangerous Grains is a good overview of the mountain of data on celiac disease and gluten sensitivity that few people outside the field are familiar with.


ask an expert

A wheat allergy does not mean you can not have the foods you love.

It has been known for ages that food can be either the best medicine or a strong poison. The ancient Greeks like Hippocrates and Lucretius expressed this clearly in their writings which have been maintained, “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” and “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”. ◊


The “wrong” food, although it may be a “healthful” for most people, will induce inflammation. The immune system aims to damage the food, which it mistakes as a harmful invader, such as a bacteria, parasite or virus, but also ends up damaging our own body. Long term exposure can even trigger auto-immunity, where the immune system actively attacks our own tissues and bodily structures.

An example ALCAT Test Results sheet.

The ALCAT test can tell you which food is your ‘meat’ and which is your ‘poison’. It is not a substitute for medical care, but it can be extremely helpful if followed and incorporated into a healthy lifestyle and as an aid in disease prevention. If a medical condition exists, the ALCAT test is helpful when used in conjunction with the advice of a qualified health or medical practitioner.

Roger Davis Deutsch Owner/Founder Alcat Laboratory




g-free packaged items, pump up your

packages t make sure they contain fiber

gluten-free foods that offer plenty

meals with vitamin-rich foods whenever

(at least three grams for pasta and

of fiber, iron, and protein. Instead of

possible. Toss brown rice (full of vitamin

cereal and two for most other processed

spaghetti, make polenta (boiled cornmeal)

B6, thiamin, an niacin) in salads, cook

foods) and iron. The ingredients should

topped with marinara; in place of a turkey

with more beans (rich in iron), or make

include whole grains and bean flours like

sandwich on white, have a turkey wrap on

powerhouse side dishes: say, a baked

chickpea, which have more nutrients than

a corn tortilla. Or skip the chicken noodle

potato topped with broccoli and

starch substitutes. A few good brands

soup in favor of chicken soup with

low-fat cheddar (loaded with folate,

are Bob’s Red Mill, Ancient Harvest,

brown rice. -- KAREN ANSEL

iron, and calcium).

and Amy’s.

Assuming you’ll have to rely on some

Read the nutrition panel on g-free

Avoid packaged foods by making traditionally


the doctor’s choice


Dr. Perricone’s No. 5 Superfood

Buckwheat thought of as a grain, buckwheat is actually the seed of a broadleaf plant related to rhubarb. While it is not a true grain, it is used like one in cooking, and it surpasses rice, wheat and corn on almost every measure of healthfulness (including the fact that rice, wheat, and corn are high on the glycemic scale, thus provoking a quick spike in blood sugar levels, a proven promoter of systemic inflammation). Buckwheat, on the other hand, ranks low on the glycemic scale. Hulled buckwheat kernels (called groats) are pale tan-to-green, while the roasted buckwheat groats known as kasha—a staple

Buckwheat has more protein than rice, wheat, millet or corn. food in Eastern Europe—are dark brown with a nutty flavor. Kasha is often steamed in a stock with onions, olive oil and fresh parsley, and you can combine equal parts plain buckwheat groats and oats, and cook the mix to enjoy as a hot breakfast cereal topped with berries. Buckwheat has been cultivated for at least 1,000 years in China, Korea and Japan, where it is often Buckwheat is actually a seed.

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Buckwheat pancakes.

enjoyed in the form of buckwheat “soba” noodles—a form that’s become increasingly popular in the West as a healthy substitute for wheat pasta. Buckwheat has more protein than rice, wheat, millet or corn and is high in the essential amino acids lysine and arginine, in which major cereal crops are deficient. Its unique amino acid profile gives buckwheat the power to boost the protein value of beans and cereal grains eaten the same day. Yet, buckwheat contains no gluten—the source of protein in true grains—and is therefore safe for people with gluten allergy or celiac disease.


Buckwheat seeds.


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Though it is usually

the doctor’s choice

Buckwheat has been traditionally prized as a “blood-building” food. Buckwheat Protein’s Unique Health-Promoting Properties: The specific characteristics of buckwheat proteins, and the relative proportions of its amino acids, make buckwheat the unsurpassed cholesterol-lowering food studied to date.


Its protein characteristics also enhance buckwheat’s ability to reduce and stabilize blood sugar levels following meals—a key factor in preventing diabetes and obesity.

Buckwheat pilaf.

Like the widely prescribed “ACE” hypertension drugs, buckwheat proteins reduce the activity of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), thereby reducing hypertension.

Buckwheat is better than grains for many reasons: More vitamins and minerals. Compared with true grains, buckwheat is high in minerals: especially zinc, copper and manganese. Healthier fat profile. Unlike true grains, buckwheat’s low-fat content is skewed toward monounsaturated fatty acids—the type that makes olive oil so heart-healthful. Healthier starch and fiber profile. The fiber in true grains other than barley is largely insoluble, while a considerable portion of buckwheat dietary fiber is the soluble type that makes oats so heart-healthful and yields digestion byproducts that reduce blood cholesterol levels and the risk of colon cancer. Buckwheat is also high in “resistant starch,” which also enhances colon health, and serves to reduce blood sugar levels. Reduces high blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol and discourages obesity. Most recently, a buckwheat extract substantially reduced blood glucose levels in diabetic rats: a promising finding that should lead to similar research in human diabetics. This blood sugar benefit is attributed in part to rare carbohydrate compounds called fagopyritols (especially D-chiro-inositol), of which buckwheat is by far the richest food source yet discovered. Contains flavonoids for heart and circulatory health. In addition to its marked nutritional benefits, buckwheat has been traditionally prized as a “blood-building” food. Modern science attributes this ancient reputation to buckwheat’s high levels of antioxidant polyphenols—especially rutin (a bioflavonoid), which supports the circulatory system and helps preventing recurrent bleeding caused by weakened blood vessels, as in hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Finally, rutin acts as an ACE inhibitor and contributes to buckwheat’s ability to reduce high blood pressure. ◊

Learn More About Dr. Perricone’s Superfoods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Açaí The allium family Barley Beans and lentils Buckwheat Green foods Hot peppers Nuts and seeds Sprouts Yogurt and kefir



Gluten: Friend or Foe? By Aine McAteer


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Yo u m a y h e a r a l o t a bo u t g l u te n - f r e e r e c i pe s these days—afte r all, “gluten-f r ee” has become a b i t o f a b u z z w o r d a s g l u te n i n to l e ra n c e i s ga i n i n g m o r e r e c o g n i t i o n .

I f y o u r d i g e s t i v e s y s t e m is

weakened, then digesting gluten may prove problematic. Wheat is the most common source of gluten, but it is also a component in other grains such as spelt, barley and rye. It is a sticky substance and not soluble in water.

used for making tabbouleh, couscous and graham flour, which are all high in gluten.

When faced with the dilemma of having to omit gluten from the diet, people can end up feeling deprived of some of life’s greatest pleasures. Who doesn’t love to sit down to a comforting pasta dinner, followed by a delicious slice of cake? Wheat and other grains containing gluten are such a big part Eating out can also be problematic, as it’s quite difficult to of most of our diets, showing up in everything from bread, cakes, crackers and cookies to pastas, packaged breakfast cereals, find dishes that contain no traces of gluten. The good news is soy sauce and beer—and the list goes on. There are many wheat that you don’t have to give up your comfort foods, as there is a growing range of gluten-free alternatives on the market these days. derivatives, such as semolina, used for making pasta, bulgur,

Chicken Scaloppine al Marsala 1/4 cup rice flour 6 thin-cut boneless, skinless chicken breasts, about 4 ounces each 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 package (8 ounces) sliced brown mushrooms 1/2 cup marsala wine 1/2 cup low-sodium beef broth 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 1 package (10 ounces) brown rice couscous (such as Lundberg) 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1. Place the rice flour on a large plate. Coat the chicken in the flour. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 tablespoon of oil and saute half the chicken for 1 to 2 minutes per side until lightly browned. Remove to a plate and keep warm. Repeat with a second tablespoon of the oil and the remaining chicken. 2. Add the remaining tablespoon oil to the skillet and stir in the mushrooms. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes, until tender. Off heat, add in the marsala and cook for 1 minute, scraping any browned bits from the skillet. Add the broth, salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer and return the chicken and any accumulated juices to skillet. Gently simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, prepare couscous following package directions, about 15 minutes. 4. Stir butter and parsley into the sauce and serve with the cooked couscous.


Death by Chocolate Brownies 6 ounces semi-sweet chocolate squares, broken up 12 tablespoons (1½ sticks) unsalted butter cut into pieces 5 large eggs or ¾ cup dairy-free yogurt 1½ cups sugar 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1½ cups gluten-free all-purpose flour blend of choice ½ teaspoon xanthan gum ½ teaspoon salt 1¼ cups coarsely chopped, toasted walnuts, optional ¾ cup semisweet chocolate chips 1. Preheat oven to 450° F. Line a 9x13-inch pan with aluminum foil and coat with vegetable spray or omit aluminum foil and lightly oil pan. 2. In a microwaveable dish, combine chocolate squares with butter. Heat on medium-high setting until butter is melted, about 2 minutes. Stir until mixture is smooth. Repeat, heating for 20-second intervals, if necessary, until chocolate is melted. (Keep a close eye, as overheated chocolate can become lumpy.) 3. Beat eggs with sugar until light yellow and doubled in volume, 5 to 7 minutes. Add vanilla and beat to combine. 4. Add melted chocolate to egg mixture, beating on low speed just to combine, about 1 minute. 5. In a separate bowl, blend flour with xanthan gum and salt. Fold flour blend, nuts (if used) and chocolate chips into egg-chocolate mixture. Pour batter into prepared pan. 6. Set in middle of preheated oven. Lower temperature to 350° and bake 30 minutes, 35 to 40 minutes if using yogurt. Cool in pan and freeze for 1 hour. 7. Lift brownies by edges of foil and set on cutting board. If omitting foil, pry contents out of pan in one piece and turn onto cutting board. Cut into squares.

Gluten-Free Baking

I have had several clients who are sensitive to gluten and have had to come up with many delicious alternatives to the foods that they enjoy so they don’t feel deprived, especially on special occasions such as birthdays and holidays. In most of my recipes for cakes, cookies and similar desserts, I offer a gluten-free alternative in the variations, for this very reason.


Grains that do not contain gluten are rice, oats, corn, millet, amaranth and teff. You can also use flour made from chickpeas, lentils, tapioca, coconut, nuts or seeds for baking.

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No Eggs Egg-free waffles work best with flax gel as the egg substitute. For each egg replaced, mix 1 tablespoon flax meal (ground flax seeds) with 3 tablespoons warm water. Let stand, stirring occasionally until thickened, about ten minutes. Chia and salba seeds also work as egg replacement in the same ratio. .

Grains such as rice, oats, corn, millet, amaranth and teff, as well as flour made from chickpeas, lentils, tapioca, coconut, nuts or seeds may be used for baking the same as wheat flour.

You can also add 1/2 to 1 cup of applesauce to your cake mixtures.

Gluten, because of its sticky nature, has a binding action when used in baking, so when using flours that are gluten-free, there are several ways you can avoid having a dry, crumbly result.

Be Safe

A dedicated gluten-free waffle iron is recommended for celiac households. wheat flour can nestle in crevices.

Let It Rest

Allow batter to sit for 5 to 10 minutes after mixing. This melds flavors together and lets batter thicken.

No Dairy

For nonvegans, eggs, of course, will help bind and add moisture. You can also make an egg substitute by blending one part ground flaxseeds with three parts water for about a minute, then set the mixture aside for at least an hour. You can substitute this for eggs in baking—a quarter cup of this mixture is the equivalent to one egg.

For dairy-free waffles, use water or unflavored milk of choice—rice, soy, hemp, coconut, almond—rather than cow’s milk. Substitute an equal amount of oil for the butter.

You can also add 1/2 to 1 cup of applesauce to your cake mixtures and alter the liquids used in your cake recipe accordingly. This will add moisture, and you can cut down on the amount of oil used when adding the applesauce if you want a cake with less fat.

Waffle batter can be prepared ahead and refrigerated, tightly covered, for up to three days. This is a boon for busy households with hungry kids. Before cooking the waffles, stir the batter thoroughly.

Many health food stores also carry a range of gluten-free breads, but if you prefer to make your own, I’ve found that rice, corn or millet flour all work well, with the addition of some higher starch flour like potato or tapioca flour. Adding a cup of leftover cooked rice or millet gives a nice texture and adds moisture to the bread. You can also find gluten-free flour mixes, which can be used to make bread, cakes or muffins. ◊

Save Time

Make Extra

There’s no such thing as too many waffles. Freeze leftovers in a resealable plastic bag. To refresh, place waffles in the microwave for 30 to 60 seconds or toast them until hot—and then sit back and enjoy.

Vanilla Belgium Waffles MAKES 6 TO 8 1¼ cups Mary’s All-Purpose Flour Blend or blend of choice 1 teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons melted butter or dairy-free butter alternative 2 large eggs, room temperature, or flax gel 1 tablespoon sugar or honey 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1 cup water, milk, buttermilk or milk of choice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Preheat and lightly grease a waffle maker. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour blend, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In another bowl, whisk together melted and cooled butter, eggs, sweetener and vanilla. Add egg mixture to dry ingredients a little at a time until well blended. Pour cup mixture over each preheated and greased waffle grid. Close lid and cook until both sides are golden brown. Repeat until all batter is used.


basic answers

BY SALLY JOHNSON damage to the small intestine, and so it is the cause of celiac disease.

What Causes Celiac Disease?

There are two genes that are associated with celiac. They are usually described as HLA DQ2 and HLA DQ8. On the 6th chromosome, the HLA type has 9 possible genes. Of those 9, it is DQ2 and/or DQ8 that is present in over 95% of diagnosed patients. (HLA is a protein on white blood cells).

Disease are many and varied. It is a great mimic of other diseases and is frequently misdiagnosed as another intestinal ailment. It is more than a wheat allergy. It is an autoimmune disease that is inherited. It is much more common than formerly believed. Recent studies show the incidence to be at least 1 in 133 people in the U.S. It is very under-diagnosed, as at this time over 90% of the people who have it don’t know that they have it. The disease is the result of an autoimmune response to gluten in the diet. The consumption of gluten containing foods causes an immune reaction in the small intestine in those people with active disease. The body begins to make antibodies to gliadin, a component of gluten. The antibodies attack the cells of the small intestine itself. This causes


T h e e f f e c t s o f Celiac

Wheat allergies and sensitivities are genetic.

While someone may carry one of the genes, it means that they are susceptible to the illness. It is not until something triggers the body to an autoimmune reaction that the process actually begins. Some are triggered very early in life, possibly by a severe infection. Others can be triggered later in life by pregnancy, trauma of some kind (like an accident or emotional trauma), or severe stress.

At this time over 90% of the people who have it don’t know that they have it.

So having the gene does not mean that there is an active case. It does indicate the susceptibility. It only requires one copy of the gene to cause celiac. Each parent contributes one gene to their child. So if either parent has a celiac gene, and contributes that gene,

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Wheat, the culprit behind celiac and gluten-intolerance can be found in breads, cookies, and so many more items; however, these very same items can be made with a non-gluten flour. More and more gluten-free products are becoming increasingly available.

basic answers the child is a potential celiac. It is also possible to have inherited one celiac gene from each parent, thus meaning you carry two genes. In this case the person will be even more likely to develop the disease.

digest. The symptoms vary from one patient to another. In some people there are no symptoms at all. Often other gastrointestinal diseases are diagnosed when actually celiac disease is the underlying cause of the symptoms.

Once the disease is triggered, the immune system begins to attack the villi in the small intestine, eroding them gradually away. Without villi, food cannot be absorbed properly. So the body becomes deficient in many nutrients. Malabsorption of vitamins and minerals can lead to many problems as the body tries to function without the essential elements that it needs.

If you suspect you might have this disease you should see your doctor for testing. If you have no insurance, you might want to consider a home test.

One of the first things that happens is that the enzyme lactose is no longer produced as it is made by the tips of the villi, which are the first part to erode away. So milk becomes difficult to

If neither of these is possible, then a trial of at least 3 months gluten free, and then the gradual reintroduction of gluten over one week’s time may give you your answer. You will have to make sure that you avoid hidden gluten in the diet during the trial. ◊

How do I treat a gluten sensitivity? W i t h c e l i a c d i s e a s e, gluten sensitivity, When a gluten-free diet is strictly followed, long-standing health problems clear up, intestinal lesions heal, nutrient deficiencies improve, and the risks for intestinal cancer, autoimmune diseases and osteoporosis in gluten-sensitive people normalize. If gluten is added back to the diet, health complications return. For those with wheat sensitivity, numerous confusing, nagging health problems - everything from digestive bloating to sinus or nasal congestion to joint aches - often subside or go away entirely. And just-got-to-have-it cravings for wheat-based foods lift as well, often making it easy for patients to eat less and lose excess weight.

When a gluten-free diet is strictly followed, long-standing health problems clear up. The best strategy to recommend for people who are avoiding wheat and gluten is to eat more fruits and vegetables. These foods, as we all know, are time-tested and proven to protect against disease. But the great news for us as health practitioners is that it’s easier than ever for people to eat wheat and gluten free.


wheat sensitivity or wheat addiction, food is clearly our best medicine; in fact, it’s our only medicine.

Avoiding wheat and gluten can cause symptoms to disappear and normalcy to return to the gluten-sensitive.

Nongluten options include buckwheat, corn, rice, wild rice, millet, legumes and nuts. Other less well-known substitutes are: quinoa, a grain-like seed that is a rich in protein with a near-ideal essential amino acid balance; amaranth, another grain-like seed touting the same benefits, which is also a rich source of calcium, iron and fiber; teff, a high-fiber member of the grain family; and sorghum, a slowly digested, insoluble-fiber-rich member of the grass family. A number of new convenience products made of a combination of these ingredients and omega-3-rich flax seeds are now available. These more nutritious alternatives are a nice departure from gluten-free foods made out of refined, nutrient-deficient flours and unhealthy oils such as partially hydrogenated oil. Wheat- and gluten-sensitive people who simply want to have a cookie or bagel every once in a while can now do so without eating troublesome foods and problematic ingredients. And this is more likely to keep them following a diet chock full of vegetables and fruits. ◊


Gluten Free Living Now EXPO October 7-9, 2011 10am - 5pm The Fountains 502 Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 We are excited and honored to be bringing you the LARGEST Expo in the Indiana community and our FIRST Gluten Free Living Now Expo in the Indianapolis Area.

Featured Presenter Alessio Fasano, MD Professor, Director, Center for Celiac Research Director, Mucosal Biology Research Center

Dr. Alessio Fasano is professor of medicine, pediatrics and physiology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and director of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at the University of Maryland Hospital for Children. Dr. Fasano is recognized as an international authority on celiac disease. In addition to investigating the prevalence of celiac disease,

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