انكليزي السادس اعدادي اسئلة الادب الارجوحة كناري

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Hgs ‫ كناري‬- ‫ االرجوحة‬- ‫ اسئلة االدب‬-‫سادس اعدادي‬ *********************************** ‫االرجوحة‬The swing ?‫?من كتب قصة االرجوحة‬Who wrote the swing story .1 .‫الكاتب العراقي محمد خضير‬.The Iraqi writer Mohammed khudhair wrote it?‫?متى واين ولد‬Where and when was he born.2 .‫ولد في البصرة‬.He was born in Basrah in 1942?‫?اين درس‬where did he study.3 .‫درس في البصرة‬.He studied in Basrah?‫?متى التحق باعداد المعلمين‬When did he join the high school for teachers.4 .1691 ‫التحق باعداد المعلمين عام‬.He joined the high school for teachers in 1961?‫?اين درس‬Where did he teach .5 .‫ الناصرية والبصرة‬،‫درس في الديوانية‬.He taught at schools in Diwaniyya, Nassiriya and Basrah?‫?اين ومتى ظهرت اول قصصه‬When and where his first stories appear .9 ‫ظهرت اول قصصه في‬. . His first stories appeared in (the Iraqi writer) magazine in 1962)‫صحيفة(االديب العراقي‬ .‫سمي بعض جوائزه‬.Name some of his prizes .7 He has won many prizes like :(Sultan Al Owais)in UEA in2004. And (the gold pen)from 2004 ‫حصل على عدة جوائز منها سلطان العويس في االمارات عام‬. .general union of Iraqi writers in 2008 ‫والقلم الذهبي من اتحاد االدباء العراقيين‬ ?‫?ما افضل اعماله‬What are his best works .8 (.The black kingdom-The 45centigrade-Autumn dream-Gardens of faces-Basriata))‫ درجة مئوية_حلم الخريف_وجوه الحدائق_بصريات‬45‫المملكة السوداء_ال‬ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‫اسئلة حول القطعة‬ ?‫? مااالرجوحة‬What is the swing .1 .The story is one of the best short stories about war written by Mohammed khudair-

.‫افضل القصص القصيرة عن الحرب للكاتب محمد خضير‬ ?‫?متى كتبها الكاتب‬When did the writer write the swing .2 .‫ ضد اسرائيل‬1697 ‫كتبها بعد حرب صيف سنة‬.He wrote it after the summer 1967 war against Israel?‫? كم كان عمره عندما كتبها‬How old was he when he wrote it .3 .‫ سنة‬25 ‫كان عمره‬.He was 25 years old.‫ اكتب ملخص قصة االرجوحة‬.Write (give) a summary of the swing story .4 During the war 1967between Arabs and Israel, many soldiers from Iraq fought there. Ali was one of them he died in the battle. His friend, Sattar came to his home to tell his family. .He met his grandma and his daughter, Haleema Along dialogue between Sattar and Haleema while he was swaying her in her swing. He tried to persuade her that her father was like smoke and she could see him only when she closed her eyes. Sattar couldn't find any other way to inform Haleema and her family that his .friend, Ali had left honorably ‫صديقه ستار جاء‬.‫بين العرب واسرائيل الكثير من الجنود قاتلو هناك وعلي كان احدهم وقد مات هناك‬1697 ‫خالل حرب‬ ‫حاول اقناعها بان‬،‫دار حوار طويل بين ستار وحليمة بينما هو يهتز باالرجوحة‬، ‫ليخبر اهله فالتقى بجدته وابنته حليمة‬ ‫ستار لم يجد طريقة اخرى ليقنع بها حليمة وعائلتها بان صديقه‬،‫ابيها كالدخان اليمكن ان تراه اال عندما تغمض عينيها‬ .‫علي قد غادرهم لالبد فغادر بنبل وشرف‬ ?‫?من هي حليمة‬Who was Haleema .5 .‫ ’هي بنت علي الجندي العراقي‬.Haleema was Ali’s daughter, Iraqi soldier?‫?مع من كانت تتكلم في البداية‬With whom did Haleema talk first .9 .‫مع جدتها‬.She talked with her grandma?‫?من جاء لبيت علي‬Who came to Ali's house .7 .‫ستار صديقه‬.His friend Sattar?‫?لماذا جاء ستار الى البيت‬Why did Sattar come to Ali’s house .8 .‫ليخبرعائلته بوفاته‬.Sattar came to Ali’s house to tell his family of his death?‫?كيف حاول ستار اقناع حليمة‬How did Sattar try to persuade Haleema .6 .‫حاول اقناعها ان ابوها مثل الدخان‬.He tried to persuade her that her father is like smoke?‫? ماذا اعطتهم جدتها‬What did Haleema’s grandma give Sattar and Haleema .10 .‫رغيف خبز‬.She gave them a lot of bread?‫?من بالحقيبة‬Who was in the bag .11 .‫ستار اخبر حليمة ان ابوها في الحقيبة‬.Sattar told Haleema that her father was in the bag-

‫)? مالدروس االخالقية التي اعطاها‬What moral lessons does the writer try to give in (the swing .12 ?‫الكاتب في االرجوحة‬ :The moral lessons in (the swing) areFirstly, the war destroys every thing. It leads to nothing but death, deprivation and .destruction .Secondly, all people should stand against the war every where Thirdly, it is a sincere invitation to sustain family life, to make childhood secure and love one .another .Fourth, it is a message on how to be faithful friends Fifth: it tells us that Iraqi soldiers defended and defend now for Arab nation :‫الدروس االخالقية من قصة االرجوحة هي‬ .‫الحرمان والدمار‬،‫تحطم الحرب كل شيءوتؤدي الى الشيء سوى الموت‬:‫اوال‬ .‫على كل الناس الوقوف ضد الحرب بكل مكان‬:‫ثانيا‬ .‫انها دعوة مخلصة لرعاية حياة العائلة ولنجعل الطفولة امنة ويحب الواحد االخر‬:‫ثالثا‬ .‫تعطينا رسالة عظيمة عن كيف نكون اصدقاء اوفياء‬:‫رابعا‬ . ‫تخبرنا ان الجنود العراقيين دافعوا ويدافعون عن االمة العربية‬:‫خامسا‬ ‫رفض‬/‫ادانة‬condemnation=refusal=deny-2 ‫وقح‬/‫فض‬/‫ بذيء‬crude=rude-1 ‫يؤرجح‬/‫يحرك‬/‫يهز‬sway-=move-4 ‫يحافظ‬/‫يرعى‬/‫يصون‬/‫يتحمل‬sustain=carry=preserve-3 ‫ تالشى‬/ ‫اختفى‬vanished=hid=disappeared-9 ‫حرمان‬deprivation=losing=lack-5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‫ قصة الكناري‬The canary ‫أسئلة حول الكاتب‬

? Who was Katherine Mansfield - 1 ?‫من هي كاثرين مانسفيلد‬She was a famous, modern writer- . .‫كاتبة حديثة مشهورة‬?‫اين ومتى ولدت‬-?Where and when was she born-2 . She was born in Wellington 14 October 1888 – 9 January 1923 New Zealand .‫ في نيوزلندا‬1623 ‫ كانون الثاني‬6 ‫ وتوفيت‬1888 ‫ اكتوبر‬14 ‫ولدت في مدينة ولنغتون‬-

?Was she consider modern or old writer-3 ?‫اكانت تعتبر كاتبة حديثة او قديمة‬‫اعتبرت كاتبة حديثة وواقعية‬-She was considered as modern and realistic writer of short fiction .Name three or five of her stories-4 . ‫للقصة القصيرة‬ )The Daughters of the Late Colonel" (1921" • )The Little Girl" (1912" • )The Stranger" (1921" • )The Man Without a Temperament" (1921" • )At The Bay" (1922" • ?Who was her friend of the modern writers-5 ?‫من كان صديقها من الكتاب الجدد‬.‫لورنس وفيرجينيا وولف‬-.The modernist writers such as D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Wolf? ?‫اين توفيت‬-Where did she die- 9 .‫توفيت في فرنسا‬-.She died in France? ?‫ما هي الشخصيات في قصة الكناري‬-What are the characters in the story of Canary- 7 :‫الشخصيات هي رموز‬-:The characters are the symbols.‫امرأة وحدانية‬-.A - A lonely woman .‫كناري ميت‬-.B - A dead canary .‫رجل صيني باعها الكناري‬-.C - A Chinaman who sold her the canary .‫ثالث شباب طبخت لهم العشاء‬-.D - Three younger men whom she cooks dinner for ?‫ما هي فكرة القصة‬-? What was the idea of the story- 8 . The idea was about loneliness, intermingle with the theme of the housewife perhaps .‫الفكرة كانت حول الوحدة واالختالط مع موضوع مدبرة المنزل ربما‬?‫ما نوع القصة‬-? What kind of story is it- 6 .It is a sad story about lonely woman who lives with empty cage .‫قصة حزينة حول امرأة وحدانية تعيش مع قفص فارغ‬?Do you agree with Katherine that man should remember his sad memories? Why- 10 .‫هل تتفق مع كاثرين بان الرجل ينبغي ان يتذكر ذكرياته الحزينة‬No , I don’t agree with her because man should forget his past anyway and begin a new .‫كال ال اتفق معها الن االنسان ينبغي ان ينسى ماضيه ويبدأ صفحة بيضاء جديدة من حياته‬-.white page of his life

‫ قصة الكناري‬The canary ‫أسئلة حول القصة‬

?‫? اين كان المسمار الكبير‬Where is the big nail .1 .‫انه في يمين الباب االمامي‬.It’s on the right of the front door?‫?ماذا يسمع الكاتب احيانا‬What does the writer hear sometimes .2 ."The writer hears the next people saying "there must have been a cage hanging from there.)‫يسمع الكاتب الناس يقولون(يجب ان يكون هناك قفص معلق هنا‬ ?‫?كيف كان الكناري يغني‬How was the canary singing .3 .‫كان يغني بشكل رائع‬.The canary was singing wonderfully?‫ ماذا اعتاد الكاتب ان يرى‬،‫? من النافذة‬From the window, what did the writer use to see .4 From the window, she used to see people stop at the gate to listen or they lean over the ‫اعتاد الكاتب ان يرى الناس تقف في البوابة وتصغي او تتكئ على السياج‬،‫من النافذة‬.fence by the mock-orange .‫بجانب البرتقالة المزيفة‬ ?What did the canary use to do when the writer had finished the house in the afternoon .5 ?‫ماذا اعتاد الكناري ان يفعل عندما انهى الكاتب اموره المنزلية في المساء‬ ‫اعتاد ان يقفز ويقفز ويقفز من‬.The canary used to hop, hop, and hop from one perch to another.‫قفص الخر‬ ?‫?هل يجب ان يحب االنسان شيئا‬Must one, love something .9 .‫نعم‬.Yes, he must?‫صف االزهار‬.Describe flowers .7 ‫ رائعة لكنها التتعاطف‬،‫االزهار تستجيب‬. .Flowers respond wonderfully, but they don’t sympathise?‫? لماذا نسي الكاتب نجمة المساء‬Why did the writer forget the evening star .8 ‫نسي الكاتب نجمة المساء‬.The writer forgot the evening star when the canary came into her life‫عندما دخل الكناري الى حياته‬ ?‫? من جاء للباب? ولماذا‬Who came to the door? Why .10 .‫جاء الرجل الصيني للباب ومعه الطيور‬.The Chinaman came to the door with birds to sell?‫? ماذا تذكر الكاتب‬What did the writer remember .11

.‫تذكر الكاتب انه شارك حياة الكناري‬.The writer remembered that she shared the canary’s life?‫?كم شابا لدى الكاتب‬How many young men did the writer have .12 .‫ثالثة شباب‬.The writer had three young men?‫?ماذا نشر الكاتب(ربة البيت)ولماذا‬What did the writer (house wife) spread? Why .13 .The writer (she) spread a newspaper over a corner of the table to put the cage on it.‫نشرت جريدة على زاوية المنضدة لتضع القفص عليها‬ ?‫?هل كان الكناري رفيقا مثاليا‬Was the canary perfect company .14 ‫نعم‬. .Yes, he was?‫?من يأتي للعشاء كل مساء‬Who came in to supper every evening .15 .‫اوالدها الثالثة‬.The writer’s three young men?‫?اي فكرة لدى الناس عن الطيور‬What idea do the people have of birds .19 .People have the idea that birds are heartless, cold little creatures.‫الناس لديهم فكرة ان الطيور بال قلوب ومخلوقات صغيرة و باردة‬ ?‫?هل مات الكناري‬Did the canary die .17 ‫ نعم‬.Yes, he did‫حيوانا‬،‫?هل سيملك الكاتب طيرا اخر‬Will the writer have another bird, another pet of any kind .18 ?‫اليف من اي نوع اخر‬ .‫ ال لن تفعل‬.No, she won’t?‫? لماذا شعر قلبها بالخواء‬Why did her heart feel hollow .16 .‫الن الكناري قد مات‬.Her heart felt hollow when she saw her canary died----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------62-61 ‫اجوبة اسئلة الكتاب ص‬ .In no more than 200 words, write a summary of Katherine Mansfield’s short story.1 ‫اكتب موجز(ملخص)لقصة كاثرين مانسفيلد‬.‫ كلمة‬200 ‫اكتب ما ال يقل عن‬ The writer who had three sons, brought up a beautiful canary. She put him in a cage hanging by a nail. She used to talk to him like a dear friend. The canary used to jump from place to another inside the cage. He usually sings many wonderful songs. He was a perfect company. People believe that birds have heartless, cold little creatures. She used to look at the evening star, but when she had this wonderful canary she forgot the evening star. She asked

people if they brought up canaries. She knew every song he sang it. She dreamed a sad dream but she had no one to say to him. One day, she found him lie on his back with his eye .dim. She knew he died. She decided not to have another bird, another pet of any kind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

?Do you find it easy to sympathise with the woman? Why, or why not..2 ?‫لماذا?لماذا ال‬،‫هل وجدت انه من السهل ان تتعاطف مع امراة‬ Yes, it easy to sympathise with the woman because she treated the canary like her dearest .son, but she lost him at last ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‫اكتب مرادفات‬:Match the words in list A with the words in list B that have the same meaning .3 :‫ماياتي‬ ‫بصعوبة او برعب‬scarcely=hardly-1 ‫تصور‬/‫مخيلة‬fancy=imagination-2 ‫ بلوز نسائي‬blouse=woman’s shirt-3 ‫ غسل الصحون‬washin- up=cleaning the dishes-4 ‫ ممتنا‬/‫متمتعا‬/‫شاكرا‬appreciated=enjoyed, was grateful-5 ‫مربوط‬neat=tidy-9 ‫ذو قيمة‬/‫ثمين‬precious=valuable-7 ‫سال عنه‬/ ‫فكر في‬wondered=asked=thought about-8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.look up the ten underlined words in the story in your dictionary.4 .‫اعطي معاني الكلمات التي تحتها خط في القصة مستعينا بالقاموس‬ ‫ بعد موتها‬after my time .1 ‫تصفيق‬-‫رفرفة‬fluttering.2 ‫إغماء‬faint .3 ‫نعسان‬drowsy.4 ‫يوبخ‬scold .5

‫ مدسوس‬tucked .9 ‫ عشاء‬Supper .7 ‫مخيف‬dreadful.8 ‫ال يحتمل اليطاق‬- unbearable.6 ‫خاوي‬/‫ فارغ‬hollow.10 ‫ مرادفات‬Glossary ‫قفزة‬hop=small jump-2 ‫ بعد موتها‬after my time=after her death-1 ‫متانق‬exquisite=very beautiful-4 ‫عش‬/‫مقعد‬perch=a place where a bird rests-3 goldfinches=small birds with yellow on -9 ‫يتعاطف او يواسي‬sympathise=show understanding-5 ‫طيور الحسون‬their wings ‫مقشوط‬scraped=removed the dirt-8 ‫بشكل يائس‬despairingly-=with sadness and worry7 exaggerated=made more important -10 ‫عش الطير‬chickweed=small plant with white flowers-6 ‫مبالغ فيه‬than it really is ‫مرعب‬/ ‫سيء‬awful=upsetting= terrible-12 ‫حيوانات‬/ ‫مخلوقات‬creatures=animals-11 ‫خافت‬/‫باهت‬dim=dark, lifeless-14 ‫تجسس‬spying=watching her secretly-13 ‫فتل‬/‫شد‬/‫ عصر‬wrung=curled up-15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-Try to use five of the words from the glossary in sentences of your own. ‫استعمل خمس من المفردات التي وجدتها بالمسرد وصفها بجملة مفيدة‬ -The bird makes a hop. -I saw a small bird in its perch. -There are many animals in the farm. -That bird is very beautiful. -We removed the dirt from floor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-Choose three phrases in the story that create a strong image for you. .‫اختر ثالث عبارات في القصة خلقت لك(خيال)صورة قوية‬

-Perfect company: this phrase gives me strong image because it shows the relationship between people and animals. -My heart felt hollow as if it was his cage, this phrase is also a strong image which means that the woman’s heart has lost the canary so it is empty. -I can’t describe it; it shows the huge love that woman has to the canary.

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