2 minute read
Proclaiming Christ through HOPE
By Rev. Nick Singh
Our theme for 2023 is “Proclaiming Christ.” In Acts 5:42, we learn that the Apostles did not cease teaching and proclaiming Jesus as the Christ. They did this every day in the temple and from house to house. This is what God had called them to do.
We too want to Proclaim Christ by the grace and the power of the Holy Spirit. Our friends, colleagues and neighbors need to hear the wonderful mercy and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through faith in Christ Jesus, they can receive the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
We can learn from the example of our Master Evangelist, our Lord Jesus Christ. In John chapter 4, our Lord Jesus shares the gospel with the Samaritan woman. Our Lord Jesus is passing through Samaria to go to Galilee. Jews did not use this route because they despised the Samaritans. I summarize the sharing of the gospel by our Lord with the acronym, HOPE.
ACTS 5:42
Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.
His for ‘hear’. Firstly, our Lord Jesus heard the lady. He asked the lady a question and then heard the lady. A good way to start a gospel conversation is to ask a question. Our Lord Jesus started the conversation by asking the lady, “Give me a drink.” Our Lord Jesus’ thirst and the lady’s work of drawing water provided the common ground for conversation. If you hear them out then they will also hear you when you share the gospel.
How can we do this?
Ois for ‘offer’. Secondly our Lord Jesus offered her living water. Our Lord Jesus offered the lady the gospel. God offers everyone His Son and the Holy Spirit. The living water is the life that the Holy Spirit produces in us as we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Offer the Gospel to them.
Pis for ‘pray’. Thirdly, pray that they will want the gospel. The lady pleads for the living water. She says, “Sir give me this water so that I will not get thirsty.” She wants what the Lord Jesus has to offer. Pray that those you share the gospel with will plead for the living water. The Lord also proclaims the Law to her. P also reminds us to ‘proclaim’ the law. The Lord showed her, her sin. She was living with a man who was not her husband. God’s law is that we should not commit adultery. She acknowledged her sin.
Eis for ‘encourage’. Finally, encourage them to receive the Lord. The Samaritan woman received the Lord Jesus as her Messiah. The Lord showed her that He was the Messiah and the woman believed and received. The Lord Jesus quenched her thirst for love by forgiving her sin and filling her with love, joy and peace.
So let us proclaim Christ as we have seen our Lord Jesus proclaim Himself as the Christ. Let us proclaim Christ through H.O.P.E. Hear the person out as you ask a question. Offer the Lord Jesus as the Savior to them. Pray for them to want the Lord’s salvation from sin. Proclaim the law to them. Encourage them to believe in the Lord and receive the Lord. As many as received Him, He gave them the right to become the children of God.
May we like the Apostles, Proclaim Christ. You can do it by the HOPE way. May the Holy Spirit enable us to do this. Amen.