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M I S S I O N S M YA N M A R By Oey Bie Lan @ Lanny Widjaja Yeong Wai Leong led a group of twelve mem-

youth expressed his interest to learn more about

bers of the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer

mission. So I referred him to the mission course

(LCOR) for a mission trip to Myanmar from 15 to

coordinator in Yangon.

24 November 2019. Our mission focus was the

Wai Leong, Chris How, Clement, Siew Kim,

Hebron Assembly of God (AOG) Church

Gladys, Kris, Weng Kong, Sarah and the rest

in Myitkyina (the capital of Kachin State) and in

taught the youths to do art and craft for three

Yangon. This was LCOR’s first mission trip to My-

afternoons. We felt great satisfaction when we

itkyina. We were also the AOG Church in Myit-

saw the youths happily flying kites which they had

kyina’s first foreign group to conduct a marriage

painted by themselves.

workshop, do Sunday School teachers training and organize children’s carnival. 1. MYITKYINA


BBC (Buddhist Background Children) Peng Chye, Clement, Gladys and Kris reached out to the BBC for three mornings. On the first day, the BBC came to the Hebron AOG Church.

of the population of Myitkyina are

On the second and third day, we went to the vil-

Christians. We made last minute changes to our

lages to meet the BBC and their parents. Peng

plan due to the unexpected attendance of par-

Chye told them bible stories. We noted that the

ticipants. We organized workshops and mission

BBC live in poverty. We implemented a holis-

activities in Myitkyina for three days from 18 to

tic mission by also donating some clothing and

20 November.

food. The BBC’s parents managed to join our

Marriage Workshop Soon Hock Bee, Judy Soon and Sarah conducted a marriage workshop over three days. Pastor Shepherd did the translation into Burmese.


people attended the workshop, including

sharing during their lunch break from making bricks. They are receptive to the Gospel. We heard from Pastor Naw Din that the BBC attends church service on Sundays. Praise the Lord!

Shopping for art and craft and snacks

married couples and a few pastors.

Chris, Siew Kim and Weng Kong made last min-

Youth Workshop

ute shopping for snacks and goodies for

25 youths attended the youth workshop for three mornings. Peng Chye led the worship. I did devotions, taught gospel and mission lessons. One 14

15-24 November 2019

The GOODNEWS | April 2020

children over three days and nights.


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