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Annual Honor Roll of Donors

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In Memory: Gordon Brown, D.C.

It is with great sadness that Sherman College shares the news of the passing of retired chiropractor, Regent and honorary Sherman College Board member Dr. Gordon Brown on December 30, 2020.

Brown celebrated his 99th birthday this summer. He was predeceased by his wife of more than 70 years, Helen McPike Brown, in August 2016.

While the couple made many generous financial gifts to Sherman College through the years, President Edwin Cordero, D.C., says the gift of their time was the most precious. “Perhaps the greatest gift the Browns bestowed upon us was the opportunity for our campus community to get to know them personally and learn from their involvement in chiropractic history and the work they did to preserve and advance the profession.”

Gordon Brown was a 1942 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic. He practiced in Louisville, KY, for two years and in Logansport, IN, for 19 years and was instrumental in getting the laws changed in Indiana to allow chiropractors to practice. The Browns, who married in 1944, have two sons. The couple donated their home in Sedona, AZ, to Sherman College in 1999, and funds from the donation were used to construct the Brown House and Museum on campus. The structure served as an on-campus residence for the couple, and the lower level features a museum with the college’s historical chiropractic holdings. The Browns’ donation remains the largest gift-in-kind in the history of the college.

The Browns supported and contributed generously to Sherman College in many ways over the years, including serving as Regents, making a generous estate commitment to the Endowment Trust, and setting up a charitable gift annuity with Sherman College as the beneficiary. Sherman College presented the couple with honorary Doctor of Chiropractic Humanities degrees and several other prestigious recognitions through the years.

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Donor support is an act of gratitude that allows Sherman College to reach new heights

“I’m beyond grateful to all of our donors, alumni and friends for their willingness to support an institution that has become my home — a place that is creating an amazing culture and graduating some of the best chiropractors on the planet.”

– Jillian Farrell, D.C., ’09 Associate Vice President for Institutional Advancement


When I think about all the things Sherman College has given me during the past 15 years, one word repeatedly comes to mind: gratitude. From the first day I stepped foot on campus for my official tour until now, it’s been an incredible journey. When I take a moment to think about it, Sherman College has added so many wonderful people to my life and given me the ability to share the gift of chiropractic with so many.

What I’ve always loved about supporting Sherman College is that there are a number of ways it can be done. It’s sharing Sherman College with someone considering a career in chiropractic. It’s choosing Sherman for your continuing education needs. It’s joining a giving program that resonates with you and knowing that your generosity is impacting the educational experience for the next generation.

All things, large and small, are making it possible for us to raise the status quo at Sherman College. I’m beyond grateful to all of our donors, alumni and friends for their willingness to support an institution that has become my home — a place that is creating an amazing culture and graduating some of the best chiropractors on the planet. Our leadership encourages innovation, and the financial support of those on the following pages allows us to reach new heights.

Wherever you are in life, I ask you to consider supporting Sherman College as an act of gratitude out of your own abundance. Maybe you learned how to deliver an amazing adjustment, or maybe the college connected you to someone who grew to be important to you. Maybe you simply support the mission or want to pay it forward and make the student experience better than it has ever been before. Whatever your reason, the world becomes a better place when we express our gratitude to those who mean something to us.

In health and with gratitude,

Jillian Farrell, D.C., ’09 Associate Vice President for Institutional Advancement


Sherman College Regents provide for the advancement of the college with annual gifts of $1,000 or more. The collective financial commitment of its members is a major source of funding for the college’s operating and program costs. We are deeply grateful for the men and women who make this commitment to support the college, its mission and vision. We honor and thank the individuals below who are members of this distinguished group as of December 31, 2020.

* Denotes Lifetime Members of the Sherman College Board of Regents in recognition of their strong, consistent support of the college for 30 or more years.


Dr. Darcy Andersen & Mr. Vince Scarpino Mrs. Karen & Mr. David Canup Mrs. Debbie & Dr. Edwin Cordero Drs. Patricia Giuliano & Peter Kevorkian Dr. Irene Gold Mrs. Margaret & Dr. Michael LaRocca Dr. Catherine Silver-Riddell


AMPED Merrill Lynch The Joint Corporation

VISIONARY REGENTS ($4,000 - $9,999)

Mrs. Rita Frederick & Dr. Joel Beane Drs. Lacey Book & Shawn Dill Drs. Jen & Dean DePice Dr. Stephanie Foisy Mills Ryan Ms. Linda Giuliano Dr. Donald Harte Drs. Amanda & Jeremy Hess Dr. Jay Holder Mrs. Joy & Dr. Robert Irwin Dr. Laurie Meinholz Drs. Cathleen & Gary Padden Mrs. Robyn & Dr. Jason Sabo

PIONEER REGENTS ($2,000 - $3,999)

Dr. Amanda Apfelblat Dr. Judy Nutz Campanale Mrs. Doreen & Dr. Ron Castellucci Dr. Dana Clum Mrs. Randi & Dr. Neil Cohen Drs. Rosemary DePasque & Scot McCormick Dr. Brian Dooley Drs. Ashley & Stephen Genthner Mrs. Emma & Dr. Jacob Hansen Dr. Joanne Haupert Mr. Bharon Hoag Drs. Charmaine & Raymond Lanjopoulos Dr. George Lubertazzo Mr. Todd Picou Dr. Armand Rossi Dr. Stephen Simonetti

PATRON REGENTS ($1,000 - $1,999)

Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr Dr. Vincent Adamo Dr. Megan Afshar-Martins Dr. George Auger Dr. Sam Ayan Mrs. Sheila & Dr. Daniel Bai Dr. Elizabeth Baker Dr. John Balsamo Dr. Brian Bartholomew Dr. Daniel Becker Dr. Maria Best Mrs. Cassidy & Dr. Ryan Bones Dr. Terri Bonner Dr. Jason Bosko Dr. James Bourg Dr. Jack Bourla Dr. Jennifer Brandon Dr. Kaileigh Bresky Dr. Alan Brewster Dr. Emily Broniak Dr. Christopher Brown Dr. Jaime Browning Dr. Misty Browning Dr. Jamie Bunis Dr. Scott Cabazolo Dr. James Callahan Dr. Brett Cardonick Mrs. Heidi & Dr. Josh Carmack Dr. Allison Catapano Drs. Patti Chelenyak & Patrick Offman Mr. Jim Chester Dr. Daniel Cohen Dr. Mary Connors Dr. Robert Costello Mrs. Gale & Dr. John Court Mrs. Pamela & Dr. David Courtney Dr. Melissa Crago Dr. George Curry Dr. Thomas D’Amico Dr. Andrew De Saro Dr. Adam Del Torto Mrs. Susan & Dr. Anthony DeMarco Drs. Kris & Dan Denette Dr. Grant Dennis Dr. Gary DiBenedetto Dr. Michael Diehm Dr. Dan Diep Dr. Joseph F. Donofrio Dr. Joseph J. Donofrio

Dr. Jim Dubel Mr. Allen Duckworth Dr. Barbara Eaton Drs. Beth & Chris Ehlich Dr. Eric Evans Dr. Adrienne Fabrizio Drs. Bridget & Vincent Farrar Dr. Jillian & Mr. Patrick Farrell Dr. James Ryan Fenn Dr. Janice Higgins-Fordree Ms. Katrine Frazier Dr. Beth Frosch & Mr. Paul Licata Dr. Dean Fuller Dr. Jamie Galperin Drs. Katie & Pete Gay Dr. Lisa Geiger Dr. Harold ‘Skip’ George Dr. Gordon Gibson Dr. Ed Gigliotti Dr. Bryn Gillow Dr. Russell Goff Dr. Allyson Grabowski Dr. Brian Graham Drs. Cathy & Jett Gurman Dr. Frank Hahn Drs. Lauren Hamm & Brian Maher Dr. Bill Hannouche Dr. Jessica Harden Dr. B.J. Hardick Dr. Andrew Harding Dr. Janet Harriger Dr. Billie Harrington Dr. Paula & Mr. Mike Hedglon Drs. Caitlin & Isaac Hernandez Dr. Michael Heskett Drs. Marylyn & Charles Hilston Dr. Stuart Hoffman Dr. Russell Hollinger Dr. Curtis Horton Mr. Mason Howell Drs. Kathy & Don Hoyt Dr. Anna Hughes Dr. Durie Humber Mrs. LaShanda Hutto-Harris Dr. Steven Isadore Dr. Michael James Drs. Pam & Stephen Jarboe Dr. Christopher Jex Dr. Haig John Dr. Marc Johnson Dr. Brian Kachinsky Dr. Jami Karr Dr. Scott Kelley Dr. Christopher Kent Dr. Robert Kipp Dr. Robert Koliner Drs. Jen & Mark Kordonski Dr. Natalie Kurylo Ms. Terry Lancaster Dr. Ohmar Land Dr. Eric Landi Drs. Cindy & Ron Lanzara Jr. Dr. Lisa Lanzara-Bazzani Dr. Daniel Larsen Mr. Patrick Lausier Dr. Margaret Lehr-DeVolld Dr. Bob Leib Mrs. Rachael & Dr. Brian Lieberman Dr. Ashley Liew Dr. Peter Lombardi Dr. Roger Lope Drs. Amanda Lutzow & Timothy Hartman Drs. Brookh & Dan Lyons Dr. Erin MacCarry Dr. Tracy Malton Dr. Nalyn Marcus Dr. Sandra Martin Mrs. Cookie & Dr. Sal Martingano Dr. Derek Maxson Dr. Julie Mayer Hunt Dr. Dawn Maynard Dr. Darin Mazepa Dr. Adam McBride Dr. James McCann Dr. Paul McCartney Dr. Rayce Meyers Mrs. Mary Ann & Dr. Tom Morgan Dr. Karen Moriarty Dr. David Mruz Dr. Jeff Muneses Dr. Timothy Murzycki Dr. Lance Myers Dr. Paul Newton Dr. Kelvin Ng Dr. Robert Oerzen Dr. Michael O’Halleran Dr. Raymond Omid Dr. Thuraia Owais Dr. Bradley Pastro Dr. Kristofer Peterson Dr. Taylor Phipps Dr. Stan Pierce Jr. Dr. John Porter Jr. Mrs. Teri & Dr. RS (Doc) Porter Dr. Princess Porter-Fowler Dr. Levi Pulver Dr. Justin Quail Dr. Carsten Reinhardt Drs. Beth & Steven Reizer Mrs. Karen Brower Rhodes Dr. Beth Risser Drs. Stefanie & Nick Rodsater Mrs. Mary Ann & Dr. Paul Roses Dr. Anthony Ross Dr. Gregg Rubinstein Dr. Jose R. Saldago Mrs. Glenda & Dr. Walter Sanchez Dr. David Sarnoff Dr. Samuel Sbarra Dr. Daniel Schaeffer Dr. Tara Scharich Dr. Bruce Schneider Dr. F.J. Schofield Dr. Pennie & Mr. Paul Schwartz Dr. Claudia Seay Dr. David Serio Dr. Robert Shaner Dr. Brent Shealer Dr. Marilyn Shore Dr. Evann Sidoti Dr. Thomas Sidoti Dr. James Siller Dr. Lewis Singer Drs. Linda & John-Mark Slak Drs. Toniann & Dean Sottile Dr. Amy Spoelstra Dr. David Steinberg Mrs. Jen & Dr. Bruce Steinberg Drs. Kim & Greg Stetzel Dr. Felicia Stewart Dr. Gary Stewart Mrs. Kendra Strange Dr. Mark Stuckey Dr. Mark Surprenant Dr. Roy Sweat Dr. Philip Szalowski Mrs. Evelyn & Dr. Robert Tarantino Dr. Daniel Tew

Dr. Jerry Tishman Dr. Dawn Tobin Drs. Amy & Matt Tonnos Drs. Cindy & Heath Treharne Dr. Alok Trivedi Dr. Steve Tullius Dr. Frank Vaught Dr. Wade Verch Dr. Michael Viscarelli Dr. Jeffrey Wack Dr. Chris Walker Dr. Scott Walker Dr. Tyrone Wallace Dr. Mindy Weingarten Dr. Trea Wessel Dr. Kelcey Wiginton Dr. Derrick Wilcox Dr. Jason Wood Mrs. Roberta Wood Dr. David Yachter Mrs. Rebecca & Dr. Dennis Yeung Dr. Tim Young Dr. Christine Zapada Mrs. Dar & Dr. Tim Zook


Dr. Mary Babian Mrs. Rita Frederick & Dr. Joel Beane Mrs. Kathleen & Dr. Robert Berkowitz Dr. Arthur Bond Mrs. Gale & Dr. John Court Mrs. Pamela & Dr. David Courtney Dr. John Degenhart Dr. Theresa Galant Drs. Betty & Thom Gelardi Drs. Marylyn & Charles Hilston Mrs. Sandra & Dr. Edward Kwasniewski Drs. Charmaine & Raymond Lanjopoulos Mrs. Phyllis & Dr. Leroy Moore Mrs. Susan Newlin, D.C.H. & Mr. Baron Newlin Drs. Judy & Norman Ross Dr. Kenneth Schultz Dr. Robert Shaner Dr. Jerry Tishman


Dr. Alicia Crabbe Mrs. Peggy Hartley Mrs. Sharon Hilston Mrs. Elizabeth Horwin Mrs. Rose Panico Mrs. Julie Crutcher

Charmaine and Ray Lanjopoulos Named Lifetime Regents

It is our distinct honor to recognize Charmaine and Ray Lanjopoulos, D.C.s, as Sherman College’s newest Lifetime Regents. The Lanjopouloses graduated from Sherman College in 1980 and now call Grand Ledge, MI, home. They joined the regent program in 1990 and have given to the college at this level for 30 years.

They join a distinguished list of donors that have and continue to give the students at Sherman College an exemplary educational experience by making a lasting impact on the profession with their generosity. Thank you, Charmaine and Raymond Lanjopoulos, for your dedication to Sherman College, and congratulations.

Honor Roll of Donors By Campaign for the Year 2020


Founder’s Society ($10,000+)

Dr. Darcy Andersen & Mr. Vince Scarpino Mrs. Karen & Mr. David Canup The Doctors and Employees of CloseForChiro Mrs. Debbie & Dr. Edwin Cordero Dr. Irene Gold Mrs. Margaret & Dr. Michael LaRocca Mary Black Foundation, Inc. Dr. Catherine Silver-Riddell The Joint Corporation, Dr. Steve Knauf

Visionary Society ($4,000-$9,999)

Drs. Lacey Book & Shawn Dill Drs. Jen & Dean DePice Dr. Stephanie Foisy Mills Ryan Ms. Linda Giuliano Dr. Donald Harte Drs. Amanda & Jeremy Hess Dr. Jay Holder Mrs. Joy & Dr. Robert Irwin Dr. Laurie Meinholz Drs. Cathleen & Gary Padden Mrs. Robyn & Dr. Jason Sabo South Carolina Chiropractic


Pioneer Society ($2,000-$3,999)

AMPED Dr. Amanda Apfelblat Dr. Judy Nutz Campanale Mrs. Doreen & Dr. Ron Castellucci Dr. Dana Clum Mrs. Randi & Dr. Neil Cohen Drs. Rosemary DePasque & Scot McCormick Dr. Brian Dooley Drs. Patricia Giuliano & Peter Kevorkian Drs. Ashley & Stephen Genthner Mrs. Emma & Dr. Jacob Hansen Dr. Joanne Haupert Mr. Bharon Hoag Drs. Charmaine & Raymond Lanjopoulos Dr. George Lubertazzo Mr. Todd Picou Dr. Armand Rossi Dr. Stephen Simonetti Titronics R&D

Patron Society ($1,000-$1,999)

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez Dr. George Auger Dr. Sam Ayan Mrs. Sheila & Dr. Daniel Bai Dr. Elizabeth Baker Dr. Daniel Becker Dr. Kevin Bernhardy Dr. Frances Bigas-Morales Dr. Joel Bohemier Mrs. Cassidy & Dr. Ryan Bones Dr. Jason Bosko Dr. James Bourg Dr. Jennifer Brandon Dr. Alan Brewster Dr. Emily Broniak Dr. Christopher Brown Dr. Jaime Browning Dr. Jamie Bunis Dr. Scott Cabazolo Dr. James Callahan Dr. Lee Cardona Dr. Brett Cardonick Mrs. Heidi & Dr. Josh Carmack Dr. Waldemar Carrasquillo Drs. Patti Chelenyak & Patrick Offman Mr. Jim Chester Dr. Daniel Cohen Dr. Robert Costello Mrs. Gale & Dr. John Court Mrs. Pamela & Dr. David Courtney Dr. Melissa Crago Dr. George Curry Dr. Andrew De Saro Dr. Adam Del Torto Mrs. Susan & Dr. Anthony DeMarco Drs. Kris & Dan Denette Dr. Gary DiBenedetto Dr. Michael Diehm Dr. Joseph F. Donofrio Dr. Joseph J. Donofrio Dr. Jim Dubel Mr. Allen Duckworth Dr. Barbara Eaton Dr. Eric Evans Drs. Bridget & Vincent Farrar Dr. Jillian Farrell Mrs. Jeannie & Dr. William Fehl Dr. Dean Fuller Drs. Katie & Pete Gay Dr. Lisa Geiger Dr. Skip George Dr. Bryn Gillow Dr. Russell Goff Drs. Cathy & Jett Gurman Dr. Frank Hahn Drs. Lauren Hamm & Brian Maher Dr. Bill Hannouche Dr. Jerry Hardee Dr. B.J. Hardick Dr. Andrew Harding Dr. Janet Harriger Dr. Billie Harrington Dr. Paula & Mr. Mike Hedglon Drs. Caitlin & Isaac Hernandez Dr. Michael Heskett Dr. Janice Higgins-Fordree Drs. Marylyn & Charles Hilston Mr. Jamie Hodge Dr. Stuart Hoffman Dr. Russell Hollinger Dr. Curtis Horton Mr. Mason Howell Drs. Kathy & Don Hoyt Dr. Anna Hughes

Dr. Durie Humber Mrs. LaShanda Hutto-Harris Drs. Pam & Stephen Jarboe Dr. Marc Johnson Mr. Ralf Kaufmann Dr. Scott Kelley Dr. Robert Kipp Dr. Robert Koliner Drs. Jen & Mark Kordonski Dr. Natalie Kurylo Ms. Terry Lancaster Dr. Ohmar Land Dr. Lisa Lanzara-Bazzani Dr. Daniel Larsen Dr. Margaret Lehr-DeVolld Mrs. Rachael & Dr. Brian Lieberman Dr. Ashley Liew Dr. Peter Lombardi Dr. Roger Lope Dr. Tracy Malton Dr. Sandra Martin Mrs. Cookie & Dr. Sal Martingano Dr. Derek Maxson Dr. Julie Mayer Hunt Dr. Darin Mazepa Dr. Adam McBride Dr. James McCann Dr. Rayce Meyers Mrs. Mary Ann & Dr. Tom Morgan Dr. Karen Moriarty Dr. David Mruz Dr. Jeff Muneses Dr. Timothy Murzycki Dr. Lance Myers Dr. Kelvin Ng Dr. Robert Oerzen Dr. Laura Orndorff Dr. Thuraia Owais Dr. Bradley Pastro Dr. Cassandra Peterson Dr. Kristofer Peterson Dr. Taylor Phipps Dr. Stan Pierce Jr. Dr. John Porter Jr. Mr. Michael Porter Mrs. Teri & Dr. RS (Doc) Porter Dr. Princess Porter-Fowler Dr. Levi Pulver Dr. Carsten Reinhardt Drs. Beth & Steven Reizer Mrs. Karen Brower Rhodes Dr. Joshua Rilette Drs. Stefanie & Nick Rodsater Mrs. Mary Ann & Dr. Paul Roses Dr. Anthony Ross Dr. Jose R. Saldago Mrs. Donna & Dr. Fred Sanders Dr. Samuel Sbarra Dr. Daniel Schaeffer Dr. Tara Scharich Dr. Bruce Schneider Dr. Pennie & Mr. Paul Schwartz Dr. Claudia Seay Dr. Eva Sepulveda Dr. David Serio Dr. Robert Shaner Dr. Marilyn Shore Dr. Evann Sidoti Dr. Thomas Sidoti Drs. Linda & John-Mark Slak Dr. David Smith Drs. Toniann & Dean Sottile Dr. Amy Spoelstra Mrs. Jen & Dr. Bruce Steinberg Dr. David Steinberg Mr. Hank Steinberg Drs. Kim & Greg Stetzel Dr. Felicia Stewart Dr. Gary Stewart Mrs. Kendra Strange Dr. Mark Stuckey Dr. Roy Sweat Mrs. Evelyn & Dr. Robert Tarantino Dr. Jerry Tishman Dr. Dawn Tobin Drs. Cindy & Heath Treharne Dr. Alok Trivedi Dr. Frank Vaught Dr. Jeffrey Wack Dr. Mindy Weingarten Dr. Trea Wessel Dr. Kelcey Wiginton Dr. Derrick Wilcox Mrs. Roberta Wood Dr. David Yachter Mrs. Rebecca & Dr. Dennis Yeung Dr. Tim Young Dr. Christine Zapada Mrs. Dar & Dr. Tim Zook

ADIO Club ($500-$999)

Dr. Vincent Adamo Dr. Megan Afshar-Martins Mrs. Tracy & Dr. Peter Amlinger Dr. John Balsamo Dr. Brian Bartholomew Dr. William Bazin Mrs. Rita Frederick & Dr. Joel Beane Sally & Brian Beaulieu/

B & B Landscaping Dr. Maria Best Dr. Rebecca Boles Dr. Terri Bonner Dr. Jack Bourla Dr. Kaileigh Bresky Dr. Gordon Brown* Dr. Misty Browning Mr. Jonathan Burnstein Mrs. Kelly Casto Dr. Allison Catapano The Chiropractic Trust Dr. Mary Connors Dr. Caroll Ann Coyle Dr. Thomas D’Amico Dr. Grant Dennis Dr. Dan Diep Dr. Matt Dillman Drs. Beth & Chris Ehlich Dr. Adrienne Fabrizio Dr. James Ryan Fenn Dr. Lee Fraum Ms. Katrine Frazier Dr. Beth Frosch & Mr. Paul Licata Dr. John Gallagher Dr. Jamie Galperin Dr. Gordon Gibson Dr. Ed Gigliotti Dr. Craig Gindele Dr. Allyson Grabowski Dr. Brian Graham Mrs. Debby Grover Dr. Jessica Harden Dr. John Henard Dr. Sarah Hock Dr. Steven Isadore Dr. Michael James Dr. Christopher Jex Dr. Craig John Dr. Haig John Dr. Brian Kachinsky

Dr. Jami Karr Dr. Stacy Kitchell Drs. Richelle & Daniel Knowles, III Dr. Eric Landi Drs. Cindy & Ron Lanzara Jr. Mrs. Emily & Mr. Patrick Lausier Dr. Bob Leib Dr. Scott LeVan Drs. Brookh & Dan Lyons Dr. Nalyn Marcus Dr. Dawn Maynard Dr. Paul McCartney Patty & Gregory Mettler Mr. Fernando Munoz Dr. Paul Newton Mrs. Margaret & Mr. George Nixon Dr. Michael O’Halleran Dr. Raymond Omid Dr. Gabriel O’Sullivan Mrs. Barbara & Dr. David Pamer Dr. Mackenzie Pamer Dr. Margaret Pickering Dr. Justin Quail Drs. Brett Casanova-Rini & Chris Rini Dr. Beth Risser Dr. Martin Rosen Dr. Gregg Rubinstein Mrs. Glenda & Dr. Walter Sanchez Dr. David Sarnoff Dr. F.J. Schofield Dr. Frank Segreto Dr. Brent Shealer Mrs. Kristy Shepherd Sherman College Alumni Association Dr. James Siller Dr. Jerry Simmons Dr. Lewis Singer Dr. Philip Szalowski Dr. Daniel Tew Dr. Larry Tinius Drs. Amy & Matt Tonnos Dr. Steve Tullius Dr. Wade Verch Dr. Michael Viscarelli Dr. Chris Walker Drs. Megan and Robert Walker Dr. Scott Walker Dr. Tyrone Wallace Ms. Mary Beard Watts Dr. Steven Watts* Dr. Jason Wood

Century Club ($100-$499)

A Auto Rental & Sales Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr Dr. Stephanie Albarran-Velez Dr. Jeff Algajer Ms. Heather Anderson Anonymous Neena & Paul Bailey Mrs. Karen Baker Dr. Matt Bartlett Mr. Ned Becker Mr. David Bedford Dr. Lori Bents Ms. Ingrid Bentzen Dr. Marc Bloom Dr. Philip Brafford Dr. Terry Bragg Dr. Jay Brecker Dr. Nancy Brown Ms. Joy Cagle Ms. Robin Cahill-Myers Dr. Christopher Caliri Carolina Foothills Federal Credit Union Carolina Headwear, LLC. Dr. Anthony Carrino Dr. James William Cassillo Dr. Jeff Chamberlain Dr. Marc Chasse Dr. Angela Ciresi Dr. Sarah Cohen Dr. Chris Colgin Ms. Linda Collier Dr. Sherman Connell Dr. Annette Coon Dr. Nancy Denlinger Dr. Aura Diaz-Tovar Dr. Dexter DiMarco Dr. Danielle Drobbin Dr. Robert Epstein Facebook Donors Dr. Chester Ferguson Dr. Suzanne Frye Dr. Gwendolyn Gardner Mrs. Jennifer Gault Dr. Greg Gilbert Drs. Paula & Paul Grenier Mrs. Ruth Grone & Family Dr. Brian Gualano Jamie & David Hampton Mrs. Jamie Harshfield Dr. David Healey Dr. Raymond Hillenbrand Dr. Kenneth Hillman Dr. Michael Hrycko Dr. Andrew Jackson Ms. Janet Juntunen Mr. & Mrs. David Keller Dr. Timothy M. Kelly Dr. Christopher Kent Drs. Amilliah & Charles Kenya Dr. Robert Keroson Mr. Jacek Kobiesa Mrs. Jennifer Lee Dr. Robert Leeper Dr. Crissy Lewis Dr. Davis Lindsay Dr. Kim Lombardy Dr. Hernan Lopez Drs. Amanda Lutzow & Timothy Hartman Dr. Erin MacCarry Jennifer & Tanner Mack Mr. Jim MacKenzie Dr. Michael Magwood Dr. John McAtamney Dr. Rebecca Medina Mr. Richard Migliore Mrs. Susan Millheim Dr. Mary Ellen Moore Dr. John Mormile Dr. Daniel Murray Dr. Leo Oakchunas Dr. Peter Olson Dr. Robin Pace Eileen & Thomas Pall Dr. Franklin Parisi Mrs. Marcia Park Shannon & Douglas Payne Dr. James Peck Dr. Cindy Pekofsky Dr. Frances Penick Dr. David Pico Dr. Kendall Price Dr. Michael Quartararo Dr. Zulema Quinones Ms. Angel Radick Dr. Fredrick Renaud Dr. Edward G. Roberts Dr. Martin Rodgers Mrs. Emily Rodriguez Dr. Rich Santangelo

Dr. Sam Sazone Dr. Liam Schubel Dr. Mitzi Schwartzbauer Dr. Jesus Selles Dr. Charles Shields Ms. Amy Sims Ms. Kimberly Stenson & Mr. Jim Bartow Mrs. Stephanie & Dr. Jeff Smith Mrs. Mandy Smith Dr. John Steffens Dr. Todd Stein Dr. Mark Surprenant Mrs. Veronica & Dr. Peter Tague Dr. Abraham Talledos Dr. Roy Tanaka Ms. Patti Lee Thomas Dr. Donald Trepany Dr. Kyle Troyer Mrs. Joy Turner Dr. Mark Van Hemert Dr. William Walsh Ms. Katia Walters Dr. Linda Wells Mrs. Anja West Dr. Marylouise Wise Dr. Maureen Work Dr. Kim Zell


Mr. Greg Aldridge Mrs. Kelly Angell & Mr. Daniel Holender Ms. Janett Anson Ms. Charlotte Babb Mr. Todd Bachman Back in Stride Mrs. Damara Acosta & Mr. John Barry Ms. Carolyn Beard Dr. Alan Beck Ms. Patricia Bissette Mrs. Deborah Bodkin Ms. Yvonne Brehan Mr. Walter Briem Dr. Justin Brown Ms. Carli Bunkelman Alyxis Burks John Byrum Photography Mrs. Suzanne Cadden Dr. Jorge Campos Ms. Nicole Cannan Mrs. Charlene Cheeks Mr. Andrew Cook Linda & James Cook Dr. Meaghan Cromer Ms. Karen Dalfrey Dr. John Degenhart Dr. Owen Dennis Mrs. Michelle Diego-Smith Ms. Patricia Doll Mrs. Charlene Drab Dr. Tammy Emory Ms. Keely English Dr. Jennifer Escarcega Dr. Ulrich Eschholz Mr. Andrew Estep & Mr. Michael Galvin Dr. Victor Estevez Ms. Barbara Evans Mrs. Michelle Fields Mr. Lucosi Fuller Drs. Betty & Thom Gelardi Mrs. Susan Glunt Mrs. Michelle Gregory Mrs. Sydne Grove Dr. Miguel Guevara Ms. Elizabeth Heinlein Dr. Russell Hoch International Chiropractors

Association Mrs. Suzanne James Dr. Ted Jeske Ms. Patricia Kay Dr. Richard Klein Dr. Robert Kovacs Ms. Brooke Krekel Dr. Patricia Kuhta Dr. Robert Lantrip Ms. Christina Lattanzio Dr. Rachel Leskosky Mrs. Allison Loflin Dr. George Luo Ms. Carrie Madden Dr. Tara Madden Kristle & David Marangon Ms. Barbara Moffitt Mr. Stephen Moon Mrs. Amy Moreno Mr. & Mrs. Tony Moreno Mrs. Kelly Morgan Mrs. Rondi Mossman Dr. Alice Moyer Dr. Frank Musante Dr. Stephanie O’Brien Ms. Gretchen Otto Ms. Ronitra Owens Ms. Elizabeth Perrin Mr. Mikko Peterson Dr. Brian Porzio Mrs. Irma Raffensberger Ms. Cindy Ramsey Dr. Edgardo Rivera Dr. Jonathan Robertson Mrs. Deanna Robison Mrs. Sammy Russell Ms. Melody Sabin


Our Fall 2020 issue of EXCEL included the college’s 2019 Donor Honor Roll, a list of individuals and organizations donating to Sherman College of Chiropractic during that year. We take great care in compiling this list; however we mistakenly omitted the following donors from our Regents section and extend our most sincere apologies:

• Drs. Rosemary DePasque & Scot McCormick Sherman College Regents provide for the advancement of the college with annual gifts of $1,000 or more. We are deeply grateful for the men and women who make this commitment to support the college, its mission and vision. For more information about our Donor Honor Roll or if you have questions about our records, please contact Assistant Director of Advancement Services Patti Thomas at 800-849-8771, ext. 240, or email pthomas@sherman.edu.

Dr. Deborah Sanderson Mrs. Bonnie Savo Dr. Season Schelin Dr. Helga Scheuermann Dr. Heather Schneider Ms. Lisa Shelander Dr. Molly Spohn Mr. Norman Steinbach Mrs. Tammy Stokes Mrs. G. Marie Sundquist Dr. Gary Tanksley Judy & Ralph Thocher Mrs. Tracy Tietjen Ms. Donna Trbovich Ms. Kaylie Turner Mrs. Kerry Walstad Dr. Bradley Walter Mr. Nicholas Watson Mr. Rob Welborn Ms. Kari Whisman Jan & Thomas Wiese Mrs. Amy Williams Ms. Katie Wilson Mrs. Florence Wong Mr. Matthew R. Worman Dr. Huarong Zhou

Honor Gifts

These donors used a gift to Sherman College to honor someone or something special in their lives.

In honor of Carolyn Beard Ms. Mary Beard Watts

In honor of Mr. David Bedford Mr. Richard Migliore

In honor of Amy Brademann Ms. Katie Wilson

In honor of Mrs. Karen Canup Mr. Richard Migliore

In honor of my children, Krystal, Hollie, Steven, Pamela and Kelly Mr. Patrick Lausier

In honor of chiropractic students Ms. Mary Beard Watts In honor of Dr. Jillian Farrell and staff; her team consistently goes above and beyond in their commitment to excellence The Chiropractic Trust

In honor of Lila Migliore Mr. Richard Migliore

In honor of Dr. John Porter Jr. Dr. Princess Porter-Fowler

In honor of Laney Rhodes Mrs. Karen Brower Rhodes

In honor of Taog, my dog and “co-worker” Ms. Terry Lancaster

In honor of Dr. Jerry Tishman Dr. Nancy Brown

Memorial Gifts

These donors chose to honor the memory of family and friends with a donation to Sherman.

In memory of Samuel and Sandra Berkowitz Memorial Scholarship Eileen &Thomas Pall

In memory of Dr. Robert Fox, ‘77 Dr. Cassandra Peterson

In memory of Dr. Duncan Greene Dr. Billie Harrington

In memory of Dr. John Grone Mrs. Ruth Grone & Family

In memory of Dr. David R. Ivey Dr. Gabriel O’Sullivan

In memory of Michael S. Litynski, D.C. Dr. Kim Zell


The list on these pages is composed of individuals and organizations making one or more donations received by Sherman College of Chiropractic in 2020. We take great care in compiling the lists. However, if we have mistakenly omitted your name or if your listing is incorrect, please accept our sincere apology and contact us right away so we may correct our records. If you have a correction, please contact Assistant Director of Advancement Services Patti Thomas at 800-849-8771, ext. 240, or email pthomas@sherman.edu.


The Wizard of Oz tells the story of Dorothy and her friends, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion. Most of us probably know the story. The Wizard tells them he will grant them their hearts’ desires if they return with the Wicked Witch of the East’s broomstick. Spoiler alert: they overcome many challenges to complete their task, but then find out that the Wizard isn’t a wizard after all. However, the story ends happily as the main characters learn that they had what they needed inside all along.

It’s a chiropractic story at its finest. Chiropractic recognizes the beauty in the unique innate potential of every individual. Vertebral subluxations inhibit or present a challenge to the fullest expression of that potential. Chiropractors get to witness the unfolding of the expression through regular visits and adjustments when necessary. A similar unfolding occurs as students move their way from an orientation visit or the first day of classes through the many obstacles known as a chiropractic education. The challenges leading to the doctor of chiropractic degree are many: taking difficult courses, passing national boards, and entering and moving through clinic, not to mention whatever personal challenges life may throw at a student. With each challenge comes new growth and new awareness of each student’s unique gifts, talents and potential. Some will work more than they thought possible. Some will share more than they thought they had. All will surprise themselves with the bravery, strength, and intelligence they find inside themselves. And then they will graduate and go on to improve the lives of countless others, literally changing the world one spine at a time. One of the highlights of being on Sherman College’s Board of Trustees is the opportunity to attend graduation. It is always heartwarming and inspiring to watch our students celebrate this amazing achievement. It is a special privilege to sit on the stage, facing them, and see that look in their eyes, much like Dorothy when she realizes that she has always had the power to go home. When the Scarecrow asks Glinda the Good Witch why she didn’t just tell Dorothy that she could do it, she says, “Because she wouldn’t have believed me. She had to learn it for herself.”

Sherman College students inspire us with their courage and perseverance, with their willingness to learn and grow, and with their ultimate desire to serve others to make a better world. They remind us that our future is bright. They are our most precious commodity and our greatest hope. Sherman College students are part of our family. And there’s no place like our Sherman home.

Sherman College students inspire us with their courage and perseverance, with their willingness to learn and grow, and with their ultimate desire to serve others to make a better world.

Judy N. Campanale

Judy Nutz Campanale, D.C., A.C.P. Sherman College Board of Trustees Chair

2020 Springfield Road | P.O. Box 1452 Spartanburg, South Carolina 29304


Lyceum 2021


The theme for Lyceum 2021 highlights the idea that the world is waiting for the natural healing provided by chiropractors to change the physical and emotional health of their communities following the unrest caused by the pandemic.

Plenary speakers include Edwin Cordero, D.C., Christie Kwon, D.C., Richelle Knowles, D.C., Peter Kevorkian, D.C., and many other chiropractic leaders.

• Provides up to 23 hours of CE credit on a variety of topics, including science, technique, philosophy, practice management, office procedures and more.

• Plenty of opportunities to catch up with colleagues and don’t miss Alumni Association

Social and Saturday’s fun-filled gala!



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