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"My lists are created through life experiences, conversations and lessons learned. I share them to serve as inspiration and encouragement to others and myself as we navigate this beautiful thing called life".



1. Don't worry about it, sweetheart! 2. You have an assignment, live it out, wherever you are! 3. Have good intentions, even when they don't. You will win. 4. If it feels off, it is.TRUST. 5. The best apology is with changed behavior. 6. Be forgiving, be understanding, but don't be a fool . 7. Don't waste anyone's time. 8. Don't do it if you don't want your son or daughter to be treated that way. Period. 9. Heal. Release. Don't suppress. 10. Stop procrastinating my love. 11. Don't be so hard on yourself. 12. Discover the REAL you . 13. No regrets baby! Do it, say it, try it! Don't wait. Don't. 14. LOVE ON WHO YOU LOVE ! Now.

Entrepreneu Her

HerStory On many occasions I would sit and browse online at other beautiful highend companies and admire the bags listed on their site. However, I would become so frustrated on how expensive they would be in order to have something of luxury style. I felt that no one should have to pay such incredibly high prices. I thought to myself it would be so amazing if I could create my own high-quality handbags that everyone could afford. For a couple years I didn’t think it was possible until it was possible! I created AmiraJ. Come Join the AmiraJ family, where buying luxury feels right.

mirajA was created to represent a lifestyle of luxury. We dedicate ourselves on creating sophisticated designs with high quality genuine leather for our unique handbags without the impossible price tag.

Our bags are very versatile and can be used for many different occasions.

By Tawana Trammell

The Struggle Within

"I want you to know you are not alone" Founder of TLK Empowerment Services, LLC

Licensed Clinical Social Worker Author Speaker

Have you ever felt inadequate inspite of the many compliments others continue to give you? They say you are smart, beautiful and talented yet something tugs at your mind and says it's not true. You think to yourself, why would those that care about you lie? It must be true! You must possess all these qualities yet be unable to recognize them within yourself. That's mind boggling because you are able to recognize all the positive characteristics in others. In fact, you often secretly wish you could be like them. Day after day you fight this battle in your mind and now it is impacting your emotions. This feeling of inferiority is now affecting your thoughts and behaviors. Maybe you are acting these feelings out by self-mutilation, sexual promiscuous actions, or other risky behaviors. When others witness your actions, they may just assume that you are seeking attention, conflictual, or nonchalant. They have no idea about the struggle going on within. If only you could win this fight! Then you must identify how you dealt with or refused to deal with this challenge. What I have discovered is most of us never took the time to resolve the issue of origination so we continue on and life adds more challenges to our bucket. We can't be upset about that because after all, life happens to everyone. The only difference is some of us are willing to resolve our issues while others wear their bandages proudly. If you are unwilling to remove the bandage, the scar will never heal. Those wounds need some air to heal, even if that mean others may notice them.

The next step is to ask for HELP! Don't be afraid to request and accept help for your life issues if they are too much for you to bear alone. Sometimes you have to go against the grain to receive the help you need. Why suffer in silence when there is freedom available? I have met so many people who believe that only "crazy" people go to therapy. When I hear that statement, I reply no sane people recognize they need help, "crazy" people refuse help. You see it's no shame associated with getting assistance because if it was we would never go to the doctor, ask anyone for a favor or even pray. After all, these actions usually involve us having a need and requesting assistance! Yet our mental health challenges are ignored year after year.

I want you to know you are not alone. There are people all around you fighting the same battle! They may just mask theirs differently than you. The truth is we all have insecurities and battles, but most are unwilling to discuss them do to fear. Fear that we may be judged, talked about, or misunderstood. Therefore, we continue to suffer in silence and our hope continues to fade.

I wish I had a magical solution to this generational challenge that impacts all genders, socioeconomic classes, ethnicities, and religious orientations, but I don’t. The answer lies within you. You know yourself better than anyone and you know the source of your insecurities and emotional challenges. The only way to begin to resolve the internal conflicts are to deal with the root of your issue. You must first identify the origin of the issue. For example, did it start after a breakup, illness, loss or abuse? We put on our beautiful garments, MAC make up, Christian Louboutin shoes, and get our designer purses and hit the road. We try to allow our outer appearance to represent how well we are doing. Why is it so important to impress people who don't care about anything you are trying to impress them with?

Have you ever purchased an item you thought was magnificent yet when you wore it no one even complimented you on it? That's because people are not that concerned about material things anymore. Everyone is dealing with issues more pressing than that.

You would probably be surprised by the number of people needing help just like you. Don't be fooled by what you see but rather start listening to the heart of the words they do or don't speak. Sometimes others speak in silence. They are wondering does anyone see the struggles they are having within. You must determine when enough is enough and make a conscious and independent decision to do what is necessary to live your best life now. Only you can determine your level of need but there are professionals available to assist you through this process.

My desire is once and for all to remove the stigmas associated with mental health. Our mental and emotional health is just as important as our physical health. It is important to note that they usually impact each other. For example, sometimes depressed people over eat which may cause them to become overweight and develop diabetes. Therefore, it is important to selfmonitor how your emotions impact your behavior. Behaviors are usually the result of what we are thinking and feeling. So, no matter how often you use phrases like “I'm too Blessed to be Stressed “ , your actions demonstrate something else. If you are not sleeping, sometimes you are stressed and that doesn’t mean you are not blessed, it just means you may have an issue that needs to be addressed.

Therefore, I encourage you to do as Shakespeare advise and “to thine own self be true “ . Take the time to reflect on your life and deal with those areas that continue to ail you. If you were molested, deal with it. If you were abused, deal with it. If you are angry, deal with it. If you have been betrayed, deal with it. If you made bad decisions, accept responsibility, learn the lesson and deal with the consequences. The only reason I can encourage you to deal with your life issues is because I have also and continue to deal with mine! Again, we all have them. We are more similar than we are different. This can be a freeing revelation because it can release you to be your authentic self. You have the power to end the struggle within!

Website: tawanatrammell.com


My Brown HUE is Radiant and True! Caramel, Almond, Chestnut, Hazelnut, Cocoa and Chocolate, need I name more? Coffee, Bronze, Pecan, Mocha and Cinnamon, I'm sure you get the picture by now. My Brown is Beautiful!

The beauty of the brown HUE is that it is customized just for you. The shades are made to be symbolic; it symbolizes History, Legacy, Success, Confidence, Beauty, Love and Authority. It was designed to set you apart, simply because our HUE is a beautiful piece of art!

Whatever is your Brown HUE, just be YOU and walk in your Beautiful Brown Power!

My Brown HUE is truly My Soul

Point of View! Jdawkins

MyBrown Is Beautiful


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