6 minute read

Andrew Watel: Things

Gallery view of Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art. Photo credit: Elise Gagliardi. Artwork from left to right; John Balistreri, “Blue Beacon” , Woodfired Stoneware, 66” x 23”. Andrew Watel, “Body and Soul”, 2022, Paper on pastel, 60” x 45”. Andrew Watel “Thunder and Lightning”, (Cover image) 2022, Pastel on paper, 60” x 45”. Andrew Watel “Stormy Weather” 2022, Pastel on paper, 60” x 45”.



June 3- August 20,2022

Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art 2004 Baltimore Ave.

Kansas City, MO 64108 1(816)221.2626 https://sherryleedy.com

Gallery Director Sherry Leedy sherryleedy@sherryleedy.com

Catalog Design Elise Gagliardi elisegagliardi@sherryleedy.com

@sherryleedycontemporaryart:Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art:

“I draw and erase. Things appear and vanish. The process is one of searchingnot knowing. The certainty and doubt is in the history of the surface”.

- Andrew Watel

Andrew Watel in his studio.

Artist Statement and Bio

“I paint and draw things, but I do not work from life. Although I begin with the object, I paint and draw from measurement and memory. I choose objects with little meaning or narrative attached. They are anonymous utilitarian objects; a fan, a spring, a tire. I choose them for their formal qualitiesshape, color and geometry. I begin by measuring the object; it’s height, width and depth. Once the dimensions are determined, I place the framework in the center of the page, adjust the drawing, establish the space, and invent the light. Then I begin to draw, and the drawing takes on a life of it’s own. I draw and erase. Things appear and vanish. The process is one of searching, not knowing. The certainty and doubt is in the history of the surface. And the work takes on a new meaning and the subjectbecomes the work itself.”

-Andrew Watel

Andrew Watel grew up in St. Louis, Missouri. He received an undergraduate degree in Painting from San Francisco State University in 1977 and a Master of Fine Art from Yale University in 1983. Upon graduating from Yale, he moved to New York City where he independently pursued painting and teaching. In 1993, as a founding member, he established and developed The Painting Center, an independent non-profit artist run space. He curated several shows there, including the work of such ‘painter’s painters’ as Albert York and Jake Berthot. Twenty-eight years later, The Center remains viable today and offers artists alternative exhibition space. From 2006 until 2017 he taught as an Adjunct Professor of Painting and Illustration at the Rhode Island School of Design. Here he developed his own curricula for beginning and advanced painting and drawing, led seminars and supervised independent projects. In 2018 he moved from New York to Kansas City to pursue painting full time.

Business and Pleasure, 2022, Pastel on paper, 30” x 22”

Nick’s Fan, 2019, Pastel on paper, 30” x 22”

“I paint and draw things, but I do not work from life. Although I begin with the object, I paint and draw from measurement and memory”.

-Andrew Watel

I got you babe, 2022, Pastel on paper, 30” x 22”

Stormy Weather, 2022, Pastel on paper, 60” x 45”

Pickleball and Pump, 2022, Pastel on paper, 30” x 22”

Funnel and Cone, 2022, Acrylic on panel, 30” x 24”

Orange Funnel, 2021, Oil on panel, 30” x 24”

Shuttlecock, 2022, pastel on paper,14”x11”

Pickleball, 2022, Pastel on paper, 14” x 11”

Body and Soul, 2022, Pastel on paper, 60” x 45”

Gear Shaft, 2021, Acrylic on paper, 15” x 11”

Striped Cone, 2022, Pastel on paper, 11” x 14”

Inner Tube, 2022, Pastel on paper, 45” x 60”

Air Filter, 2022, Charcoal on mylar 12” x 9”

Red Oiling Can II, 2022, Pastel on paper, 12” x 9”

Kansas City(shuttlecock and fan), 2022, acrylic on panel, 30”x24”,

I choose objects with little meaning or narrative attached. They are anonymous utilitarian objects; a fan, a spring, a tire. I choose them for their formal qualities, shape, color and geometry.

-Andrew Watel

Thunder and Lightning, 2022, Pastel on paper, 60” x 45”




MFA Painting, Yale University


BA Painting, San Francisco State University

Teaching Experience

2004-2017 Rhode Island School of Design Adjunct Professor of Painting in Illustration Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Painting Portraiture and Figure and anatomy Independent Student Projects 2001-2003 Cooper Union, Visiting Artist 2002 Yale University, Visiting Artist 1982 Yale University, Teaching Assistant 1979 San Francisco State University, Teaching Assistant



Charlotte Street Rocket Relief Grant


Yale Tuition Scholarship



Co-founded The Painting Center, NYC


The Painting Center; Curated “Painter’s Paintings”; Harvey Quaytman, Albert York, Jake Berthot


Emerging Artists, The Painting Center

Group Exhibitions


HAS Salon 20, Kansas City, MO


Truman Medical Center


Faculty Exhibition, Illustration Department, RISD


Biennial Exhibition, Chace Center, RISD


The Painting Center, New York, NY


RKL Gallery, Brooklyn, NY


RKL Gallery, Brooklyn, NY


Case Elizalde, Barcelona, Spain


Rodriquez-Amat Foundation, Girona, Spain


The Painting Center, New York, NY


Faith in Painting II, New York, NY; Fritz Drury, Riley Brewster, Lisa Lawley, Andrew Watel


Faith in Painting I, New York, NY; Fritz Drury, Riley Brewster, Lisa Lawley, Andrew Watel


Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, NY


The Drawing Center, New York, NY

Solo Exhibitions


The Mark, Brooklyn, NY


The Painting Center, New York, NY

Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art 2004 Baltimore Ave. Kansas City, MO 64108 816.221.2626 Sherryleedy.com

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