Education Hello my name is sherryl and I am specialised in the arts of graphic design. It has always been a dream for me to become a graphic designer, However, I am nonetheless thrilled and eager to work with
2012 - 2017 Off one semester Study Fashion Design
Visual Communication Design Bina Nusantara University
2016 - 2018
Fashion Design LPTB Susan Budihardjo
anything related to graphic and fashion design. In the past, working with various people has taught me a multitude of commemorable things, thus I wish to build up experience and improve my skill-set to excel in what I am passionate about.
Experiences Fasion Designer Assistant PT. Jaya Berkah Uriah Garment Industry
Unemployed Due to: Final Project (Skripsi) Sept 2016- Feb 2017 FInal Project (Fashion Show) Aug 2017- Feb 2018
2016 - 2017
Graphic Designer Intern PT. SpanSet Indonesia Warehouse Industry
Graphic Designer Label8 Online Store
social media
Design Identity Redesign Invitation design for Art and Wine Festival during do to a project in typography class
DESIGN CAMPAIGN Campaigns are about raising the profile of brands or moving customers in a specific direction to buy a company’s products or services. One of the strategy for reinforce design identity by social media platforms. Aplikasi Mobile Kampanye ADGI yang bertema Show Who You Are: berisi tentang penyelenggaran pameran dan seminar. Show Who You Are adalah Solusi bagi Semua Designer agar memiliki sikap dan kode etik yang baik bagi masyarakat yang multicultural. Apllikasi ini hadir guna sebagai reminder dan anouncement untuk pameran dan seminar yang diadakan ADGI setiap saat.
Sign In masukan Member ID anda untuk me - login.
HOME Halaman depan tentang tema Show Who You Are. PHOTOS Bagian Photos berisi foto-foto yang diselenggarakan pada pameran (Exhibition) dan seminar. EXHIBITION Memberikan informasi detail untuk jadwal pameran yang akan diadakan. SEMINAR Memberikan Informasi tentang Sesi dan profile Pembicara yang akan diadakan.
Tampilan untuk bagian detail setioap halaman-halaman . Seminar akan menampilkan dua option, Session atau Speaker (Pembicara). Session akan memberikan jjudul dari tema yang akan diadakan di Seminar. Namun pada bagian Speaker berisikan daftar profile para pembicara pada setiap seminar. Exhition memberikan detail pada tempat dan waktu pameran akan diselenggarakan. Video sebagai bonus yang akan diperlihatakan bila anda menemukan tersedianya video di setap Session dan Exhibtion.
EMBLEM DESIGN This is my Internship Project at PT. Jaya Berkah Uriah, I created emblem for kid shirt’s logo patches
User Interface Designing each screen or page of game for kid with a user interacts and user experience. Opera Show with Authur is easy to use, and delightful to interact musical game I made during my project in UI/UX Class.
BATIK This I learn grom LTPB Susan Budihardjo, batik painting is an ancient art which means writting a dot over and over again until the illustration alive.
FASHION DESIGN CONCEPT This is my final project at LPTB Susan Budihardjo, i used a concept of Tea Brewing which the color and harmony are balance in ready to wear line.
Social Media
LABEL8 ONLINE STORE Label 8 Store adalah situs belanja online fesyen yang menyediakan berbagai tren pakaian, tas, sepatu, dan aksesoris terkini . Label8 Store menawarkan kombinasi produk fesyen dan kecantikan terkini untuk setiap gaya personal yang beragam setiap musimnya. Tampilan feed yang tertata rapi dapat memunculkan minat beli.Tapi tanpa feed yang menarik, akun juga nggak bisa maksimal. Feed itu senjata penting sebagai branding bisnis dan media showcase produk
NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION We are a non profit organization that has a goal to help those in need in this pandemic, we provide apds, masks, and disinfectants in areas that are more isolated and are in dire need of better equipment.
Additionally, with the increasing rate of people who use instagram (JanMay 2020 reaching 69.2m people), the use of social media has made it more accessible to people to reach out and donate or help
F&B SOCIAL MEDIA Idolaku Catering is a mainly chinese home catering that provides delicious lunches which includes 3 dishes and a bowl of healthy soup. We aim to serve people a homey and traditional meal with a modern twist as well as some classics for them to enjoy in the comfort of their homes with their families.
In using social media we can easily showcase our dishes, information and feedback to a wide and diverse platform. A simple yet wonderful and interesting post may attract many people or even increase the desire for our meals. Thus, our feeds on social media play a very big role in branding and achieving sales.
Sherryl Kwan t: +62 811-811-8747 e: sherrylkwan@gmail.com @sherrylshei