2 minute read

Unshakeable you - Walking as a woman in your worth

Unshakeable You - Walking as a woman in your worth

How would you feel if your identity was stolen? If a thief came into your home and stole what was most defining and precious to you - your identity.

Angry? Confused? Hurt? Betrayed?

And yet this is what the enemy of our souls does, keeping a generation of women lost & confused. Betrayed. Unsure of their birthright and what they have access to in the Lord, Jesus Christ.

You may be familiar with some of the chains the enemy uses to bind ~ fear, anxiety, seeking attention & 'love' in all the wrong places, feeling used and abused, hopeless, promiscuity, womanhood stolen before it could be fully birthed.

God's word as hidden in the Bible says, that a thief only comes to steal and destroy but God comes to give life ~ real life~ and life in abundance (John 10:10).

The words hidden in this devotional are words that God spoke into my heart when I was desperate to know who I was and created to be.

My hope and heartfelt prayer is that you too will discover a measure of Gods hope, health and love in these pages and start your own journey of redemptive love of an ever present Saviour King. (or perhaps share this with a sister in your life).

The truth is that you are loved.

The truth is that you are chosen.

The truth is that you are worthy. Worth nothing less than the price that was paid for you, the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

This is your moment.

I passionately believe your Creator wants to meet with you right now. And whisper who and who's you are, and some bigger dreams over your life.

For you are precious and honoured In his sight.

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