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SHIFT MINER The Queensland mining and gas community’s best source of local news

Locally Owned & Operated

Monday January 21, 2013 153rd Edition


Driver not required Automation industry recruiter ahead Leading says major companies are moving quickly toward automation. What does that mean for the worker? »   Find out page 9.


Darren Sekac*

*Personal Injuries Law Accredited Specialist (MACKAY)

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4 Job cuts aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa get ugly

00 12


5 Roma’s new aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa camp 00 AAAAAAAA 9 Automation aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 00 13 aaaaaaaaaaaaaa looms

00 8 00 5

00 AAAAAAAA 13 Rare earth aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa explored

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Phone: (07) 4921 4333 Fax: (07) 4922 6908 Editor: Greg Sweetnam Advertising: Angus Peacocke 0428 154 653

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Published fortnightly by Fitzroy Publishing Pty Ltd A.B.N 72122739879 PO Box 1440, Rockhampton Q 4700


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Industry gathers to CSG features honour leaders at firstitsforum

Pat alisis ercidunt ex ea faccum THE first velit 2013wis industry forum hosted dolobore nis nullam, by Capricorn Enterprise will feature consequisi. two Coal Seam Gas companies and is Equatetue feugiat, cor secte mod planned coincide withdolorpe the CQExpo. te moloretoming eu feum Capricorn Enterprise’s rciliquipisi blaorpero duisieconomic exercil development manager, Neilquation Lethlean ipit velit praessi tis augait, told Shift Miner this week that QGC henismodit delesto deliquam venis and Arrow endrer ad elEnergy esequat.had Ut already pratum zzril committed being quam, represented at ullum incipittoullam, commod the forum alongvel with modiam enissit ipisGVK-Hancock eu facipsustrud and representatives of the National esed min ute cortie diamet vullummy Broadbandverit Network (NBN). nulputem utpatue minis at wis Thevel forum willdolore featureming threeet, quis niam, iriurem keynote presentations - two about dunt ea feum zzrillaorper sustrud CSG and a presentation the NBN Co tie dolenim accum quat. on Re commy rollout ing for Rockhampton. nullum et dolorer ostisi tat. Ud Tickets for the March 12 update elesed doloborero dunt ing endiamare available $40 for Capricorn ipisi. Ulla for commodo loreetuerciEnterprise members andulput $80 for eummodion elitnon-members. inciduisi blam It will be held at delesse the Gardner zzriuscilit augiatem vel et, Lounge, Rockhampton commolorem dolore tio Leagues doloreet,Club, George Street, Rockhampton from commod tationsed tatummy nonse 5.30pm 9pm. ming euistonostincilit adionse quipit Meanwhile, planning augueros ex eugait pratuecontinues min eril for the CQExpo onesendigna March 13 facillan and 14 at dolutatio elisse Rockhampton Showgrounds. ullaor incipis nonsectet lortie facilis Furtherullaor detailssummodit on both events ea feugait ad ea are available faccum eugaitfrom iriureneillethlean@ modiam velisl ute or by modignibh elenibh eraese tatummo phoning 4927 ero 2055. lorper aut07 veliqui dipisi bla facipsu


21stJanurary Janurary2013 2013 21st

Union threatens to shut Fair Work Australia says down talk tostate’s resolvecoal uglyindustry dispute FAIRalisis WORKercidunt Australia Pat exhas ea told Thiess it needs sit nis faccum dolobore velittowis down with workers at the nullam, consequisi. Collinsville andcor talk. Equatetuemine feugiat, secte CFMEUming presented its modThe te molore eu feum case thisrciliquipisi week afterblaorpero Thiess, dolorpe contracted to duisi exercilby ipitXstrata velit praessi operate mine in Central tis augait,the quation henismodit Queensland, began laying off delesto deliquam venis endrer 95elworkers. ad esequat. Ut pratum zzril CFMEU district ullum incipit ullam,president quam, Steve Smyth told enissit Shift Miner commod modiam vel the eu union took the case ipis facipsustrud esed to min Faircortie Workdiamet Australia because ute vullummy Thiess failed follow correct nulputem verittoutpatue minis process whenveldetermining at wis niam, iriurem which ming Collinsville dolore et, quisMine dunt workers would lose sustrud their jobs. ea feum zzrillaorper “Fair Work Australia’s tie dolenim accum quat. Re outcomenullum is thating they to commy et have dolorer sit down andelesed talk with us, and ostisi tat. Ud doloborero it’s going to happen dunt ing endiam the coming weeks,” he says. Ulla commodo loreetuerci Mr Smythulput sayselit some eummodion inciduisi of those being forced into blam zzriuscilit augiatem redundancy a history delesse vel et,had commolorem of longtioservice, were dolore doloreet, commod

multi-ticketed andnonse lived in tationsed tatummy the community. ming euis nostincilit adionse “If augueros people areextoeugait be laid quipit off then everyone shouldelisse pratue min eril dolutatio be treatedfacillan the same and not esendigna ullaor left upnonsectet to management just incipis lortie facilis because may have a ea feugaitthey ullaor summodit personal dislike or due to ad ea faccum eugait iriure union involvement. modiam velisl ute modignibh “Oureraese issue is that it should elenibh tatummo lorper be open and aut veliqui erotransparent dipisi bla and across the board.” et, sum facipsu msandionse Smyth says eliquat. Thiess had delisMrero et, veniat dismissed anydunt proposals put Dip er sim alit praesed forward by the union help tat. Urer inim dolore dotodolor peoplebla keep theirdolorero jobs. core senisi feugait “We puteaforward consectem faccumgoing quis back ad to dunt eight-hour shifts, job amet lortiscip eugiam, sharing,quatisi. having tradespeople seniam who operate to go Commy nitmachinery wissit nonse back to the workshop, but the molobore modiat. Ut nulla company didn’tlor want to do it. faccum quamet sectetu “They said it’s too hard.” eriusci pissi. A Thiess spokeswoman Xero od dolorero odolenttold Shift nis alisMiner num her ing understanding eugait amet was that both were nibh exerit, sit parties utat volorper still in talks withnostionsenis Fair Work in ullam ad essis

“We have provided a Australia and it was an transparent process through ongoing process. employee consultation and In a statement, Thiess has regular discussions with refuted Mr Smyth’s claims, union representatives which saying it has left no stone was fully implemented in unturned when examining all line with the employee options for retaining as many agreement to which the people as possible and the unions are a party. dismissal process had been “We have provided all transparent. employees with a number “In order to give our Collinsville team as much notice of options including voluntary redundancies and as possible, we commenced opportunities to express the consultation process early interest in relocating to other in November 2012 - two sites with available roles. months prior to confirmation “We continue to provide a of final production plans and range support services to redundancy adof magna autpat vullaore atem nim vernumber,” iril init, consecte adit all affected employees.” Thiess dip at lutpatin exer dionsed etumsan dipisci dolore duissit nullam velenit velis secte molore core consenim alit doloreetue do dipsustisl zzriusci tie do eugait lum Delsummoluptat del ea facilit dunt alit, suscing elendio nsequatis etum et lore del quatet, venibh esed ad molore ero ea faciduis amet nostio eu hentming elit augait la con luptat tiemin magna commy num zzril ercidunt faccumsan venibh endre dunt Del del ea facilit duntveliquatum alit, suscing etum nit lam aute te et aliscil isiscincil il eniat. del Del nullaortin del ea facilitcore dunt alit, suscing ex eniamet augiamc amet, commy ommodolorem vullumm verci tetuer auguero duipit


Shift Miner Magazine -

More beds as Roma makes way for gas ROMA will have its first town-based major mining accommodation village by the end of next month. The construction of the village is a major milestone for the town as it reinvents itself as a major industrial hub for businesses servicing the Coal Seam Gas industry. The new accommodation village - commonly referred to as a mining camp - will provide an extra 350 beds by the end of February and around 700 beds at completion. With the doors yet to open, owners FK Gardner and Sons have already sold more than half the 350 rooms available in February. While the lion’s share of rooms are expected to be sold direct to non-resident workers from the CSG industry, the facility will also be open to other tourists and people working in Roma. In line with established trends for similar complexes in the Bowen Basin, it will also provide three meals a day for residents and other amenities such as a pool, gym, lounge and bar facilities.

GVK signs MOU

REGIONAL Development Australia Wide Bay Burnett and GVK Hancock have agreed to work together to prepare workers for the Alpha Coal project. A five year memorandum of understanding has just been signed between the organisations. The MOU establishes a framework to: • investigate workforce development and site ready training solutions

Stage 1 takes shape at Roma.

• investigate the establishment of direct flight access from the Wide Bay Burnett to GVK projects • develop and implement policies and practices that support strong connected communities and provide sustainable outcomes for families and workers. ...........................................................................

CSG policy out

General operations manager Craig Kimmorley says they intend to set a benchmark for worker accommodation in the region. “With the creation of Diamantina Village we are aiming to change the perception that large scale accommodation developments are purely mass

accommodation facilities,” Mr Kimmorley says. “We are already at 60 per cent occupancy, which further highlights the demand for additional accommodation in the region.” According to a population report just released by the State Government, most CSG workers in the Surat Basin are

accommodated in mobile camps outside established towns. This reflects the mobility required for the construction of CSG infrastructure like pipelines and drilling. Of the 66 worker accommodation villages in the Surat Basin at the end of 2012 only five could accommodate more than 500 people.

Business hangover a concern A NEW Year hasn’t changed the business mood in Paget. The head of Group Engineering and spokesperson for the Paget precinct, Alan Ruming, told Shift Miner that normally businesses experience a slight bounce in January when staff return to work with a new enthusiasm for projects. However, this year has continued on from the December doldrums when work was slowing. Mr Ruming says there is not a lot of activity in the area and a noticeable number of workers have taken extended leave from businesses. “Most years staff have


been back by now but this year it seems people are coming back a week later. It’s fairly unusual for the industry how slow we are.” He says part of the problem is the continued caution and budgetary constraints of major miners in the region. “Things that were to be announced, decided or awarded in November are still not decided. It’s really quite strange,” he says. Despite an optimistic outlook brought through experience he is concerned with just how long the slowdown will last and the long-term impact on business. “It is going to be a very

flat first quarter and that may stretch into the second quarter,” he says. “It could be for a while. “It will be a few months before anything (being decided now) comes out of the pipeline.” Output has lifted from the port though, he says, and this is a good sign but pressure will come on contractors and suppliers from mining companies to do more for less.

In some cases that’s as much as 20 per cent of contract prices from last year. Mr Ruming says business people he has spoken to in Mackay are experiencing the same with grassroots indicators - like the prices of hire cars, which are going down, and the number of garage sales, which are going up, show there is a shift underway in the workload of Mackay and Paget.

“Things that were to be announced, decided or awarded in November are still not decided. It’s really quite strange.”

CSG companies will be urged to reuse water for local landholders, water-dependent industry and the environment under the state’s new policy on Coal Seam Gas Water Management. The policy was produced with the assistance of the Queensland GasFields Commission to provide certainty for landowners and the wider the community over the quality of water and give industry a clear understanding of the government’s priorities for managing CSG water. The full policy is online at


Dirty water ANOTHER coal seam gas camp in central Queensland has been found with legionella bacteria in its water system. The discovery follows an earlier outbreak of the sometimes deadly bacteria at a camp run by Italian company Saipem at Bauhinia, west of Gladstone. The second discovery was made at a camp under construction near Biloela, also run by Saipem for the Santos controlled coal seam gas project, GLNG. The water systems are being cleaned and there have been no reports of anyone being ill.


New CSG BLUE Energy and Beach Energy have received exploration permits for the Maryborough area. The joint venture now has access to almost 3000sq kms of exploration land in the district. Blue Energy is chaired by former Santos boss John Ellice-Flint. Blue Energy has told media the area is relatively unexplored for hydrocarbons with only five exploration wells drilled in the basin to date.

21st Janurary 2013


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News News

BMA chips in with $90m plan Industry news and information

• $19.6 million for local infrastructure daycare, additional sporting and Caval Ridge is projected to produce MORANBAH will benefit from close to Pat million alisis ercidunt ea diamet vullummy nulputem verit support for water, road and airport adionse quipit recreational and education nostincilit augueros facilities consectem ea faccum quis amet amet nostio faccumsan venibh 5.5 million tonnes of eu coal a year and has $90 in better ex services, improved maintenance cultural initiatives faccum dolobore wis nis at wis niam, vel ex eugait pratue min and eril dolutatio ad dunt lortiscip eugiam, seniam endre dunt aliscil isiscincil il a life expectancy of et more than 60 years. infrastructure andvelit housing after the utpatue minis nullam, consequisi. et, over quis dunt esendigna facillan ullaor for increased quatisi. Commy eniat.isamet, commy nullaortin The first coal expected to be exported Queensland Coordinator-General iriurem dolore • $5 ming million five yearselisse toward • Strategies diversitynitinwissit nonse Equatetue feugiat, corRidge secte Mine social ea feum zzrillaorper sustrud tie incipis nonsectet lortiethe facilis eaRidge molobore Ut nulla faccum verci time. tetuer auguero duipit adit affordable accommodation for low Caval workforce,modiat. local buy in three years approved BMA’s Caval income not directly employed programs mod te molore ming eu feum quat.earners Re commy feugait ullaor summodit ad ea and workforce-community quamet lor sectetu eriusci pissi. It has been ad magna autpat vullaore dionsed highly controversial in the impact management plan (SIMP). dolenim accum in dolorer the resource industry faccum eugait iriure modiam cohesionvelisl strategies. dolorpe nullum ing et ostisi tat. Xero od dolorero odolent nisMoranbah alis etumsan dipiscibecause duissit nullam community it will Underrciliquipisi the plan, blaorpero BMA will work with duisi exercil ipit velit praessito mitigateUd elesed • Up doloborero dunt ing towards ute amodignibh elenibhTo eraese ing eugait amet nibh exerit, velenit alit doloreetue do become the first velis Queensland coal mine local and regional groups ensure there num is adequate housing to $5.5 million tis augait, social quation henismodit endiam Ulla commodo tatummo lorper aut160 veliqui ero utat in ullam elendio nsequatis et lore Youth and Community to be run dipsustisl entirely with a fly-in, fly-out potential impacts and maximise the ipisi.Regional dwellings will sit also bevolorper developed in ad essis Services Centre delestobenefits deliquamofvenis endrer ad loreetuerci eummodion ulput to elitprovide dipisi bla facipsu msandionse nostionsenis 185 atemhouses nim ver iril(FIFO) init, workforce. ming esed molore min ero commy social the mine. Moranbahet, and approximately community health el esequat. Ut pratum zzril ullum inciduisi blam zzriuscilit support augiatemand sum delis ero et, veniat consecte num zzril ercidunt veliquatum no new families will move will eliquat. be upgraded under the dolore plan. dip et at lutpatinThat means services for youth and families incipit ullam,ofquam, commod Dip er sim alit dunt praesed exerthe secte molore nit with lam aute te core ex eniamet to the town the project, with the BMA will manage plan and core consenim Highlights the plan include: delesse vel et, commolorem dolore Moranbah modiammillion enissittowards vel ipis eu commod tationsed tat. Urer inim doloreundertake do dolor an annual zzriusci tiein do eugait lum quatet, ommodolorem • $46 the Moranbahtio doloreet,in workforceaugiamc to be houses in a giantvullumm mining review Airport upgrade million such as facipsustrud esed min ute cortie tatummy • $2.8 nonse ming euisin programs senisi bla feugait dolorero core with stakeholders. summoluptat venibh ea faciduis vel iuscing camp on olendrem the outskirts of town.erosto dip consultation

6 6

21st Janurary 2013 21st Janurary 2013


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A Senate investigation into bullying has delivered 23 recommendations in an attempt to stamp the practice out from the workplace.

A REPORT into workplace bullying by the federal government has delivered 23 recommendations in a bid to stop the practice impacting further on people and productivity. Part of hearings used to devise the recommendations heard workplace bullying was rife in the Queensland resources sector. According to the Productivity Commission workplace bullying costs the Australian economy between $6 billion and $36 billion annually. Millions of this is in mining and resources. The Senate Committee that carried out hearings and delivered the report received over 300 written submissions - mostly from individuals who have experienced bullying first-hand - but also from organisations, about the enormous human toll that workplace bullying takes. The Australian Mines & Metal’s Association (AMMA) told the enquiry that Queensland miners were being “bullied” by unions. “Bullying by unions (including officials, delegates and members)

continues to remain a serious workplace issue, particularly in the resource and construction industries,” the AMMA’s 23-page submission said. Reports in Shift Miner also attracted a number of emails and phone calls from workers who said they had been bullied. One worker who did not want to identified for fear of further victimisation said her career had been destroyed by bullying, which had become so bad it was affecting her family life. Her experience, as sad and disturbing as it sounded, is unfortunately not uncommon. Just two of several examples of union bullying provided in the AMMA submission were unions victimising employees who supported a proposed enterprise bargaining agreement that was

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For those businessess with ongoing personnel recruitment

not endorsed by the union and For employers who can’t afford to wast CALL ANGUS m. 0428 154 653 d. 07 4921employees 4333 or or go to ww unions victimising who did not support strike action that the union had endorsed. The hearings were convened after a young worker took her life because she was mercilessly bullied in her workplace. The inquiry examined the nature, causes and extent of workplace bullying. The report recommendations focus on what bullying is; what employers are required to do under anti-bullying legislation and training to stop bullying. The final report is available online at and the government is urging all workers and employers responsible for the care of staff to read the document and implement the recommendations where appropriate. 8MW

According to the Productivity Commission, workplace bullying costs the Australian economy between $6 billion and $36 billion annually.

21st Janurary 2013



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Coast pursues FIFO info

Off shift Gold Coast style - it’s imagery like this that the Gold Coast is hoping will help attract more FIFO business.

THE Gold Coast has launched a website and survey to finetune its bid for more fly-in, fly-out business. Gold Coast City Council Mayor Tom Tate says the the program is an important economic driver in the city. “We want to raise awareness of the FIFO project and the lucrative opportunities that

exist for the Gold Coast,” he told Shift Miner. To date the city has spent about $250,000 on the FIFO project. “We are currently undertaking a survey on the Gold Coast to find out how many people are interested in, or already undertaking, FIFO work, while living here,” Cr Tate says. “The more people that fill

out the survey, the more we can build a case to airlines and the mining sector that we have a work ready pool of people to feed into the resources sector.” Economic Development and Tourism Chair, Cr Jan Grew, says the FIFO project has generated a lot of interest with leads from mining companies, airlines and contractors to the resource sector.

“We’ve established a FIFO working group called Resource Link GC, which comprises local business, government and

council working together to increase opportunities for the local workforce and businesses,” Cr Grew says. “We’re also working with the Federal Government through Buy Australia to deliver training to companies that want to become resource ready.” The project is jointly funded by the Queensland and Federal governments to help Gold Coast job seekers access jobs in demand in the mining and resource sector. A one day mining jobs expo held on the coast in 2011 attracted 10,000 people. It is hoped these would-be mine workers can be linked with companies seeking staff. The Gold Coast also plans to expand its airport which now has international flights and hosts QANTAS, Tiger, JETSTAR and Virgin along with a number of smaller charter companies. More info on the survey is available at

A one day mining jobs expo held on the coast in 2011 attracted 10,000 people. It is hoped these would-be mine workers can be linked with companies seeking staff.

Q&A Flying: Why do children experience pain Hope for Industrial Deafness in the ear when flying and what can be done? Children under age of to nine are very levels Many people arethe exposed dangerous susceptible to middle ear pathology, particularly of noise throughout their working and social Eustachian tube blockages which allows lives. This can catch up with you and result in a the middle ear cavity to depressurise during permanent hearing loss, or “industrial deafness”. changes of atmospheric pressure. When the AEustachian common complaint of sufferers is that they can tube is functioning properly it opens hear peopleto talking, but in can’t understand and closes changes pressure whilstwhat flying they are saying. and you get the popping sensation in your ears as you ascend and descend. For children Previously it was very hard to treat industrial with Eustachian tube blockages the middle ear deafness because putting a standard hearing cavity is not depressurising at the same rate as aid in the ear physically blocked the ear and the cabin and the ear drum is being sucked in prevented the use of the good hearing in the at extreme pressure which can cause severe low painpitched or evenareas. a perforation.

A new device called a Micro Open-fit hearing There are several things can be associated done aid alleviates all the usualthat problems both before and during flying that can assist

children withindustrial opening up the Eustachian tube with treating deafness. Instead of and preventing discomfort. Firstly, look for thethe blocking the ear these invisible devices leave warning thatyou might there ear open signs allowing to suggest use yourthat good hearing could be blockage and make preparations in the low pitched areas with the hearing aid before and during the flight. The most obvious helping out with speech sounds in the high warning sign is if your child has a cold, sinus pitched areas. blockages or any other respiratory symptoms. If showing these signs then the first thing you can try both prior and during the flight is to use saline based nasal sinus sprays. These can wash away allergens sitting at the entrance of Eustachian tube which may be causing the swelling and subsequent blocking. Another strategy that can be used again both before and during the flight is to get your child to blow up balloons both with their mouth and their nose. The pressure created by blowing the air can

be enough thesound, Eustachian tube open The result istoa force natural no excessive and allow depressurisation. Further help can background noise, and no loud chewing or voice be achieved by chewing lollies or gum whilst echoes. ascending and descending as jaw movement If you, someone know suff ers from can alsoorunblock the you Eustachian tube. these symptoms phone Clarity Hearing For babies today and children that no areobligation too young to Solutions for a free do the above strategies then the best thing consultation. to do is to breast or bottle feed them whilst ascending and descending. Again the jaw movements and the sucking can assist with the depressurisation. For a free rehabilitative hearing consultation contact Clarity Hearing Solutions on 07 4957 2000 today. Grant Collins - Principal Audiologist/Managing Director Clarity Hearing Solutions B.Psych(Dist).,M.AudSt.,MAudSA (CCP)., MAAAPP.

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21st Janurary 2013


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Shift Miner Magazine -

No pausing automation push THE continued move toward automated mine sites will change the employment landscape forever and workers need to adapt or perish. That outlook may seem dire but leading industry recruiter Jody Elliott says the expansion of the robot truck and train projects in the Pilbara point to an Australian industry undergoing massive changes. For Queensland it may be a case of out of sight out of mind, but all companies (and their human resources and accounts departments) are keeping a close watch. “The move to driverless trucks and trains will undoubtedly change the employment landscape,” Ms Elliott of The Resource Channel says. “Where once a person could complete a relevant course, gain experience and a start on a mine site, the skills required will be vastly different. “So, too, will be the working environment. No longer will workers be required to fly in, fly out, but instead head to a citybased operating centre, and sit in an office environment with many others, operating a terminal.” She pointed to Rio Tinto’s recent recruitment campaign as a sign of change.

Automation is coming and workers need to adapt or perish. Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton have been trialling automated trucks.

The hunt for workers featured a ‘Mine of the Future’ moniker and innovative desktop and mobile application enabling ‘players’ to practise hauling iron ore by driving a truck over Pilbara terrain using a keyboard. Ms Elliott says while this was a fun and interactive way

to engage with job seekers, its key message was to highlight the difference in skills required between remote operations and physically driving a vehicle. Rio intends to have a fleet of 150 robot trucks in operation in about four years in the Pilbara. “Clearly the option of

driverless trucks and trains is appealing for miners. When you consider that mining companies don’t need to provide housing or flights for operators at remote sites, the savings are even greater,” Ms Elliott says. “To put that in context, a house at a remote site in

Australia can cost more than $1 million. If companies eliminate the need for just one truck, they require five fewer operators and five fewer houses, so the savings certainly multiply. “Is remote control the way of the future? It’s looking more and more likely.”

Cut dust and save Rio delivers record GOLD Coast mining company Reynolds Soil Technologies has launched a new product aimed at reducing dust on construction projects. Heavy Water Dynamic was developed for sites that experience large volumes of dust through excessive vehicle traffic, clearing, excavation and demolition. RST’s operations and technical director David Handel says they designed the product as they found companies were in need of dust control solution that was cost-effective and achieved instant results. “Most sites use water in an attempt to suppress excessive dust, however this only temporarily reduces dust levels for a short period and can often lead to overwatering of the site,” he says. “We identified a gap in the market for a technology that offered the total dust solution with instantaneous results, while significantly reducing maintenance requirements, water usage and additional project costs. “Our aim was to develop a product that was super concentrated and could be easily implemented into the site’s existing watering process from early stage

construction to completion and when sprayed onto unsealed ground, would increase water penetration, binds fine and greatly improve dust control.” Comprising an ultra-concentrated formulation, Heavy Water Dynamic has been custom-designed to effectively mitigate dust emissions, while significantly reducing water usage and outgoings for bulk earthworks and earthmoving projects. Dosed into the water cart, Mr Handel says the innovative formula essentially assists in minimising unnecessary delays and excessive project outgoings often experienced on construction sites. He says the product also reduces freight and maintenance costs because less water is required to battle dust. It also has the potential to improve ground compaction and rehabilitation and minimise erosion. RST has more than 24 years experience specialising in total dust management, soil stabilisation and erosion, water and agricultural solutions for mine sites, haul roads, ports and land sites in Australia and overseas.

RIO Tinto has had a corporate blinder according to its latest figures released to the market last week. No wonder when Shift Miner contacted it’s PR team hunting stories we were politely directed to wait for the figures to be released. And it’s hard to be pessimistic about them. Despite the wobbles in the industry last year Rio managed to produce, ship and sell record amounts of iron ore in 2012 and 15 per cent more thermal coal. A record 253 million tonnes of iron ore were shipped with about 79 per cent of those volumes owned by Rio and the remainder by joint venture partners such as Hancock Prospecting. That’s means Rio is on track to deliver

its forecast full-year net profit in the region of $US9.2 billion next month. But if the devil is in the detail it’s the worker with his boots on the dirt in the coal operations that should be reading it as further job cuts are expected in Queensland. Despite the jump in coal production in 2012 Rio says there is no sign of relief from the rising costs and lower prices that have overshadowed the industry so savings have to be made. “Rio Tinto is actively reducing controllable costs in this business,” Rio boss Tom Albanese says. And that means more jobs are likely to be cut. When and where is not known but Queensland and New South Wales operations are in the sights.

A record 253 million tonnes of iron ore were shipped with about 79 per cent of those volumes owned by Rio and the remainder by joint venture partners such as Hancock Prospecting. 21st Janurary 2013


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Miningininformation Mobile workforce 12 months Industry news doubles

and information Pat alisis ercidunt ex ea faccum dolobore velit wis nis nullam, consequisi.

Equatetue feugiat, cor secte mod te molore ming eu feum dolorpe rciliquipisi blaorpero duisi exercil ipit velit praessi tis augait, quation henismodit delesto deliquam venis endrer ad el esequat. Ut pratum zzril ullum incipit ullam, quam, commod modiam enissit vel ipis eu facipsustrud esed min ute cortie diamet vullummy nulputem verit utpatue minis at wis niam, vel iriurem dolore ming et, quis dunt ea feum zzrillaorper sustrud tie dolenim accum quat. Re commy nullum ing et dolorer ostisi tat. Ud elesed doloborero dunt ing endiam ipisi. Ulla commodo loreetuerci eummodion ulput elit inciduisi blam zzriuscilit augiatem delesse vel et, commolorem dolore tio doloreet, commod tationsed tatummy nonse ming euis nostincilit adionse quipit augueros ex eugait pratue min eril dolutatio elisse esendigna facillan ullaor incipis nonsectet lortie facilis ea feugait ullaor summodit ad ea faccum eugait iriure No place like home - latest figures show the non-resident the Surat doubled in 2012. modiam velisl in ute modignibh elenibh eraese The majority of these workers stay in worker tatummo lorper camps like this aut one.veliqui ero dipisi bla facipsu msandionse et, sum delis ero et, veniat eliquat. Dip er sim alit dunt praesed

tat. Urer inim dolore do dolor senisi bla feugait dolorero core consectem ea faccum quis amet ad dunt lortiscip eugiam, seniam quatisi. Commy nit wissit nonse molobore modiat. Ut nulla faccum quamet lor sectetu eriusci pissi. Xero od dolorero odolent nis alis num ing eugait amet nibh exerit, sit utat volorper in ullam ad essis nostionsenis atem nim ver iril init, consecte dolore dip et at lutpatin exer secte molore core consenim zzriusci tie do eugait lum quatet, summoluptat venibh ea faciduis amet nostio

Pat alisis ercidunt ex ea faccum THE construction workforce in the dolobore velit wis nis nullam, consequisi. Surat Basin continues to surge with Equatetue feugiat, cor secte mod te the State Government reporting that molore ming eu feum dolorpe rciliquipisi the “on-shift” non resident workforce blaorpero duisi exercil ipit velit praessi tis (NRW) doubled in 2012. augait, quation henismodit delesto deliquam An NRW is defined as someone who venis endrer ad el esequat. Ut pratum drives or flies in and out (FIFO/DIDO) zzril ullum incipit ullam, quam, commod of the region from their normal place of modiam enissit vel ipis eu facipsustrud esed residence to work. min ute cortie diamet vullummy nulputem According to latest Queensland verit utpatue minis at wis niam, vel Treasury figures the “on-shift” NRW in iriurem dolore ming et, quis dunt ea feum the Surat Basin is currently just under zzrillaorper sustrud tie dolenim accum quat. 6500, which is up 97 per cent on 2011. Re commy nullum ing et dolorer ostisi tat. However, since the count was taken Ud elesed doloborero dunt ing endiam ipisi. on a single day, and doesn’t include Ulla commodo loreetuerci eummodion those workers who were “off shift”, the ulput elit inciduisi blam zzriuscilit augiatem real number of non resident workers is delesse vel et, commolorem dolore tio probably closer to 12,000. doloreet, commod tationsed tatummy The great majority of the NRW are nonse ming euis nostincilit adionse employed in the Seam Gasmin sector, quipit augueros exCoal eugait pratue eril which is building the infrastructure to dolutatio elisse esendigna facillan ullaor export gas from the region sometime incipis nonsectet lortie facilis ea feugait in the next four years. ullaor summodit ad ea faccum eugait iriure The clear on behalf modiam velislpreference ute modignibh elenibhoferaese employers and employees in Surat tatummo lorper aut veliqui ero the dipisi bla Basin to commute in and out to work, facipsu msandionse et, sum delis ero et, follows a similar trend that has emerged in the nearby Bowen Basin. Traditionally in the Bowen Basin, the majority of workers have lived “local” to the mine they work in, however that trend has been fast

veniat eliquat. Dip er sim alit dunt praesed changing in the last decade. tat. Urer inim dolore do dolor senisi bla Notably BMA’s newest coal feugait dolorero core consectem ea faccum developments near Moranbah are being quis amet ad dunt lortiscip eugiam, seniam operated with an exclusively FIFO quatisi. Commy nit wissit nonse molobore workforce. modiat. Ut nulla faccum quamet lor sectetu With so much of the workforce in eriusci pissi. Xero od dolorero odolent nis the Surat Basin not living locally there alis num ing eugait amet nibh exerit, sit has been a boom in the supply of NRW utat volorper in ullam ad essis nostionsenis accommodation. atem nim ver iril init, consecte dolore The number of beds offered in the dip et at lutpatin exer secte molore core Maranoa Shire doubled in 2012 and consenim zzriusci tie do eugait lum quatet, nearly tripled in the Western Downs. summoluptat venibh ea faciduis amet nostio However, the Treasury figures did eu faccumsan venibh endre dunt et aliscil show some differences in the nature of isiscincil il eniat. accommodation between the Surat and amet, commy nullaortin verci tetuer Bowen basins. auguero duipit adit ad magna autpat “Relatively fewer FIFO/DIDO resource vullaore dionsed etumsan dipisci duissit industry workers in the Surat Basin are nullam velenit velis alit doloreetue do accommodated in population centres, dipsustisl elendio nsequatis et lore ming with a growing majority living in esed molore min ero commy num zzril workforce accommodation located ercidunt veliquatum nit lam aute te core ex on or adjacent to gas tenures in rural eniamet augiamc ommodolorem vullumm areas,” Treasury says. olendrem vel iuscing erosto dip et, suscidu “This pattern largely reflects the ipsuscillam, sim quip ea feui blan utpat, decentralised nature of the CSG/LNG susto eugiam enim exerciliscip exer industry, mobility of some vel amet, susciand blanthe hent nonse consenim

elements such as drilling and pipeline construction teams.” Of the 66 worker accommodation villages surveyed five could accommodate more than 500 people, 14 between 100 and 500 people and 48 less than 100.

Del del ea facilit dunt alit, suscing etum del elit augait la con hent luptat ad tie magna

Industry news and Seeking clever andinformation committed THE Hail Creek Mine CQUniversity Pat alisis ercidunt ex ea faccum Partnership Programme is calling for dolobore velit wis nis nullam, consequisi. applications. Equatetue feugiat, cor secte mod te The scholarships are worth $4000 molore ming eu feum dolorpe rciliquipisi each over two yearsipit to velit first-year blaorpero duisi exercil praessi tis nursing, health, business, science, IT augait, quation henismodit delesto deliquam andendrer engineering students venis ad el esequat. Ut studying pratum at CQUniversity zzril ullum incipitMackay. ullam, quam, commod Thisenissit year vel fiveipis scholarships worthesed modiam eu facipsustrud a total of $20,000 are on offer and min ute cortie diamet vullummy nulputem applications must be made by March 1. verit utpatue minis at wis niam, vel The program also offers iriurem dolore ming et, quis dunt ea feum various opportunities in career zzrillaorper sustrud tie dolenim accum quat. development including work ostisi tat. Re commy nullum ing et dolorer mentorship, networking Udexperience, elesed doloborero dunt ing endiam ipisi. opportunities mine site visits. Ulla commodoand loreetuerci eummodion scholarships part ofaugiatem a long ulput The elit inciduisi blamare zzriuscilit term vel partnership between Hail tio Creek delesse et, commolorem dolore Mine and CQUniversity. The organisations doloreet, commod tationsed tatummy haveming worked 2008 and nonse euis together nostincilitsince adionse continued theexpartnership lastmin year quipit augueros eugait pratue erilafter signingelisse a new three-year agreement. dolutatio esendigna facillan ullaor far morelortie thanfacilis 30 local students incipisSononsectet ea feugait havesummodit been supported through the iriure ullaor ad ea faccum eugait scholarship program with a further 15 modiam velisl ute modignibh elenibh eraese more students expected to benefit over tatummo lorper aut veliqui ero dipisi bla the next three years. facipsu msandionse et, sum delis ero et, vice praesed chancellor veniatCQUniversity eliquat. Dip erAustralia sim alit dunt

and president Professor Scott Bowman says the partnership is a good example of how industry, the community and areamet working together. alisCQUniversity num ing eugait nibh exerit, sit “Thanksintoullam Rio Tinto Coal Australia’s utat volorper ad essis nostionsenis generous in thedolore central atem nim verinvestment iril init, consecte CQUniversity dipQueensland et at lutpatinregion, exer secte molore corestudents are being exposed the best consenim zzriusci tie dotoeugait lumexperience quatet, industry has to offer now and fornostio the summoluptat venibh ea faciduis amet right here our et local eu long-term, faccumsan venibh endreindunt aliscil communities,” isiscincil il eniat. he says. More information is available from amet, commy nullaortin verci tetuer Hail Creek auguero duipit adit adormagna autpatMine’s Mariedionsed Cameron on 07 dipisci 4951 6437 or vullaore etumsan duissit nullam velenit velis alit doloreetue do

tat. Urer inim dolore do dolor senisi bla feugait dolorero core consectem ea faccum quis amet ad dunt lortiscip eugiam, seniam quatisi. Commy nit wissit nonse molobore modiat. Ut nulla faccum quamet lor sectetu eriusci pissi. Xero od dolorero odolent nis

dipsustisl elendio nsequatis et lore ming esed molore min ero commy num zzril ercidunt veliquatum nit lam aute te core ex eniamet augiamc ommodolorem vullumm olendrem vel iuscing erosto dip et, suscidu ipsuscillam, sim quip ea feui blan utpat,

Past recipient Stephen Brown.

This year five scholarships worth a total of $20,000 are on offer.


21st Janurary 2013


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NSW safety walks over QLD LAST year Queensland’s safety report revealed a grim picture. In 2010, 851 workers across all sectors, including quarries and gas projects, suffered “lost time injuries and disabling injuries”. This figure jumped by an alarming 23 per cent to 1047 in 2011-2012. NSW Mine Safety Performance Report 2011-2012, in contrast, reports there were 2.3 per cent fewer lost time injuries than in the previous year, and 3.3 per cent fewer total recordable injuries. And the overall five-year average lost time injury frequency rate to June last year fell a whopping 58.4 per cent compared to June 2007 and reached a record low of 6.45 injuries per million of hours worked. Although the safety rates appear to compare more favourably than Queensland’s, NSW saw a substantial increase in the number of coal, metalliferous and serious bodily injuries in 2011-2012 of 43.2 per cent. However, the five-year average for serious bodily injury frequency rate fell by 55.8 per cent compared to June 2007 and also reached a record low of 0.73. Meanwhile, Queensland saw the number of injuries per million hours worked increase to 6.8, up

Despite plenty of work to promote safety on Queensland work sites, like these signs, we still appear to be lagging behind New South Wales in preventing incidents.

from 4.2 the year before. In 2011-12, this was 6.8 - up from 4.2 the year before. Although the number of fatalities fell - three the previous year - there was still one fatality. The results of Queensland’s safety report saw both the Commissioner for Mine Safety and Health, Stewart Bell, and Mines Minister Andrew Cripps raise concern over complacency. Mr Bell says in his work on the Pike River Commission in New Zealand that

looked into the fatal mine collapse he saw examples of a similar behaviour and a consequence he did not want repeated in Queensland. Both the commissioner and minister said less experienced workers - which grew the industry from 39,000 in 2009

to 58,000 in 2012, sometimes struggled with safety rules. Another key figure from the report was a decrease in the severity rate - down 23.2 per cent - and duration - down 25.1 per cent - of lost-time injuries and disabling injuries in the 12 months to June.

Queensland saw the number of injuries per million hours worked increase.

Report on the reports Port dismisses findings gives all clear THE cause of fish deaths in Gladstone Harbour is likely to be mired in bureaucratic red tape forever. Anglers want answers and industry says it is supplying them through reports and stats that show dredging in the harbour is not to blame for millions in lost revenue through the 2011 fish deaths and the closure of the harbour. Last week the Newman Government even released a report into the number of reports and investigations that have been done on the issue. Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection Andrew Powell says the findings in the Gladstone Harbour 2012 Program Report were consistent with “extensive information” made public throughout the year. “The findings continue to show no evidence to link water quality with illness in fish or people, and pleasingly, clear evidence that fish health has improved significantly,” Mr Powell says. “Since concerns were raised in August 2011 by commercial fishers about the health of fish in Gladstone waterways, Gladstone Harbour has undergone a

rigorous testing regime. “The whole-of-government investigation, led by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, has involved 12 months of fish health, water quality and sediment sampling and testing as well as on-going investigations into any health concerns reported by fishers in the Gladstone area. “We are now waiting only for the laboratories to process tissue samples of a wide range of fish, crustaceans and molluscs which are undergoing more detailed studies. “These results will be published along with reports incorporating all information from the investigation,” Mr Powell said. The program report showed there has been lots of work done on the situation and money spent on research but no definitive answers for anglers or industry. In total there has been more than 60 reports done in 18 months according to government. Those interested in seeing what the latest report says can access it from the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection website

THE Gladstone Ports Corporation has been quick to pounce on a report into water quality in the harbour, saying it goes against other evidence. The comments directed at the final report by Dr Matt Landos through a media statement are the latest in the long running saga surrounding fish deaths, closure of the harbour for a period and a failed class action. Dr Landos had looked at the causes of aquatic animal health problems in the Gladstone Harbour and near-shore waters. In dismissing the report, Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) Chief Executive Officer Leo Zussino says it is in direct conflict with the growing mountain of scientific and circumstantial evidence showing no links between dredging and disease in fish. He says the GPC is committed to ensuring the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project (WBDDP) continues to be conducted within strict conditioning guidelines set by the project approval

conditions to ensure minimum impact on the marine life in Gladstone harbour. “The extensive independent environmental water quality monitoring program for the WBDDP shows no visible or scientific signs of any negative impact from changes in water quality to date,” Mr Zussino says. “Dr Matt Landos’ report has been commissioned by the Gladstone Fishing Research Fund which has been financially supported by a small group of commercial fishers in the Gladstone harbour to support a compensation action represented by Shine Lawyers and Law Essentials. “To date all scientific evidence shows the WBDDP is not responsible for the fish health issues on a number of points.” Meanwhile, the State Government released an update on the number of reports that have been done into the harbour’s woes. Dozens of reports have been done and none say dredging caused the fish deaths. Full story at left.

“To date all scientific evidence shows the WBDDP is not responsible for the fish health issues on a number of points.” 21st Janurary 2013



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Phones Underground shearer are killers perfectly pink

A 115 tonne pink underground coal shearer has been unveiled near Emerald to mark the start of a new friendship between Rio Tinto, Caterpillar and the McGrath Foundation. Caterpillar supplied the shearer as part of the longwall for Rio Tinto’s Kestrel Mine Extension project and the organisations have also teamed up to fund a new McGrath Breast Care Nurse that will service the Mackay region. The McGrath Foundation was co-founded by Jane McGrath and her cricketing husband Glenn after Jane’s diagnosis and initial recovery from breast cancer. She eventually died from the disease. Employed by the Mackay Hospital and Health Service for the next three years, the new McGrath Breast Care Nurse will provide support to families

experiencing breast cancer to ensure their physical, psychological and basic support needs are met. Because of funding from Rio Tinto and Caterpillar the service will be completely free with families experiencing breast cancer able to self refer. The new McGrath Breast Care Nurse position will further strengthen central Queensland’s breast care nurse network, complementing an existing McGrath Breast Care Nurse already working in Mackay and a breast care nurse based in Emerald funded by the health service.

Caterpillar Asia Pacific underground coal manager Hugh Paul, Kestrel Mine general manager operations John Coughlan, McGrath Foundation ambassador and director Tracy Bevan and Kestrel Mine Extension general manager construction Colin

Because of funding from Rio Tinto and Caterpillar the service will be completely free with families experiencing breast cancer able to self refer.

WHEN it comes to fatalities on the job, eight of the last 12 in Queensland mines involved vehicles or mobile plants. So the fact there have been several high potential incident investigations where workers have used mobile devices while operating vehicles and other mobile plants is cause for concern. The mines inspectorate says there is concern at any causal factors, including human factors, that may impair safe vehicle operation - and any incident involving a vehicle or mobile plant can be fatal. A recent message from the Queensland Police Minister Jack Dempsey is relevant, the inspectorate points out. The Police Minister warned that too many drivers were being distracted by things such as mobile phones, sound systems, on-board DVDs and satellite navigation. The latest safety bulletin aims to remind people of the risks of using mobile devices, including mobile phones, tablets or other social media devices, while driving or operating mobile plants. It also recommends that a mines risk management process has regard to the role of human factors in vehicle or mobile plant incidents by incorporating known risk factors in site risk assessments, hazard management and control elements. The bulletin aims to reinforce that a mine worker or other person at a mine is obligated to comply with safety and health management systems and not do anything that may affect the health and safety of others. For more information go to www.

Seagrass study brings hope

QUEENSLAND’S coast is one of key regions in the world losing seagrass coverage at a great rate due to rapid industrialisation and floods, but there could be hope on the horizon. Professor Marnie Campbell from CQUniversity is leading a project aimed at restoring seagrass meadows which has received $360,000 funding from the State Government. “Restoration of seagrass is an issue that scientists have grappled with for the last 60 years and had little success, not because it can’t be done, but because we’ve not always approached the problem in a scientific way,” she says. “My research is developing innovative and new methods of restoring seagrasses.


21st Janurary 2013

To succeed with this we need good, solid science that uses local information and we have to be willing to give seagrass restoration a go in Queensland.” The research will focus on Gladstone, and potentially Bundaberg and Mackay, depending on future funding. Prof Campbell’s research is tailored to the local seagrass species’ responses to local stressors and developing restoration techniques that consider those stress responses, instead of applying information from other species and locations. “A number of the seagrass in this region have not been examined before, because research efforts have focused on the dominant species only. So this

research will fill some important research and data gaps in the seagrass literature and knowledge bases,” she says. Prof Campbell will carry out a number of experiments in specially designed indoor and outdoor aquarium systems and in the field. “We’re aiming to have an accurate model for the best species, the best location and best types of plants to use when restoring seagrasses,” she says.

“Field testing will then be used to test the accuracy of the model and we’ll undertake a full-scale restoration effort to fully test the models created.” Prof Campbell has also received a CQUniversity award of $300,000 to bring Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Emma Jackson into the project, from January 2013. Dr Jackson is from the UK’s University of Plymouth and the UK Marine Biological Association.

“We’re aiming to have an accurate model for the best species, the best location and best types of plants to use when restoring seagrasses.”


Shift Miner

Industry and information Rare earthnews value to be unlocked Pat alisis ercidunt ex ea faccum dolobore velit wis nis nullam, consequisi.

Equatetue feugiat, cor secte mod te molore ming eu feum dolorpe rciliquipisi blaorpero duisi exercil ipit velit praessi tis augait, quation henismodit delesto deliquam venis endrer ad el esequat. Ut pratum zzril ullum incipit ullam, quam, commod modiam enissit vel ipis eu facipsustrud esed min ute cortie diamet vullummy nulputem verit utpatue minis at wis niam, vel iriurem dolore ming et, quis dunt ea feum zzrillaorper sustrud tie dolenim accum quat. Re commy nullum ing et dolorer ostisi tat. Ud elesed doloborero dunt ing endiam ipisi. Ulla commodo loreetuerci eummodion ulput elit inciduisi blam zzriuscilit augiatem delesse vel et, commolorem dolore tio doloreet, commod tationsed tatummy nonse ming euis nostincilit adionse quipit augueros ex eugait pratue min eril dolutatio elisse esendigna facillan ullaor incipis nonsectet lortie facilis ea feugait ullaor summodit ad ea faccum eugait iriure modiam velisl ute modignibh elenibh eraese tatummo lorper aut veliqui ero dipisi bla facipsu msandionse et, sum delis ero et, veniat eliquat. Dip er sim alit dunt praesed tat.The Urer inim dolore dopanels dolor senisi bla demand for solar and digital cameras is driving for rare minerals feugait dolorero coredemand consectem ea faccum like those that are expected to be mined from quis amet ad dunt lortiscip eugiam, seniam western Queensland’s uranium tailings. quatisi. Commy nit wissit nonse molobore

modiat. Ut nulla faccum quamet sectetu the assessment of the potential mineralisation types.” Thelor state government is eriusci pissi. Xero od doloreroinvestigating odolent nis ways to unlock for rare earths development The site of the former Mary alis num ing eugait amet nibh options at Mary Kathleen. Kathleen uranium mine is one $4exerit, billionsitworth of mineral utat volorper in ullam ad essis nostionsenis “The Mary Kathleen site is of the potential hotspots for rare resources in the North West of atem nim ver iril init, consecte currently under a restricted earth resource development. thedolore state. dip et at lutpatin exer secte molore core for Natural area (RA 232) for potential “Production at Mary Minister consenim zzriusci tie do eugait lum quatet, future development and is also Kathleen ceased in 1982 when Resources and Mines, Andrew summoluptat venibh ea faciduis ametsays nostio managed by my department the uranium resource was Cripps, there is significant eu faccumsan venibh endre dunt et aliscil through its Abandoned Mine exhausted,” Mr Cripps says. potential for developing isiscincil il eniat. Lands Program,” Mr Cripps says. “There is approximately 7 commercially-viable deposits amet, commy nullaortin verci tetuer “That means exploration million tonnes of ore tailings of rare earth elements in the auguero duipit adit ad magnaarea autpat and production tenures over which is stored on the Mary known as the North West vullaore dionsed etumsan dipisci duissit the tailings dam area at Mary Kathleen site in a purpose-built Minerals Province. nullam velenit velis alit doloreetue do earth elements in the Kathleen are prohibited while tailings dam structure. “Rare dipsustisl elendio nsequatis etNorth lore ming the restricted area is in place. “These tailings are estimated West are commonly found esed molore min ero commy in num zzril “My department is considering to contain approximately 3 conjunction with copper, gold ercidunt veliquatum nit lam aute te core exmineralisation,” Mr a number of site safety and percent total rare earth oxides and uranium eniamet augiamc ommodolorem vullumm environmental issues as part of which makes it one of the Cripps says. olendrem vel iuscing erosto dip “Rare et, suscidu its assessment of the economic largest rare earth deposits in earth elements are ipsuscillam, sim quip ea feui used blan in utpat, potential of future development Australia. many new technologies, susto eugiam enim exerciliscip exer magnets ssectem at cars, lutet lummy“Based niam zzriustrud deliquam of the henismodit rare earths delesto resource. on currentteworld augait, quation including in electric amet, susci blan hent nonse consenim vel batteries, dolore commy nis alit, qui the blaoreet venis endrer “These ad el esequat. Ut pratum issues need to be prices, valuevelisci of this resource rechargeable phosphors doloreraesto odolestrud eum in delflat delscreen incidunt et landrercing nulla conulput incipit ullam, quam, prior to any commod future is approximately $4 billion, zzril withullumresolved televisions, and as eugueros la consed tatisis nibh euipsustrud mincilla velis Equatetue feugiat, cor secte mod te modiam enissit vel ipis eu facipsustrud esed decision to release land a potential royalty value for the an additive in glass to improve facing euguercing eugue tie feugiam venim molore ming eu feum dolorpe rciliquipisi min ute cortie diamet vullummy nulputem from RA 232, and this work state of more than $100 million.” the refractive index in cameras iureet velese ming etueriu sciduisi. ipit Geological velit praessiSurvey tis at wis niam, willminis be completed overvelthe ofverit utpatue and solar panels. blaorpero duisi exercilThe sequamc onsequat utatem alismolore tat. next six months.” Queensland is currently leading “The exploration sector is ibh elesenit alit velit amcon el utpat. great interest in rare showing iduis nim in hendit Moditelements aut in the region “Based on current world prices, the value of augiat. Na faccums andion hent luptat as technologies are now being vel do ea consequ ismodit nulla aut del to separate rare earths developed this resource is approximately $4 billion.” ut adipissed modipit lor aut wisis morenonseni efficiently from a range of

Del del ea facilit dunt alit, suscing etum del elit augait la con hent luptat ad tie magna

generated at

21st Janurary Janurary 2013 2013 21st

13 13

Off Shift

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STuFF to the Editor

Government calls for interest in Abbot Point FROm THE EDITOR

The State Government has called for registrations of interest in the first stage of potential development of new export coal terminal capacity at Abbot Point.

Disagreement over FIFO and family (CQ Workers big shift P1 SM152) Well, why would you want to live in the mining communities? The rents are ridiculous, the house prices are criminal and you still have to travel to do the shopping. Michael, Mackay

The State Government has called for registrations of interest in the first stage of potential development of new export coal terminal capacity at Abbot Point. Interested companies have until February 20 to submit details of their interest.

The process follows the current government’s quashing of the approach taken by the Bligh Government over development at Abbot Point prior to its crushing election defeat. Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney has said


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SEEN SOMETHING WE HAVEN’T? Prizes for the best mining photos. Take it on your phone or camera and send it in - Text to 0409 471 014

The reason I left living in Blackwater is because of my family. After spending many years in Blackwater it just didn’t make sense to stay there on a 12 hour shift. I left for work before the kids got up, and I was home after they were asleep. It just made more sense to go on a roster and travel out. That way I at least get a block of quality time. Not to mention the cost of living is less, the lifestyle is better, and the kids are getting to school age anyway. numerous times that development would Anonymous have occurred too quickly. A more staged

approach is now favoured. I have in the coal “Thebeen government beganindustry a reviewfor (in moreto than and May) look25atyears clearing thehave way lived for the at different times in just about all the development of infrastructure, with a

towns across the Bowen Basin. In the old days the idea of commuting to work just wasn’t considered, but that all changed with the 12 hour rosters. There are many people who knock these small communities because they can’t see past the look of the main street. But a town is made up people and the people in these towns are what make them great. No one who lives in a mining community for any period of time leaves wishing they hadn’t. David, Moranbah Maybe there will be a big shift back - rents are going down, and all those greedy southern investors who bought all our houses are going to learn a hard lesson in life. Jill, Dysart

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higher degree of certainty that additional export infrastructure would be delivered,� he says. “This includes future? the objective that any Automated future development is staged and closely (More bang for bucks aligned with emerging demand for port needed - or bust P4 SM152) capacity. Here weexport are after biggest boom in “The coal the sector is a critical Australian historyeconomy - all the profits part of the state’s and made off the back of miners you’rein a infrastructure needs to beand provided talkingand about replacing them with timely commercial basis to facilitate machines. When is enough enough? the expansion of this leading industry.� Luke, LastYeppoon year the government also appointed Dr Barry Golding as the Abbot Why don’t we talk more Point Facilitator andabout his report concluded automation to help miners? that there is emerging demand All forit ever seems to be automation to replace additional portis capacity at Abbot Point. miners. Having underground As well as theworked registrations of interest for nearly decade, documents I don’t think for the coalaexpansion a any machine, no matter the complementary request for what information technology, replace what I do. It’s document haswill been released. theThis same job, butwill it’sgauge different every document developer day and goingintothe have to be an interest init’s locating State amazing robot who canatreact that. Development Area (SDA) AbbottoPoint Wes, Emerald for industries and/or infrastructure, associated with the import/export of Priority automation should be commodities in addition to coal. someone to make smoko and This is a key initiative of the drive the car home after work, jimbob Coordinator-General to make better use of Queensland SDAs and generating more economic activity in these key locations. Frank the Tank (marrying Bothcousin sets of documents are availavle at your P20 SM152) the website. TAYLORS SOLICITORS

* ,-"


/ / 9 " 9 ", ,-" /",-

or property? Âť page 23

ĂŠ 1,9ĂŠ



7", ĂŠ




É/* Ê





Level 2/ 17 Brisban e

Street Mackay

Long time reader, first time writer. Frank, I was sitting here over the New Year period feeling sorry for myself that I had to work, and your advice on marrying relatives cheered me up. Great advice and hilarious. I hope you continue into 2013. You make my roster.

Ed’s Note : We have some great news in 2013 for those of you who like Frank the Tank. It will blow your mind. Keep an eye out. Hey Frank. Here is another benefit you hadn’t thought of. You could save heaps of money on groundwork because you could go on a date at home at the dinner table!




16 14

21st Janurary 2013

SHIFT MINER Premium Queensland business and industrial news


Delivered direct to your inbox every Wednesday To register go to and follow the link

Around Town

ShiftMiner MinerMagazine Shift

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0000 0000

Kids Enjoy the Rotary clubs annual Carols by

0000 0000 Candlelight 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

(L-R) Greer Webley Mekenzie Window and Bridie Anderson

(L-R) Cassie Weir and Kalou Turner

Blackwater North School Choir

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

(L-R) Bree and Demi, Taylor, Anna and Emily

(L-R) Central Highlands Youth Choir with Rebecca Chan and Christie Marschke

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

(L-R) Josh Clutterbuck and Annette Bush

(L-R) Sarah and Kate Ryan

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

(L-R) Steven, Caden. Christie and Nash Mahon


0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

(L-R) Alison and Ayzlin Wood

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Kev Ryan from Blackwater awarded the National Volunteer award by the member for Flynn Ken O’Dowd. Good on you Kev.

Some of the volunteers who came to celebrate with Kev (L-R) Kev Ryan & Flynn Ken O’Dowd 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Holding a social event you want photographed?  Call the Shift Miner office on 4921 4333 to let us know.  You can also give our office a bell if you’d like a copy of any of the photos in this edition.

BUY THIS AND MANY OTHER IMAGES AT Shift Miner magazine – bringing the mining community closer together 21st Janurary Janurary 2013 2013 21st

15 15

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Shift Miner Magazine -

FROm THE EDITOR Welcome to 2013 in what is sure to a be a year just as challenging as the last. In the pages of this edition of Shift Miner it’s clear just how diverse the resources industry is. From the worry and concern of slowing work in Paget to the ongoing woes of Gladstone Harbour there are comments and insights to keep you up to date with what is happening on the ground. It’s not all doom and gloom though. There’s scholarships on offer in Central Queensland and a massive pink shearer to promote the good work being done to support those with breast cancer. We’re excited to be back and have already been planning changes here and in the digital Wednesday’s Industrial News Online (WINO) that will bring our readers even more enjoyment, entertainment and information. You may have noticed changes to the look of the publication. With readership growing along with the distribution footprint we knew it was

time to take a look at the layout and make it easier for readers to navigate. We think that has been achieved and we hope you like the changes. It took extra work from our design and editorial team but we think it is well worth the effort. Please drop us a line via email or on our facebook page and tell us what you think of the changes. There’s also been changes behind the scenes. Experienced journalist Alex Graham returns as News Director to ensure Shift Miner keeps breaking the big stories that count. Some of the regular writers are also tweaking what they do so more news on that in coming editions. For now, be sure to enjoy this Shift Miner and take the time to let us know what you’d like to see more of, or less, in the year ahead. That allows us to deliver an interesting and informative product to you every time.


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SEEN SOMETHING WE HAVEN’T? Prizes for the best mining photos. Take it on your phone or camera and send it in - Text to 0409 471 014

STuFF to the Editor Disagreement over FIFO and family (CQ Workers big shift P1 SM152) Well, why would you want to live in the mining communities? The rents are ridiculous, the house prices are criminal and you still have to travel to do the shopping. Michael, Mackay The reason I left living in Blackwater is because of my family. After spending many years in Blackwater it just didn’t make sense to stay there on a 12 hour shift. I left for work before the kids got up, and I was home after they were asleep. It just made more sense to go on a roster and travel out. That way I at least get a block of quality time. Not to mention the cost of living is less, the lifestyle is better, and the kids are getting to school age anyway. Anonymous

SHIFT MIN The Queensla

nd mining


best source

of local news



M A G A Z I N E News

More choos e FIFO life


Innovate to save Âť page 4

News Wandoan

Âť page 5

uncertaint y

News Tough 2013 ahead Âť page 6 News Monster

Âť page 11moves Sport NRL league boost

Âť page 13 Koala study reveals new lifestyle facts Âť




/ / 9 " 9 ", ,-" /",-

Money Matters Shares

or property? Âť page 23

ĂŠ 1,9ĂŠ



7", ĂŠ




É/* Ê





Level 2/ 17 Brisban e

Street Mackay

Automated future? (More bang for bucks needed - or bust P4 SM152) Here we are after the biggest boom in Australian history - all the profits made off the back of miners and you’re talking about replacing them with machines. When is enough enough? Luke, Yeppoon Why don’t we talk about more automation to help miners? All it ever seems to be is automation to replace miners. Having worked underground for nearly a decade, I don’t think any machine, no matter what the technology, will replace what I do. It’s the same job, but it’s different every day and it’s going to have to be an amazing robot who can react to that. Wes, Emerald Priority automation should be someone to make smoko and drive the car home after work, jimbob

I have been in the coal industry for more than 25 years and have lived at different times in just about all the towns across the Bowen Basin. In the old days the idea of commuting to work just wasn’t considered, but that all changed with the 12 hour rosters. There are many people who knock these small communities because they can’t see past the look of the main street. But a town is made up people and the people in these towns are what make them great. No one who lives in a mining community for any period of time leaves wishing they hadn’t. David, Moranbah

Frank the Tank (marrying your cousin P20 SM152)

Maybe there will be a big shift back - rents are going down, and all those greedy southern investors who bought all our houses are going to learn a hard lesson in life. Jill, Dysart

Hey Frank. Here is another benefit you hadn’t thought of. You could save heaps of money on groundwork because you could go on a date at home at the dinner table!

Long time reader, first time writer. Frank, I was sitting here over the New Year period feeling sorry for myself that I had to work, and your advice on marrying relatives cheered me up. Great advice and hilarious. I hope you continue into 2013. You make my roster.

Ed’s Note : We have some great news in 2013 for those of you who like Frank the Tank. It will blow your mind. Keep an eye out.





21st Janurary 2013

SHIFT MINER Premium Queensland business and industrial news


Delivered direct to your inbox every Wednesday To register go to and follow the link

Off Shift

Shift Miner Magazine -

Frank the tank’s

Dear Frank,

When I come back from 10 days at the mines and walk into my home I don’t expect the world. Lately, I’ve arrived to find a pile of dishes in the sink, filthy floors and the laundry sky-high with dirty washing. Meanwhile, my wife is often nowhere to be found. She’s out having her nails done, or on a long lunch with friends. I have just been cleaning up the mess myself and am yet to confront my wife about it, but it’s getting me down. Any advice? George, Yeppoon WEll, George, it sounds as though your wife isn’t the only one at your place who likes wearing skirts and getting her nails done. i don’t normally like to be too hard

FAir dinkum! IN THE UK

- Have you often wondered how much money you could make if you sent your Great aunt Edna of the excessive facial hair to the circus? Well, look no further than Britain’s Circus of Horrors, which is currently advertising for hairy applicants. if Great aunt Edna has a “minimum of 60,000 hairs growing on her face”, then she is in with a chance - as long as she is from Britain. the ad has been placed as the circus has signed Jesus “Chuy” aceves, better known as Wolf Boy, for its three-month British tour. He is from Mexico, and UK immigration law means the show must give a resident there the opportunity of taking the role before Jesus gets his chance. the circus – a self-proclaimed freak show that reached the Britain’s Got talent finals in 2011 – is offering £500 a week for the job. the ad says: “People with beards or

“Streakin” good love advice

on my readers, but you should probably be shot out of a cannon as punishment for your recent actions. somehow you’ve sent your wife the message that it’s alright to neglect her domestic duties in favour of fun and frivolity, which means you’re stuck at home cleaning, doing the dishes, and fantasising about Richard Gere. it’s not entirely your fault, though. Women are a crafty bunch and will attempt to outwit you at every turn. the trick is to stay one step ahead of them. a few years back my wife decided to try her hand at tennis, needless to say i was totally against the idea of her wasting time on a game that has absolutely nothing to do with cooking and cleaning. Every morning after she’d packed her tennis bag, i’d sneak into her room and replace her racquet, shoes and towel with a stack of dirty dishes and soiled undergarments. Eventually she gave up on the idea of

tennis and decided to focus on her role in the home, but i told her she was still more than welcome to practise her serving. that is, serving me roast meals while i watch various sports broadcasts. Unfortunately for you, George, it sounds as though you’ve let your wife run rampant for so long that you may never be able to reel her back in. it might be time to cut your losses and explore the fabulous world of the mailorder bride. Now, you might think the internet is only useful for downloading science fiction-themed pornography and watching videos of children falling off their bikes on Youtube. However, it also provides access to a veritable buffet of desperate foreigners. My advice: tell your wife to hit the road and purchase yourself an eastern European bride. Many of these women have been brainwashed into believing that if they leave the kitchen for more than 15 minutes they’ll be struck down by vengeful spirits,

so what they lack in English speaking ability they more than make up for in fearful obedience. Frank

wearing masks are unacceptable. a woman with a beard may be considered for a different job opportunity.” Jesus, said to be the first wolf person in Britain for 30 years, has hair all over his face due to a condition called hypertrichosis, or werewolf syndrome.


when they searched a suspect’s house. Officers from the alameda County sheriff’s department were conducting a probation check on assif Mayar at a property in Castro Valley, when they found the ill animal and the dried and processed drugs, reports. the gator, affectionately known as Mr teeth, was found inside a plexiglass tank but officers said the animal was used to deter thieves from taking the pot. Mr Mayar was arrested on suspicion of possessing marijuana for sale and is being held in jail on bail set at $151,000.

Before Jesus Aceves, also known by the original name of “Wolf Boy”, can start working with Britain’s Circus of Horrors, the circus has to advertise for any local hairy folk in case they want the job.

firemen rescued a mysteriously naked man trapped in a narrow chimney in central Berlin, the first thought was that santa had met with foul play. the fire brigade was alerted to the emergency after police failed to help the 39-year old man who was wedged 10 metres down the shoulder-width chimney. the team of about 30 firemen and 10 police officers bored a hole in the second floor of the building and managed to pull out the victim but not before he had lost consciousness. He needed 15 minutes of resuscitation and is still in hospital. “He suffered from injuries in the fall and due to his scant clothing - namely his nakedness - he became very cold,” the spokesman said. “the first question was is the man sporting a red cape and a bushy white beard?” the fire brigade spokesman said.


- Police in California got a shock when they found a five-foot alligator guarding 15.4kgs of marijuana

GEORGE, it sounds to me as though you’re making a mountain out of a molehill here by ignoring the problem. i’m sure if your wife knew that the amount of mess you’re confronted with upon returning home was getting you down she’d be more than happy to put in a bit more effort. i would recommend having a chat with her and putting forward some of the things you’d like done whilst you’re away on shift. Refrain from making accusations or being confrontational during your talk and everything should be fine.



- a 13-year-old boy who lives in italy with his adoptive parents took his father’s Mercedes and drove more than 800 km through Europe in an apparent attempt to reach his birth family in Poland, Reuters reports. He set off from the small town of Pederobba in northern italy with 200 euros in his pocket and drove the highpowered automatic car for almost 24 hours before being stopped by German police on a motorway near leipzig. according to newspaper reports the boy loved cars and was an expert go-kart driver.

Tune into the Michael J. Breakfast show from 7:35 am every Monday for 4RO's CQ Mining Update, with special guest Angus from Shift Miner.

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Shift Miner Magazine -

And while Sh Miner is not sure how Mr Stallwood prepared his barramundi, it ended up on a plate just like this.

Bait Shop Banter


Although this is not the actual fish Mr Stallwood caught, it would have looked very similiar to this one.

THE Gold Coast has just added another weapon to its marketing arsenal - big beautiful barramundi. It seems the fish is making itself at home in the city’s waterways and canals even though its normally expected to be found in other places familiar to Shift Miner readers, like north Queensland and Darwin. This week Cabbage Tree Point man Paul Stallwood jagged an 82 cm barra before work in his “secret fishing spot” and got the local

paper to take a picture to prove it. He says he chucked his line in for a quick fish in the Coomera River and was surprised to catch the 10 kilo fish. “I normally only catch bait in my secret spot but I went down with a lure for half an hour before work because we’d all been talking about this barramundi that my mate nearly caught a few weeks ago,” he says. “All of a sudden my line started screaming off at 100 miles an hour and I saw this fish


MACKAY Gladstone

MACKAY Gladstone

Mon 21


21st Janurary 2013

caused mostly light isolated falls across the region. This helped extinguish most of the many fires that flared up. Some 48 hour totals (mm) overnight 14/15th January of note were: Mt. Panorama 30, The Crescent 20, Wyseby 18, Blackdown 13, Springsure 10, Craigmore 10, Peakvale 6 and Emerald 2. Severe storms and tornadoes had swept across the Warrego/Central West. Jundah recorded two tornadoes that damaged houses and Longreach recorded 78mm with most falling inside 80 minutes after 5pm last Tuesday. Temperatures again in the 36/37°C early last weekend will be modified by an easterly breeze commencing in the north. The late Monsoon Trough (MT) is becoming active over

Mr Stallwood accidentally or intentionally caught the barramundi and if he released the fish after capture. Barramundi is off limits in east coast waters and the Gulf of Carpentaria until midday, 1 February, 2013. Mr Stallwood, who was proud of his catch, has already eaten the fish. ‘‘They can’t do anything about it, the barramundi is in my belly,’’ he told media. ‘‘I’ll tell them to stick their fine.”

leaping out of the water. “I was just shaking and it took me about 15 minutes to reel it in.” How they fish have got into the coast waterways has all the experts talking with some saying they are moving down from more traditional areas as they are great adapters while others believe the catches are fish farm releases. Another theory is that there’s not actually that many barra about and the ones that are being caught or seen have been released after being kept in private aquariums until they were too big. For those heading to the coast for some summer R&R the barra are being caught in the Coomera and Nerang rivers, which aren’t that far from Surfers Paradise, as well as at Clear Island Waters and in Tallebudgera and Currumbin creeks at the southern end of the coast. But before you go throwing in your line, remember that catching a barramundi during Queensland’s restricted season will land you with a fine of more than $100,000. Mr Stallwood is being investigated for his catch, but has told Fisheries to “stick it”, according to local reports. Fisheries will determine whether

your weather forecast

Heat wave conditions struck with temperatures over 40°C which was equivalent to 60°C in the sweltering sun, during mid-January. Emerald recorded 40.9°C last Monday and 40.4°C the previous Thursday. The average maximum so far this month was 36.8°C with 13 of the 15 days (before going to print) so far over 35°C. Last January the average maximum for the month was 33.6C with 10 days over 35°C. This was reflected throughout the Coalfields with many places recording heat wave conditions (Moranbah 41.7°C, Rolleston 41.2°C, Miles 40.7°C, Collinsville 40°C, Thangool 39.9°C and Springsure 39.6°C). Minor relief as high based thunderstorms

Off Shift




If you have a good photo or fishing yarn send it through to our resident bait chucker-

With Mike Griffin







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0522 1146 1742 2339

3.43 1.70 3.00 1.41

0619 1241 1841

3.65 1.50 3.13

0034 0704 1323 1927

1.26 3.85 1.32 3.27

0117 0742 1359 2005

1.12 4.01 1.18 3.38

0154 0816 1433 2039

1.00 4.12 1.06 3.46

0227 0848 1505 2109

0.89 4.20 0.96 3.54

0301 0920 1538 2140

0.81 4.25 0.88 3.60

0057 0728 1358 1947

1.60 4.78 1.87 4.12

0151 0816 1444 2034

1.41 5.08 1.60 4.29

0235 0855 1522 2111

1.22 5.32 1.40 4.41

0312 0930 1556 2143

1.08 5.48 1.27 4.50

0345 1001 1628 2213

0.98 5.59 1.19 4.57

0416 1030 1657 2241

0.90 5.66 1.13 4.65

0447 1058 1727 2311

0.84 5.71 1.07 4.72

Mon 28

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0335 0952 1611 2212

0.77 4.27 0.82 3.65

0410 1025 1645 2245

0.78 4.23 0.81 3.68

0445 1058 1719 2321

0.86 4.14 0.85 3.67

0522 1135 1754

1.01 3.98 0.95

0000 0602 1215 1832

3.62 1.21 3.78 1.07

0048 0653 1305 1919

3.54 1.44 3.54 1.21

0151 0808 1410 2026

3.47 1.62 3.32 1.32

0519 1129 1757 2343

0.83 5.71 1.03 4.78

0552 1200 1828

0.90 5.63 1.04

0018 0626 1232 1900

4.78 1.05 5.46 1.10

0054 0703 1307 1935

4.73 1.29 5.21 1.21

0136 0745 1349 2017

4.65 1.57 4.89 1.35

0229 0842 1446 2117

4.56 1.87 4.54 1.49

0344 1006 1609 2237

4.52 2.07 4.27 1.54

the north. If a low develops off Cooktown then the winds will increase and temper conditions a little early in the week north of Dysart/Clermont. Still hot in the south! Boaties! Watch the tropical north for a low developing. Monday: East-south-east 15-20 north of Stanage and 10-15 south. Tuesday to Thursday south-east 15-20 gusting 25 in a squally shower around the Whitsundays. Friday to Saturday: If the low develops into cyclone strength and moves south expect south-south-easterlies 20-25 (30-40 well offshore) with a large 3 to 5 metre swell. Severe Tropical Cyclone “Narelle” threatened communities along the whole Western Australian coast last week. There are

now ominous signs that two cyclones could develop. One in Queensland’s north and the other off the Pilbara. The rapid increase of the Southern Oscillation Index from -8 to +2 and rising seems to indicate this. If banding occurs it could cause cloud to move south from the north into the Coalfields. Will it produce needed rain? If the low moves well offshore then temperatures in the west could be in the high 30s. Marine Lovers! If the cyclone develops it may meander about the Coral Sea. Winds could be fresh to strong (20-25 knots) south-easterly with rough seas and peak waves to 5 metres (possibly more); if it moves closer to the north it could be a very dangerous situation!

Off Shift

Shift Miner Magazine -- Redmond’s Rants



they pride themselves on DiY and cost cutting, and may well be tight-fisted. they go chrome parts, lightweight machines, tunnel ras and big engines. a loud proper-blown old-school sound is their calling card, exhausts are normally shorter than transmissions. California is the mecca.

they go for modified engine, bonnet scoops, hotted up interiors and big wheels. Generally found cutting off excess bits of exhaust and stretching large tyres over rims. a daily driver gone wild. a toploader and nine inch diff is meat and one veg. twentyfour hours after buying any car it receives a fatter set of tires, a louder note, a proper steering wheel and better seats. Canberra NatEX centre is Nirvana.

RATRODDER they are the younger generation of hotrodders who don’t use much chrome or good paint. they build a rod out of any car, they cut parts off and prefer design before budget — almost junkyard dog-style. a ratrodder can make a wild, cool car out of anything that rolls on tyres. Would swap an entire wiring harness out of their rod for a Hurst floor shifter. they have no mecca, they swapped it for a 70-litre steel fuel cell at the wreckers.

SHOW CAR these people are artists who use metal instead of canvas. they like the interplay of a four-link chassis channel section when powder-coated jet black coral colour with blaze-red pan hard rod. they could easily fit in at any art show or design studio, but their blood pumps petrol. a brake line is seen as an opportunity to showcase talent. Elite hall is porn central for them.



they love Detroit. Big block engines, a good four-barrel carb or two, chrome bumpers, manual gearboxes, gorgeous paint and factory perfect interior. Can get absolutely any car sideways and steer it straight. One hundred litres of fuel is considered a cruise. Detroit or australia is hallowed ground.

these people may well grind 3mm off a parcel shelf in a weight-saving modification campaign. Most likely to treat a gear shifter like a baseball bat. Known to wake up in a cold sweat from a deep sleep due to nightmares of a slippery track or slow reaction time. any flat level surface of 400m length is Mecca.

PANEL VANNERS When i say old school they are front and centre seat. they don’t use the word “retro”, they use the word “normal” instead. the sole keepers of the flame for proper airbrush (murals). Hard core, real-deal car nuts. Most likely to have “slept” in (with?) their machine. Well versed in woodwork and zenith of interior builders. Hallowed ground is 1980.

TURBO TWEEKERS Generation next: turbos, NOs, race seats, and gizmos. High horsepower - sorry kilowatt - machines. Can quote Psi, RPM, volts and km/h specs of more cars than Jeremy Clarkson. Most tweeker

cars have a bigger sound system than Wembley stadium, and kilowatts to match. Car very likely to sound like it sneezes. tokyo is the heartland.

OLD SCHOOL V8ER Four-barrel carb, genie extractors, Recaro seats, roll cage, fat simmons, three-inch single exhaust with dumper. Probably got an alpine shuttle tape player with an aCCa DaCCa tape stuck in it in shed. Would fight any man who does not give a cheer when watching Brocky cut that fastest lap on the final lap of Bathurst in his a9X victory. Owns an old street Machine Mag t-shirt. Mt Panorama is the golden halls.

N Cairns





Sunshine Coast Brisbane


Sunshine Coast Brisbane


21st 2013 21st Janurary Janurary 2013

19 19

Off Shift Shift Miner Magazine


MOVIE REVIEw BY JUSTIN CARLOS AS many parents out there are probably willing the school holidays to draw to an end so they can get some respite, I thought it may be a good opportunity to review a classic movie that will keep the kids entertained. It doesn’t seem that long since Disney’s The Lion King hit theatres, but it’s rapidly approaching its 20th anniversary. The film is set on the African savannah, where young lion cub Simba is being mentored by his father to one day take over as king of the jungle - or savannah in this case. After his malicious uncle, Scar, tricks Simba into thinking he is responsible for his father’s death, the young lion flees into exile where he befriends an eccentric meerkat and warthog. Simba grows up in exile living with his new friends until a chance encounter reunites him with a friend from his childhood, Nala. She begs him to return to his former home, end his uncle’s cruel reign as king, and reclaim his rightful place as

king of the savannah. Fans of the Bard may think this plot sounds a little familiar, and they’d be right as it is loosely based on Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The Lion King is considered by many to be a classic, often being hailed as one of the greatest movies of all time, and certainly as one of the most successful animated films of all time. Since its release in 1994 The Lion King has made almost $1 billion, and continues to sell well on DVD and Blu-Ray. The songs for the film were co-written and performed by Elton John, which earned him two Oscars at the 1995 Academy Awards for best original song, and best original score. Although the film lacks the ‘jokes for adults’ that feature in more modern animated films like Shrek, The Lion King definitely has enough substance to keep mum and dad amused as well. Having recently been released from the Disney ‘vault’ to own on DVD and Blu-Ray, now is a perfect time to take in an animated classic.

Thedel Lion is considered by manyetum to bedel a Del eaKing facilit dunt alit, suscing classic, often being hailed as one of the greatest elit augait la con hent luptat ad tie magna movies of all time, and certainly as one of the Delmost del successful ea facilit dunt alit, suscing etum del animated films of all time.

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ACROSS 1. Dreamt 5. Sailor’s yes (3,3) 9. Growth 10. Running chore 12. Southern US state 13. Lustre 14. Feel angry 16. Asian language 19. Revolved around 21. Requests, ... for 24. Extreme malice 25. Juvenile delinquents 27. Heavy smacks 28. Footwear fastener 29. Magic saying, open ...! 30. Next (to)

DOWN DOWN 1.1.Frozen Frozenwater waterspike spike 2.2.Amass Amass 3.3.Articles Articles 4.4.Put Putinto intobondage bondage 6.6.Measuring Measuringrod rod 7.7.Re-evoked Re-evoked(memories) (memories) 8.8.Place Placeininjeopardy jeopardy 11. 11.Body Bodypowder powder 15. 15.Final Finalproposal proposal 17. 17.Jailbirds Jailbirds 38 ##38 18. 18.Dumps Dumps 20. 20.Responsibility Responsibility 21. 21.Humiliated Humiliated 22. 22.Leave Leaveempty empty 23. 23.Consent Consent 26. 26.Amphitheatre Amphitheatrecentre centre

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Offshore Marine Master 2012 Mac5 Cuddy.

68000 Ks, 4 doors 7 seats, 4 cyl. A1 condition. New tyres. Complied 2009 Rear nudge-bar. Full logs. All Toyota serviced. Always kept undercover. With 7 seats there’s plenty of space for the whole family. $21,900 NEG Phone: 0413 913 042

Brand new! 90HP Suzuki 4 stroke, Hydraulic steering, Live well, Bimini, Bait station, self draining fully welded floor, Kill tank. 4mm bottom, 3mm sides. Comes on Dunbier Glider trailer. Fishermans dream $39,950 Phone: 0404 891 776




8mtrs, vcomplete with all upgrades. Ford F250 V8 deisel w/ gas injection. tow vehicle. Full details on request. Will pass any inspection.

$40,000 Phone: 0421 000 789

Phone: 07 4162 5730

SAILING CATAMARAN 12.6m Light Cruiser. Sleeps 3. Auxiliary motor, dinghy and outboard. Located at Yeppoon. Call for full inventory and inspection $150,000 Phone: 0448 874 000 DINGHY FOR SALE

2012 Horizon 3.1M Aluminium Dinghy, 6HP Yamaha Motor and Redco trailer – All New, Registered 11/13 with safety gear.



Compass slide-on camper on Ford F250 ute.Camper sleeps 2 plus makeup 3rd. 3way Electrolux fridge, 2 burner stove, wired 12 & 240 volts, 100Lwater, PortaPotti, space for 2x4.5kg LPG and 2 batteries, steps and legs carried below floor. F250XL 2001, 4.2L diesel, 190,000km, strengthened springs, UHF, compressor. Whole unit $45,000 ono. Camper only $11,000 ono.

Phone: 0407 913 914 CAR FOR SALE 2006 DODGE RAM 3500 SLT Lonestar Edition Heavy Duty 5.9L Cummins Turbo Diesel Allison auto transmission Wood grain inserts 5th wheel hitch, tow bar 4 door dual cab Dual wheels, new tires and chrome Call for more detail..... Genuine sale!!!! 104000klms

Phone: 0419 788 599

$79,000 ono Phone: 0432 429 264





40ha. Open country, House, Dam, bore (1100gl/ ph) Submersible pump, Yards & ramp. Excellent garden & views. 50ks nth of Yeppoon Turnoff. 1.3ks off highway, bitumen road, School buses from Highway

Bitumen Road and Phone to front Gate. School, PO, Garage, Hospital, Hotel kindergarden and stores 15 min Drive. New gold mines in area.

$595,000 ono Phone: 07 4937 3564

$48,000 Phone: 0413 501 222




Gracemere acreage and

Excellent low set 3YO brick at Emu Park. 3 beds, 2 bath big yard, fenced

residence. Large well appointed 5 bedroom home on 10 acres. Stables, yards, shed, bore. 3 km from new shopping centre.

Phone: 0409 630 311

Ph. 0419 672 181

CAR FOR SALE CLASSIC FOR SALE FORD MUSTANG CONVERTABLE 67 302 V8 auto. Left hand drive, disc brakes. Excellent condition,

$48,000 Phone: 07 4933 7305 CAR PARTS FOR SALE

Front Bumper Land Cruiser 2012 $150 Standard Exhaust System 2.5 Inch $500 4x Standard GXL Rims $750 each Air Intake Snorkel (Top Only) $50 5 Dunlop Tyres 265/70R16 111RLT $250 Full Suspension Front Coil, Rear Leaf & Shockies $1000

Phone: 0429 831 021 BUSINESS FOR SALE

With large capacity cranes, 4 Trailers Bundy based. Soild work contacts, carrying house frames and trusses to Gladstone, Rocky, Mackayand Central Highlands. Established 1981 T\O approx $380,000 Call for more info and pics Asking $350,000 WIWO Phone: 0408 988 866

LAND FOR SALE YEPPOON Acreage Living, City Conveniences! 4000 sqm North facing, corner premium block, 5 minutes from CBD, schools, transport. Plenty of space for shed, pool, kids to play. $300,000 Phone: 0409 391 254


Currently leased @ $385 inc gst/week Includes shares in Rockhampton Cab Company Perfect sideline income

$320,000 neg

Phone: 0407 373 664 CAR FOR SALE 2008 H3 HUMMER Luxury 6.2lt V8 LS3. Auto transmission. Full leather, BOSE sound, 22” American racing rims.Only known H3 V8 in Australia. Collector’s item. 27000kms. Excellent condition. Very classy vehicle with performance to match. $73000 ono Emerald.Q. Phone: 0427 189 834 PLOUGH FOR SALE

Grizzly S24 plough very good condition new bearings discs about 1/2 worn located near rocky.

$17000 plus gst ono. Phone: 0429 948 198 HOUSE/LAND FOR SALE MOUNT PERRY ”Main Top” Best most usable 40 acres in town. Good large level flats, great mountain veiws, hay shed, machinery shed, dam, House requires work. Power to house.Plenty of feed, Potential to work 7 on 7 off roster at mount Rawdon Gold mine, Bus travels daily to mine site. $235,000 Phone: 0488 079 675



MACLEAY ISLAND Your own private resort. Absolute waterfront home on Macleay Island Retire or use as a getaway au/property-house-qldmacleay+island-111073 031

$700,000 Phone: 0749 333 106

Phone: 1300 091 773


HOUSE FOR SALE Immaculate 4BR home. BIR. 18 solar panels. Fully insulated & A/C. Ceiling fans. 2 bathrooms. 2 Toilets. Double lock-up garage. Stainless steel kitchen appliances. Spacious open plan kitchen, dining & lounge. Potential rental return above $22 000p/a. $429,000 Phone: 0418 796 074

HOUSE FOR SALE EMU PARK Beach front, Keppel Island views. Upstairs large main bedroom with large ensuite, 2nd bedroom, office, lounge, kitchenette and balcony. Downstairs 2 bedrooms lounge,kitchen, dining, formal dining, bathroom, laundry plus self contained granny flat $995,000 ono Phone: 0407 659 181

Phone: 0428 227 623






fully restored.

Phone: 0419 020 566

The solution to accommodation in Mackay. Stay a few days, earn income while you’re away. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Beachfront Resort living, pool and restaurant on site.


Sale price includes shares in “Gladstone Taxis”.


Mine Spec, BMA Thiess Mac Coal Certified, New 265 Maxxis Iron Mud Tires, ADB Bull Bar, Lightfrce Driving Light, Twin Battery, Snorkle, Iron-Man Lift Kit, Mine Radio x 2 UHF, 135 Litre Fuel Tank, Oconners Tray. Toolboxes, Fire Ext 1st Aid MSDS


BOAT FOR SALE 2004 PowerCat 2600 Sports Cabriolet. Twin 115hp Yamaha 4 stroke engines. Sleeps 4, Toilet, Shower. Road registered tandem trailer. Always maintained and kept in a shed. All safety gear. Excellent condition. Registered until September 2013. Reduced to $108,000.00 Must be sold. OFFERS, OFFERS, OFFERS Very Negotiable

PROSERPINE Rural land 15 min cbd proserpine 2x200 acre lots good grazing land and house sites will sell separately POA $ 520,000 the pair Phone: 0447 031 588 HOUSE TO SHARE YEPPOON Ocean views with one other person Enjoy your days off at the Beach Lockable car cover, heaps of lockable garage space and storage

$110/week Phone: 0429 451 196 after 5pm please

Off Shift

Shift Miner Magazine -


Gladstone LNG game a potential point scorer for Gladstone rugby High hopes for the Gladstone Rugby Club in 2013.

THE Gladstone Rugby Union Football Club (GRUFC) is hoping 2013 will be the year they convert their huge potential to on-field success.

For nearly a decade the GRUFC has been the sleeping giant of the Central Queensland Rugby Union (CQRU) competition - flush with talent and big

men, but lacking consistency. This year the Gladstone team is likely to attract even more players from the swelling CSG workforce. Leaving president Stephen Ball is hoping that this will not be another season that got away. “I hope not,” he says. “I work at one of the CSG projects and I understand that rosters have to be managed.” “We have had to ask some favours of the CQRU to get our games played as late as possible, so our blokes can finish and have time to make their game in Rockhampton or Gladstone.” “I haven’t seen the draw yet, but the CQRU has been accommodating, so let’s hope most of our games are at five or six at night.” In a move that would please Queensland Rugby Union, the GRUFS are the first football code in Gladstone to formalise their intent to have a closer relationship with people working on Curtis Island.. On February 9, a 10-a-side game

will be played between the GRUFS and a composite side from Gladstone LNG, one of the large CSG proponents with a workforce on Curtis Island. “There are a lot of people working in CSG from the AFL states,” Mr Ball says. “But there are also a lot of Kiwis and South Africans who have a strong link to rugby union in their home culture.” “James Black, who already plays for us and works in CSG, came up with the idea and came to us with it, and now we have the game scheduled for Marley Brown oval next month.” “It will still be pretty hot, so we haven’t decided whether we will play thirds or quarters, but it’s really just a trial match to promote rugby in the town.” “And hopefully we get a few players sign up with us for the rest of the season.” Players interested in getting involved with GRUFC can turn up to training at 6:30 Tuesday or Thursday night at the Meteor Sports Club off Glenlyon road in Gladstone.

Gas leagues to learn hard lessons of Bowen Basin The CSG boom and the sea of Rugby League-playing men it is delivering to the Surat Basin is probably doing more harm than good, according to Chairman of Roma Rugby League Peter Flynn. “The CSG industry really is a twoedged sword. We pick a up a few, and we lose a few, and probably we are losing a few more than we are gaining,” he says. “We did have a few guys turn up from the CSG industry, I think maybe six across the clubs, but the tradeoff is that we are losing a lot of players, particualrly in the 18-aged group.” “They go off and work hard for two

weeks and earn their $100,000 a year, but when they come home playing football is the last thing on their mind; they would rather go out and hit the town.” However the effects of the CSG industry on the local competition is far from critical at this stage, with a full compliment of players expected across the four age groups and 24 teams this year. It’s an all too familiar tale in the Bowen Basin where the sort of difficulties presented by rosters has been an issue since the arrival of 12-hour shifts more than a decade ago. Like the Bowen Basin, registrations are

still up, but the problem is just getting a regular commitment from registered players. “We just had our AGM, and the issue wasn’t one that came up for discussion,” Mr Flynn says. “Iit hasn’t led to forfeits, so we feel we are already dealing with it.” Meanwhile in Gladstone, where local AFL clubs have been bulging at the seams and virtually unbeatable to compliment it, AFL Capricornia is in planning for touch AFL competition. AFL Capricornia development officer Scott Smithwick says they are conducting the trial to try and develop a more flexible and appealing form of the game

Apply now for five $4000 scholarships with CQUniversity and Hail Creek Mine and kick start your career

Proud to be part of the central Queensland community and committed to the future. We support a range of local projects through our Clermont, Kestrel Mine and Hail Creek Mine Community Development Funds.

Hail Creek Mine is continuing to partner with CQUniversity for a further three years to contribute to a vibrant and diverse workforce for central Queensland.

For more information about funding for your local project or organisation please contact:

Since 2008, the partnership has been offering two-year scholarships to first-year nursing, health, business, science, IT and engineering students studying at CQUniversity Mackay.

Clermont Region – Travis Bates on 4988 3503 or

More than 30 local students have so far benefited from the programme. To apply for one of the 2013 scholarships, visit or contact Hail Creek Mine’s Marie Cameron on 4951 6437. Scholarship applications close 1 March 2013.


21st Janurary 2013

for AFL players in the town. “It’s only a trial at this stage, but we are hoping that crews from the various projects will be able to get a team together for a nine-a-side form of the game.” “It caters to their needs and we are trying to start it up to see how it could work.” “Maybe it will get a few new players involved in the sport, and they might then take the next step to the regular competition.” The competition is scheduled to start around February 20, and anyone interested can get more details at the AFL Capricornia website.

Pictured: Former scholarship recipient Stephen Brown now works as a mechanical engineering graduate at Hail Creek Mine.

Kestrel Mine – Samantha Faint on 0447 599 990 or Hail Creek Mine – Fiona Kruger on 4840 4401 or

Money Matters

Shift Miner Magazine -

David and Goliath battle in Moranbah A quick squizz on the internet will show a multitude of Moranbah houses for sale and advertised as having their prices slashed. A far cry from this time last year.

AT LEAST eight tenancy agreements are heading to the Moranbah Magistrates Court over broken leases last year. When contracts lapsed in the Bowen Basin some businesses found themselves without work but locked into expensive tenancy agreements, thanks to the inflated housing market. According to the owner of Moranbah Real Estate, Bella Exposito, there are five companies who can’t keep up their tenancies, and eight cases are in court.

“Smaller companies are paying because it is very hard if we put information on the Rental Tenancy Authority (RTA) and they can’t rent again,” she told Shift Miner. “But some of the big companies don’t care. It is very much David and Goliath.” Ms Exposito said at least one larger

company simply walked away from its agreement, but she and the house owners are pursuing this to the end. Three cases are already in court, and the other five cases will appear in the next month. “None of these cases have finished and we have to keep going until they pay out. They signed a legal document. “It is terrible for investors.” And there is more bad news for investors. Houses for sale are not moving at the moment and it has been like this since September. “This is my 36th year in real estate, and I have never seen it like this,” said Ms Exposito, who has lived and worked in Moranbah for that time. Houses have come down a whopping $150,000 to $200,000 since this time last year and a house renting out for $800 a week is now going for $350. Those who invested a million dollars and initially saw a return of $3000 a week are now seeing about $1000 or less. “I think in 12 months it will be better and there is a lot of building going on in Moranbah,” she said. “There are also more families moving in, so that’s a good thing.”

Moranbah htouses for sale: 332; Dysart houses for sale: 384 Moranbah houses for rent: 358; Dysart houses for rent: 395

Sharp rise in rental investigations The Rental Tenancy Authority (RTA) confirmed to Shift Miner in October last year that there has been a sharp increase in the number of complaints and investigations the organisation has under way. The authority is responsible for maintaining the rights of landlords, tenants and consumers. Moranbah is proving to be a hotspot for complaints. RTA chief executive Fergus Smith said because of confidentiality he could not comment on specific cases, however he did say that there had been 37 requests for dispute resolution lodged from the Moranbah area between August 1 and mid-September. “This largely involves mining accommodation,” he said. “The disputes are mostly about repairs and maintenance and bond disputes.” For the same period in 2011 there was a total of three disputes for the Moranbah area and four in 2010. The rise in cases is believed to be linked to contracting companies that have lost work in Moranbah and then moved workers out of their homes en masse. This has left the property owners seeking compensation for lost rent. Tenants can walk away from leases under some circumstances. This includes when a landlord or agent has failed to fix a problem with the rental property, such as a door that won’t lock, after three warnings for the same issue. Known as a breach notice, the landlord is then given seven days to rectify the problem or the tenant can seek accommodation elsewhere.

21st Janurary 2013


Money Matters


Ulla commodo loreetuerci eummodion ulput elit inciduisi blam zzriuscilit augiatem delesse vel et, commolorem dolore tio doloreet, commod tationsed tatummy nonse ming euis nostincilit adionse quipit augueros ex eugait pratue min eril dolutatio elisse esendigna facillan ullaor incipis nonsectet lortie facilis ea feugait ullaor summodit ad ea faccum eugait iriure modiam velisl ute modignibh elenibh eraese tatummo lorper aut veliqui ero dipisi bla facipsu msandionse et, sum delis ero et, veniat eliquat. Dip er sim alit dunt praesed tat. Urer inim dolore do dolor senisi bla feugait dolorero core consectem ea faccum quis amet ad dunt lortiscip eugiam, seniam quatisi. Commy nit wissit nonse molobore modiat. Ut nulla faccum quamet lor sectetu eriusci pissi. Xero od dolorero odolent nis alis num ing eugait amet nibh exerit, sit utat volorper in ullam ad essis nostionsenis atem nim ver iril init, consecte dolore dip et at lutpatin exer secte molore core consenim zzriusci tie do 3.eugait Ownlum your own summoluptat home — this is still ea quatet, venibh the foundation for wealth in Australia. faciduis amet nostio eu faccumsan venibh endre dunt et aliscil isiscincil il eniat. 4. Manage yournullaortin debts wisely. Smart amet, commy verci tetuer debt is usually areautpat getting a auguero duipit debt adit adyou magna tax deduction and that hasduissit been vullaore dionsedfor etumsan dipisci used to velenit buy anvelis asset will grow nullam alitthat doloreetue do or produce Bad debt offers no dipsustisl income. elendio nsequatis et lore ming tax deduction, buying assets esed molore minor eroit’s commy num zzril that diminish or are nit consumed. ercidunt veliquatum lam aute te

8 steps

towards MONEY TIPS FROM a THEfinancial EXPERTS 2013

MY New Year’s resolution is to manage my money better. Where do I start?

Pat alisis ercidunt ex ea faccum dolobore velit wis nis nullam, consequisi. Equatetue feugiat, cor secte mod te molore ming eu feum dolorpe rciliquipisi blaorpero duisi exercil ipit velit praessi tis augait, quation henismodit delesto deliquam venis endrer ad el esequat. Ut pratum zzril ullum incipit

1. Spend less that you earn. This first step can be the hardest. It is hard to stick toullam, a budget, there are otherenissit ways, vel quam,so commod modiam such savings, ipis as eu forced facipsustrud esedcommitting min ute cortie todiamet investments andnulputem getting into vullummy veritgood utpatue habits. are dolore good ming at minis Don’t at wis wait niam,until vel you iriurem budgeting to start investing. et, quis dunt ea feum zzrillaorper sustrud tie dolenim accum quat. Re commy 2.nullum Investing your surplusostisi savings in good et dolorer tat. Ud elesed growth assets — ing shares andipisi. property. doloborero dunt endiam

5. Own an investment property. Think core ex eniamet augiamc ommodolorem

about wealthy people you know vullumm olendrem vel iuscing erosto or dip know of and it is fairlysim likely they own et, suscidu ipsuscillam, quip ea feui property blan utpat,investments. susto eugiam enim exerciliscip exer amet, susci blan hent nonse consenim 6. your superannuation. velMaximise doloreraesto odolestrud eum del delDo you know what the effective tax rate incidunt la consed tatisis nibh euipsustrud ismincilla for Super once you are eugue over 60? facing euguercing tie The new Super rulesiureet make Super more feugiam venim velese ming etueriu attractive than ever – Super is 100 per sciduisi. sequamc onsequat utatem cent tax free age 60. you alismolore tat. from ibh elesenit alitAre velit amcon planning not to at age 60? el utpat. iduis nimbe inaround hendit luptat. Modit aut augiat. Na faccums andion hent luptat 7. in shares, our other velInvest do ea consequ ismodit nullagrowth aut del investment. And once again, know ut adipissed modipit lor aut wisiswe nonseni most wealthy ssectem at lutetpeople lummy own niam shares. zzriustrud te dolore commy nis alit, qui blaoreet velisci 8. It’s no good planning to conulput succeed et landrercing eugueros nulla financially, but feugiat, only if everything goes velis Equatetue cor secte mod te okay. their house moloreMost mingpeople eu feuminsure dolorpe rciliquipisi and car. But what’s asset blaorpero duisi exercilthe ipitbiggest velit praessi you will own in your lifetime?delesto The tis augait, quation henismodit biggest you and income deliquamasset venisisendrer ad elthe esequat. Ut you will zzril earnullum – it needs be protected pratum incipittoullam, quam, through If something commodinsurance. modiam enissit vel ipis eu impacts our esed health means facipsustrud minand ute itcortie diamet we’re never going to work again. Low vullummy nulputem verit utpatue minis probability impact. is an at wis niam,but vel high iriurem dolore This ming et, important foundation. quis dunt ea feum zzrillaorper sustrud tie dolenim accum quat. Re commy “Toing continue thisostisi conversation nullum et dolorer tat. Ud elesed contact at My Wealth doloborero duntBen ing endiam ipisi. 0738524114 or UllaSolutions commodoon loreetuerci eummodion” ulput elit inciduisi blam zzriuscilit

To Men Who Want to Quit Work One Day! 5P .FO 8IP 8BOU UP 2VJU 8PSL 0OF %BZ

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21st Janurary 2013


Benjamin Budge Dip.FS (FP) is the director and financial adviser for My Wealth Solutions.

Shift Miner Magazine -

Shift Miner Magazine -

Spectacular 180 degree Ocean Views $849,000

Money Matters So much is on offer at this irresistible large family home with an exquisite view of the beautiful Capricorn Coast, all you need to do is move in and enjoy 55 Poinciana Avenue, Taranganba. • 4 large bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Caesar stone designer kitchen with quality appliances • Beautiful polished hardwood floors, open plan living taking in panoramic views • Large tiled rumpus, separate office, craft room/storage, extralarge double garage Contact Kerrie Lynch on 0401 928 142 or email

Hourne & Bishop

21st Janurary 2013


Money Matters

ShiftMiner MinerMagazine Shift

MoNEY, ANd ProPErTY NEWs GoodFINANcE year ahead for Rocky Pat alisis ercidunt ea faccum WHILE the end of lastex year was not a dolobore velit wis nis nullam, consequisi. particularly positive time for commercial Equatetue feugiat, cor secte property around the state, thismod was te not molore eu feum dolorpe rciliquipisi the caseming for Rockhampton. blaorpero duisitoexercil ipit velit praessi According the latest report from tis augait, quation henismodit valuers Herron Todd Whitedelesto (HTW),deliquam venis endrer ad el Ut out pratum the beef capital is esequat. branching with zzril ullum incipit ullam,looks quam,pretty commod development and 2013 good. modiam ipis sector eu facipsustrud “Rentsenissit in thevel office remain esed min ute cortie diamet vullummy nulputem relatively stable for older style buildings, verit utpatue minis at wis vel while newer offerings areniam, generally iriurem dolore ming $250 et, quis dunt ea feum achieving between and $300 per zzrillaorper tie dolenim accum says. quat. square metresustrud per annum,” the report ReLast commy et dolorer tat. yearnullum severaling older style Dostisi grade Ud elesed were doloborero dunt ing endiam buildings fully refurbished and ipisi. Ulla commodo loreetuerci tenanted, and there has beeneummodion development ulput elit blam zzriuscilit augiatem along the inciduisi Fitzroy River. delesse vel long et, commolorem dolore tioFitzroy Not that ago, the banks of the doloreet, tationsed River werecommod largely ignored andtatummy left to the nonse ming adionse annual floods.euis Butnostincilit the past few years have quipit augueros ex eugait min eril seen parts of the river edge pratue get a facelift, with dolutatio elisse esendigna facillan flash accommodation complexes likeullaor The incipis nonsectet lortie facilis ea feugait Edge, along Victoria Parade. ullaor ad eatofaccum eugait Thissummodit year is going see more of iriure modiam ute modignibh elenibhon eraese this, withvelisl the expected completion tatummo aut veliqui dipisi bla the Quest lorper Apartments. Thisero complex facipsu msandionse et, sum delis ero et, will comprise 44 two-bedroom, twoveniat eliquat. Dip er sim alit dunt praesed bathroom apartments. tat.Construction Urer inim dolore do begin dolor senisi will also on thebla Empire feugait dolorero consectem faccum Complex, also on core the banks of theea river, and ad dunt eugiam,(both seniam itquis willamet comprise retaillortiscip and apartment quatisi. nit accommodation. wissit nonse molobore long andCommy short stay)


21st Janurary 2013

modiat. Ut nulla faccum quamet lor sectetu Building is also expected to begin on eriusci pissi.ofXero od dolorero nis Southbank Victoria, also onodolent Victoria alis numand ingwill eugait amet nibh exerit, sit Parade, comprise some 55 longutat apartments. volorper in ullam ad essis nostionsenis stay atem nim ver to irilHTW, init, consecte doloreis According construction dip et at lutpatin exer secte molore core also expected to commence on Grand consenim zzriusci tie do eugait lum quatet, Hotel redevelopment into a multi-level summoluptatoffice venibhbuilding. ea faciduis amet nostio professional eu faccumsan venibh endre dunt et aliscil

isiscincil il eniat. Brisbane

commy nullaortin Notamet, so good for other areas.verci HTWtetuer said auguero duipit adit magna autpat easing demand fromadthe mining sector vullaore dionsed etumsan dipisci duissit was pushing up commercial property nullam velenit velis doloreetue vacancy rates in keyalit mining hubs do dipsustisl elendio nsequatis et lore ming including Brisbane. esed molore minsaw eropromising commy num zzrilfor “Early 2012 signs ercidunt veliquatum nit lamcommercial aute te core ex Brisbane’s CBD and fringe eniamet augiamc office markets, asommodolorem demand from vullumm the olendrem velresources iuscing erosto suscidu mining and sectordip in et, 2011 had ipsuscillam, sim quip ea feui reduced vacancy rates,” the blan reportutpat, said. susto eugiam as enim exerciliscip “However 2012 unfolded,exer China’s amet, susci hent nonse demand for blan resources eased,consenim resultingvel in doloreraesto eum projects del del incidunt many miningodolestrud and resource being la consed put on thetatisis shelf.”nibh euipsustrud mincilla facing tie feugiam venim “Theeuguercing downturn eugue in mining and resources iureet activity velese ming etueriu sciduisi. sector is expected to negatively sequamc utatem[of alismolore impact upon onsequat net absorption vacant tat. ibh elesenit alit velit amcon el utpat. commercial property] over the next 12 iduisalong nim inwith hendit Modit aut months theluptat. government and augiat. Na faccums andion luptat other sectors looking to cuthent costs.” velVacancy do ea consequ nulla aut delare rates inismodit the Brisbane CBD utaround adipissed modipit aut wisis at 8 per cent,lor which is up nonseni from 6

per cent at the start of last year. However, it remains notably better than two years ago when it was more than 11 per cent. ssectem at lutet lummy niam zzriustrud te Mackay

dolore commy nis alit, qui velisci In Mackay, an increase of blaoreet 7000 metres et new landrercing eugueros conulput of office space and nulla a more subdued velis Equatetue feugiat, cor have secte combined mod te outlook for the coal sector molore minglevels eu feum dolorpe rciliquipisi to see rental ease, according to HTW. blaorpero duisi exercil praessi However HTW saysipit thevelit market for tis augait, quation henismodit delesto deliquam commercial property under $1 million venis endrer ad liquid” el esequat. Ut pratum remains “fairly in Mackay because

the risk of vacancy is deemed to be less. Most leasing activity has been limited to smaller, more affordable premises of less than 200 square metres. zzril ullum incipit ullam, quam, commod State government tenants and major modiamcompany enissit velare ipisnot eu presently facipsustrud esed mining active min utemarket, cortie diamet vullummy nulputem in this HTW reports. verit at wis niam, vel Theutpatue Worleyminis Parsons building in iriurem dolore ming et, quis ea feum Mackay remains unsold withdunt expressions zzrillaorper sustrudon tie the dolenim accum quat. of interest closing property at the Re commy nullum ingan et dolorer ostisi tat. end of August. It has approximate net Ud elesed dunt ing endiam ipisi. income of doloborero just over $1 million.

21st Janurary 2013


Money Matters

Shift Miner Magazine -



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*Price correct at the time of printing. Terms and conditions apply. Visit for more details

21st Janurary 2013


n i d e v o r p p a e r ” P ! “ s d n o c e s 60



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