Towards a Carbon-Neutral Florida
Design Schemes which show how Infra- structure that exploits Green Energy will make us carbon neutral and properous.
Shihab Naeem, LEED® AP, BD+C
Buildings: Risky, High Energy Consumers
Wind Energy
Solar Thermal/PV
Green Infrastructure: High Up Front Cost, Energy and 3UR¿WV SD\ RII LQLWLDO GHEW 8VH *UHHQ ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH WR Sell Green Energy. Expand Energy Market.
Petroleum = Electricity = Carbon Emmissions = Climate Change
PowerPlant With Green Energy there is Less Dependance on Pe- troleum and Petroleum based products for Energy.
Thermal Mass Enclosure with PV Panels
Steel Space Frame with PV Panels
Thermal Glass Solar Collectors covering train station
More Bike Racks: honor the cyclists, encourage physi- cal activity, lessen dependance on cars.
Pervious Paving is Critical in protecting our fresh water streams and ocean water. Excessive paving causes run-off of toxins and pollutants.
Install Pervious Paving where toxins are generated like parking spaces.
Install Pervious paving near our oceans and fresh water streams to allow toxins to be absorbed in the ground rather than in our waters.
Install Grass Structures which serve as carbon collectors to absorb toxins, dust and pollut- ants in the air.
Make Multi-Family Buildings as carbon collectors.
Make our homes as carbon collectors. Give tax incentives for those exploiting green energy. Begin to phase out petroleum based energy and begin to use it as a backup.
Climate  Change  is  real  and  now  is  the  time  to  take  action.   However  this  path  comes  with  many  obstacles  in  our  po- OLWLFDO V\VWHP WKDW LV ¿JKWLQJ IRU ¾DXVWHULW\œ DQG D VWDWXV TXR not  willing  to  invest  in  such  green  infrastructure.   However  investing  in  green  infrastructure  will  stimulate  an  economy  by  expanding  the  market  on  energy  services.   Green  In- frastructure  will  create  a  new  society  of  technicians  and  a  workforce  geared  on  sustainable  practices.
As  a  Floridian  who  has  grown  up  in  Boston  and  spent  many  years  in  NYC,  I  see  the  endless  supply  of  green  en- ergy  from  the  sun,  wind  and  greenery.   And  as  a  practicing  DUFKLWHFW , UHFRJQL]H WKDW WKHUH QHHGV WR EH D ÂľQHZ EXLOG- LQJ ERRPÂś JHDUHG DW H[SORLWLQJ RXU QDWXUDO UHVRXUFHV DQG make  us  energy  independent  through  green  infrastructure.  -ÂShihab  Naeem,  LEEDÂŽ  AP,  BD+C      Â