Core II: Lyceum Competition, Mending The Landscape Instructor: Steven Poon Duration: 16 weeks
The competition was 4 weeks long, the class was required to design a development off the Matagorda Bay which is south of Houston, Texas. The development was to consist of 60 lodges, a visitor center, a restaurant, beach pavilions, a dock and a small store. How we were to program the space was our own choice. I chose to program the design as an enclosed courtyard to give a sense of community and density. I wanted to create an outdoor environment which would stay cool through shading from large overhangs and allow the building to be receptive to wind. All these ideas were driven by my own personal experiences in Texas where going outside is avoided simply because it is too hot. Time is spent indoors, in the pool or in the mall. The design aims at creating an environment that creates social interaction through the use of an outdoor space, a courtyard while employing design features that ensure a cool and comfortable place.
Location of Site
Design on Site
Core II: Lyceum Competition, Mending the Landscape Programming as a Design Tool Separating the parts and peices to conceive of an idea. Wanted to cluster the programming elements to create a sense of density and closeness.
Thought of creating a courtyard through wrapping the lodging units.
Within this courtyard, there would be an aperture which would be a framed view of the ocean as well as an opening to the sea breezes to cool the space.
Pre-Competition Entry
Designed a Low Building, one that doesn’t impose
Preliminary sketch describes the lowness of the building
First Floor Plan
3D model of building on site
Second Floor Plan
Competition Entry
Core II: Lyceum Competition, Mending the Landscape Multiple Levels in Elevation The First Floor is raised 10’ above the ground to prevent flooding from high tides. The lodging units in the front create an aperture that serves as both a framed view and a wind tunnel keeping the enclosed courtyard cool and comfortable.
Competition Entry
Perspective View of Roof Overhang from the lodging units
Competition Entry
Core II: Lyceum Competition, Mending the Landscape The Parts and Pieces of the Design the lodge, the restaurant and the small store are all clustered together in one community.
Competition Entry
After the Competition we were required to explore our designs. We were to compelete a wall section, an abstract drawing and a model for the final. Within these activities we were to explore further our ideas and concepts and incorporate them into our final designs. I started with developing my abstract piece. I chose to a wall section through the courtyard.
Initial cross section: showing elevated lodge and restaurant
E: Lodge D: Restaurant C: Entry Way A: Parking for 60 Lodges
B: Planting Area for Courtyard
Final Cross Section Describing the several different layers
Post Competition Entry
Core II: Lyceum Competition, Mending the Landscape Wall Sections Exploring cross wind ventilation within the lodge
Explored the wall section in the full space. Wanted to have each unit have a glazing system which creates cross ventilation so that wind becomes utilized in not only the courtyard space but also in the individual lodges.
Wind Diagram Showing cross ventilation. The glazing system above allows an individual to control wind patterns in similar fashion to the wind diagram on the right.
Initial Wall Section. Showing the outdoor deck and the storefront glazing. Drawing never addressed my concepts of shading and wind. Continued developing wall section.
Post-Competition Entry
Wall Sections Exploring cross wind ventilation within the lodge
Final Wall Section: Showing a glazing system which creates a cross ventilation within space. Section articulates wind moving and transporting humidity, keeping the space, dry and comfortable.
Post-Competition Entry
Core II: Lyceum Competition, Mending the Landscape Model-Making
Model with site, scale: 1:16
Post-Competition Entry
Detailed Modelling
Detailed Model, Scale: 1/8” = 1’-0”
Post-Competition Entry