Dedicated to K
漫長的告別 Prolonged Valediction 2009.06 ~ 2010.01
漫長的告別 Prolonged Valediction 我們永遠無法明白,過去發生的事情是否已然終結。轉身回望,時間單位已然消 逝,剎那的偶遇與錯身,經年累月的誤會,都同樣巨大,同樣深沈。 曾經在一個蒼涼古老的建築中,有人為我念詩。一首逼視事物狀態的短詩。念誦的 嗓音低迴迴地,在擠迫的赭紅色磚牆間碰撞迴盪,文字開啟了空間,聲音凝結了時 間。那年我十六歲。 自此之後我開始在時間的甬道中摸索,在不停歇的前進中時有刮擦,期盼留下些許 碎屑,那是青春的、靜待告別的記憶。因為保有這些,時間能倒回,能靜止;即便 每一回頭,都瞥見內心一片了無生氣的荒蕪。 一切都美不勝收。 施昀佑, 2009, 06
We will never know whether the past has already passed away. Looking backward, the measure of time is now lost; momentary encounters and misplacements, age-old misunderstandings, all these are monolithic, profound. Once upon a time in an aged and bleak building, someone recited a poem for me, a short poem which stares glaringly into the being of things. The lingering sound tarried along, reverberated between the ochre brick walls; the words opened up space, and the sound, clotted time. I was sixteen then. From then on I have been searching and groping down through the lane of time, and hopeful of that some debris might nevertheless be left: all those juvenile memories to be bade farewell to. Holding onto these is to move back in time, to stand still -- even if every backward look is a glimpse into the inner desolation. And by way of it all things are made complete and superabundant. Shih Yunyu, 2009, 06
昏眩的瞬間 Moment of Dizzy
...... If there were water we should stop and drink Amongst the rock one cannot stop or think Sweat is dry and feet are in the sand If there were only water amongst the rock T.S.Eliot, 《The Waste Land》
一九六零年代,美國攝影家羅伯法蘭克與黛安阿勃斯的作品相繼發表,改變了攝影 如何可能,七零年代,日本攝影家森山大道等中壯年攝影家的出現,使攝影作品以 全新的形式編排呈現,並呈現出全新的風貌,而到了二十一世紀初,更有日本川內 倫子等年輕攝影家的出現吸引世人目光。在這個過程中,人們逐漸意識到,文字雖 然是詩最重要的載體,但攝影本身所包韻的抽象隱喻,與詩同走在殊途同歸的道路 上,而且充滿力量。 而這正是我思索的起點,是攝影,也是詩。 那些被紀錄轉印的影像中,呈現了我試著在飛舞的隱喻中抓取意義,並試圖讓飛逝 的時間凝結,對著世界說出自己的感受的意圖。不論準確與否,但我確信我的確誠 懇,而且發自內心接納這些影像,毫不懷疑。 在這個系列作品中,我希望透過日常生活的物件與人物,表現出荒蕪的現代社會背 後的希望。和一般生活即景照片不同的是,我藉由緩慢而清晰的影像作為敘事主 體,明確地呈現對象物,固定那些昏眩的瞬間,穿插排序使隱喻發酵。 2010年初春,生命已不見烽火,但我們仍在殘缺的肉塊中匍匐殘喘;枯萎的枝 枒,裸露的河床,以及那些偶遇的笑容,將帶著我繼續前進。 施昀佑, 2010, 01
C.V. 施昀佑 Shih Yunyu 1985 born on 23 August in Chuang-Hua/彰化 , Taiwan lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan. Education 2008-2009 臺北視丘攝影藝術學院 2003-2007 國立臺灣大學歷史學系 2000-2003 臺北市立建國高級中學.紅樓詩社 2008-2009 Fotosoft Institute of Photography, Taipei 2003-2007 B.A. of History, National Taiwan University 2000-2003 Taipei Chien-Kuo Senior High School.Crimson Hall Poetry Club Photography Publications 2007 Light in The Darkness, independent publishing, Taipei Solo Exhibition 2009 Prolonged Valediction, Road Cafe', Taipei. 2007 Light in The Darkness, National Taiwan University, Taipei. Selected Group Exhibition 2007 NTU Photograph Club Selectied Group Exhibition, TIVAC, Taipei.
List of Works 繩, String Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
逆光的樹, Tree with Halo, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
蝴蝶標本, Butterfly Specimens Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
牆, Wall, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
石頭, Rocks, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
窗台邊的電扇, Fan on Windowsill Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
瀕死的貓, A Dying Cat, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
吃泡芙的女子, A Girl Eating Puff Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
服飾店, A Fasion Store Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
鐵窗中的花, Unknown Flowers in Grille, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
紅鞋, Red Shoes, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
車輪餅, Taiwanese Imagawayaki, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
窗台上的桔梗, Ballon Flowers on Sill, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
有胎記的女子, A Girl with Birthmark, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
跳舞的男孩, A Boy Dancing, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
三婦人, Three Women, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
猩猩塑像, A Statue of A Gorilla, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
擦金色指甲油的女子, Girl with Golden Nail Polish, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
窗邊的女子, A Girl by The Window, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
時鐘, Clocks, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
清真牛肉, Halal Beef, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
踩高蹺的少年, Boys Walking on Stilts, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
魚乾, Unknown Dry Fish, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
解凍中的豬肉, Thawing Pork, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
合照, Group Picture, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
背著吉他的少年, A Boy Packing Guitar Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
紅色圍巾的女孩, Girl with Red Scarf, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
河邊的建築, Alongshore Building, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
顏面神經失調的男孩, A Boy with Facial Nerve Disorders, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
光中的男子, Man in Light, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
紫髮女子, Woman with Purple Hair, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
穿戲服的男孩, Boys with Costumes, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
著亮片裙裝的男子, Men dressing Skirts with Sequin, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
Untitled, Series of Prolonged Valediction, 2009, C-Print, 16 x 16 inches.
漫長的告別 Prolonged Valediction 2009.06-2010.01
編輯︱吳嘉寶.施昀佑。翻譯︱曾威揚、施昀佑 特別感謝︱視丘攝影藝術學院、全彩影像、光影影像工作室、爵士影像、建國中學紅樓詩社。