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Shining Stars of the Lake City

Udaipur as a Learning City (ULC) Resource Book 2008

Shining Stars of the Lake City - a contribution to the multiversity <www.multiversity.org> Copyleft* 2008

Shikshantar Andolan 83, Adinath Nagar Udaipur, Rajasthan 313004 India +91-294-245-1303 shikshantar@yahoo.com www.swaraj.org/shikshantar

* This document may be freely shared and distributed with source acknowledged.


Every place is full of treasures. We usually notice and appreciate its historic sites, its special gardens or parks, its cultural gifts. But its local people are treasures too, though we are rarely taught to see them as such. Indeed, the dominant education system and mass media tells us to look down upon the local and instead favor those who are far away and who we will likely never meet (celebrities, sports figures, politicians, etc.). In Udaipur as a Learning City, our focus has been the opposite: appreciating the potential and the real strengths of our city, and especially of Udaipur’s people: the wonderful work they do, the inspiring lives they lead, the meaningful contributions they make to the city. We made this book to introduce our families, friends, guests, youth and children to the amazing people who live in our midst and who we have learned (and are learning) a lot from. They cover a wide range of fields of work -- from the arts to health -- which stem from their personal concerns and passions (not something they are paid to implement). They are creative, resourceful, and they care about Udaipur and its people. They are our *shining stars*! We also felt that the more people get to know and appreciate these living treasures, the more it will motivate them to continue to do what they do. After all, in this day and age, oftentimes what we most need is simply love and support to continue walking the path less travelled. We also hope it offers more young people a diverse network of learning resources that they can tap, especially those who are disenchanted with the dominant education system. Lastly, we hope this book excites people in other cities to put together something similar. Taking the time to appreciate the wonderful people who live in our place and share them with others, is a great step in regenerating the learning commons. Please contact us if you have any questions or want to know more about getting started. Best wishes, the Shikshantar family

in loving memory (1919-2008)

Dayal Chand Soni e er. H d l e l a speci , he would a s a e a w Soni hat’s mor with Vidy d n a h d w n ayal C ooks, and en affiliate c educatio D , b i a e g aatsa and 25 b He had b dhiji’s bas in sharin m s a e n s . v s a nown 00 article beautifully vely on G ji was acti nd hi k a y e l e H i l 4 t l . sing xtens tiona , Daya elopment ry are stil early Affec blished n oetr y and worked e is passing a d dev h u d libr d lp had p wonderfu Mandir, an . Up until ucation an s home an i d rs a recite n and Sew ut 60 yea iews on e r home. H v a bo ei Bhaw eem) for a ences and mill in th l ri ng (nai ta ries, expe ur- grindi o lo his st n a small f a . wife r r visitors o f open

If you h ave a di sco in your back, do nnected bone, or a tw n’t rush or night ist to an al , you ca lopathic in your neck, n meet from U or a cat Mana R dai am Dan doctor. At any c His wis pur). He has a g time of h i in villa dom fir n a t u g ral gift f day st a later, he or heali e Loira (about started ppeared when n 8 g bones km healing fixing go herbal r and mu human a emedie t s s ’ cles. discon ailm s al know if your inj ongside his ‘ma ents. Mana Ra nected bones; m often ur ss he neve s r reque y is beyond hi age’ treatmen t; he als uggests sts any s scope contrib mo ol .U utions a re offer ney for his ser nlike allopathic ets you ed. vices bu t accept doctors, s whate ver

Mana Ram Dangi

Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Mehta

It’s rare today to hear of people leaving the city and returning to a simpler life. But for Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Mehta, the ashram is the right place to spend one’s later years. Together, they set up Tapovan Ashram, a herbal and organic farm outside of Udaipur, in Naya Kheda. Mehta saab was formerly dean at the Agricultural College; today he is an advocate of organic and ‘do-nothing’ natural farming. Inspired by the ideas of Japanese farmer Fukuoka, he walked of chemical practices and has spent 15 years nurturing Tapovan Ashram with natural methods. Husband and wife are often in good spirits, open to sharing their knowledge and wisdom with all those who visit the Ashram. They invite young people to spend time working on the farm and learning about herbal plants.

Tapovan Ashram

pplies. u s r i a p re of shoe specializes in r e l l e s ai ple rs a sim keem Hatimbh nd prepares a e p p a a a he healer. H ts all the herbs cupressure aturday, S a o o t t n y i a llec ond ng a rms From M day, he transfo dicines. He co hrough checki ountries and t un me Arab c comes n i s i But on S b) and herbal s s day, but e o n c n u n g S e a i i r y d a r e r p is eve unani (A by himself. H omes from ex k, etc.; ee him r s a b o , t s e c b s r e ge om fresh he f volunteers, medicin eople c nowled s k p r s e 0 i f f 5 h o 1 d o e n er points, a cient texts. Ov from them. H a steady group en cured by be as an ey y. reading takes any mon atimbhai also h olunteers have d energ n a e v H r m . e i e t d s e e ir ge he nev ith thos s packa o help him. Th ibute with the e w m s o w c o t tr kn nothing Sundays d want to con hare what he n o e m s who co ’s medicines an and willing to dy hai Hatimb atimbhai is rea . H arn Hakeem usly want to le io who ser

Hakeem Hatim bhai

unlike s i m o o is r hough h hnic dolls, toys t , e c i f f o t e SIERT of art pieces, e rt education h t t a the a . Full nd him re You’ll fi rnment spaces ps to manage miniatu g n i o d l ve en e he most go crafts, Jagdish e has be with clay, collag H . T R E I di tS working aad se jugaad and han g component a s y o j n e nin 13 and interest in kab as trying to s a and trai w e since h ing; he w ting waste agdish’s l J e . d s l o a i painting r m e ith clay corpora o ste mat and wa t of his work w s and started in vasan Iyer, wh el ni ou started re unusual mod later met Sree n to him. Now o ! e tio create m into them. H further inspira g anything away in d ls materia good friend an or never throw f a became mily knows him fa Jagdish’s

Jagdish Kumawat

Jasmine John

Lately, y ou can find her though her han ds are m in her family’s beautifu café res ore l ju taurant creating gaad than in c likely to be eng , aged in ooking a wide v making food. Ja ariety o Since c smine h f ite hil as b express dhood, she ha ms over the las t four de een ions of s been ka ca interest cutting, ed in c des. block pr baad. Jasmine reative has a m int Most re astery i cently, s ing, cast and dy n paper he ing sculptur es out o has been maki , murals and m o n f s g vases, Sukher. Jasmine marble slurry bowls, f aics. w r ’s am hic and she w has sha ork has been e h she collects es, r from over th xhibited e years. ed her art wi all over th thou India sands o f peopl e

Sreenivasan Iyer

You wouldn’t imagine a professor of Sanskrit to have a secret life, would you? But Sreenivasan is no typical professor. He is full of the creative spirit and life energy! Sreenivasan’s interest in kabaad se jugaad started at a young age. His father died when he was young, so there was never much money for toys. So, he used to make his own toys out of waste – the first one was a toy transistor! Sreenivasan’s work with waste expanded with the help of his mother. She was a teacher who needed various kinds of models and teaching aids for her students. Sreenivasan would create them for her all out of waste materials. His allergy to oil kept him from painting, but he continued with his art by making more jugaad and collages. Now, his interest is in the intersection between art, literature and religion – both in Sanskrit and in today’s world. Sreenivasan has created an entire home out of waste, from the furniture to the decorative pieces. He welcomes visitors and enjoys sharing his creations with them.

in loving memory (1933-2008)

Dhaulat Ram Lohar

To spend 35 years on an art is no small achievement. And to spend it on an art that is unusual is even more surprising. But that is exactly what Dhaulat Ram had done. His thermocol creations are a site to behold – replicas of Chittorgarh’s fort and Saheliyon ki Badi, intricate doors, peacocks, a life-size chariot… the diversity is endless. And they had all been painstakingly carved by Dhaulat Ram’s hands. His proficiency with electric motors and metalwork made his work even more complex. He had hoped to continue to share this art with the people of Udaipur and visitors; his granddaughters are carrying on the process.

Devi Lal Prajapat r sel fo s e v e l a larg d Devi La o t n i n t , lay po f magic. A mple tools c l l a i e a sm is a kind o n. Using s it out to g n a h To c g water agicia stretches oungest m r n e y i t and heir drink t is a mas t t tery, o t d p o n a p e a , h p Praja tly taps t d his wife in making od and n fo n he ge es. He a together essels for s (small iz rk fv ia n vast s inesh, wo nt kinds o create d get a o e o t D r s l , e d f a n f e i se so larly d iwali, they l has refu e might b u c i t r h y a pa For D ). Devi L ying that the qualit . k n a s s r tut dri holde r’s wheel, d faster, b Lal is ligh e l d can potte e more an ffer. Devi o want to c i r t c ele duc d su isitors wh ir home l o u r p o w o e v able t creations to having an visit th on the c ts n of his d and ope al art. You throw po n e heart is traditio chance to h a t learn la and get d in Be g wheel. in spinn

Shahid & Shariq Parvez

These two brothersenjoy being with kids because this is where they get inspiration from. Shahid appreciates colorful elephants. Shariq takes pleasure in experimenting with different shapes and colors.Their family is a family of artists. Shahid has been experimenting with different backgrounds like newspaper and handmade paper and revels in painting large pieces. Shariq also does paper mache masks and enjoys sharing his musical creations with others. They both have beautiful galleries near the City Palace and love to exhibit their world all around the world.

Meena B aya love to from a family w paint, play the si h the ext remely ere no one ha tar and do yoga sp bu . Sh she cho se the b siness oriented rofessional art e comes ist ol e painting s. Her d path of creat nvironment in . Despite in h ar tistic respons vision i g her identity t er family, e to th s shape e hrough has bee d by a he n exper hard-working s people pontane r imentin many ye o g a lot w o ar ith natu f Rajasthan. M us loves sp s. She enjoys r eena al co wo en birdwat ding time in N rking with you lors and dyes f or ch atu ng peop le and a own litt ing sessions in re, be it on cy ls cle yatra le a s or in l o artwork workshop at h nd around Ud ong aipur. S om .M he has Udaipur eena’s work is e, where one he can see als a a lot of r her web nd in many diff o exhibited in he e a site — <www.m rent parts of t rt galleries all o r he ve eenabay a.com> world. Check r out

Meena Baya

a e charkh h t g n i n n at pi s been s ly that cloth th a h r i t t ho s. on ayal Das d). He wears practice d D n n a e s e e a lu ,D nwards otton into thre in Gandhian va thread for the o 2 1 f o c es he y, e age ransform en Dayal believ hey eat, spin t nd labor. Toda t From th o t l e r. De g whe nds a ood t Kardia n I . (spinnin of his own labo ld grow the f h their own ha n e d it He ut g a gar ou comes o ach person sh their homes w and maintainin ws and bulls). ft co le ild ha se He feel ey wear, and bu nning the chark for abandoned therefore been is i th ns to th s still sp Sangh (shelter nd have i a o i clothes e t k l h a i , n d m l o e al d uce ars o Seva er prod es any person in spending tim g at 90 ye manages a Go n o l o at n e com sted . village, h hese animals th een Dayal wel Anyone intere act him t n o c t o D . t r s cares fo their owners. vernment fund elcome w e r a a o by kh accept g behind he char t ’t n e s s e u o o t ed ing how work; h n r a e l r o with him

Deen Dayal Dashottir

a i d r u M n a r i K

Kiran Murdia gets so inspired by the different scenes and landscapes of Udaipur, that once she has something in her mind, she just puts it out to colors and canvasses of all shapes and sizes. Kiran’s style is rather unique, and it’s amazing how she paints without brushes and creates all kinds of different textures. Her tools are rollers, combs, erasers and other objects of day-to-day use at home. Many of her themes originate from places in Mewar — be it Neemach Mata Mandir or the fisherfolk’s boats in Badi ka Talab. She is also very inspired by the colors of the earth and enjoys dirtying her hands with clay and mud and creating new images out of it. Kiran, with her sister, Abha, loves music and enjoys spending evenings with friends who like to sing and listen to lovely old melodies.

Sandeep Bordia Sandeep Bordia is no ordinary farmer. He first spent ten years working in a computer production company when he realized he had no control over his work. He decided to do something local, with nature, and by his own hands. He began by growing his own family’s vegetables to lessen their dependency on the market. As his interest grew, he moved over to a small plot of land nearby. He cleaned out the garbage dumped in it by the neighborhood, began vermicomposting, and then growing more vegetables. Without any resources, with little family support, Sandeep continued to learn by attending workshops and meeting knowledgeable local people. Today, his organic city farm recycles waste water, prepares vermicompost, uses natural pesticides and feeds many families in Udaipur.

Don’t tu rn the p ag 20, is fr om a tr e just because adit he village, M olela, w ional potter’s looks like a you h f his fami n ly, he pr ich is famous fo amily. He grew g boy. Jagdish P a r ra c u By age 16, he l ticed his art on its terracotta w p playing with japat, age e arned a o mud in are two ll neede the mud base m rk. As the you h kinds o n d gest chi is ade by h f clay w t not tha o k n o l w to m ork,” d in tg ake goo is father, just fo my fath ood at wheel w he says, “whe d r fu pi er.” Jagd e ish is op ork, I have de l work and pla eces of art. “Th n. himself velop in w en t ere is making experimenting o sharing this a ed plain work ork. Though I a r murals, m in order with it too. He t with those w nearly better to visit t ho are i als to him in M ntereste han olela on apply his art in o wants to lea d. H rn th Saturda ys and S ese forms as w woodcarving e an undays. ell.You a re welc d ome

Jagdish Prajapat

i j l a L Shyam

can of a r o l e s s oking ve e style of his o c a n a ore th art! Th um metal m f o g n s i k h r t o o n uld be n uminum into w ns on an alumi gs o c m u in al l markin ig s u m y f e i u r l t d a a u n a e t i t a e d th ica or m eb us think l ji transforms es creating intr lds, which leav he metal. Shya f o t s o o t a M v s Shyam L nakari; it invol ifferent small m , which stick to t at Mewar Art t u b , a d u ee rs hd so wn as m essed upon wit ith special colo o. He started o it full-time. His o n k s i g art etal is pr then filled in w ver 20 years a ack into k. They make b m t e e h g T . e o o e r plat m ded t rt for ri wor i a hese a a c k s T e i a . d l h n t , a e t t e h on, Shya e n t in the m en working wi t at employme is involved in m outgoing pers be n, tin and Lalji has after a short s mallest childre s.As a friendly h him. t i w k r s o e n, e oto fram eenakari and w and the ily, including th h p d n a irs nm am entire f mall tables, cha come and lear to ds people large an e r o m nts Lalji wa

Mukesh Ganchi In the quiet morning light, an empty side street slowly transforms. One by one, ladies come into the street and sell their long bamboo logs… and the place is soon bustling! The street fills up with people — bamboo basketmakers, vendors, fruit-sellers, tourists — and soon the morning light gives way to market noise.There in a corner, you will find Mukesh Ganchi. His whole family works together to make bamboo baskets of all different shapes and sizes.They also make blinds, boxes, umbrellas, etc., all of out bamboo. What’s great is that the children are always around doing small experiments with bamboo and creating new things. Mukeshji lets it be known that anyone is welcome to learn. He will show you what to do twice; the third time he puts the tools in your own hand to cut the bamboo yourself and begin weaving. He never worries about his tools being ruined! Mukeshji is always offering chai, extending a friendly hand, chatting with you, enjoying small jokes to himself. It feels like you are sitting at home, not in the street, and definitely not in a basket-making class!

den furniture. o o w g in k a m busy in ri bai’s family is e h a L , e has an interest i m a o b h ir ri e e h th a f L o t e u é! rs. B outsid m paper mach re all carpente In the veranda o a fr n ts so e d sk n a ra b g y, ll d ifica g and an and more spec aché by workin Her son, husb m r! e r p e a p p a p f o s… e t r e the a ct of tr tions at home, a nd she learned a re another produ , c d é o h o c h a d il m h r c e f pap arted in down. In the huge number o a rn o e Her curiosity st d w a n m e s tt a o h g e ave other. . Sh like products that h r e ld o alongside her m r different things, e s h f te o u y ib n tr a is s d ir a ly p e fre s). y re (earthen stove and consistentl a caretaker. She s s la a u n ch w o s’ n le k p is o i e a . in p eri b op to be used family members sh community, Lah n d o w o o w r e y h il m re fa a ey , m her er as though th ake the maché h m the sawdust fro h it to w lt e u b c fi if to d ore s people strong hands , it is getting m s e a g h a And she invite o r h e w h f e n o o y se h an ays, becau knowledge wit p hosted by d o n a sh ls rk While these d il o sk w r g e in h k etma ling to share and er maché bask p a p a Laheri bai is wil in rms of energy d te te in a ip y ll ic ia rt c a e p sp e —e ! Sh a lot from her to put it to use d e rn a le e n o y d ever Shikshantar, an le as one feels! b a d n a g n u o y how one is as

Laheri b ai

Young a th and sim eart, and wise ple abod in years , Ajay Pa e, Pariva to get u r Home over th opathy C l is a special ho eir dep people ende meo linic to healing. not take medic ncy on doctor , he has helped path. From his m Aja ine s and h s ospitals any people in U mall informe y celebrates ill , but rather ch . dai ang He ne d immuni many people o ss as a necessa e their diets an tries to enco pur ty ry ur ft d being ar builds through he dangers of part of the bod lifestyles to pro age ou va m y’s na medicin nd others who tural means, li ccination and h functioning. H ote ke e, e as faith ar that chi has believe but he feels th e sick. He does playing with a ldre at in nim n’t many re mixing too man it is not poison claim homeop als, eating mu n’s da ou me at y the illne dies.” Of cou medicines toge s (unlike allopa hy is the best o nd rs r ss! Ajay th t is a prac e, his friendly, jo er : “One reme hy). Ajay also d only art and titi dy can c oesn’t king and practice ure bet smiling with an oner of classic t er than m a y who a re inter l homeopathy a anner chases a ested. w nd is op en to sh ay half aring th e

l u a P Ajay

musical a , d o o orh i neighb Instruments is t a w h c l an in the P … Hind Musica yet extremely g n i d l i u ns ll b ng r of a ta ms, pianos, hor d the unassumi th generation e n r o c u ix n er the upp ou! Strings, dr ne side, you’ll fi nd part of the s ed first from o t n i d y o Tucke of five, a layer. He learn h has won e awaits And there, on e v g o a r t e h e t r arangi p para. Bhagirat elight! t since treasu s S d i t ’s d r r e a e n n k w a Udaipur A m o a m r ! n r e h e c a t v i r p a s o r a u i l a l a is ag hy am wner, Bh mily, Bhagirath in the guru-shis various venues d many other o d e t n fa an ru in tale oached n, flute ns in his ater from a gu as performed i r l a i p o i c p i v a s , u r e o b l h of m d then e Santo ry and and can aying various n h t t a s c i i t r s s r e y u a a h l t m s p i his fa bout for h i, he for pl a g s s n k d l a n r a r o a t a s S w s o t le la o nationa dition t lways available He also takes d a n I ia. sa iments. and Ind ts. Bhagirath i r e p x e en and instrum sharing ideas charge. e l y l b e a i e t r f o g e for ts at a n n e m u r inst


Dharamnathj i

What do chair s, harmoniums and drums hav repaired by Dh e in common? aramnathji! Fo They are all m r the last severa harmoniums an ade and l decades, Dhara d dholaks (a kin mnathji has bee d of local drum transforms the n making ) by hand. He ta m into musical kes pieces of w masterpieces (o case may be! J) ood and r repairs them He is primarily back into chair a self-learner ; h worked in a m s, as the is interest bega usic shop. Dha n in his youth w ramanathji is o the making and hen he pen to sharing the playing) wit these instrume h others. He h and colleges. T n ts (both as done a lot o hough elder in f workshops in years, and affec has a ton of ene schools tionately called rgy and acts lik Bousa (grandfa e a young frien bhajans (devoti ther), he d. He also has onal songs). a musical group for singing

n i a J r i v a Mah

India. n i g n i ollow nergy; no f e g r e la fairly universe’s iki master a d e e n as gai neling the r Jain is a r sions. He h i k i n re es vi apan, volves cha ed. Maha i healing s s open to J m o i r k ir n mes f ice that i gy is requ for his rei ahavir ji tures, or o c t i M t lec es , . gh ac olo Thou healing pr or techn take any fe i and yoga riences in ly person e t k ts nd t It is a nes, gadge Hedoesn’ ms on rei s and exp e and frie ever wan a a . ic ci ho medi es in Ayad and progr ing his ide s. He is a n iki with w r e e s liv who ree camp yone, sha r audienc actice of r f r an de hosts ring with eiki to wi e art and p r e h partn g yoga and to teach t g n offeri also willin is who n it. r to lea

He left school at age 13, in sixth grade, and has gone on to become one of the most well-known artists of the region. Rajaram Sharma is a pichwai artist. Pichwai is a miniature art that is associated with the Shreenathji Temple in Nathadwara, Rajasthan. Rajaram learned the art for 15 years through the guru-shishya parampara (tradition) that exists in the artist community of Nathadwara. From start to finish, the entire pichwai process is hand-done: from preparing the cloth canvas, to making the brushes, to grinding the earth stone colors, to painting the creations. Right now, Rajaram has two apprentices with him. He is always open to taking on serious and dedicated students, who will spend the minimum of five years to learn the art well. He never charges any fees for sharing the pichwai tradition. Rajaram is very sweet and mild-mannered, a delight to get to know and spend time with!

Rajaram Sharma

d sh, ha e d a r y P dhya entire cit a M n i e ss a city r tage. Th enal succe , s a ew ho m ter per. D c water s ad pheno groundwa s, a p s h w i a he ne eir chron gram and depleted k in Dew r t n i y y o h r e ne da g about t vesting pr ir severel f the wo nwat i o a r t i o t e mote ne of the abou somethin water har arging th ganizers o r d p a e o r rain and rech hy, o him to e o daipur t He r d to do t e h a t v i p s o o s t e a d s e U decid ked on a m ater need He wrote work in hy ad hom ter has le homes, a t . w r ir emba ting their s inspired nd got to of allopa sion for w ms in the for aloe a e s e or ,a in me PC Jain w feedback in, a doct et. His pa ater syst a passion ling. He Ja e . r me stall rainw also has deep hea ’ll find e table d positiv akes PC v e l l in Jain wi g to You m ve recei ting. This tors you citizens to dings. PC om shavin as well. g c s il l fr harve nusual do s of loca munity bu erything lar cookin . u n o ev nd most age all ki ls and com motes in g fans of s with actio i g o ro ur enco sses, scho rties he p path, are b ays buzzin e e o busin hose prop her home derwas alw t n w vera, e, ano linic in Su f i w s c i and h ome-cum h their

P.C. Jain

n a d a M t a p a j Pra Udaipur is ing. Pain known for its art st behold aking detail, fin and none mo re mi e miniatu niature art! W brushwork, br famous than its re illiant c hil olors, c traditional min miniatu paintings out o e most artists ourtly s re are fh cenes‌ iature paintexperim artist who liv is home in Dew located in the it is ed en ci a through ted a lot to d in the neighb li. He first learn ty, Madan Praja a joy to orh eve pa ed hi Prajapat s family, as his b lop his own s ood, but over the art throu t makes gh anot tyl ro h the last her out this ousehold is op thers and siste e. A large part t e n years, h en for a rs are a o exquisit f t h e is evo has ll in ny e art. B attentio n to de e warne who want to c volved in the c lution has com tail and o reative process e a ton o d though! The me and work f patien .The a l o w n ork req ce! uires a gside them to t steady hand, st r y rong

A piece of wood can become anything… a table, a door, or a face…! Prakash Bhatt would take a single block of wood and transform it into a special character. You would often find him working on more than 12 puppets at the same time — carving their faces, painting their eyes, their hair and lips, stitching on their clothes…By the end of the day, many new friends would have entered the world! Prakash’s whole community consists of puppeteers, but his family is special as they are puppet-makers as well. He learned this art from his uncle. As a puppeteer, Prakash played dholak, sang, and danced traditional Rajasthani puppets. He performed all over Udaipur and India and received many awards for his art. A gentle and friendly man, Prakash was always sharing his work very openly. Children and adults were both welcome to visit his workshop to learn how to make puppets, as well as to learn how to make them dance. He will be greatly missed. His 15-year-old son, Shilpu, continues the tradition of puppetry and music.

in loving memory (1969-2008)

Prakash Bhatt

e v n h a J s Vila

“Jai ho! Jai ho!” With welcome and loud enthusiasm you will be greeted by Vilas Jahnve. Vilas works with the West Zone Cultural Center, but his real passion is miming. It started in college when he saw Shail Choyal (another Udaipur artist) perform. After that, he started to observe people and situations closely.Vilas feels that miming is a universal vernacular language, that everyone — from Kashmir to Kanyakumari — is able to understand. He is able to make even non-living objects come to life, through his facial expressions, emotions and characters.Vilas is concerned by how the mass media affects us, and feels that theater and miming enable us to come back in touch with our true selves and real people (as opposed to stereotypical characters). He especially loves working with ‘specially abled’ children and runs an annual program in ShilpGram to expose them to the arts.

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Dinesh Pagaria

Shailend ra ecology has loved bein , ag gi to balan riculture, and n nature, ever sin en ce came in nature’s life cy tymology, in or ce his schoold ay der to u cle contact ndersta s. In college, h special with lot s. He worked e st nd joy in so feels tha in birdwatchin f new mentor on environme how small inse udied nta ct tt s g and the he closer we b — and takes th and inspiration l awareness iss s help eco s. ue e be individu tter we under me to nature, opportunity to Shailendra has s and t als or g roups o stand our plac he more conte do so in any s found a eason. e in the nt and p ut for b H irdwatc e hing aro world. Shailen aceful we beco e dra is o und Ud me, aipur. pen to taking

a r d n e l i a h S

stay tuned... more to come!

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